Dr Newton U. Cleghorne | Thanksgiving Service | Northern Caribbean University

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[Music] so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen good afternoon and thank you so much for being here for the support that you continue to give to the clegons family i'm going to invite you just to follow two clear instructions number one if you have your cell phones on if you could place them on silence or vibrate and number two we are going to ask you as best as possible to remain where you are seated unless you have to utilize the bathroom facilities thank you so much for your cooperation and i invite you now to join us in standing as we commence the service lord you have been or dwelling place in all generations before the mountains were brought forth or ever you have formed the earth and the world even from everlasting to everlasting you are god a man that is born of a woman is a few days and is full of trouble he cometh forth like a flower and is cut down yea he continue it not if a man dies shall he live again all the days of my appointed time will i wait until my change comes let not your heart be troubled he believe in god believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i go to prepare a place for you and if i go i will come again and receive you unto myself that where i am there he may be also the days of four years are three score years and a ten and if by reason of strength day before yet in their strength and labor for it is cut off and we fly away so teach us to number or days so that together we may apply our hearts unto wisdom we celebrate this thanksgiving service this afternoon for a life that was well lived for i still believe that if you live for christ you live again but if you live for self you live in vain so dr vincent peter can associate vp academic administration and co-chair dr lincoln edwards president northern caribbean university and mrs edwards pastor everett brown president officers and workers of the jamaica union conference of seventh day adventist and vice chairman of the university board and mrs kerr dr willie oliver representing dr ted wilson president officers and workers of the general conference of seventh-day adventists dr ellie henry president officers and workers of the inter-american division dr ephraim valesco president officers and workers of the inter-american theological seminary iats officers and workers of the north the north american division dr g earl knight president officer and workers of the atlantic union dr abraham jules president officers and workers of the northeastern conference of seventh-day adventists officers and workers of the university of the southern caribbean represented by dr colwick wilson president and dr faz hossein dean of the school of religion and theology dr lionel matthews representing dr andrea loxton president officers and workers of angels university dr wayne harland clegg horn widow of dr newton cleg horn and members of the clergon and highland families former president of west indies college and northern caribbean university are the members of the clergy in person and joining us virtually brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen joining us on our social media platform this afternoon we join to share to celebrate to identify with the clegon's family even during this time of grief and bereavement i invite you therefore to join me as we lift our voices in singing the melodious hymn oh there be joy when the work is done for those of you who have your hymnals whether electronically or hard copies number four three zero [Music] oh there be joy when the work is done joy when the rippers gather home bring in the sheaves i'd say to a son in the new jerusalem joy joy there'll be joy by and by joy joy where the joys never die joy joy for the detroit night when the workers gather home sweet are the songs that we hope to sing grateful the things our heart shall bring [Music] in forever christ or king in the new jerusalem joy joy there be joy by and by joy where the joy never dies joy joy for the detroit night when the workers gather whom pure are the joys that await us here many the golden mansions fame jesus himself taught them people in the new jerusalem joy joy there be joy by and by joy joy where the joy never dies joy joy for the detroit night when we praise the name of the lord as together we experience that joy little spray eternal father this afternoon your people assemble here in person virtually across the globe to give thanks to you for your goodness in respect of having loaned us the late dr newton clergo we commit now this service into your hands and invite you to take full charge we ask you to bless the proceedings bring all things done this afternoon under your control to magnify your name to advance your cause to bring comfort to the family when the man of god appointed to lift up jesus before the people pastor glenn samuels comes to present the word may every heart be blessed each person closer drawn to you we ask in jesus name amen you may be seated thank you so much dr archer thank you brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen for being here and for the support that you continue to give there are few slight adjustments to the program and i want you to work with us and it's going to be a mixed program so we will have a number of of participants who will be presenting their items live while we have others that are pre-recorded and we also have others who will be coming live on zoom so we are going to go into our first lesson at this time which will come to us by way of pre-recording followed by a musical selection that will be presented by the student group here at northern caribbean university shahar then thereafter we will have the reflections that i will share with you after these two presentations our scripture reading is found in first corinthians 15 51-58 behold i show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trump shall sound and the dead shall be erased incorruptible and we shall be changed for the incorruptible must put on incorruption and this module shall put on immortality so when this corruption shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the same that it is written death is swallowed up in victory or that where is thy sting or grave where is that victory the still of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to god which giveth us the victory to the lord jesus christ therefore my brethren be e steadfast immovable always abounding in the word of the lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the lord amen here at the reading of the word of the lord jesus christ [Music] i saw the lord and he answered me [Music] and delivered me from every fear those who look on here already they'll never [Music] this poor man cried and the lord heard me and save me from my enemies the son of god surrounds his saints he will deliver them he will deliver them [Music] with me [Music] together with [Music] me forever oh taste and see that the lord [Music] in is oh fear the [Music] he'll give lord everything [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let us bless the lord every day and night never ending praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] his name is [Applause] see that the lord is good he'll give you everything he'll give you everything [Applause] let us exalt his name together i use this opportunity now to welcome dr wayne ireland cleg horn it's good to have you and it's good to have sister janet from the tribe of blake niece always there giving the support we will go to the reflections mentioned on the program with two adjustments to the two l last items the two last items on the reflection so we will now have reflections from dr willy oliver who will be representing rgc president and thereafter we will have reflections from dr ellie henry president of inter-american division followed by dr ephraim valesque president inter-american theological seminary these are the reflections we have and i will come back after they are through and to the inter-american division administration and constituency on behalf of the president of the general conference and elder ted wilson the leadership of the general conference my wife elaine and me from the department of family ministries please receive our sincere condolences on the recent death of your husband your son your brother your uncle colleague and friend dr newton cleggorn was a superb outstanding and wonderful human being he was charming friendly likable personable he was a man of god a man of integrity honor reliability and veracity he was a pastor a preacher an evangelist a church administrator a scholar a family man married for 41 years to wayne ireland i know i was there in fact i was in the wedding what i also know about newton is that he loved him some way in addition to the positions dr clegorne held at ncu the northeastern conference with headquarters in new york city and as a pastor in jamaica before immigrating to the u.s he was my classmate matchmate and friend we graduated together with undergraduate degrees in theology from west indies college i was in the wedding to wayne ireland in long island a month before his death we were on a zoom meeting together as it was the first day of class i was teaching for pastors and graduate students from ncu and university of southern caribbean for iats a seminar in marriage and family problems little did i know it would be the last time i would see him in this life brothers and sisters while while we're in pain we're not without hope so let's be comforted by the words of the apostle paul in first thessalonians 4 16 that say for the lord himself the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of god and the dead in christ shall rise first let's comfort one another with these words and remain faithful so we can see newton again god bless you as you wait for the soon coming of jesus christ amen i want to take the opportunity on behalf of the american division also to greet all of you in this platform dr alain clegon and family members ncu family the meccan union family and all the inter-american division we have come to this platform to pay our respects to express our friendship and love called dr newton claycorn a great man and i concur with my colleague oliver a dedicated missionary a devoted servant of jesus doctor clejon i want to to see that we come to join you and the family to be with you in this circumstance we understand you're lost your loss and we share your pain today is a day full of emotion the great enemy has struck once again and we are still in shock when the news of dr clay cohn's death appeared on my screen on my phone screen i was in the middle of an activity with during the american division it took me a lot of courage to absorb it and share this terrible news at this with my wife kately was being collaborating with dr clay khan in his involvement with iits the inter american theological seminary they have been working together and how often in my house we have talked about him and praise his courage his strength and love for god the inter american division wants to recognize this brave soldier of christ this well-informed educator but also this man his family man full of love for his loved one and especially his wife today we celebrate life service the example left to the growing generation to overcome obstacles difficulties to always represent a strong god to testify to the love and compassionate god and faithful to all his promises newton has we will conduct him as one of the evangelists of the inter american division very passionate about preaching proclaiming the even lasting gospel to all nations tribes language and people and he has been noted for his zeal for the eternal gospel for his desire to communicate to others pastors and church members the fire of evangelism ready to tell everyone that jesus is alive and he can change lives and give hope and saying that jesus is coming again now dr dragon is resting from his work too early in our opinion but he preached it and we are convinced that there is not over that is not uh we have the victory the last one like paul said that has been swallowed up in victory so we are waiting for the calming the time we will be together on behalf of the inter american division my fellow officers dr leonard johnson and dr philiberto verlusko the department directors and yes on behalf of our colleagues from the inter american division unions we want to express our appreciation for the work he has done and say to each one of you member of the family close family click on and extend it i mean the all our appreciation we want to say to you and to all of us here present in this platform in in this moment today we want to say to you that there is a time there is hope there is a moment when dr clejon will wake up on the great morning of resurrection at the sound of the trumpet announcing the end of the life struggle and our desire or wish is that we all be present to receive the crown of immortality that jesus preserved for all our faithful his faithful servant may god bless us in this moment and the lord said there be light the lord gave light through my brother my beloved brother newton clerk horn he was a blessing to all of us and and the lord knows how he does and allows things to happen because when we learned about his sudden death we were just shocked and that weekend could not stop crying we cried so much that when a week later my mother died i had no tears to shed i was in peace i was in peace the lord prepared us through this experience of that very difficult weekend for the things that we're going to face if the sun if the sun will stop shining today at this moment still during eight minutes and 20 seconds we will have light the light of my beloved newton seems to have stopped but his the effects of that light continue shining that passion for preaching that determination that beautiful smile that could illuminate the room he is still shining and since jesus is coming so soon i don't think that we were going to see the difference between the time that his light stopped and the time that it will be rekindled again by jesus christ so we will not see the difference he will still be shining among us and that promise of light the source the true source of light will never disappear will never stop is the jesus christ the son the real son indeed thank you mrs wayne thank you sister because you opened your house to me all those times i was able to be in your table i was able to be in your guest rooms i was able to be part of your family thank you to all of you for sharing that man of god with us i have to learn that mentor of others and we shall honor him continuing reflecting that light to others through this inter-american adventist theological seminary blessings our colleagues from the administration of the seminary dr guzman mr sima also our professors all of them that they were so close to newton and our students that still mourn him thank you and remember that soon the darkness of this world the things that look that it's uh completely dark the lord shall rise them again and we are going to be united with the light blessings all of you blessings to all of you thank you so much doctors the last quiz and we and and henry and oliver we express our sincerest condolences as a university family to your family even as you mourn the loss of your loved ones we are going to continue with the program and we will move now to the second lesson that will be coming to us from revelation 21 looking from verse to one to verse five this will be done by renoir clegg horn who is a nephew of the deceased and when [Music] brother nick clegg horn shall be finished with his presentation from the word doing the second lesson our co-chair for this afternoon's program dr vincent picturkin will take up from there god bless you as we continue to celebrate and to give thanks revelation 21 reading verses 1 to 5. now i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away also there was no more sea then i john saw the holy city new jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god prepared as a bride adorned for her husband and i heard a loud voice from heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people god himself will be with them and be their god and god will wipe away every tear from their eyes there shall be no more death nor sorrow nor crying there shall be no more pain for the former things have passed away then he said then he who sat on the throne said behold i will make all things new and he said to me right for these words are true and faithful amen the melody of praise is the atmosphere of heaven and when heaven comes in touch with the earth there is music and song thanksgiving and the voice of melody we continue with our thanksgiving celebration with a special musical selection from a recording done by dr wayne ireland clegg horn immediately following that we'll be having tributes coming to us from the jamaica union pastor everett brown president and university board chair from the atlantic caribbean union pastor peter carr president and from the atlantic union pastor earl night president [Music] we need to have a made-up mind [Music] [Music] don't i wanna be ready to meet him ready to greet him ready [Music] [Music] don't want to be i want to be ready to meet him ready [Applause] [Music] god is jesus that i choose i know the word is on but god is on my side i've got no time to lose [Applause] don't wanna be hanging around no no [Music] don't i want to be ready to meet him ready don't want to be hanging around now [Applause] [Applause] eli henry president of the inter-american division of seventh-day adventist doctor lincoln edwards president of the northern caribbean university dr ephraim velazquez president of the inter-american division theological seminary officiating pastors dr wayne cleghorn other members of the bereaved family colleagues friends and well-wishers of the late dr newton clegon my association with and i use the word pastor my association with pastor newton clergon began many years ago when i was invited to lead a very energetic group of young people from saint catherine jamaica to participate in a program of tweening at the sharon church dr clegon led out in that twinning service today as i looked on the picture on the program with a broad smile i recall that smile when i first met him that day a smile which continues even death even into death and a smile i believe that will radiate from his face on the resurrection morning and therefore on behalf of my wife lana on behalf of my family the board of governors of the northern caribbean university the officers and workers of the jamaica union conference of symphony adventists and the wider membership of the 7th adventist church in jamaica i stand this evening sister clegon to express to you our heartfelt condolences and sympathies on the passing of your loving and committed husband and friend and the same i extend to his brothers and his nieces and i dare to say the entire university family today i pay tribute to the late dr newton clergon a faithful pastor he was an outstanding evangelist second to none a beloved youth director a committed mastered dean of the srt a collegial affair former vice president of ncu i paid tribute for his unwavering dedication faithfulness and commitment to god his wife wayne ireland clergon his extended family and the ncu family in the wider assembly adventist church someone suggests and i quote the highest form of worship is the worship of rendering on selfish christian servants and of course dr newton clergon loved god served god served the self that had been this church and the people in general with distinction a crown of life awaits him in the morning in the great anticipated resurrection mourning of the saints who now from the labor rest it won't be long even the longest day must come to an end and the darkest night usually gives way to the dawn of a brighter tomorrow what a day of rejoicing that will be hold on sister clegon joy comes in the morning i pray that the god of grace the god of hope the god of peace restrain you and give you his peace as we along with you and your family await the joy of the resurrection when we will renew our relationship with our friend and brother never to part again god bless you and i thank you today my family and i my colleagues in administration dr cheryl wall our executive secretary and hello erotic science our treasurer all of our departmental directors along with the conference leaders in the cayman islands conference north and south bahamas conferences and the turks and kings islands conference and all of our church members here in the atlantic cabin union we are all uniting in in sorrow and in tribute with you dr wayne ireland clegon and your family members and friends and with the ncu family together we celebrate the life and work of our precious dr newton clegan i want to convey on behalf of our entire union family sincere and heartfelt condolences to you all on the occasion of his past dr clegane was my personal friend he became very good friends from our days there at westerners college where we were members of the same class 1979 and where he was actually the class president we shared precious moments in class and group studies and in practicing preaching to stones and trees and birds right there on the hill beyond the college country we work together in summer and easter evangelism campaigns we had some so many unforgettable moments there on campus the bond grew even stronger as together we entered into the ministry and tackled the joys and challenges of ministry even from our various locations many times he visited our territory and actually assisted me in the turks and caicos islands in some evangelistic campaigns it was a great delight for me to see him return to serve his alma mater school of religion and theology and as vp for student services and then came the moment when the unthinkable happened september 3 when word reached us that he passed away we were in disbelief in shock and deep sorrow how could such a strong powerful luminary and spiritual giant from the west jamaica who took his place on the hill so well there at ncu and who shone so brightly from that hilltop how could how could he be gone so soon and so sudden how could that most eloquent and sublime powerful baritone voice that we love to hear so much whether it came in speech or sermon or poetry or song that infectious laughter and smiling face how could all that be gone so sudden and so soon but we know we know that god knows and god understands so dr wayne we want you and all other family members and dr edwards your administrators faculty staff and students of northern caribbean university we want you to know we feel your pain but we also share your faith in god yes as christians it is our faith that anchors us in moments like these in moments when the unthinkable happens we turn to god he never fails and he never will i pray that you will be comforted by his mighty presence and his powerful promises please remember that jesus himself was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief he knows what you're experiencing and he knows how to take you through we stand solidly with you and pray that god will always be with you so far we have been tremendously blessed with individuals who have been participating from the general conference from the inter-american division and we just experienced individuals reflecting from the various unions across the area in the area completely impacted by dr clegg horn and we are so happy that we have had a number of persons both from the ireland's family and from the clergons family who have been reading scriptures and singing we had a lovely song just rendered from dr wayne clegon's grouping and we are going to be moving along with another recording that will be coming out to us from the group events following with events will be tributes coming from the conferences we will begin with east jamaica president pastor eric nathan central jamaica executive secretary pastor neville barrett north jamaica pastor carl archer president north east jamaica this will be a recording from pastor adelaide blyth president then north eastern jamaica northeastern conference pastor abraham jules president and then we will be moving northern caribbean universities president to come on immediately after northeastern uh president speaks the northern caribbean university president dr lincoln edwards in the meantime there's a wonderful collage in the middle of the program that is giving you the bombshell smiles of dr clegon and the family and relatives who are spread across the center spread of the program do enjoy feasting but at the same time do keep on praying for the family and friends and all those who are mourning the grief and loss of such a colossal member of the advent family and the ireland click on family we continue now with the musical selection from events [Laughter] [Music] i will give you rest [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Music] so it's easy [Music] for my burdens [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] it's easy for my burden [Music] is easy [Music] is [Music] my brothers and sisters today is a sad day in the adventist circles i stand here to express condolences to my friend sister clegoy and to the rest of the family i stand here to represent the administration of east jamaica conference pastor lynton williams our executive secretary our treasurer all our departmental directors or pastors staff and members of the constituency i think it would be remiss of me if i did not make mention of the members of the class of 1979 barrington campbell carol rochester dolphin cross peter carr trevor reggio ian bins owen roberts keith albury simeon esson paul scavello and really oliver we were a special batch of theology students god has blessed us we have played our part in the mission of the church pastor clergon was my friend we live together in the dorm we work together in campus security we were ordained together at jamaica union he was a groomsman in my wedding it's interesting to know that few days before his passing he and his wife visited my office in kingston and as usual we prayed for each other in ministry today i encourage sister clegon and the family to draw on your faith factor for without faith it is impossible to please god since the quran without faith you will seek to join the y line why god why am i husband why am i uncle why am i brother if we don't have faith we'll begin to blame god to say god if you say you are who you used to say you be then you should know better than to allah like that to die at this time but faith says god we don't understand but we trust your leadership i believe yes i believe that what the bible said of samson can be said of newton the bible said samson did more for israel in his death than in his life i believe that a number of people will be saved in god's kingdom because of clegon's death the bible says in the year that king jose died i saw the lord but a number of people will say it was because of click on sudden death where i begin to take my mortality serious and understand that we must always remain ready for we know not the day nor the hour it is very important to know that our brother was a passionate disciple he loved to preach the word and he found time in his busy schedule to have at least one evangelistic campaign each year is jamaica conference is better off because a few two years ago pastor clegon said my friend i have not preached for you in time and so now is the time and we had what is called now is the time campaign over 500 souls were added to east jamaica conference and we say thank god and we continue to pray and this is like honor the rest of the family sorrow and grief is a human emotion and we will continue to experience that but the bible reminds us that precious in the sight of the lord that of his saints blessed are the dead who die in the lord from ends for they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them jesus jesus said i am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live but i love the next verse that says he that liveth and believeth shall never die past the klingon is not dead but asleep he says therefore comfort one another with these words it is true that we can endure for a night but joy comes in the morning host pastor pastor joel haye a pastor hebert brown president of jamaica union and united university board chairman dr lind lincoln edward president of ncu our members of faculty other officiating ministers on the platform and the audience and those online on behalf of the administration central jamaica conference our president pastor levi johnson and the wider conference family dr clegon i express sincere condolences to you and the family on the passing of your dear husband today it is with mixed feelings that i stand here to pay a tribute to a stalwart a servant of god and a friend to man one who gave quality service to his god to his family to his church school community and country and it did it with dignity and honor if i were to use a contemporary nomenclature i would say he was a legend i'm among many centralites who never sat at the feet of dr clegon in a classroom but we sat at his feet during our symposium or pastors meetings or workers meetings or leaders councils or camp meetings or conventions or youth camp and our crusades i tell you dr newton wayne clegon verily able unraveled the word of god on wide range of topics and he did it with a passion and clarity he spoke with authority and conviction as he presented profound and inspiring biblical truth and we drunk from the fountain in a discussion our forum his contribution was often like the icing on the cake and in real jamaican parlance you would say he nailed it undoubtedly he was a gifted teacher and preacher of righteousness evangelism was in his blood youth ministry was in his blood leadership was in his blood a matter of fact everything of value were in his blood life for in his blood he spoke life into us when he speaks god's word this is why in central jamaica conference some of the finest pastors we have including some who live for greener pastures are the ones who sat at the feet of this man of god in other words he was like a rabbi who made excellent disciples what a man for them he was dr cleggy as for some of us we had kg vaz central jamaica conference benefited tremendously from the ministry of dr newton klegan who served his church and serve us with distinction he is a hostile name in central jamaica conference we have lost a gym central jamaica conference has lost a gem jamaica union has lost the gym a world has lost a gem but his legacy will long live in our hearts we want the family to know that central jamaica conference is praying for you we're praying for your strength as we and that we too are mourning the passing of alkali or brother or friend dr newton clegon what we look forward to the hope that we have in jesus that one of these days suffering death will die and one of these days we will be ushered in by cherubims and seraphim into the place that god has gone to prepare for us until then stay sweet in jesus pastor everett brown president jamaica united conference dr lincoln edwards president northern caribbean university members of the beret family in particular historian other leaders of the church at various levels brothers and sisters i had the opportunity of interacting with dr clegane and many levels the late doctor claire going on many levels since both of us are from the famed seventh-day adventist church duncans we had opportunity to mingle and interact on numerous occasions i also sat at his feet in my doctoral program as a matter of fact he was my advisor for my dissertation just recently in october in in august late august he and i days before his death had the opportunity to speak on a matter because i had been invited to share in in teaching a class of a pre-doctoral student and i was discussing with him how it was that i came to be invited to such an honor and we had a good good time about it and he you know he shared his thoughts on the matter dr klagon conducted a major campaign in north jamaica a couple years ago more particularly in the south of cheloni and his influence continues to to move upon the hearts of so many of us there on behalf of the 24 pastors of the north jamaica conference all our directors on behalf in fact of our officers the other officers pastor doctor asabawas or executive secretary elodian illicit treasurer all our directors all our pastors or our members north jamaica expresses condolences to the beryth family the bible says in revelation 14 13 blessed are the dead which die in the lord from henceforth yes the spirit that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them this is a key aspect of a text i love and which i'm sure dr clegane loved as well being as he was as i am lovers of the prophetic word when they the prophet outlined those three angels messages that's how he basically closed off those messages blessed are the dead the third one in particular who die in the lord from henceforth from here on from the time of hearing the message said the lord that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them in other words a special blessing is pronounced on those who die in faith in the third angel's message dr clegane died in faith in the third angel's message maybe the joy of all of us with him and his family at last to see jesus face to face when he comes again god bless you good afternoon family veteran friends well-wishers dr newton clegon was a household name here in the northeast jamaica conference he was one of the main presenters at one of our annual camp meetings he has shared his knowledge and expertise with our work of force from across both parishes of portland and saint mary he along with his wife dr wayne cleghorn were the evangelist at a major big 10 evangelistic campaign in the fort george community in saint mary and to this day many persons in those communities are speaking of the indelible mark that this series has left in their hearts he was a brother a friend a preacher a mentor an icon a giant for the cause of god and through all the virus encounters that we have had with dr clegon one thing resonates and that he was a man of god on behalf of the officers here in the northeast jamaica conference or directors or pastors or members right across the constituency we share with dr wayne clegg horn and the other family members and friends in expressing our deep sympathy or condolences to you as you go through this period of grief he will be sadly missed by all of us and we weep along with the thousands around the world whose life he has positively impacted but you know the good thing is that we weep not as those who have no hope because we believe that jesus died and rose again and that one day soon he will come and he will call dr cleghorn back to life and we will be reunited with him nevermore to part let this hope keep your spirits alive so to dr wayne and to the rest of the family accept our condolences accept our sympathies as you go through this period and we look forward to meeting with dr clercon and with all the loved ones who are gathered for this thanksgiving service today in the earth made new when jesus comes again god bless you all members of the general conference our division president union president dr brown dr lincoln edwards uh university president and president and the university family that's in mourning dr wayne cleghorn and the family i extend to each and every one of you my sympathy our thoughts and our prayers have been with you since the word got to us that our beloved pastor clegon had passed cleggy as i called him was a friend of mine he would never come to new york and not call while he was the chair of the department at ncu called and invited me down to teach a class we always stayed in touch i had the utmost regard and respect for pastor clegon for his professionalism for his integrity for his genuine spirit for his love for people and especially his love for the young pastor clegon was a beloved pastor and youth director in our conference here in northeast for many years he forged and maintained relationships with many people especially the youth and young adults master clay horn was also a very beloved past wherever he served he was loved and adored i followed pastor claire at the city tabernacle church in manhattan and one day the custodians saw me at the conference office he said i heard you're going to be following pastor claiborne i said yes i am he said man you've got some big shoes to fill well i didn't know what he meant until i became the pastor of city tablet church pastor clegon was an excellent administrator a beloved pastor a caring pastor a dynamic preacher and evangelist as a youth director pastor cleghorn kept our youth together to this very day he's still talked about and so on behalf of our great conference here at the northeastern conference that's in morning so many people today are talking about his ministry reflecting on his life i want you on behalf of the over 60 000 members of our conference and over 300 full-time workers in our field and the many colleagues and friends of pastor klego i want to extend my sympathy my love our prayers and our thoughts especially with sister sabine clegon and the grieving family in closing the bible says when a man dies in that very day his thoughts perish pastor clergon doesn't even know he's dead the next time that life pulsates through his wings it will be on that resurrection more when jesus would come you and i are aware that he's dead god in his mercy said in the day that we die our very thoughts perish we could be comforted with the fact that when jesus puts us to sleep we will rest peaceably until he comes to call us all a great getting up day is coming your songs that cheer me along the way and one of those songs says oh i want to see him i want to look upon his face there to sing forever of his saving grace on the streets of glory let me lift my voice cares all past home at last ever to rejoice be comforted my friends family we love you we love to pass the playground we'll cherish his memory in our hearts until that day and we'll see our jesus in peace and be reunited with our beloved pastor cleveland be blessed god bless i would like to recognize the various stakeholders who have joined with us and the family in celebrating the life of the late great newton clegon for so many of us this event seems unreal this thanksgiving service for dr newton you clegon will help us to come to grips with the fact that this man of god our colleague and friend has gone to rest dr clegane has served the cause of christ in the seventh-day adventist church for the past 42 years he made it abundantly clear that since the work of education and redemption are won he would use his vacation time to conduct evangelistic campaigns even when his hectic portfolio as vice president of student services ncu site coordinator and professor of graduate programs of the inter-american adventist theological seminary and as associate professor in the school of religion and theology he was a former dean of the ncu school of religion and theology and served as acting senior pastor of the seventh-day adventist church at ncu dr newton clegon served as the spiritual father for the university family and indeed the wider community and he was greatly loved dr clegane had just completed his now is the time evangelistic series in august at the spur tree event district of churches with his wife and partner in ministry dr wayne clegon singing by his side as an international evangelist dr clegon brought over four thousand souls to jesus over the years dr clegane loved his god he loved god's word and god's people he believed in the principle of a more genit amore love begets love his love for his wife was so endearing he spoke of her and showed his love for her openly and tenderly his academic journey from harrison memorial high school and northern caribbean university to andrews university in the united states are well documented so too har is church and institutional leadership achievements the team who worked with him in the various departments in the student services division speak glowingly of his work ethic he trusted them to do their due diligence and did not micromanage them so as we honor him today let's do all we can to keep his memory alive in our service to the youth because as he would often say and as i and i quote they are the church's greatest asset and its fondest hope as we await the imminent return of our lord and savior jesus christ he loved our students and they respected him and cherished his mentorship we thank god for this son of duncan trelawny who has served us well he was one of us and so today we honor his memory he will be truly missed lady wayne and family members you are in our hearts and in our prayers the american author james baldwin once wrote and i quote life is tragic simply because the earth turns and the sun inexorably rises and sets and one day for each of us the sun will go down for the last last time end quote he further stated it seems to me that one ought to rejoice in the fact of death or to decide indeed to earn one death by confronting with passion the conundrum of life one is responsible for life it is a small beacon in that terrifying darkness from which we come and to which we shall return for dr klegarn and all the redeemed darkness is only for a time for a moment as resurrection awaits in which the terror of death will cease the triumphant cry of the redeemed will be all death where is thy sting o grave where now is thy victory on thursday september 2 the day before his passing dr clegon was asked the question how are you the final answer and last words to the office of the president were and i quote i will be better end quote indeed he will be better on resurrection morning for he will be changed from mortal to immortal he will be better because he will see jesus face to face dr clegon demonstrated a calm and resolute faith in jesus while he was alive the kind of faith that manifests itself in a calm assurance that allows the believer to face the moment of expiration that we all must inevitably face with confidence and close our eyes in sweet sleep and rest knowing that when we awake the next voice will be that of the redeemer calling his children home to a life of glorious wonderment a study of the vast universe that will unfold before us day by day with new wonders to behold each day and pray so sweet so magnificent that hitherto human eyes have never beheld our human hairs heard baldwin speaks of the terrifying darkness from which we come and to which we shall return unfortunately his story his philosophy and his future ends right there a return to darkness with its fears and uncertainties contrast that with the philosophy espoused by newton clergon who look for a glorious resurrection where the brilliance of christ will outshine the sun no terror of darkness no uncertainty because the word of god is sure he will return to take his people to their eternal home so dr wayne clegon and the rest of the family we at ncu offer you our deepest sympathies and we encourage you to remain faithful so that one of these days we will join with dr clegane again on that great getting up morning until then may god keep and bless you thank you thank you all to all those who have participated thus far i asked they gentleman that is earmarked to speak how do i introduce you and he smiled and he said something to me i will tell you what he said later but not satisfied i went down and i decided to ask google something about the speaker and i do hope the technology works ok google who is glenn samuels according to jamaica observer montego bay saint james prolific preacher and president of the west jamaica conference of seventh-day adventists pastor general samuels has been recognized by the government of jamaica for his outstanding contribution to religion with the order of distinction officer class okay i will repeat what google just said google said pastor glenn summers gets od montego base and james prolific preacher and president of the west jamaica conference of saint adventist pastor general somewhere else has been recognized by the governor general of jamaica for his outstanding contribution to religion with the order of distinction officer class i further questioned google and google sent me a write-up this is what google said glenn octavious samwell was born in the parish of saint elizabeth jamaica he received his bachelor of theology from west indies college now northern caribbean university and a masters in theology from angels university michigan pastor summers currently serves as a president of the west jamaica conference for more than 20 years as district pastor sub school and personal ministries director ministerial fraternity president ministerial secretary and president he also served as executive secretary ministerial secretary and personal ministries director of west indies union conference and i'm now putting in jammu he was speaker director of the national television ministry behold he cometh from 1995 to 2002. since 2002 he has been speaker of the word of hope telecast in december 2010 he was elected minister of secretary sabot school and personal ministries director of the newly formed jamaica union conference pastor summers has conducted numerous seminars revivals lectures and evangelistics series throughout the americas canada europe and the caribbean he was one of the guest speakers at the general conference world ministerial council in toronto canada in 2000 as well as a devotional speaker at the general conference session in saint louis missouri in 2005 his passion is to see the church transformed by the spirit of the living god into a vital vigilant visible visionary vocal instrument of for christ touching lives serving as a victorious agent of social moral and spiritual transparency he is supported in ministry by his wife darcela a senior teacher at of mathematics at manchester high school mandeville jamaica they are blessed with three beautiful daughters glenica faith grenadine hope and glennala and glenela charity it is his commitment to spend his life helping others pastor zambez if there is any mistake please take it up at google when asked what i should introduce him as he said to me please tell them i am my mother's son so please get ready to welcome mama's son pastor glenno samwells president of the west jamaica conference of sunday adventists after you will have heard from the person earmarked to sing our song of meditation the beautiful affable alicia williams thereafter pastor glenn osamus will address us alicia [Music] sent from his heavenly throne [Music] given to reign over kings and priests the sins [Music] unknown [Music] creation rejoices in you will come with the sound of the [Music] he will come jesus [Music] holy one [Music] he will come [Music] in his [Music] his sovereignty the center of righteousness in his hands oh lord for eternity his kingdom will have no end for those who have known god's grace [Music] [Music] he will [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] he wins is jesus is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] oh is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the church say amen majestically rendered what a song of hope and encouragement against the battlements of hell in majesty he will come allow me just to acknowledge the wider levels of church leadership that was previously recognized to acknowledge the presence of our union president who i know has an assignment someplace but he's still here with us i was hoping that um he wouldn't i hope that you will forgive google and his co-conspirator i told dr peterkin when he asked me i said i don't like introductions i'm just my mother's son 41 years ago he walked into the little church we call it on the island of sleight there are only a few pastors who love everywhere and newton you punt and cleghorn was one of them in those days i used to be short and my co-evangelist keith cuff a teacher by profession we were together in sleight prior to my days as a ministerial student and the place never had electricity and someone said that a d 8 tractor battery would be enough to power the pa system and so we decided to be bold enough on the encouragement of our church faster who knew no fear for he said there are only two possible answers yes or no and in any case you'll be 50 successful and so we went to the member of parliament j.c hutchinson and i told him that we're trying to bring light to the people of sleip he looked at me because not even poles were planted then i told him we there to borrow the battery from his d8 tractor and miraculously he said yes the trouble and uh maybe up to his death dr claire corn laughed at us now keith must have been in my opinion about six feet ten inches tall and i know i was just five two at the time i said at the time can't you see i'm much taller now and so they had two rings in the huge dr nathan heavy d8 battery one end of the stick was on keith's shoulder the other end was on my shoulder and this battery without sense wouldn't stay at the other end of the stick no matter how i spoke to it it keeps coming down to keep company with me and finally the man's battery fell to the ground and when it broke open four cells were no longer of any use but we had the campaign at slight and this indefatigable untiring powerful youth mentoring evangelistic giant and pastor it's as though the whole world he made us name the crusade souls at the polls there was a lecture in the air coming up somewhere in 1980 i have never forgotten him for he is the giant who gave the new market circuit the first marching band in our conference electrifying all the churches everybody wanted to be a master guide a pathfinder want to be in the new market circuit because never was there a pastor a lover of young people like this one and uh some time after the funeral service for umri davis he jokingly said to me you know if ever there's a text for a pastor's funeral it's the one that you shared no i don't remember what i said but i'm going to say to my beloved friend and sister i'll share that text and i'll add one of his favorite to it the eighth chapter of the book of romans ended with the last two verses saying [Music] for i am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor things present nor things to come shall be able to separate me from the love of god which is in christ jesus the 20th century opened up after its 14th year with a tyranny of misery and death and on the heels of such tyranny and death came up william butler yates and he wrote the words of a poem that he gave the title the second coming words that describe the challenges of the beginning of the 20th century things fall apart the center cannot hold mere anarchy is let loose upon the world the blood stained tide of innocence is drowned and he opened up the poetic piece describing that the center can't hold but i say to sister claycorn we have a center that does hold a spiritual center that is grounded firm and deep in the savior's love your husband newton claycorn brother uncle brother-in-law a friend gave his all without reservation to the god he loved and the cause he believed in and it was his conviction that some things are even worth dying for i knew that many times he would left his own he would leave his personal stuff undone to give attention to the young pastors he felt he had this divine responsibility of helping to mold a kind of ministry that will allow the church to be faithful to its god because the church will rise no higher than the level of its leadership he he dared to think that the ministerial training program is not complete without having in it youth ministry and paul would provide some encouragement for in moments like these president brown it would almost want to look like death is the victor in moments like this around the world there are male and female sons and daughters students and teachers who are shocked at his passing but till death don't rejoice yet for it is newton's faith neither death nor life neither things present nor things to come shall be able to separate us from the love of god and the times sister wayne that i roll up my sleeve to knock fist with the man upstairs because i can't understand him but in the process i am reminded that he is too loving to be unkind in the process i hear the 57th chapter of isaiah speaking saying the righteous is being taken from the earth and no man lays into heart for god is allowing them to sleep because of what is about to come could it be that in god's divine wisdom he has chosen to allow your husband to to sleep he is too loving to be unkind but let me run in closing to the verse that he would wish in jokingly when he said it and i didn't know that i would have had this awesome challenge to stand here at a moment like this we're nestled in your heart lady wayne because your heart is the epicenter of this earthquake an earthquake that can't be measured on life's written scale what would paul then say and the verse is philippians 1 21 for me to live is christ and to die is green he said for to me when one is wrapped tight with jesus when you look at philippians 1 21-24 you discover that paul is saying we have god's purpose to live for when i was courting pastor brown and um uh maybe at this point so i could go home in peace i needed to say condolences to sister clay horn on behalf of darcella and the girls i can go home in peace was this love song what am i living for what am i living for if not for you what am i living for oh honey nobody else nobody else will do paul is raising this issue that we have god's purpose to live for in a world torn apart by satanic agencies we have god's purpose to live for in a pluralistic society in a materialistically conscious society in a society where genetics says flex their fists in the face of god where values that we were brought upon are trampled we have god's purpose to live for newton panton claycorn live for that purpose the second issue in the verse as you look at philippians 1 21-23 we have god's principles to live out for the purpose of the pastor is the same purpose of the member to live out the principles of the living god and i hasten on to the next piece when you look at philippians 1 23 he said i struggle to decide whether or not uh it's better to go and be with the lord or to be here with his people and you know truth is some of us god's people are hard to live with you know difficult to live with but paul in philippians 1 said he chose he said i believe it is for you good that i'll stay we have god's people to live with and in the multitude of god's people he has blessed us with some encouraging giants he has blessed us with with good friends he has blessed us with with friends who are meaningful to us in life's most critical moment paul in philippians 1 21 for me to live is christ and what he never said for us he said for me because it's an intensely personal stuff because each man is woman each aged girl has got to have his or her own unique relationship with almighty god for himself or herself for me to live is christ we have god's purpose to live for we have god's principles to live out and that's what moved him i drove from montego bay to hagley park dr nathan to listen to him and there was a time and even in between my own program i'll i'll i'll stop by per spiritual thank god for virtual flight can fly up to spiritual hill and fly back to montego bay in less than 10 minutes i know people will say but you do that all the time i'll just say to him thou shalt not be a false against thy neighbor he he said that we have god's principles to live out to share it in the midst of a rotten society to share it with everything he has to share it with passion purpose purpose and conviction his was no pain behind the pulpit kind of preaching for he preaches as if it's the last word he will have to deliver because he has god's purpose to live for he had god's principles to live out and god's people to live with but how how is it that when so much is given in such a husband how then can a wife deal with this sudden and unexpected departure and the text speaks to you right here we have god's power to depend on for paul says for me to live is christ and when you live for christ neither death nor life nor angels no principalities not things present nor things to come shall be able to separate us from the love of god you have god's power to depend on when friends are gone all kinds of everything will remind you of the love of your life but you have god's power to depend on and as i wrap this up the song that he would quote sometimes nephews brothers in-laws spouse sweet promise is given to all who believe behold i come quickly mine own to receive bless the lord god i serve a god who knows his own claims his own what do you think he said precious in the sight of god is the death of all his children they are so precious that wherever we shall lay newton you punt and collect all to rest i know god has already committed an angel to mark the spot for in the resurrection morning he shall send his angels with the great sound of the trumpet and they shall gather his children from the four queens of the earth from the north and the south the east and the west he shall say bring my sons from far and my daughters from the air hallelujah from the ends of the earth we've got god's purpose to live for we have god's principles to live out we have god's people to live with but we have god's power to rely on when stuff happened that we can't understand but i take my seed by saying this to you we have god's principles we can stand on sweet promise is given and death cannot take that away o death where is thy sting or grave where is your victory when take hold your heart is aching but just wait when god gives him back to you death shall never again touch him i said when god gives him back to you leave out his purpose leave out his principle rely on his power and keep his promises in your heart amen just wave your hands with us just let us praise the lord won't we praise the lord thank you so much pastor glenno samuels for that heart warming comforting and consoling message laced with hope straight from the throne room of god thanks again and that brings us to the end of part one now we are going to roll into part two we have a number of tributes coming up and we have listened to individuals from the general conference the division the unions and we have come down to the conferences and now we are coming down to the institutions except for those who are pre-recorded and we cannot make any adjustments those who will be coming live we're asking you to make adjustments to your time so that we can make our presentations within two minutes to a maximum of three minutes and then we shall roll i have no coattails to pull but please let's show some regard for the time that's left are we together so that said we are going to be coming down to northern caribbean university again and we are coming to the student services division and we are asking mrs carolyn smith associate vice president for student services to speak she will be followed by dr simon bombali the dean of the school of religion and theology and then by rayon daly student we move from northern caribbean university and we go to the university of the southern caribbean dr colwick wilson the president will speak to be followed by dr faza dudin hossein who is a dean of the college of religion and theology at the university of the southern caribbean please help me make welcome mrs carolyn smith with the understanding that the few minutes allotted for this reflection are not prophetic permit me leave to forego the usual acknowledgements i present this tribute on behalf of the division of student services the student body and as well past and present leaders in the usm as a division we loved and respected the man and he knew that we loved him here are a few snippets from the team god looked down and saw his order and was pleased with the work he had done he said my child it's time to rest till i return he would often go beyond the call of duty for the well-being of the students as students once said we found a very special place in his heart another he was a faithful soldier friend and brother he had the ability to get you to do more just by the way he expressed his request dr clegorne was the consummate professional gracious exceptionally caring and forgiving the man could pray when he prayed for you you felt as if you were brought in the very presence of almighty god he was gentile and gracious with excellent people skills good judgment and if you didn't know let me tell you a great sense of humor he would often share nuggets of wisdom and he was never reluctant in granting autonomy to any member of his team personally his passing has left a void in my heart i long remember his words of encouragement i long remember is energetic how energetic he got when we were engaged in deep religious discussions i will miss his booming well-modulated yet cheerful voice i'll miss his characteristic greeting top of the morning avp smith along with his signature response when i greeted him how are you and better than yesterday the man was simply an icon as i grapple with the reality of his passing i find solace and comfort in the words shared by our preacher isaiah 57 verse 1 the righteous perishes and no man takes it to heart merciful men are taken away while no one considers that the righteous is taken away from evil dr wayne elizabeth clegorn i can only imagine the palpability of grief in your heart know though that this tumultuous time is bought for a season i imagine him saying to you darling darling be of good share may your sadness be lightened by the pleasant memories of your dear husband and may we all anchor our faith in the blessed hope may his memory be a blessing to the lives of all of us who knew him god bless you all my brothers and sisters good afternoon all all protocol observed dr wayne clegan we are mourning with you on my behalf and my family i have always said and i will say it again and i will continue to say it forever that doctor clergon was the connection between my family and our country uganda to bring us here to northern caribbean university so his absence his loss is lost to our family too we feel a big gap now on behalf of the school of religion of religion and theology i like to summarize the mind of the faculty staff and students regarding the life of dr clay about him we say he was an extraordinary individual who in season under season did not tested to go an extra mile to help others he was a fearless and dedicated servant to his church and to the community about dr clergon we say he was a very exceptional super supervisor christian pastor preacher teacher counselor mentor friend and all rounder who has left an indelible mark on the lives of many about him we say his signature statement i am better than yesterday always came from the lips of a man who appreciates the gods appreciated god's provision of life and looked at each day as a divine brave blessing about dr clarken we saw an icon and epitome of the school the lion of the school in him we saw an awesome leader who always represented the school well a man whose mentorship mentorship will perpetuate his legacy about him we say he was a minister of the gospel his undeniable passion for evangelism was infectious he was able to move far and near even areas considered dangerous to lift his true clash to lift the cross of jesus's eye and on this one on this point i just want to say that dr henry and dr fitz henry and dr clay gone master and dr clegan are two jamaicans who have made a mark in the work in uganda you mentioned dr clegon people will remember him you mentioned fitz henry people who remember him and i just want to say that he was a man of god fearless going even in in places considered to be dangerous in order to live to live to the glory the glory of god and the cross of jesus christ about him we are compelled to see him in the past unfortunately because death has invaded our camp and snatched him away however we say the future is sure despite the loss his memory will certainly live on we will certainly live on in our hearts until we meet again brothers and sisters let us keep watching until that day we shall meet and rejoice with him i thank you good evening ladies and gentlemen all protocols observed dr newton you punt and click horn was not only a professor to me he was not only a marriage officer to me but he was a pastor he was a counselor he was a true undershepherd and might i add that for me he called me his son and for me he was a father figure i thank god for the life of dr clichorn indeed he has taught us many things but above the many things he left with us he left two esses salvation and service two s's of youth ministry it is something that he lived for and we believe that though he sleeps he will live again the sister dr wayne ireland cleghorn we've heard your cries we've spent many nights on the phone but our prayers are with you our deepest and sincerest condolences i speak not just for myself but for my wife and i and for the many srt students that cannot be here right now our prayers are with you god bless you and you will hear from us in daring tones the psalmist writes yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i would fear no evil the very next verse he celebrates thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies the imagery here betrays two fighting forces ready for battle each on either side of the valley but the captain of the lord's hosts is so confident of triumph that he sets up a banquet table in celebration of his anticipated victory psychological warfare so described by scholars sister clegon and bereave family and friends death is the enemy today but it has been swallowed up in victory already so let us celebrate the conquest of this gentle giant this great and gregarious preacher devoted teacher and no mean evangelist master newton gregory in the study of physics newton is a unit of force and which truly describes the man and so on behalf of all the faculty and graduate students of theology both past and present of the sister universities of northern and southern caribbean i wish to extend to you our deepest sympathies during this time of grief may god richly bless you i am here to represent dr lionel matthews as well as dr elvin gabriel and myself from the uzima lifestyle center the previous two individuals mentioned are from andrews university dr matthews retired professor and dr um gabriel current professor it is with great sadness and profound sense of loss that i pay tribute to dr newton cleghorn on behalf of uzima lifestyle center our board chair dr lionel matthews and our board member dr elvin gabriel dr newton and dr wayne have been our dearest friends for many many years dr newton clegon was a man of impeccable impeccable integrity a spiritual giant and a moral example he was a servant leader par excellence he was a servant of god he was selfless loving affable and a person who made everyone felt comfortable in his presence in the words of dr gabriel dr clegon was a teacher university administrator scholar colleague friend empathizer theologian pastor spiritual leader visionary listener trailblazer passionate servant and follower of god it is hard to say goodbye to someone like dr claire corn he has left an indelible mark on the world he has made a difference in our lives and as we pay tribute to him today we want to remember especially his dear wife dr wayne my dear friend and sister we express our profound condolences to you we are keeping you in our prayer and we know that as children of god we sorrow not as others do because we have the blessed hope we look forward very very soon to be reunited with our loved one dr clegorne and on that great getting up morning we will be there to greet him so keep faithful be courageous knowing that our god is soon to come he will not tarry let us be faithful wane be encouraged god is soon to come and he will put an end to death thank you and god bless you okay so we are moving on at a good pace we are almost on top of the mountain to cruise down to the promised land so we are hoping that we can get you out of here in fine style very soon we are down now coming to the area for special tributes we will be having coming to us immediately after we should have listened to the special music from curling francis a student we will be having the ebenezer sda church then we will be having pastor earl knight and that will be followed by the city tabernacle and the spur tree sda church that is ebenezer sda church pastor earl night city tabernacle and this per tree sda church please listen to miss carolyn francis [Music] when jesus was here he gave us the word of eternal life and he gave us his peace and he said i'll not leave you alone and though i wasn't there when the multitude they watched him [Music] two angels in white they announced that he'll come back [Music] [Applause] [Music] a again it was just to be part of that crowd when they gathered there that day can you imagine what it was like just to see him go up in the clouds and see him take [Applause] away i know in my mind that there's a brighter blessing than waiting now for me [Music] i don't know about you but i'll be part of that crowd that will be watching the skies faithfully my see [Music] king jesus when he comes in clouds if i am sleeping i'll be awakened from the grace [Applause] [Music] joyful sounds cause i didn't see it before but i'll see him when he comes down [Music] i'll be like [Music] though i don't know just [Music] oh [Music] [Music] but i know i'll be like here i shall i shall see [Music] good him for me cause i'll be like [Music] when he comes down [Applause] [Music] [Music] from [Applause] [Music] joyful night but i see him when he comes down [Music] [Applause] john cause i didn't see [Music] him [Music] comes down when he comes down i just want us to remember how good god has been in our lives [Music] [Music] [Applause] my god promise never to leave [Music] [Music] i've come too far [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] let's declare it today how good god is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my is clean every day [Music] [Music] i don't know about you but my is [Music] is when i'm taking my body [Music] [Applause] [Music] if it wasn't for god's grace i don't know where i would be hallelujah [Music] [Music] thank you lord you're so worthy to be brave [Music] [Music] we just have to remember that god is [Music] god is so worthy to be brave say my god [Music] [Music] greetings to all uh viewing on this platform and other platforms this very sad service when we got the news of the passing of dr newton clegon in the atlantic union we were shocked and very surprised dr clegon was a vibrant and energetic man full of hope and energy and he has a great uh understanding of the future and i just so sad for to learn of his passing he has inspired a host of pastors and many others as well dr clegon served in the atlantic union conference in particular the northeastern conference as pastor and youth ministry director for for several years on a personal note dr clegon and i uh were there at westerners college now northern caribbean university were there for about two years and he was a tremendous person and he i know that he was was going to be a great leader and surely he has demonstrated his leadership skills we in the atlantic union conference joined the northern caribbean universities family and the jamaica union of sympathy adventist membership in expressing our sorrow for this great loss so on behalf of my wife yvonne and the atlantic union conference administration i express our deepest condolences to dr wayne neslin clegon and their families may god give you comfort at this time of great loss let us continue to look forward to the day when christ shall come and bring an end to this pandemic to death to dying and may god help us and sustain us that we will be able to meet him in peace when he comes back to claim his own may god bless you uh sister neslin dr neslin may god comfort you may god strengthen you you have been a wonderful person and i know that god will hold you in his hand as you continue your journey of life god bless you thank you so very very much [Music] yes on behalf of city tabernacle i'd like to thank the lord for his wonderful love and to sister clay horn and the entire clayhorn family and to all those that share in this great loss of such a great man i know a thousand things can be said and should be said about such a wonderful man i remember when i first met him when i became the pastor of the city tabernacle church and if you knew him for ages or you just met him you realized something that he was very very very special i remember that morning this handsome dignified man approached me and said to me pastor i read your letters and that you send me and i follow you and watch you you're my pastor and i thought that the moment you know and i think now i officially was his pastor but he was our pastor he was my pastor his winning bright smile his contagious happiness and humble yet mighty personality really was very impressive and i lent him my pulpit right before the covet struck our city and he shared such a powerful message and i was honored to be in dr clay horn's presence city tabernacle church really loved him very much our church was so surprised and devastated to hear that this mighty soldier had fallen fallen asleep and god only knows sister clay horn and the rest of the family god only knows the depths of pain that you're feeling and i pray that when the waves of emotion take you out into the sea of pain may god's comfort catch you and hold you and heal you may he keep you there and keep you from all despair for one day he's going to wipe away all tears from all our eyes and there'll be no more pain no more sorrow no more death our love is with you god will keep you until jesus comes again and he raises dr clay horn for you to see his beautiful smile once more but this time not for time but for eternity god richly bless you and may he give you the strength that's my prayer greetings in the name of the lord and savior jesus christ all protocols observed from the spiritual district of seventh-day adventist church spiritually mother church faithful mountain dance name mount prospect and nottingham i want to say what dr newton cleghorn whenever i called him or when i was at the school of religion and theology i would greet him doc how are you apart from every day he would say at the school better than yesterday but he would say every day with jesus is sweeter than the day before i'm personally saddened my family and the church family at large we expiratory district of churches we have some memories that he created just before he could sleep in the lord as i was growing up i did know a statement that i read somewhere first impression is the best impression and the last impression is the lasting impression those are those impressions that i'm going to quickly give dr edwards the president of northern caribbean university thank you so much he just told me please tell that you have called me to the district when i called you you didn't even say i want the formalities to be done but you said go ahead thank you for sending him for this last crusade that he did while he lived the church members both young and old elders and the new believers loved and admired and we miss him dearly in our regular interactions through the sermon especially his bible classes he said i'm going to be there every sabbath even after the crusade was over i said doc i'm just preparing my roster could you tell me how long you are going to do this he said as long as i can i did not know that it didn't last for long we all know him as a prayer warrior we all know him as an evangelist and and a lover of adventist faith preaching the doctrines and everything adventist and adventist a spiritual physician motivator inspirer of youth restorer compassionate and a very good pianist with the bible workers i know the bible workers would remember in the last few weeks he would sing with us and play the piano yes i don't have the time but the list goes on but he loved the lord loved everyone and he adored his beloved wife dr wayne gleghon to the fullest he indeed personally to me was like a father figure a mentor hero an older brother and indeed according to peter stropper legacy is leaving something in people and dr newton cleghorn left innumerable lessons and precious memories in the lives of many people around the world and especially at spiritually district of churches and the people around we want to cherish his life and legacy and move forward in christ with the blessed hope just as he preached in one of his last sermons in the now is the time evangelistic series quoting from revelation 21 4 and god and god shall wipe away all tears from our eyes sister glagon and there shall be no more death sorrow nor crying neither shall be no pain for the former things are passed away until then let us faithfully carry on the work that is left behind for the golden morning is fast approaching maranatha boy love to [Music] [Music] make [Music] of o christ to thee more love to lead more love to thee one's earthly joy i craved peace is shall be more lovely more love to thee more love to thee then shall my latest breath we spurt thy praise this be the parting cry heart shall raise still all my prayers shall be more christ [Music] it was 1989 i met newton clegon pastor newton clegon met him in new york city at brownsville seventh day adventist church we immediately formed a friendship a bond soon thereafter we engage in an evangelistic series of meeting in east new york as a result of that he was asked to pass to the church in the bronx sharon seventh-day adventist church for the next three years we pitched the tent in the parking lot of sharon at 225th and white plains road and we ate together we visited together every day we cooked together what a time that was as a result of that pastor kregorn and i and sister wayne uh further developed a strong bond those were good times and then 1995 i got married i wish you can see the pictures dr newton clegorne was one of the officiating ministers he had to leave a little early and he stopped by tapped me in the shoulder and wish me all the best that's a friend you know interestingly a year a couple years thereafter i was at loma linda university as a professor and someone told dr cleghorn that i was not involved in youth work anymore about a week later i got a fully dressed uniform master guide uniform he sent my sash he sent all of the pieces of the uniform to my home with a note that i would remember my commitment to youth work this gentleman has meant a lot to me and his passing has been a difficult time for me you know when i was deciding to go to the university of southern caribbean i called him as i would often do to get his advice his opinion he was a little upset that i called him after the interview but nonetheless as soon as i got to the university of the southern caribbean a couple weeks ago prior to his passing he was one of the speakers at our colloquium that was the last time i saw him didn't know that that was going to be our last time of saying hi best wishes to each other sister wayne on behalf of delays and chile and lissy my brother leon we want to let you know that you will forever be in our hearts we love you and we will forever be there for you but more importantly god your heavenly father will always be by your side may god bless you thank you we have come to the moment when we will listen to family members speak beginning with tributes from cardinal gordon and marion joy woolery nephew and nice and then we will listen to seleka gordon black nice and then after that we will have bishop osborne hyman who will come forward and do his presentation live immediately after bishop hyman is finished we will listen to the eulogy part of the eulogy is pre-recorded the other part will be presented live the part that is pre-recorded is going to be done by vermont click horn brother and the live part will be done by janet blake niece immediately as janet is finished mrs cleghorn will ascend the platform to make an announcement let's go and listen now to the first family tribute coming from cardinal gordon and marion joy willery good afternoon my name is selika gordon-black and i am one of dr clerk horn's nieces my mother the late cynthia clerghorn gordon was his sister good afternoon my name is marion joy woolery and i'm also one of dr cleghorn's nieces and i am the daughter of his oldest sister velma woolery how can i adequately convey all that my dear uncle newton meant to me in two minutes he impacted every aspect of my entire life i have memories of being a little girl riding on his neck i remember the anticipation of my siblings and i as we waited for his summer visits the treats from the college campus store his summer school and loads of activities he took me on my first college campus tour to the then west indies college i remember deciding that i wanted to live in the city of mandeville when i grew up he checked report cards taught random life skills like my first driving lesson without moving the car he taught me how to deport myself as a young lady i remember when he introduced me to aunt netherland he said this is your aunt his eyes sparkled and his smile was wide 41 years later it still has the same effect when he talks about her we knew that he loved us he took time out of his busy schedule to be present for all the significant events in our lives the weddings graduations funerals birthdays and baby dedications he even took time to check on my daughter natasha at oakwood knowing that it was her first time being away from home you were there when i had questions from the word needed help to edit my grad school essay or even if i just wanted to talk or pray i will miss your robust laughter and calling you on the phone asking how you were doing just to hear better than yesterday you knew what god's purpose for your life was and you lived it accordingly i would truly be amiss if i didn't take time in this opportunity as uncle newton would do to encourage every one of you if you haven't done so already to get your spiritual house in order time is short god is calling you now is the time thank you where do i begin you see dr clegorne was my uncle newton he was my confidante my best friend my my problem solver my waymaker my prayer partner the one person who i felt loved me unconditionally and would do anything for mary and joy i am going to miss all of the prayers the laughter the tears the lessons and all of the love that he showered on me because we had such a connection so much that when he knew he was dying he called me to tell me what i always knew that he loved me his eyes closed for the last time on my birthday and he will always and forever be in my heart there's a poem that i'd like to read and it expresses how i truly feel if we could bring you back again for one more hour or day we'd express all our unspoken love we'd have countless things to say if we could bring you back again we say we treasure you and that your presence in our lives meant more than we ever knew if we could bring you back again to tell you what we should you'd know how much we miss you if we could we would i want to take an opportunity to thank aunt neslin for being such a stellar wife to my uncle newton and uncle newton until we meet again may his peace be with you till we meet again may his peace be with you till we meet again till we reach that distant shore and we'll shed a tear no more may he give you strength to endure till we meet again till we meet again thank you good afternoon everyone my name is cordyn and gordon i'm a nephew to dr newton clergon just here to say a few words about uncle newton and what he meant to us as a uncle a brother and a spiritual leader in the family uncle newton was fun-loving someone who was always have a big smile a big heart and sometimes a lot of jokes uncle newton would always provide us with guidance and counsel even sometimes when it may be difficult with some of the things that he said we knew it came with a lot of love because it would have been from spiritual guidance uncle newton to us was just someone who was very kind very warm very loving and a cool calm collective person who just would could come and sit with us have a meal talk about anything facts of life no matter what it was he was always willing to give a listening ear and give someone advice even sometimes as a family when we gather together and we'd have big discussions and everyone is talking your opinion he would sit quietly listen but whenever he spoke you could only hear the wisdom that he would have got from god and he shared it with us we loved him we loved him because of who he was someone who was easy to approach easy to speak to and just loving we love the relationship that we all have with him and the way that he and our nemi blessed us in many different ways shown as examples of how husband and wife should be so i hope that as a family will be able to carry on this legacy by continuing to spreading the word of god and sharing love with everyone good afternoon good evening my brothers and sisters all protocol observed i offer my deepest sympathy and condolences from the eyman's family to the immediate family dr wayne clegon coming from the islands family from my wife maxine my mother and the rest of her family and i want dr wayne clegon vernon welmer and ken the rest of the family god will take care of you i was more than a cousin to dr clegon he has a special room for me at his home in the hardest time of my life i journey from portmore to overnight because of some trials and troubles that i was facing and when i leave the home i live in ice spirit what a man psalms 37 37 mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man's peace this verse is an epitome of dr newton clergon he was a family man a very loving and caring man to his family like joshua he made a commitment as for me and my house my church my school my community and my country we will serve the lord he made that commitment and he lived that commitment he has impacted my life when i was a boy i used to stay in the home in duncan's he has the same name like i have it's pronounced the same way but spelled differently he was a man of faith a man of great passion for god he serve his family his church his school his community and his country with great commitment he was a godly man a peaceful man a man of integrity and eye morals what put dr clegg on head and shoulder above the rest was not anything he learned while he earned his doctoral credential what put him in a league of his own was an unmatched level of kindness the kindness of god and his forgiveness and mercy a truly loving spirit a spirit that reached out to help others and the art of an angel he could instill a measure of confidence in those who are absolutely no confident this teacher this preacher and educator could come a struggling student with unscripted encouragement from a very natural ability that was really seen in others invested in people and invested in god's kingdom he reached out with unparalleled kindness and consideration to everyone he came across he was a great educator a good advisor a counselor and a confidant dr klegan epitomized the righteous of the richness of humanity and he enveloped every situation with such class and character of immeasurable superiority he has left a legacy for all of us and he laid up treasures in heaven where thief cannot go and steal he was like paul would say like a drink offering pour out in ministry to everyone he came across he poured out everything he has and the last crew said you know i i've been to his crusade you know i've i've connected with him so much it was a man of prayer we pray so much on the phone oh hallelujah praise god he poured out everything even in debt he poured out there was some evening while he engaged my wife and i maxine before we married him counseling recently 13 session because he said it is important is important my pastor married a second time and here i'm going in and he said i needed 13 sessions he gave us as i close he wrote with his life in the apostle paul writing i have fought a good fight i have finished my course i have kept the faith henceforth there is laid off from the account of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all them also that love is appearance sister wayne clegon cousin ken vernon velma and the rest of the family may god give you peace and comfort during this difficult time god will take care of you god bless you good afternoon everyone it is my esteemed honor to be amongst dignitaries such as pastors colleagues family and friends and those viewing online my name is vermont clegon thank you so much for attending this ceremony honoring the life of my brother dr newton cleghorn september the 3rd 2021 will be a date that will be indelibled in many of our minds our family has lost her brother brother-in-law uncle pastor a beloved friend and also an amazing incredible loving husband to his wife nemmy newton you ponton cleghorn was born on september 11 1953 in the town of duncan's in the parish of trelawn in jamaica to otis and thomas clegworn he was the youngest of five children he attended the duncan's primary school as a second generation sunday adventist our parents laid the foundation for us to follow the lord my siblings were obedient to this calling worship on friday as at the beginning of the sabbath was something we all look forward to newton was quite young but he caught on quickly with the songs we sang and eventually found his musical niche as a baritone-based voice the neighborhoods would often pause at our gate to hear the melodious harmony and they will tell us later how much they enjoy the family singing we could have called ourselves the clerghorn choir sometimes newton pretended he was a preacher and we would just laugh not realizing that one day in the future that would become his reality newton often enjoyed being out in nature and loved any chance he got to go fishing with her father when the news of his passing became apparent there was shock grief feelings of dismay and great loss of this soldier and dynamic ambassador of the lord jesus christ today we are here to honor to pay tribute and celebrate his life let me reminisce back to the time when he was a little boy my siblings were very protective of him there was something special about our little brother he was always cheerful happy and willing to help i cannot recall him getting into trouble that would require spanking from my mom or dad because he was such a good little boy as he got older we could observe the potential in him [Music] he became active in finders club uh mv meetings as we call it back then and learning morning watch texts he excelled in these areas when he was 12 years old he passed the common entrance examination that would make him eligible to attend one of the public high schools but my sister the late um sister cynthia has always had a keen interest in christian education so she suggested that newton should attend harrison memorial high school that was in montego bay after our family discussed costs such as tuition and traveling expenses from duncan's to montego bay the decision was made to attend the school newton and his dear friend audre linton navigated this journey together every day at the school newton was an exceptional scholar and he earned the prestigious honor as an outstanding student from his peers after four years of high school he graduated as valedictorian of his class after he finished high school newton taught english at the refuge public school for a brief period you know there was a conflict of interest because the soup kitchen was serving pork at lunch newton took it upon himself to point out to some of the students from the bible that pork wasn't clean [Music] that did not sit well with the principle and as a result his employment ended quickly initially newton wanted to study medicine and he always talked about helping the sick and restoring them back to health but god had another plan as he was contemplating his next calling west in this college became an opportunity on the horizon shortly after he got the information for entry to the school he enrolled as a full-time student on his first return visit from westerners college he had so many experiences to share with us he said you know it is early [Music] but i think i would like to become a pastor time went by quickly and after four years at west tenness college he graduated as robbie graduated to pastoral ministry later on his first assignment was in westmoreland new market this was the beginning of a ministry filled with devotion commitment and passion for the lord newton met his beloved soul mate nemmy while residing in at duncan's at the tender age of 709 as life would have it after many years they reconnected coincidentally because nemi was visiting the silversand resort and after many years of loving courtship they celebrated their engagement in canada and on august 17 1980 in new york nemmy and newton sealed their union in marriage and they celebrated 41 years of marital bliss my father made a prediction that newton would aspire to great achievements those words of my dad became so vivid when newton graduated from angie's university with a doctorate in ministry i remember my father saying i will not be around to experience those achievements but newton would have made him very proud it is ironic that unfortunately they both passed away in their 68th year newton has left a legacy wherever he has ministered and also implemented new initiatives that will continue to impact the lives of the present and future generations according to the apostle paul my brother he fought a good fight he finished his course and kept the faith my family and i are heartbroken [Music] by the loss of our brother but honored to have the opportunity to reflect on his life with you with you today i am so proud to have had the experience loving and being loved by someone who set such a good example of what really means to put god first in the words of the song will there be many stars many stars in my crown i believe from the souls he led to the lord over many years his crown will be living with many stars in reflection let us remember newton's words when asked how are you the reply would be better than yesterday may we each take heart in these words and make each day one that is a tribute to his memory let us in our daily walk with the lord be courageous faithful and diligent with our studies until that glorious day i thank the lord for lending him to us we live and look forward to that great reunion when god will call his fatal servants home to glory where he will never be separated again thank you so much and god bless you good evening my name is janet blake i am one of the nieces of pastor dr cleg horn pastor newton claycorn came to long island new york after a divine reconnection to his childhood crush on august 19 1978 on that faithful sabbath morning in duncan's when he realized it was in fact nemi there was no more time to waste on august 17 1980 they were married and the rest is history from that union pastor clay corn gained nine additional siblings and a host of nieces and nephews 41 years of blissful love is what they shared the endearing names they called each other was always affectionately honey or bunny after their wedding on nez joined uncle newton in jamaica where he was employed by the west jamaica conference his ministry was a blessing to many and a tremendous amount of souls were added to the new market circuit of churches they established the new market pathfinder club marching band musical concert chorale just to name a few soon thereafter they migrated back to the usa where pastor claycorn was hired by the northeastern conference where he pastored brownsville sharon and city tabernacle sda church where he baptized and led many many souls to christ his ministry reflected the passion and love he had for people and the lord dr claycorn had a burning desire for young people and always always encouraged and pushed them to reach their full potential through education pastor clayport was called to serve as the youth youth ministries director of northeastern conference for 10 years before taking a position at ncu where he was appointed dean for the school of religion and theology and served there also for 10 years he was soon thereafter appointed vp of student services until that faithful day that the lord allowed him to rest pastor claycorn was loved by many and his untimely passing have caused us a deep void let us all continue our desire to make heaven our home that we will hear those words well done my good and faithful servant thank you good evening everyone i truly want to thank my church i want to thank the school i want to thank those from the upper echelon and those that we've served from the general conference coming right down to being here at ncu i want to thank you for being here with us it is a very challenging time but i must agree with my dearest friend we will be better than yesterday i want to thank my niece janet for being here and is more than one trip i want to thank renard i want him to come beside me because i want to to share with you newton's vision it's not just the vision of the coming of christ which is soon sooner than any of us believe and as the spirit of the lord has impressed my heart as newton has left this world so suddenly so quickly he has slipped away and i say he is my precious gem so it is our christ our hope our eternal one will step in and we must be ready for that day newton and my great love for young people as he spoke about transition during this time and i kept saying to him bunny remember we're working on a project special we're setting forth an album and this music all our music from upward productions that we want to give in love and celebration of the work and the growth of your young people until jesus shall come we want to establish an educational fund specifically for young people you will hear his voice on the new album as we've laid down some of the preliminary tracks the ireland and the clegon family will stand behind this project moving it forward to bless to open the door for young people he spoke of a place called lamp and light it is our desire that that specific building should be dedicated to the development of young men in ministry that they will know the calling of christ and that they will live a life that will be righteous guiding and opening the doors for others to not only step into their purpose and their vision but to live for christ jesus and as they do that we hope to continue the work for nursing students where i have served in the nursing department for some time our lord is soon to come the evangelistic series and the last song that we wrote together the lord gave us now is the time you will hear this as it will go forward and we pray that the world will embrace this believing receiving accepting and changing their lives in dedication that now is the time for our jesus is about to return for us thank you and god bless you good afternoon family and friends my name is nadia blake carter for those of you who don't know me i am the niece of doctors newton and wayne clegg horn what an honor it has been to have these two pillars of wisdom love and excellence throughout my life there are really no words to describe the sense of loss and shock that i feel that i'm sure we all feel i am deeply saddened that i was unable to attend in person to pay my last respects but i pray that my uncle knew [Music] how much he meant to me how much he meant to all of us he imparted treasures to me that i will keep for the rest of my life i never saw my uncle angry i never heard him shout i never heard him complain a true man of god i love you aunt nez my prayers are with you and the entire cleghorn family and his host of friends and colleagues i pray that the life that i lead um serves as a testament to the man that my uncle newton was and the influence that he had on my life i thank you both anez uncle newton they've always been such a support for me they've always had my back praying over me praying for me i could never thank you enough i love you so much and i miss you both you're fine lady wow and another world we have come extremely close to the end as a matter of fact this is my final stand as i'm here now to invite the music the final item of music come from dr wayne cleghorn that's a recording after that is done we will invite pastor eric nathan the president of the east jamaica conference of sunday adventists to do the prayer for the bereaved family thereafter it will be pastor joel haye co-host to see us to the end of this program it has been my pleasure serving [Music] [Applause] [Music] together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he's [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] together [Music] [Applause] [Music] working for one cause we'll win he's coming soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is the foreign of this world spreading joy he keeps giving love together [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] god has been very good to us we are always grateful for his promises prayer is a gift that is always relevant and in times like these we certainly do need prayer from those we love we have been seated for a long time going to invite the rest of us to stand and members of the family can remain seated as we pray on behalf of the family my friend sister wayne i want to recognize brother vernon brother vermillon is the one who represents the siblings and we want reynard and cardell to represent the the nephews and janet marion and cecilia to represent the nieces we thank god for his promises and so i invite you to br boyheads with me as we pray oh god you have been or helped as a people in ages past and we know that you will be or hope for years to come we thank you lord for your many promises the one that is relevant now is that you promise that you will never leave or forsake those who put their trust in you we thank you god for the way you have kept the ireland's family and the clergons firemen so far it is not just that they were able to keep up but you have been the one to keep them when they could not keep themselves we want to present them to you that you will be there help for ages to come as they continue to journey may they remember that you will always be by their sides to guide them before them to lead them and behind them to protect them that you will always be relevant to your promises you promise that you supply all their needs according to your riches in glory and so lord we ask that you will be with them wrap your loving arms around them when they are tempted to be lonely and when they are tempted to become this courage are depressed that they will know that their presence will always be there to comfort and to cheer we are leaving them in your care lord and we ask lord that from this day forward they will always be mindful of the many friends and family members who are praying on their behalf and they continually put their trust in you because you will never let them down and we are thankful for that assurance that you have given and no lord as we bring this wonderful service of thanksgiving to an end we thank you lord for those who have been with us in cyberspace thank you for those who have been with us right here at ncu gym lord we just look forward to the day when we will catch a gleam of the golden morning keep us faithful until then is our prayer in jesus name amen amen amen you may be seated thank you so much ladies and gentlemen those in this immediate gymnatorium and those who are online for having joined us in this service yes the thanksgiving service for the life of dr newton clegg horn i also want to express special thank you to northern caribbean university for having hosted this and for the different entities that have made tangible contributions i want to list a few we have the media services working night and day to ensure that we can share far and wide we say special thanks to the press for having provided a lovely program that you have in hand and doctor clegon i still have a few more copies so that you can share with other family members thanks to ccmpr they have taken up special responsibility to send the message far and wide and even provide this lovely picture that all of us will cherish even after today special thanks to hr the president's office for having ensured that everything went well and for providing refreshments just to let you know ladies and gentlemen that we do have refreshments available so when you are making your exit please exit towards that area and get your refreshment as you go along thanks to all of you thanks to all of you thanks to my office staff worked night and day to ensure that what needs to be realized is realized thank you dr peterkin for the very vital role that you have played to ensure that today has been what we have experienced please note that interment will take place tomorrow tomorrow morning at 11 a small group of us will leave the tnj paradise funeral home at ward avenue at 8 00 a.m and we will travel down to westmoreland at the klegons campsite new name carowina piper's corner that's close to strap bogey beyond beyond peter's field where a group of persons will join us from the west jamaica conference and there they will do the video in and live pictures of what will take place they will also have part finders some coming out of new market yes being there to share in the last moment at the internment so we thank you so much ladies and gentlemen we thank you brothers and sisters and may each of us always remember the clegons family especially as we move towards the place of internment i invite you therefore to join me at this time as we give thanks to god and as we have the benediction god has been more than gracious to us shall we stand as we have the benediction and now may the love of god the father the fellowship of the holy spirit or comforter ever rest remain and abide with us both now and forever amen and amen god bless you brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen you are now dismissed and please take your refreshments on the way out um [Music] together [Music] [Music] can't you see a miracle at work in our lives [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] together [Music] we'll win he's coming soon [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's pull together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god is the light of this world spreading joy he keeps giving love together [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] together [Music] me [Music] you
Channel: Northern Caribbean University
Views: 14,642
Rating: 4.8589745 out of 5
Id: VvuO0ndovzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 245min 17sec (14717 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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