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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and i could sing i feel good good good i feel good wonderful good good day ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the united student movement 2021 22 regime inauguration service a very special and important service held under the theme moving together changing for the better through meaningful did i say meaningful through meaningful partnerships i am your host jim patterson and nicole gunn now this is our second staging of a virtual united student movement inauguration service ladies and gentlemen please sit back and relax watch the president's video and a united student movement executive video and enjoy and sit back and ensure that you don't miss a moment of this undertaking something good is about to happen and indeed something good is in store uh nicole yes uh it's important that they understand that what we talk about when we talk about uh the leadership here at the usm we are preparing world-class ambassadors not only in this world but uh we are preparing candidates for heaven and these are tremendously so the great leaders that we expect to go forth in the future and to carry forth the work yes i agree it's rather interesting and wonderful to know that we can see outstanding leadership even while facing a pandemic it's it's just amazing to know that here at northern caribbean university great leaders are still formed indeed indeed greatly the leaders are still formed and greet great great great and even greater leaders continue to perform and do their duties and rise to the occasion and we believe here at ncu that you are either world class or no class and ncu is a place of pure class yes indeed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so your usm vp of academic administration hails from the breadbasket parish of saint elizabeth she's a fourth-year computer science student who lives by the mantra i rather get sunburned than to live in with someone else in someone else's shadow help me welcome ladies and gentlemen miss nicaelia reid put your hands together show your applause in the chat wherever you want to do so but please react as we go forward this young woman hails from the parish of saint catherine she's a third year mathematics student with an emphasis in actuarial science she is guided by the bible verse founded in jeremiah 29 verse 11. for i know the plans i have for you says the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future united student movement vice president of student services and social affairs miss ashley cummings nicolet this significant person one of those who have come in the leadership all of these are wonderful students and we are we are just happy to be introducing them hailing also from the bread basket parish of saint elizabeth i'm telling you it seemed as if half of the regime come from saint elizabeth did i say that yes hailing from the bread basket parish of saint elizabeth miss racine nangle is a final year communication studies student with an emphasis in public relations she is guided by the philosophy what you do for christ is ultimately what matters ladies and gentlemen i present to you your vp of spiritual affairs show some love now from the parish of saint thomas we have alia mcgowan she is a final year accounting student who is guided by the motto make improvements not excuses ladies and gentlemen your vp of finance and planning aaliyah mark gwon now hailing from the parish of saint catherine this young woman is a third year psychology student minoring in law she is guided by the bible passage found in philippians 4 13. i can do all things through christ who strengtheneth me ladies and gentlemen i present your treasurer miss alexis honeygun would you give her a round of applause yeah i see we call out the treasurer we are calling out some of the strong people and i am guessing that when we think of finance the area of finance and other areas we are preparing indeed uh young people who might become the next finance minister for jamaica we have a young man who is the finance minister and no doubt these student leaders slash ambassadors as they do well here it will prepare them to do well in the spheres of life wherever they will go yes what intelligent group of people thus far that we have seen they are amazing eloquent they enunciate and pronunciate their words very well incredible leaders i'm looking forward for the others indeed they contribute to the reason that ncu shines and outshines all other universities wherever we go and i'm just proud to be associated with this cadre of young people tremendously so indeed and i know that they are going to do a good job as they are supported by others even in the administration here at northern caribbean university indeed now we go to another member of the executive body this final year communication studies student with an emphasis of course in public relations hail from the place known as saint bas sent elizabeth she is inspired by mahatma gandhi if i have the belief that i can do it i shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if i may not have it in the beginning ladies and gentlemen united student movement director of publications miss rasheen nangle i would hope uh says i would hope that as we go through the folks will recognize that we have two sisters twin yeah they are there they are representing i would say the twin they are representing and we of course we have two brothers i'm told also in the regime this is a good look we are seeing leadership and strong leadership coming from both families right there and mr paterson if i should add the nanga twins are one that i really look up to they are brilliant students one who have the vibe who have the character and i'm happy to see them leading out in this one of the greatest leadership positions here at the northern caveat university it's awesome it's awesome hailing from the breathtaking parish of hanover known as the birthplace of national hero alexander bustamanti this young lady is a final year social work student who is guided by the philosophy nothing is in life is worthwhile unless you take the risk i say that again nothing in life it's true is worthwhile unless you take the risk to get something you never had is to do something you never did ladies and gentlemen please help me welcome your administrative assistant miss aero lisa shaw show some love miss kendria alfred is a native of antigua and a final year student pursuing a bachelor's degree in information technology she's guided by the bible verse i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i present to you your associate administrative assistant miss kendria alfred no doubt these um or wonderful usm executive members are big on the bible and i notice that i can do all things is almost a mantra as i listen to these comments that they have been making about themselves and it's indeed something that is remarkable stay in the word and you're good to go oh i think we have been doing well so far in introducing our lovely ladies but at this time i start to make the brethren get a sense that there are some brothers who are going to be serving um in this usm regime he is a native of clarendon and a final year student pursuing a ba in religion and theology with a minor in business administration is guided by the bible passage found in proverbs 16 25 and i know that most of you out there you know this scripture quite well nikolay yeah it says there is a way that seemeth right onto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death ladies and gentlemen i present to you your director of elections policies and constitutional affairs mr marvin price price because he's two time nice show some love for mr price get ready for some excitement because this young man that i'm ready to introduce he is the male sports director now this young man is a fourth year computer information systems student healing from the parish of saint catherine now i realize that we have quite some number of saint catherine and sent elizabeth persons here in the usm this year now he lives by the motto where hard work is consistent success is inevitable help me welcome mr zachary berry male sports director this third year business and hospitality student with an emphasis in food and beverage hails from the garden parish saint anne she is guided by the motto if one has no confidence in self he or she is twice defeated in the race of life ladies and gentlemen your female sports did i say sports this is the energy a lady this is the energy lady i'm told your female sports director miss amoy henry show some love this young man is a communication studies major with an emphasis in television he hails from the parish sent thomas home to the plant and garden river and is guided by the 23rd psalm allow me to present to you your public relations officer tariq smith yes this young man is a fourth year electrical electronics engineer major hails from the city of spanish town i guess he speaks spanish he lives by the motto life is what you make it be patient nothing good comes easy nothing good comes easy ladies and gentlemen i present to you mr matthew berry director of projects and special initiatives show some love this westmoreland native is currently pursuing a degree in hospitality and tourism management with an emphasis in travel and tour he also lives by the mantra i can do all things through christ who strengthens me he also says the race is not for the swift but for those who can endure ladies and gentlemen your associate director of projects and special initiatives mr demarco robinson giovanni baker is a fourth year communications studies student from the cool cool parish of manchester he lives by the philosophy your worth is not determined by how you are perceived but by the fact that you are wonderfully made by god help me welcome your associates a public relations officer mr giovanni baker born in the banana parish of saint mary but resides in the bread basket parish of saint elizabeth this young man is a final year student pursuing a ba in religion and theology he sees himself as a servant of god and a friend to man ladies and gentlemen light up the chat and welcome the united student movement president mr neil brevit this woman is from the tourist parish of saint james she holds a master's in business administration and is currently the purchasing manager of northern caribbean university she lives by the motto do unto others as you would have them do unto you ladies and gentlemen the united student movement female chief sponsor mrs ania cuddling hailing from south caicos in the turks and caicos islands this respectable man is an associate professor in the department of biology chemistry and environmental science his philosophy love many trust you and always puddle your own canoe ladies and gentlemen the united student movement male chief sponsor mr dwight rose and there you have it the united student movement 2021 2022 regime ah i'm sure you should be standing to your feet with your best applause even now and let them know that you are in full support of this regime that has come to serve us at the time of a great pandemic but they are resilient and they are ready to go show them all the love a round of applause let them know that they have your full support as they go forth to do a wonderful work for this academic year and now our vice president of spiritual affairs miss racine nangle will do our first duty in doing the opening prayer let us pray almighty god or father or friend we pause at this time oh god to give you thanks for allowing us to gather here for such an auspicious occasion almighty god or hearts are filled with gratitude and we pray that you will bless the proceeding of this program i present to you this united body and i pray that you'll fill us with your holy spirit impart knowledge wisdom and understanding and may we always seek to keep you at the center of our lives forgive us of our many sins continue to lead guide and direct us through your sons jesus christ's name amen coming to us with the scripture reading is united student movement associate administrative assistant miss kandra alfred greetings everyone my name is kandra alfred and i am the associate administrative assistant for the usm regime 2021 and today's script reading is taken from first peter chapter 4 verses 7 to 11 and it reads but the end of all things is at hand be ye therefore sober and watch unto prayer and above all things have fervent charity among yourselves for charity shall cover the multitude of sins use hospitality one to another without judging as every man have received a gift even so minister the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of god and verse 11 says if any man speak let him speak according to the oracles of god if any man minister let him do it according to the ability which god giveth that god in all things may be glorified through jesus christ to whom be praised and dominion forever and ever amen and now we'll have the welcome from the united student movement's male and female sports directors mr zachary berry and ms amoy henry moving together changing for the better through meaningful partnerships invited guests students faculty and staff well-wishers and to our newly elected buzzing united student movement regime good day to you all i am amoa henry your female sports director and i am zuckerberg your male sports director it gives us great pleasure to welcome you to an inauguration ceremony for the united states thank you for accepting our invitation to be a part of the ceremony and as we look forward to serving you once more welcome it's so beautiful to know that we are accompanied by so many persons online you know time gone by we would have had just a wow factor here in the gymnatorium at the northern caribbean university yeah where everybody is they're shouting when their favorite person's name is called out and just with all that colors it has always been just a very colorful occasion and one that is quite significant in the life of the students and the life of the institution and it is just a blessing to welcome so many persons who are online and let them know that we are mindful that they are all there in their numbers supporting the usm regime yeah thankfully well we're not we're not allowed or not able to be in the the gymnatorium but we are indeed able to type in the chat and i know that we have some colorful hearts to give and some shouts and very a vibrant amount of emojis to give so go ahead and go and cheer for your present cheer for your executive member cheer for everybody who you know and you say when they are giving this kind of chair they are not restricted to the ncu colors in the indeed indeed it can fire up the chat and make us know that indeed they are supporting this initiative as a very important part of the institution and right now we will be favored with a special musical item from the united student movement vice president of student services and special affairs miss ashley cummings the army of judah was paralyzed by fear when they heard a mighty multitude was quickly drawing near but as they prayed for a deliverance the victory would begin for when we call upon the lord we summon all of heaven pray on for you are who the lord is looking for pray on for this will tear those mighty strong hold down stay on your knees for this is where the battle is the one very soon you'll win the victory [Music] when daniel faced the lions for worshiping the lord it seemed there was no hope at all for what would be in store [Music] but when we call upon the lord our smallest purr is hurt for instead of on our circumstance our eyes are on the lord pray on for you are who the lord is looking for pray on for this will tear those mighty straw holds down stay on your knees for this is where the battle is award very soon you win the victory when your questions go unanswered and your purrs may seem in vain they don't seem to make a difference they don't seem to make a change just rest assured god knows your needs and he hears each time you pray your prayers are reaching heaven and the answers on the way pray [Applause] [Music] those mighty strongholds stay on your knees for this is where the battle is one there's no better place for you to be than seeking the father prayerfully very soon you win the victory [Music] that was indeed some lovely singing there from our vp of students wonderful she's so talented indeed and i and i crave your indulgence another round of applause for her she did well yes yeah represented quite well now in this order we will have remarks from or pr the president of northern caribbean university dr lincoln paul edwards followed by the associate vice president of student service miss carolyn mary smith thereafter we'll have greetings from north jamaica regional campus director miss suzette milan followed by east jamaica regional campus director mrs tanya cousins dr cynthia monroe director of the ncu west jamaica regional campus will come thereafter we will continue with the greetings with usm alumni present president miss helen powell jamaica union of tertiary student president miss christina williams thereafter at the ue mona guild president miss danielle mullins and then our final greetings will be coming from mr hubert manning male president from church teaches college and that is from their student council at many primary and high schools and even at college and university sports days across jamaica there is a fun game that is played called the three-legged race participation in this game is a team activity and as you know entails using a rope to tie the left foot of one team member to the right foot of the other so that it seems as if the team is operating with three legs instead of four now in order to win the race both team members have to work in concert to get to the finish line along the way sometimes one or both team member will fall however it all it is always encouraging when one or more team who did not fall crosses the finish line and the crowd cheers for them more encouraging however is when the teams that had fallen along the way sometimes several times get up and finish the race at this point the crowds sometimes go wild with excitement because they are happy that even those who had fallen along the way had made it to the finish line oh how i wish that all of life would be like this when we cheer even harder for those who had fallen but have now succeeded the theme for this usm inaugural ceremony moving together changing for the better through meaningful partnerships is aptly represented in the three-legged race scenario and that is what i want you to bear in mind today you can succeed you can change for the better as this is what higher education at northern caribbean university is all about helping you to change into someone better someone who is more tolerant of the shortcomings of others someone who is more kind more caring more generous and more spiritual overall becoming a better product for having experienced all that ncu has to offer and all this can be done by moving together by working together even as you mourn the loss of your beloved vice president dr newton clegon first corinthians 12 14 to 9 says even so the body is not made up of one part but of many now if the foot should say because i am not a hand i do not belong to the body it would not for that reason stop being part of the body and if the air should say because i am not an eye i do not belong to the body it would not for that reason stop being part of the body if the whole body were an eye where would the sense of hearing be if the whole body were an air where would the sense of smell be but in fact god has placed the parts in the body every one of them just as he wanted them to be if they were all one part where would the body be as it is there are many parts but one body these verses present the clearest example of teamwork in the bible which is showing us that the body is not supported by only one part or person but many therefore i congratulate you members of the usm executive on your historic appointment during the second year of the second century of ncu in manchester and encourage you to work together as a team through meaningful partnerships as you endeavor to execute the mission of your office and that of the wider university body i also encourage all our students and workers to do the same work together move together so that eventually we all can become better and in the end receive the crown of glory may god continue to bless you as you strive to positively impact ncu jamaica and the global community thank you dr link and paul edwards university president members of the cabinet and the administrative council dr michael hugh harvey guest speaker mr neil privett usm president and members of the usm 2021 regime members of the usm senate and other club executives members of the usm's alumni association faculty and staff students of all campuses good afternoon it is my delight on this historical and momentous occasion to greet affirm and symbolically charge this 2021-22 usm executive regime i say historic as you are the first regime to have a fully virtual premiered inauguration event i say momentous the global shift in operations due to the current crises have propelled and energized you to think and act with greater agility you have all grown up in a relatively digital age your level of adaptability and technological astuteness have made you prepared and poised for such a time as this i charge you as student leaders you have been called and are now being communication to one be in readiness to pivot when faced with challenges two be agile in your thinking and in the execution of your duties three honor the call to office as gods call in an appointment to serve all students faithfully and well and lastly i urge you to adapt paraphrase daily read or repeat the jamaican national pledge for schools which says including the paraphrase before god and all mankind i pledge the love and loyalty of my heart the wisdom and courage of my mind the strength and vigor of my body in the service of my fellow students i promise to stand up for justice brotherhood and peace to work diligently and creatively to think generously and honestly so that the usm may under god increase in beauty fellowship and prosperity and play her part in advance and the welfare of the whole human race usm executive of the year 2021 2022 god bless you in the successful execution of your duties thank you dr lincoln edwards president northern caribbean university dr vivine quarry academic vice president other regional leaders mr neil brevet president united student movement miss helen powell alumni president other tertiary student body presidents good day it is my esteemed privilege to be given the opportunity to bring greetings on behalf of the administration and the students of the north jamaica regional campus the past few months have been trying times for all and especially our student body i am very relieved to state that your resilience and the steadfastness brought hope to us as administrators it is my firm belief that the flavor and dedication displayed over the past few months will only become more intensified as you trade through these unchanted territories with god as your guide there is undoubtedly no defeat in sight i leave these few words with you from martin luther king jr and i quote our very survival depends on our abilities to stay awake to be able to adjust to new ideas to remain vigilant and to face the challenges and changes have a blessed year thank you northern caribbean university president dr lincoln edwards northern carbon university vice president of academic administration dr vivine quarry director for ncu's west jamaica regional campus dr cynthia monroe director for ncu's north jamaica regional campus mrs suzette milan united president mr neil brivette ncu alumni president miss helen powell jamaica union of tertiary students president miss christina williams university of the west indies guild president miss daniel mullins church teachers college president mr hubert manning faculty staff students well-wishers good afternoon i bring greetings on behalf of the faculty staff and students of the east jamaica regional campus of northern caribbean university located in kingston your theme reflects our plans for this 2021-2022 school year onward forward moving together through virtual connection we may be online but the lives of our ncu students can still be enriched through the work of our usm and various clubs students can still be engaged to impact lives through both community and school projects programs can still be implemented to encourage and uplift our student body and we can still have fun together virtually my congratulations to the usm student leaders who will be the voice of our students this year this team ever led by mr neil prevent that will share your views and opinions with the university's administration and the lead discussions on how to make our university better and improve your experience with us congratulations also to those who will lead out in our clubs providing an opportunity for even more students to build on their leadership and communication skills press onward press forward as we move together connecting virtually throughout this school year i thank you northern caribbean university president dr lincoln edwards northern caribbean university vp of academic administration dr vivine corey assistant director for northern caribbean university east jamaica regional campus mrs tania cousins assistant director for north jamaica regional campus mrs suzette millen united student movement president mr neil brevitt ncu alumni president miss helen powell jamaica union of tertiary students president miss christina williams university of the west indies guild president miss daniel mullings church teachers college president mr hubert manning special greetings and congratulations to all of you who have been chosen as officers of this great body united student movement usm students are an important instrument of transformation for any university and student government serves as the official voice on behalf of students in university affairs your theme moving together changing for the better through meaningful partnerships is germane as a student government or to be a body of indebted servant leaders aiming to ensure that the best interests of students are represented and accentuated through various campus boards committees and even within the spaces that go beyond the university's immediate community functioning as part of a student government creates a number of benefits for its members as well even as you serve your fellow students the united student movement presents many opportunities for you to learn and develop these include leadership skills team spirit and networking you'll be presented with opportunities to gain confidence in yourself as an individual therefore as posited by mahatma gandhi live as if you were to die tomorrow learn as if you were to live forever i am pleased that the students of the regional campuses can be an integral part of this great body for i know they have much to contribute to its success usn members know that a great work awaits you but take courage in the words of joshua declared in joshua 1 verse 9 don't be alarmed or terrified because the lord your god is with you wherever you go please let every moment of your tenure count god bless good morning everyone i'm so excited to be giving a small talk to the incoming 2021 2022 united student movement regime i must say it will not be easy you'll have a lot of meetings you'll be planning a lot of events but with god in the vessel you can smile at the storm i charge you today so please focus on your academics because we want great student leaders but we also want well-rounded student leaders it is said the vase is not for the swift but who can endure i say to you today pace yourself be your best have activities that you plan properly you don't need to have a lot of activities because the time might seem short but in this climate your goal is to ensure that you impact as many students as you possibly can again i wish you all the best have a wonderful experience as you begin the journey of being student leaders the experience is a wonderful one welcome to the team hi everyone my name is daniel mullins and i'm the president of the guild of students at the university of the west indies mona campus it's my pleasure to be bringing greetings to the ncu united students movement inauguration ceremony 2020 won that being said we look forward to fruitful collaborations throughout the remainder of this year of course we've already met we've shared ideas i see the vision that this council is bringing and i'm excited to work with each and every one of you the ncu usm has a rich history of student leadership and representation which i believe can carry on for many years to come remember you're the architects of your future lead with inspiration integrity and innovation best of luck for the year ahead hello all protocols observed good morning good afternoon or whatever time of the year watching this video it is indeed a pleasure to stand here or to sit here in my case and bring you greetings on behalf of church teachers college student council as i reflect on your theme moving together changing for the better through meaningful partnership i encourage you to work as collaboratively as possible to bring about the change that you envision you will inevitably face difficulties but this is when your strength will be tested this is when all eyes will be on you and whatever you do will reflect who you are as the united student movement will you curve under pressure or will you stand up and be united and show the strength that this group of students possess there is no int and you are a team and therefore i implore you i encourage you to work as such and watch your vision come to fruition i thank you uh sis it's very important that although we are you know engaged in this very meaningful exercise that we don't lose sight of the fact that there is one who served us so well i'm speaking of none other than dr newton clegorne mention must be made of dr clegon because in a significant way he has served this university and he's served the church in general and the wider field as he has served you know internationally he has served in the states he has conducted crusades um even in africa as far as africa i'm told he has um you know as a servant leader as a missionary as a pastor as administrator you know as a mighty preacher of the word as a prayer warrior one who you know i could say has been really also a mentor for so many students as he served as a vp for student services not not only but as he served in the srt the school of religion and theology many of these um young pastors can say how much they appreciated him because they were also groomed um by this giant dr newton clegorne dr newton cleggorn dr clegon uh we miss you but god knows best indeed and certainly may those who come behind him be found faithful because indeed he was a great leader servant leader and god bless you all as we continue to pray for his family nonetheless and pray for the institution as we are still grieving i i know it has been painful yes he was one really as you stated he was one to support the students in most of what they do once it was good he was always there especially for the one and only sports day that i had experienced he was there and he was cheering and he was vibrant and he was he was elated bursting with color saying it's his house he's going to his house he's going to win and it was it was one that on that level on that day that i was like oh this man is a really nice man you know and to know that the university has lost such a great man it is really felt yes it's it's it's something that in our hearts will be long remembered the day passed and we respectfully remember him and i know significant things will be done to mark his memory at this time there will be a special tribute that will be paid to dr newton clegon we will now have a moment of silence for the late dr newton clegorne and god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes that the people say amen there shall be no more death hallelujah neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away let the people say man we have lost a steward distinguished [Music] regime 2018-2019 [Music] a husband i hear this voice this magical voice i'm saying god is that her i i praise her a preacher but i am encouraged to let you know that he is big enough to rule us this mighty universe yet small enough to live within my heart i give you god and a man that had the excessive club dear to his heart and i'm so proud that today you are unveiling your quest in honor of what you stand for as a group of men in cedar hall even though his physical presence may cease to exist i know for a fact that the love and support he had for our club will never be forgotten there there were some very some very tense moments in this last year [Music] he says find out the brethren [Music] [Music] rest in please dr newton clegorne until we meet again [Music] [Music] srt but it continues the day [Music] [Music] we have been doing a lot of talking hey and i think we must allow the usm uh leadership and leaders persons within the grouping to do some stuff do some things that the folks can see that they are ready to and they are on the move what is the first thing you think is going to happen here now well according to what my producers has put down i see where we have some very talented persons here in the executive member executive body of the usm so now i invite mr zachary berry male sports director to bless us with a special poem change what is change to put it simply is to alter modify or replace something that currently exists something ever present in a fast-paced world like this for generations past and those to come nothing has stayed the same no not one always getting better are the things in life as we strive to be happy and avoid strife we are working groups with different people and personalities change and compromise is necessary to properly facilitate successful activities everyone present has experienced change in this time where gathering with friends or going out after hours is now a crime the current state of affairs is difficult and depressing is true yet we as a movement are changing and adapted to properly serve you oh yes the students your important your importance to this institution cannot be understated representing and serving you is a joy that can never be treated we as a movement look to build and maintain strong relationships going by our theme moving together changing for the better through meaningful partnerships wasn't that a good i say good talent yes i am sure that the chat is blazing up right now jamaicans would say the poem sell off it was good it was good indeed it was good how are you feeling i'm feeling good oh so good you know it's it's it's really a general term when you said oh i'm feeling good but it's really a wonderful time here that i'm spending and getting to know the members as they show their talent we had some singing from miss ashley cummings and now we had a talent piece coming coming from zachary berry as it relates to poetry no that that was rather interesting they are versatile versatile indeed ladies and gentlemen we have come to that moment let us watch as the united student movement executive body take their oath of office yes this is a time for the oath of office [Music] we'll now have vice president for academics mckayla reed take the hold of office on behalf of the executive members michaela you will re repeat after me we being duly elected executive committee of the united student movement we duly elected executive of the united student movement do solemnly affirm do solemnly offer that we will faithfully execute the duties of our respective offices that we will faithfully accept the duties of our offices as provided by the bylaws as provided by the bylaws that we will dutifully uphold and preserve the constitution of the united student movement that we will need the bylaws of the united states we will strive to establish we strive to establish representative student government representative student government maintain academic freedom maintain academic freedom and defend students rights and defend students rights and their welfare and their welfare to such an extent as may be required to such an extent as they may require for the good management for the good management of the affairs of the united student movement of the affairs of the united student movement directly or indirectly directly or indirectly reveal the business or proceedings of the united student movement council reveal the direct business of the united student council or nature or the nature or the nature or contents or content of any documents communicated to us of any documents communicated to us as usm officials as usm officials we will work towards the strengthening of the cooperation we will work towards the strengthening of the cooperation between the united student movement council between the united university states and the university administration and work toward bettering student development and work toward the very student movement qualities qualities and scholistic standards and scholastic standards with these thoughts in mind with these parts in mind we will set as our final goals we will set as our final goals the advancement of northern caribbean university the advancement of the northern cairo university through the divine leadership of god through the divine leadership of god so help us god so help us god a round of applause for all the executive officers the signing will now take place right at this podium [Music] having taken the oath of office the respective usm executive officers will now do their signing they will proceed to the podium [Music] so [Music] [Music] call for the dual execution of the portfolio of appointed member i still need money for you so let me affirm that i will diligently execute the office appointed as provided in the constitution and its bylaws and will to do the best of my ability of all promote and support and influence student-led activities to foster the upbuilding of holistic christian education to such i will serve as a positive role model leader and voice for the united student movement of northern korean university so help me god both for the due execution of the portfolio of appointed member director of elections policy and constitutional affairs i'm richard summers do solemnly affirm that i will uphold the constitution of the united that i will faithfully discharge according to the best of my ability beauties of the office as provided in the constitution and its violence i will respect and serve beauties of my job description outlined in the same i will go right to all members of the united student movement council senate and member organization and to search execute and adhere to policies and regulations of the student movement constitution and violence without fear or favor affection or ill will so help me god votes for a new execution of the office of executive committee executive committee of the united student movement of modern caribbean university do solemnly affirm that we will faithfully execute the duties of respecting offices as provided in these dialogues that we will dutifully uphold and preserve the constitution of the united student movement we will strive to establish representative student government maintain academic freedom and defend students rights and their welfare and to such extent as may be required for the good management of the affairs of the united students movement council directly from either reveal the business or proceedings of the united student movement council for the nature or contents of any documents communicated to us as usm officials we will work towards the strengthening of the cooperation between the united student movement council and the university administration and work towards veteran student development policies and students big standards with these thoughts in mind we will set our final goals the advancement of northern caribbean university through the divine leadership of god so helpful thank you [Music] [Music] and now as the 2021-22 usm executive regime takes office to get the ball rolling we'll have the oath of office been taken by none other than the president-elect himself mr neil brevet neil the oath for the due execution of the office of president will now be taken by you sir i will you will repeat after me but you will insert your name i i neil do hereby solemnly affirm do hereby solemnly affirm by the grace of god by the grace of god that i will faithfully execute the office of presidency that i will faithfully execute the office of presidency of the united student movement the united student movement i will dutifully uphold i will dutifully afford and preserve the constitution of the united student movement and preserve the constitution of the united student movement as provided in the by-laws as provided in the bible i will strive to foster and strengthen i will strive to foster and strengthen the spiritual the spiritual physical and mental faculty of the students spiritual and mental faculty of the students by maximizing by maximizing the participation of all students the participation of all students student groups student groups and organizations and organizations as provided in the united student movement constitution as provided in the united student movement constitution and it's bylaws and it's by laws so help me god so help me god okay subscribing and affirming to this on this day the 17th day of september in the year of our lord 2021 a round of applause for the oath taken by the president of the united student movement time for the signing sir [Music] it is that point in the program ladies and gentlemen where we will hear from the usm president did i say the president i feel like i want to salute the president and be a part of the president's entourage even right right right now but this is a time to show some love as the usm president the captain of this ship will come and of course he will come and make his presentation and while you're applauding i now invite miss rasheen nango the director of publications to introduce to you the president of the united student movement 2021 regime distinguished guests students members of the faculty and staff of this nobel institution a pleasant afternoon i stand before you today with so much pride and elation with the position that i hold esteem for introducing the spearhead of this movement born from the beautiful soil in saint mary what resides in the bread basket parish saint elizabeth is a 22 year old young man who is multi-talented hard-working committed and god-fearing he is a final year student pursuing a bachelor of arts degree in the school of religion and theology if one should take a look at his profile outlined would be his different achievements as he has served in many different capacities while attending this institution you can come to the conclusion that he is indeed a well-rounded individual the person i speak of is no stranger to many but if this is the first time you're seeing him or hearing from him you too will agree to what was previously mentioned it is my great honor and privilege to introduce to you a man of great stature and virtue a man of dedicated service one who is passionate about serving young people his philosophy is i am a servant of god and a friend to man ladies and gentlemen i present to you president of the united student movement regime 2021-2022 mr neil brevard dr lincoln edwards university president esteemed dignitaries united student movement alumni viewing guests faculty staff most importantly northern caribbean university student body good day it was in 2019 that i completed the course health and physical education one of the course requirements was to do a documentary or a summary of the book who moved my cheese by dr spencer johnson the the book is a fable about four characters who live in a maze and they all love cheese the maize is large with many hallways and lots of doors sometimes there is a small word to taking time and opening the door sometimes a larger word and sometimes it leads to another hallway the characters in the story are two mice named sniff and scurry and two little people named him adham him and her sorry their daily activity is to look for cheese one day while searching for cheese in the meals the four found a large piece of cheese so that him and hall decided never to look for cheese again they thought it would last for the rest of their lives on the other hand sniff and discover the two mice never stopped exploring their surroundings and are constantly monitoring changes in their environment the little people however expected the cheese to last forever time went by and so did the cheese slowly it shrunk as they continued to eat the mice knew that it would happen so they went daily into the maze to search for new cheese him and ham could not believe what had happened they did not look for new cheese but would return the same place every day to look if the cheese had returned but to their surprise it did not as hall went on his journey as he decided to go out finally and look for new cheese he learned a lot of life lessons that about change which he writes on the wall just in case him decides to follow why this story you may ask well you see the maze represents the roads of our daily lives and everywhere we go and every decision we make takes us down a different path saying yes to one thing means saying no to another the maze is where we spend our time looking for what we want the cheese represents happiness and success and therefore cheese is used as a metaphor for what you want in life and what you think will make you happy there are several life lessons that hall learned as he took his journey to find new cheese and i would like to share them with you the students as well as my team the first lesson change happens let's number two anticipate change lesson number three monitor change lesson number four adopt to change lesson number five change lesson number six enjoy change moving together changing for the better through meaningful partnerships our theme captures exactly what our mission for this school year is and we want the students to understand that things have changed the regular ways of executing events and having students involved are not the same as three or four years ago right now we face many different challenges nevertheless i reassure you the students that you have a team that has anticipated the changes that we now face and are constantly monitoring this change to ensure that we adopt properly as we move into the future we do not see the new norm as a disadvantage but rather as an avenue for more and exciting possibilities hence we decide to change how we do things today's inauguration shall serve as a testament not of who we have been but rather of who we are and who we can be leading the students it has some an awesome responsibility and it is my duty to ensure that this noble beacon on the hill uplifts and prior prioritizes its main stakeholders the students if this means then that we have an upgrade in the quality of meals provided let it be done if this means that we have an increase in student wage for labor let it be done if this means that our academic policies must be revised to provide more flexibility in how students can engage the university amid trying circumcision circumstances and adversities let it be done before i close i must address the 2021 to 2022 united student movement regime team members enjoy change do not allow yourself to be changed chained by the weight of past success and current expectations the stories that have been written before us are valuable stories that that we can learn from but our stories are important too who we are and what we will be are important so today i challenge you to tell your story write your history you should never feel the need to diminish your story to fit the trend of usm the question before us today friends as student leaders as those that care deeply about this university is not what we did yesterday but rather how we will be remembered for the actions we take today and will take tomorrow finally as we move together into a year filled with many unknowns with great challenges and many innovative ideas of what we seek to accomplish i challenge us all to remember who we belong to not northern caribbean university not our churches not our communities not our families but god it is ellen g white who says we have nothing to fear for the future except we forget how god has led us in the past and his teachings in our past history friends we have nothing to fear if god is with us so fear not usm fear not ncu fear not northern caribbean university students for god is with us thank you sis did you hear the president what a speech he made it clear that change will happen change will come we should and must anticipate change monitor change adopt to change change and enjoy change at this time uh miss herrera shaw will introduce for us the keynote speaker michael hugh harvey has a phd in education and leadership and is a justice of the peace who currently serves as pastor of the maranatha district of seventh-day adventist churches having served at northern caribbean university as vice president of the division of spiritual affairs senior pastor of the university church and director for empowerment training and education projects from august 2010 to up to november 2019. it is perhaps dr harvey's capacity to nurture develop and transform organizations and similarly impact the lives of individuals that best defines his life indeed his values have been strongly shaped by his experience and expertise gained in empowering individuals and aiding in the positive evolution of institutions through his transformational servant leadership not only has dr harvey touched the lives of many individuals through his pastoral and evangelistic endeavors but his involvement in community outreach activities has positively impacted a wide cross-section of people he recently served on the community counseling and restorative justice board manchester dispute resolution and violence prevention committee as chairman director on the board of the national housing trust and the jamaica social investment fund the highly motivated man of god has further contributed to the church through his research on the relationship between emotional intelligence leadership practices on pastoral effectiveness dr harvey is the author of the recently published book leadership matters a practical professional perspective he has also published in the journal of adventist education july through september edition the importance of training faculty to integrate faith with learning dr michael harvey is married to former lorinda broonfield and they have been blessed with two grown children yelissa kayla and michael hugena the life of this devoted leader is guided by the philosophical views that the world cannot stand in the way of a person who knows he or she is going and that service is the return one gives for one's existence ladies and gentlemen i welcome dr michael harvey professor lincoln edwards president of northern caribbean university and mrs edwards pastor everett brown president of jamaica union conference of seventh-day adventists and chairman of the board of governors northern caribbean university and mrs brown vice presidents and members of the cabinet faculty and staff president of the united st body students of the various campuses guilds and all those who are invited for this very special inauguration ceremony for this united student movement wherever you are around the world stakeholders i greet you and i greet you well today i am delighted to be here on the hill for this very special occasion as i seek to address the theme given to me moving together changing for better through meaningful partnership i want to speak to you on the topic resilient leadership resilient leadership allow me to share with you as a foundational text i'll read from first peter chapter four and i'll be reading from the easy to read version of the bible from verse nine open your homes to each other and share your food without complaining god has shown you his grace and in many different ways so be good servants and use whatever gift he has given you in a way that will best serve each other if your gift is speaking your words should be like words from god if your gift is serving you should serve with the strength that god gives then it is god who will be praised in everything through jesus christ power and glory belong to him forever and ever amen you see students you are elected and appointed to provide leadership in today's pandemic complexed world and to solve perplexing issues collaboration and collective approaches are not only desirable but a necessity and i say here unequivocally you are the best team the best casual of youth assembled anywhere in any university around the world you are assembled today to serve in the premier university here on our island northern caribbean university the beacon on the hill and i'm so delighted to be here with you today to speak to the the most gallant resilient casual of youth that can be selected anywhere to serve at such a pivotal moment in the history of our world and to provide the quality leadership that is necessary to trans trans strength to transition from one state and one stage to the next you see you are the best and allow me in addressing you today in addressing your your your theme to speak on the seven seas consecrated committed competent caring courageous civility and critics these i believe will help you to provide resilient leadership you see consecrated if you are going to be the leaders that are providing the difference is that you must first acknowledge the source of your existence you have to be consecrated to god you have to be committed to god because it requires faith in god and the object of your faith is god you need to have confidence in and commitment to god in order for you to be able to understand what you ought to do in this challenging time as you operate within this christian institution you must be consecrated it is important for you to understand who you are why you are here and the purpose for which god has pleased you at the helm of leadership in this united student movement at such an important juncture then not only must you be consecrated because you have to understand that you are called to give leadership that is not just an ordinary leadership but a leadership with an understanding that your purpose and your work is not just to fulfill an occupation down here but you are also are expected to deliver everlasting results so you must be consecrated the next you must be committed you must be committed committed to your values committed to the mission committed to the mission of the united student movement committed to the vision of the united student movement and your mission and your vision has to fit within the broad scope of the mission and vision and values of northern caribbean university through whom you are partnering in delivering the quality service that is required of you as you serve this noble student body so you must be committed committed to the task at hand and having been committed and want to tell you unequivocally then you must be competent so if you during your campaign you were elected by your friends because you were popular i hasten to say you have no honeymoon period you have to ensure that you know what is expected of you from the area for which you are elected and you must develop the competence and the skills required to deliver at the optimum level because excellence is the order of the day and you must be the creme de la creme in providing service to your fellow student body as you operate within this environment you must be competent at what you do you must be the expert at what you do and i'm so pleased to know that today we live in a generation where information is at your fingertips so student body you must be the best in what you do then having said that you must be caring we live in a world that is hostile to a large extent we live in a world where people love things and use people you must have a genuine love for people you must be caring you see love love is the greatest of all human qualities and it is an attitude and attribute of god himself love involves unselfish service to others to show it gives evidence that you care you must be caring you must be touched with the feelings and the infirmities of those you serve your student body is operating in a very difficult time many are having financial challenges many are having it difficult even to find food you must be that caring regime that you will go the extra mile to ensure that together every one of you can succeed together in your partnership with your university and those who provide leadership and mentorship and coaching to you can understand that we are going to knit together as a family and we are going to be caring no one is going to left behind because we are carrying each other together and we are operating within a culture of care and genuine love you must be caring then you must be courageous this time calls for courageous leaders you cannot lead by public opinions and polls you have to know the principles leaders for which you stand you have to understand that you are called to make decisions to solve problems and to provide opportunities as you you develop and hone your skills and competencies in going forward you must be courageous in your decision making and when i say you are to be courageous you have to understand what the needs of the students are and you have to be able to represent your students and represent them well to administration but allow me to say that you are not antagonistic to the to the to the administration therefore it leads me to the next sea so while you are courageous in championing the cause for the students you must be civil civility is the order of the day you must be respectful you see you must be polite you must be kind and you must be caring and once you do that i can tell you there is no limit to what you will accomplish in providing leadership in this regime that you are elected to serve and finally the final c is critics you are going to have critics whether you do well or not you are going to have critics people are going to criticize you because they simply don't like you people will criticize you because they want you to do well you must be open to constructive criticism don't just pull people around you who will hurt think and just tell you what you want to hear allow people to feel that you have an open regime president brevit so that people will be willing to come and to give you constructive criticism as you deal with the complex and the multiplicity of complex issues that you will have to deal with while you balance your time and to ensure that your academic development is not timid you must know that you must balance that so you need people around you who will give you constructive criticism but i'm saying to you don't be wary of those who will criticize you without a cause you must stand up stand direct because you know for which you have been elected at this time and so i say to you working together will bring the best of your collective wisdoms to bear on the toughest problems it will foster a sense of belonging and galvanize hope hope in the student body hope in this university as you reach out beyond to provide hope to the community because i know through your projects department you will seek to go out to touch the lives of people within the community because i know the foundation here at northern caribbean university that you are getting holistic development you are valuing the needs of people who you serve and those around you so remember to follow the christ model it is it is said in ministry of healing page 143 christ's method alone will bring true success in reaching the people the savior mingled with men as one who desired their good he showed his sympathy for them he ministered to their needs then he bought them follow me end of court i'm here to say to you with that in mind you must go out work together you see when people work together they can double their strength and get much more done as a team they also reap the value of having worked in unison thus creating harmony instead of disorder a team player encourages their fellow teammates to be better players each person has something unique and special to offer so you must recognize the many gifts and appreciate each other don't be antagonistic to each other you are not competitors you are students working together in a collaborative manner to ensure that your mission is fulfilled your vision is accomplished your values are utilized while you seek to fulfill those objectives that you have set for yourselves so i say to you as i close be kind to each other be caring be respectful be accountable be accountable and allow me to give you 10 important leadership accountability goals you have to be accountable accept responsibilities become a better mentor be more adaptable to change build stronger connections you need your stakeholders you need when you look at the strategic partnership you need these connections that will help you to fulfill your goals and your objectives develop active listening skills find more efficient processes to deliver the work that you're called to do focus more on self-discipline have better time management make smarter decisions show more confidence and i close by saying to you resilient leaders resilient leadership lead with accountability resilient leadership lead with commitment resilient leadership lead with competence resilient leadership lead with courage resilient leadership lead with confidence resilient leadership lead with civility resilient leadership lead with enthusiasm resilient leadership lead with integrity resilient leadership lead with optimism with resilient leadership lead with passion i said to you go forward members of this elite body of the united states 22 go forward make the difference follow the tradition make northern caribbean university proud because this beacon on the hill must continue to shine and it will only shine through you the leaders through you the product who come the products that come from this institution go with god be strong make a difference in the life of the student body make a difference in the life of the administration make a difference in the community that you will serve because together there is nothing that you can not accomplish when you unite your efforts together i love you take care and god bless you and be the best you can be yes it's that time it's just about time for our newly inaugurated members to be consecrated and this is a very important exercise consecration for us means that you are set apart for greater purpose and that indeed we understand the context of our stewardship that we can't even walk much less perform or duties without god holding our hands and so it is that these are young people in this usm regime they are consecrating themselves setting themselves aside to do this work and they're going to do this work by way of their stewardship as if they're doing it unto the lord and so we're seeking the lord's guidance as we go to him in prayer praying over these our students so that god can use them and that for those things that they have promised to do and dare to be different that they want to come accomplish greatly during their tenure that the good lord will be with them right throughout and guide them and help them to be tremendously successful so that they can say at the end of the day we have done well because we put all things in the hands of god and he safely navigated us in a year that we are faced with a pandemic and all the circumstances around it the good lord has been on our side and we were successful so this is why we consecrate them to the lord that he will use them for a greater purpose in their service we will now invite pastor dr robert wright to do the power of consecration immediately after we'll have the united student movement public relations officer tyrek smith to do the vote of thanks our dear father in heaven we thank you so much for the privilege to serve we thank you for the gifts that you have given to each and every one of us and we as we dedicate these young people to your service we thank you and we bless your name for the gifts of leadership and service that you have given to these young people you have demonstrated your willingness to give of yourself in the person of your son jesus christ and he is the model servant he gave up everything in heaven he came to this earth he submitted himself to be your servant and the servant to humanity and he has epitomized in his life the true value of service and the true meaning of service he was indeed the model servant leader and as these young people commit and dedicate themselves to serving their fellow colleagues i pray that you will bless them with that selfless spirit that jesus himself modeled and as they lead and as they serve i pray that your holy spirit will indeed use them for the honor and glory of your name for the improvement of the lives of the students on this campus and uh that this also their service here will be a means of training and preparing them for greater service um out in the world and especially in the world to come i pray your special blessing upon them i pray your special endowment of your holy spirit's power upon them and that ultimately all who are the beneficiaries of their selfless service will indeed stand to bring honor and glory to your name for these your young people i commit them all into your loving care and i thank you for hearing and for answering our prayer today in jesus name amen our protocols observed special invited guests our students faculty and staff good day the privilege is mine to do what i think is one of the most important jobs on the program the vote of thanks so on behalf of the 2021 2022 regime we would like to say special thanks firstly to the unit university president dr lincoln edwards to student services for their continued support and most of all the special invited guests who brought their greetings one important point uh dr rv he mentioned he stated that to have effective to have an effective regime we would definitely need god in the midst and i think it's necessary for each and every one of the executive members to have god in the midst because the songwriter says with god in the vessel we can smile at the storm and with god in each of our vessels we will definitely be smiling at every obstacle that is placed before us on behalf of this united student movement we'd like to say thank you so much for your continued support and thank you the students for choosing us to serve you in this year's 2021-2022 regime nicole yes mr pogba are gone you have been gunning all evening it has been a wonderful uh program but we have come to the end and it has really been a blessing for me just being here and seeing the students the usm and living colors and to know that we have a wonderful cadre of young people servant leaders who are ready to take it to the next level as they are all about change if you have as listening the tone of the president in his remarks they're all about meaningful yes change we started off singing singing saying that we feel good and even at the end of the program we still do feel good it was indeed an excellent presentation excellent program and i'm excited to see what the united student movement 2021 22 regime 2022 regime has to do i know that i believe in a lot of them i know a lot of them and i know that they're hard-working students and most of all hard-working lead us yes yes yes and so confident you know well poised and confident yes and i believe truly that they are going to be exceptional in the work that they have taken on to do and i thank god that we took the moment to pray over them yes uh in that moment of consecration so once the lord is their leader and they follow him we are confident that this regime is going to triumph they are going to be successful and they are going to represent exactly what they have taken on here the leadership role to take it to the next level next level because they desire meaningful change and we are anticipating great changes in this regime indeed so for those on youtube thank you for staying with us thank you for cheering thank you for giving your feedback in the chat it was indeed remarkable having you here with us yes yes it was indeed remarkable and we must say see you and again next year i don't know if it's the same time or it will be the same place but by god's grace we will meet again on another occasion like this at this time we invite mr marvin price director of election policies and constitutional affairs to take us out with the benediction and alma mater mr price we will now have the benediction let us pray loving father now god we want to thank you for the success of this program we want to thank you for the charge that was given lord as we go out to serve may you give us a heart like yours and may we do according to the leading of your holy spirit and may when all is said and done that our service here on earth would have been benefited for us to inherit eternity we ask in jesus name amen [Music] oh [Music] all the glorious [Music] we is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Northern Caribbean University
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Id: YENjcNleyb4
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Length: 119min 44sec (7184 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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