NCU Graduation | Consecration Service | 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] happy sabbath everyone and welcome to friday night's consecration service for graduating class 2021 thank you so much for joining with us welcome one and all if you're joining in online just you know type in the chat say hello give us a wave hand if it is that you're a graduate or you know somebody who's who is a graduate give us the clapham emoji because you are here and we are proud of you and you deserve a well done congratulations so we're about to go into some songs of praises some songs of thanksgiving and we want you wherever you are to lift your voices with us because we're about to send those praises up thanks thanks i give you thanks for all you have done i am so blessed my soul [Music] you is thanks thanks i give you theirs for all you have done i am so blessed my soul is so i thank you lord for your blessings on me i've got a roof [Music] and shoes on my feet you gave me your love lord and a fine family [Music] and as we send those praises up we pray that the blessings come down because we're here in the spirit of thanksgiving we're here to give god thanks for our journey through northern caribbean university thank you lord thank you for the cross lord thank you [Music] and gave amazing grace thank you for this love lord thank you for the nail piece [Music] embrace [Music] victory [Music] the treasure of heaven [Music] the splendid of a king [Music] [Music] how great is how great [Music] then sings my soul my savior god to thee how great thou art how great the lord then sings my soul my savior god to thee [Music] how great thou art how great [Music] how great is [Music] and don't see how great how great [Music] is the opening song is 537 he leadeth me o blessed thought [Music] let [Music] by his own hands [Music] sometimes we've seen so [Music] [Music] by his own hands [Music] is [Music] whatever lord [Music] as he leaded [Music] is [Music] he [Applause] [Music] is [Music] the scripture reading comes to us from first samuel chapter 9 verses 1 to 5. and it reads now there was a man of benjamin whose name was kish the son of abiel the son of zeror the son of becorath the son of affair a benjamite a mighty man of power and he had a son whose name was saul a choice young man and a goodly and there was not among the children of israel a goodlier person than he from his shoulders and upward he was higher than any of the people and the asses of kish saul's father were lost and kish said to saul his son take now one of the servants with thee and arise and go seek the asses and he passed through mount ephraim and passed through the land of shalitia but they found them not then they passed through the land of shalim and there they were not and he passed through the land of the benjamites but they found them not and when they were come to the land of zulf saul said to his servant that was with him come and let us return lest my father leave caring for the asses and take thought for us here endeth a portion of god's holy word will you pray with me father in heaven we're eternally thankful to you oh god you have delivered on your promises and again we have proven you to be true we come here at this worship service not just merely to to rejoice in our accomplishment but more so to rejoice in your accomplishment in our lives as we worship this evening we pray that we will worship in spirit and in truth god will pray that as we hear the scriptures as we listen to the songs and as we hear the spoken words we pray that our hearts will be saturated one more time we will be empowered and we can shout aloud ebenezer heath until have you helped us lord we want to thank you this moment and as we worship you this evening we pray lord that the blessing will come down and glory will fill our soul hear our purse oh lord incline your ears to us and grant us your peace this evening we pray in jesus name let the people of god say amen amen a lot has happened within the last 17 months and it is by the grace and mercy of god that we are here celebrating such a magnificent milestone faculty members staff parents guardians friends well-wishers graduates my name is melissa brown it is with great pleasure and gratitude that i welcome you to our consecration service for the graduating class of 2021 [Music] how can i say thanks for all the things you have done for me thinking so understand but yet you came and gave your love to me and the voices of a million angels could not express [Music] i [Music] glory to god [Music] glory for the sins [Music] he has [Music] glory for the sings [Music] any praises just let it go [Music] is [Music] [Music] glory to god be the glory to god be the glory for the sins he has [Music] he has [Music] the heights of great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight but they were their companion slipped for toiling upwards through the night my name is ayanna saku i'm the president of the graduating class of northern caribbean university 2021 i'm just here to say how very very very proud i am of each and every one of you the gem we've learned throughout primary school high school you've learned it throughout university because you talled and you fought to be here and now as you're attaining this degree i just want to say you deserve the biggest congratulations you have fought and you've sacrificed to be here and you are here you are on the precipice of gaining a whole degree and to that i say hats off to you because you are here so feel proud of yourself tonight because nobody knows what hard work and what sacrifices you made to get here be proud of yourself bask in the glory of this success because farm there is nothing more fulfilling than having know that you have done the work and you've paid the price and now you're about to get the victory and so i say congratulations to you may you feel may you see that you have done well congratulations to you a job well done you are [Music] here [Music] my friends we've made it to the end another footprint held in the wind memories this moment is finally here spread your wings don't look back so high this is your moment greatness [Music] this milestone has appeared will take you there we'll rise hold your head up high i'm stretched out so wide reaching to the rest of our ever lives [Music] i [Music] look how far we've come this victory is done [Music] reaching to the rest of our lives no it's not moving [Music] reaching to the rest of [Music] ever fought was so high [Music] my name is ricardo antony mccalla a final year student at northern caribbean university i did study religion and theology and a minor in family life education now i was asked to share my journey through northern caribbean university time won't allow me to give you all of the journey and the experiences that i've gone through but if i should say one word it would be awesome god is amazing when i started northern caribbean university i did not know what to expect i did not know who to contact i did not know where to go but all i needed to do in my heart i know that i needed to do that and that is to be there on the campus of northern caribbean university and once i went through with that i discover god's amazing grace in a way that is just amazing so i went down deficient in so many areas mainly academically i was not qualified to be at northern caribbean university i got two cxe subjects and they were in grade threes i remember when i received my paper with my name on it from the cxc office and the grades were there i remember saying to my wife i passed i was excited and i remember she said to me why are you so excited there are trees threes don't bring any more threes and not threes in the house because it's not a forest i remember that vividly i laughed at it but it really strike an interest in me to do better it's good to have a good wife amen but my journey at ncu begun with mr mccalla we can't help you you are too far behind you got to go back home friends i know that that was a test for me a matter of fact i determined i was determined not to go back home the moment that i left home because traveling from portland to northern caribbean university it was nothing short of faith and miracle the wonder working of god i didn't have money to calm down i was not qualified as i said before and when i arrived i was told we can't help you none of this makes sense but can i tell you god doesn't have to make sense he made sense god doesn't have to do things logical he can do it any way he please and it still work out for your good as it has done for mine so they told me to go back home and i said i can't do that and i remember the lady i was talking with she said okay mr makala we have seen your faith and we're going to try something we have never done with you i did the m a e exam and i failed it twice you're not supposed to fail that exam twice the matter of fact when you fail the first time you might not get a chance to do it again but i was able to do it three times and upon doing that i still failed at my third attempt and so they said we're going to send you to pre-university mr makala because that's the only thing left that we can do and so i started pre-university and when i arrived in class i was sinking in depression because i've seen young people whose mind is as sharp as a razor they are quick to answer the questions and i could not answer one i was afraid i was terrified i decided at that time i am going home but then i remember why i came to northern caribbean university i remember my family my wife she parked that bug that morning and she said ricardo go with god and i went and so i have those things reverberating in my mind and i know that i cannot return home and so i continue to go to class the teacher recognized that it was such a challenge for me mr forbes i love you sir i remember he said to me ricardo i can't keep you in the class so he asked me to go back to where i was living and stick with youtube and practicing and so i continued to do that yes and can i tell you i said i have to cut this story short because it's long and i i am limited with time and so when i came back the end of that semester 2016 they asked me to do the test and i passed my maths test i have to tell you this the first time i was asked to share something in class it was in the class when we were doing fraction and all i remember in my head was when you draw that rectangle cut it up in pieces and count the different sections to get your answer and my friends i did that and i got the answer and the class was stunned so much that the young people asking what was he doing what was that you know they have never seen that before i mean it's a new generation but what i had was to share from the last time that i remember in class and i did it and i got my answer when i go return to do my final exam i pass and so what ncu did for me was to take my pre-university final marks final grades and matriculate me in in in in the full study a matter of fact they said we are accepting you upon a provisional acceptance meaning that you have a test ahead of you ricardo and that is you must finish your first semester with a 2.25 gpa what was gpa i didn't have a clue what gpa was but i said yes sound like a plan if i have time then i can get myself ready and so i agree with them can i tell you when i finish my first semester i finish with a 3.30 gpa and friends i didn't stop there through my studies through the greek the hebrew the epistles the the the the varied subject areas i did well just the other day and i did this just for this presentation to show you the wonderful work of god i counted all my a's and i got 39 a's seven seas and the rest be pluses i finished well because i trusted god at the first time i had many things to do i had to work to take care of my family i work at jamaica union for all my studies my tenure at ncu i have to balance that plus balance my family i also have to come up to the mark of my wife because she is brilliant my wife is bright she's a bright girl i love you mrs mccalla and and and i had to come up to that i didn't feel like she was more than i when it comes to education but i said if we're going to walk we want to work together can i tell you that sister makala mrs makala nuviya makala and i are marching together in this graduation we are graduating together in this graduation yes she's a cumulative student yes i fall short of the mark but i did well i finished with a 3.39 gpa can you just pause there and worship god with me that is amazing this school now then caribbean university is second to none i don't believe there would be another university that will take me at the level where i was but thank god that there is a university called northern caribbean university second to none where god has taken me from the gutemos and placed me on the utmost here is the flash news i have been sponsored to do my masters come next year may i am going to do what god called me to do i will preach the gospel of jesus christ in a way like i can do it because i'm i have testimonies of his goodness of my in my life my friends to all of my teachers to all of my colleagues kudos to you in your graduation thank you dr michael for still stuck with me through the greek and i did surprise you didn't i yes sir i finished and tap i did well my dean dr bombale i did well i finished with an a in my hebrew class thank you dr joseph smith for stick with me in pastoral admin and and two and yes sir i remember you told me that i must finish with an a in the field i am in the field and i will finish with that adventist grade thank you jesus for taking me through thank you for putting me through thank you for never giving up on me thank you god for allowing me to see your mighty hand working wonderly in my life know i can preach from experience that there is a god and it's true can i tell you he's coming back again all of you fellow graduates be ready be prepared to meet jesus christ god bless [Music] i you to proclaim it redeemed by the blood of them through his infinite mercy his child and forever i [Music] me his child and forever i am i think of my [Music] i sing for [Music] redeemed how i love to proclaim it he shouted forever i am i know i shall see in his beauty the king [Music] in [Music] with [Music] his shout and forever [Music] i love to proclaim his child and forever i am [Music] forever happy sabbath god is good good evening university administration class of 21 friends family members and online viewing audience this is how god favored me despite my many obstacles god did it on my behalf he will do the same thing for you do not worry about your haters do you they can do nothing to you listen to these words love is patient love is caring kind love is felt most when it is genuine i know god favored me because my enemies did try but they could not conquer me yes they did try but they could not defeat me i am still here i am still alive i am still blessed because god favored me how can i say thanks for the things that he has done for me things so undeserved yet he gave his love to prove to me this the voices of a million could not express my gratitude all that i am and all that i hope to be i own it i owe it all to god to god be the glory great things he has done as i reflected on my journey into university and through college the journey began with many encounters as mercier b henry wrote of that woman who needed healing i can say that god brought me by the release by relief when they tried i was able to climb life's mountain though the cliffs were rocket and dragged i was able to make it there were times i felt like i slipped and may fall but i grabbed onto the hem of his garment through per at per garden so here i am today as a living example of god's amazing love he has my back though i had to change my program of study i reached for lives for the lifeline and perseverance kept me going here i am today as a proud graduate when i started this voyage i started my journey with only fifty thousand dollars you may say that it's a lot but i didn't have it but i have a dream and i had a goal when challenges came i remember the text in psalms 50 verse 10 to 11 and it says for every beast of the forest is mine and the kettle upon a thousand hill i know all the falls of the mountain and all the wild bees of the fields are mine if i were hungry i would not tell thee for the world is mine and the fullness thereof those were words that kept me assured to god's amazing love and promise god made a way when there seems to be no way and cleared my semester bill every semester my journey on my journey i had to change i had to change apartment but nevertheless like ben carson who says i'll never fail again i was determined and i promised myself i will never fail again finally i was able to clinch onto the new calling in which god wanted me today and here i am ready eagerly going out there to impact lives scripture my friends compare our christian life to a race a fight a wrestle match how much relate to something depends on or experience that's why i'm here today giving god thanks for what he has done as a team rightly says empowered by god overcoming hurls to become that anticipated change here i am today ready prepare to go out there as that change for god favored me and he will take me through no matter what all i need to do is to plug in for god's grace keeps running after me no matter what i know that god's grace will continue to favor me thank you very much this is my small bit of god's amazing blessing thank you good evening ladies and gentlemen the task is mine to introduce a speaker for or consecration service he is a renowned pastor and motivational speaker who hails from the beautiful parish of portland jamaica he is a musician former teacher who taught for over a decade composer and a songwriter he's a proud graduate of tichfield high school and northern caribbean university he graduated in the year 2013 as class valedictorian with honors magna laude he's the ceo of johnson motivates and is a well sought after keynote and professional development speaker he presents to scores of academic institutions government and corporate entities annually i must inform you that our guest speaker wears many hats he is a composer of the governor general's i believe initiative theme song he's also the former director for the mandeville children's orchestra former managing director of the johnson school of music mandeville and islanders music academy allcharias he's also a former radio personality for ncu fm he also is the former president for the national youth council of jamaica where he represented the country at the commonwealth youth parliament in queens island australia he's a former youth ambassador for the national youth service of jamaica just to name a few of his accolades he is an award-winning toast master in both table topics and international speech and served as vice president of communication for his club the person i speak of is jeremy johnson he currently serves as senior pastor of the brownstone district of 70 adventist churches and he's also the director of the department of communication education and music in the north jamaica conference of seventh-day adventist he is jovial inspiring and he knows how to interact with the young and elderly he is passionate about ministry and has been used by the lord to inspire and transform thousands of lives each year pastor j.j as some affectionately call him he is a man of several abilities yet humbly enough to use them all to the service of god and humanity ladies and gentlemen i invite you to prepare your hearts and minds to listen to god's mouthpiece pastor jeremy johnson but before he speaks miss daniel brown will prepare our hearts with a message in song [Music] is [Music] your lord is the strength of my life the lord is [Music] afraid [Music] be afraid [Music] my [Music] me [Music] me lord is [Music] is [Music] is i be afraid [Music] thank you so much jason osborne for your words of introduction the protocol is already set good evening distinguished ladies and gentlemen well-wishers parents or graduating class of 2021 i'm so honored to say to you happy sabbath and to say congratulations to you on accomplishing this very important milestone in your lives no doubt about it sometimes you may have wondered if it was ever going to come to pass but here you are today celebrating victory at last because you did it despite the circumstances you faced along the way god has been good and god has been faithful and so we rejoice with you today let us all put our hands together virtually and otherwise as we celebrate the class of 2021 praise god praise god praise god happy sabbath to you and let me thank the northern carbon university for extending the invitation to me to join you in celebrating the wonderful graduates of this year it has been a very rough patch i know for when 2020 began we were all looking for plenty plenty in 2020 but we almost ended up with empty empty but for the grace of god and the fact that we're still above ground regardless of the many changes that would have encountered along the way it goes to show that we possess what it takes to overcome we possess what it takes to be greater we possess what it takes to be resilient for we are empowered by god and are ready to overcome the hurdles and to become the anticipated change i greet you all in the name of jesus christ our lord even as i say to all those students happy sabbath i want you to know also that we are very proud of the accomplishments of the class dr edwards from the administration of not to make a conference with our president dr carl archer or executive secretary dr astor bowers and our treasurer elder daniel ellis and i also want to greet you on behalf of the wonderful bridge and i serve in the brownstone district of churches and by extension the rest of north jamaica conference it's so good to join my alma mater i remember back in 2013 when i celebrated my graduation and then it was a time of great jubilation and therefore i can imagine the joy that is overflowing in your hearts class of 2021 as you celebrate the victory this weekend one of my favorite quotations as i reflect upon what you have accomplished for yourselves comes from nelson mandela that he said in his inaugural address as the first democratically elected president of south africa when he said the sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement and also we are moved with a sense of joy and exhilaration when the grass turns green and the flowers bloom today the grass has turned green today the flowers are blooming you've made it not by might not by power but by the spirit of god and it is indeed a cause for celebration as i reflected on your theme for this year empowered by god overcoming the hurdles to become the anticipated change i speak to you on the subject it's set apart it's set apart let us pray everlasting father and or god as i open up your words open up my mind and inspire me by the holy spirit open up my mouth and communicate them effectively open up our hearts to receive them gladly and then open up our lives to live them in obedience in jesus name amen amen it's set apart our preaching portion comes to us from first samuel chapter nine first samuel chapter nine a reading from the new king's king james version the bible says there was a man of benjamin whose name was kish the son of abiel the son of zerah the son of becharath the son of a fire a benjaminite a mighty man of power and he had a choice and a handsome son whose name was saul i almost thought i was his son for a moment there and there was not a more handsome person than he among the children of israel from his shoulders upward he was taller than any of the people verse three now the donkeys of kish saul's father were lost and kiss said to his son saul please take one of the servants with you and arise and go and look for the donkeys so he passed through the mountains of ephraim and through the land of shalitia but they did not find them the donkeys then they passed through the land of shalem and they were not there then he passed through the land of the benjaminites but they did not find them verse 5 continues when they had come to the land of suffer saul said to his servant who was with him come let us return lest my father cease caring about the donkeys and become worried about us saul was a stately man a man of stature the bible tells us about his physique and how handsome he was and he also gave his background a benjaminiter the least of the tribes of israel israel had wanted to get a kin a physical one for that matter like the nations around them so that they can fit they could fit in even though god created them to stand out however god acquiesced to the request of the people and was getting ready to appoint for himself a king a physical early leader to lead the charge of delivering his people under god god was about to establish his theocracy and god as a way of doing things opposite to how human pragmatism would dictate because benjamin being what we call the wash belly of the trials would definitely be the least for one to consider when it came onto matters of privilege and numbers vote in power and rights if you may yet god was about to do something about the benjaminite tribe he was about to appoint a man there somehow we read about saul's pedigree we read about saul's stature and his cute looks but nothing was said about his spirituality now one commentator observes that as paul went out to seek after his father's donkey he thought that his mission was just a pure wild goose of a wild donkey chase but god has a way of working even through the meanderings of our lives or to position us to become the change that he wants us to be the commentator observes there are two mistakes that people make regarding god's guidance through circumstances one mistake is to think that every event of life is heavy with meaning from god this is wrong because though nothing happens by accident not everything happens for a great purpose the second mistake is to ignore the moving of god in our lives through circumstances god wanted us to use this situation he wanted to use the situation to guide us all and god will often use circumstances in our lives in the same way and therefore we need to trust them in god's goodness and in his ability to make all things work together for our good as romans 8 verse 28 tells us there are three points i'm going to drive home from this narrative and then i'm done number one sometimes god has to locate and dislocate you in order to relocate you secondly with god that which seems to be disappointing may be a preparation for your anointing and thirdly in order to fulfill god's mandate for your life you need a change of heart let me go through them one more time number one sometimes god has to locate and dislocate you in order to relocate you secondly with god that which seems to be disappointing maybe a preparation for your anointing and finally in order to fulfill god's mandate for your life even as you're empowered by god or overcoming the hurdles to become the anticipated change you need a change of art when saul left home on that day he thought he was just going for a wild donkey chase a donkeys i've always been used by god to fulfill his will we remember when balaam wanted to curse god's people forgetting that who god blesses no man can curse her god used that donkey to talk to him so that he will not have to destroy him when jesus was going to jerusalem on his triumphal entry what did he ride on a donkey and now god wanted saul's attention and to pull him away from the crowd and the noise of the everyday lifestyle that he was accustomed to god caused the donkeys to go astray who were obedient to god's will in order for him to get saul's attention to tell him about the anointing that will lead to his appointment i want you to understand it was a difficult wild donkey chaser because they went through several places the bible says that they went through the mountains of ephraim the land of shalitia the land of charlemagne the land of benjamin and the land of zuffa just looking at that it was a whole lot of walking as we read verse 20 later on we would have learned that they were offered three days journey now they tell us that the average walking speed of human beings is five kilometers per hour presuming therefore that they are water for at least 10 hours per day that would be approximately 150 kilometers over three days oh somebody's not hearing me now i remember when i went to the blue mountains 7 402 feet above sea level but because it's not in a straight line in order to ascend the different levels one would have to go around in circles per se not to mention when you get to to get to get to jacob's ladder now that was a challenger now the mount e-frame is approximately 1477 feet above sea level and three days journey at this rate as i said could have taken them 150 kilometers in journey you know that could take you from mandeville to montego bay and almost back to new market that could have taken you from kingston from manfrotto to kingston and back to mandeville shy 30 kilometers off your final destination or it could have taken you from mandeville to brownstown and back with approximately 20 kilometers to spear i said it was a whole lot of walking it was a wild donkey chase a soul wanted to get his father's donkeys because donkeys beasts of burden were very useful back then even as they are today they were used to carry merchandise and produce and sometimes the merchants themselves so kish couldn't just sit around and just allow his darkest to go like that so he sent his son and the servant to try and to find the donkeys verse six tells us and he said to him uh that's the servant that was out with saul look now there is in this city a man of god and he is an honorable man all that he said surely comes to pass so let us go there perhaps he shall show us her the way that we should go samuel's character samuel's reputation preceded him everybody knew about samuel served so much so that even a servant in kish's house could direct saul his son that hey there is a man of god in this place you need to understand that god has called you not to follow the world and be a trend-getter but to be a translator because you can definitely do better he has called you to be a standard and people must know wherever they go that you are a child of god you need to surround yourself with people who connect you to god when some persons need direction they are sent to saint tamasa or somewhere down in saint james or somewhere up in maroon town in portland they are not going to look at the monument of nanny of the maroon hello somebody when some persons need guidance they turn to horoscopes and some turn to necromancy and all these things but saul was directed to the man of god as you move forward to be empowered by god to overcome the hurdles and to become the anticipated change you must surround yourself with people who connect you to god i'm going to suffer with all of this verse 10 says then saul said to his servant one second come let us go so they went to the city where the man of god was so i said sometimes god has to locate and dislocate you in order to relocate you because of saul's background because of saul's tribe the the tribe of benjamin the least among or the the tribes children of chica soul would not have thought himself a worthy candidate to be king of israel and so he would have had too many persons whispering discouragement in his ears where he to have gotten the news while he was back at home so god had to distract him by causing the donkeys to go astray so that he could bring him in a space and the place that he could communicate with to him the will of god and the purpose of god for his life a god has to locate somebody and dislocate somebody in order to relocate somebody today but not only that so far it was just a bad day you would have rather been a baby watching tv if you may or chilling and going on the internet to browse if you were living in today or maybe having a day out on the beach but instead he had to be out and chasing after donkeys but i want somebody to know that with god that would seems disappointing maybe a preparation for your anointing somebody say amen somebody says in verse 15 now the lord hath told samuel in his ear the day before saul came saying tomorrow about this time i will send you a man from the land of benjamina and you shall anointing commander over my people that he may what save my people from the hand of the philistines for i have looked upon my people because their cry has come to me understand therefore that god's anointing and appointing of saul was not just an elevation for elevation's sake but it was supposed to fulfill a mandate for saul to become the anticipated changer can i talk to somebody smith intimates that saul had no relationship with the lord so god spoke to saul through lost donkeys but samuel knew and loved the lord so god spoke to samuel in his ear if you want god to speak to you directly you've got to be wrapped up and tied up and tangled up with jesus understand that when god issues an anointing over your life to elevate you to the next level you cannot get the applause unless you are willing to commit yourself to god's cause it wasn't being a king for being a king seeker but being a king to deliver the people of god god never appointed you and anointed you to complete this decree so prolifically for you to just go up there and talk about the letters behind your name but god has positioned you class of 2021 to be empowered to overcome the hurdles and to become the anticipated change to transform the lives of people across various sectors of society am i talking to somebody god's elevation of you is not simply to make you look good but also to make you do good well let me say that again i say god's elevation of you is not simply to make you look good but also to make you do good put another way the plain jamaican saying says god doesn't fall for mango senor somebody god doesn't fall for mangoes he's not investing the time and the effort and the anointing upon your life in order for you to go and waste it for the devil's causes he has blessed you and has invaded you and caused you to succeed for you to be a part of his mission am i talking to somebody today i'm moving on and moving on i said sometimes when things seem disappointing they may very well believe into your anointing because when you're walking in covenant with god when things are falling out of place uh they may very well be falling into place that is why romans 8 28 says and we know that god works in all things for the good of those who watch who will love him for those who are called according to his what purpose when there is a purpose for your life it doesn't matter what you face god is gonna give you grace when there is purpose for your life when things are disappointed you will still reach your anointing and when you feel you don't know which direction to go you don't need the mobile manner you don't need the necromancer you don't need a horoscope for god has a word for you oh watch me now i say god has a word for you can i talk to the class sometimes your disruption doesn't mean that your plans have corruption but it's a necessary interruption to lead you to god's divine option oh let that sink you let that sink in i said sometimes your disruption doesn't mean that your plants have corruption but it's a necessary interruption to lead you to god's divine option let me break it down a little further verse 17 first samuel 9 the bible says so when samuel saw saul the lord said to him there he is the man of whom i spoke to you this one shall reign over my people then sold you near to samuel indicate and said please tell me where is the sears house in other words my friends god had already spoken to the prophet samuel to give a word on to saul that he was about to set him up to become the anticipated changer oh some of you may believe that you are just going out to join the ransom of those who have graduated many universities over the last decade and have not yet found placement or permanent placement some believe that in order for you to make it in life you have to have somebody looking out for you but i have news for somebody you may be wondering if you have the right connections and the link is as some may call it but i want you to know that with god you are the links the biggest things you could have ever needed her like god spoke to samuel the prophet concerning saul god has already spoken a message to somebody concerning your next level as you are empowered by god to overcome the hurdles had to become the anticipated changer i said god has already spoken to some manager god has already spoken to some principles god has already talked to some laboratories i've spoken to some regional health authorities i've spoken to some conference presidency spoken to some school boards uh spoken to some ceos uh spoken to some graduate scholarship communities or spoken to some bankers i said that god has a word for you because you are not going up there to spongebob you are not going out there to run around because what god has in store for you is sick apart am i talking to somebody today sometimes when things seem to be falling out of place they may very well be falling into place because sometimes god has to locate and dislocate you in order to relocate you and also sometimes that which seems to be disappointing maybe leading to your anointing be patient hallelujah now so we move on verse 19 samuel you see you think that you need to go to some places to ask who's in charge could you please connect me with hr could it please connect me with the boss with the supervisor but god has so positioned it that the people you are going to make first contact with when you are on that wild donkey chaser for something purposeful in your life are going to be the very people who possess the power and your authority to set you up in order to step you up some of the claims in the name of jesus i am the seer go up before me to the high place he says for you shall eat with me today and tomorrow i will let you go i will tell you all that is in your heart but as for your donkeys that were lost three days ago do not be anxious about them for they have been found and the womb is all the desire of israel is it not you on you and on all your father's house in other words my friends saul was given the affirmation that samuel wasn't speculating about the things he was sharing with him but that indeed he was a true man of god he was not only simply a prophet he was a seer simply one who saw and therefore he told him what he was looking for the donkeys and that affirmed the soul that the man must have been a man of god to know such things he also indicated that the donkeys were lost what three days ago and said to him do not be anxious about them because the desires of israel is upon you israel desired a king to lead them like the heathen nations about them god was offended no doubt because he was the one who led them out of egypt he was the one who provided for them in the wilderness he was the one who was living there who brought them to the promised land and gave them settlement so for them to have asked for a kingdom it was an offense but god decided to acquiesce to the people's request and to give them a kingdom and now that the people had the king there was a situation at hand here god set of saul to reach to the place where samuel was in order for the word to be revealed to him notice what he said in verse 20 as for your donkeys that were lost three days ago do not be anxious about them can i talk to somebody on your journey through university to prepare yourself for the next level that god has anointed you for you have lost some things along the way but i am news for somebody do not be anxious about them or young woman that neither thought would have been your husband you lost him but don't be anxious about him all young man that laid your thoughts would have been the wife for your life you'll lost her but i have news for you do not be anxious about her because whatever god takes from you when you are walking in purpose is because he will replace it with something even better come on somebody i said whatever god takes away from you when you are walking in purpose is because he has the power to replace it with something even better do not be anxious about them hallelujah hallelujah so god wanted saw to go through several that the desires that israel had to have a king it is upon you you will be the king to lead my people but saul answered and said oh no no no no no am i not a benjaminite or the smallest of the tribes of israel and my family the least of all the families are the tribe of benjamin why then do you speak like this unto me i want somebody to understand that when god gets ready to work he doesn't always call the qualifier but he also qualifies the caller am i talking to somebody when he gets ready to work he doesn't always call the qualifier but he always qualifies the caller benjamin being the worst belly was the least amongst the patriarchs ruben was there to contend with simeon levi and judah and all the rest but god decided to bring about something good out of benjamin because he has a way of going to what people determine are the low class of society and to bring about something of greater success something operate purpose something of monumental proprieties so that people have to wonder can anything good come out of that location i want you to know today that like so many of you came from humble beginnings but look at you now god has brought you this far and he intends to continually empower you for you to overcome the hurdles and to be calm the anticipated change someone will tell you what poor community you're from someone will tell you what poor family you're from but i have news for you it's not your place or origination but god's predestination as it's not your place of origination but god's predestination oh let me go further with this verse 22 says now somewhere took saul and his servant and brought them into the hall and had them sit in the place of honor among those who were invited and there were about 30 persons and seven was said to the cook here comes my message bring the portion which i gave you of which i said to you set it apart set it apart what's my topic it's set apart bring the portion which i gave you of which i said to you set it apart notice it never used the the indefinite article ah it used the definite article the portion oh somebody's wondering what i'm talking about the book was told from the day before that a special guest will be attending the feast and i want you to put aside a special portion as was customary for distinguished guests in that time and culture and so the cook must have been wondering what man could be visiting to be worthy of the upper leg the lamb leg and expensive delicacy notice when saul arrived at the hall all the prophets somewhere did was said to the cooker bring the portion i want somebody to know in jamaica that is not nyaman level it was not leftovers what saul was about to enjoy was not excess food that was left over from the bank but yesterday it was that sunday monday it was not friday saturday it was something that was set apart for him specially he says bring the portion which i gave you of which i said it is set apart can i talk to somebody many were hoping that the guests would come so that they could take our home the lamb leg many were hoping that the guests would show so that they could share it up amongst their friends at the feast but god has a portion with your name on it and no one else can put a claim on it oh yes i said god has a portion with your name on it and no one else can put a play monitor when the book got the instructions dr edwards the pope must have labeled it so that nobody would mistakenly you give it to somebody else i remember once i had a wedding at a certain hotel and at the time for dining i wasn't ready for my food so when they asked me what i wanted i made my request and the waitress said to me she's gonna set it apart for me but at the end of the reception when i went and asked somebody for my food they said to me it seems as if the chef when he was making clearance he took it back to the kitchen to discard of it i was disappointed but i had to work with it let me tell you something my friends your portion is labeled your portion is set aside your portion is well covered your portion is secured by god nobody can get it nepotism can't give it to them linkies can't give it to them connections can give it to them their money can't give it to them their family ties can't give it to them i said god has set a part of portion with your name on it and nobody else can put a claim on it oh i want you to know that it is set apart as you move from northern caribbean university it's about wondering if you will get work in this very volatile climate some are wondering if they are going to get a full-time position some are wondering if you're gonna get the permanent some are wondering if they're gonna get worker in their particular field of study but i want you to know my friends i wanted to know my brother i wanted to know my sister just hold on to god and his promises and walk in obedience to his will live according to his covenant because once you are walking in covenant relationship your portion is set apart young lady the reason why that man never worked out her it's because you wanted to put a claim on it but god never had your name on it somebody you wondered why that right adventure never worked out it's because you wanted to put a claim on it but god never put your name on it when your portion comes up in plain jamaican parlors what is yours will not be another put it in the parlance no pasta while feel care and feel simply put what belongs to you no one else no one else can take it away no one can give it away there are some people right now who are parading in your portion they are holding on to a position and they believe it is permanent what god has said it is temporary because your name is on it and they cannot put a claim on it i said there's somebody that is now parading with your future spouse thinking that they are going to turn fiance but soon enough they are going to go away because god has put your name on it and nobody can put a claim on it let me tell you something some of you will be paying rent for a while but hold on my child because god has set your house apart some of you are gonna be lonely for a while but hold on my child because your spouse is set apart you may be working with hand to mouth for a season but your career is set apart you may be working with sickness for a season but your healing is set apart you may be working with failure for a season but your successor is set apart you may be going through childs for a season but your victory is set apart you may go through the tribulation from a season but your deliverance is set apart you may have to end your contracts and part-time jobs for a season but your permanent is set apart i said that god has a portion with your name on it and no one else can put a claim on it do i hear somebody say amen oh first 719 verse 24 says the cook so the cook took up the thigh with its upper part and set it before saul and samuel said here it is what was came back it was set apart for you eat for until this time it has been kept for you since i said i invited the people so saw eight which samuel that day and when they had come down from the high place into the city somewhere spoke with saul on the top of the house and as they were going down to the outskirts of the city somewhere said to saul tell the servant to go on tell him to go on ahead of us and he went on but you stand here a while while i announce to you the word of god you see sometimes god wants to communicate his way for your life personally but you are too caught up with the crowd there are times that you need to spend alone with god there are times that you need to be in prayer with god if you want to ensure that you do not lose sight of your focus and your purpose and your anointing and your appointing class of 2021 spend time with god sometimes god is calling you to come aside so that you can speak a word but you are up all night and looking at what status is he wants to tell you a word but you prefer to talk to your friends than to talk to him in prayer he wants to give you a word but you prefer to read facebook posts than to read the word of god i said sometimes god wants to communicate his will for your life personally but you're too caught up with the crowd not only that sometimes god goes to extreme lens to get your attention so that he can clearly communicate his divine intention so let's look at the points sometimes god has to locate and dislocate you in order to relocate you number two with god that which seems disappointing may be a preparation for your anointing and finally in order to fulfill god's mandate for your life you will need a change of heart the bible tells us as we move on to chapter 10 or first samuel verse 9 so it was when the when he had turned his back to go from samuel that god gave him saul another heart and all those signs came to pass that day because god had set some things into motion to give saul the affirmation that indeed the word he got from the prophet was from the lord you need to understand that if you are going to be empowered by god to overcome the hurdles and to become the anticipated change you need a change of heart that is why proverbs 23 verse 26 says my son give me your heart and let your eyes delight in my ways what did they tell us in proverbs 3 5 and 6 the wise man solomon says trust in the lord with all your heart and lean up to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct her your path that your path can have talked to the class of 2021 of the great northern caribbean university it is said that queen victoria reigned over great britain for 64 years when she was 11 years old her governor showed her a list of the kings and queens of england with her name added at the end when she understood what it meant she burst into tears then she controlled herself herself and said solemnly i will be good here my friends the samuel gives all the opportunity to say with his heart i will be good now once you have a change of heart god is going to transform you for his glory so first time tells us when they came there to the hill there was a group of prophets to meet saul then the spirit of god came upon him and when the spirit of god came upon him he prophesied among them and it happened that when all who knew him formerly passed the story those who knew him formally saw that he was indeed prophesied among the prophets and that the people said to one another what is this that has come upon the son of kish is saul also amongst the prophets can i talk to somebody the families always have something to say because they thought that you would have gotten pregnant a long time ago young lady and fall out of high school and now you are graduating college they thought that you would be on the street side jamming young man joining those in crime and scamming but look at you now the formerly sometimes believe that they determine your final destination and sometimes because your life may be going down a certain trajectory they write you off but i want you to know somebody that your current situation is never your final destination unless you stop the formalism will talk about you but don't worry what formalist have to say because god is going to work through you some are going to ask can anything good come out of portland can anything good come out of mandeville can anything good come out of same chains can anything good come out of saint mary because then can anything good come out of all chariots whatever place or city or parish or country you from uh what can anything good come out of the caribbean i want you to know my friends that the formalism do not determine your exposition in your formalism do not determine your anointing the formalism do not determine your appointing or walk with god i understand that people will try to draw you back from once you came but as paul tells us forgetting the things that are behind us i press forward to the praise because i'm empowered by god to overcome the hurdles and to become the anticipated changer don't let the formalists hold you back up don't remember don't you forget rather that when you are the header you will be the headliner when you are at the top you will be the topic when you are on higher you will be the highlighter when you are at the summit you will be the subject when you're at the peak of you they will speak up and when you have accomplished your feet you will become the feature the formalist can't hold you back up press forward in jesus empowered by god overcoming the hurdles to become the anticipated changer you are not going out there like a scavenger you are not going up here to hunt down that position because the portion that god has set aside for you it has your name on it and no one else can put a claim on it so the bible says in verse 12 then a man from there answered and said but who is their father but who is their father sorry about that but who is their father when the man asks a question but who is the father therefore it became a proverb he saw also among the prophets and when he had finished prophesying he went to the high placer i want you to understand that your background does not determine your foreground jesus does i say your background does not determine your foreground jesus does so it's not where you're coming from it is where you are headed can i talk to somebody today god is getting ready to take you into the high places god is getting ready to elevate you i said that god is getting ready to take you to the next level i said that god has your portion set apart and it's time for you to walk into your anointing time to walk into your appointment time for you to claim that which god has put your name on it because nobody else can take it from you i wanted to know somebody that just does they asked him was also among the prophets when they see the business students of ncu in their successful businesses some are gonna answer are they amongst their entrepreneurs when they see you parker ellington's profile some are gonna amount [Music] [Music] are gonna answer in chat are you i'm on the tv when they see you jc osborne on the phd on the road some are gonna ask it's just three among the scholars when they see [Music] when they see the class of 2021 marching forward to transform lives and to become the changer in their respective career some are gonna answer are you also about the leaders when they see you in cause magazine someone's gonna ask are you amongst a monster millionaires but when they see you in the kingdom of god somewhere from the air it's a class of 2021 amongst the savior i said that god has a portion with your hallelujah somebody needs to name it somebody needs to claim it and somebody needs to proclaim it i said sometimes god has to locate and dislocate you in order to relocate you but with god that which seems disappointing may be a preparation for your anointing and in order for you to fulfill god's mandate for your life you need a change of heart i want you to understand that your blessing is already sketched out for you deuteronomy chapter 28 says verse 1 now it shall come to pass if you diligently obey the voice of the lord your god to observe carefully all of his commandments which i command you today that the lord your god will set you an eye above all nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you because you obey the voice of the lord when you walk in obedience to the covenant when you walk in obedience to the will of god nothing can take you out of your portion ultimately my friends ultimately as i close first samuel 15 23 saul became king and he was doing well for a moment but then he became cocky he became proud and he began to do things according to his own desire uh desires as if you were some of a royal partner and as a result of it he lost his appointing and his anointing so the bible says in verse 23 or first time 15 that by and by having become king the god said to saul through the prophet samuel because you have rejected the word of the lord he also has rejected you from being king the only way you can lose your possession and your position and the appointing that comes after your anointing is if you rebel against the commandments of god saul's rejection wasn't a personal one it was a spiritual one god doesn't set you up in order to let you down no he's not a conspiracy theorist god sets you up to keep you up but if you disappoint him by constantly repenting against his will then no doubt about it you will lose that portion that have your name on it and somebody else like king david did might just get an opportunity to put a claim on it let me tell you something class of 2021 god has given you this degree to create for yourself and your family a new pedigree empowered by god overcoming the hurdles to become the anticipated change as you go forth into the world do not strive to be like the existing stars go and create your own constellations when others are sitting you must be standing when they are standing you must be standing out when they are standing up you must be outstanding and when they are being outstanding you must be the standard i said when others are sitting you must be standing when they are standing you must stand out when they are standing out be outstanding and when they are outstanding be the standard for god never called you to be a train getter you can do absolutely better he called you to be a trendsetter you are not going up there to hunt down donkeys you are going out there to find your portion for god has a portion with your name on it and no one else can put a claim on it for clash of 20 21 as you are empowered by god overcoming the hurdles to become the anticipated change i declare today in the name of the lord that it's set apart in jesus name amen amen god bless you you know we've just listened to an enticing sermon we've heard potent words and we've heard that our purpose is within us cannot be taken from us and so as we go into the working world as we traverse the different difficulties whether it's this weekend or whether it's next week or the other week we must remember that even in our hard times to bless his name in prisoner's chains with bleeding stripes paul inside [Music] began to sing their chains were loose and they were free i bless your name i bless your name [Music] i give you all you praise [Music] i bless your name i bless [Music] if you should find [Applause] [Music] reach out and praise defy those chains and they will fall in jesus name we bless your name we bless your names [Music] your name we bless [Music] you [Music] we bless your names may i invite you to [Music] boil your heads with me in prayer let us pray oh father we thank you for the ministry in the message that was presented reminding us that you have a plan a purpose a place and a program for everyone and we thank you that you have given this timely reminder to the members of the 2021 graduating class and no dear father i ask on their behalf that you consecrate them to your service lord by your power of grace divine spirit of the living god be in their heads and in their thinking be in their eyes and in their looking be in their hearts and in their understanding as the songwriter says take my life and let it be consecrated lord to thee take their hands take their feet take their wills lord [Music] make it thine it shall be no longer theirs and may the plans and the purposes and the places that you have for them will be fulfilled in their lives and many will come to learn of you because they have been salt they have been light and others will take knowledge of them that they have been with you now i rest these members of the graduating class in your hands to mold and to make and to fashion after your likeness accept this our feeble request of you through jesus christ our lord amen [Music] farewell to you my friends we've made it to the end another footprint held in the wind of unforgettable memories this moment is finally here spread your wings don't look back so high this is your moment greatness is your design [Music] silence doubt and fear countless [Music] nightmares will take you there we'll rise hold your head up high i'm stretched out so wide reaching to the [Music] upwards ever forward father with your hands rest upon my heart you revealed the will i need to see through the start look how far we've come this victory is done greater is [Music] reaching to the rest of our lives [Music] ever [Music] of our lives [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Northern Caribbean University
Views: 11,327
Rating: 4.8540144 out of 5
Keywords: NCU, Northern Caribbean University, Graduation, Friday Night, Consecration, virtual graduation, 2021
Id: diM_0YYJo9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 23sec (6683 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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