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this is beyond with heatherash where we examine near-death experiences and life itself hopefully making this life a little better hello everybody you are in for a real treat my guest today is Vinnie Tolman hello Vinnie hello awesome to be here Heather you blew me away in the first episode that we did you were talking about the future and of course prior to that you'd been on my show in the past and we did a four-part series which is some of the most detailed information about your near-death experience and all the things you saw among near-death experiences so I'll encourage people to watch all of those I'll put the links um in the description but you can stay right here because we're kind of switching to a new topic now that a lot of people are very curious about we just talked about an amazing future and this is going out about 30 to 50 years mhm but in the meantime there must be some sort of a catalyst um to get to this future so can you take us through some of the challenges that we may face say within the next five years within the next 10 years within the next 20 years as we progress to this other place well the the first things first the T the topography or or the geography of the earth is very different in the future like extremely different um like the United States itself is uh you know since that's where we live uh we'll talk about that real quick um it it feels as if there's an inland sea that goes from the Gulf of Mexico all the way up to the great lakes and and now that's a um a sutan sea an inland sea almost like a a huge Gulf going all the way up to the Great Lakes um and that was that was a big aha for me just to recognize that I almost didn't recognize the our continent of North America because of that big split in the middle and it goes really wide it's it's probably um 150 200 miles east and west of the Mississippi both directions and it just opens up so there's there's got to be some seismic activity that facilitates that process um I do know that there's there's likely now I don't know for sure if this is how it happens but this is me just understanding a lot of the science of how something like this could happen I feel that a pole shift um you know North and South Pole on on the earth it does shift it shifts and then it shifts back and it's done this in the past many times it'll do it in the future many times and each time it does our geography changes a bit and so I feel that um that's likely something that will happen that will either encourage this or trigger it itself now um also California looks very very different um I don't go into detail there because every time I do I all of my California friends and loved ones they freak out on me but California looks very different if uh you know for us to get to this future space it's going to be very important for us to tap into our intuition strengthen that intuition so that if we get a pull or we get a nudge that it's time for us to move out of a specific space then do it do it don't let your fears don't let your your ego prevent you from taking that action because it is going to be um something that could likely you know protect your family protect your your livelihood um protect your legacy even um but hey the the beautiful thing is in this process of all these changes we know um you have to have your head in the sand if you think there's not going to be big changes happening on the earth in the very near future and and if you're one of those okay turn this video off go turn on the news or go turn on uh something else entertaining but if you want to know about this kind of stuff it's so important for you to build a a strong connection with that intuition now if something's going to happen in your local and you're not getting that nudge it's because your your soul contract is to cross and for a lot of us our our soul contract will be to cross and I can tell you as being someone who has been there you guys who get to leave early have a better a better shot at happiness you do because it you get to go right to the front of the line at Disneyland you get to go to um the great place of our Heavenly realm you're going to do a little bit of healing a little bit of cleaning up on your energy and your soul but then you'll be right back here in the Earthly space and you'll be helping all of those who survive whatever the changes are happening from the energetic side of things because uh the hosts of heaven will be helping us through these big shifts and we don't need to freak out and say oh I you know I'm I'm going to stock up on guns and ammo and food and all these things that now if you want to do that do it because your intuition is telling you to do it not because your fear is telling you to do it make sure that you stay out of a place of fear fear is going to help you make mistakes love strengthens your intuition and intuition is going to guide you to make um all sorts of preparations that are going to be for your betterment eternally uh physically shortterm long-term all of the above so um as you receive this this understand understanding that the Earth is changing just understand that there's a a Divine path for every single one of us and every time I I understand another aspect of these big changes that are coming there is going to be what we would might deem as tragedies happening but uh in a way they are sacred tragedies because they help the Earth they help the Earth they help man they help U humankind but more importantly they help the soul the spiritual welfare of of all of us in moving us towards a that higher place where all of us will benefit and if we are alive we will benefit if we are dead we will benefit like the whole system benefits through this transition the transition's unavoidable there's no way to not make it happen um it's as if um that train already left the station it's just a matter of time for it to arrive that's it so yeah the the the Earth itself is going to look very different government looks very different I did not see like individual governments existing the way they do now not at all I saw in the United States individual states organized as governments and so um it felt very much like Europe where you know Europe these individ individual countries are about the size of a state in the United States in the United States it became very much like Europe each state became independent and and autonomous from the federal government anymore and and it felt as if if there was a federal government it it it had fallen completely um or had been maybe an idea at that point and not an actual functioning organization I feel like the total power and control of the uh federal government had been handed over to a non-government agency and they were functioning I could see them all over in all the different states they had a certain look to them um they and and to me it didn't seem like they were from America at all like they were from other countries and and even in their own home countries there was the same kind of thing going on um but even this government force that that kind of takes the place of the federal government of the United States um it's it's just short term they they try to set up power structures they don't work they end up setting up kind of a dystopian communities or or cities and only the fearful people go there none of the people that are tapped into that love energy go there anybody tapped into the love energy they end up following that intuition off to these random places that don't make sense and when they get there they find a lot of other people following that same intuition and realizing that they found their community and and it is an energetic Community it's not a community of location it's an energetic community that they start gathering in different locations and that's kind of the foreground of these communities these these cities that will be built I call them cities of light because to me that's what it felt like it felt like they they emitted light themselves just with their energy they emitted light and then the the other aspects of the fear side of existence that still exists in that space But those those people and those communities could not find or see any of those cities of light at all they couldn't it was as if they existed on two different planes on Earth um interesting yeah it was um it was interesting I watched a movie called the Sistine prophecy I also read the book and and to me I feel that's close to what's going on in that space I don't know if it's exactly what's going on but to my perception that's what it looked like as if once you get to this certain love energy within the core of who you are you instantly leave this current physial pH physical space and go into a higher space almost a higher Dimension and in that higher Dimension uh you live it differently this is what I'm visualizing so tell me if I'm kind of on the right track that there are these catastrophic events that happen um throughout the world you know we we get this I don't know earthquake something that creates this huge sea in the middle of the United States obviously that's going to lead to um a lot of deaths it's going to lead to a lot of Destruction probably that's going to be causing um a collapse in our economy because suddenly we've have these huge issues to deal with and then I'm getting the impression you're saying maybe a foreign government is coming in trying to take over but they might not have the best intentions for us am I getting any of that right yeah they yeah it would be that's a that's a an accurate interpretation of it the heart what we have to do though and I want to be very very clear to your audience on this okay as these things happen we have to understand that these things are happening for our betterment for our welfare and if we can focus on the Gratitude of what's to come then it will get us through these little hard periods these little losses here and there um I do feel actually the economy is completely different by the time just the shaking and the and the Earth moving happens um so I feel that's actually a lot closer I feel that some type of change of currency or some type of change of system is coming very soon um if not some some type of yeah some typee of change big change financially is happening very soon when you say very soon what do you mean I'd say within five years I feel that there's something very large happening financially over the whole world that will happen in the next five years almost as if um the entire world has shifted onto one currency instead of all these different you know hundreds of currencies we shift to one probably some type of cryptocurrency that everybody could use um I'm not saying I'm Pro or anti that at all um I feel that um following our intuition it will it will help us navigate whatever changes are ahead of us whether those are physical changes whether those are economic changes job changes all of the above having that personal connection with your intuition is going to be vital so vital because all of your all of your common sense and your ego and your mind is going to be saying hey I should go do this and your intuition is going to say no you should go do that and following that intuition you will save lives you will save legacies you will save the um you'll protect um your own outcome to be where it's supposed to be where your soulle contract is is supposed to be now if uh if you don't listen to that then you're you're part of the part of your own soul contract is to be ignorant to all this stuff that's okay too we have to love it all we have to love it all it it took a a bad situation with World War II to create the unified or Allied Forces so it took a really bad thing to create a really good thing and that's the way we have to see all of this anytime something bad happens in the future we have to look at it and say okay I don't like that this is happening but I love that this is going to create something really good in the future so we that we have to keep that mentality keep that perspective um almost like that eternal optimist and if we can we will have a strong connection with that intuition through all of it when you say we go to a worldwide currency is our government still intact at that time or is or not I feel like our government has not been intact for a long time well yes say I'm very serious I feel that there's been um a coup and that I don't care what political party you're in um it doesn't matter um we are the ants in the ant farm and those forces are the ones that are shaking our Ant Farm uh there's a there's a story about um red ants and black ants being put into an ant farm and and you can even try this yourself it works uh the red ants and the black ants will exist cohesively no problem in the ant farm they will even create separate communities from each other and once in a while you have a red ant going in the black Y Community the red the black YT going the red an community so you have these these two totally different species of ants coexisting with no problem whatsoever as long as there's food and resources okay now what happens if you either cut off the food and resources or if you give them a perceived enemy not give them a real enemy give them a perceived enemy and how would you do that you can flick the ant farm you can shake it or you can just don't feed them anymore and all of a sudden they attack each other until there's only one species left that is US humanity is the ants and we need to make sure that no matter what's going around us that we don't become someone else's Pawn don't believe what everyone's telling you you look inside for your Universe you look to the you inversed to find your universe and there all of your answers will lie all of your answers lie inside you already and obviously it sounds like meditation is something that we all should be doing oh yeah so so here's what's great I will get a room of 50 people and I'll ask um who in here meditates you get maybe five or 10 people or five or 10% in the room they'll raise their hand that they meditate and then I'll ask well who can sit quietly and breathe and just focus on your breath everybody will raise their hand and they I'll say okay let's do it let's do that for three minutes we'll sit and focus on our breath for 3 minutes they just did their first meditation all meditation is is sitting quietly putting an intention around your thoughts and until you can control your thoughts focus on your breath so if you need to count your breaths kind of like putting your training wheels on the bike the training wheels for meditation are counting your breaths so start counting those breaths go for a minute go for two minutes three minutes 10 minutes just count those breaths and what will happen is after a certain point you'll notice that your mind starts doing stuff while you're counting your breaths and now you're meditating now you're accessing the universe inside of you the you inversed yeah that's the baby steps for meditation something I need to do more of I try to do it occasionally but I need to start a regular practice yes a lot of us are saying that um I want to get back to you talked about almost a split in the US physically what what's the timeline for that and I assume that it will be pretty cataclysmic I feel that um there's a very strong chance that that happens within the next 30 years for sure so I don't feel that one's too far out okay um the again the hard part is with time time does not exist in the Heavenly space that's why I had to be guided to get back to my own timeline when I came back from my experience of being you know brain dead or or in heaven for three days uh coming back I had to be guided into my space and um and so yeah time doesn't exist for that that realm but I the way that they show it to me the way that they they feel it to me as it is coming in in the the near future but not right away um so I I do feel it'll be within the next three decades that we see those those shakings and movings happening I feel that we're we're going to be getting some warnings first and I feel that those warnings are starting to happen now and we get our warnings from our son from our our s um s u n the same way that um in Christianity we we learn from the Sun s o n right um it's important for us to take those messages as they come um let them sit on your heart and receive what you need to receive from it and do you mean something like solar flares yeah like CMEs coronal mass injections okay um I feel that there's there's also going to be some type of event I feel it may be um either a pulsar or um a Nova that ends up hitting the Earth and if if you you know a pulsar is a star that will eventually you know every once in a while just pulse light out of it and that light just broadcasts Across the Universe and we may receive a a wave of that light or it could be something like Beetlejuice Beetle juu um the system or the stars is about to go Nova uh or micronova I think is is what it's actually going to be but we may see it happen in this year and and there's some some uh scientists that are saying we're going to see that this year and if we do there's going to be a wave of light coming from that too like a vast wave of light I do know that there's some some very very large waves of light that are coming to the Earth as they happen though they are going to be helping us upgrade as a species they're going to help us tap into our own Inner Light our Divine Light the light that we come from that our soul comes from um you know in physics we know that energy can't be destroyed it can only change from form to form to form there's an energy that is in your soul and when your soul leaves the body we call that death but that Soul still exists there's an energy to that soul and what's happening is these forms coming these light waves coming they're upgrading our souls they're upgrading our connection with our our bodies and as that happens um we will have better communication with our intuition um a few of us may see like empath abilities coming a few of us may see some healing abilities coming um some of us may even see like an ESP type communication available that with certain people will'll be able to communicate with them without texting without calling we'll know um we can ping them we can talk to them even to a point where we ping a friend and then that friend will call us some of us are experiencing that right now like we'll think about a friend and then boom we look at our phone and they're calling us so we're we're having some of that right now some of us yeah and how do those waves do that so we have uh built within the physiology within the DNA certain sacred instruments that will um that have been suppressed by our Lifestyle by our culture even by some of our religions um they've been suppressing these ancient systems that are built into us and these waves of light are are washing away these suppression systems and it's allowing what was always built to be to activate and to come alive um per example is um do a deep dive into sodium fluoride you know it's added to most American water as a safety protocol to help our our teeth supposedly go look at when sodium fluoride was first used on humans it's really sad because the place it was done was not a good place um look at what it does to the pineal gland and the pineal gland is a direct connection to our energetic antenna as a human being and if you take the human brain you slice it in half like right down the middle slice your brain right down the middle and open up the halves when you're looking at one half you will see the Eye of Horus or the eye of Osiris depending on who who you're talking to but you will see that Egyptian eye the actual uh symbol of it that you see on the wall in Egypt you will you'll see that inside the brain you actually see it right there and the middle of that is the pineal gland now the pineal gland uh which pineal means of of cone or of pine cone of the pine um it does look like a little tiny pine cone inside your brain it has all the rods and cones of an actual eyeball so the way that your eye is seeing is it's got rods and cones inside that allows you to perceive and see light and see life right but even with all the rods and cones right here we're only perceiving about 15% of actual light in the universe well there's this little tiny uh pineal gland a mini eyeball in the middle of your head and when you're uh a lot of people a lot of neurologists and some scientists argue that that pineal gland is the eyeball or the movie screen that you are seeing your dreams on and and one of the chemicals that goes through that pineal Gand is DMT uh or dimethyl tryptamine and this is a a chemical that helps you see uh while you're dreaming and what happens is is life in itself the the the modern American or modern Western life is crystallizing that pineal gland so you're not able to see or have vivid dreams like you did when you were a kid um and it's and it's almost like it's shutting it down these waves of light are going to decrystallize these pineal glands by the billions it's going to do it and and so that's a benefit of this light hitting the Earth also the shifting of the Earth the shifting of the poles that's also going to help decrystallize even further so you know through what feels like a demise to modern world or Modern Life there will also be an upgrade happening for a lot of us so again we've got to have gratitude for or even these obstacles and these trials in front of us they're going to lead us to a much better place in the future most of us well well the ones that are ready for it anyway and do you think that the Catalyst for most of these changing events is going to be physical or do you think humans are going to play a role somehow with our the division we have or or some other way well here's what's neat is when you get a a Community together and you get them putting their intention around something they can change physical time and space with that intention as a group so as we activate and as we turn on the god energy or the source energy inside of us it's going to bring the physical manifestation of our creator a lot closer to us here on Earth so I feel that that as we do that as we up grade we will see a higher Dimension arriving and I feel that there's going to be helpers involved um some people will perceive those helpers as aliens some people will perceive them as angels to me I don't care what you call them if they're good helpers we want to work with them and um it's going to be a neat thing to survive through but it's also going to be a great thing to die in because if we die we get to crossover do do kind of a um a spiritual Rehabilitation and then come back and be helping all the people who survived so either way we're all going to be here so many we're all invested with what's going on on Earth right now all of us whether we're we we survive it or we don't well we're all invested on what's going on here so are we all bound to this earth meaning if we leave got to come back here versus somewhere else um we're Bound by our our own desire okay and if we are here it's because we chose to be here this is you know some people say Earth is a prison planet not at all it's a prison planet while we're here yes and what makes it a prison planet while we're here is the fact that we forgot where we came from and that's by Design because if we could remember where we came from we'd be like screw this I'm going to go back there you know because here is really hard it's a lot harder than where we came from and and in reality though it's not a prison planet at all it's a planet that was um originally divinely designed to be a school to help us step away from um our creator our source to go learn by making mistakes and and learning to create and build relationships and learning to love and one of the most important things you can learn to love in this life is you a lot of us we have no problem loving anything outside of ourselves but then when it comes to loving inside of ourselves we have a very hard time that that is one of the reasons we're here is to learn self-love that's one of the big reasons we're here and as we can learn to do selflove we can love others much better than we ever could before and that you know all of that's happening on Earth school so that we can better our soul and learn to to grow on our own because when we're in the Heavenly space or in our home we're so close to source that anything that Source wants we want we're in complete synchronization with Source or Creator there and and Creator knew that for us to grow we had to go away from home so we came to Earth School it's it's one of the hardest schools though it is it's one of the hardest schools because there's so much violence there's so much um Dark Energy here um but where you have darker energy you have more capacity to grow your own light as well because some other spaces there's other schools with not as much darkness and in those spaces it's you don't get near as much growth it's kind of like a school where everybody passes you don't really have to work hard you don't really have to learn just show up you're going to be okay that's what these other schools are like but then there's Earth School where you've got to show up you've got to dedicate yourself you've got to really involve yourself in this life and learn the lessons you're need to learn and if you do you get much much better growth out of your soul than you could in any other school yeah Vinnie this is also interesting and I know there are more things that are going to be happening in the next 5 10 15 years so let's go ahead and take that into part three sweet awesome wow I hope that you are finding this conversation just as intriguing as I am I really am enjoying hearing about what Vinnie sees for the future and maybe enjoying isn't the right word probably intrigued is better because certainly the events that he's talking about many of them in this episode are not great at least from my perception when he talks about the Topography of the US changing that's going to be impacting so many lives and to me it's scary Vinnie has a very different perspective though because he has seen the other side he knows there's just this amazing world Beyond this one and even though we believe it we haven't seen it and so it's much harder for us to accept these events are ultimately good for us because they lead to much better things so I would love to hear what you think about it leave your thoughts in the comments I always love hearing your perspective also if you've made it this far just go ahead and put made it I always appreciate hearing that and if you liked it please give it a like that really helps the channel but do stick around because we've got many more interesting things that we talk about one of the things we cover coming up in the next episode will be the electrical grid and I specifically asked him about that because I just had on Howard storm who also saw similar things for the future and he talks about the electrical grid going down Vin he does as well and he's going to talk more about the potential causes of that when it occurs and what kind of impacts it will have on society uh there are so many things you know we cover potentially leaving our homes behind um going into a very different Society so there is much more to come so hang on it's interesting it's overwhel in it's exciting and it's scary and it's sad and ultimately it's supposed to have a happy ending so there's a lot that's going on here but I do hope um that you appreciate Vinnie as much as I do he spent a lot of time with me and even did an extra segment with me so I really appreciate that so thank you too thank you everybody for being here I am very grateful for all of you as always thanks for joining me I'm beyond on with Heather Tesh please add comments and questions you'd like future guests to answer also if you liked what you heard please hit the Thumbs Up Button And subscribe that'll help keep this podcast going you can also go to Beyond with Heather Tesh to look for more episodes
Channel: Beyond with Heather Tesch
Views: 59,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: After Death, Near Death Experience, NDE, Afterlife, love, Do pets go to Heaven, What happens when we die, What does Heaven look like, Jeff Mara, Love Covered LIfe, next level soul, the other side, nde experiences videos, nde testimonials, life after death stories, near death experiences interviews, spiritual awakening stories, transpersonal psychology, supernatural, nde experience, God, Heaven, IANDS, Jesus, Angels, Beyond, Heather Tesch, healing, Vinney Tolman, Future, Future Events
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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