How to make white bean and vegetable soup - Gordon Ramsay - Gordon Ramsay's World Kitchen

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so what are we making today so I'm going to make something really simple simple delicious something that is unintimidating and something that once it's made as it sits in the fridge just gets better and better so it's a basic sort of wonderful white bean vegetarian soup and it's not the kind of white beans that you need to sort of soak for like 24 hours we're using butter beans canned we're using a chicken stock that can be easily turn around and be a hundred percent every turn this actual dish could be made with water providing the stunning ingredients start off with fantastic celery garlic leeks tomatoes and then finishing this amazing feta just to crumble on top so it sort of helps to season it as well it's almost like a sort of Greek minestrone but done in a very quick fashion the recipes from world kitchen we've just got the most amazing book put together with the best of Greece the best of France the best of Italy the best of Britain the best of America the best of Japanese the best of Chinese so we've gone for sort of the best 20 recipes across each country and as the idea behind these sort of I suppose the spine of the new series find the best local restaurants and how did you decide which recipes to put in the books from around the world so we could've had 500 recipes in the book so I suppose what we wanted to do was start off with what was featured on all the menus and what was the most common showing from the Indian to the most amazing samosas to the most amazing teachers to authentic but easy approachable so it's all designed to be stuff that you can do kind of whether you've got any skills particularly or not it's it's it's stuff designed around I suppose not just the easiness but straightforward uncomplicated cooking so I'm going to quickly sweat off the onions so generous with the olive all sweaty down with a celery onions leeks I won't put the leeks in last but to cooking League properties go in there first like celery and leek you know they do take a long time to cook but the secret now here is giving a little bit of color sort of roast them off a little bit of rose wean their young got rosemary thyme is just as exciting we call them winter herbs because they're not soft herbs they're all terminal they're flavorsome and they give a really good kick to the soup start off the celery to the onions and the leeks and then put the carrots in the nice thing about this soup there's no formula it can be done without carrots you've got a swing you've got to turn it turn it give the soup a really nice depth of flavor sweet help for thicken it in a way that it's a nice substitute for rice or lentils so many vegetable work any root vegetable you know God you think of how many Russians don't serve Swedes on menus oh my god a Swede puree is something we started off seen in school and then you forgot about it because it wasn't glamorous along comes yo baby vegetables and I think there's a fascination with chefs with baby carrots baby fennel they look great with a taste of nothing I quite like baby vegetables but using an amazing salad something that doesn't need to be cooked for a long time but trying to cook these vegetables for 20 minutes at a time doesn't hold it with sweating these things down and would you if you had sweet or turnip in would you treat them in exactly the same way as you are the carrots I do it with like a potato and just dice it up peel it and dice it I've never done a book with such a cross sector of multi sort of exciting cuisines in there so you got a very choice as well which is lovely do you think you can mix them together do you think you could do a dessert from one side and a your main course from somewhere else it's a good question can you mix them together yeah what's happened over the last 12 months in the industry currently today is that we've got rid of the snob factor the formalities of fine dining has relaxed customers are now king more than ever before and we got rid of their arrogance it's all these little do's and don'ts this chefs get up their own ass with have gone so yeah start off with an amazing simple pass a dish go on to the most amazing Chinese main course yeah and finish the great English dessert that's the whole exciting idea and about world kitchen in terms of something complex from there I've got that diversity but there's nothing intimidating got a really nice color on these vegetables now I mean really nice colour it's laced with lots of olive oil so it's really nice and sort of rich and an amazing sort of grassy flavor a little tablespoon of tomato puree and that's basically just to give the soup a little bit of depth so roast that off if you quickly cook the tomato puree off it gets rid of that sort of tart tannin flavor that puree needs so it's almost like a sort of try to concentrate but I really cook it out before you put the stock in you have the stock without cooking out the puree kind of sort of a tart taint flavor roast it off and then are you letting the garlic yeah browning everything off now because once the stock goes in there washes everything off so it's really important turn the gas up get some confidence in the pan and the way that it really really cooks it out the celery is nicely colored onions have disintegrated Rosemary's made the soup really nice and fragrant now I've got a nice color there look carrots with colouring beautifully the puree that sort of disintegrated now we've got that tomato flavor there now from there our beans in butter beans just rinse them under a little bit of warm water that gets rid of the sort of fur around the outside beans in now I need the beans to absorb all those tomatoes all that flavor of the tomato at the bottom as well there's no red wine there's no white wine there's nothing like that in there at all just so ting and really heavily roasting I want the beans to absorb the tomato puree and then from there I have fresh tomatoes in the idea again is this sort of combination pleasing tomato puree the fresh tomatoes you won't identify now after roasting a tomato puree that there's actually your pure in there because the fresh tomatoes will overtake that now got a color in there now and now we just turn down the gas and add the stock up to the boil as quick as you can and do you reckon these fresh stocks you can buy now or as good as making your own do you know one in terms of making your own the best thing to do is to have a couple of containers in the freezer ice cream containers and every time you got chicken wings lamb bones fill them up no point in making a good stock until you've got a really nice sort of quantity of bones making a stock with a couple of chicken bones is irrelevant we've got no flavor especially you can buy stock as good as this and would you only do this with chicken or vegetable stock could you do it with like a beef stock or you could do it with beef stock this is a basic vegetable butter bean soup I'm slipping tiger prawns in there at the end making the soup with fish stock just as good easy diverse and would you do it with beans and the absolute definite without that especially the winter someone no winter year definitely it's also important the minute it comes up to the ball correct the seasoning because now the next 10 minutes the process of this it has to be seasoned perfectly once that comes up the ball give that a little skin and that's just a little bit of sort of leftover from the beans the fur don't ball that into the soup give it a little skin is that tastes or apparent had taste and also both taste and appearance if you let that sort of boil through the soup then it needs a horrible sort of grayness across the soup on that nice dark rich ruby red some flat leaf parsley that gives it that really nice sort of earthy sort of freshness so every time you reheat this to sort of wake it up again you come to serve it rather than just reheating it slowly finish with a little bit of flat leaf parsley just crunch it up into a nice little bunch and just slice through it once so you got it chopped and full of flavor parsley on and then from there turn the gas off and this is where it gets really exciting small amounts of seasoning at the beginning with the vegetables and then just finished off with our feta feta cheese just gives it that really nice sort of salty texture flavor and makes the soup a little bit more creamier as well if you're not a big lover of feta Parmesan is nice as a nice alternative so when you come to serve just in get your vegetables tilt the ladle so the stock drains down I want two-thirds content from one-third stock I don't want a runny soup I want it quite substantial I'm just gonna sprinkle a little more fresh feta cheese on top and then really to sort of home in on that amazing earthy flavour so that will touch of olive oil on top and there you go the most amazing white bean vegetable soup finished with feta delicious
Channel: Quadrillebooks
Views: 1,455,724
Rating: 4.675703 out of 5
Keywords: gordon ramsay, the F word, gordon ramsay's world kitchen, gordon ramsay recipes, gordon ramsay videos, gordon ramsay youtube, soup recipes, how to make soup, cookery videos, best cookery videos, quadrille, best cookery books
Id: 7D1K6vg7ODg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2012
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