Necron's Ancient Combat WALKERS & Vehicles - 40k

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[Music] foreign here in this video we will showcase the weird and peculiar war machines of the necrons just the ones that are land-based the necron aircrafts and spacecrafts will be handled in another video so the necrons are the oldest race in the Galaxy they are Immortal robotic beings that have had their souls ripped out of them by the guitar and millions of years ago during the war in heaven and although they are made of necrodermas and appear as skeletal robotic entities they still create and use War engines in the battlefield here are 20 of their land units excluding the Infantry so let's get to it number one the canotec spider this multi-legged robotic constructs of the necrons are War engines like none other because they were also Constructors of small robotic entities known as carobs the spiders with the name canobtech added later on to be more evocative of ancient Egyptian cultural influences were very large and heavy their primary programming is to be Sentinels and guardians of necron Tomb worlds having repairing systems to maintain the structures as well as having weapons that make them deadly in combat Canada spiders travel on anti-gravating propulsion but most slowly than the hovering units seen in war number two the canop take wraith akin to a scope in an appearance The Wraith is a deadly robotic construct used by the necrons to patrol their tomb worlds and repair ancient systems they possess a phase shifter that allows them to move in and out of reality or normal space-time making them effective at dealing with Intruders they operate under the control of a gynaptic spider and carry out their assigned tasks until completed or destroyed however sustaining that phase shifting ability requires a lot of energy and their bodies consist mostly of power generators and conduits they are armed with a particle caster which is a short range weapon and also with whip coils and a trans-dimensional beamer number three the tomb stalker these are unliving arthropod machines designed to guard the necron Lords ancient sepulchers the Arcane sensors of a tomb stalker can detect the pulse of life through hundreds of meters of solid rock and once its unwary victim is found the construct closes in for the kill employing a type of phase feel to separate solid substance like water this robotic creature is equipped with powerful gauze weaponry and also Razor Edge Talons that offers a lethal mix of Firepower speed and predatory fighting skill to kill any enemy the tombstalker's metameric body is made up of 10 individual pieces and each leg is made up of five sections making it look more like a centipede or a millipede number four the seraphic heavy constructs designed by the necron technological specialist called the cryptex the serapec Heavies are found in the core of Tomb walls defending their masters they are armed with fearsome heavy Weaponry that can release energies capable of dissolving both biological and mechanical materials those who have survived an encounter with a serp tech have testified to their unusual Speed and Agility as well as its near total control over the smaller carobject class constructions within its site the weapons support arms of this machine also possess either synaptic obliterators and trans-dimensional projectors or a singularity generator which makes them a hell of a beast number five the canobtech reanimator these are essentially repair units but with great combat capabilities and like many other kind of tech Creations they are made by the cryptex to keep their tomb planets and their armies in Peak condition whether they're enjoying a well-deserved vacation hibernating or scarring the universe for any upstart civilization that may have moved in over the Millennia these reanimators are large and Tall robotic constructs that move around in full arthropod-like legs and possess a massive head that possess Nanos character reanimation beams which can either repair fellow necrons or also tear apart enemies and recombine them into a blob or also to atomize foes with its beam lands number six the canobtech Dooms talker these look similar to reanimators but are more battle oriented the Doom stalkers slottom any who dare to stand against them with searing balls from their doomsday blasters whether stocking their masters armories as Relentless Sentinels or providing mobile fire support to the necron armies they possess has a very deadly weapon called a doomsday Blaster which can cause havoc in the battlefield they are also armed with a pair of gauze flares which can break down enemy infantry and even Vehicles down to the atomic level when a necron master Falls in battle these Doom stalkers are driven into a vengeful Berserker state number seven the triox stalker these are hexapedal combat Walkers used by the necron trioc praetorians a trial stalker with several slicing Limbs and lethal Armament hovers over the battlefield like a massive mechanical spider they are frequently flown in by a high ranking triak praetorian and are primarily used to counter opposing heavy armor and give close fire support to other necron troops while the trial stalker may carry a variety of anti-infantry and anti-armor weapons it is most usually used as a specialized tank Hunter who travels way ahead of the main Falls when it moves it does so with Grays its main weapons are heat Rays Sparkle shredders and twin lingos cannons number 8 the tomb blade this is an anti-gravating necron void fighter and Jet bike that employs dimensional Repulsor units to function in both the void and world's atmosphere as well as onlan tomblades are ideal for eliminating your opponent's most vexing units two blades frequently move well ahead of the main Force striking against weekly Health location Supply convoys and other potential targets all necron tomb blades have reanimation mechanisms that allow them to restore themselves even when severely damaged they are armored twin linked Tesla carbines twin link Gauss blasters or particle Beamers that emit anti-matter particles that detonate on contact with matter number nine the annihilator barge rather than a tank this is a mobile weapons platform named for its immense destructive capacity while it is sluggish and cumbersome Mobility is not as objective instead it shines in its properly designated duty of Destruction an annihilator barge with his destructive Tesla lightning guns can eliminate large formations of enemy soldiers in seconds its bolts of electricity incinerating Target after Target and Annihilator barge appears Crescent shaped with his primary cargo situated above its skill an intelligent anti-graphic engine keeps the barges open shape afloat allowing it to hover above any intervening terrain that would otherwise impede its Passage command barge while similar in appearance to an annihilator barge these serve a very different purpose for necron forces whereas Annihilator barges cause havoc on the living from afar karakum command barges close in on the foe as quickly as possible so that an involved necron Overlord or its forces can strike at its enemies they are used to transport necron Nobles particularly those who like Melee Warfare they are far faster than Annihilator barges allowing them to be sent to wherever it is most needed the most aggressive necron overlords fight not on foot but rather from the deck of a catacomb command barge an armored dimensional repulsive schema craft number 11 doomsday are the ghost odds this is a huge mobile weapons platform which is nothing more than a movable carriage for a doomsday Cannon possibly the most devastating weapon in the necron Armory a doomsday Arc is powerful enough to knock down an adapter's minotaurum standard m39s custom prefabricated bunker in a single bombardment and must be dealt with before it can get to a firing position a single Salvo May destroy an entire Army the Doomsday art resembles the necron ghost Arc in appearance however unlike the latter which exists primarily to transport and restore necron Soldiers the Doomsday of exists solely to wreak havoc on the necron's foes number 12 the Tesseract Ark a tesseract Arc is an esoteric necron War Machine encountered by the Imperium of man during the late 41st millenniums or fean War according to Imperial observations this war machine is a mobile Ordnance carrier slash Siege unit with a high farad capacity it is also one of the most powerful with a confined Singularity from the core of a Dying star at its heart the Tesseract Arc can siphon and unleash storm winds of particle energy stolen fire from Suns and seismic Tremors to break the ground and Destroy Everything a tesseract Arc is also extremely durable and resistant to bullets and also energy weapon fires they like many are also held Aloft by sophisticated anti-graphic engines number 30 in the monolith a monolith is a huge mobile Fortress employed as the primary planetary assault vessel of the necrons it combines the characteristics of a cargo ship and armored destroyer and a symbol of unending necrons strength its Hefty body can float over the battlefield on anti-graphic engines while its Crystal core pulses with sickening energy that may be harnessed into devastating gauze lightning bolts that shoot out from its weapon mouths the ultimate strength of a monolith however is found in the entrance of a trap Wormhole that flickers in its heart rather than in its offensive powers or phenomenal durability which allows reinforcements to materialize near instantly number 14 the Doomsday monolith this is a specialist super heavy variation of monolith a mobile necron Castle a bigger one than the regular monolith this doomsday monolith is a transport vessel as well also an armored super heavy assault weapon and a command center of sorts the frontal piece of the monolith can also establish a black Gateway and transfer necrons to the battlefield to wreak for the Havoc it alongside other necron constructs and the entire necron civilization and tomb walls are made of the living metal called necrodermis number 15 the Tesseract Vault this is a massive monolithic and near indestructible necron structure and vehicle design expressively to house a tremendous Katan shot of near omnipotent power that was formerly one of the necron's guards these Transcendent Katan nothing more than mashup of dozens or even hundreds of lesser Catan shards are too powerful to be contained within a tesseract Labyrinth and instead a wall a tesseract Vault serves both as a prison and a conduit for their power the guitar imprisoned beneath the construct's heart are The Souls of the weapon's power with numerous conduits and cabling within the Vault channeling it for use in battle number 16 the Obelisk Annapolis is a necron anti-air defense complex and near indestructible War Machine comparable in appearance to a monolith but entirely distinct in function and purpose they are nearly invisible while Dorman and can maintain its condition for millions of years on the merest trickle of power which is also utilized to power a powerful energy barrier an obelisk only becomes fully operational when it detects hostile aircraft in the skies above it when it does so its energy field and invisibility is taken down but an obelisk can rise into the air from under the tomb walls crossed by managing a minute's gravity Singularity stored inside of it such as the technology of the necrons even anti-air defenses have singularities stored inside of them number 17 the megalits first encountered by the Imperium of man in the Wilder sector during the war in utter Prime defeating the captain jungle Fighters and Imperial fists based Marines a megalith is basically a massive necron mobile Castle this megalith is capable of both space travel and planetary Landings and is employed to launch full-scale planetary attacks against hardened targets from planetary orbit it also goes down into the battlefield megalits which resemble monoliths but are significantly bigger are capable of fearing many other models within their Hull and then unleashing them like a swarm into the battlefield once a planetary attack or assault as commence it is also equipped with a vast array of goals and directed energy weapons 18 19 and 20 so Star Steel dry Arc menhills and the pylons so these three are clubbed in together since they are not exactly vehicles but still war machines that are not really immobile they just move from one Battlefield flank to another in a different way miners are floating devices that can absorb incoming fire as well as unleash powerful Annihilator beams to annihilate practically any adversary necron Pilots were first seen appearing From the Dunes of an unknown world and started firing without warning the necron pylon is a crescent-shaped necron defense turret that may materialize and vanish into the dunes star Steels are structures that necron Lords put on worlds as territory markers and also as silent guards and Sentinels and as their masters awaken in a grand scale never seen before the star Stills become active across the entire galaxy so those are the 20 land vehicles and constructs of the necrons anyway I hope you have enjoyed watching this video do hit the like button for support and subscribe but most of all smash that Bell icon for regular updates on new videos right here on this channel till the next one take care boys
Channel: Nutbug
Views: 26,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 20 Land Vehicles & Constructs of the Necrons (Warhammer40K), Starsteles, Triarchal Menhirs and the Pylons, Megaliths, Obelisk, Necron air defence complex, Tesseract Vault, Doomsday Monolith, Monolith, Tesseract Ark, Doomsday/Ghost Arks, Catacomb Command Barge, Annihilator barge, Tomb blade, Triarch Stalker, Canoptek Doomstalker, Canoptek Reanimator, Seraptek Heavy Constructs, Tomb Stalker, Canoptek Wraith, Canoptek Spyder, robotic contructs, Necrons, land vehicles of necrons
Id: 4wAst61fDO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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