Nature Speaks Evangelistic Series || Online Worship Experience || Morning || Sabbath Aug. 28, 2021

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Captions [Music] where do you see yourself in the next 5 10 20 years graduating from school and landing your dream job being promoted in your job getting a house and having a family or seeing your children prospering and excelling we all have dreams but loss of health is a constant threat to our vision so do you want to retain or regain your health and keep those dreams alive your friends the west jamaica conference of 7th day adventist has a plan for you the i want to live healthy initiative [Music] this is an eight-week program and we're inviting you to adopt a new healthy habit each week starting august 21 2021 ask an adventist friend or the health ministries director how you can sign up you can also contact us in cyberspace at wwe [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] happy sabbath happy sabbath happy sabbath everybody safely through another week god has brought us here on our way let us know a blessing seek as we wait in his courts today i know you're not here with us in church this morning because of those coveted protocols the restrictions but let me tell you something the restrictions cannot restrict us from praising god and so this morning we are happy to be here denise good morning happy service you are looking radiant as usual bless the lord so do you yes and we just want to welcome all our viewers to another nature speak hope for tomorrow online evangelistic series and i am your host denise lawson leslie along with sashalyn haye oh yes and we're in the presence of the lord one more time to give god all the honor and glory because he is worthy to be praised indeed if you are joining us on youtube welcome and if you are joining us on facebook welcome as well those who are watching on bless tv wcc and we say welcome to our technical team in-house welcome and thank you so much for being here today god is indeed grateful and we do have uh some blessing in store for you today we're asking you to share that link and as denise would say be the minister of the gospel and share that link oh yes we are about to get ready for church well we are ready for church and so we'll be having our what or of course our very own or praise team oh yes and we just want to implore you to sing with us get those hymnals out as we give god all the honor and glory and of course we'll be going into our lesson study or lesson review or collegiate lesson review or um that is our children's section with keith and grandma yes i know you can't wait to see what they're up to this morning but keep keep tuned and remember to continue to share the link share the gospel of god amen and so we will pray and then we'll turn right over to the owee praise team denise let us pray most kind and heavenly loving lord we are in your presence this morning and indeed god we are happy because your holy spirit is in this place and we ask now that you may forgive us of our many sins lord if there's anything that will prevent our prayers or praise from being sweet incense unto you this morning i ask that you may remove it oh god wash us cleanse us anoint us from the crown of our heads to the soul of our feet heavenly father we ask the indwelling of your spirit today and may the anointing go forth your thought with power and clarity so that others may see you through us and draw closer to glorify your name and souls may be garnered go god for your kingdom today through jesus christ o lord amen amen sing along get your hymnals and sing along with us be blessed over to oda happy i know i am we all are so just sing with us these songs of praise sound the batter cry 6 14. sound the battle cry see there for his night raise the standard high for the lord get your armor on stand from [Music] daddy pass the world christ is captain of the mighty dawn strong to me the foreman we never can fail [Music] [Applause] hosannas help us one and all by thy grace when the battle stand and the victory may we wear the crown before the reds roll them soldiers [Music] [Applause] [Music] is we'll turn to hymn number 528 a shelter in the time of storm [Music] the lords are rocking him we hide a shelter in the time of storm seek your whatever maybe time a shutter is [Music] a shelter in the time [Music] no fears [Music] cooling shed on the [Music] the raging floods [Music] a shelter in the time of storm [Music] [Applause] for the pilgrims [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a shelter in the time of school [Music] number four seven four take the name of jesus with you take the name of jesus with you child of sorrow and the word [Music] precious name oh [Music] hope of earth and joy [Music] [Music] [Music] precious heaven precious [Applause] [Music] the precious name of jesus how it throws our souls with joy when his loving arms receive us [Applause] [Music] precious [Applause] [Music] mind falling prostrate at his feet king of kings in heaven will crown him when our journey is complete precious name oh how sweet hope of us and joy of heaven precious [Applause] precious name oh how sweet indeed jesus is the hope of earth and the joy of heaven join me at this time as we talk to a friend or maker and or king oh heavenly father we are delighted to experience the sabbath day of arrest that you have created for mankind that you have created for all of us to enjoy rest and redemption and to remind us of your token of love to humanity father we are grateful for the past week although it wasn't the best for many of us we are still grateful because we are here and we are alive we are grateful father that you have thought about us that your thoughts toward us they are very deep we are grateful god that you understand our temperaments and you have not given us more than we can bear but father we ask that because we've sinned so often that you forgive us and cleanse us of everything every jo everything that is unlike thee this morning cleanse us god let no sin dominate our experience and help us father god to be ordered our steps to be ordered by your words father we are prone to wonder and lord oh how we feel it we are prone to leave the god we love but here's our heart lord take it seal it seal it for your courts above this morning father we present the world before you we all have this one enemy in common and it's at our very doors our doorsteps and that is to snatch our lives and so god my conclusion is help us to make our calling and election sure so that if you permit any of these things to come up on us that it should take our lives and at least we'll be secured until that great getting up morning and god i ask earnestly that you will be with the nurses the doctors be with the community health workers father be with those who are going back to school the teachers the policemen and the entire leading faculty of of our world father and even this country jamaica and i ask you god to be with the children those who are at home in battling all sorts of abuse situations so god we know that you sit high we know that you look low we know that you know that everything is happening here is preparing us for that great day god many of us are losing hope many of us are really wondering where you are but father remind us assure us that you are there that you are not going to leave us and you are not going to forsake us anytime soon help us to stand firm on the promises of christ our king help us god to believe regardless of what happens in our lives that you are there and you'll be there on to the ends of the earth because you said so and that's your nature so i thank you this morning god for what you're about to do i thank you for breaking that chain this morning for that person watching that person who is suicidal god and who is about to give up i thank you so much for breaking those chains we give it all to you now and we we say thank you yahweh we say thank you yeshua in the mighty name of jesus we all pray and say amen [Music] hello viewers and listeners welcome to family connections we are delighted to have with us dr brown earl professor from northern caribbean university dr earl welcome to family connections thank you pastor okay dr rick huntington look on the role of the family and evangelism and we'll be looking on the role of the couple how can couples lifestyle impact evangelism well pastor if christ is exalted in our marriages our behavior will draw people to christ himself because this has shown that we're following an abundant and a whole living lifestyle you see couples out there we must remember that the world is watching our lives and they're asking does the reality of jesus as lord really mean anything to the christian couple he said people want to know what makes god so good and so worthy of the couple's commitment they are looking for the depth of trust and joy pastor that the couples show in their relationships and so when they see that they will also want to seek the spiritual abundant life in christ thank you how can couples guide others to christ you know if couples want to increase their effectiveness in ministry and especially in evangelism they need to go home and take an honest look at their marriages what you say to your non-christian neighbor and family members about your spouse pastor will greatly affect your evangelism so we have to watch what we say and our mannerisms towards each other okay thank you dr earl will a happy marriage make it easier for us to evangelize oh certainly pastor a thriving marriage will not only be a strong and necessary foundation for a healthy christian life but it will point people who are lost or disillusioned back to or to god's love they will see that you are allowing christ to keep you faithful and positive in your marriages and they'll want to emulate the christ in you that's all thank you very much for coming and family connections viewers and listeners god bless you see you next time may i have your attention [Music] i want to introduce to you right in this corner of the good and the right stands a champion robbed in wide his height exceeds the heavens his way that weighs the world his reach reaches everywhere his age is ever more he is higher than the highest greater than the great no one could ever take his brown away he's more mighty than the mightiest he reigns from above easy all time undisputed undefeated champion of love he left his hometown to enter this arena to raise his hands in victory for me but the angry crowd crucified a king who wore the ground and they gladly the savior go down [Music] oh but i will never count him out for i'm a witness of the day he rose to reclaim the title the champion of love he is higher than the highest greater than the great no one could ever take his crown away he's more mighty than the mightiest he reigns [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] he's higher than the highest greater than the great no one could ever take his crown away he's more mighty than the mightiest he reigns from above [Music] champion the all time undisputed undefeated champion of love of life [Music] amen amen champion of love indeed indeed what a blessing alan indeed [Music] and if you're just joining us of course we welcome you well you know it's been a beautiful week yeah it's good to be here and we had some rain here in jamaica and i'm telling you god is good to us we have a very special segment coming up at this moment yes indeed and we do have our lesson review and it will be done by sister mary and brother dockery at this time and we are going to ask you to stay tuned for this as we go into our topic rhythm of rest where we look at this past week the whole essence of the sabbath rest what it means to us and what of course god would have given us the sabbath day of rest today is a sabbath day so grab your study guide and be close to that gadget your smart tv and let's engage with ella myrie and elder dockery as they walk us through this beautiful lesson let's go to them thank you so so much and we extend the pleasant sabbath morning to all those of you who have joined us on the various platforms to worship the lord indeed god has been extremely good to us and for that we are grateful yes we continue our study on rest and as has been mentioned we are looking today on the rhythms of rest and the elder mary along with elder clark joining us on zoom we will in the little way that we can in the short period that we have we'll explore at least some of the points which have been mentioned here in our lesson but just before we begin elder myrie we ask you to see prayer let us pray our great god and eternal father we thank you so much for bringing us into your courts today to worship you we pray lord that as we open your worth now that your holy spirit will lead us and guide us into all truth and lord may we respond to the truth that we would have heard for christ's sake we pray amen amen thank you so much good and so elder clark uh welcome as well we are looking at the rhythms of rest and we find that the lord inherent in the creation are a number of rhythms yes within the creation itself and even within our own bodies our own biological beings there are a number of rhythms we talk about the circadian rhythm yes our oh ho uh there are rhythms that direct the secretion of of our hormones uh that that direct our sleep for example and we could look at so many others as a matter of fact whenever the heart beat is out of the natural rhythm you get a medical diagnosis of arrhythmia and so we find as i've said inherent in creation in our biology are certain particular rhythms and yes there is indeed a rhythm of rest god had instituted one in the beginning when he made this world we look at the text which was given as a memory text genesis chapter 2 verse 3 tells us then god did what blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it he rested from all his work which god created and made so we are seeing here that after he created he did something he blessed and the sanctified set apart the sabbath day special favor was upon it and that helps us to understand here that the lord really wanted to establish and this is all that it was about he wanted to have a special relationship with us you know i've noted elder mary even just before we come over to look at that prelude before the rest that the lord asked for one-tenth of our income yes four tithes but yet he asks or requires our commands one-seventh of our time which is larger than one-tenth and so we are seeing here that in particular god was really interested about having a relationship with us sharing time with us and so we are gonna explore that a little bit more why instituted the rest and so elder mary we recognize here that there was a prelude just before the rest and we would love to explore that right now yes and we saw here the prelude is the whole creation story yes yes we saw that in the beginning god god created and if we look at the creation story as moses outlined it in the book of genesis genesis chapter 1 we saw here that for the first three days god formed out a basic framework as it were in terms of um time and geography and and for the next three days he filled the earth he filled it with birds and he filled with animals and and on the sixth day we saw a beautiful scene taking place there so notice on the creation story that god spoke and everything came into being but when it came to mankind god could have just spoken you know and man came into being and that would have given the persons who think that we have evolved or came out of the big bang an argument but god in his wisdom formed man out of the dust of the earth formed us with his own hands and breathed into us the breath of life and we became a living soul the creation of man was so intimate to god and so uh when when the whole creation story was complete the declaration was everything was good after each created um work took place we saw here that it was declared that everything was good after each day and so um that was the prelude to the rest yes because as god carried out his work of creation then he you know moves into the next phase of the creation and even in the creation elder mary we are seeing a rhythm it is as it were god were singing and then the chorus or the refrain comes um let there be light and the evening and the morning where the first day and and and let there be the firmament and the evening and the morning where the second day and we see also god looking at it and said behold it was good behold it was good but at the end of the week that was a special bridge in the song it says it was very good right so the rhythm we noticed even there and so elder clark we understand that god commanded rest but i want to ask our viewers even as we look at this very important subject we recognize there in the memory text god uh said there in genesis 2 3 that he blessed and he sanctified the seventh day and i want our viewers to type in the chat two things one tell us what the sabbath means to you and number two is there any other day throughout the whole scripture that you have read that the bible tells us that god blessed and sanctified is there any other day that the lord blessed and sanctified tell us now elder clark about the command to rest all right blessings ella mary and blessings everyone so so let's take it from where um el ella mario would have left this is brand new it's fresh off the table is the first friday the world would have ever seen and and god would have declared the rhythm that you have mentioned saying that it was very good what a god we serve only one day old adam and his wife are no sickness no flu like symptoms no no no cancer no issue but yet we saw god inviting them to join him in sabbath rest the only one they old the friday we saw adam and eve being created and the next day was sabbath not tired at all because rest is not associated god's rest is not just absolutely tired it's associated with worship and that is why when you look at the script many years after when slavery would have engulfed the israelite camp with the egyptian whips on their back guarded miraculously and rescued them and the first thing that we saw god saying to them upon giving them the command god says remember don't forget in your in your abused see it in your tags here remember the sabbath day to keep it holy now here we are some 6 000 years after creation and we still find pastors climbing up on the pulpit telling persons that the rest that god has command is expired is done away is no longer valid let me tell you something when you read the script well what you'll find out is that the truth is every baptist must keep sabbath every pentecostal shall keep god's sabbath every mormon should keep god's sabbath because the sabbath really was made for man and not just adventists every created being that god gives consciousness and intelligence is invited into this rest this is the rest that god commands he commands us to keep it in response to his redemption in his response to his creation we have a god who gives us his sabbath race as a talking of his love through all generations and so the command to rest is the command to acknowledge god as creator god as redeemer and god as our only god and friend thank you so so much powerful indeed and so we are seeing here about new circumstances yes god has called us to keep his holy sabbath and as the children of israel wandered throughout the wilderness yes because of disobedience because of their rebellion they had to wander for uh 40 years to the extent that all or the older ones the elders died off right there in the wilderness and a new generation came up that did not necessarily know all the experience which took place there under egyptian slavery so we see here that god was working again and of course there are a number of theologians who suggest that the sub of command was first given at sinai and the commandments were first put in place at china but there is so much evidence we see joseph from where back there in genesis as we started last week saying how could i do this great wickedness and sin against my god so it means that adultery was adultery but then the blood of of abel god said thy blood speaking to cain the blood of thy brother cried out to me so murder was sin before sinai adultery was sin before sinai and all that is outlined in the ten commandments were seen there is so much biblical evidence uh for that elders clark and mary and the viewers but here now uh is is strong and clear convincing evidence that even the sabbath was in effect before sinai because of course at the end of creation week god had put it in place there in exodus chapter 16 we see the experience of the children of israel where of course manna fell god providing for his people it fell every day and just to summarize it quickly god instructed them that they were to take the amount through moses that is for their their various families right they shouldn't keep over any for the morning but they should consume what was sufficient for the day guess what because the lord wants us to have a relationship with him he wants us to ask him daily give us this day jesus christ said in in his uh modern prayer our daily bread because we should come to god trusting believing depending upon him each day that he will be there for us that he will provide for us but on the preparation day as you mentioned uh the friday the day before the sabbath we had twice the amount of manner being provided and that was that and on the sabbath day non-felt so that was clear and convincing evidence that god had expected them to prepare for but on the sabbath day as was commanded by moses they should rest so even at this point before exodus 20 we see that god's holy sabbath was already in place and it should be kept but there was another reason elder myri that god gave us to rest what is that reason yes and we see here as israel as they were on the borders of canaan as they stood at jordan the eastern side of jordan it says that moses called them together to remind them of the covenant that yes that came on sinai and when we do the comparison between what was given in exodus 20 8-11 and deuteronomy 5 12-14 we saw in exodus 20 that it began with the word remember remember the sabbath day to keep it holy whereas in deuteronomy chapter 12 we saw where they were commanded to observe the sabbath day to keep it holy and further on in the in the in the in the chapter we saw here that they remember came in that israel were not reminded that you would have been in slavery yes and remember that god was the one who who rescued you remember that god was the one who redeemed you out of slavery and so the sabbath commandment was not only active in the creation story but it was also active in the redemption story it's a reminder to the israelites then that god created them but he also redeemed them from the egyptian bondage and so it is with us today the sabbath is a reminder of god's creative powers and his creative works how much he created us to have a relationship with him on a weekly basis that rhythm yes and scientists have shown you know that our body's system changes it slows down on the sabbath yes because um that's how god um created us to be what the sabbath the beautiful thing about the sabbath is that it points us to the redemption that christ will really redeem us we see that added dimension uh redemption and creation as we observe the sabbath and therefore in this sinful world we definitely need to observe the sabbath so elder clark as you use uh 10 seconds to tell us what however should be our attitude on the sabbath day should it be a day of gloom idea of toil and care what should be our attitude in 10 seconds uh you will not find a step to step laid out in the bible what happens nine ten eleven twelve but what we will find is like isaiah 58 verse 13 and then tell us we shouldn't turn our foot away from the star but you shouldn't call it sabato on the light you should do our own business on the sabbath let me just tell you this quickly that true sabbath keeping starts from sunday right so it's your whole week that we prepare for sabbath true sabbath keeping is godly living there is no way you can uh when you go to deuteronomy or leviticus i think it was you will find that it's your most you must consider your parents you can't have pepper upper country and suffer and their church here the sabbath you can't have enemies that come to church you're doing something true keeping is not attached to malice it's connected to god and so one of the challenge we find sometimes is that we come to church claiming to keep sabbath when we have relationships that aren't going so well true sabbath keeping is who are living and holy living is having a relationship with god i thank god that he gave us a sabbath because every week at least that time we recognize that we have to go back to christian living to christ likeness to truth thank you thank you so so much and as we close off it's very very true i've heard persons saying that you seventh-day adventists you uh only keep one commandment but many of us keep nine now i'm suggesting to you that it is by no means possible if you are a true sabbath keeper you have to be a true commandment keeper because sabbath keeping is a sign of sanctification we will look at the sabbath issue somewhere next week we will explore additional details but we encourage you all listeners online those who are not yet keeping the sabbath it is the word of god let's fall in line let's be obedient because there are numerous blessings to be experienced when we obey the lord and when we keep his sabbath holy god bless you all amen [Music] i'm kind of homesick for a city [Music] [Applause] [Music] before no sad goodbye shall be spoken for time won't matter anymore [Music] you love me [Music] for you and someday [Music] [Applause] now i'm looking out [Music] just across the river to which [Music] there's just a few more days [Music] then i [Music] you [Music] [Music] and so [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] you [Music] man amen [Music] happy summer everyone happy 7th boys and girls today's program will be done by some of the children all over the west jamaica conference territory the theme is children connected in hope empowered by the spirit and it's no we the children of west jamaica conference are saying it is full time to end the violence in our land and by extension across the world let us stay in tune as dr lorraine verna will tell us more about and it's no she is the family life woman children and adolescents ministries director of jamaica union conference afterward we will have a poem on end it know by some of the children of baritone church but before all the above mentioned alan mcintosh will pray happy sabbath everyone let us pray dear god thank you for this beautiful day that you have given unto us like may you be with us through the day be with the rest of people that will be participating in today's today's worship lord may you be with the pastor so that what he will preach to us will not just we will not just hear it but we will listen to it and turn our lives over to god before it is too late may you help us to keep the cove with 19 protocols and keep us safe in our precious name every evening happy sabbath my brothers and sisters and a very special happy sabbath to all my children and adolescents today is a very special day in the seventh day adventist church around the world i'm anti lorraine and i'm from the jamaica union conference of 7th day adventist and today are celebrating or observing end it nowadays this is a day when seventh-day adventists take time out to make others aware to share information as we say end all violence no we don't believe that anyone should be treated with violence and so this year we're looking at our homes the theme is bringing peace home addressing youth violence at the roots and we believe like if you're going to stop certain things we have to start at the root and many of the things we learn whenever practices that we display we learn at home and so this year we are focusing on what we can do to make things better and we learn from the bible the bible is organized asians foreign one to another tenderhearted forgiving one another even as god for christ's sake has forgiven you one way to end violence is to learn how to forgive learn how to deal with conflict and many times even as children it starts us plain and we can end up in fighting and so we have to learn through jesus through applying the things that we learn in the bible to our lives we learn how to interact with one another and so we look again at colossians 3 12 which tells us the elect of god holy and beloved bowels of mercies kindness openness of mind meanness long suffering so if we are doing that we will not be practicing to fight and to do awful things to each other but if you know of someone who is being hurt do your best as a child or adolescent to help them if somebody is hurting you get help there are many places you can go to the police we can talk to others tell someone you trust maybe your parents your teacher pastor or a guidance counselor if you're being hurt by someone you love sometimes the hurt happens at home make a lot of noise and try to get help scream and say no help because jesus never intended that especially adults would hurt our children or adolescents and the john 3 16 our mandate and where jesus gives us an example he says for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life and so there are places that we can go to get help and the child protection and family services is for our children this agency is set up to protect our children call 876.948.6678 or 948.284122 let us end violence now say it with me end it now god bless you is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] together [Music] at this time we will have the listener view the kindergarten lesson will be done by a kia peterkin and kyroy shaw from the dolphins sca church primary designer clark from the johns hall sca church junior sheree campbell from the carlton sba church after which we will have the excited story with grandma and keith i wonder what is in store today listen live in topical forest is baby morsi's i remember versus thank you from psalms [Music] lesson 9 the topic of the lesson is alive again the message is we serve when we help others the memory verse is i am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of god that brings salvation to everyone who believes romans 1 verse 16 darkest is an example of the power of the gospel she called the naked and pointed them to jesus you can share the love of jesus by your kindness playing the waiting game and so after waiting patiently abraham received what was promised hebrews 6 15. the powerpoint is following god's plan helps us avoid conflict i wonder where is keith you know mars don't call me i say he has a bag over there for me kiss i want him to go and get the bag what's happening what's up [Applause] [Music] everything in one grandma no look at look here we have to go call the police yes grandma we offer this look here because this is going to lead up to violence now we have to stop it yes we have to end it now grandma please call 119 right now but i wonder where's my phone look where's my phone i know why are you doing with your phone oh look here man and that is not good in our kids no grandma because listen nobody should be beating their wives otherwise should not be their husband no granny no we have to put an end to it this is violence grandma no man look here i have my phone in the living room go for it for me here all right grandma i will go for it and come i don't understand no master just come and say he has something to give to me keep going for the phone but you see before he comes back i have some boys and girls that i need to go and talk to boys and girls i want to encourage you because now we are promoting ended now to end the violence it's and also the parents listen too many violence going unknown and we have to do everything that we can and even though that someone beaten anybody like a husband or wife or anybody there we need to make sure we're under alert to report it to our parents and the parents need to report it to the police don't keep it as a secret too many persons are dying okay boys and girls and you as well should not be at school fighting or fighting your brothers and sisters because these are some of the things that lead to violence okay boys and girls and parents let us love each other because remember grandma loves you i am tremisa johns from the seventh day adventist church sabana lamar and it is a privilege for me to introduce to you or speaker she is a 15 year old student who is currently enrolled at the harrison memorial high school and attends the harrison 7th day adventist church she enjoys singing listening to music and spending time with her family a courageous and an outspoken individual but most of all a child of god the person whom i speak of is sister shauna k smith it is my desire that as she speaks we will see the need to end the violence in orland before she comes sister to marry allen of the seventh-day adventist church jericho will prepare our hearts with the song of meditation remember and it's no [Music] i saw the lord and he answered me and saved me from [Music] my every fear those who [Music] he'll give you everything he will deliver them this poor man cried and the lord hurt me and saved me from my enemy [Music] the son of god surround him [Applause] he'll give you everything he'll give you everything magnify the lord with me come exhausted name together [Music] glorified the lord with me come exalt his name forever oh taste and see [Music] that the lord is [Music] the son of god [Music] he'll give you everything he'll give you everything [Music] glorified the lord with me [Music] forever [Music] glorify the lord with me [Music] forever [Music] let us bless the lord every day [Music] let us bless the lord every day and night never ending praise mayor incense arise let us bless the lord every day and night never ending praise may our incense rise let us bless the [Music] may your answers [Music] glorify the lord with me [Music] his name forever magnify the lord with me glorify the lord with me his name forever [Music] [Music] he'll give you everything he'll give you everything [Music] happy sabbath boys and girls and happy sabbath to all those viewing on our various platforms thanks tramissa for those kind words of introduction and to marry for that lovely singing the topic i will be speaking on is children connected in hope empowered by his spirit end it now let us pray dear kind and heavenly father as i am here i pray that you'll touch my lips be with me as i present this short ceremony in your name i pray amen from murder to abuse violence is on our tvs and devices whether it's in the form of entertainment or the nightly news it's washed in our culture both here in jamaica and worldwide it caused the attention of the human population to show how wicked and cruel mankind has become psalms 127 verse 3 states children are a gift from the lord they are a reward from him god has a purpose for each and every child the children are the future passages such as joel 2 verse 28 matthew 18 verse 20 and isaiah 54 13 clearly states this fact but the main passage that caught my attention was jeremiah 1 verse 5 which says before i created you in the womb i knew you before you were born i set you apart i made you a prophet to the nation this passage is pointing out to us that god created all children with a purpose to proclaim his good news and to preach and teach to the nations even a child can leave them we often hear this passage being used from isaiah 11 6 but how will our children do so if we continue to abuse and misuse them it's estimated that globally one billion children age two to seven years old have experienced physical sexual emotional violence and neglect in the statistics provided by the world health organization this mostly scores the children impacted by it and can cause serious physical emotional and mental damage which in the long run can prevent children from carrying out the various tasks that god created us for i'd like to draw your attention to psalms 127 verse 3 and 4 which says behold children are a heritage from the lord the fruit of the womb is a reward like arrows in the hand of a warrior so are the children of one's youth so with this in mind i would like to ask a question who would want to destroy their heritage together we can end the violence we need to end it now before violence began to escalate like this god gave us an insight of what would happen specifically in matthew 24 12 which says and because lawlessness will abort the love of many will grow cold but it further states in verse 30 but he who endures to the end shall be saved this means that if we want to be saved we need to end it no john 15 16 says you did not choose me but i chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit isn't it amazing that we are loved and wanted by the king of the ages and his son jesus christ not only that we weren't chosen out of pity but we were chosen to make a difference we're chosen to bear fruit that will endure to help ensure that productivity jesus has promised we can ask for god's blessing on our work for his kingdom and he will bless us let us ask god to give us a heart that will be open to his work and expand the borders of his kingdom and reach beyond the limited things that so often distract us so we can be empowered by his spirit to end the violence end it no yes i want to encourage each one of you let us join together to say end it now and the violence that is going on in our land and the violence that is going on in our homes let us just continue to love each other if you are on this journey with me children parents and everyone to end the violence no i wanted to type it in the chat to type end it now let us pray father we charge in heaven i just want to thank you for what you have done for us we thank you for the children that take part today all the way you know from the constituency we thank you for what they have done and as they are advocating to end the violence no i pray that people will hear us to know that we are resolute no more fighting in our homes no more fighting in our schools no more fighting in our communities no more fighting in jamaica land we love and across the world because we are going to end this violence in jesus name i pray amen thank you children from across west jamaica conference for being involved in the children's church today thank you all for tuning in with us whether on facebook youtube wccn plus tv and any other social media platform i was your host rihanna blair saying and the violence no end it now goodbye goodbye but welcome wow the children did very well i'm always proud of them of what they can do the children of the west jamaica conference constituency let's continue to pray for them in fact prayer is definitely what is keeping us in this time and so we've been having a good time from morning until now and if you are just joining us we want to welcome you right now coming up in the program sash we are making way for elder kingsday clark first and then no we'll have in verse first and then we'll have elder kings the clark and so we're asking you to get your bibles ready and remember we have the inverse quartile is available please uh take advantage of it and you know as been shown from weeks now the inverse lesson studies have been proven to be very interesting very insightful and very relevant to today's living and so we're asking you to tune in and you will be learning a lot and so we have the inverse coming up right now but before pastor wallace comes on we'll have a special musical item by sister shannon allen be blessed [Music] they came to follow him [Music] drawn by what he promised them [Music] if they would that would [Music] and in their discontent [Music] would be [Music] multiplied and hunger [Music] that [Music] this [Music] [Music] away building one eyes would never see [Music] one man look planting a seed in you and me [Music] right for those who cry [Music] [Music] that it had to win [Music] [Music] the kingdom foreign peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do we dare to look within [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] indeed such effortless ministry in music what a tremendous song and that's what young people are all about ministering for jesus christ and we here at inverse will continue to lift up the wonderful name of jesus christ and so i want to take the time to welcome you again to another inverse right here in west jamaica conference i am your brother your friend andre wallace and with me this morning we have online we have cavoy and his beautiful wife melissa rose so good to have you guys how are you doing this morning we are wonderful we're great happy stuff wonderful wonderful and on set i have with me tamika bracket one of our outstanding sabbath school superintendents uh over there in the latisham uh church right across in the orange district am i right yes sir so good to have you have you been i'm doing well thank you awesome awesome now i want to take the time just to send a shout out to my aunt she celebrated her birthday this past i think it was tuesday yes auntie veron hopwood love you my dear and i have a blessed friend uh from high school we go way back long time friend that's alison tomlinson taylor happy birthday when it comes alison and enjoy it and may god bless you and your family and for all our friends who celebrated in august all our collegiate all our inverse team members and friends we are just so glad to be associated with you and so we here at inverse we'll continue our journey as we look at sexually designed principles of biblical sexuality and of course this week tamika our focus is marital sexuality interconnectedness tremendous topic indeed all right and so as we get into the program this morning i'm gonna invite you to bow your heads with me as we just talk to our heavenly father let us pray father in heaven it is such a joy just to say good morning daddy you are such an amazing father to us and even now as we join hands on asking you to intervene as we end it now across this world we pray today that somebody will be blessed as we share your word today and may somebody come to know jesus as a result of inverse this sabbath we pray and ask these verses in the wonderful name of jesus let everybody say amen and amen now tamika there's a very special passage which i wanted to share with our friends this morning that's matthew 7 verses 1 through 5. could you go ahead please matthew 7 1-5 it says judge not that you be not judged for with what judgment you judge you will be judged and with the measure you use it will be measured back to you and why do you look at this pick in your brother's eye but do not consider the plank in your eye or how can you say to your brother let me remove the speck from your eye and look a plank is in your own eye hypocrite first remove the plank from your own eye and then you will see clearly to remove the pick from your brother's eye tremendous tremendous sound and solid and convicting words now i want my friends online to to keep in mind that you must get your your thought processes going so for youtube what support can the church offer to those who have been sexually abused that's our friends on youtube please send your response to the chat and for those on facebook how should the church treat sex offenders particularly those who have harmed children i read that for those on facebook how should the church treat sex offenders particularly those who have harmed children and remember now you can go to and starting next quarter you should be able to get your inverse quarterly in every church across jamaica and by extension the world who knows now our team members we are looking at this fascinating subject for intro integrated beans now clearly the inverse is true uh melissa sexual is simultaneously physical yes emotional relational social and spiritual denying any one of these aspects of sexuality leads to an impaired experience of sexuality now team i wanted to expand on the key areas of the intro as we look at integrated beings this week now melissa expand on the issue of physical sexuality all right no no we are physical beings and for one to deny physical aspects of sexuality they would rub themselves off the enriching sexual experience that thou would have experienced right just a man just imagine a married man experiencing sex only in the mind right no touch no skin to skin contact this will lead to him missing out you know and all the blessed things that god had you know planned for him to experience during sexual intercourse amen i'm sure cable is so glad that that is not a reality now kevor expand on the issue of emotional and relational uh sexuality oh that's tamika yes you know i'm so anxious to get to a boy i'd love to hear this point all right go ahead tamika as we look at the dangers if we deny the emotional relational aspects yes pastor in every day and age the hookup culture is very common and we see where a lot of persons seem to be more accepting of this throughout the world but we learn in the lesson this week that there should be an emotional closeness and intimacy it is required because sex is not only a physical act but it also takes in a lot of emotions and so by denying the emotional element you will fail to experience sexuality in its intensity and as in the case of the hook-up culture and as a result pastor we find a lot of persons end up being very sad and broken-hearted and depressed and some persons end up even becoming lonely imagine that solid solid commercial now kevlar help us to get a better understanding of the kind of trouble if we deny the social ramification and the spiritual importance all right pastor so denying social ramification and spiritual imports you know in the context of sexuality will rob you of a fulfilling experience as intended by god right it will affect your attitude towards what's regarded as morally accepted or biblically correct it may also result in one venturing into forbidden parts such as infidelity or rape now just imagine a adventist husband because he fails to accept that his actions of social um ramifications eeee rape the community member just imagine what would happen in a case like that thank you so much you know that's a very sound sound contribution kevon now team members we looked at some very important passages uh this week you know i looked at genesis 3 and we were reminded that sin really affected not just the relationship between a man and his wife but the entire creation was impacted by that one decision now tamika you look at romans 3 what do you want to highlight here for us okay so we learned in romans 3 3 that basically all have sinned right and verse nine asked the question are we better than they the answer is given immediately after the answer is not at all but the good news is that no matter how much we have sinned we have a savior a savior that is willing and able to cleanse us from our sins and unrighteousness i just love the lord amen now melissa you looked at a very interesting subject here in ezekiel and revelation and kevor you looked at second corinthians uh explain what what is happening here and how does this connect with what we're studying here this morning well ezekiel and revelation speaks to the fact that the devil is responsible for sin and causing humanity to indulge into sin um ezekiel also refers to the devil as one that was created perfect and had a lot of wisdom he deceived adam and eve in the garden of eden and revelation and ezekiel tells us that the devil will not be allowed to cause none to fall into sin over and over and over for eternity but that there will be an end put to him and that fire will destroy him once and for all so there is hope first we won't always thank you so much there's indeed about yes there's indeed about the region within and around us pasta and second corinthians 10 verse 4 and 5 reminds us that our own efforts in attaining spiritual advancement is what futile and so we we cannot overcome the issues of sexual immorality pride hatred dishonesty and condemning others without god's intervention objection to his will you know that is such an important thing to keep in mind now for those on facebook just a reminder real quickly how should the church treat sex offenders and particularly those who have harmed children and for those on on youtube what support can the church offer to those who have been sexually abused now we're jumping really quickly into the ingest smell now we may have to just uh you know sum it up a bit here now choose life uh expand on the important principles in just this week sister rose all right so so we have been all introduced to sin and the whole controversy you know um sin is in the movie theaters it's in the songs is it everywhere you turn you see sin and the effects of sin you see um people battling good and evil even our movies there's always a line who is the good guy who is the bad guy who will win and so on but we are called to choose and to choose life and how do we choose now the only way for us to distinguish what is good and moral is by using god's standards all right and we have an opportunity we have a choice to choose not to listen to certain songs that go to certain places we also have an opportunity to choose jesus and allow him to lead us where we can definitely have eternal life thank the lord now interpret tamika see with new eyes take us deeper into this section of our study okay pastor so this section of the study from a legal perspective one sexuality is private unless there is a compelling state interest in how you are engaging in it so in other words the values of our societies that will determine what is acceptable from what is not and at this point of the lesson uh we we looked again at matthew seven verse three and four which says why do you look at the speak in your brother's eye but do not consider the plank in your own eye or how can you say to your brother let me remove this pick from your eye and look a plank is in your eye as well interesting uh the lord has such a sense of humor now okay boy the connector take us into this section and highlight additional principles from invite this week now before the fall of man pasta humanity was perfectly connected to god through their face face-to-face relationship with him and their possession of his full character right now after sin that relationship and character was marred and they were encumbered with shame guilt and loss of purpose which basically made them hide themselves from god the life-giver now can you imagine how god must have felt heartbroken indeed nevertheless to god be the glory great things he had done so loved in the world that he gave us his son because of of this sacrifice you know we can have a relationship with god the blood of christ has run some sinners and so if we are obedient and accept jesus christ according sacrifice through faith right we can be reckless and are reconnected with god amen you know bless the lord you know team members each of you would have have some thoughts to share as we close but i want to say to somebody those of you who have been sending those responses in the chat keep sharing we thank you so much for your contribution and for your thoughtfulness as you share those points now just about five seconds or so team members let's give your closing uh charge to somebody an encouragement to somebody who may be struggling uh mel i think i want to start with you and we go with tamika and then cavoy we live in a dark world and one way of protecting our mind is to feast on the words of jesus we can come confused you know what is right what is wrong and so the more you spend time with jesus the more you will know like truth that's what god wants sit quietly with your thoughts and god borrowed all the noise of social media speak with god ask him to show you all things and keep on trusting in him he will direct your path good boy amen all right now our sins have separated us from god but there is hope in jesus today no as often as we eat let's pray let's apply these principles and god will give us the victory over self and sin and so for us right here at inverse western conference it is all the joy to spend time with you in god's word and so we'll see you again next sabbath and so just before we go our sister tamika will say a special prayer that god will bless you that you truly will be connected in every area of your life with our lord and savior jesus christ heavenly father we thank you for your grace and your mercy we thank you for the lesson that we have studied we thank you for all those who are watching on social media we ask your lord that we will be blessed you will continue to forgive us of our sins guide us and protect our hearts in jesus name we pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] you up and magnify your name [Music] magnify your name as i look around and i see all the works that your hands have made the awesomeness of you and how your love will never fail mirrors cannot express what i feel inside i can't describe your glory divine but as a token of my love this is what i'll do [Music] [Applause] your [Music] and magnify your name [Music] there's none enough words that i can say to tell you how much i appreciate all the wonderful things you've given me your loving kindness your tender mercies it's my desire to praise you and tell you how much i love you you're worthy of all of the honor lord you're worthy of all of the praise i don't know how you can love me how you can give me so much mercy you didn't have to suffer and die for me way back on calvary but i just want to thank you i have to thank you yes i do i just want to thank you lord thank you thank you thank you lord you're wonderful glorious holy and righteous victorious conqueror triumphant and mighty he like delivered shield and defense strong tower my best friend on nepal's [Music] coming king alpha omega lord of everything your holy lord [Music] [Music] my delivery lord of everything your holy lord [Music] lord your holy [Music] is [Music] amen beautiful worship song praising the name of our savior good morning again everyone and welcome to the new believer's focus as you are well aware we continue our study of the word of god looking at difficult texts in the bible texts that are often misunderstood by individuals and this morning we have another beautiful text uh continuing from our study of last week we are going to be looking at ephesians chapter 2 verses 14 and 15 for our study today but as usual we dare not study the word of god without asking for the presence of his holy spirit bow your heads with me our heavenly father we thank you for the privilege we have one more time to go into your words may your holy spirit guide us in this study in jesus name we pray amen ephesians chapter 2 and i'm going to quickly read verses 14 and 15 in your hearing and if you have your bibles of course we ask you always to turn to your bibles ephesians 2 verses 14 and 15 i'm reading from the king james version the bible says for he is our peace who hath made both one and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us having abolished in his flesh the enmity even the law of commandments contained in ordinances for to make in himself of twain one new man so making peace a very beautiful text in fact if you read from verse one of ephesians chapter two you will notice that the apostle paul is emphasizing unity his first speaks of salvation and he lets us know that salvation is for all and then he speaks of breaking down the middle wall of partition which is between us now that middle wall of partition he was a little bit more specific on in verse 11. and i'm going to ask you to look at verse 11 with me he says wherefore remember that he being in time past gentiles in the flesh who are called on circumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh made by hands paul here is speaking to the gentiles and reminding them that before there was a division that was caused by the ceremonial law of circumcision and that law of circumcision had divided the jews and the gentiles but now he was saying that with jesus christ that wall of partition has been broken down and jesus christ has united all men doesn't matter what race you are from whether you are jew or gentile male or female black or white there is no division when it comes onto christ because he has broken down that middle wall of partition and so he continued in verse 15 where we were how did christ do it he says that he has abolished in his flesh the enmity even the law of commandments contained in ordinances now individuals read this text and many are saying that the law of commandments that paul is referring to is the ten commandments now i say to you be that very far from you because that does not comply with the rest of the bible or with what paul is saying paul is speaking about the laws that divide the jews and the gentiles and he mentioned the law of circumcision as one of those main laws that as it were caused division between the jews and the gentiles and he says that these ordinances or circum ceremonial laws and jewish festivals that divide the jews as one nation from the rest of individuals that god has removed those laws of commandments not the ten commandments i bring you back to our study last week just to add some some clarity to what we are saying in colossians chapter 2 we read verse 14 through to verse 18 last week but i want to emphasize just two verses uh this week in colossians chapter 2 paul said in verses 16 and 17 which we looked at briefly last week he says let no man therefore judge you in meat drink corn respect often holy day or of the new moon or of the sabbath days which are a shadow of things to come and we emphasize last week that what was important in understanding what was abolished at the cross what does not uh have dominion over us that we do not have to obey anymore are those things which are a shadow of things to come the things that are a shadow pointing to jesus christ and ephedra and hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 because i didn't read it last week i'm going to go back to it this week in hebrews chapter 10 and verse 1 paul helps us to understand these shadowy laws are the ten commandments are part of it is the sabbath commandment a part of these shadowy laws well paul tells us in hebrews chapter 10 and verse 1 he says for the law having a shadow of good things to come he's not talking about the laws that pointed to jesus they were a shadow but christ is the body the real thing he says for the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of those things can never with those sacrifices underline that word sacrifice in your bible paul is saying that the laws contained in shadow are those that relate to sacrifices the meat and the drink mentioned in colossians chapter two i'm not talking about eating rice and dumpling it's not talking about whether you eat john crow or you eat chicken or vegements that's not what he was talking about he was talking about the meat offering and the drink offering the sacrifices he was talking about the ceremonial sabbath days days that were mentioned in leviticus chapter 23 which we looked at briefly last week as well so the law that god would have abolished are those that pointed to jesus christ the ceremonial system and the the national laws that the jews observed that divided them from others like circumcision but not the sabbath not the ten commandments in fact i say to you that the ten commandments does not divide the ten commandments unite when god says thou shalt have no other gods before me that unite the jews and the gentiles because we are worshiping the same god when god says that you should not make unto thee any graven image and bow down to them that does not divide us that unites us in jesus christ because it tells me that we are all worshipping the same god not one worshiping one idol and somebody worshiping another it unites us when god says remember the seventh day to keep it holy that does not divide us it unites us in god it unites us in jesus because together we all worship god on the same day together we recognize that he's the same creator who have made all of us the ten commandments unite us when god says thou shalt not murder that doesn't divide us that unites us paul was not talking about the ten commandments because god has shown the difference between the ten commandments and all the other laws the only the only commandment laws that he wrote with his own finger exodus 31 verse 18 the only laws that he came before the nation of israel and he spoke with his own mouth and he declared it in exodus chapter 20 and remember that when the jews could not stand the presence of god they said to moses moses you go to talk to god and come back and talk to us god said to moses i don't want them to believe that this is the law of moses i want them to know it is my law god said to moses you cut out two tables of stone and you bring it to me up on that mountain and i will write it with my own finger nobody even in modern day time should think that the ten commandments including the sabbath was a law of moses that was abolished and when moses broke the ten commandments and he knew it by heart he must have said god can i tell them myself god said uh-uh you gotta come back up and i'm gonna write it again i want them to know that it is permanent that it is my law and it stands forever and that includes the sabbath commandment oh i got excited this morning when i heard elders doctrine and clerk and mary speaking about the sabbath so let me end there speaking about it because the problem is not with the ten commandments by many people they say all these things and some purposely misinterpret these stakes all because they want to get rid of the sabbath well well well you can't get rid of the sabbath because the sabbath commandment is placed among the ten and listen god used a term and i'm coming down now god used a term with the sabbath commandment that he didn't use with the others he says remember remember the sabbath day to keep it holy he did not use that term with all the others i hear somebody said oh the reason god used remember is because in exodus chapter 16 he had given them already and he just wanted to remind them i don't believe that that may be part of it but can't be the old truth because they knew the others too and he didn't say remember well somebody said maybe the sabbath is more important than all the others so god says remember i said i don't go for that also because by putting it amongst the others he puts it on the same level with all the others james 2 verse 10 said if you keep the whole law and yet offending one point you're guilty of all so the sabbath is on the same level as idol worshipping and the same level as murdering on the same level as stealing so they're all on the same level and if we break one we break all but then i believe the reason god said remember the reason god said remember is because he knows that we are prone to forget it he knows that we are prone to forget it because we think it's not important so we won't remember it he thinks he knows we're gonna be prone to forget it because we think that it's part of the ceremonial law so we won't keep it he knows that we are prone to forget it because we're gonna think that it is the least of the commandments that's what happened to them in exodus chapter 16 they thought the commandment was not important so they so they came on friday and they collected one one meal and they came on sabbath to collect the other and there was none there because they took god for granted and god said that commandment is as important as the others i close by saying i thank god is he not a god who knows everything that god knows that in this 20-21 year that there will be christians and others who would forget the fourth commandment doesn't god tell us how wonderful he is that he said you should not forget it it is important it is not it is not the least of the commandments it is not something that you should take for granted it's not something you should change it ought to be kept god's words must be kept and i must quote the text which i didn't in second corinthians 7 and verse 9 or 19 paul says that circumcision profiteth nothing uncircumcision profited nothing but the keeping of the commandments of god that profits everything god bless you [Music] i'm nothing on my own i've made mistakes and often slip [Music] i'm just common flesh and bones but i'll prove one day just what i say i'm of a special kind for when he was on the cross i was on his mind [Music] the look of love was on his face [Music] the blood [Music] so his eyes [Music] he was on [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] me he was glory makes the heavens shine i'm so unworthy [Music] yet when he was on the ground oh yes i was on his mind [Music] when he was i was [Music] amen and that's an awesome thought i was on the mind of the creator the redeemer isn't that a wonderful wonderful new bit of indeed encouragement yes god cares about you as if you are the only one happy sabbath it's the 14 parishes and the diaspora in praise prayer testimony and thanksgiving what a thanksgiving that jesus died for me jesus died for you as if there were no one else we praise the lord we rejoice and this morning we are reminding ourselves the third john tells us beloved i wish above all things that thou mays prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers so if you are in africa asia jamaica the caribbean or europe and oceana the lord wishes that as we learn the truth about him and his amazing love for us and all that he wishes for us to be knowledgeable about the word and as we are strong in the world then we will follow our health will fall in place or social relations will fall in place kovid is nothing for the resources of heaven to tackle as people of god as we learn truth as we internalize truth we can fight in the grace of god we fight back we strengthen our immune systems whatever or conditions god is more than able to make us well let us rejoice therefore in the hope in the knowledge that god wishes that as we cooperate with him he will help us to be strong and healthy and we of course continue to pray for those affected by covet the illness or related deaths and we'll be praying especially for families who are hurting because individuals among them are ill or loved ones have passed god notices all of this let us unite in prayer let us fight back because god wishes us to be healthy and before i hand you over to denise i must wish oh we have to identify with individuals on the platform donald griffith's trinidad rose curl who well she's one of those who are ill and in hospital philip bruno dominica euna cooper bahamas the ronnie wright south carolina carmen bigby canada lorna fullwood atlanta all these were affirming and praising god on the chat and they are watching and of course the brights are also watching from the usa and we welcome them and others and of course anne-marie wellington kendall the seventh-day adventist church kendall miami your husband your siblings including viv the children and all your relatives wish you a grand celebration today as you celebrate the sabbath and your birthday over to denise oh yes oh yes and of course indeed god wants us all to be to prosper and be in good health health so i would like to say happy belated birthday to genoa campbell genoy happy belated along with nicholas harwood yes i know nicholas you enjoyed it and our own uh pastor william's wife that's marcia williams i heard that she celebrated her birthday this past week so i hope you had enjoyed your birthday sister williams and may god continue to richly bless you and tomorrow a mother in in christ is celebrating her birthday and that is paulie in pearson we know her as lapla yes so happy birthday when it comes and may god continue to richly bless you and also anniversary greetings going out to oldly and nadine scott and they will be celebrating their um 22nd anniversary so they are celebrating their 22nd anniversary today yes i heard and um happy anniversary to you and megan continue to richly bless your union and also brother and sister adolphus thompson they're from cedar spring out there in saints elizabeth and they will they're celebrating 30 61 years that's 61 precious years so happy anniversary to brother and sister thompson god continue to bless you as well amen yes thank you so much once again happy sabbath jamaica as the text says that god wish that we prosper and be in good health jamaica we have a beautiful national pledge and that national pledge definitely uh express the sentiments of this text it speaks of mind body and even our heart and that jamaica may under god increase in beauty fellowship and even prosperity all right so we just want to make some quick shout outs now birthday greetings going out to camille mclean from al annaldi hoping you you have a blessed and wonderful sabbath sabbath day shout out going out to the oasis family of course the oasis family it was a privilege and a joy to be with you last evening on your vesper platform all the best to you oh races happy wedding anniversary going out to brother and sister lawson from philadelphia they are celebrating 20 years of marital bliss enjoy every moment the lawsons there we go all right sabbath shout out going out of course to rose blake rose blake you're watching from smithfield over there in westmoreland and so we just want to say happy sabbath to all the west polites on a sad note uh we just want to express sincere condolences to pastor king who served as a pastor for the full gospel church of god over there in rosettes mount yugo bay and we just want to wish sister king and all the other family members you know god's saving and comforting love through this time of grief and finally pastor floyd white happy birthday to you my brother enjoy every moment over to you sis it's over to camaro okay thank you all right so happy happy happy happy birthday to orissa allen graham and to tahira shaw darling shaw kimberly williams our very own kimi kimikimi we love you and to alexia dixon we say happy birthday to you all and belated birthday greetings going out to sister karen sunlin my friend hope you're having a wonderful sabbath and two dorner miles from the seventh-day adventist church in salt spring sending sabbath blessings as well to alfie ennis clinton borrows my facebook pile renee and gary hayden from the us and brother and sister bright may god continue to bless you both and save travel back home and god wants us to be in good health yes physical health but above all he wants us to fortify our mental and emotional immune system so that we can withstand the pressures or even the disappointments that we may face from day to day he says you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you that's isaiah 26 verse 4 let's continue trusting in god today amen and so quickly i will say happy anniversary to barbara and ryan campbell from the bulu hall seventh-day adventist church and our very own nadia and daniel heath are celebrating two years of togetherness or they celebrated this week we want to say also happy birthday to patricia bandu who is on one of our youtube uh watchers and she survived the covet 19 and was able to celebrate her birthday this wednesday or last wednesday august 25th and to that we say to god be the glory great things he has done and on the matter of health i will leave with you 12 healthful principles that the adventist church lives by and one is choices two exercise three liquid four environment five belief six rest seven air eight temperance nine integrity ten optimism eleven nutrition and twelve social support and services so with that we say stay healthy and strengthen your inner doctor because when the external doctors have done all they can the rest is left up to your inner doctor and faith in jesus christ have a happy sabbath alan we'll pray and we hand you after that write to the praise team let us pray father in heaven we truly want to thank you again for the many souls that gave their hearts to jesus throughout the series and we pause to pray oh law that you will continue to watch over jamaica with this virus and the entire world and provide comfort for those who have lost loved ones due to this pandemic in jesus name we pray amen amen amen amen happy sabbath brothers and sisters welcome to another wonderful sabbath day's worship of course we do hope that your week has been wonderful we know that a lot of persons have had some really troubling times a lot of sad news persons passing persons healing but all in all god has been good before we start this morning i want to send out a special greeting to my mom and dad yes i just went british uh special greetings to my mom and my dad uh they're celebrating 40 years of marriage that will be tomorrow i really do hope that god will continue to guide you and bless you as you do your best to live for him and continue to live in love let us worship together as we sing this song knowing that we need to be close to him every step of the way every step we take we need to be closer with him as we live our lives daily as we worship now put your mind in that place where you can just feel him drawing close to you because he's the only one who can bring comfort those of you who are ailing right now those of you are feeling the pain of losing a loved one take courage in this one draw close to [Music] right him all alone thinking of you only you you want my mind jesus you in my heart [Music] yet still i feel like you're so far hard lord i feel so empty soon i need to know [Music] [Applause] [Music] what can i do [Music] can i get close close to you [Music] can i get close close [Music] i wanna cry [Music] jesus my heart is beating fast my hands are shaking but i still wait i breathe oh [Music] [Music] [Music] closer to can i get your [Music] to you can i get close to you can i get closer [Music] near near a blessed lord to the cross where thou [Applause] [Music] lord to thy passions [Music] and if you believe it sing with us [Music] [Applause] [Music] help me know you are new now [Music] can i get close to you can i get closer [Music] can i get close to you can i get close to you can i get close so we say it is true i give the glory it is too i give the praise lord you have done so much for me and i will [Music] bless is [Music] [Music] forevermore [Music] for you have done so bless much holy name [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] get foreign to you can i get close to you can i get close to you can i get close [Music] to you as i walk every day closed [Music] captioning oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] near blessed lord to the cross [Music] lord bleeding [Music] [Music] used [Music] is [Music] desire [Music] [Music] so my [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're my friend and you are my [Music] no [Music] you are everything we say [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] uh [Music] happy sabbath welcome to our divine worship service we are still connected in hope covered by grace and we welcome you as we continue to worship under this broad theme nature continues to speak and of course we are delighted that god has another message for us but i'd like you to pay attention to these notices as a union the jamaica union conference in solidarity with our brethren in haiti will be collecting a special offering toward relief there and so we will announce to you the date as soon as we have it so listen up because we'll be collecting a special offering right across the churches in jamaica for haiti we rejoice with the nearly 250 believers newborn who have been baptized into the family of god and we invite you to continue to pray for them as we continue to serve the lord and rejoice in his goodness we remind you of the virtual lay worker and child preachers training scheduled for august 31. it is virtual so you will receive the link and participation of course is encouraged end it now summit will also be held virtually and that's tomorrow august 29 and it begins at 9 30 in the morning so that's the end it now summit under the women's ministries department and of course that also will be virtual we welcome you to our divine service you are on facebook youtube wccn bless tv instagram you are most welcome we are delighted to have you with us our numbers are still done of course so we can't welcome any live audience because we abide by the protocols but we continue to rejoice in the lord for his many blessings we are also delighted to welcome again our signers and of course their target audience and we trust that you continue to be blessed as you are ministered to each time we open the platform we have a word from the lord today and the man of god pastor donovan williams speaker for the nature speaks online evangelistic series has been allowing the lord to use him the lord has laid another message on his heart and we invite you to continue to pray that souls will be touched as the word goes forth today he will come at the appropriate time with the word of god and we ask that you share the link if you haven't yet done so somebody needs to hear that word today and we can only do our part sharing the link and of course asking the lord's intervention in someone's life today we pray that god will give someone victory over sin over that spiritual battle that has been raging in that heart and so we invite you to pray for the speaker pray for those whom you have invited as you shared the link and pray for the new believers that they will grow and mature in the newfound faith in jesus we thank god that we continue to be blessed with the ministers on the platform and we just pause a moment to register our gratitude to them we ask also that you continue to pray for the team here as we continue to seek to connect the world yes the world with the grace of god as we use the means that are available to us and as we surrender and submit ourselves to god so that he can work in and through us and we trust we depend on you to do your part i know we know that many of you have hundreds uh tens twenties that you share the link to each time the platform is open and god will continue to bless your efforts he will do the rest as we do our part so let us not grow weary in this but let us continue to be vigilant in praying vigilant in sharing the link in and asking those whom we have shared the link with to subscribe so the multiplayer effect will continue and the ripple will grow bigger and bigger the lord is coming soon and he will come for people who are prepared for his coming it beholds us then to continue to be vigilant so that he can find us ready and of course let us not forget to continue to pray for those who have been struck by natural disaster by the disaster of the covid pandemic families are hurting lies are affected and we might not be able to physically do anything but we can pray prayer changes things and you and i can stand in the gap for someone let us do our part then as the lord empowers us to do as he bids us do so i invite you then to join with us as the praise team sings again that beautiful song that they have done wonders with it's your nature we have seen we have seen the comments on this one so and of course throughout the campaign a lot of you have mentioned to the point of where you have brilliant truly experienced the nature of god in so many different ways and this song in itself speaks to it so i want you know to just to join with us as we sing this wonderful thing knowing that he can bring life in the barn places he can bring light in those darkest places here we go it's your nature you bring joy to the broken hearted hope to the ones to the ones who've lusted god it's your nature it's [Music] speak [Music] oh [Music] you tell [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] again [Music] [Music] [Music] and that is the never to be forgotten thieves song it is your nature i don't like how my tall friend is looking at me with that kind of sight but i won't look at her either i would never tell the world she has no green blouse i would never do that she's my good friend and the world doesn't know she's looking at me but uh i want to join with the team in expressing thanks to almighty god for the marvelous way he has used our evangelists the the tremendous now i know i joke about it by telling you that the palm trees uh you should listen for that and it is still one of my favorite sermons from him but all of the presentations have been in their own way providing information and i want to tell you that that i believe with all my heart that today there's a backslider someplace there's somebody somewhere you're struggling with that decision i have interrupted the regular flow of the program just to let you know today is your day for a change today is your day for that decision secondly i'd like to say to the uh members and our community folk in westmoreland and uh you are on our hearts we are mindful of the number of deaths in the church in the community the number of persons who have been tested positive and so i want to appeal to you now i we still have a few folks who still do not believe in wearing masks my brothers and sisters protect yourself protect yourself protect your family protect the community i want to appeal to you that that that this issue is no joke it's not a play thing and so i want to lend my strong appeal let's follow all of the government protocols let's make sure that we do all in our power to keep ourselves healthy and safe talk with your doctor talk with your family do whatever your conviction has led you to do and know that god has given us wisdom not only to eat right and drink right he's given us marvelous lessons for our health but he's also ask us to weigh all the evidence and i pray the living god that you'll make the decision that is in the best interest of your life your family your community your neighbor let's be our brother's keeper let's do our best to protect ourselves and protect our neighbor uh on monday night there will be an all-night prayer meeting for for westmoreland and i i spoke this morning with our union president he'll be joining the prayer session that's on monday night i think starting at seven o'clock or 7 30 all night and monday night there'll be a special all-night prayer meeting on zoom for our pastors and members and the community uh for west westmoreland and i ask you to join us for that we will we're hoping to have also the the health ministries director of the inter-american division dr hussein is working on that but let us let us do all we can to keep ourselves safe and to keep each other healthy and safe i somewhere outside or maybe in a car i think i have my adopted aunts that's the siblings of sister mother scott you are somewhere out here please you were here last week and i didn't get a chance to see you make sure i see you before you go today i should also like to tell you if you're in the new york area the old man will be in your place well in your space that is in your space we we joined the greater new york conference for that footprints uh amazing campaign starting on september 25 for two weeks that's for new york city for the greater new york area not just the city of new york but all of new york and the air is attached to the greater new york conference we'll talk some more about that and uh i'm looking forward to connecting with you as together we prepare ourselves and the world for the coming of the lord there's a special lady celebrating a birthday today she has her mother's first name and she has my father's last name isn't that a striking coincidence she has she is the wife of my mother's second son she is the mother of my three children and i want to say happy birthday to iris and i'm emphasizing the first name iris darcella ali samuels a very special birthday love and i don't know if it's coincidence the song the opening song is i will sing of jesus love even while i tell of their seller's love i will sing of jesus love sing of him who first loved me for he left bright worlds above and died on calvary that's our opening song and we will lift our hearts and voices in melody and praise as the praise team and i wouldn't tell you the last person to run on the stage is that troublesome friend of mine in the green blog i wouldn't tell you that but they go sing today the song i will sing of jesus love that's our opening song wherever you are would you not join us as we sing praise to the almighty god thank you [Music] of him who first loved me before he met [Music] my heart shall game he has died that i might live i will sing his love to me [Music] can be made as wild as [Music] [Music] nothing good for him i've done how could he is [Music] is [Music] i [Music] and not only will we sing of his love we will show our love to him by the gifts we bring god has been good to us and we have an opportunity to return to him a part of the blessings with which he has blessed us with financially and so while you prepare to give your love offering there are the giving options on the platform and i apologize to those who are still having difficulty getting through to give may i in the same breath express thanks to sister dawkins i have received that huge box that you sent we cleared it last week thank you on behalf of the persons for whom you've sent the gifts you have sent and uh thanks to the others who have reached out to us as we seek to help those who can't help themselves we're just about at the time when our students are getting back to ncu and many of them are struggling thank you for helping us to help them thank you for helping us to help those who are homeless and those who are struggling even with the whom they have because of the condition it's in thank you for helping us to help those who are seeking medical attention may god bless you and multiply his gifts of love to you for your unselfishness in sharing yourself with others let us pray almighty god we lift our hearts and thanks to you you've blessed us more than we deserve you've kept us alive thank you for the heart of love you've given to your children around the world that your blessing and they have been a blessing to others here in jamaica now bless the gifts they give and may we give our all to you in full surrender is our asking in jesus name and so we have special music while you give your gifts of love god bless you [Music] i pray you'll be your eyes and watch us where we go [Music] and help us to be wise in times when we don't know let [Music] when we lose [Music] needs to find a place guide us with your grace give us faith so we'll be safe [Music] [Music] where you [Music] shadows [Music] lead us to our place guide us with your grace heal us [Music] [Music] [Music] reaching now to touch you reaching to [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] just like every child [Music] needs to find a place [Music] guide us with your grace give us faith so we'll be safe [Music] amen and amen may the lord continue to guide us with his wonderful grace at this time we'll be interceding on behalf of all those who are watching and those who are in need of prayer and so i invite you to join me as we talk to our heavenly father let us pray father in heaven another time we have come to call on your name we have come once more of wonderful savior to cry out and call on the power that only you have because as we look around in this world we recognize that on every side we are buffeted by mayhem and disaster disease and disappointment we recognize oh father that there is this great ominous cloud of death and depression that is oppressing each soul and we are mindful o lord that it is in you that we can find strength as much as doctors and psychologists and physicians may attempt to do their best to relieve the suffering of mankind we know that only the great physician has the kind of residual power to respond to our needs and so father we are praying that your holy spirit will come by here even now you will walk into some home you will stand by a bedside you will send your comforting presence to give cheer to a broken heart to give strength to a weak hand and a weak body a body that is now under pressure of this great virus called covid19 and so father we are asking now in a special way that even as you cleanse us from all unrighteousness even as you purify our thoughts that as we come to you we will your prayers will be acceptable in your sight we are asking o father that you will indeed hear and answer the prayer of your crying children there are many in the hospitals that are overflowing with sick ones there are many who are at home now suffering they are unable to breathe properly they are unable to think clearly depression is setting in the issues related to covey 19 is creaking havoc not just in the individual but in entire families communities countries that are under lock down because of this dreadful disease but father we are asking that you will hear the cry of israel you will hear the cry of your children and that you will deliver us in this time lord we are asking for healing we are asking for deliverance we are asking for strength we are asking for your power to be upon us so that we will know and be confident that you alone can deliver lord replace in your hands all of your children not just in jamaica but across this world and we pray that they will indeed exact wisdom in the uh processing of this important matter of fighting the coronavirus we pray o father that you will also be with those who are making the decisions for the health of your nation you will continue to give them wisdom you will continue to give them insight you will continue to open their understanding and we pray father that through it all we will be faithful to you through it all we will be united through it all we will hang on to you and we will not surrender our belief in the everlasting god father we ask now that you will touch your man's servant he has been preaching for the past uh six weeks heavenly father your words have been going across the various channels of media we are asking now that you will indeed touch his brain cells touch his lips give figure to his body that as he stands in a pulpit to declare your word that sinners will cry out i yield to your goodness and your righteousness and your salvation that those who are losing hope will find courage bless him now even as we continue to seek your grace in jesus precious name we pray amen and amen so [Music] so [Music] and more like jesus i wanna be more and more like him i wanna be more and more like jesus that's the only way that i can make [Music] and more like jesus i wanna be more and more like him [Music] [Applause] [Music] like [Music] i wanna be more and more like him i wanna be more and more like jesus [Music] that's the only way [Music] [Music] [Music] forgive me [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] just like jesus [Music] i wanna pray just like jesus i wanna pray [Music] i wanna talk just like jesus i [Music] i want to pray just like jesus [Music] forgive me foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus but that's the only way that i can [Music] make jesus [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] let me say [Music] amen amen amen praise the lord the goal of everyone is to be more and more like jesus amen do you want to be more like jesus i truly want to be more like jesus good morning good afternoon good evening whatever time it is wherever you are i want to greet you well in the wonderful name of our lord and savior jesus christ happy savage to you i join my fellow officers in bringing you special greetings today and we are happy that you have tuned in to our online worship experience here in west jamaica conference we're happy that nature continued to speak to us and what a tremendous campaign we have had we're thankful to the lord for the many who have surrendered their hearts in baptism and today they are baptisms their baptisms that have already taken place and their baptisms that will take place right across west jamaica conference and we just say to god be the glory not only those who have been baptized but you cannot test there is a testimony that god has blessed us tremendously we are more anchored in jesus and every day as we look around us nature is telling us about the love of our lord jesus christ and his nature is the love his nature is to protect his nature is to provide his nature is indeed to save us and what a theme song it continues to resonate in our hearts and in our minds it's your nature and we continue to sing of the goodness of the lord and today i know that god has another message for us as we look at evil nature some more and see uh special experience that took place out in nature and what lessons are there for us i really want to join also with my fellow officers and even with the prayer for those who are really um suffering from the co well all of us are but those who are directly affected in the sense that members of your family are probably you yourself have tested positive members of the family are hospitalized or in recent times you have lost members of the family i really want to empathize with you and to continue to pray god's guidance god's care god's empowerment in your life the my hometown in cardwell is a part of the marchton district of churches uh brother derek james passed away this week and brother our bible in structure great bible instructor brother ricky johnson passed on also from the marchton district of churches i know my home church my home circuit is really mourning the passing of these individuals and they are more right across the conference we share in your bereavement we share in your lost we share in your grief but we have a god who we can depend on we can trust and one day he will make all things new until then our hearts will go on singing until then with joy we will carry on and a song that has become meaningful as we seek the lord in prayer is the song i love you lord one more time one more time as we get ready for the message we will sing of the goodness of the lord join us i love you lord for your mercy never fails me sing this song have been held in your hands from the moment that i wake up until i lay my will say [Music] [Music] through my teenage life [Music] of the goodness in old age in golden age he's still faithful [Music] somebody need to sing [Music] [Music] is [Music] our father in heaven [Music] we just give your thanks almighty god for who you are and for what you are to us and today once again we pray for your anointing on your word on your man's servant on your people through the power of the holy spirit and through the spoken word bring conviction bring conversion and bring transformation for we pray in the sweet and wonderful name of our lord and savior jesus christ amen and amen [Music] our message today is entitled more beyond more beyond turn your bibles to the book of genesis genesis chapter 28 from verses 10 to 22. of a very special incident that took place in nature i know the time is fast passing away but permit me just to read the word to set the foundation now jacob went out from beersheba and went towards heiran so he came to a certain place and stayed there all night because his son had said he took one of the stones of that place put it at his head and he laid down in that place to sleep then he dreamed and be whole the ladder was set up on the earth and the top reached to heaven and there the angels of god were ascending and descending on it behold the lord stood above it and said i am the lord god of abraham your father and the god of isaac the land on which you lie i will give to you and your descendants also your descendants shall be as a dust of the earth you shall spread abort abroad to the west and to the east to the north and to the south and in you and in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed behold i am with you and will keep you wherever you go and will bring you back to this land for i will not leave you until i have done what i have spoken to you and jacob awoke from his sleep and said surely the lord is in this place and i did not know it and he was afraid and said oh oh some is this place this is none other than the house of god this is a gate of heaven jacob rose early in the morning and took a stone that he had put at his head and set it up as a pillar and pour oil on it and he called the name of the place betel but the name of that city had been lost previously and jacob made a vow saying if god will be with me and keep me in this way that i'm going and give me bread to eat and clothe them to put on so that i come back to my father's house in peace then the lord shall be my god and this stone which i have said as a pillar shall be god's house and of all that you give me i will surely give a tent to you amen and amen they life of jacob can be divided into three phases one the egocentric phase two the reality phase and three the conversion as we'll call it phase time will not allow us to go through these three phases so we are going to concentrate on just one the egocentric phase of his life jacob could be labeled as an egocentric person jacob had an acute cute case of ego centuries in as a matter of fact jacob even if he had to conquer individuals by with and strategy he was willing to do that he was the leader and every other person was a follower or his servant in the young jacob we see a dangerous mix of naive intelligence driving ambition and illusion illusions of grandeur jacob seems to have absorbed at his mother's knee the skill of plotting and and the skill of exploiting the weaknesses of people to his personal advantage genesis chapter 25 as a matter of fact the bible probably gives about three examples of jacob in his early life his reputation as a cheat genesis 25 relates his birth account as if so that jacob's tendency was congenital when rey have delivered the twins it was noticed that jacob grabbed the heel of his brother who preceded him from the womb jacob seemed from the womb to have protested the accident of being born second and from that beginning he was labored as a supplanter and a supplanter was one who grabs the heel the second instance involved taking advantage of his brother's hunger he saw the older twin was robust and a hairy outdoor man esau was a hunter jacob pursued the more refined in intellectual art no wonder he was so close to his mother and one day esau returned from hunt starved jacob saw the opportunity to recover the birthright that was denied to him at birth for one simple meal of porridge one simple meal of soup if you saw jacob asked in return for the birthright and hungry naive impulsive esau traded his birthright for a single meal jacob was learning well the art of saving his neck by using his head but friends try talk as you may say all that you want to say about esau not caring enough about his birthright in that he was willing to trade it for a full stomach criticize esau as humane but i want you to know that jacob should never have tempted esau like that he took advantage of his own brother when he was in the weakest moment and i want us to understand that that's how the devil works the devil tries to take advantage of us in our weakest moment the devil knows our weak points and the devil will always try to hit us where we are weak the devil will always try to hit us below the belt and you may criticize esau as you want to but like some airlines there are some airlines who hike the price of the ticket at christmas time and at easter time why because they know that people are traveling in great numbers at this time that people must travel so they took they take advantage they know people will need to travel take advantage of this fact by raising the price of the tickets imagine imagine you live in a loving family imagine you you your brother imagine your sister who both of you are closely knitted you are part of a closely knitted family and your sibling your sibling identifies your need your sibling i imagine i am a part of a closely knitted family and my brother wants to get to the airport i love my brother so much and my brother wants to get to the airport and say donovan dropped me at the airport and when i dropped my brother at the airport i then turned to him and said the cost is this satisfier need that was jacob but if that was if that were cruel then listen to this one the most cruel of jacob's deception and jacob plotted to trick his age blind father you have sympathy on the age more so if they if if the age is blind if the age has a special need it is as bad as someone robbing a blind person jacob plotted and his mother assisted him and he waited for the special moment genesis 27 records that isaac's dying request of his eldest son was to get his favorite meat jacob and his mother heard the request and when i went when esau when esau went to catch venice when esau went to hunt jacob and his mother scheme and she prepared a kid just to taste like venison and we know this story blind isaac said the voice is like the voice of jacob but the hand is like the hand the body is like the body of esau and as a result jacob paid a high price jacob lost his father's respect jacob lost his brother's trust and within hours his mother had to urge him you have to leave home his mother urged him you have to go to your grandfather's home and jacob was on the road and he was on the road alone not without without the family without friends and by the way take note that this the this was the last time jacob was going to see his mother alive because 20 years past when he returned his mother was dead but i want you to know friends that jacobs ego centric life jacob his ego-centric activities was when he was without a ladder jacob had a ladder less life at this time he had no connection with heaven jacob was loveless he tried to climb he tried to excel but he was excelling on the shoulders of others he was excelling on the head of others he was using people to excel there are some loveless people who climb on the shoulders of others using individuals are you understanding me using individuals to excel in life to carry out the selfish aims jacob is not alone in this dilemma such is the way of ladderless people alexander the great conquered all the land before him and he believed that there was no more world to conquer alexander died an unfulfilled person because he tried to go up the ladder by his selfish desire today they are ladless men and women who are driven by pride and loss actually their life cannot be happy such see their hopes turned to ashes they never find the top they find only sorrow and whoa finally they will realize that life is unsatisfied that's ladderless life but church jacob had walked some scholars believe about 50 to 70 miles he was now tired knight had fallen he was tired he was hungry and he laid down to sleep using a stone as a pillar so a stone was his pillar called ground was his bed he was discouraged he was ashamed of his conduct he was alone he was lost but he was penitent and he began to think stay with me somebody he began to think about the events of the past few days and in white tells us that jacob began to think about his his deeds jacob began to think about his past this was one of the bleakest spots on the earth right where he was was just a hilltop a barren rock what less likely place and time for him to be so to him it seems he could not have found himself at a more unproductive place than here and he asked himself can god truly be manifested in this place but as jacob lay there measuring the smallness of his spirit he looked to the immense skies are you hearing me somebody he looked at the skies he he saw the mountains around him he saw the stars he saw the moon and his smallness pale into insignificance he saw nature and he saw nature's god and the solemnity of the hills and the solemnity of the moonlight and the marching stars turn a trickster's mind to god turn a trickster's mind to god hear me somebody uh many of us are like jacob we are running away from home and we are running away from god but i have good news for somebody you cannot outrun god you cannot hide from god you cannot escape god you cannot get rid of god god has his mind on you with these feelings the feeling i love how ellen white puts it at this time jacob really realize and contemplated his past needs not until we ourselves become a shame of our failure not until we become a shame of our past and god manifest himself to us ellen white says in steps to christ page 65 no deep seated love for jesus can dwell in the heart that does not realize its own sinfulness she says if we do not see our own moral deformity it is unmistakable it is the unmistakable evidence that we have not had a view of the beauty and excellence of jesus christ and in white says when we see the beauty and excellence of jesus christ we will see our nothingness we will see our faults we will see our filthiness that's the time when god will come down to us when we recognize our sinfulness when we recognize our faults and church just as jacob was internalizing just as jacob was was seeing his fault the bible says he fell asleep and he had a dream and that's when god came down that's when the lord came down jacob fell asleep had a dream and he saw a ladder touching earth and stretching to heaven and he saw angels on this ladder ascending and descending oh i want you to take note of the contrast he saw angels ascending and descending too many of us i all our minds are only caught up in the ascent jacob will do anything to climb higher jacob would do anything to get to the top use his brother use his father and even use his mother to get to the top but when he was without a ladder instead of going up he was going down somebody need to understand he believed he was on the ascent but he was going down but in his dream he saw a ladder and he saw angels ascending but he also saw angels descending jacob was assured repeatedly by god that his presence will not leave him stay with me somebody until he passed through all his trials nowhere can we find god will leave us but we talk about we talk about jacob's trouble the time of jacob's trouble and most time when we talk about the time of jacob's trouble we talk about when he experience that struggle with god when he encounter that conversion stage with god but i want you to know that this experience here can also be linked with jacob's trouble because jacob was in trouble hey jacob was in trouble in three ways hey his brother was coming to get him and he knew that and he was just a few miles from home so you can't sleep with that on your mind so he was in trouble that's jacob's trouble the second thing is that he was alone and to be out there alone in a land that is filled with thieves having no form of weapon that in itself is trouble are you hearing me somebody and the third thing he was alone and it was a land of wild beasts and so he he he needed protection not only from his brother from thieves or from wild peace that's trouble a time of jacob's trouble a church i want you to understand uh the bible uses jacob experience to talk about the end time the end time experience of god's people time of jacob's trouble but i want you to know that there are four lessons from this experience that we can learn that will help us in the time of jacob's trouble that is to come on this world there are four lessons that i want to point out there are four main points that we should never forget as god's people the time of jacob's trouble is at hand as god's people the time of trouble as never before is at hand we are perplexed all about us there is danger everywhere somebody needs to know that this is not the time of ease it is a time of tremendous trouble it is a time of jacob's trouble oh help me holy ghost today but jacob was repeatedly assured of god's presence god will never leave his people so when we face the time of jacob's trouble what can this experience hear at last what can this experience of jacob teaches jesus number one we must be reminded that in the time of trouble we must remember god's promise in the time of trouble we must remember god's promise the first thing that god reminded jacob of is a promise he made to his father abraham passed down through isaac are you hearing me somebody god said i made a promise to your father isaac unto your grandfather abraham oh do you remember that promise to abraham in genesis chapter 15 when when god told abraham to get an animal and to cut it in half the birds were flying around the carcass and abraham fell asleep and when abraham fell asleep the bible says a burning lamp walk through the fiery furnace hear me somebody god is a covenant keeping god god will keep his promises no matter what so he held on to his promise abraham fell asleep abraham was supposed to keep his side of the bargain but abraham fell asleep and even when abraham fell asleep god held the side of the bargain god held abraham's side so that the promise could be intact god is a commandment keeping god god is a covenant keeping god but watch this no watch this church jacob jacob a few days ago tricked his brother jacob a few days ago deceived his father running a fugitive running god stop him god met him by the way god no matter his fault no matter our fault no matter our sinfulness god is always with us god will never leave us or forsake us god was with jacob jacob you are a trickster jacob you're a thief jacob you're a supplanter but i will never leave you my covenant my covenant is still intact oh it's here can you understand the preacher god had every reason to cut the promise from jacob he was a thief a supplanter but god was with him and watch this now oh i'm in trouble jacob's ladder dreampiece saw a ladder and the ladder touches the earth when we are faced with hardship when we are faced with difficulties we can rest assure that god will keep god will never withdraw his promise from us no matter how far in sin we go god will still keep his promise jacob got a ladder before this he was living a ladder less life but now he had a ladder now there was a ladder in his life stretched from earth to heaven had a dream angels were ascending and angels was descending jacob had to find the proper perspective and the proper objective in life jacob had defined the proper objective in life he had to come to understand that the procedure of the heavenly way is both ascending and descending before this jacob had only one thing in mind was to reach the top on this ladder it was a two-way street have mercy on this ladder it was two-way traffic jacob must understand that gift must match gain jacob must understand that responsibility must match privilege jacob must understand that service must match opportunity jacob must understand that the more god blesses is more others must be blessed angels were ascending and also descending for jacob this was a new way of life so the first thing we have to do and have to understand in the time of jacob's trouble which is coming which is here in the time of jacob's trouble we must believe we must remember god's promises the second thing we must remember is that we must remember god's presence not only his promises but in the midst of your trial in the midst of your crisis in the midst of your jacob's trouble remember god's promise [Music] verse 16 verse 16 when jacob when jacob woke up from his dream sometime during the night jacob said hey surely this place the lord is in this place and i did not know it oh please take note of this oh hallelujah the lord is in this place and i didn't know it scholars give two explanations one scholars say tell us that it had to do with the tribal belief in god because ancient civilization felt that their gods were restricted to a geographical location restricted geographically to where people live and since jacob was a citizen of beersheba since he was not a citizen of lord's laws then naturally he would have felt that he has left his god where in beersheba so god could not be present with him in laws are you hearing me and he will not pick up his god until he reached heron so between beersheba and heron his god could not exist that's what some scholars believe well we know friends that that might go for other gods but this cannot go for our god oh somebody need to praise god with me because our god is not limited to geographic location our god can be found everywhere our god cannot sleep our god cannot slumber our god he's everywhere somebody needs to say amen so this can't work for our god because he's up on the mountain he's down in the valley he's across the sea he walks on water somebody needs to say amen our god is not limited to geographic location i have to hurry on but the true explanation the true explanation church this is what i believe is a true explanation jacob's response had to do with his guilt jacob's hallelujah had to do with his guilt let me put it in the words of jacob if i can paraphrase his statement what he's really saying i did not know that god would have stayed with me even when i've done so many wrongs i didn't know that god would have stayed with me even when i have done so many wrongs he thought that because of his deception that god would have left him he thought that because of his deception god would walk away from him that god would remove his presence from him but one of the most wonderful truths hear me somebody one of the most wonderful truths in the midst of our trials in the midst of jacob's trouble is that our god will always be with us he will never leave us or forsake us now isaiah 52 verse isaiah 59 and verse 2 our occasional sins may destroy the sense of god's presence but not the reality of god's presence psalm 139 and verse 7 god is everywhere god will never leave us and sometimes we believe that our sins have separated us from our god but have come by to tell somebody in spite of our sins in spite of our deception we are always in the presence of god you have to leave god god will never leave you god is with jacob in spite of his sins god is with us in spite of when temporary we leave the center of his will he will never give up on us somebody needs to say amen never forsake us never give up on us god will always be with us we are always in his presence even sometimes when we don't know and that's why we have to be very careful of where we go that's why we have to be careful of the places we go don't go anywhere where you will grieve the spirit of almighty god because you're always in the presence of almighty god 24 year old danny simpson was sentenced to six years in prison for robbing a bank danny he got six years for stealing six thousand dollars six years for stealing six thousand dollars the gun that he used in the robbery ended up in a museum it was a 0.5.45 caliber called semi-automatic pistol turns out to be an antique made in 1918 by the ross ralph company his pistol was worth one hundred thousand dollars he used a one hundred thousand dollar pistol to rob a bank and he got six thousand dollars from the bank and he spent six years the pistol he had in his hand was ten times about fifteen times more expensive than the than the six thousand dollars that he robbed the bank off robbed the bank of six thousand dollars and he had in his hand a pistol uh worth 100 000 hey he had money in his hand and he did not know he was in the presence of riches and he didn't get he didn't get six years for the pistol he got six years for the six thousand dollars oh hear me somebody hear me somebody who will be going through some hard time god will never leave you god will never forsake you you are in the presence of almighty god and so the third thing that i want to us to take note of is that in times of trouble not only should you remember god's presence not only should you remember god's promise but in the time of trouble you must remember god's protection remember god's protection because in verse 15 of this god said to jacob i am with you and i will protect you i will watch over you as a fugitive he was running from god but god running from home running from god but god promised he will protect him in the midst of our trouble remember god's promise remember god's presence remember god's protection finally in the midst of your hardship in the midst of jacob's crisis remember god's providing remember god's provision remember that god will take care of you in your trouble he will always be with you in your trouble he will protect you in your trouble he will provide for you remember god's provision remember god's presence remember god's promise remember god's protection and god said to jacob by the way the same promise that he gave that i be with you is a two-in-one promise because the same word that means protection the same word means provision god will take care of you be not this me whatever tide god will take care so he provided for jacob and by the way some scholars said that this also was an egocentric response by jacob but whether you want to believe that or not he was a changed man jacob said lord if you bless me if you give me food if you put clothes on my back lord i will give you one tenth of my earnings god if you do all this god if you do i will never forget you i will always remember if you take me into a land if you bless me if you bring me back into this land with peace i will never forget you and all that i have i will give you a tent remember god's provision but let me close this message ours subject is more beyond let us understand church that jacob's ladder touched the ground oh help me holy ghost now jacob the ladder touched the ground and jacob's ladder reached up to heaven oh somebody before this jacob was living a ladder-less life and so many individuals are living ladder-less lives but jacob in his desperation jacob in his darkness so adore saw a door a door of success a door of prosperity a door a salvation he saw a door ladder stretch from the earth touch earth oh holy ghost reaches to heaven a jacob said surely this is the gateway of heaven found the door let me tell you friends i'm happy today that jacob's ladder touches the earth oh this is hallelujah stop hey centuries later centuries later jesus gave the explanation to jacob's incident centuries later i think in in in saint john chapter 1 hear what jesus said can you see the connection jesus said in speaking to nathanael verily verily i say unto you hereafter you shall see heaven open and the angels of god ascending and descending not on our physical ladder but the angels ascending and descending on the son of god we shall have little more time to preach this message descending on the son of god so jesus said the letter that jacob saw the letter that stretched from earth to heaven the latter was me i am the ladder i am the lord oh church singers one more minute oh hear me today somebody thank god that the ladder reaches earth hey hey hey no matter where you are the ladder can reach you and the ladder is there to bring you higher which i have somebody can worship with me god slaughter can reach anyone reach anywhere thanks be to god that when his ladder reaches down to you every rung goes higher and higher his ladder is there to lift you from where you are to bring you to where he wants you to be which i have time to tell you but my time is gone but let me close with this story let me close with this story in valladolid valladolid spain where christopher columbus died in 1506 there stands a monument please remember time will not allow me to tell you that jacob uses stone that he used for a pillar he used it to put a monument build a monument and he said this is the house of god as a matter of fact he renamed the place he renamed the place from lust to bethel because anytime you come in contact with god god not only changes you but the very place where he meets you becomes a holy place are you hearing me somebody moses moses take off your shoe because the place that you're standing is holy ground a monument so in spain where christopher columbus died in 1506 there stands a monument commemorating the great discovery but perhaps the most interesting feature of the memorial is a statue of a lion the statue of a lion destroying a word that has been a part of spain motto for centuries before christopher columbus made his voyages the spaniards thought that they had reached the outer limits of the earth thus their motto was no more beyond no more beyond the word being torn away by the lion is no the word being torn away by the lion is no that makes it read if you're translated more beyond the lion is eating away at more the world could never be understood the same way in the same way christ our ladder christ our lord that stretches down to where we are christ our lord is saying my child there is more beyond i can lift you from where you are if you're a prostitute come on the ladder if you are a drug addict come on the slaughter if you're a drunk god god if you're a gambler step on the ladder because there is more beyond i can take you from where you are thanks be to god that jacob's ladder is touching it it does not hang in the air because the gulf has been breached the jesus is our ladder he has breached bridged the gulf of sin and he has set us free i don't know if my team has gotten that song but praise anointed ones if they have this song on the screen i may have to change your music because thomas darcy thomas dorothy was a famous jazz musician famous jazz musician as a matter of fact he was a pastor's kid but eventually surrendered his heart to the lord he started playing and writing and singing songs and praise to god thanks be to god that jacob's ladder reach him and one night when he had an appointment his wife was pregnant was nearing delivery had an engagement had an appointment and he said to his wife want to stay with you his wife said no you can go because that will bring food on the table when he went to the concert his wife was taken to the hospital to give birth he got a call from the hospital mr dorsey your wife has just given birth but she didn't make it she didn't make it when he rushed to the hospital to see his boy he was greeted by the doctor your boy didn't make it also crushed crushed thomas darcy went home dejected defeated went home bereaved somebody today is going through the hardest bereavement of your life somebody is born in the lust of a loved one thomas darcy went to the piano and the words of the son was born precious lord take my hand lead me on let me stand i am tired i am weak i am worn through the stone through the night lead me on through the light take my hand precious lord lead me home precious lord take my hand somebody today you're down in your weakest moment but thanks be to god jacob's ladder can reach you jesus christ the letter that preaches heaven and earth can reach you somebody can cry out today take my hand precious lord lead me home precious lord [Music] take [Music] i am tired i am tired i'm so weak [Music] me hallelujah through the lights take my hand somebody's listening this [Music] you have reached your end give god your hand [Music] when here's somebody's good [Music] [Music] [Music] who has been putting up somebody who has been delayed give god your i am tired i am tired [Music] [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] is [Music] [Music] shake my hand [Music] somebody today [Music] jesus can reach you don't look at anybody else look at yourself give him your hands [Music] [Music] my head [Music] oh [Music] [Music] this might be god's last call for you somebody this might be the last opportunity walk out from where you are make you stand for jesus christ call your pastor call a member call an elder make a decision if you're nearby come to the conference if you need to be baptized we will baptize you oh heads about our eyes are closed [Music] father in heaven we're so thankful today that you are jacob's ladder we're thankful that this ladder is not hanging in the air it has such urge and with all confidence with all assurance we can say wherever we are you will reach us reach us bring us higher save somebody today transform some life somebody who has been putting off let it be today god let it be today for a child let it be today for a youth let it be today for an adult and lord we know that we'll be going through jacob's trouble but when we face our trials help us to remember your promise help us to remember your presence help us to remember your protection and help us to remember your provision take our hands now [Music] lead us on to the light take our hands precious lord lead us home [Music] jesus name we pray amen [Music] [Music] i [Music] am [Music] take my hand [Music] and let the church say amen let the world say amen wherever human needs and human woes abound there's a lot of stretch from where god is to where you are and by the sacrifice of jesus you can make it what a word today what a word today and here we have standing at the front of the line here in the auditorium and there in some congregations across west jamaica but if you're not yet down front if your heart has been moved if your mind has been touched by the power of god and if at this moment you know this is your time this is your call find your place down by the river find the pastor we will wait for you if you're close to this auditorium call somebody we'll wait for you god has been waiting on you and we can wait a few more moments but we have today five precious candidates and we thank god for these persons who have made up their minds and have decided to follow jesus whatever happened and so i have three questions to ask you i know you have been taken through the baptismal vows privately you've signed your cards i've seen the cards with with the questions you have been the statements you've signed to and so these three questions about the condensation of the basic tenets of our faith and so at the end of each question i want to ask you to raise your hand if you believe and agree do you accept jesus christ as your personal savior and lord and do you desire to live your life in a saving relationship with jesus christ amen number two do you accept the teachings of the bible as expressed in the statement of fundamental beliefs of the seventh-day adventist church and do you pledge by god's grace to live your life in harmony with these teachings amen finally do you desire to be baptized as a public expression of your belief in jesus christ to be accepted into the fellowship of the seventh-day adventist church to support the church and its mission as a faithful steward by your personal influence your tribes your offerings and a life of service to god and humanity praise the lord with ego desire their hands were raised and so at this point i would entertain a motion by any baptized member of the church and the hand is up bishop allen is there a second by the same sign all those who are in favor that reacts oh i see all the hands right hands and left hands going up and you have been overwhelmingly accepted not just by us here but you have already been accepted by your father in heaven life will have its challenges but the preacher today ended with that song and if that is your prayer in your moment of difficulty precious lord take my hand then together we can make it to the kingdom of god for you now will lift our hearts in prayer o thou who here rest every heartfelt prayer our song in the day and in the night hour you who now inhabit eternity and yet intercede at the right hand of the father for us who seek forgiveness repentance cleansing from sin and everlasting salvation it was for this reason you died and so here at this altar we present to you these five candidates they have surrendered their lives to you you have said if they confess their sins you are faithful to forgive and to cleanse from all unrighteousness you have said those who come to you you will in no wise cast out you accepted jacob and through him god you've blessed the world with your truth accept these now we pray and may they be a blessing to you and to humanity as they live a surrendered life to jesus strengthen bless and prosper their journey is our asking in jesus name and let god's children say amen and at this point i'm going to ask alan to escort the candidates over to the baptismal pool or pastor rose is already in the water and the angels of the lord god accompany you not just to the water but from the water on to your journey in this life and while they prepare to sing i just want to again uh appeal to somebody somebody somewhere you're struggling with this decision right now you know there's a calling on your life that god is calling you if you're close by the auditorium come come on down don't worry about the time if you miss this session here we'll be here for the rest of the afternoon come on down if you're close by the church if you're close by the adventist church ah take a taxi we'll pay for it i just want to assure you if god is calling you say yes say yes we are praying for you even while we prepare for these who are now going over to the baptismal pool may the grace of the living god be with you and so climbing down in the water is the first of the five [Music] to candidates write my name right my name is [Music] i want to be ready when jesus comes [Music] my name [Music] and so my brother about your profession of faith in christ jesus accepting him as your lord and savior by the authority of christ our lord and upon his divine command we now baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the blessed holy ghost and let the church say amen we shall have a new name in that land in that land of that sun is on the land we shall have a new name in that land in that sunny land [Music] land [Music] we welcome our little sister for she too there's a new name in glory if any man be in christ he's a new creation the oldest past the new has come and so my young sister we welcome you to the family of god having accepted christ as your personal savior by his authority and upon his divine command we now baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the blessed holy ghost and let the church say amen [Music] [Music] [Music] so get on get on get on get on the glory road [Music] is [Music] then certainly you'll see him [Music] goodbye [Music] for the rest of my life [Music] in the water we have a family would you say amen amen together at home and together on their way home to the kingdom of god oh my brother and my sister welcome family to the family of god i say welcome family to the family of god as many as received him to them he give the power to become the sons of god and so upon your profession of faith that the father who leads the family can you say amen upon your profession of faith accepting christ as your savior leading your family to follow in the footprints of jesus by the authority of christ our lord we now baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the blessed holy ghost and let the church say amen amen [Music] [Music] oh yes can you see amen and so we have another member of the same family even while daddy steps aside and looked on uh father and son standing together amen would you say amen uh i i know the time is gone but i love reading and uh john maxwell has a book entitled developing the leader in me and in the book is a story a little boy said the man said a careful man i want to be there is a little lad who's following me whatever he sees me do he tries that little lad who's following me what a godly example the father stands there and the son is following and so my young brother welcome to the family of god you're not just following your father's footsteps you're following the footsteps of jesus upon your profession of faith in christ jesus accepting him as your lord and savior by the authority of christ our lord we now baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the blessed holy ghost and let god's children say amen because all god's children will be there [Music] segregation [Music] oh [Music] angels of foreign there must be a choir meeting in glory now the angels in heaven are rejoicing over this family and here now the third member of the family one for the father one for the son and one for the holy ghost somebody ought to say amen and so my sister upon your profession of faith in christ jesus accepting him as your personal lord and savior by his authority and upon his divine command we now baptize you in the name of the father of the son and of the holy ghost let the church say up there with me amen all saints of god they'll be coming from every nation across this world [Music] all of our sins cause it's the only way to make it in there'll be no more separation [Music] oh we'll be there [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] a good time [Music] yes sir amen amen amen if you miss heaven you'll be wicked to yourself that's all i'm saying amen amen oh my god what a sermon today what a word what a message what an excitement for god listen i know i know we're in a very ticklish and fragile time but remember remember god's promises when you're going through the rough remember his presence is with you and remember he's going to provide and protect you now and forevermore and everybody say amen amen we want to say thank you so much for joining us today those of you who naturally would have joined on youtube facebook wccnblesstv and any other media platform we are so grateful for having you with us today it is indeed a blessing i know that your hearts were blessed as much as ours were blessed and we say join us this afternoon at what time denise at 2 30 yes at 2 30 we will be back and we implore you all to be back with us and remember we have lots in store for you this afternoon right alan that's right that's right indeed and you know before we go i just want to say this i feel very much impressed to say that if you're still in the chat and you would like to still give your heart to jesus just text i do and the tech team will recognize that and we will get in touch with you remember text i do and we will reach out to you all right so until then we pray that you will be safe and be strong in the lord and we all say stay calm [Music] very well there's a better day coming very well very well there's a better day coming very well fairly well in that great again the morning fairly well very well in that great again the morning fairly well very well when you see the lightning flashing fare you well very well when you hear the thunder crashing very well very well when you see the stars are falling very well very well when you hear the chariots calling very well very well in that great again i'm mourning fairly well very well in that great again the morning fare you well fairly well when you see the lightning flashing when you hear the thunder crashing when you see the stars are falling when you hear the chariots calling good news [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know [Music] [Music] fairly well fairly well in that great again i'm morning fairly well fairly well in that great again all morning fairly well fairly well in the great again [Music] [Applause] [Music] the way [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] did you know that drinking water can give you more energy and beautiful skin during week one of the i want to live healthy initiative we encourage you to adopt the habit of drinking adequate water which is between two to five liters per day drinking adequate water can also help you to lose weight have a stronger immune system have less headaches reduce joint pains among other benefits so make sure to join us on this exciting journey ask your adventist friends or your health ministries director at your local congregation to show you how to sign up or visit our website at www dot see you next week for the next healthy habit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: West Jamaica Conference
Views: 49,229
Rating: 4.8476191 out of 5
Keywords: #Seventh-day Adventist, Online Worship Experience, OWE, covered by grace, connected in hope, i will go, digital discipleship, #wjcplay, #jaadventists, West Jamaica Conference
Id: apBlGk4S-yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 300min 35sec (18035 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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