Necron Hierarchy & Power Structure - From Warrior to Phaeron- Explained (Warhammer 40K)

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[Music] thank you the necrons are soulless mechanical entities that emerge from ancient tombs to which war upon the living Universe these robotic beings have vast Legions armed with Hyper advanced technology that renders them near Invincible they Slumber within Subterranean tombs normally Across the Universe in Doom worlds theoretically Awakening to unleash Havoc these ancient death machines can dismantle even the most powerful barriers and the thickest armor plating using their Advanced weaponry and their mechanized forms they are not a single faction though and while they have been ruled by a triarc of three therons in the past they are now divided and Scattered but even then they still do possess a strong and rigid hierarchy of power structures and while occasional alliances may form between the necrons the individual rulers generally pursue their own objectives and their politics is like a cosmic Game of Thrones but in the end though their ultimate shaped goal is to reclaim what was once theirs so here in this video we will talk about the necron hierarchy and power structure from a warrior to a pharaon let's start with the construct weapon systems and the canoptech robots these are constructs firstly created by the necrons for various purposes they are Mindless program robots originally created to Aid in upkeep and protecting tombs as well as for various other purposes these can be as small as leeches that can be used to repair the necrodermis of the necrons and their constructs or they can be like the acan tribes which are killing machines armed with a face void blade and a thermal cutting beam they can also be large reanimators or Doom stalkers as well in fact there are a plethora of these robots ranging from scarabs to Sentinels and also raids with specific functions now with the constructs out of the way we have the lowest rung necrons which are the basic soldiers and the Infantry units starting with the necron Warriors they are the core infantry of the necrons which were created from the necruncher species after the biotransference transferred into robotic bodies of necrodermis these beings have lost all forms of emotion and pleasure becoming automaton-like these countless Warriors are corroded due to time and have awkward motion due to their fading necrodermas but they still form the backbone of the two World armies each necron Warrior carries a fragment of a once living mine bound to Eternal servitude despite their deteriorated State someone like serviters but more powerful then we come to the Immortals they serve as the formidable Vanguard during the necron's Galaxy spanning Conquest they are Elite Veterans of ancient conflicts and were reborn in undying necrodermis bodies after the kitten deception but they still retain Echoes of intelligence and unwavering loyalty each necrron immoral carry a trace of their mortal piles suppressed by obedience protocols yet they remember their trail of Victory and the satisfaction of vanquishing foes they are a step over the Warriors in that they are more effective and have more experience in combat next we come to the death marks these are akin to the models but are distinguished by their large green glowing optic sensors and Arcane orbs on their spines emitting an eerie light when employing their occult abilities that marks are Elite snipers and assassins within the necron forces their advanced technology enables them to face in and out of normal space-time at will confounding victims who perceive them as teleporting onto the battlefield but in reality death Mark lingers out of phase waiting to secure and face into existence again to make precise skills at a opportune moment then A step above them we have the Lich God these are Elite Defenders and envoys of the necro nobility possessing much Superior nicodermis bodies akin to those of necron Lords granting them resilience and power they are seen a part and distinguished by crests and capes they are also larger than Immortals besides protection they also serve as Messengers and retain greater intellect from the biotransference process acting as loyal Guardians however they continue their life roles while devote of Disobedience ensuring necron Lords and overlords are shielded from betrayal within their ranks then above them we have the praetorian these are specialized cars of necrons serving as judges and enforcers of the ancient necron tier laws ensuring that every necron Dynasty upholds these codes unlike other necrons they aren't tied to specific Lords and they have the authority to send your Nobles to defy their mandates since their creation before the war in heaven they have steadfastly aimed to restore all necronated dynasties rarely seen on the battlefield they primarily assess the race opponent's Honor by ancient laws and remind necron leaders to adhere to them so they are agents of the lost track and A step above them is the judicator which is a praturn captain and their role is seemingly to command a tomb and or to serve a bodyguard for a region who is the rule of the Tomb and also to ensure that that Lord upholds the codes of the necron tier up next we have the War gods they are of a higher rank and serve not just as a general Sentinel or a God but as a personal bodyguard to a specific Noble or a necron lord they are chosen for their power and Effectiveness in granting protection to that Lord there is just one of them for each necron Noble and hence why they are up here in this list they wheel the traditional weapon of the necron to your nobility which has been custom for eons a war side an energy-bladed battle staff so these three entries here before we go on to the Nobles and laws of the necrons are actually outcasts or outriders of the necron race owing no allegiance to any Dynasty or Overlord acting on their own accord but still a part of the necron race and hence present here in the spouse structure firstly we have the flares these are the horses in necron entities plagued by ancient infections compelling a gruesome hunger for organic flesh originally necron tear they retained some Consciousness during their transfer into necroner's bodies but occurs with an unsatiable craving that drove them to Madness suffering from the flare occurs they are driven to kill and consume flesh even if they don't really need it with a never-ending thirst next we have the Destroyers these are insane soldiers of the necron race that are apart from the normal Soldier hierarchy necron destroys epitomize Annihilation and are driven by an unhealing desire to extinguish all life without discrimination true self-mutilation they modified themselves into Relentless killing machines replacing limbs with weapon systems and enhancing neural systems then above them we have the Destroyer Lords A step above the basic destroyers these necrons destroy Lords once a necron lord or an Overlord is one that has also succumbed to the madness consuming their lesser servants becoming a sentient yet deranged member of the elite so after that side quest let's say let's get back to the general hierarchy of the necron starting with the elites the Nobles and Lords the ones who rule over certain tombs Two Worlds or have a big influence due to their prior status when they were organic necron tear species let's start with the cryptex these are Technologies and Engineers within the necro Society responsible for studying maintaining and manipulating the advanced technology of the necron dynasties their abilities are reminiscent of the supernatural Feats displayed by cycles of other species yet cryptax achieved these effects through their deep understanding of Science and Technology rather than harnessing warp energies despite lacking official rank kryptex wheel considerable influence due to their control over Canada constructs and the ignorance of the necronability towards their own technology so they need them while cryptex can join the Royal codes of the necron overlords this comes with political risks as it elevates them to a similar Rank and fosters resentment among their peers and in their own scientific hierarchy the cryptex are usually led by a more influential or a more effective Arc kryptek so now we come to the Lords they represent the elite of the necron Rays operating as commanders for the larger armies of standard necron Warriors over time the majority of necrons became mindless due to their desensitizing effects of their robotic forms however the resilient necron laws possess remarkable willpower retaining their near full sentience in these sophisticated bodies of nekodermis and they have their own mental Independence aside from a hidden command protocol placed on all of the necros by the silent King the necron Lords hold High status within their Dynasty and their Noble hierarchy often designated as rulers or commanders to oversee entire tomb Walls by either the dynasties pharon or the necron overlord then above a lot is a nemesir the title of nemeser is a prestigious military rank within a necron hierarchy akin to a general or an admiral in the Imperial Armed Forces this title can be bestowed upon any self-aware member of the necron nobility including necron Lords and overlords typically a nemiser holds the title of the highest military position in a particular campaign or a tomb will although larger necron operations might involve multiple Nemesis leading to different Legions all coordinated by a senior nemeser or a maktlan or maybe under the direct guidance of the pharaon or the fairac a female Theron so above nemesis we have overlords a necron overlord stands as one of the Paramount and commanding figures within the necron race Wheeling immense authority over numerous Doom Worlds surpassing the authority of a necron lord the necron overload commands vast Legions of necron Warriors also formidable War engines and an extensive arsenal of devastating armaments and they are often armed with a staff of light these overlords possess exceptional strategic prowess skillfully for seeing potential outcomes and battles and Advising plans to ensure success they are one of the most powerful necrons to ever be encountered in the Grim dock by the Imperium next we have the matlon this is a war leader of a dynasty and its name also means the extinguisher of Life they are kind of like the nemeser of Nemesis so to speak which means if a nemesis is above a lord then a match line would be a nemesis equivalent for overlords but then again this is vague and not specifically defined anyway one of them good luck functions as both an Overlord and a nemesir and the right hand of the pharaon of the mainarch dynasty under the fairac zon Baker for the subeca density a similar position is that of the grand vizier if not in role but in rank so above that we have the lot higher adjudicator necron Lords these high judicators form a specialized cars entrusted with upholding ancient necrointel laws across dynasties Unbound by any Lord or Overlord or nemsa they possess authority to admonish Nobles opposing these codes emerging before the war in heaven their aim remains to restore the old nekuntar densities so operating under the lost triaths the only answer to the pharaon and sometimes even serve as a guiding hand to their ruler reminding them advising them of the ways of their ancient bars above them we have the overlord region so necron dynasties exhibit diverse and intricate political Frameworks each of them strictly having their own hierarchical and distinct political structures these structures revolve around the pharaon encompassing an assembly of senior overlords forming a pharaon's Gods with subordinate Cuts in each Overlord an exception is seen in the subeca Dynasty's Royal Court where the ruling assembly centers around an Overlord region who oversees the density when the Ferron are Montag still Slumbers this although strange actually mirrors the complex governance of their ancient civilization in the past okay so now we come to the ferrons they hold a position of immense power within a necron hierarchy often governing an entire necron density and commanding vast empires of Tomb walls they are especially potent necron overlords raining over sectors and supported by subordinate lesser overlords in their courts sometimes larger Dynasty spanning sectors can possess multiple ferrons sometimes in harkle Arrangements like the cesarkan dynasty possessing remarkable willpower these pharaons can instill their determination and will into nearby lesser necrons and even Lords they are sometimes called the Supreme leaders of the necron densities but this can be challenged as you can see so we have the triop which is a union of three super powerful ferrons that help dominion over the ancient necronter empire before the war in heaven over 60 million years ago back then there were many conflicting sectors ruled by individual negative dynasties each led by a pharaon and it was decreed back then that the rulers were to be overseen by a council of three powerful pharaons forming the triarch the former member would be a silent King who communicated through the other two pharons which are lesser but since the biotransference the triak doesn't exist anymore and it is defunct so at the very top we have cesaric known as the silent King he was the leader of the final triarc within the ancient necron tier empire under his rule the neck winter underwent the transformative biotransference process orchestrated by the Katan becoming the soulless necrons he is the one that commanded all the necrons to enter the great sleep whilst he went into self-imposed exile for 60 million years after defeating the Katan the silent King now rules over all necrons by a command per call that he currently plays during the biotransference process onto all the necron Rays hence granting him the Supreme Commander position for perpetuity so that's all we have to say about the necro hierarchy and power structure from a warrior to a pharaon and lastly to the silent King so I see that many of you haven't subscribed yet it would give us a huge favor if you would smash that red button and also like the video to push us through in the YouTube algorithm please the omnisaya please him please in yeah whatever and while you're out at bang on the Bell icon for notifications till the next time take care
Channel: Nutbug
Views: 20,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Necron Heirarchy & Power Structure - From Warrior to Phaeron Explained (Warhammer 40K), necrons structure, necrons power structure, necrons overlord, who's the most powerful necrons, Silent King, Szarekh, Triarch, Phaerons, Overlord Regent, Lord High Judicator, Maktlan, Overlords, Nemesor, Crypteks, Destroyer Lords, Flayers-, Vargards, Praetorian, Lychguard, Deathmarks, Immortals, Warriors, Canoptek robots
Id: wXFTNg6UnmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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