Caught Downloading Adult Movies! (pranking a YouTuber's mom)

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y'all were extra supportive last week so I'm back with another crazy funny long prank tickle that like button down below to show me your support for this longer content this is a prank - JP from healthy junk foods mom he runs a popular food channel here on YouTube I'm calling his mom from the Motion Picture Association of America claiming that he was illegally pirating movies back in 1998 and now that he's successful in making some money on YouTube we want to collect our fees for the copyright infringement his mom has the most amazing reactions and this prank gets wild check it out hello yeah I may please speak with John lamb bossy please oh he's not here who is it my name is Russell I'm calling with the legal department from the Motion Picture Association of America how you doing today ma'am I'm okay um I he doesn't live here got you are you actually his legal guardian we actually had another note here for a Mary Lam bossy yeah that's me okay excellent I actually am calling in regarding an investigation that was started back in 1998 there were numerous pieces of copyrighted content downloaded and distributed through your internet protocol are you aware of this I don't know exactly what he was doing I know he started he has YouTube channel yeah we were actually made aware of that as well it does seem that John Lam bossy was illegally downloading enormous movie content some of which that was the most problematic titles may sound familiar to you are Dumb and Dumber home alone Oh kindergarten cop okay terminator well we need the names you mentioned he those are this kind of movies yeah no I totally understand one of the other ones I was actually partially produced by Fox was there was a penetration station seven I'm not sure if and then one of the other ones was Edward penis hands I don't know if you threatened as a pair gotcha I'm not sure if these were parodies or what they were that there was a good will humping for example as well like it was oh my goodness no I don't know anything about it any chance that the title Harry Potter and the what is this here a harry potter and the sorcerer's balls does that ring a bell at all no none of these none of them gotcha he hasn't lived here in quite a while I'm making notes here that these sound not familiar just in case there's like a false positive I can go ahead and tell them to kind of remove these from the file shaving Ryan's privates you know I don't know anything about these you know I always play on words that sounds pretty awful to me gosh I don't know I understood and again I'm not here to pass any judgment you know teenagers you know they they get curious and that kind of thing so there were quite a few of these like what are the next one here is a sibling kheh I don't know what that means a Sablan gotcha well like I was saying you know long story short we do have 32 documented instances of copyright infringement here and we can go ahead and just settle this out of court for $2,500 per instance that would be just a grand total of $80,000 so if you guys were able to cut us a check that could kind of just squash it immediately it's very strange to me that you know that this happened this was back in 1998 but again that we've been monitoring the case and kind of just gathering our evidence going through logs IPS and all sorts of different data we had and we kind of put it on the back burner and then we actually you know just I actually I'm somewhat of a fan of their channel actually it's the junk food thing right PS their channels called healthy junk food and is actually mega entertaining just be careful if you're hungry they've made some incredibly epic dishes so go subscribe yes I mean I actually saw them I was made aware of it we got a ping on our automated tracking system I kind of checked out some of the contents watching all the views they have you know millions and millions of views you know it's just it's just so many views and so many recipes it's just John lamb boss he's been stealing the fruits of our labor here for several years and it's only fair that he finally gives back to the Academy you know all these actors who are struggling could use the royalty checks you know like for example a Macaulay Culkin from home alone like I don't know if you've seen his condition lately but you know I'm sure he wouldn't mind like it's going to happen roll our check well you know what I I really had no idea about all this and don't want to be a part of it I think you have to use an adult now I think he has to settle this with you I understand ma'am you want to wipe your hands clean but this is your son you know what I mean so like he was uh when it comes to shaving Ryan's privates or whatnot like he was the person downloading these titles so and given that this was back in 98 he was still a minor at that time correct about 19 years ago am i right yep that sounds correct so he was a little kid yeah again I'm sorry I know hearing titles like penetration station 7 and whatnot might be just kind of uncomfortable but we've just had this file open on him for 19 years you know just waiting on him to make enough money so he could come collect and it seems like you hit that threshold well then I think that he needs to take care of that he's the adult and I don't even know how much he makes well do you by chance have a spare $80,000 you could just maybe help the squashes for your son you know just out of like love and compassion no I don't I don't know we tried to reach out to JP and it did seem like he was ducking our calls you know we sent him to over 20 letters there has we sent him you know some correspondence via certified mail tried to have a representative go out to what seems to be his new apartment unit I feel about this well ma'am we're gonna get to it together in a worst-case scenario you don't have the funds we could try to just you know seize some some property if it's property that you don't care for very much maybe like a look like a shed or like an old car maybe you know we can start that way I don't know if you possibly have like a luxurious mailbox that's also one another Avenue as well just like little things like that we can try to kind of just like resell and make some money back that way just to kind of help out it's just it's my hands are kind of tied here I'm just kind of trying to do my job you could imagine how someone like Macaulay Culkin would feel getting cheated on and losing out on hard well yeah of course I don't like that at all if John Paul is making money now and he can this will be a lesson for him that he can't do illegal things I got you whether it's Macaulay Culkin or the pornographic actors who put their bodies on the line you know it's just like they they didn't get paid so you know can't be busting nuts and not paying for it's just it's not how it works well if you if you can't make contact with him to do to take care of this what did you do that let me go ahead and do this you know let me go ahead and circle back with my supervisors but go ahead and just wait for my call back I'm gonna be home okay all right well again ma'am you sound like an incredibly sweet woman I hope I didn't throw a big wrench in your day I'll go ahead and call you back hopefully give you some closure on this ASAP and just keep an eye out for my call okay all right take care bye bye oh my god his poor sweet loving nurturing mother like I'm like dying I want to push the boundaries a little bit more but like I'm good friends at the Jaypee so this pains me but it's all for the purpose of a prank bro forgive me now I coordinated with JP who I've been referring to was John lamb bossy to continue the prank he's giving her a call with me on the line so I can hear everything that happens hi I just like to knock on the door today I was wondering if did anybody call you regarding some legal matters or something weird yep as a matter of fact about 15 minutes ago oh my god what happened what happened he told me that way back in 1998 when you were 16 you illegally downloaded movies mostly pornographic from illegal outlets and being you were underage at the time that I'm liable oh my god yeah oh my god I didn't die I mean what what kind of really about my told me if I had a comfy he read the titles left me they were they were disgusting they were movie titles but had a play on words to label pornographic [ __ ] em I'm gonna deny this one okay with the thing 1998 you were 16 so this my problem or like what what's going on what has happened it's your problem in my problem because you were underage using my computer to do this illegal thing well I can't there's no way that Julie and I can afford something like this like all the money in time mom you didn't download you didn't dominate early no honey I didn't I didn't even remember I had a computer in 1998 it's it's pretty much was this person that who even called you like that he sound like official these on Syria sir yes he did I don't know mama sure you didn't download anything like what was the movie titles what was it doing odd night saving private private Ryan's balls that kind of thing I didn't want to even hear him but that was the kind of thing they would take a name of a movie and and you know something pornographic we play some of the words and then I wish I could remember the other ones they were well awful all right listen mom I'm gonna let you go if he calls you let me know what happens all right well I mean good news is I get to see you soon John Paul that's wonderful you can watch the saving Ryan private balls the other titles all right I love you John saw yo that [ __ ] was so funny and your mom is so [ __ ] sweet and nice like the nicest most wholesome woman and then when she said shaving Ryan's balls like dude now I call her back myself as promised to check in on the situation and see how his mom wants to proceed JP and his partner Julia are on the phone and muted I told them to text me once it seemed like I was potentially taking it a little too far Wow yeah hi is this Mary lamb bossy yes okay excellent this is Russell calling you back with the illegal department from the Motion Picture Association of America how you doing ma'am well I'm feeling very shocked and angry no I I totally understand I hope you had a you know a brief moment to process and kind of you know let this all sink in and maybe think about you know how you wanted to move forward did you yourself get a chance to chat with JP I actually actually when you after you hung up the phone rang about 15 minutes later and it was my son Josh he he he said that somebody knocked on his door today and he said that he never ever did anything like that I spoke to my supervisor we did have one you know one of the actors here that was involved in the infringing act was here I want to talk to you personally maybe he can kind of explain some of the context about what's going on behind the scenes and why we do try to like seize you know our licensing fees in this manner when absolutely necessary can I go ahead and pass in the line real quick you know I was about to speed about situation here you know we try to figure out like a solution to what we could do and you know I was the star of every word penis hands myself and that was one of the titles that was a freeze upon but you know he's it seems almost silly that somebody will pirate pornographic content but it's actually one of the most powerful pieces of content online right now it's just general adult material you don't saying like us as actors you know we human beings too you know like brothers got to eat I just think I got stiffed but these lucky soon you're saying like look the part of my pawns were like you know I just like I said too humiliating much from this movie like my hands were pretty much all dicks and instead now like people just ripping in and not paying the right value for it so what I want to see if I I just want to talk to Russell right now okay I just find my hustle hello ma'am yes yes hi sorry I just again I was trying to just give you some context I know this is all just like very shocking yeah you didn't have to do that I certainly understand but I'm gonna stick by my son because I really don't believe that he would have done this I don't know what I understand before I let you go I did want to let you know one last very important thing are you sitting down yeah okay excellent as well you know that this is this entire thing you are an incredibly sweet woman and just incredibly compassionate and kind so I do need to let you know that this entire thing was just a prank call set up by your son JP I actually might have someone you were so incredibly sweet and kind about the whole thing like honestly even trying to pull the prank on you I felt guilty like the entire time like my god I'm actually a voice actor and a comedian I do a bunch of different prank calls I was Tyrone who was talking about you know a penis hang as you know but my hands were that was me - oh it was Russell and JP okay she can wipe her hands clean I owe you know what I bet I know why he thought this would be funny to do to me throughout his life I kept saying John Paul someday I'm gonna be visiting you in jail always manipulate oh my god that's hysterical I also heard the conversation you had with with JP when you were saying like you know he caught about some title about you know some private Ryan's balls I don't know what it was like I was laughing so hard I could not be more hilarious but you are incredible thank you so so much for your time honestly if it makes you feel any better we were actually gonna do the reveal when they came out and visited to you but then it was just like hey we can't let her just linger and Sue and do this enjoy it'd be way too mean nobody had the heart for that but like it was so so incredible you were super super great about it hey I'm Stone the line okay thank you guys for watching that whole ordeal was so fun to pull off major shout out to JP and Julia from healthy junk food their channel is genuinely awesome and you should definitely check it out I've been subscribed since they had like 10k subscribers so I'm an OG also both of them recorded some fresh scripts in my automatic prank-calling app that you can send out right now and there's a new free prank of the week link is below go send out some free pranks like this video and I'll see you subscribers again next week
Channel: Ownage Pranks
Views: 1,296,731
Rating: 4.9074473 out of 5
Keywords: ownagepranks, ownage pranks, comedy, improv, voice acting, calls, phone pranks, phone, funny, cell phone prank, prank calls, prank phone call, funny prank call, ownage pranks phone call, ownage pranks youtube, youtube ownage pranks, hellthyjunkfood, jp, john paul, mpaa, home alone, terminator, kindergarten cop, new york, cooking, giant chicken sandwich, giant mcchicken
Id: P09mvP-MwMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2017
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