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later bigger does anybody gives you a mixer some love I mean that the dis is classic dealership ladies and gentlemen quick to kids asleep I think that my my heroes came out here for this game so thank you guys so much you loved you guys grew up grew up watching you and idolizing you guys so this this means more than you'll ever know mark can't wait to see what you got from my jersey retirement I mean this is this is uh this is a high bar you set but as you guys might expect this was my last home game I'm trying my yoga breathing but it's not really working that well but and they've really feasted on the Southeast Division with after today's result they've got a 12 and 2 against the southeast 7 and 1 on the road against the southeast play of the day he had to throw that in because it was that was uncanny finished look at that huh lettuce isn't that's amazing he scores just his 15 east slopes in the league and made threes caldwell-pope short straight gets his own rebound Lonzo flutter pass and then Lance doesn't shoot it that's what's there to lay it in after a brilliant pass from ronzo now Lance returns to fill it not a good decision by Lonzo they were going full Showtime there and it did water they should pay a price to that man they did that Macbeth that serves him right they absolutely did Lonzo made a great pass Lance didn't you that when he returned the favor and so made a mistake and that look says it all it is enjoy this moment and have fun with it aha [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you can see you're very emotional a huge victory for this team and it comes from you and your career-high 50 points what does it mean you Derek everything I worked my ass off row like wooden I did this for the franchise the organization the fans everybody man I won't be able to play we weren't sure if it was the throwback jersey you were wearing but you did look like Derrick Rose of old and what did it feel like going through from beginning to end doing anything just went by playing my heart out my teammates told me before the game just played my game and tonight it was having a hell of a night this team that seemed unnerved when you found out that you were gonna be down two starters and you guys jumped right away at the start of this game under your energy and didn't stop at all what does it say about this team we got a young group my job is to come and be the veteran help guys out lead by example you see me talking it's the most I've ever talked to to my teammates and my whole career cause they're thankful for you Derek congratulations on a huge neighbor deserve it [Applause] the Dean will find his career at the Golden State Warriors play very well off the bench in spots now the starting line of Quebecers to the world to finish the bars deflected I last touched by the Lakers and you know what this kid is not a joke he's an NBA player he's one of the best in the world said the sitting at home joking about him he will throw your shot into the stands and dunk on you and the level of commitment that this guy is shown [Applause] that's a great to get your first pumpkin off the steel on the finish James Worthy statute is everyday [Applause] Terry Stotts [Applause] [Applause] yeah [Music] - pick-and-roll Harvey - Paul oh this car movies maybe it's gotta go you are the president of Smitty's top plays on the rim connect oh and the nominees yes again I mean he crossed over the entire gym well nobody around I said nobody nobody helped on it I made him a little peanut butter and jelly sandwich shop that would [Applause] [Applause] yeah we really hustle we just watch history here we every time he's had the ball again as somebody thought George was going to sign here in LA he decided to reapply the four-year 137 million dollar deal to state with OKC and a nine-point game it's been get to the box for foul call before the shot so the Nets will have it on the side their lead is currently 11 well in this Miami zone they've continued to extend it Carmelo is going to take a shot smart decision Mela it was uncontested [Applause] napier [Applause] Octopussy look for the pick-and-roll is someone to the corner [Applause] [Applause] has noticed the height at this point TMT is being presented by Kumho pixel still by Maui and the exclamation point here and Drake the reaction by Leonard was still by Maui in the exclamation point here and Drake the reaction well when I met dirt in the Biscay he was 18 years old we were planning an exhibition in Germany and he scored 26 to first half on me he finished with 42 and he asked his son who the hell are you he says I'm Dirk Nowitzki I says were you going to college he says I'm going in the army Isis there are no 7-feet people in the army I says you should go to Auburn University and I just want to tell you this you could amaze some out of your cell phone you got to went to Auburn yes listen I'm I'm so blessed I've been in the NBA for 30-some years people the first thing people says was this guy like was this guy like because all these guys are great players let me say this about Dirk Nowitzki he's the nicest man ever hey hey it's been an honor and a privilege to watch you is your the rest of your life [Applause] five salinities chops [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh man down and he fouled him so harden drains the three and gets it and look look at Chris Paul both are elite defenders and scores the fadeaway that's well contested that's just a big-time big-time shot look at the expression on four a lot of people don't know this but Pat first met me when I was a scrawny 19 year old kid fresh out of Hudson's Texas and unfortunately for him he had the fifth pick and I went at four so he had to settle for this kid named D way Andy I gotta tell you man you know sorry about beating into this jersey retirement thing I had to beat you at something dude I'm gonna just keep it feeling but seriously you all right thanks guys sixteen years guys y'all coming together you're go down to the wire in a game like this LeBron I'm gonna start with you how does it make you feel to have a king like this with your best friend like I've been saying all week a bitter sweet man every possession he was just like the next one is getting closer and closer to the last one so a lot of emotions going on right now for me just knowing I'm losing a brother in this game that I've had so much so many wars with so many wars on the each other together and separate so there's no better way than the end of the Staples Center man and this is my guy man he's my god he way we talked about this morning last night you had a glass of wine about this game how big it's gonna be its competitors how do you feel now yes it's tough you know this is what you play for wait I guess when the greatest players ever know whether we were teammates whether we was opponents they bought the best at each other and I'm just thankful that I had opportunity to be able to be dropped at the same time as this guy and the friendship that we have you guys know that's beyond basketball but I'm gonna miss this you know like i'ma miss him I miss y'all this man you've been here before someone come back to you with this one what he's done for LA and getting the excitement back you know what he did for you guys in Miami what can he do to get this team back he wants to go you do anything he wants he's shown that he's proving that you know not only is one of the greatest players under greatest people you know what he's done on and off the court second to none no one is they've been able to accomplish what he's been able comments he's taking advantage of his opportunities from day one and I have no doubt that this team would be in the finals at some point this guy could play for as long as he won't and I'll be here to see it gonna Brian now about the ball game you always strive for greatness I saw you about a month or so ago you must guevara with the steals his his and attacks pardon that abounds damar and throwing his body and hardened right there and heart they have yet to reveal the jerseys the players have chosen and it is the omage - we believe the script warrior jerseys for the final regular-season game the players asked to wear these thousand seven and Steph Curry leading the way that a very special uniform that will be actually auctioned off even for charity in the warrior foundation watch Gary's face got it got away with it off that left hand should have been out if you're not a huge mistake just a young inexperienced team not knowing they needed to file to stop the clock and the heat through the right thing they keep making the quick extra pass and then the Hawks can never lock anybody up for a foul for the first time this season the Heat beat the Hawks and for the first time this season the Heat win a third straight game at home the Heat win it 114 to 113 and Miami goes to 29 and 34 they have the same record as the team they play Wednesday night the Charlotte Hornets so a big win the night set hey mr. Schad tonight - it's okay keep it movin okay mr. Shah I never said nobody [Applause] hooker raising up pulled away but he already did it the matter you can't guard him one-on-one when he's stronger than you and he's stronger than both temple and Mac he's able to get that separation and that's all he he sometimes is such a tough match picks off the man passed his own new transit lieutenant pouches and their stairs and blocks operator the crown [Applause] she's been a foul call there he stares at crowd in a freezie because of their early action by Nikki [Applause] she's gonna fall car might be really appropriate for NBA history threes in a game [Applause] timeout bull's back with 453 left and the third [Music] [Applause] steps back triple Turner went down the curtains are on a nine to two run one of these days you're gonna get an extra point for breaking an angle like that timeout Indiana [Music] I didn't warn the ID and wider warning my bone tell me once again what it means in the season on a high note get it ready for playoff basketball it's great for us like I said you know going into the playoffs with a little bit the way the way this about D way it's a turn for let's ask about that what does it mean to compete against Dwyane Wade in his last career go man like I said these fans are amazing man up we appreciate you guys I don't know what to say over this crowd but uh I'm just glad we got to participate in D ways last dance man [Applause] restaurant ah students Westbrook cornered George to lead struck get the assist it is a three insulate the lead Westbrook has a triple-double and Paul George may have just won most game for the Thunder [Applause] that mid-range shot but drove it and what a move by common sense from the bell to the ground five of six the franchise record for three's for Sacramento purring props in a train this is the most threes ever in NBA history Collins has it but throws it to a heat player and that's Jones gets it ahead to wade leads it wonderful pass for the Derrick Jones Jam but this is just a beautiful pass here though you got a young guy coming down who was a former slam dunk champion this goes up and gets it second foul on every the last series to begin the five floor matchup and in the Western Conference the winner of this one will match up against the winner of the Clippers and winged warriors five straight threes to begin the third quarter that is critical Aaron comes again waving down to the Pistons did you see where he took off oh my goodness he really is a freak physically that guy and I'm telling you just take off just my goodness [Music] [Music] [Applause] assessed by Steph Curry the tickers they have now changed to being in the corners and so for veteran guys I bet it takes you a second when you're playing here to try to find where the scoreboards on thirty seconds to play first half jinhwan he pull [Applause] Spencer Dinwiddie and the Brooklyn Nets [Applause] and Leonard 19 points 12 rebounds sin kyle lowery knows they're that close he's that close [Applause] Middleton Tony Snell lining in front Janice Down Goes Olynyk bound knows the shot a free throw coming when I take on a minute he throws the ball was thrown throwing that at Jana to ganas Ward over him after Neil got an attempt to get an offensive foul we shall see Olynyk thought he had pretty good position Olynyk thought he had pretty good position Nick youngin swaggy P is here and draymond Green is going to give him the jewelry and for Nick Young who was so happy to get a Western Conference championship hats this is forever this is a ring that signifies his participation on that phenomenal team a year ago and while he's always calm cool collected this is still an emotional moment for any player absolutely very very special dream on giving him the ring and Oracle giving him the love he's eating it up at me well as he was star of the parade yeah they do have their smoking jacket during the parade and Nick always has a smile on his face and always was kind of a joyful presence around the team and he's got the championship bringing now every ring has been given out gym to everybody that won the title a year ago but let's it start all over yeah exactly exactly but that doesn't start for about a week and a half warriors yeah they want to build on the game last night they were up 39 to 12 at the end of one and led wire-to-wire against the lake DeMarcus Cousins and Andre Iguodala will not play tonight that's why Andrew Bogut with five seconds climbing Sonia [Applause] the sodium returned again to this in the last 12 games blocking that last attempt by LeBron James the zone 2 here Lakers in search of their first game by Williams pick up the ball and they finally do double-team be in trouble passes up zone here comes [Applause] Franek sequence [Applause] together in Detroit and obviously in LA [Applause] DeAndre Jordan excellent fetish from the neck brookie relegated him to the bed this time back John the ferocious stuff over Simmons exciting the crowd [Applause] [Music] those habits in on the shot clock former flurry its ups good career high for Derrick Rose deputies say ban was that team I know he saw baby you would say goodness gracious hey you speak do nineteen if I see seventy I'm thinking Xbox I'm not thinking a basketball game but you see ninety-one now possibly ninety two points in the first half Wow Wow and only two turnovers that's what the amazing thing about this is is the way they're pushing the ball they only have two turnovers well what oh that's not okay yeah it's not a delay of game all right that was one of those were cute kids or wrastling downstairs and the dad gets home at yells and we're like that we're just flying in yeah come on man [Music] [Applause] my crew so Russell again softly for D'Angelo Russell D'Angelo Russell with the ice in his veins look at tell them to be quiet they used to cheer for kind of flattened out in this career and now he's come full circle I've always thought he's had incredible amount of talent Cady's got a little cut on that left forearm area it's being tended to [Music] [Applause] they did not use a timeout and it was all a Depot over al horn and look who's in the house LeBron James Chris Paul Carmelo Anthony here to support their friends Dwyane Wade what a special seat here in Brooklyn at Barclays center and for this Nets organizations and these myths a lot of now he's putting his hands up the way that Ben Simmons will stone the games disappear with telling them what's up just mounted in yeah the joke [Applause] people right attend whistle JJ reddick with the puss on right there's a 3-bike deadly and look at the reaction yeah what's up what's up okay and at the crowd this is a veteran he does not anymore years he's gotta laugh ladies is going to keep hustling them look just Jerick that least just say he's trying to get the basketball we know there's a little extra there you man play has stops talk is on the life giving it off the dirt I've never seen this before [Applause] Wow this is uh we're in Tuzla Marquez said good look at that oh man and then he adds the exclamation points is it from his posterior implants here's curry [Applause] it's the earliest moments little scraps between Jo Ellen B's Mike Scott oh oh oh [Applause] Cleveland to beginners MBA Korea from Washington State at the UVA foul coach Tony Bennett who is recruited me to Washington State who founded the UVM [Music] gravity that's all this money ball rack in the corner but you see how straight durka yes I mean it's almost like a line drive for Joe Harris same result though [Music] you actually get tired in the second round from the you're gonna get tired as the first and we have free room [Applause] you're 2019 mountain dew three-point contest winner from the Brooklyn Nets give it up for Joe Perry [Applause] don't look up it's by 27.7 courage guys I'll try to return [Music] [Applause] you each time in their last 11 games and they will fall for the fourth straight time at home the brown chest shot a 3 giving him 51 points [Applause] Turner looks lays it in to tray two seconds watch rays flutter [Applause] I could when you say again no help by JoEllen be again no help by Joelle and beef [Applause] what a play by Trey young the Florida that he has perfected and get all the love on the sideline no man he has put together a heck of a game there's a tenth of a second [Applause] five seconds remaining Butler looks like he's going to the wind Butler heaves and hits which 4/10 of a second remaining Jimmy Butler delivers for his new squad was against the strategy of waiting for the last second call away shot and he buries it and maybe that's why they balls him in on that train a step-back three with a hand in his face 30 and then looks at the lake of bench Stevenson all over George finally draws the foul shots good at that one [Applause] friends can play a lot of video game together while they're on the road to get each other teammates with the Pacers a lot of playoff battles together in Indiana [Music] show a lot of practice battles also and how about Westbrook playing to get top we'll go to the line moments ago now here is one for the books michael beasley looking to check it for the Lakers and that is told hey Michael come on back you're wearing the wrong shorts enough and he heads back to the locker room and start away that's future material for checking for I was gonna say he said yes he said okay [Applause] it was deflected and now Lillard pin littler for three slivers that turnover they've crossed them the game [Music] reflection steel [Applause] Miller got it back and it's the three five point one left in overtime of the Warriors down one Gordon can't foul so forget a jump shot we'll get a tree give it to your aunt if he can go inside they can't balance [Music] I couldn't have asked for anything more obviously people say yeah actually get the playoffs and all that welcome back LeBron [Applause] did she leave affiliative offender Pancho Mogollon off the back when he thought he was going to have a trailer on the play instead of just 50 seconds to go on the third weight gives it up pass on the bucket yes in his final NBA game [Applause] you Oh Dallas it's got the lead dodge it throws down a sledgehammer don't sleep on Luca yogic in the pile [Applause] the Cullen driving over to Nuggets off the heels got it back to hood he'll try a free Blazers by two the only guy that's not exhausted 2.8 seconds left here in Game three with a series tied one apiece baseball pass Millsap [Applause] so many miles on his body movement forward the rest of this season and then you also have kaku's ma is out for a week how do they handle his minutes Brandon Ingram battling a shoulder injury nice and Chandler as well as the Lakers turned it over there and sloppy play by James there I mean LeBron we saw him do this the other night where he's rolling up the floor and he hoists a 3-week against Phoenix he inbounds the ball and it hits the back [Music] [Applause] the line of the seizure [Applause] drinking so much yes [Applause] notices curricula squealing [Applause] so once again I've got the control one of two of July and jokes out there Joe ganthet the Donovan Stephanie put that one on the highlight reel red-hot to start 22 points on the quick seven here in the third huge pass man is denied by OKC tonight [Applause] the three-point line getting some benefit from their penetration blocked by Allen on Blake Griffin dunk try season now Blake Griffin operates against Harrah's tried to jam it Lakers get it up the floor in a hurry James just got the King which has improved on since he was a younger player couldn't shoot it well that's a youngster [Applause] Jared Allen scoops it up two seconds one second to the Sharon Howard a presence defensively hi chef missus just the live brothers bridges bring it down word follow your shot people cuz you never know you might get it back oh my word what a find there by Billy hope it's Carter ever get it wrapped up [Applause] Orlando leads five-three how about the smart move getting the mismatch on the switch right there and just raising up put a switch right there and just raising up put a with the clock what six games in a row with the Lakers come on wanted three on the road trip top one tonight two nights in a row yeah exactly Lakers falling at 18 and 13 7 and 9 on the road Brooklyn now 14 and 18 I've been talking to people walking here we've been talking about next year and I'm sitting there saying I'm not gonna be here what makes dirt who he is is it he's the ultimate competitor oh oh dear then Jamal Crawford's got 37 and shooting for us 38 points you never want to sleep on Jamal Crawford because he couldn't light it up and he can light it up quick gibson bench fires murder gets it back to it [Applause] welcome to the pantheon I know game at home and really cool to see you tennis hassled enjoyed 11 minutes of fourth-quarter planning time and as hi year-end twin father and son as iron has one more year high school basketball left I told them recently all the heat nation wherever you choose to play your college basketball will be following and rooting for you young man what he's knocking it all out great balance I cannot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow brings a TD right yeah here he goes over you guys [Applause] that'll be the true Eubanks he's he's playing some bean [Applause] Drew's got Alfred and he's got a V on the trail [Applause] [Music] let them take your picture elegance within five [Music] there's a line there Westbrook the I lied double-team I'm in the back you gotta think Paul George has to get a touch at some point and he does the three-ball quickly why George Paul on the job incredible immense get down here now hands it off Butler crowded cut it off and OKC survives Butler didn't have a remaining miracle and OKC makes it 19 straight wins against billet up Porter's turnover by New Orleans like a Randell being physical with James shot puck down a for LeBron lost it now regains fires away [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I've seen that a lot as an opposing coach where you think you're playing great defense and he makes one of those shots - absolutely disheartening and did you see the look on Anthony Davis of space yeah he said that's my boy the next year look at this shot I mean you can't play the defense any better than that that's a great possession that's a great defensive possession and it just breaks your heart on those you know and breaks your spirit an ad like I've seen Wade peeps of the clock and Wade is going to dribble it out [Applause] the end of an era in Miami Dwayne Wade's illustrious 16-year NBA career comes to a close in Brooklyn [Applause] everybody on their feet you the thunder down one have a timeout they're not going to use it George with five George drives over the bear [Music] they love Utah will enter Donald foul Willard's almost stolen would stop way more join the year with the first team All Defense because when it matters most this guy has food with the peace and elite all-time defendant great hands the strip seals the victory outstanding defense by Andre put the ball on the floor and give the ball up that's been a strength of few cents having a big necking switch we've baited an end of that on their left hand and it looked like hard did to step back you know it was like you know no we haven't seen it he did a double stub that step back she does that no either I have to see that he does the running man back I'm not gonna go with you know 1 kg I'm sorry girls a lot of travel absolutely step back but that was a trap that wasn't that bad that was four and a half I have not seen they don't even do this when they make in them hold on this wait wait for it [Laughter] while they're wise enough for the three point of ten six tenths of a second ransom Obregon states that sits buries a three out of the corner can you believe that [Applause] since the feet left his hands before the clock struck double zero touch it ties the game pending review that sounds good since the feet left his hands before the clock struck double zero still inbound pardon trying to get flames down to three down to Tara to prove James Horton upwind fair incredible shot James Harden with two warriors raped honest why's the one to get this to go down and easily could have been fouled in the grill of draymond Green a former defensive player of the year James Harden had been fouled in the grill of draymond Green a former Defensive Player of the Year [Music] hold on to it could a bouncing full of [Music] scare Jordan and number four all-time scoring in NBA history standing ovation [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know what I'll make it an even better tell me he can make it free throws no seriously that's a quite an accomplishment obviously by LeBron yep during the next time out we'll get to stay here they will have a video tribute to LeBron passing Michaels and he does make a stink about it all he ain't trying to drop a little bit closer go one-on-one with yo kids and having some fun over on watch here comes LeBron lay it up and they said okay you know get you wanting you got him look the play to put LeBron ahead of Michael Jordan for fourth all-time in the NBA was that when you count him off yes he understands the moment video tributes and since affinity of you of any first-year athlete in any sport LeBron James will put it on the milestone [Music] [Applause] [Music] gradual age with 20 thou James has passed Shaquille O'Neal [Music] [Applause] and the quickest to get the 30,000 your character [Music] pulls up in hips it and that's it he is [Music] here he goes into the light Jonathan goes he goes he's tied well for number five and he can pass them with a free throw leaving store in NBA history passing the great Wilt Chamberlain ladies and gentlemen another historic night here is stable center at the 538 art with his basket LeBron James as Michael Jordan Berger gets it in Kevin looking long to the basket Dawei [Applause] if you save ourselves his right hand beats the buzzer and then after two bounces three it falls in and at land wins it in overtime but basket is good and a witson in overtime the basket is good video review [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right here it is that was peak Gary Clark [Music] [Applause] clark's got it Michael Carter way 26 three-pointers for the Houston Rockets a new NBA record but here it is Michael carter-williams a new NBA records set tonight by the Houston Rockets with 26 three-pointers Lowry on the ball Raptors have two timeouts siakam disrupts it lamb has it throw it up it goes it goes a desperation free from lamb to win it but a Shaolin Hornets say what great comeback little apples leave his fingers watch this great denial right there lambs has got to throw it up yet it's good Jack and the Hornets winning well that was a remarkable play that ball was in the air forever it's well laid against Iguodala five seconds left bladers back to 12 shoots now I couldn't get it off that fire [Applause] 1:26 to run just happened let's take a closer look here on your street totally off Baptist's off the glass circus shot and weighed the hero once again in his final game against the Golden State Warriors Dwayne Wade beats the Warriors in his final game against the Colo state warriors Dwayne Wade beats two worries milord long-range three [Applause] dagger oh my goodness look at that shot to put them out he went for 50 point that point that was forty seven forty eight nine is fifty points on that with cut amazing five years ago get up three against your rocket yes to win the first round series Damian Lillard 250 points good night Oklahoma City sees it over you your filling it's off the Leonard defended by Simmons is this the tiger [Applause] fifteen fourth-quarter points by Kawhi Leonard and the game-winner 41 points [Applause] fifteen fourth-quarter points by Kawhi Leonard two-possession game 114 one channel curry let's enjoy the eternal is yours the Toronto Raptors are the 2019 and the champions it happened it's real the Raptors win their first NBA championship how sweet it is how sweet it is cos come to Oracle Arena the final game ever played in this building against an outstanding four the Golden State Warriors and they win all four times this season here in this story building [Applause] three road games to go on to win their first NBA title four games to do congratulations to the Toronto Raptors looking Kyle Lowry Lowry think about his career at 24th overall pick in 2006 by the Memphis Grizzlies sent to Houston traded to Toronto seven seas it with the Toronto Raptors a five-time all-star and Kawhi Leonard embracing the director of sport science Alex McKechnie low to management worked Marc Gasol reaching the Western Conference Finals with the Memphis Grizzlies and now an NBA title like his brother Hal Gasol then Phil handy for years he went to the finals with the Cleveland Cavaliers the assistant coach in his first year with the Toronto Raptors winning a title in Danny Green they did it in San Antonio they do it again in Toronto Kauai in green Masai Ujiri [Applause] since day one he has said we will win we will win he has won [Applause] he has embracing first year MBA head coach Nick nurse ice bomba def Bob Myers and Masai Ujiri embracing bent the stands to his family and how about Pascal see a commuter plane 26 and 10 a double-double tonight 10 of 17 he played with such poise that composure tonight how about Kyle Lowry tonight Maddie beat a double-double 27 and 10 assists and he got him going in the first half the Toronto Raptors they do it in there's wayne embry the Hall of Famer [Applause] Thank You Paula [Applause] what this means too wayne embry he has a raptor fans here he had some close calls when he was the GM we both Michael join me and what a tremendous accomplishment by the Toronto Raptors and the celebration is on all across Canada deservedly so congratulations Canada [Applause] congratulations [Applause] waiting the trophy presentation Bryan trophy is yours the jury said it we will win them and he was right Leonard what a season what a postseason in 2019 the best player in the 2019 postseason no one close to Kawhi Leonard taking to the stage Marc Gasol see ya [Applause] along with Serge Ibaka Kyle Lowry is their name Kyle [Applause] directing traffic up there he's go on with his family Nick nurse on the stage won a title at every level at which he coached death from England to the G League that's developing on the stage look at Kauai always calm cool and collected Jack allowed himself to show emotion into that game seven shop and against Philadelphia Shalit emotion here said you haven't done anything until you win for well Kauai you won for George Copeland on stage and Jeremy Castleberry assistant coach in lifelong friend - yeah Kauai wishes - great journey like Pascal ciacco bounce-back game how great was serge ibaka in the last four games of these finals came up big than em ibaka huge another game the Raptors every game he scored double figures in a pointless math they won that's how a picture book with his team pants in the square and with so many parties [Applause] tremendous passionate loyal fanbase I returned while the chairman of the board Kyle Lowry in his son's two sons Mantle's men walking on the stage what a great job he is done in the scouting department as we await the trophy presentation Toronto Raptors win Game six 114 110 Game six for the six fanbase Robin the NBA and what a journey it has been since 1995 the Toronto Raptors win their first ever NBA title so much credit Masai Ujiri Bobby Webster the leadership the moves that they've been able to and this roster came together and overcame adversity in every series on the road was a tough place to play they got it
Channel: House of Highlights
Views: 9,281,241
Rating: 4.8335104 out of 5
Keywords: nba, nba top 100, nba top 100 moments, top 100 nba moments 2019, 2018 19 nba season, 2018-19 nba season, best plays nba 2018-19, top 100 plays nba, top 100 plays nba 2019, best moments nba 2019, best moments nba, best plays nba playoffs 2019, nba highlights, nba house of highlights, house of highlights
Id: ffopsYJ1A6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 51sec (4311 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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