Times Michael Jordan DISRESPECTED NBA Players..

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the level of fear that he inspired in others was insane it didn't matter he wanted to come in and kill you now michael jordan and reggie miller having a go at it these are the times that michael jordan disrespected nba players and jordan's beef with his own teammate steve kerr got so violent their own coach had to get involved it was 1995 and steve kerr was playing in his first practice game with jordan for some reason coach phil jackson decided to have jordan and kerr guard each other at this point jordan didn't know who kerr was so he had no respect for him jordan started talking trash roughing her up and surprisingly kerr was talking trash right back no if you know jordan that's not gonna slide so he decided to make this practice physical jordan got the ball drove to the basket and hit steve kerr with a hard foul obviously this frustrated kurt so on the very next play he wanted to return the favor driving up the court kerr hit jordan with an elbow right to the chest and that is when jordan lost it he hauls off and hits me in the chest and i just haul off and hit him this man literally gave his teammate a black eye not only that but right when this happened the entire team had to come and break the fight up and then phil jackson had to kick jordan out of practice and if jordan was willing to do that to his teammate what the hell did he do to people he was up against well in the 1996 nba finals michael jordan destroyed hall of famer gary payton the bulls beat the supersonics 4-2 and jordan collected his fourth championship ring but 25 years later gary payton thinks jordan beat him by luck he was being interviewed for jordan's documentary the last dance and in that interview gary has all types of wild takes he talks about beating jordan up slowing him down getting aggressive with him i made it a point i said just tire him out tired of god you just gotta tire him out and if he had done that just a little bit earlier they probably could have won the finals now the beautiful thing is with this documentary jordan got to see a clip of gary talking about this and his reaction became one of michael jordan's most iconic disrespectful moments it took a toll on my it took a toll and then resting him a little bit and then the series changed and i wish i could have did it earlier i don't know if the outcome would be different but it it was a difference and beating him down a little bit this man doesn't even have to say a word he can just laugh and it's the most disrespectful thing i've ever seen but what happens when michael jordan disrespects one of the biggest trash talkers in nba history kevin garnett well it was 1996 and garnett's wolves were facing jordan's bulls with it being garnett's rookie season this game shouldn't have been close but shockingly they were only down by three points at halftime garnett and his teammate j.r rider were having a great game so regarding that feeling himself he made the biggest mistake of his entire career he decided to start talking trash garnett was telling jr keep killing jordan out there that they were destroying him that it was easy but what he didn't realize was that michael jordan was standing right next to them and he could hear every word they were saying and at that point it was too late jordan came out at the second half and lit the wolves up completely destroying any hope they had it winning going up by 21 points with jordan scoring damn near every basket and with the clock winding down garnett was pulled out of the game that is when jordan walked by the wolves bench and he let garnett know to never disrespect the goat again next thing you know we over there like this mike came down okay y'all fell okay okay damn y'all fell it down damn y'all y'all done damn y'all never talked to mike every year yeah garnett learned his lesson right then and there but there's one nba legend that doesn't give a damn who michael jordan is i'm talking about charles barkley the disrespect between barkley and jordan got so bad it cost them their entire friendship they met as rookies in 1984 and over the next few seasons they grew to respect each other's game and by 1992 they were best friends going golfing together grabbing drinks puffing cigars they were just having a good time however it didn't matter how friendly they were away from basketball because when it came time to ball they wanted to kill each other during the 1993 finals jordan was willing to do anything to beat charles barkley so right before game four he decided to give charles a 20 000 diamond earring what a great friend right well jordan later told his assistant coach why he really did that saying charles won't get in my way the rest of the series what's 20 000 to me he thinks we're great friends i hate that fat f damn jordan's over here playing 4d chess but the disrespect doesn't stop there even after barkley's career was over jordan took every opportunity that he could to disrespect the poor guy well we got you there michael how your ribs feeling by the way uh a lot better a lot better and we've tried to get some answers out of charles here maybe we'll reveal what you say i'm just glad his little ribs are alright he's been whining about him for like two or three weeks now don't worry about it charles you you can forget i'm still the boss if you need a job are we gonna see this happen can you tell us anything tonight no i can only tell you that i have a very good player coming to washington dc and i may not need another i was going to say and his name and his initial is all right cb i'll tell you what kb is pretty good i appreciate that i'm not sure i might even consider coming down to you up to annie stay in tnt i think that's your best effort i appreciate that no problem sheesh that was disrespectful but you want to know what else is disrespectful not dropping a like and subscribing to the channel i put my heart into this when you don't subscribe it cuts deep so what are you doing but anyways the beef between jordan and barkley didn't stop there because in 2005 it happened again this time on the oprah winfrey show who's the wiser i know wendy when not to eat now you you you do say though that he is cheap i've heard that god i say that everybody says that you're not no i i don't think see you're dressed he's dressed too well to be cheap thank you spend all his money on clothes oh okay or when you say he's cheating hey all i got with this cheap george stuff is it true that you all still split the bill that you wouldn't just say let me take care no you know when you get in the limelight you have a lot of freeloading friends yeah i don't whatever him to ever think that i'm just hanging out yeah yeah so we fight over the bill he is i'm glad you brought up the motorcycle thing because i hate that i want you to know that you do has he gotten you on a motorcycle hell no you know i'm sorry the seat's not big enough yeah when you ride a motorcycle you have to really be focused on seeing the traffic ahead he doesn't know about this he's never ridden a motorcycle you never understand what it takes to be a winner but then if i if i get the rest of the guys laughing at him he'll always bring the winner thing up how many rings you got he always throws that up at me man if i had scottie pippen and dennis robin i'd want some too you were now i think we can all tell you know this was some light-hearted trash talk they were definitely still friends here well that was until a few years later when jordan took things too personally see by 2012 jordan owned the charlotte hornets and they had just finished a season with the worst record in nba history seven wins and 59 losses so barkley went on an espn radio show and criticized jordan's ownership skill saying i love michael but he's just not done a good job even though he's one of my great friends i can't get on here and tell you he's done a great job and when jordan heard this quote he felt betrayed how could a friend criticize him like that so the next day they spoke on the phone and jordan said he was so upset he never wanted to hear from barkley again and it turns out they haven't spoken since michael jordan yes how are you guys these days are you friends are you talking to me we're not friends right now and i wish him nothing but the best are you hopeful that someday you guys will be close again i would like that but i'm not i can't have people around me who if i have to be honest about them they're going to get mad at me damn the disrespect just went too far man sucks but at least jordan's disrespect didn't cost charles any money cause for kemba walker he lost tens of millions of dollars all thanks to michael jordan remember when i said the charlotte hornets were trash in 2011 well jordan wanted to turn things around so in the 2011 draft he picked up kemba walker hoping that he could turn the entire franchise around and after just eight seasons kemba made three all-star teams single-handedly brought them to the playoffs twice and became the team's all-time leading scorer he was doing everything he could to put charlotte on the map i mean jordan should have been thanking this man every night so when kemba's contract expired in 2018 you'd think that jordan would have done everything he could to make sure the best player he's ever had stayed in charlotte right well when the two sat down and tried to work out a deal jordan disrespected kimba instead of paying him the 220 million dollars that kimbo wanted jordan only offered him 160 mil that's 60 million less than what he asked for and kimbo was upset he knew that without him the hornets were gonna be the laughing stock of the nba so with that kemba left immediately and he let his agent know he wanted to play somewhere else and just a few days later he signed to the boston celtics for a forty million dollars yeah twenty million less than what jordan offered kimba literally lost tens of millions of dollars just despite michael jordan but at least kimba just walked away and didn't let things get out of hand cause one time a teammate tried to end jordan's career because he was tired of all the disrespect back in 1988 michael jordan was still chasing his first nba championship and he was hoping to win it with his best friend charles oakley so when the bulls ended up trading oakley away jordan was furious and there was no one better for him to take his anger out on than the guy that replaced his friend bill cartwright it started at their very first practice together jordan started calling the dude old saying that he sucked he was always hurt things got so bad jordan gave cartwright the nickname medical bill and it didn't stop at name calling during passing drills at practice jordan just kept whipping the ball at him like they were playing dodgeball or something and this drove cartwright to his breaking point he was about to snap one more sign of disrespect from jordan and he was going to let him have it fast forward a couple of weeks and it happened again and a game against the hornets cartwright had one of the worst nights of his career so jordan got up and he told the entire team that cartwright didn't belong in the nba and that was it that was all cartwright needed to hear cartwright gets michael aside and he says look if you ever do anything like that again you will never play basketball because i'm gonna break both your legs all right uh just to put things into perspective a little bit bill cartwright was seven foot one and 250 pounds if he wanted to break jordan's legs he he could have done it and uh i don't think jordan would have won six rings with no legs so that talk that they had set jordan straight after that he stopped to disrespect and they finally started getting along i mean in 1991 they even won their first of three titles together so i guess that mj trash talk ended up being a great thing for him but not everyone can be so lucky sometimes jordan might say something so disrespectful it'll end an entire career like muggsy bogues it was the 1995 playoffs hornets versus bulls and one more loss for charlotte meant their season was over so everyone thought the hornets were done everyone except one player mugsy losing was not an option this man is the shortest player in nba history at just five foot three you think he's gonna pass up a chance to beat michael jordan and win a championship this man would go down as a legend his career depended on this win so in the fourth quarter of game four with the game tied mugsy bogues dribbled up the court with just a few seconds left on the clock mugsy was getting ready to take the game-winning shot and that's when michael jordan stared muggsy down and yelled shoot it you jesus man this man needs to chill a little bit this isn't an xbox 360 lobby you can't be saying that you're gonna get me canceled just reading the quote damn as if being the shortest player in nba history isn't hard enough you gotta deal with mj doing stuff like that but i i guess the trash talking worked because mugsy pulled up took the shot and missed it losing the hornets the game and the series mugsy's miss was the only thing he could think about i mean he even went on to tell johnny bach a bull's assistant coach that this miss against jordan was the one moment that ruined his career and i mean the stats backed that up mugsy went from averaging 11 points a game to just five and he was out of the nba entirely by 2001 but i mean if you gotta look at the bright side at least mugsy didn't turn into a meme cause there's a lot of moments in the nba that get meme to hell like what is even going on in this picture how how does this even happen oh you want to hear more about that well then click on this video right here these are the nba moments that turned into memes and trust me dawg gotta see what happened to lamelo it's ridiculous so what are you doing this video's over click it
Channel: REBOUND
Views: 10,081,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nba, rebound central, rebound, michael jordan
Id: fCkels27_9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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