NCU Fall Commencement 2021 - Morning

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[Music] mm-hmm [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] my [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right everybody oh hello hello all right everybody let's find your seats we've got about a 15 minute warning let's get organized here hey david twigger are you in the room can we get the box for the faculty hooding up on stage oh look you guys follow directions really well it's like you're ready to get started or something beautiful beautiful this room sure filled up nicely it is so great to be here after two years of virtual commencement ceremonies we missed you all right see a couple more folks coming in beautiful beautiful well done everybody hang tight we're going to get started here in just a few more minutes [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] so all right all right one quick announcement here we have a dissertation chair who's looking for two of her students dr hayward is here if you were one of her students and would like to be hooded by her she just stood up and wove but right in the middle here you'll see paul todd and there's dr hayward if you wanna if you would like to be hooded by her head on over to her row and she's there she all right we got one excellent love it when a plan comes together all right we got some surprises for you all we are so excited for us to be in nashville ready to celebrate all of you i know those nerves are pumping we're just glad this room is full this is a beautiful view right now i'm not gonna lie for anybody who has somebody uh joining from home today uh definitely have them check out grad 21 for that live stream so everybody will be able to join virtually and we'll be celebrating some of our graduates who weren't able to come here physically virtually as well so you'll hear some of that recognition today this is looking really good everyone hearts are pumping faculty are ready i think i can step off the stage and we're just going to get started in the next few minutes here let's get this party started [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] so so [Music] it [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] hello [Music] me [Music] hey [Music] me [Music] 10 [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] good morning hi i'm dr david harpol i'm the president of north central university and we are so glad you're here today i was a little worried about you earlier when they were just starting to play the fiddle side of that and i thought you're not clapping what type of audience is we have to clap so there's couple different types of graduation ceremonies you probably have been to some of them are very solemn and formal and academic we're not that okay what we are is i want you to think about like a really great church service i'm not talking about those ones with the frozen chosen i'm talking about like you know that kind of pentecostal approach to celebration yeah so that's what we're going to do this morning and the first thing i want to make crystal clear is we're going to introduce a lot of people and say thank you but it is all about our graduates give it up to yourself [Applause] i will say looking around this group you are a good looking bunch of overachievers i'm we are so glad you're here i do want to welcome everyone i want to welcome our guests the friends the family members uh members of the north central university board of trustees our faculty and staff and just for a minute i want to make sure i don't get too far past this with all of our faculty raise their hands they're spread throughout but faculty will you raise your hands and so here this is just as good of faculty as you will find anywhere in the world and i'm proud of them [Music] i also want to recognize the number of staff and volunteers we have some who have flown all the way from arizona some from california just to be here and participate with you while all our staff and volunteers stand to raise their hands are all over the place so especially want to thank samantha wilcox and the events team they've put all this together they planned all of this they're just terrific [Applause] i'll tell you what getting this group up here especially the academic leaders like us up here and get us organized and get us in the right places like herd and cat well it's like hurting slow cats to be honest with you i do want to recognize a couple of our board members who were able to come and join us today many are participating virtually and let me just say for those of you participating virtually welcome to ncu's graduation we are so glad you're a part of us today we're going to try to remember to make you essential part of everything we do but let me introduce you to a few board members first i'd like to introduce you to dr orlinda martinez she's the chair of the north central university board of trustees a former faculty member and a college president dr martinez and i'd like to introduce you to one of our longest serving board members um mr carlos rodriguez he's a successful marketing and communications owner of a company he consults with all types of interesting people getting crisis management and public relations and other types of work and he's just a really fun guy to be around carlos rodriguez [Applause] and i'd like to introduce you miss joanne pistula who is a retired executive and president emeritus at junior achievement of san diego county and left grandchildren to be with you today i'd like to thank them for being here today and making the effort we'd like to thank all of you for joining us and before i go any farther i want to recognize one special group i saw a shirt last night at the alumni reception that said i survived my wife's doctoral dissertation and for two things happened one immediately said put those in the bookstore they'll sell and then the second thing i thought of absolutely right and so if you're a family member who's had any contribution at all even patience with the person here today stan we want to recognize you and say thank you [Applause] now we have students from all over the place multiple countries all 50 states i met folks from los angeles california san juan puerto rico dayton ohio atlanta georgia and a couple from hawaii two different people from hawaii last night so we'd like to say thanks for coming we hope you enjoy nashville it's a terrific town it's one of the great towns in america hope tonight after the everything's over get a chance to go out and enjoy downtown and broadway but again we're going to be recognizing both the graduates here in this room and the ones virtually today and now let's begin let me welcome to the podium dr andy riggle dean of the school of education okay i'm just going to give you some advice he's not one you need to encourage and he's going to be presenting the dissertation of the year award in the alumni of the year award [Applause] in 2008 north central university began the tradition of recognizing the scholarly achievements of our doctoral students by honoring the outstanding dissertation of the year he's a little shorter than i am the award is based on the significance of the research to society the discipline and the students profession students must be nominated to be considered for this award please join us in congratulating this year's winner dr karisha britton dr britton completed her phd in psychology her dissertation titled dancing with mom the shared identity between caregiving daughters and their mothers with dementia a qualitative narrative study sounds really powerful doesn't it dr britton's research is significant both in its subject matter in the manner in which she conducted it she was she has provided much needed insight into how the role of caregiver becomes embedded in an individual's identity and how to best support caregivers during and after their caregiving journeys once again our congratulations to the 2021 dissertation of the year recipient dr karisa britton [Applause] as part of our continued commitment to recognizing the positive effects our alumni have in their communities and organization north central is proud to award the alumni of the year nominations are made by alumni dissertation committee members faculty members or ncu staff members and a select review committee determined this year's recipient please join us in congratulating the 2021 alumni of the year award recipient dr tracy duffinbach where's tracy dr deifenbach earned her phd in education from ncu in 2018 specializing in curriculum and teaching she has been a leader in the field of veteran mental health and serves as vice president of a non-profit providing free therapeutic services to veterans and their families and provide a basis for community inclusion and community service she aims to go back to school at ncu to become a licensed marriage and family therapist to further pursue her research interests and expand therapy services in her community we are proud to recognize her contributions to veterans and their families once again congratulations to our 2021 alumni of the year doctor tracy doffenbach and i give you back to dr david harper thank you dean rigel we appreciate that a great deal you're going to be meeting the deans tonight and we just want to say a special thank you to them and their leadership if they're really the ones who lead the day-to-day operations of each of your disciplines and so if there's anything at all that you're unhappy with they're the ones who get to okay um we let's recognize our deans [Applause] our last award then we're going to get into the formal ceremony each year ncu recognizes the outstanding academic work of its doctoral students through what we call a post of a year competition and basically what this is is doctoral candidates who are in good academic standing have their poster submission accepted and we present those posters representing the research of their dissertation and we have lots of people go in and look and evaluate and the criteria you use for this award are the importance of the study the currency the scholarly contribution relevance and the methodological rigor so on behalf of the academic leadership of north central university the poster of the year award committee has selected dr katherine porter for this year's poster of the year recipient [Applause] her poster is entitled interactions of educators and toddlers and the development of attachment bonds social emotional growth and language skills a quasi-experimental study congratulations dr porter on your success in achieving this great honor [Applause] so i push our staff and our faculty to constantly get out of our comfort zone because it's important as people as we grow to get outside of where we really feel safe and so we were coming to nashville and of course i don't know how many of you know nashville but nashville's a place that people come with just a guitar and a dream and they come and they want to become a star and they've got something to say and they've written it in a song and it's exciting place and if you go up and down broadway you'll hear a lot of aspiring people who just are trying to make their way and contribute to society and so we love it here if you go out our back door over here you'll see the red building over there which is the ryman auditorium the famous auditorium the mother church of country music that's had performances uh from almost every major star you can think of so thousands of dreamers come here every year hoping to be a star i was watching last night at the uh reception and uh we've got some singers in here admit it how many of you think yourselves a little bit of a singers oh quite a few of you that's great yeah i won't comment on how many of you thought you were dancers we'll leave that one alone but um so we were trying to figure out how do we celebrate nashville we also noticed that it's the 20th anniversary of 9 11 where so many of our soldiers and citizens gave their lives in defense of our country and later thousands more in the iraq and afghanistan wars and so we tried to figure out how do we celebrate that this morning because we want we don't want to just pass right by it there's a fear already in our country that we're running past that sacrifice so we tried to figure out how to do it and so what we came up with is what would be the way that would most likely push the president completely out of his comfort zone but also wouldn't it be cool to be able to go home all of you and say what'd you do this weekend oh i played the ryman we played the ryman with some friends we did a song so guess what we're gonna do we're gonna play the ryman you're not i am now i have to be honest with you when i first looked at this in the mirror just now i look like basically the flying none uh the after one the after effect um the words up on the screen we're gonna do um if they put the words up here we're gonna sing oh beautiful and we're to do this in honor of our country and if you're able why don't you stand and this is for every service person that's ever been out there and if you want this to go well saying if you don't want this to go well it won't out of the comfort zone [Music] it america america god shed his grace on thee [Music] oh [Music] of freedom across the wilderness america [Applause] [Music] america god shed in every floor [Music] confirmed thy soul in self-control thy liberty in law oh beautiful [Music] and [Music] mercy more than life america [Applause] america may god thy gold refined till all success the nobleness and every gain divine one verse [Music] america america god shed his grace on thee and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea you're awesome you can be seated and i expect you all in the choir at eight o'clock tomorrow morning what school's right down here you guys can sing [Applause] thank you for doing that and thank you to all of those who have served our country so graduates this day again it's focused on you we're going to focus the rest of the ceremony on you i mean to quote ron burgundy from the anchorman you're kind of a big deal in fact according to a study from harvard and the asian development bank that was reported in the huffington post notice i checked all my citations because you folks are those types of people only 6.7 percent of the world has a college degree of any level in the united states only 34 percent of adults have bachelor's degree only 13.4 percent have master's degree and only 2.1 percent have a phd degree so you really are kind of a big deal and we wish for you today a day of joy a sense of accomplishment we think a sense of humility for all the people that helped you get here and for living in a country that believes in education and and and the fact that you worked hard and earned the opportunity and we of course wish all of you here today listening from home as well good health we appreciate your willingness to walk the talk by doing what is recommended by science to protect ourselves and others let's admit covet's been a challenging time it's been challenging i mean we've we've had to relearn some things remember for example we were taught what doesn't kill you well now we know that what doesn't kill you mutates and tries again and we also learned how much we miss each other you know i mean my dog even got bored my dog got so bored started chasing himself around the tail for chasing his tail for five minutes and i thought boy dogs are easily entertaining and realize i watched all five minutes of it yeah it made some of us rethink about mortality in our lives and what we've been doing and are we making commitments and about our faith and as you can't tell already probably face an important part of my life and as we begin to think about those things i started thinking about my funeral and i decided something that just is important to me i want a closed casket and i want about halfway through my ceremony i want the organist to start playing pop goes to weasel and i just want people to live in now i'll be honest with you after watching some of our population and their response to the mask i've decided now i understand that horror movies are even scarier to me because we now know there are people dumb enough to run down the basement or back into the garage true story i fell off my bike at age 12 racing down a hill and i landed went flying landed on a stump and it penetrated my knee three inches the stick of the stump did and i pulled myself off that stump got on my bike rode all the way back home and mom took me to the hospital and i was thinking during covid if i sleep on the wrong pillow now i'm out two days so graduation it's a time of celebration right but it's also a time for challenging one another because we're not comfortable we get to this place and we want to stay in our comfort zone or we get that false sense that we've arrived somehow or that we don't need to do anything more and truthfully you didn't earn that advanced degree you didn't earn your college degree just to sit on it right you earned it to advance your career right you earned it to improve your social economic status of your family right and you earned it to go back and change the community improve the human condition so there's a lot of work to be done and so during graduations we try to challenge one another just like we step out of our comfort zones and do things we're not very comfortable doing we also want to challenge ourselves about what does the future mean what can we do to be better to be bolder and so for you to understand my challenge for you today and it's a short one but for you to understand it let me put it in context if you go back in history and you study cities cities used to protect themselves in ancient days by building these giant walls around them and they did so because they knew if they could control one entrance they could protect themselves from conquering armies and we know some of those examples the great wall of china still exists i've had the chance to walk that the wailing wall of jerusalem the walls of troy in western turkey the hadrian wall in england that goes between scotland and england in the united states for example people may not know this but boston had a wall and gate around the boston neck which is the point that connects it to the mainland from 1631 all the way through the 18th century and just charleston south carolina had a wall from 1690 to 1720 and so we build these walls around our cities to protect us and so when people attack those walls what they would do is find one place in the wall that they thought they could make a hole and they would start attacking all their efforts on that one hole they would try to quote create a gap and what would happen in that response is citizens would run out and they would volunteer to fill in that gap often eight to ten people deep and they would stand and fight and that's where we got the phrase stand in the gap also goes back to the book of ezekiel and so the so this morning we're going to talk about what does it mean for you and i if we were to decide that we're going to be the types of people willing to stand in the gap to protect our society and we're going to talk about that but before we start into that i do want to acknowledge one group who already has stood in the gap for us one group who we know has already made that commitment has already lived that experience if you are in active duty or have ever served our military will you please stand [Applause] thank you you guys you you got you men and women you walked the walk you stood in the gap but you know not everyone that stood in the gap does so physically um the winner of the 1970 nobel prize for literature alexander's um zoltan heights sorry i missed that right zoltzneit was born in 1918 in russian he was the studied mathematics of rust off the university and while at the same time took correspondence courses from moscow school of philosophy literature and history and during world war ii um you know when the soviets had a huge front line in a long fighting along with the the rest of western europe and the united states the allies he was in the very front and in fact was awarded multiple times for his personal heroism however afterwards he noticed that the country that he had defended began to take away individual freedoms and begin to challenge the rights of descending opinions and so he wrote a criticism of joseph stalin in a private letter by the way and ended up being sentenced to eight years in a prison camp followed by what would become permanent internal exile if they'd had their ways 29 years later after he was arrested he sat down and wrote one of the most important pieces of literature and it's entitled live not by lies and i want to share a little bit of this if you want a philosophy for life this is a good one this is what happens when you need to stand up against injustice when you need to speak out against something that's wrong when you need to defend the weak and the oppressed this is what he says yes at first it will not be fair someone will have to temporarily lose a job for the young who seek to live by truth this will be at first a severely complicated life for even their tests and quizzes too are stuffed with lies and so no choices will have to be made so choices will have to be made but there is no loophole left for anyone who seeks to be honest not even a day not even in the safest technical occupation can you avoid a single day of making the choices to be either in favor of truth or lies to be in favor of spiritual independence or spiritual civility and as for him who lacks the courage to defend even his own soul let him not brag of his progressive views or boast of his status as an accommodation or recognized artist or a distinguished citizen or general no for those who will not stand against lies let them say plainly i am a cattle i am a coward i seek only warmth and to eat my own fill and so the challenge he made to the russian people would soon expand to western europeans and then later to americans and he would become somewhat of a hero cult hero to people who want to demand freedom from tyranny who demand free speech who want justice for all who promote equity for every person regardless of the status in life he stood up and spoke the gap and spoke filled the gap and spoke the truth and he did it against the powerful regardless for the consequences to his personal life that is standing in the gap another example was a personal faith hero of mine corey tim boone corey tim boom in the second world war became a refuge for the hiding place you may have seen books and movies about it but literally she her family would bring in fugitives those hunted by the nazis she would bring in innocent jewish families and she would bring in part of the resistance movement and they would hide them and they would do this for a significant period of time and they would have six to seven people in their houses some of which were jews others were members of the dutch underground and additional refugees would stay with them for a few hours some for a few days in their safe house which i've toured and these activities tori uh corey temboo and her family and along with her friends they rescued 800 jews and refugees during war ii she stood in the gap not everyone who stays in the gap or stands in the gap are famous though i suspect every one of you has someone in your life you could identify who stood in the gap for you when you needed them next week i will have the honor to preach my father-in-law's funeral at arlington my father-in-law colonel john cartland was not a famous person but colonel kartlin stood in the gap for his family he stood for right versus wrong and in multiple tours of vietnam and later the pentagon he was a champion a champion of equal rights a champion of our country's values a champion of helping young soldiers develop into leaders he was the receipts recipient of multiple awards including multiple silver stars he stood in the gap there's a school teacher down in a rural poor part of missouri called the ozarks his name's bob bellew he's not a famous guy yet for over 30 years he stood in a classroom teaching speech and debate to ozark students and educated and educated countless numbers of future teachers judges public servants attorney generals u.s attorney generals and journalists so today i ask each of you in the celebration of what you've achieved to commit yourself to standing in the gap and while we're talking about standing the gap if you're a public school teacher or a private school teacher in this country will you stand please these people they stand in the gap these people stand in the gap every day [Applause] you can be seated education graduates you stand in the gap every time because you're being asked to be first-time responders health care workers social workers counselors workers models on civics and oh yes also teach and you and i know it's not easy i began my career as a high school teacher teaching english to students who had already failed it twice i remember in fact i recently heard of a high school teacher who was asked by a senior student can you go to the teacher's lounge and get me a soda and the teacher said what type of soda do you want and the student says whatever kind they use in root beer floats don't think we need a college fund for that one business graduates you can stand in the gap for the hourly worker and create sustainable businesses that pay a living wage you can level the playing field for underserved populations who want to reframe the free market where it promotes competition based on the best idea wins technology graduates you can stand in the gap and demand that the development and use of technology be done in a manner that improves not replaces the human condition do you remember before the internet everyone people thought it was a lack of information that made people stupid it wasn't health science graduates you can continue to stand in the gap by advocating for science and reason over uncle ed's facebook page and remind us that sometimes we pursue medical treatments to promote the common good and not just to address personal health concerns graduates in psychology and counseling and therapy you can stand in the gap by not letting our country forget that in the 80s we dismantled our mental health system and because of it we continue to suffer and continue to put mentally ill people on the street and continue to shame them rather than cure them and you can stand in the gap for that there are a lot of hurting families today and kova did not help in fact at one point with all of my college kids homes i thought our family's motto was well that escalated fast social workers you can stand in the gap and be the voice of those who abandoned who feel abandoned ignored and in fact have been tossed aside and then for the first time this year we have the privilege of having our law students join us in graduation our law and legal graduates and you can yeah jfk school law at ncu you can stand in the gap by doubling down your commitment to social justice and equal rights and insist on a justice system that does not discriminate based on wealth or color of the skin in closing there's another story about standing in the gap and building bridges and being that type of person there's apparently was a biker riding along the beautiful highways of california that's where our primary offices are and suddenly a sky opened up and a voice from heaven said because you have been so faithful to me i'm going to grant you one wish what is it and the biker pulled over and thought about it and said well dear god please build a bridge from california to hawaii so i can write it anytime i want to and the lord's thought wow wow boy that request is awful materialistic think about the enormous challenges it's going to take the support required to reach the bottom of the pacific the concrete and still it's going to take it may very nearly exhaust some of our natural resources i can do it i'm god but it's hard for me to justify this desire of such a worldly thing take a little more time and think of something else and so the biker began to think and said lord i wish that i could understand how my wife feels inside what she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment what she means when she says nothing's wrong how i can make her truly happy and god replied about that bridge you want two lanes or four now my wife could make a counterpart to that she's capable but what she does not have is the microphone we want to stand in the gap we owe it we you know with this privilege of being educated comes a responsibility and we must even when it's uncomfortable stand for truth for science for logic and defend those who are oppressed it's the primary reason for education to advance the human condition so in closing i'm going to read what's known as basically a franciscan benediction and it's attributed to the various earlier earliest fathers of saint francis but it's well worth us considering every year and there are days i start my day reading this may god bless us with discomfort at the easy answers the half-truths the superficial relationships so that we may live from deep within our hearts may god bless us with anger and injustice oppression and exploitation of god's creations so that we work for justice freedom peace may god bless us with tears to shed for those who suffer pain rejection hunger and war so that we may reach out our hands to comfort them and to turn their pain into joy and may god bless us with just enough foolishness to believe that we can make a difference in the world so that we can do what others claim cannot be done to bring justice and kindness to all children and to all our neighbors regardless of their color and regardless if they are poor amen i challenge you to stand in the gap thank you [Applause] we now proceed with the uh conferral of the degrees and um [Music] hold on once i i get a last-minute list to see if there's a mistake of anybody no no no mistakes um during this conferral of degrees we will be doing a couple things we will be handing out um they're really not real mock diplomas to each of you shaking hands or bumping fists or whatever elbows or whatever you want to do you got to kind of communicate that to us on the way in um some of our folks are comfortable hugging some aren't so we'll work just you know go with the flow it's fine for those who want to get pictures don't get in the way of the actual photographer but do not not get the pictures listen i don't fear much i've been in front of federal judges i've been you know in front of large audiences but let me tell you what i fear mamas who did not get the pictures they want i've been there so we're not going to do that and so we're going to do that but we're also going to hood doctoral students which means they're going to stand here where the x is marked and they're going to get hooded and that's what this thing is and they get hooded and so we're going to do it all together and it's one of the reasons why we divided up the ceremony into two ceremonies so the hooding ceremony is a time-honored tradition that with doctoral education goes back to england and we think about around the 13th or 14th century and the term hooding symbolizes the rite of passage from being a student to a master in a discipline in the hooding process the faculty member or in some cases our deans or some cases others place a doctoral hood over the shoulders of the graduates which signifies the completion of a doctoral degree and now to confer the degrees it's my pleasure to bring back to the stage dr andy riegel dean of the school of education [Applause] it's show time right yeah don't all of you look so pretty yeah well the doctoral candidates from the school of education please stand [Applause] all the photographers are getting in position so i just handed out robert jones [Applause] paulie mancini [Music] robert jones holly mancini sherry bester jonathan austin ahananyi [Applause] shirley james faye blake bennett nell austin [Music] [Music] so sherry bester [Music] nell austin [Music] jakara boatner [Music] zainab our del karim [Music] [Music] jessica booker to carbo [Music] enaco burrows [Music] [Music] floretta barbie watkins sandra espinal arturo rodriguez [Music] [Music] april victoria stewart [Music] maria aparo [Music] [Music] rachel b [Music] ramon danes [Music] chandra bell [Music] laura brown rebecca dealey claudia carranza [Music] [Music] to rosita caldwell [Music] mary mccoy [Music] many casas [Music] angela browder [Music] valerie brusha [Music] syrena mason tangle butterfield [Music] heather bortz brandy dangerfield [Music] olusola olabisi linda mcmillan [Music] christopher c ahmadi [Music] raijin sylvester [Music] cabalic [Music] tony cobb [Music] kevin d cobb [Music] [Music] rhoda creech [Music] ayda cuevas [Music] karen perry [Music] [Music] chasity corey [Music] tina crane shemanski [Music] reuben castro jr ferdiz chaimum [Music] good luck francis english [Music] [Applause] [Music] daniels [Music] gloria kramer gordon [Music] is she ready sandra reilly lick lighter [Music] charlotte gallagher imanshu [Music] georgiana booger christine solenberger [Music] [Music] sherry dunford [Music] renee walsh [Music] barbara lane [Music] theresa patura [Music] gary walker roberts [Music] [Applause] megan mcnamara [Music] christopher nixon congratulations you thanks so much felicia guffy [Music] amy garner [Music] douglas dunham [Music] lamar boone [Music] deborah eaton [Music] tunisia gains [Music] russell [Music] burns anastasi [Music] kimberly galloway [Music] [Music] patricia youngs [Music] natasha williams [Music] misty wilson [Music] cynthia edwards [Music] mary welmer [Music] gloria j walker [Music] alicia belcher robert [Music] amanda whittington [Music] melissa leal [Music] danita howes [Music] [Music] tisa holly [Music] rosa arroyon kisling [Music] roberta hunt [Music] connie jordan [Music] jasmine isaac hill [Music] [Applause] anthony jett justin jenkins lorenza james [Music] tina cress [Music] [Music] lisa lafferty [Music] kimberly porter [Music] carla moore [Music] catherine veg kamala poles [Music] and enjoy [Music] charmaine palmer roberts [Music] maria mesa [Music] holly mcneil [Music] tony piri [Music] lindsay maker [Music] tara mayna oliver josie paquette augustus onwubiko [Music] michelle garris cassandra harrell garcia clouden [Music] misty simpson mackenzie green khadija goffer [Music] erica greene [Music] lexa glance [Music] maddie stanford johnson [Music] charlotte applewhite [Music] yulia greco [Music] max and gaspard [Music] angela heilman [Music] latoya toliver revell alfred taco [Music] aaron lee [Music] sue starr [Music] [Music] erin thompson [Music] jonathan stewart [Music] brandy turner [Music] steven bedford [Music] renault thermador [Applause] [Music] ashley sullivan [Music] tanya fulton [Music] angela back [Music] [Music] deborah mcmanamy [Music] anne-marie john [Music] mary drake young [Music] rochelle massingle [Music] candace mccoy [Music] danny joe schleich [Music] fay martinez [Music] veronica lofton smith catherine may [Music] [Music] mike eric martin [Music] [Music] patrice and leon sullivan julian wilkerson [Music] derek elon senior [Music] foreign [Music] maria alejandro [Music] samira galvao [Music] [Applause] melanie geyser latasha walker tara schmer congratulations sonia toledo melissa skinner cherlene russell kathleen porter [Music] sonia blackwell muhammad margo davis lashandra karns tiffany smith yvonne bell diana s gray aaron full rod ernest anthony jolly junior frankie cunningham [Music] what's her name williams thomas tanika price luella sweeney [Music] [Applause] [Music] iman ila madea [Applause] april price [Music] wendy harp anita ahoya ketoa tanika [Applause] [Music] [Music] siobhan denson carmilla castile renard tussahia smith [Music] daryl bailey jr senior excuse me nadia rylander [Music] julie hawkins ortega [Music] [Applause] but not yet shaniqua pierre [Applause] [Music] lynn edwards [Music] tony middleton walker [Music] [Applause] montoya jones reynolds [Music] jermaine dawson i gave it back to here families and guests on behalf of the faculty and distinguished teens is my honor and privilege to present to you these candidates for the degree of doctor of education doctor of education and instructional design doctor of education and educational leadership doctor of philosophy and education doctor of philosophy and instructional design and doctor of philosophy and educational leadership upon the recommendation of the faculty authorized by the board of trustees i hereby attest to you that they have completed all the requirements for the degree they will receive today i'll get three more [Applause] okay will the education specialist candidates from the school of education please stand [Applause] we're seeing come on up here they come kind of okay laura stewart karen williamson johnson george warner lorna clementson congratulations deandra richardson [Music] dondra sims [Music] emmanuel griffin [Applause] [Music] carolyn murray [Applause] patricia williams joanna francis payumo [Music] saketha v sean butts yamalit navarro [Music] families and guests on behalf of the faculty and distinguished deans it is my honor and privilege to present to you these candidates for the degree of educational specialists educational specialist in educational leadership [Applause] we'll see them back for a doctorate upon the recommendation of the faculty authorized by the board of trustees i hereby attest to you that they have completed the requirements for the degree that they have received today well the master's degree candidates from the school of education please stand and come forward [Music] fatima eagers melissa smith congratulations tarika carson [Music] shelby west emily lewis [Music] johnson antoinette winston [Music] robin winters [Music] sherilyn bonds [Applause] tommy egg award [Applause] [Music] kiara andrews [Music] [Applause] [Music] wanda mango [Applause] [Music] sheena husband [Music] [Applause] [Music] raw shella maria washington rivera [Applause] [Music] crystal crab [Music] holly and cairo [Music] carson smith [Music] [Applause] roderick pryor [Music] kevin austin courtney wood eureka rivera acevedo [Music] farah bratcher [Music] bolonda oliver niven nelsabin [Music] ashlyn bosse [Applause] [Music] ariel crump [Music] shenai spears [Music] megan vaughn [Music] kareem oliver [Music] lakaija barnes scott [Music] all families and guests on behalf of the faculty and distinguished deans it is my honor and privilege to present to you these candidates for the degree of masters of education master of education and educational leadership master of science in instructional design and master of arts in teaching upon the recommendation of the faculty authorized by the board of trustees i hereby attest to you that they have completed the requirements for the degree that they have received today will the bachelor's degree candidates from the school of education please stand and come forward [Applause] so [Music] troy damper would all of you would all love [Music] to attend oh i got it back would all of you please um remain seated and close the doors in the back so all can can hear we'd really appreciate it families and guests on behalf of the faculty and distinguished deans of my honor and privilege to present to you these candidates for the degree of bachelor of education give it up for him come on upon the recommendation of the faculty authorized by the board of trustees i hereby attest to you that they have completed the requirements for the degree he has received today [Applause] will the post bachelorette and postmaster certificate candidates from the school of education please stand and come forward i don't know if we have any you can come up again i'm just kidding well we'll just go through the last part anyway families and guests on behalf of the faculty and distinguished deans and my honor and privilege to congratulate these candidates for the completion of the certificate in education upon the completion of the faculty authorized by the board of trustees i hereby attest to you that they have completed the requirements for the certificate they have received today thank you students from the school of education it's absolutely my honor to stand before you today it is now my pleasure to introduce dr lisa hutton dean of the john f kennedy school of law lisa okay will the juris doctor candidates from the john f kennedy school of law please stand and proceed to the stage [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] nicole chambers [Applause] [Music] [Music] andres garcia [Applause] [Music] [Music] lacey [Applause] [Music] laura mariano balon coletti [Applause] [Music] [Music] so families and guests on behalf of the faculty and distinguished deans it is my honor and privilege to present to you these candidates for the degree of juris doctor upon the recommendation of the faculty authorized by the board of trustees i hereby attest to you that they have completed the requirements for the degree that they received today congratulations [Applause] will the bachelor in legal studies candidates from the john f kennedy school of law please stand and proceed to the stage okay we will congratulate you virtually congratulations [Applause] you thought you got rid me it is now my pleasure to introduce dr robert sapp dean of the school of technology you well a lot of you are gone but the ones that are here look so beautiful to us wow um the school of technology is relatively new uh we're a little over four years old and today we will hood our first doctoral students like all of the other uh graduates today they are scholars they are students they're uh candidates they're overachievers but in this instance in a real sense they are pioneers and explorers and and for that assistance i will always hold them very dear okay will the doctoral degree candidates from the school of technology please stand [Applause] so [Music] christina parker [Applause] [Music] um [Applause] [Music] keith allen britney horn [Music] so [Music] [Applause] families and guests on behalf of the faculty and distinguished deans it is my honor and privilege to present to you these candidates for the degree of doctor of philosophy in computer science doctor of philosophy and data science and doctor of philosophy and technology and innovation management upon the recommendation of the faculty authorized by the board of trustees i hereby attest to you that they have completed the requirements for the degree that they will receive today [Applause] will the master's degree candidates from the school of technology please stand [Applause] perhaps dr harpo could sing another song while we're uh david you want to leo [Applause] [Music] victoria griffin [Applause] evelyn porter [Music] [Music] yagaraja [Music] [Music] vanessa pullum [Music] maria booker [Applause] [Music] congratulations nicholas feldman [Music] for teen alkaletti thank you [Music] sierra robertson thank you [Music] [Music] families and guests on behalf of the faculty distinguished deans it's my honor and privilege to present to you these candidates for the degree of master of science in computer science master of science and technology innovation management master of science in information technology master of science in data science and master of science in cyber security [Applause] upon the recommendation of the faculty authorized by the board of trustees i hereby attest to you that they have completed the requirements for the degree that they receive today thank you [Applause] congratulations ncu we're proud of you all of you now become members of the ncu alumni and we encourage you to be actively participants in it it's my privilege to introduce you to that association with today's graduation you join a large group of scholars that are embedded literally across the country and around the world making important differences in their communities and improving the human condition everywhere you go you'll be representing ncu and the national university system and i know don't have any doubt about this at all you will make us proud and you will change the world ladies and gentlemen parents and spouses partners family members and friends i present to you the graduates of north central university for 2021 graduates if you haven't already you can move your tassel from right to left [Applause] that concludes um our 2021 fall commencement morning ceremony um please remain seated while the faculty and graduates recess out of the room thank you all again it's it was still a little of an unusual one because of covet we will get back to complete normal someday but we thought you guys did a great job thank you for participating so much [Applause] [Music] please remain seated until the recessional of academic leadership faculty trustees and administration and the graduates has concluded [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Northcentral University
Views: 2,373
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Id: Ckfs5kezf2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 15sec (8415 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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