Navy SEAL, Delta Force Rescue of Jessica Lynch… (*REAL FOOTAGE*)

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The power of propaganda. This event didn't happen remotely like the Americans of the time described it, they admitted to it years later, and we still have the storming of an unarmed hospital portrayed as some heroic effort.

Edit: It was covered by many better writers and investigative journalists than I am, but here's the summary I made some years ago:

"The rescue of Pvt. Jessica Lynch was one of the heroic stories of the 2003 Iraq War."

The Americans pulled some magnificent news management on this story. Propaganda makers should use it as a textbook example of how to change public opinion.

When Bush invaded Iraq, it very quickly became apparent that he had no casus belli, it was just a war of aggression. Some fake reports had been made up by US and UK intelligence but they were easily, and quickly rejected.

The story of Jessica Lynch was one of the turning points of public opinion. A SEAL team went in and rescued Lynch, taking her to a waiting Blackhawk for evac. Stories about how she was in a rape room and was used again and again by savage Iraqi soldiers helped public perception become more convenient.

Reports of Private Lynch’s period in captivity flowed thick and fast: we were told how she had fought valiantly, firing until she had run out of ammunition, wounding and killing several Iraqi soldiers despite her own injuries. Later reports suggested that Lynch might even have sustained some of her gunshot wounds whilst held captive as part of a brutal regime of interrogation.

American news media obediently lapped it up, despite massive holes in the story.

What had actually happened was a US unit had been defeated in battle, it had taken a wrong turning, crashed its vehicle, and picked a fight it couldn't win. Only Lynch had survived, trapped and wounded in the overturned Humvee.

The Iraqis took her to a field hospital and treated her injuries. She was given the only remaining specialist bed in the hospital, which had been shelled by the Americans a few days before. Two nurses remained, one of them was Khalida Shinah, who recounted what happened. Dr. Harith al-Houssona oversaw her treatment, she went through three bottles of blood for transfusion, two of them drawn from the medical staff themselves.

Jessica Lynch was treated for her road traffic accident injuries, there was no bullet and no knife wounds. She had a broken arm, broken femur and dislocated ankle, all on the same side, classic RTA injuries.

Some time later, an American advance party arrived, asking about the militants in the area. A waiter, Hassam Hamoud, confirmed there was no military presence. The Fedayeen had already left the area or were never present to begin with: They were stretched thin as it was. The "elite martyr brigade" the US was busy hyping had never really existed to begin with.

The next day, US forces stormed the hospital, with flashbangs, firing blanks for the rolling cameras, they assaulted doctors and attacked a patient. Dr Anmar Uday told an investigation, "We heard the noise of helicopters. We were surprised. Why do this? There was no military, there were no soldiers in the hospital."

Two days before this, Al-Houssona, who was given credit by Washington, arranged to take Jessica to the American checkpoint in an ambulance. Despite its medical markings, the Americans opened fire on it and very nearly killed Pvt. Lynch. The Iraqi medics had to return her to the hospital.

The Americans then released a very heavily edited video to the world's media and refused to release the original footage. None of the troops who took part were permitted to speak to the media. Other than a very brief account of Captain America heroics, the DoD refused to make any statement: Presumably to avoid perjuring itself.

Lynch authorised a biography where she claimed not to remember the three hours after the Humvee crashed, which is a reasonable explanation. The book contains some intelligence reports that she was treated badly and even sodomised, but the actual writing here was by disgraced journalist Rick Bragg, who was fired from New York Times for a massive breach of journalistic ethics. It was absolutely a propaganda piece to tell the people what they wanted to hear about this innocent 19 year old supply clerk in the wrong place at the wrong time.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Hattix 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2022 🗫︎ replies

This youtuber shouldn't be trusted. He exaggerates and misconstrues the facts to make the government's gunman seem good, while those on the other end of the barrel seem evil

The opposite is true in this case, where brave Iraqis defended their country against invaders. Taking a female soldier hostage, they chose to instead give her to Iraqi medical personnel who cared for her and protected her. The US "rescue" was a manufactured event meant to shore up support for a terrible war

I was a US soldier in Iraq myself, we weren't heroes. We shouldn't be celebrated. The Iraqi people have withstood a century of brutality from British and American forces. Any story of heroism in that part of the world shouldn't focus on the aggressors

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/PMmepicsofWaffles 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2022 🗫︎ replies
Saturday March 23rd 2003 in Army private wakes up inside an Iraqi Hospital confused and severely injured taken prisoner of war after her unit was separated from a convoy and ambushed in nasseria Iraq in the missing private's family anxiously awaited to learn the fate of their daughter and after nine days of captivity Special Operations Command acquired Intel on her whereabouts at the hospital a team of Navy SEALs Air Force PJs Army Rangers and Delta Force operators raided the hospital breaching any and all doors in a daring rescue mission to recover and bring home private first class Jessica Lynch this is a Declassified story and footage of the rescue [Music] that's right so we had our uh I got the little Merchant holding we're gonna go up towards in this girl [Music] [Music] from humble beginnings hailing out of Palestine West Virginia is Jessica Lynch and her family like most families struggled financially and in the year 2000 the Lynch family determined to get their kids the education they deserved met with an army recruiter when Jessica was 17 years old and in July of 2001 Jessica enlisted in the United States Army [Music] picked the MOs of a 92 Yankee Supply clerk giving her parents an extra peace of mind and after all America was in peacetime [Music] what do you do [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] crash on the southern tip of Manhattan you're looking at the uh just like that the Lynch family saw their daughter off to war and only two years later in March of 2003 Jessica was deployed and found herself at the Confluence of the invasion of Iraq [Music] on March 23rd Jessica was part of a hundred mile long 600 vehicle Convoy she was attached to the 507th maintenance company when her unit became separated from the Convoy after making a wrong turn the Humvee which Jessica was traveling in driven by Laurie pie estua was ambushed near nasseria a major crossing point over the Euphrates River Laurie pieastua drove at a high rate of speed to evade the tauren of gunfire but in a matter of seconds the Humvee was hit by an RPG sending the Humvee crashing into the rear of a tractor-trailer three inside were killed on impact Lori pastua shoshana Johnson and Jessica Lynch survived but were severely injured Johnson along with private first class Patrick Miller would soon be stashed in various locations throughout Iraq what's your name and after the Ambush the Iraqis went back to check the vehicles and found Jessica Lynch and Lori piastua alive but in grave condition they were both taken prisoner and the families of 507 anxiously awaited news of their missing loved ones there was no time for proper Memorial services for the 507. or meant they had to focus on the next military objective what do you think the fate of a woman is in the hands of Saddam Hussein she's got to be scared yes it's Common Sense what's going to happen if you know prisoners War it it's inevitable Jessica Lynch and Lori pastua were taken to a nazarea hospital the Iraqi forces otherwise known as the FedEx were not stupid by any means they knew exactly how far Americans would and wouldn't go they would use buses to move around the city as they understood U.S troops what an attack a civilian bus and they applied this method to their staging areas and compounds such as schools in hospitals the hospital where they stashed Jessica and Lori although some of the hospital employees still remained and reportedly attempted to help the wounded Americans by applying bandages and administering IVs it seems they may have done more harm than good as Lori pastua inadequately treated by doctors succumbed to her wounds and as for Jessica she finally came too at the hospital and observed Iraqi men standing over top of her and as she tried to flee she realized in that moment she couldn't move in the severity of her wounds [Music] two of the men in the hospital attempted to amputate Jessica's leg Jessica fought them off with an oxygen mask begging the man to leave her alone and somehow they eventually did but this unpredictable behavior from her captors would continue over the next week there are several different accounts of what exactly occurred at the hospital the hospital staff including Dr harith al-hassona reported to have shielded her from the Iraqi forces who overtook their hospital yet other accounts report that Jessica was beaten by Iraqi forces it's my understanding that Jessica's account of what happened is somewhere in the middle [Music] as on March 30th Dr Al hassona reportedly attempted to deliver Jessica back to U.S forces via ambulance however the ambulance was fired upon and she was returned to the hospital and left abandoned with alone she feared she would die in the hospital either at the hands of the federal or all likeliness of the building being bombed and the crossfires of a war with what little hope she had she held on to it and his fate would have it an Iraqi civilian tipped off a group of Marines the man's claims were validated and the man was sent back to the hospital to gather himself and the off was made a team of Navy Seals and an element from The Joint Special Operations task force 121 composed of U.S army Special Forces Green Berets Air Force PJs Army Rangers 160th Special Operations Aviation regiment and Delta Force coordinated the operation and fun fact former Navy SEAL Andy Stumpf was part of this team which is I think that's pretty cool intelligence gathered at the time reported that the hospital could potentially hold 500 plus feta Yin adversaries the op steam ran scenarios through tape outlines of the hospital blueprints they knew where the doors and stairs were the off would run a decoy in the streets directing overt actions away from the hospital smaller birds would land on the roof and deploy snipers while a half Gaff of Black Hawk helicopters and a Humvee ground crew would Rendezvous directly at the hospital and make entry the plan was just about as perfect as the plan could be and on the evening of April 1st the team of special operators raided the hospital to save private Jessica Lynch I'm real good I could probably start pointing at Tony looking at three o'clock not R2 we're gonna start swinging for the building Roger you're clear looking good no password John they should be stopping right now [Music] okay looking good John [Music] 87 coming right over the building don't blow by I'm okay [Music] [Music] ladies [Applause] [Music] down yeah [Music] um [Music] [Music] downtown [Music] okay they're setting blocky positions off to the right all your weapons are holding the brightness [Music] touchdown over [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay right now we've got um [Music] [Music] [Music] right now that's a performance away intersection promo Delta [Music] [Music] the operation went as smooth as possible the Intel of the 500 plus feta Yin was a bust however according to the acting Inspector General of the dod at the time the team received enemy fire from the hospital in the surrounding buildings but neutralized the threat without suffering casualties 11 bodies were recovered at the same time of Lynch's rescue nine from a shallow grave site and two from the hospital more including the body of Lori pyester on April 3rd Jessica arrived in Germany and had her first round of surgeries on April 12th she returned to the United States to Walter Reed Medical Center and on July 21st she's presented with the Bronze Star purple heart and pow medals for her service in captivity in Iraq and on July 22nd Jessica Lynch is discharged from Walter Reed Medical Center and is finally brought home [Music] [Applause] take the bag take the back to the old dirt road where mama and papa used to go let's sing all them songs from a long time ago and pine for them old days of your please let me run through the breeze like the leaves on the trees letting me fly like the leaves when they fall well let my mind go Serene like a cool water stream that runs from the mountain so tall oh take me back oh dirt road [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well let the pool of the plow bring the sweat from my breath and the glow off the fire pulled me home [Music] let me wind down my days in the sweet Dusty Haze take me back down the old dirt road oh take me back down the old dirt road take me back down the old dirt road family see your folks there you go great Jessica you're doing wonderful okay welcome back hey guys if you enjoyed this video be sure to hit that subscribe button there's a lot more mini documentaries in the works and you don't want to miss them and to any of my subscribers who are veterans or active duty I just want to say thank you thank you for your service I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I'll see you guys in the next one thanks for watching goodbye [Music] thank you
Channel: Popo Medic
Views: 1,823,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: navy seal, delta force, army ranger, green beret, air force pararescue, pj, jessica lynch, special forces, jessica lynch pow, jessica lynch rescue, navy seal bank robbery, navy seal robs bank, seal team six, navy, military, bank robbery, army rangers crips, army ranger crip shootout, hilltop crips, army ranger bank robbery, special ops, spec ops, 75th ranger regiment, heist, crime, shootout, craziest bank robbery, popo, medic, army ranger vs crips, north hollywood, buds
Id: XQeZd5r943w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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