#29 There's life all over the Universe and lots of it. Here's what he saw during NDE. Vinney Tolman

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this is beyond with Heather Tash where we examine near-death experiences and life itself hopefully making this life a little better once again my guest is Vinnie Tolman Vinnie it is so wonderful talking to you today it's awesome being here so awesome to be here we have learned so much and I have so many more questions one thing that you talked about a little bit when you were with Drake is our purpose in life can you elaborate a little bit more on that well uh primarily it's important for us to understand that that you know our purpose is to come here to grow and the way we grow is we learn how to use our agency or use our ability to make choices I learned the power of creation there and and if we wanted to you know pull out our magic wands of creation our magic wands are our thoughts and so we're able to create with our thoughts we're also able to destroy with our thoughts so it's important for us to recognize the power um the the power that we yield the power that we carry with our thoughts and we can use that for great good or for harm it's it's up to us what that becomes but yeah it starts with our thoughts where our thoughts are where we begin creation in fact I have a quote from your book written over here that you could comment on about that it says recognize the Magic in your thoughts focus on what you want to create and my question with this is should we ask God for things if we do it in the right way and with the right heart and then also I never know should we be specific with God or just kind of leave it all up to God in terms of what we get so what I get from God and and when it comes to this is I get very strongly that God wants specifics as as specific as possible even though God knows our own heart we're giving more power to that system that that delivers us blessings we're giving more power to that system the more description we can put into it so the more descriptive the better um and concise with our descriptions now but here's where we need to not be specific is with our expectation so you know we'd be very specific with with asking God and and trying to create co-create with God and God's love and God's power but on the back end of where creation is actually happening in front of us we need to trust that what's coming is better than what we ordered and sometimes it looks just exactly as we ordered it other times it doesn't looks very different but we need to trust that what's coming is better than what we ordered even when it's sometimes see it seems like a a big setback or a set aside because these big setbacks are just setups they're setting us up for even better things in the future um and and sometimes God needs to close the door for us to turn around and recognize the big door that was open behind us the whole time and that's that's what happens so we need to trust or have the expectation that what's coming is is to our betterment even when logic would say well that's not better it is it is over the long period of time it is something else I struggle with is when we ask for things there's generally some sort of selfish reasoning for that you know for example I can want and pray that this podcast is successful it's brand new and I'm hoping it grows one reason is is because I think people like you are so fascinating and you're so insightful and helpful to so many people that are watching and I think this really is a great thing because of that but then there's also obviously going to be a selfish part of me that says you know I want it to be a success for my own ego so how do we balance that when we ask for things so what I do is I I will have my my spirit prayer and then I will have um a conversation with my ego as well is I will have my my connection with my Creator where I ask for what I really want and then separate from that I will actually call out my ego and say ego I see you there I see that you want this this and this to happen as long as it happens with God's Will and and supporting and loving God's purpose for me I'm okay with it and so uh you know I ego is is a fine balance for all of us it really is but it's also a necessity right if we don't have ego we don't have an anchoring in this world and ego is kind of the physical umbilical cord of our soul and if we don't have that physical cord holding us here on the Earth space uh you know if we completely cut off ego we also cut off the the ability to influence and help others in the in the third dimensional world the fourth dimensional World fifth dimensional world so in our three four and five D world we we can't affect change or affect anyone to have positive influence if we're completely cut off from ego ego is that anchoring but at the same time if you allow ego to be the the motivation then you completely lose the higher purpose you completely lose the the tethering to your soul to your your spirit and and so it is just to find balance the way that I always see it is I see it as if we're you know if you ever been to the the carnival where they had those uh old electric cars that they had a post that went up and touched the ceiling yes and everywhere it was touching the ceiling that car had power right and and essentially um that connection to the ceiling is our our spirit or or soul that that electricity but the car itself is ego and the body so body and ego are necessary to get around but the power the juice that runs them around is the spirit the soul so it's important to just have a balance with all of it a good balance you know in Native American tradition they talk about the white wolf and the black wolf the white wolf represents your spirit your soul your higher self the black wolf represents the ego and the physical body and it's important that you have caring for both because if you if you feed only one the other will become ravaged and take over so you want to com you want to feed both in moderation but feed the one you want to grow and nourish to be better and stronger to me that's my higher self my spirit self so I continually nourish my spirit self um uh and probably to the to the detriment a bit of the physical self sometimes but I I am constantly in search of of nourishing my spirit self my soul it's interesting because I had another guest Jeff Olson and he also mentioned that same story about the two Wolves yeah I have I have uh Cherokee Heritage in my ancestry and so I really really identify with the uh Native American teachings and practices because so much of what they taught and lived was an honor for nature an honor for Life an honor for all of life's forms including the those that might be perceived as threats to the human they they believed in honoring those forms in all of the that they came but but of course like any culture nothing's perfect right there's a lot of of Darkness too with some of those cultures but but I love that God again is trying to reach out to us and we can find God in in the Traditions sometimes even the old native American traditions One Thing Drake told you was that our life in heaven is going to be determined in part or maybe by all of what we do here on Earth yes can you describe that a little bit more for us so um essentially you know everything that we do is is through a free agency or the ability to choose and that means that includes us coming here and discovering you know discovering the problems and life struggles that we discover many of those were pre-elected by us we essentially pre-elected for these things so that we could come here and get what we felt we needed while we're here on Earth now what we do here though does influence what we do next because if we feel like we got enough out of this Earth life we move on to growing in in whole new ways we we get to continue to grow and learn and grow and learn um and we we get to work with essentially those Souls who show up in our family groups and and it's a beautiful process of of coming back and actually being helpers for some of those who are alive many people don't realize that every single day you wake up you're waking up with ancestors around you like your ancestors are literally around you trying to help you you know you have angels too around you and trying to help you but you have ancestors you have both so you have two sides and most times I can perceive anywhere between a minimum of three to ten energies around every single being and these are angels and ancestors angels and ancestors trying to help us so some of us we're going to become some of those angels or ancestors we will become part of that Force working with the living to try to make positive changes positive impacts and for others we are going to be on a completely different Mission we're going to be on an energetic mission of you know spreading a certain energy across the universe or growing growing all sorts of of galaxies and universes in the in the unknown Universe the unknown existence the the beautiful thing is that it does influence what happens next it does in a positive way it we're able to give ourselves more freedom after we die if we if we were able to learn the lessons we set out to learn if we didn't learn those lessons we still are going to get that freedom but we we've still got to learn that lesson we set out to learn and and there's a process for that we can learn that in in one of these decompress and decompression chamber type places that I saw I saw these places they're there for us to shed uh the the influences of Earth the influences of physical life we have to cleanse ourselves of those things to get to heaven to our home and sometimes we finish our lesson in that space we we learn what we need to finish learning right there and is that what you described as the pods in the book that were surrounding Heaven yes so I I said I I found this Mist around the outside of heaven and as we got closer and closer I saw that the Mist was made up of these big orbs of light and that there were so many they looked like a mist or a cloud around the outside of heaven and and you know later I had a friend disgust to me he's like you mean pearls they look like pearls and I'm like yeah so they guess it's like a pearly gate a gate of pearls on the outside of heaven and these pearls they are specifically for decompressing or releasing the effects of Earth life on us so we go into one we we expel or let off whatever negative energy is still on us and and it gets us prepared for the the clean Heaven space where we we can't bring any low low vibration or low frequency or fear energy we can't bring fear energy that won't exist we can only bring love energy and so we have to match ourselves to this High love energy just to even go in heaven and if we can't get there it's no worry that's what these these pearls are for as we go in there we're surrounded by love we cleanse ourselves of the trauma of life we embrace the love to raise our frequency raise our energy level then we can actually go into the heaven space and that's what it's all about so I suppose the easier way is to raise our frequency here on Earth yeah raise it here raise it here and we don't have to cleanse ourselves I mean we're all going to go through a certain aspect of cleansing but the journey itself is cleansing and in fact I had one person say hey I I they said they were meditating and looking at me on my journey and they were seeing me in a pod like this on my journey so I was even journeying in this protected sphere of love and light and and in a way I was in one of these pearls as I was journeying so I think that the sphere is a divine origin a Divine shape and that even in energy and energetic forms we are still going to see spheres and spherical type protections around us and that's that's what I experienced um as I was as I was going towards heaven I could feel that there was protection around me everywhere and it was interesting because these people were protected they had all of these Angelic beings around them sending love and yet some people were in their oblivious to that yes some people were we're so surrounded by love and light and Angels but all they could see was in their Mind's Eye whoever made them a victim that's that's the only thing they could see and they were like yelling they're like screaming they were trying to cleanse themselves of the victim-ness that they had taken on and and we all know people like this ourselves included that we sometimes want to play ourselves to be a victim in certain situations and if we can't let that victimhood go we can never be victorious until we until we do so some of us we're gonna die first then we go into one of these pearls into the Pearly Gates the Gate of pearls and we're going to cleanse ourselves of that victimness but you're not going to find victims in heaven you won't well and sometimes people feel very justified in being a victim sure and they are and they they very much are they're very Justified but that's why it takes time for them to release that right because they are but here's the funny thing just because you raised the victim flag doesn't mean you need to let it keep you from your life and too many people they they put up that flag and before they've even put it down they put up three more victim flags and they they want to they want to fly the victim flag their whole life and and we don't need to do that we don't there's there's plenty of opportunity life is going to give you on its own we don't need to celebrate the victim nature um what we can do though is prevent victims we can seek to resolve the the energy of creating victims you know and create Victorious beings beings that are impervious to victimhood and the way you do that is is give enough love and presence to really anchor someone in that space of love and God's presence and then you realize that there's no such thing as victimhood I notice anything that ever happens bad to me I I tend to instantly try to find the silver lining that God has on this event or existence and and then as soon as I find it I cling to it and say well that's what I was supposed to learn and it helps me get through the experience without ever raising the victim flag and could I have raised the victim flag yes so many times in my life but it's not going to serve me it's not going to serve me well so I don't I don't tend to lean that Direction with my life or my energy and it's so nice when you could recognize that when you're in it because I've said this before on the podcast that oftentimes we don't realize that our difficulties and our Challengers were a blessing until much later when we can look back and say okay but that brought me to this point yeah and you know I I joke around with some of my friends that many of us are the swords in in the blacksmith Sans and that while we're being made into that sword we hate the pounding and the shaping and the grinding and the tempering and the heating and the pounding the shaping the finishing the polishing all the work that goes into shaping us who we are we hate the blacksmith for that until we get to the end of that road and we see the love and respect everyone shows us for being who we are and then we think okay God okay I guess you know what you're doing thank you thanks for making me who I am yeah that's so true when you were on your way to heaven you flew by galaxies what did you see on your way so I could speak for days on just what I saw on the way I want to hear some of it um life persists in the universe everything you can think of like legit everything that your imagination can think of already exists in some form in the universe and did you see that I did I saw that that there's forms of life across the entire universe across the entire universe there is so much life everywhere in the universe and and there's life that we don't think could exist that does exist life forms that don't need oxygen life forms that that don't require the systems that we require to exist and uh and the way that life forms in our Earth in our solar system are carbon based that's literally what we're made out of physically we're made out of carbon like that's that's the building blocks of who we are there is um energetic based systems and and societies and beings there and and just a perfect example is when you look at the spectrum of light look look at the total spectrum of light and then look at the tiny little sliver of what our eyeball can perceive and and we see a tiny little sliver of a pizza slice right of of the whole spectrum of light what we can see with our eyes is only this little sliver and it's almost like we are barely Opening Our Eyes to understand the forms of life all around us all around us and I mean even in our in our world here there is life all around us in high vibrational form and low vibrational form it's just we only perceive part of it slight little slivers of it and the universe is full of that that energy the Life Energy it's everywhere is there anything that you saw just if you picked one that you could describe to us well um there is um whole societies of of beings that are like angels what we perceive as one of God's angels or Messengers from God there's whole societies of this and and of course these these beings are very high love frequency very high vibrational beings and at the same time there's also very low vibrational beings much lower than us so on the scale of energy God being the top of the scale and which is love and fear and outer Darkness being the low end of the scale God created the whole scale so you know in a in a a way God exists there as well as at the top so bottom ends off of the ladder but along that ladder we exist in you know third fourth fifth dimensions and we are human nature we are Humanity we are humanoid and there is a lot more there so much more just in energetics alone there's so many Creations so many and a lot of the folklore and the imagery we see from our ancient past these were things that are really existing in in other Realms and other realities they're they're really existing but what happened was a long time ago on Earth Earth was in a space where they were existing with these these elements and these these alternate realities and we're now coming back into that where we have multiple timelines coming together in one now and so we will see that again where Earth has things that were just imaginary before becoming real right in front of our own eyes it's not going to happen tomorrow but it is going to eventually happen it's coalescing right now once we're done with this life that will go on to some of those other places yes so there is all sorts of purposes and the whole thing is up to us if you know if we're done after this life and we want to just rest for eons and eons we can if we want to keep growing and learning we can do that there's even a in heaven there's a university where we can learn we can learn real principles on unobtrused by her story or his story so we're not taught history we're taught actual story we're actually taught the true principles of existence and true Sciences not influenced by power structures and so we can keep learning once we get to heaven if we want to just keep learning we can do that indefinitely if we want to but the just like our life here once we do something for so long we stop enjoying it as much so we we continue to do new things to continue to enjoy new new ways of being and that's what life is all about we exist eternally after this but in a weird way we actually existed eternally before this life too so we we have a lot of history we can lean back on and we've got a huge future ahead of us as well and it's so hard to grasp eternity it is it's so hard it's so hard when you look at some of the earliest satellites that we've we've um you know sent out in discovery of the universe and the solar system some of the the probes that we sent out in the 70s are now just getting to the edge of the solar system that means for 50 years they've been traveling and they're just now getting to the edge of the solar system and what's amazing about that is you could draw you know grab a ribbon tie one end to that probe and the other end to the Earth and drop a single grain of sand on that 50-year Journey and that's your existence here on Earth and that has always been one of my reasonings to bring it back to being making a mistake in this life by believing the wrong thing when it's only that Speck of sand compared to all of eternity yes and it's the same it's the same thing when we're watching a toddler when you're watching a toddler run and walk if the toddler stumbles and Falls the toddler for a moment thinks it's the end of the world oh no oh no and we the loving human parent go right over we brush off their knee and we give them a little kiss and say everything's gonna be fine and that's the way God looks at us we're the toddlers God loves us we do make mistakes but that that's where we learn that is where we learn now if we keep making the same mistake again and again and again we're not learning obviously but as long as we're continually learning from our mistakes even our mistakes are steps in the right direction because they're helping us grow and learn so keep growing keep learning and when you make a mistake recognize it be authentic about it be honorable about it and move forward move forward without that mistake in your future you're so informative it's really great I didn't expect to go off in all these different directions we still need to talk about heaven I think you need to write a book two to include some of this but let's talk about heaven now because you got there and what did you see there is so much more to come in the next episode and truly I think we saved the best for last thanks for joining me on Beyond with Heather Tash please add comments and questions you'd like future guests to answer also if you liked what you heard please hit the 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Channel: Beyond with Heather Tesch
Views: 44,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NDE, Near Death Experience, Afterlife, Heaven, Died, back to life, Podcast, Heather Tesch, Beyond, Life, Self improvement, Christian, Believer, Spiritual, Return to life, The veil, God, Life review, Jesus, The other side, life after death, what happens when we die, Religion, Religious, Inspiring, RIP, Reincarnation, god, Source, Creator, Meaning of life, Love, Believe, Eternity, Beyond this world, Tunnel, NDEs, Soul, Vinney Tolman, Aliens, Other life forms, UFO, UAP, Laura Canaday, Died came back to life
Id: CapPG-_6RXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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