Naughty In-Store Camera Prank

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thank Allah me mr. Tom I help you hello customer tan can I talk to somebody in the camera Department please ok excellent thank you are you beating your meat or something hello be calm how can I help you I have a problem today my son he come in to look at the camera on display you have it and he tell me right now that he take the bat pick two on it he took a picture on it and he tell me inappropriate so I want to know can you look to the camera for me and make sure you do a delete which camera was it we were looking at you know three four five of them I think it was the the Kenan I have a lot of Kenneth Minh and I have a bunch of customers in there that's why I know but you have to understand he tell me he take the picture of his his body and stop he's a little boy it's not good yes my baby give me one second I'll verify that one cuz I have a customers waiting for me that's why and you just hung up hello yes I talked to you I love somebody he pick up the phone then he hung up on me in like one minute okay all right do you remember who it's the camera department he sound like he better hit his lie he sound like he very unhappy you know does that help I don't know I'm not sure cuz we have various people who work here yes I can help you out waiter what's going on okay mr. curry what happened here is I try to use the camera in the display section right but my son he tell me right Lord and he take a very inappropriate picture they he say while he's standing there he take he put he put in his shirt he tried to take a picture all these things and he tell me he was about to look for it so I want to transfer me back to camera department so your son inappropriate picture in the camera department right right right basically my son he's a little bit the how you say boy he have a little bit extra width and he tell me that he talked to me I don't know how to say he tell me he take a picture of his men boobie he put inside put inside the shirt and he took a picture of his eggplant dealer okay gotcha it was in the camera Department at isolate okay I will be sure to hello Moscow is reset the cameras and make sure nobody you know the pictures not expose I want to low can you go look for it now and come back afterwards I mean one second okay I'll check for you okay hello ma'am yes okay we actually found we found it yes I did we found it and we erase Andrea race day and reset the entire camera it was one of our Sony cameras Oh excellent okay I'm ready good okay do you know what that what a t-shirt he was what did he look like I'm not sure I mean I didn't get a chance to look I think it was right I think I just saw just his chest but other than that okay but you say I want to I want to know this discipline a thing with him so I want to make sure yeah when I beat his ass I don't want to beat him for no reason you know I want to make sure it was him so what what chuck was he wearing it is it in show he didn't show any cancer whatsoever okay what about okay what did his men will be look like small well a big wear or something I want to make sure it's him ulam well now were your fireman I can assure you we could care honestly I feel like you try to lie to me or something get rid of me you know but I don't even kick it with a hair oh thanks problem and it's time I help you crystal why do you lied to me then hang up on my pace I don't understand why you need that dealer actually ma'am I apologize I think we must have got disconnected what hammer that's right you know you you you you exhale on the telephone then you hang up on me accident okay don't do like the [ __ ] with me okay she picked up and hung up by the way you think she has caller ID never call him and his crystal on my help you oh yeah what's public what are you doing hey Don I'm I believe you just spoke with my wife a second ago about incidents happening she's real heated right now locked us up in the bathroom and told me to cause I don't know what's going on but you might explain I pop it right now yeah sure absolutely he said that a picture put a picture on her to the picture one of our cameras heard himself I guess okay we saw the camera whatever like that we erased the camera everything I think so you know we don't condone that and she keeps calling saying I would describe you describe what it was and actually sir we actually break the camera flip it actually see what was going on and we had already assured a basically not don't worry it was a race nobody knows but but yes she well she explained to me was there you came back and told her like you you already saw the picture and deleted and she said that you told her it was a Sony camera and she was saying that you were only looking at the canons because she don't mess with sony Sony products so she's pretty she's pretty sure that you were lied to her and now you telling me that you saw and deleted it so I don't want somebody just kind of taking a shortcut to you know be lazy just so they'll have to like great job and just get somebody on the phone so I'm a little bit upset her behalf so why was you like anywhere not at all well since you saw the photo I know what my son looks like so what'd he look like - you like what did you see exactly I mean if you can even give me a brief like that will tell me well I didn't personally see somebody in our Cameron upon this far and I Eddie rated it but see you made it seem like you were song itself but then you you did it right so why you lying go out understand why you would do that as a matter of fact sir let me get you speak to my manager so they can verify for you fair enough she wants to apologize to her yes I was second how can I help you oh yeah hello hello oh yeah I was talking to some lady at the fryer her name is sha sha cuando some like there she she was telling me that she had a photo deleted on a camera and I believe she was lying to me and my wife's a little bit upset right now when it's just real heated by me here in the house and I'm not sure what to do I'm not sure and I don't have a girl name fine okay it was she was an African American girl is CH son I don't member how it started she's the one who answers the phone she I guess she routes the phone calls no it's a him no wonder that's a song cause of a guy that's a do oh yes there's a guy answering phone calls okay my bad well him her whatever at this point my wife's locked herself in the room she's real angry can we just get an apology from that guy who answers the phone that would probably be the best scenario right now okay well I can't get him to I can't force him to apologize I apologize for whatever confusion they cause he's not gonna I'm not gonna make my employee apologize once the only reason is I can't make them do that I get in trouble for making let's say you make them do anything I mean maybe he'll do it himself yeah what's the big deal you know Sarah Lee the big deal is just I can't we can't do that I'm not sense listen I have I have Sony's and Samsung's that hold pictures okay I'm simply asking him to apologize to see if you consider Remy what's the big can't even ask yeah well I'd he's working sir he's he's on the phone working you're not talking to a manager this is a situation that a manager is taking care of I know you're not talking to me I can't no I can't go to a client it's like if I go ask my employee to do something that's outside of his core job accountability you know thank you so what you saying is I need a callback to get him because I mean that that seems like the most viable option at this point right well I honestly I think that I mean if the situation has been handled or if he said that he handled the situation I mean I don't see what the big deal is well I mean why are you talking all advances are you talking down to me like I don't understand what's going on the big deal was that he lied to my wife he she who [ __ ] it was I'm sorry Lizzy you trash for me to force on let me talk to him I mean what is there to talk about she was bullshitting us so I'm trying to talk I mean he was bullshitting us I'm just trying to talk to him to see if he wants to just quickly give it a brief apology I must say you have to make them do anything but I got a handsome it's my store and I know what's going on two of my employees we're taking care of it and they helped you okay well we helped you okay uh your situation with taking care of us calm the [ __ ] down three of you keep talking yeah I mean I'm not I'm not gonna talk to you you're that vulgar I'll call back and talk to here Thanks peace [ __ ] pedophile lady I don't know why you try to get rid of me and do what you do I am NOT a stupid okay I know what you are doing hello ma'am you really upset me okay you are very stupid [ __ ] and you tried to lie to me to get rid of me and you think I am like I don't know anything I was born yesterday or something like that I was not born yesterday I was born 35 yeah I'll go okay okay you am a compulsive liar yeah and you don't even want to admit to me that you don't look for the photo you know and to be honest you kind of sound like a girl you know kind of like me man I love catching people in a lie - it's the best if y'all enjoyed the video hit that little like button and leave a comment down below what kind of pranks do I want to hear next do it Ron I know what do you want to do it huh you want me to do you are the sick [ __ ] that's what you hear a [ __ ] [ __ ] yourself stress it out go ahead say it release the pain it's all you know
Channel: Ownage Pranks
Views: 2,378,310
Rating: 4.9024763 out of 5
Keywords: ownagepranks, prank call, ownage pranks, prank, humor, comedy, funny, joke, improv, voice, acting, electronics store, customer service, buk lau, asian accent, tyrone, manager, canon, camera, dslr, sony
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2013
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