20 Things You Didn't Know About The NBA..

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there's a lot of things the NBA doesn't tell you from referee's rigging games to players doing some crazy things to get a win for 20 things you didn't know about the NBA and for number 20. then you had no idea that NBA mascots get paid more than doctors yeah Benny the Bull makes 400 000. Harry the hawk 500 and Rocky the mountain lion makes 625 000 a year damn these mascots are rich that's crazy so is number 19. because you probably didn't know the NBA arenas you could turn into monster truck Derbies yeah and it only takes 90 minutes so if you stay a little bit after an NBA game you can catch moments like this foreign damn these monster trucks are dangerous and speaking of monsters we gotta talk about number 18 because I bet you didn't know about the referee that's banned from the NBA this is Tim Donahue and in the early 2000s he was one of the most respected raps in the entire league but behind the scenes Tim had a dark secret yeah this man had a gambling problem and Not only was he illegally betting on his own games but he was also selling Insider information to his friends tipping them off on fouls he'd be calling that night making up to five thousand dollars for everybody helped him win while Tim thought he was running a genius scheme what he didn't know it's not his gambling advice was ending up in the hands of some dangerous people the mafia wanted Tim's help and any cost what kind of threats did you receive death threats what do they say that I was going to be killed did you believe him I wasn't sure Yeah Tim was in deep with the sharks and eventually the man was swallowed whole because in 2007 after a series of FBI wire Taps if that's kind of wind of Tim's skiing so just a month later he officially pled guilty to two felony gambling charges leading to 15 months in federal prison damn I know refs could be that Twisted but I didn't know number 17 either the fact that the tallest and shortest players in NBA history were teammates yeah in the 80s Washington Bullets wanted to build the most unique team in the league so they drafted seven foot seven Manute Bull and five foot three Mugsy Bogues and together they looked ridiculous and here's his opposite look at this bowl seven through five remember that we was always comfortable with ourselves and always comfortable in terms of who we were man these two were built different but there's one player that was really built different because for number 16 there's an NBA player that's missing a finger this is Gerald Green and when Gerald was just 11 years old lost his finger in a horrific accident but despite being short-handed he went on to become a star playing 12 seasons in the NBA earning over 20 million dollars even winning the 2007 Dunk Contest someone needs to give this guy a high four and give dude some money too because for number 15. I doubt you knew that NBA players got paid less than truck drivers yeah see back in the 70s the average NBA salary was just 35 000 a year that's 5 000 less than what truck drivers made and it didn't matter how good the player player was either because Wilt Chamberlain one of the greatest of all time made just 1.5 million his entire career that's how much Steph Curry makes in three games these dudes are cashing fat checks for that they don't always get every done because for number 14. you probably knew the players got fined for breaking rules what you didn't know is where the money goes because the NBA gives every last penny to charity and since 2010 the leaks donated over a hundred million all because of fines so flipping off fans or swearing out reporters is really all for a good cause but number 13 is all for the flex because I bet you had no idea that NBA championship rings cost Millions see in 2020 the Lakers won their 17th title and franchise history they wanted to celebrate big so they had a celebrity jeweler Jason of Beverly Hills and had them craft the most expensive rings in NBA history we had diamonds going all the way down the side we had each player's number written with a mamba snake in the background in honor of Kobe Bryant we really went over and Beyond on this particular ring because it's the home City I'm a huge fan and I want it to be bigger and better than any ring we've ever made each of these rings cost over a hundred and fifty thousand so in total the Lakers spent over 3 million damn rings do look flashy though but I can't say the same for number 12. because I bet you didn't know that the granny shot is scientifically proven to be the most effective free throw form yeah this is Rick Barry and in the 60s he was doing the unthinkable shooting every free throw granny style the man looked ridiculous but hey it worked because Barry was shooting 90 from the free throw line that's the same percentage as Steph Curry now as weird as the granny shot is there's nothing compared to number 11 because NBA players have some of the weirdest names imaginable I mean there's God sham God Wawa Jones he even got a fat lever knocking down threes but there is one player in France the NBA needs to sign because he'd have the weirdest name in NBA history driving Baseline fast with a fight I don't want to tweet from anybody that's amazing hey Mr hoe you fat if you're watching this I want to sign Jersey dog that name is fire fun luck we're in the top 10 now so from here on out you won't know a damn thing and I bet you didn't know that the NBA is going to Mexico see in 2019 Mexico City got their own NBA G League team the Mexico City capitanus soon after the NBA started to see a huge growth in popularity so in 2022 they announced plans to add new official teams to the league with options like Las Vegas Seattle and most importantly Mexico City or whatever City gets a team I just hope their branding's on point Cause for number nine Crowley didn't know that the NBA had some of the weirdest logos ever like this terrifying Knicks logo or this hideous Celtics logo hell in the 60s this was the Lakers logo man we could have a giraffe ridiculous but if you want ridiculous then we got number eight because you didn't know that it's scientifically proven that James Harden plays worse and cities with good strip clubs yeah in 2019 a redditor analyzed hardin's performance in every NBA City for the past four seasons and after comparing each City's average strip club rating the results were mind-blowing because he found out that to a statistically significant degree hardin's performance declines in cities with the best clubs like Miami and La damn this man James got the wrong head in the game unbelievable but sometimes The Nightlife can end way worse that's why for number seven I don't think you knew that the league made a rule of saving players lives see in 1986 NBA's next big star Len Bias was drafted second overall by the Celtics people were expecting the kid to dominate the league for years to come sadly only two days later tragedy struck the Maryland medical examiner has now issued his report on the death of the college basketball star Lynn bias and it confirms the worst suspicions he died of heart failure because he used cocaine first here's ABC's Bill Greenwood from that day forward the NBA couldn't stand to watch another Young Star suffer the same fate so just a month later they created the rookie transition program where incoming rookies are taught how to adjust to the NBA lifestyle from drugs and alcohol classes to financial assistance courses and even media training so these days players are getting the support and education they need to make the best of their careers and all this training is paying off cause and number six I bet you didn't know that players got paid over a billion dollars to be in NBA 2k yeah back in 2019 the NBA Players Association signed a seven year deal with 2K worth an absurd 1.1 billion dollars that money is shared amongst the players that appear in the game while specific numbers aren't public it's estimated that the top NBA players can earn up to 250 000 a year just from being in 2K these dudes get to play with themselves and get a bag doing it that's legendary and so is number five because the NBA broke a world record see in 2010 the NBA wanted to take their All-Star Game to new heights as the saying goes everything's bigger in Texas so the league went down to Dallas and got to work turning the Cowboys Stadium into an NBA arena and this game hit it big Because by the end of the night it's not a world record for the most fans in attendance and basketball history 108 713 people damn that place was loaded but imagine if all those people were subscribed to rebound we'd be unstoppable so what are you doing subscribe cry but if we're talking Unstoppable and we gotta mention number four because there's an NBA player that has more rings than Bill Russell see this man dominated the lead winning 11 NBA championships 11. and for decades this was the most rings a player had ever seen But in 1983 everything changed as the league started giving out custom rings to NBA All-Stars yeah and if you add up every ring that's been given out over the years the player with the most rings is Kobe Bryant with 23. but I dog this top three time so we're taking you didn't know to the extreme first we gotta talk about the curse of the Denver Nuggets back in 1975 the Nuggets were facing the Indiana Pacers and the division finals during game two Indiana decided to pull out their secret weapon dance and haired [Music] [Applause] oh now if you thought this was just some harmless dancing you'd be dead wrong dancing Harry put a hex on the nuggets and it must have worked as the Pacers won the next two games so going into game five nuggets needed some magic of their own that's when they devised a plot to get revenge hiring roboda the golden Witch of the West to put a curse on the Pacers yeah they actually hired a witch but in the end a thing Roberta must have cursed the wrong team because not only did the Nuggets go on to lose that night but they also got eliminated from the playoffs just a couple of days later and Legend has it Denver's still cursed to this day but speaking of Legends for number two he probably didn't know that there's only one jersey number that's retired by the NBA see with five MVPs 12 All-Star games and 11 championships Bill Russell dominated the game and yet what he did off the court was even greater because Bill was a Trailblazer he was the first black head coach in NBA history and was even awarded a presidential medal of freedom so in 2022 when he sadly passed away the NBA decided to honor bill by permanently retiring as number six jersey making this the first jersey number that's ever been retired League wide man really is a lot of things to know about the NBA but what if I told you none of this would have ever happened if it weren't for number one because there's no way you knew that the NBA was almost canceled seeing back in the 70s the NBA had a huge problem on their hands it's two biggest stars well Chamberlain and Bill Russell have both retired college basketball have become more popular than the pros and Drug scandals ruining players lives and the League's reputation and throughout the decade these issues caused the NBA's viewership to plummet I got so bad that by 1978 they weren't even televising the finals games live and the league was considering getting rid of multiple teams no one was watching the NBA but then something crazy happened as a 1979 the NBA was taken over by two future goats at the same time Larry Bird and Magic Johnson and from that point on the NBA was never the same and those two guys you know Magic Johnson Larry Bird saved the NBA you know really saved the NBA from really going under because at that particular point it was only maybe four teams that were making money yeah you know out of the at that time I think they might have been 22 or 2014's in the league and these two guys came along and they just kind of saved the NBA so you know all these guys out here just making all this money they owe Magic a lot of kudos chicken bird changed the NBA they made basketball cool suddenly fans were lining up to watch to the point where by 1985 the league had doubled in his viewership and revenue and the NBA has been thriving ever since but believe it or not NBA players are blowing even more money than that I mean James Harden spent a million dollars in one night and Allen Iverson he kept spending money till he went broke look if you want to hear more and you need to click on this video here it's toots you little Tootsie tots so I'm gonna start calling you guys you guys are toots now what's going on toots click on this video here toots I feel like uh like Frank Sinatra you don't know who Frank Sinatra forget it just click on the video Jesus tots
Channel: REBOUND
Views: 4,314,404
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Keywords: nba, rebound central, rebound
Id: pDsQgESg1lw
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Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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