Nature of the Mind

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I found all the intro stuff to be very egoic and non-buddhist. "We're the best, look at all these meaningless titles!"

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LogicalTechno 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2015 🗫︎ replies
so I guess you and I sit here until my death learn commercially good morning welcome to UC Santa Barbara we are so glad to have you here for this very special event with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama this morning this morning's lecture on the nature of mind is unique an opportunity for us to expand our knowledge of Buddhist traditions philosophy and a scholarship this is an area of academic strength of UC Santa Barbara our Buddhist Studies program has flourished within the interdisciplinary environment of our campus it draws on the strength of its home department our highly regarded the Department of Religious Studies our Center for interdisciplinary humanities and in many other departments and programs in humanities Fine Arts Social Sciences education engineering environment and the sciences we have with us today many of our community members donors and friends who have helped us build a world-class teaching and research program in this area of study we gratefully acknowledge all of your support there have been so many people who have helped us make today's event possible I'm afraid I simply just don't have enough time to thank everyone who should be thanked but the fact that all tickets were sold out within two hours is testimony to how strongly you support us and I would like to mention that my colleague who invited Dalai Lama he is a former translator translator for Dalai Lama his scholarship is known around the world he is the 14th Dalai Lama endowed chair in Tibetan Buddhism and the cultural studies professor Jose cabeza I would also like to recognize our executive Dean of the College of Letters and science David Marshall Dean Marshall has been a strong promoter for this event every step along the way Dean Marshall and I must also acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of director Celeste Celeste ability and our Arts & Lectures team and Gretchen Falvo nicole inferred and Stacy genic we feel we feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to learn from dalai lama today and to be inspired by his message and scholarship the Dalai Lama is an incomparable Buddhist teacher in every aspect of his life he embodies the principles he teaches perhaps the best way to describe these principles is to remember that he was awarded that the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 I might take this opportunity to mention that UC Santa Barbara is known for our Nobel laureates among audience today we have Nobel laureates in physics in chemistry and in economics here to welcome His Holiness the Dalai Lama I don't know where you are my colleague just wave your hand to introduce the Dalai Lama we are honored to have with us the chairman of our UC Board of Regents Richard Blum region Blum is the founder and a chairman of the American Himalayan foundation the focus of this nonprofit organization is unprovided education and health care as well as supporting cultural and environmental preservation for the Himalayan region the friendship between the Dalai Lama and region Blum goes back more than three decades I cannot think of anyone better to provide this morning's introduction please welcome chairman Blum your holiness Chancellor yang thank you very much this is a difficult moment for me to express how I feel because the two things I care the most about this holiness the Tibetan people the people of the Himalayas in the University of California have gotten together and I must say as a is chairman the board you're supposed to kind of be equal about the different campuses and having gone to Berkeley spent a lot of time at Berkeley when it comes to Buddhist studies and religious studies jose Cabazon and this campus and your faculty is the best place to go you've gotten so good that Berkeley's a little bit jealous and they're trying to do better and that's okay too the as you know the first professional ship the Dalai Lama Studies chair was started here of that this is a very short trip for His Holiness to the United States and we're honored that he's going to visit two campuses here today and he'll be speaking of the Greek Theatre in Berkeley tomorrow I've been given a ridiculous task here it says relate some personal observations and history of your relationship with His Holiness and you've got two minutes and I've known on 38 years well first let me say that we were reincarnated at about the same time no it's it's true we're only ten days difference in age but we won't I don't know everybody knows when he was born but I don't talk about when I was born except there's ten days difference the only difference is we know who he was in his last life he was a thirteenth Dalai Lama who was a wonderful man and of course he was then reincarnated once again is the Dalai Lama but we don't know is who I was in my last life and I must have done something really bad to be won't reborn an investment banker but I've tried to make up for it since then through our American Himalayan foundation then and in our work with the University as I think many of you know my wife is Senator Dianne Feinstein and Thank You Allah know you cared we we first went to visit his holiness in Dharamsala in 1978 when it wasn't possible for his holiness to visit here I think we had something to do with clearing that up and his first visit to the United States in fact was de San Francisco in 1979 not only is his holiness one of the finest people I've ever met but also the Tibetan people by and large our spiritual and kind and we must help them preserve their tradition and learn from them that's what this is all about contrary to what the Chinese propaganda will let you believe the Tibetans have in exile have developed a democratic government in Dharamsala my wife and I have engaged the leadership in Beijing for a long time trying to help resolve this issue and unfortunately we haven't made much progress but we will never quit because all this is much too important but we have through the International Campaign for Tibet in our American Himalayan foundation which provides humanitarian and educational assistance to well we have a hundred and seventy projects throughout the Himalayan region and I would say probably half of them are for the Tibetans either in Tibet directly or in exile in refugee camps and other centers in Nepal and India it was very easy for me to fall in love with the Tibetans in 1968 the first night out on the trail I stayed in the FET refugee camp and small children sat on your lap they were either born there or carried over the mountains it was amazing they spoke English and I guess those of us who had that kind of introduction were gone for day one so it was through that and my interest that we met His Holiness and of course he will tell you his religion is rather simple it's about kindness and compassion and we've tried to learn a little bit about that and tried to thank his holiness and his people by the projects we've done over the years so I think I've gone way over my three minutes but anyhow thank you your holiness for being here it's it's now your turn and you have way more than three minutes to talk like a shadow of course the Tropic one days of mind and the sources of my talk mainly Buddhist text so therefore at the beginning I want to say recite one xalapa first verse the flirtation to Buddha that was rode by Nagarjuna only to zero near the orders ever measured on the generators bottom down law Charles hello our dear brothers and sisters mashallah and my longtime friend indeed Dean and also not my friend although he no longer as a monk but sometimes I refer still be sure so indeed I feel great wanna talk a large number of people and India University invested so great honor last two days some were called flu or cold so not only could come from here and my voice my voice voice a little bit unusual but okay I think usually my voice I think little better than today's mice now originally lecture about some Buddhist conception they have bit longer so at that time za concerned people arranged is dis text now since the duration of my lecture shackled so now I will not go through that rest now add the Tropic neighs Oh mind although all major is a tradition carry same message message out love compassion with that spirit of forgiveness tolerance and also self discipline out of awareness the negative thing sort of negative consequences so knowing that some I know second split and also in beti really filled more content contentment as it is practiced same in all traditions so now these loving-kindness or compassion these are mental quality and also try to try to reduce and hatred fear suspicion these negative destructive emotions also part of mind and basically the joyfulness pains these two things have experience of freedom of mind so basically all major tradition and of course feint also part of mind so all major tradition is a carrying message or practice of method to improve mind se but among the the cause of differences the tested religion not just religion the theistic religion the emphasis importance of faith faith was creator those bought tensed an anyway for porch non-theistic such as Jainism Buddhism and some other ancient Indian traditions such as Sangha one part of some difficulty there is non tasting so non-justice essential idea is something like self creation and also the concept of law of causality awesome if a cosmic if a cause-effect so therefore they ultimately this something like creator is within ourself so then naturally not this body body also important as a basis of the mind now for example human body is the basis of human mind with this what with the connection with embodying then we can Radha you can you can say is a different mind mind of human being mind of an animal mind of insect like that so that and also the sensorial levels of consciousness entirely based on the part of the body like that but they ultimately pod reaction including voice cause of the verbal action ultimately depend on the motivation so motivation means mind so there according the law of causality things which we want and things in which we do not want or automaticity with our motivation our might so now in order to achieve happy life joyful life we have to take care in what our mind motivation now in order to overcome in order to reduce suffering we have to did with negative emotion or destructive emotion which creates which ultimately bring this on one thing so therefore special emphasis in these tradition about mind they now naturally logically when did with mind we should have thorough knowledge about mind then also they within the alcohol we call mind or consciousness I don't know within that there are so many different color categories types different types of mind thousands thousands thousands then all these destructive emotion they're the only way to deal these destructive emotion only through mind not through matters or injection or surgery not not like that but only through another mind now for example and hatred will not reduce to some drugs or alcohol maybe sometimes sleep maybe even is a lot of anger sound sleep may help reduce the next morning your and a little bit smaller actually other they're basically all this negative emo destructive emotion they the dealing these destructor emotion in order to reduce the only way is opposite mind counter very contradictory mind first realize the contradictory sort of mind then increase that that's the only way to change or to reduce this negative emotion so in other words in order to reduce the rasa the destructive emotion the only way is to increase these constructive emotions that's the only way so therefore again we have to know what kind of mind what kind of thought is ultimately destructive and water kind of mind what emotion ultimately construct so we have to know that then destructive emotion can eliminate or not now this is the question in order to find answer for that question we have to know the ultimate nature of mind and basis of all these destructive emotion then you get some understanding the possibility of elimination is destructive emotion so therefore they in Buddhist texts they write quite a lot of information about emotion in one mind and then also either in particularly in terms of teaching since the terms of teaching also involve some or sedae other physical now soda I usually recall solutely some manipulation and application of physiological forces oh so so so therefore therefore you see it it mentioned that a sort of different level of mind like gross a level of mind and more subtle more subtle more subtle like that dad mentioned only in tons of test tons of teaching roffels ammo just this moment our cell serial consciousness or mind fully functioning active although simultaneously the thought casas thoughts now Todd also go simultaneously but sensorial consciousness much more the turbine a dominant then during Dreamtime the sensorial consciousness no longer function only thought another level then during deep sleep without dreaming another level of deeper deeper level of consciousness of mind so then also when at the time of failed fainting failed feeling even stopped breathing another level of deep level of might then at the time of death all physiology physical things now for example the hard hard bleeding stopped then blood circulation in the brain which is a short moment sees then all the neurons now no longer function so all grows on igano mind then stop I think something like human mind then no longer there stop but the only indication I will be ordinarily we can notice some people after death oh no at at the time of death physical level that clinically recognized or declare that but the body remain very fresh now one example my own senior tutor after death in war next could there thirteen days his physical his body remained very fresh and then recently one senior college is ooh now a Tibetan lama at the former throne holder of garden Oh at last year after he what with trouble over the past uh passed away I think next almost three weeks remain his body remained fresh so fortunately at that time as soon as I heard that in which a body still remained fresh so then I asked one our Medical Center in dance Allah since we already kept some machine to check the person who remained at that state so mission a with some simple mission available so I send a message to them and then they send some people and to carry those simple machine and put some wires but had like that so although the very detail also analyze analysis analysis not yet sort of finalized but seems after a few days clinically dead they some symbols we electrics emotional signals for Sigma and some electrical electrical signals were there o in brain so it is they say very unusual so that we pass a day brother we believe there's still that persons in the most of subtle mind still in the body so some influence in the body so that is we call most subtle consciousness so there are many levels now here one thing now I feel I shifted to the Tibetan marginalia target unless I share it can be humid Inc tratak longevity tidehunter these changes are the pages show medieval cannula de los jelly re Payoneer Mukunda Dalia she's in trouble Nina Lou Medina cherish every she's not Amelie aluminum mother give me the share of that that was charged with distorted or rock I want to say unique in beginner share the terminal one layer is a in gaming she gonna know what the holidays Sheva da knowledge should not share in due season comedy nano the top key garlic of Tori's in each isn't a more meager autonomy to travel a Saturday in do a decal estava me Kiril mutters hid Rosita's you could do or your gin tella me given I'm not young name wrong Shinjuku no Gaza is chella any hmm tomboy she Nicola me give a look at another pageant me give a lot it rubble LuAnn on mata Madoka unique ard numerous edgy give you're not here conical just over so that DK she was the winner shimmer tummy Valley under gave her more time shirasu marina get on like your trash me give a look at your energy kailash temple so talking about the classical buddhist sources for understanding the nature of mind one important sources that i be dominated and in our botamo a text particularly epidemic OSHA which is a treasure of knowledge by Vasu bundu when he talks about the death process and he talks about how the kind of the various moments of consciousness one give rise Donn other consciousness and also the integral the transition from a virtual state of mind to a neutral and to a non virtual state of mind and vice versa when he was explaining this in this context he explains that the the moment of consciousness at the time of death can be depending upon different individuals at that particular situation some of them can be a virtual some of them can be non-virtuous and some of them can be simply a neutral state of mind however in our sanghas Agatha Massimo Jaya another eyebath Amma text compendium of knowledge here he says that if you a kind of you know really analyze the moment of consciousness at the point of death at that very subtle point that the state of mind can neither be virtuous nor non-virtues it is beyond that dichotomy of virtual versus non virtual but rather it is a completely neutral state of mind and then another source for the Tibetan understanding of the subtle we have levels of consciousness is the Vajrayana the tantric teachings and there it is acknowledged that even that subtle moment of consciousness at the point of death for a yogi an experienced meditator it is possible to affect that state of mind from a neutral state to a virtual state so the point here is that you know the destructive states of mind the non-virtuous states of mind they can only operate up to a level of consciousness and beyond which a very subtle conscious the subtle levels of consciousness arises then these non-virtues and destructive emotions and can no longer function so that suggests that the destructive and non-virtuous mental states are dependent upon their being comparatively across a level of consciousness so the so now I feel the complete sort of understanding or explanation about mind I think we should include the tons of tests was Rihanna perspective for now so now the bougie Samantha Tantra not on the text so little you muscles leave on its own you Gianna okay but it's only theoretical a uni uni sheet our talks rock unique in each other you do not assume duties she done that Titian cousin Louie no duh now I fail to recite this text the text I can't ever know randomly she you complete you metal bomb David use you some shell so in one of the Vajrayana text known as the coup has Amarjit entre and there is an explanation of what is meant by the word Tantra and Tantra is explained in terms of continuum so when we say continuum or what kind of continuum there can be so it identifies a continuum in the sense of a basic continuum of consciousness unique is our task unit emotion duty kshitij it I don't have such a hurry she took it which Obama producer so and then it explains the meaning of Tantra the continuum in terms of the basic continuum and the method that one can apply and then the resultant state that one can achieve from that method that actually they are on the consciousness the level of consciousness three categories one basis one the not tackling their killing their mind another level the third level out of dealing with mind finally can be completely purified might so this also can can say the first reality presently reality and explanation about that I consider science and then second detective application that's method that's philosophy or concept the third as a result like for noble truth when Buddha first aid first wheel of Dharma we start the day she mall and ever charlie the Machado village of diverse and diverse society she need she didn't sow any London Joe Torre Charla their long don't you go tell Serena demo then II sever shapes ever showed video show young tree so this is comparable to understanding the Buddha's first public sermon on the Four Noble Truths if you look at the Buddha's actual sermon he presents his teaching from the Four Noble Truths by way of three repetitions in the first stage on the first stage he identifies the specific nature of the truth the truth of suffering its origin cessation and the path that leads to the cessation and then in the second round of explanation of the Four Noble Truths then he talks about the functions of each of these knowledge of each of these truths so the fact that suffering must be recognized the origin of suffering must be removed cessation of the suffering must be actualized and the part must be must be cultivated so this is second around he explains what needs to be done with that understanding and then in the third round of repetition he explains what are the results that one may attain as a result of application of that knowledge so here we can see that even in the first public sermon put the steam of the Four Noble Truths he presents the teachings in the context of understanding the nature of reality the first stage second is the application of that knowledge in one's daily life and practice and then the third is the result one will achieve from that part and implicate so usually I make the three sort of categories distinction distinction of Buddhism but assigns the first part I consider as a Buddhist science second but it's conceptual but it's philosophy with this concept or philosophy come on the basis of the today's reality so that's what the science then what is concept or philosophy then what is religion because of that because of possibility to elimination of all negative emotion then worthwhile start some practice so here in this text also they surely go through a right that they did or shortly to judge just what her that Kiana's render it that's true - um de niro mission assumes simply she said numerous given whatever what an attorney - immature national when IAM not a solomon but Jesus Sheamus at the dari I would be the assembly other attorney she discharged a then a Niva t Tunisia minutes on a lot on photoshops said talent na and in debut novel yeah so in the text that was originally planned to be commented upon in fact we read a similar presentation here so it says that the actual explanation has three sections the first is how to analyze the fundamental ground of the mind and how to identify the innate primordial state so that corresponds to understanding the natural reality and then searching for the hidden dimension of reality by analyzing how the mind arises a bytes and moves on okay sorry a deeper theme to reversal and then the saurian so the second one says having affected the introduction how to implement that into practice and then third one says how the levels arises levels of realization and experiences arises on the basis of that practice oh but issue that question to cassia sorry now in the past I think more than two years you see we had some photo serious discussion or seminar with scientists there is some sort of dialogue or discussion or actually mutual learning of course basically is a four fields cosmology a neurobiology and some atomic physics physics such as quantum physics then psychology so in quantum physics also is in some similar view a cosmology basically same but then some particulars our description about world flat and in the center mountain narrow these are updated so of course the Buddhist chants the different description about cosmology so therefore we also dois so in a sense they're the Buddhist have a Liberty to choose which one they want then some of the condom such as Cano physics all really other great interest what 2,000 years so know what city this concept and modern latest sort of a scientific zone of sightings physicists are finding there are many similarities but then in anyway about the physical part there are many things to learn from modern science to Buddhists so really worthwhile listen or study from them then the neurobiology although the Buddhists particularly in tantrayana say mind and energy so quite interesting you see to to investigate the relation between emotions and and neurons these things but as far as the physical sight the modern science much more advanced so very useful to learn from them but the connection between neurons and their consciousness mind still this is not very clear the modern science of psychology usually call soft science I think very young very very young something about Hindu culture they ensure the Indian sort of science of mind seems is much advanced so a lot of information something useful to modern scientists so therefore they my scientists of a friend they were right that simple equipment to test so all the days since I think almost like 10 years ago some equipment is you put there but then just we wait wait wait someone who should die but then when the equipment available no one died or through such sort of experience hmm then when the ADA passed is a quite number vocation which is such does it happen but then machine not available so now last year our two teams combined now so in any way there so these things really interesting the further sort of investigation or acquiring our knowledge through joint effort it's very good so so now they mind now here since these are meeting with scientists about mind one thing in in India perhaps I think more than 2000 years perhaps around 3000 years this is some knowledge about sensorial consciousness or mind and you look osa a mental sensory versus mental experiences so in this model Science digital Savage II images and I researched water so in the course of our conversations with scientist vis a vie classical Indian thought one thing that seems to be clear is that on the part of the Western science and it's kind of theoretical traditions there isn't seem to be unlike in the classical Indian context a clear distinction drawn between sensory level of experiences versus meant level of experiences oh that's very very important big distinction the sensory or consciousness or mind very much little with the body with the parted posture body element water the mental level as I mentioned earlier the gross 11 very much related with the bodily element but more subtle more subtler more autonomy autonomy and then the motor issues virtually all we should look on page war money and also when we talk about the underlying states of mind that motivate behavior and then it's we're not talking at the level of sensory level of experience it was talking at the level of mental level of experience gazonga penny didn't agree you would talk about the sagittal embouchure Gani dr. gesture to go change the whole shop therefore in order to understand the functions and operations of this mental level of experience which is really what determined a lot of our experience of happiness and unhappiness at harm and an injury and so on simply focusing our another you know observation and study on the sensory level of experience is not going to be adequate now since Tibetan Buddhism actually the pure lineage of Nylander tradition it is very clear that because they inset in eighth century although I think interest about Buddhism since 7th century develop and try to learn already begin I think but more sound basis systematic a systematic systematic sorrow establishment or Buddhist yesterday over this practice eighth century the person who actually is a carrying the main responsibility to teach and also give ordination that's Santa Rita so they on the invitation from Emperor eighth century citizen to Indian order the important gurus come one guru padmasambhava one chanterelle Sita so the main responsibility as I mention earlier and giving ordination and also give study lessons mainly carried the cetera Sita so this chandra sudha very well-known great master one of great master of Nylander and holder of multi mega philosophy and he and also as a day generally the great magician so I think since beginning of our a zero children go through Kaduna agenda what food what so malenda monastic establishment begins towards the beginning of the Common Era the Nagarjuna come from that institution and many other and among them the great philosopher as a resonator logician come from and then lineage so this I shall directed our philosopher multimeter philosopher at the same time great position his sort of writing available in Tibetan translation shows all such a wonderful magician as well as a philosopher so naturally they the main introducer of buddhadharma in tibet one of the top scholar of bread practitioner or bread monk Bishop from Nylander so naturally if the teacher of philosopher or magician and he want his student should be that kind isn't it logically so therefore I think till now the in Tibetan saw an interval in tradition I said they basically did not in efficient very clear I often say telling people I myself when I study there are tradition mainly they didn't at the young age six seven years old then say we have to learn we have broken then already begin learning by heart those roots test so my own case at that time six seven year old no interest about Buddhism no knowledge as of watching scishow no as my injured Asura at Richards problem is it mentioned the reincarnation of $13 Amma I don't think so you see when I was young and start learning by heart these texts or no interest creator Latins my only interest is play so therefore my tutor have to keep one week no good one ah at that time as him myself and my other brother we both monk we both studied together here so my tutor kept two weeks one whip ordinary whip one whip yellow it so that yellow it should be considered as a holy bit Oh they yellow holy whip for holy person para but but you can imagine if that holy whip use I don't think any holy pain I the pain is same so so out of fear I studied I carried this study is these texts so the point is all these tests which I learned by heart and also he same similar and my big show the exhibition also you see Oh what is the same sort of experience all these rude texts road by null and the Masters Nagarjuna stepped or aria they are stashed Aria asanga bosserman plug that so all originally is road by non end of Master of course meantime we also just add a common tree among the commentary many Indian commentary as Restylane commentary so he also says read these things but real tech test all you see come from none other like that so therefore and then these country whenever some important point reach the always relying on coach one of the Indian well known in the master master like that so therefore it is very clear in valid of tradition then also there are some over there so he also I think he take special sort of responsibility to introduce Tariana although we believe they are say among danger which catched road by Indian masters various Indian master which translated into Tibetan about two hundred volumes among them quite numb of tantric texts or commentary road by a name of Nagarjuna and also Aria Dawa and many others so therefore so Tibetan Buddhist tradition Nylander lineage and meantime complete form of Buddhism that means Pali tradition of all the Vinaya Sutra original text the original language is pali language then and that does not do engineer so amongst the three collection scripture of collections non at the three baskets one is the the basket on discipline parable is already so the tibetan canonical collection the text on the discipline basket are primarily based on the pali teachings tonisha jean de da da da da da da didn'r bali yesterday in a total inertia so a mother within the two remaining baskets one on suit the collection of discourses the other is epidermal or higher knowledge for these although there might be some specific poly text but primarily these were translated to Tibetan from Sanskrit language sanskrit sources been an unbelievable model Komatsu door for example in the Tibetan tradition when we speak of abhidhamma tradition we speak of two systems of abhidhamma the lower ab Adama in the Abba ABBA Tamia so then in Tibet since 8th century complete form of Buddhism then the introduced and start that usually we call mangu Numa the early transition school then dr. Delany 9th century 10th century 11th century that surely i kumamoto Berta so during this period the establishment of the buddhadharma in tibet went through a turbulent and difficult period of degeneration and in tibetan emperors sort of our organism per uh also then decentralized and also pursue china and tibet as a country became splintered into you know different smaller kingdoms then summer george appear Roger isn't big and then when around the time the Indian master our teacher came to tibet this is in the eleven early part of the 11th century then what is known as the second phase of dissemination of Buddhism in Tibet occurred and from this movement emerged other Tibetan traditions such as Kadampa school and the kaigu school and the cycle school then later a kilo tradition also so all days say complete form of Buddhism that means hurrah Tabata Misato so each of these lineages embody the complete form of Buddhism which means that they embody the teachings of the all the vehicles including the Vajrayana teachings as well that when joining me come near this world whatever box Jimmy cada Jolanda Neander Ranga taking chances checking in jeweled Abbottabad some chair then a song of and it 300 by yoga's go to visit them to share their ma artists own utopia tell us tomorrow she said that too much to love this one so to give an example in the early translations called an Ingmar tradition the tradition speaks of nine Yanis or nine vehicles and nine vehicles are identified as the vehicles of the disciple the self enlightened ones pratyekabuddhas and the buddhist art was the three external vehicles and then within the Vajrayana teachings they are via the action Bupa Tantra and yoga Tantra so these are another set of teachings and then finally you have that you cute little goose so these are the external Contras or outer tantras and then you have maha our new and the hoodie amah Maha Tantra and our new Tantra and a tea Tantra it is that three inner voice Rihanna teachings so we can see that there is a complete recognition of the complete form of Buddhist teachings so now the the subtle mind is concerned according saw seen so much more now here MA Mardi Gras I suppose this is it at our new more vgtv you could do samba say that that d yum new digital world so in the new magician particularly from the suction perspective the great perfection of perspective now one speaks of the one gives teachings at the level of the pertaining to the subtle most level of consciousness which is the innate mind of clear light and there the focus is primarily on introducing the nature of mind at that level and and bringing about the realization of that awareness that they were to move a column to gallery similarly Bush ancient so one universes a name yeah glory boy Shiva Sailor Jupiter member chair until Nebuta Ruby she's a Jawa Ruby she's a little booty girl Cora Jenny toto Lulu J Dilla same connection yet dominate the Jewish in the aunt again then J Dilla Ripa good new symbols from other common LM so one unique method in the great perfection tradition is based upon drawing distinctions between what the traditional calls basic mind versus primordial awareness or Ripa awareness and here the distinction is understood on the basis of those mental states which are more vocational and advantageous and more temporary and these belong to a basic they are kind of a more of a fluctuating nature they are characterized as belonging to the basic ordinary a state of mind where is the river awareness is characterized as being devoid of that kind of fluctuation they are ever-present and also they are recognized to be a primordial quality of consciousness so the distinction is drawn between these two young dogs in lean on siggy a dr. Cindy George a long day and in there Marcus and Emily sugar long or some more many on song yes a lambic was sold or so and within the Georgian teachings of course sorry earlier I have recorded that so the Ripper awareness that is characterized as being free from fluctuation ever-present and so on is sometimes also referred to as Samantabhadra you know all goodness and with no beginning and no end and a temporal so within the suction teachings again there are many different levels of teaching or many different classes of teachings for example the three primary classes of teachings are known as the the cycle of mind teachings cycle of expands and the cycle of instructions so we see there are many different types of teachings even within the suction and great perfection instructions tindy book kun do some walk Thalia yes on Keros called a machine Rita she made about cartilage so there's a lot yes thank you ever Lulu at Shimer checking it that the tumor centers on a young Sargeras solo position alia - alia ranch in yonder and of how Jenna the coming under maneuver Yonezawa so Rohini on dirty tomorrow Monday Francine Johnson and average halva in Iranian in the bottom church leaders and a reunion ended about the manner Luo Cheng in Yun dae-ho Shamala what bitten a patina she Yesung here at the Manor yes I gave a on tomorrow so this primordial mind Ripa awareness referred to as characterized as Samantabhadra is in fact described as primordial Buddhahood and this is a primordial quality of Buddhahood that we all possess and however this primordial quality of Buddhahood is obscured by advantageous mental factors which are the afflictions and the various thought processes and through practice when this primordial quality of Buddhahood is removed you know when all of these advantages mental qualities properties of processes are cleansed then one becomes reawaken or rien lightened so the attainment of enlightenment is referred to as the reawakening or rien you know attainment of enlightenment and this is in a sense analogous to an idea in the professional wisdom teachings where the natural one's mind is referred to as the natural Nirvana and the natural Nirvana serves as the basis for the possibility of attaining and Nirvana with residue and in tirana without residue which are constituted by elimination of the afflictive forces so if there is no a natural Nirvana then there is simply no possibility of the attainment of the nerve an actual Nirvana so this the idea is similar so similarly in the in the doctrine professional teaching because of the presence of the primordial Buddhahood in us it allows the possibility to gain this reawakening attainment of Buddhahood Dante or beaucoup sadi chill tambon inshallah taboc we are a CNS or some member can say Chi Chi not only because Allah Tabora beaucoup de la santé to say eventually the drill tsumuji hungry these ray Alisha so dr. Islam of tissue Kamiya d- are set in charge not dinner then she starts but her a dish in Omni sheets are comes and then today Allatoona look you don't wanna and he called joram joram joram katana got in shame we re did you do many around Jerry Thomas chain then a simcha children Shravya me de dee da Salam position lock Toyota GED and change a sabbatical chair polish women to participate my chances with t-wayne ammunition Dardanelle high nandroid communist on em and Sergio Cucho Pavano Serena en hacer todo Santa me Ronnie Picciotto vote le vous ne she so moody Leia busy road I struggle so that Linda's on a any Jia mo ba da yoga DD Nimisha TTT big Takada financial social totally then any give a my aura Luna novices and it's aluminum Middle America Tan n Chavo Chavo ADEA was loose on a any River sound a great anime teacherly seduce any cancer gene the decimal oh man drew solution e kappa r ba la pena Mizrachi akuto ha pen along ginger june area tangerine a the society no unity shetty tamil ginger jeonggi namely solver that thousand conversation do not to desert any autistic to desert heat day when each injured a tech engineering a superhuman are singing sot chorus shark a chain or a shemitah shushanna do all share in the determinant down droppage re t DHA Antonella bill megan jones change that easy inning am little mud attraction Yashiro so so when we speak about nine Yanis or nine vehicles from the early translation traditions perspective it's not a question of simply making a presentation about the general teachings of the Buddha but in fact there is a tradition where the teachings of all the nine Yanis nine vehicles are made relevant to the progress of an individual who is working on the path so in this respect then all the teachings of the nine year of vehicles become relevant to the transformation of an individual person a practitioner so in this context then the the teachings and the practices of the Four Noble Truths will correspond to the teachings of the disciples vehicle and then when the teachings of the Four Noble Truths are further elaborated then the Four Noble Truths the causal networks between suffering and origin and cessation of the path when they are further elaborated then the teachings of the twelve links of dependent origination becomes relevant and here both the reversal order and the sequential order of the relationship between the twelve links explained and then meditated upon then the practitioner is essentially implementing the teachings of the Prothean buddha the self enlightened ones and then when the individual moves on to the next stage then the teachings on generating bodhichitta and the altruistic awakening mind and based upon that implements the practices of the six perfections giving a moral discipline and and so on culminating in the cultivation of schemata a tranquil abiding and also Vibhishana a special insight then the practitioner is implementing the teachings of the buddha satva vehicle on that basis then one moves on to the next level where dat yoga practices are brought into once once daily practice and then you know depending upon the levels of one's experience the deity yoga practice becomes ever more subtler and that's how you want moves through this next three vehicles and initially for some individuals it is said that that clear action Tantra meditation may involve visualizing once meditation deity in the form of a master outside and then from home one receives blessings and empowerment and so on but gradually as the deity Yoga realization becomes more and more profound one moves on to the next stages and then finally you know one moves on to the the Maha yoga and a new yoga and at the yoga then there the manipulation of the subtle energies and the channels and the drops these practices the more advanced of our gianna practices are also brought into the at the person's path and then all of these having established as a kind of a preliminary practice one then moves on to the doct in the great perfection avati yoga practice where the focus is really on affecting the realization of the ripa primordial awareness so therefore when I and this is in fact the approach that is presented in the seven Treasuries of longchenpa for example and in fact I normally recommend to people who wishes to engage in a grid perfection and practice to proceed by first study long chambers Treasury on the philosophical systems to pursue and then follow that with the Treasury of wish-fulfilling jewel you Schanzer and then on that basis also study smel so the mind at ease which has there is a custom of doing the study and practice of this over a period of 145 days where you generate all that shower is Carrie Nageotte shop water is sorry Serena data shoe sherry yes so if each of the meditation cycles tell me what shall we do to digest their soul kalyana in de chile rellenos rule yes so so each of these you know rounds of visualization you know practice cycles are coral correlate to a day or week and then there is a custom of doing this over an extended period of time in one stretch that would be beneficial and then gradually one can move on to the study of the treasury of the supreme vehicle and then the treasury of ultimate expands and then this way the approach would be very systematic colombians all all chil-su distribution so the the point is it is very important to have an overall understanding of the basic framework of the Buddhist path tell me Casa can de letra Jenna Cora Thomas essentially tony cornett atomic identi hungry telecon some questions every virtue on the Serena the mo Yeon's or Hajj have atonia and individually the Murchison said they rode out to which one the other way so of course there could be an individual circumstances where some individual practitioners may have residual karmic forces you know being brought from the previous lives and then in a sense they are connecting with what is you know moving on from a already a certain stage in which case a very specific instruction from an experienced guru or a master may be an appropriate approach but generally for most practitioners it is better to approach from the the basis of having an overall understanding of the structure of the Buddhist path and then engaging in specific practices on that basis Oh then next could you could you lineage mainly come from nah robot at the Lama marble or Tibetan he received teaching from many Indian master and particularly his ferocity the medieval philosophy is concerned from bit Reba so very clear the medieval whatever it is the holder of the each other Cadiz view like that then that could you be charged a symbol so design a Chinese Shambala ocularly education charges so we are in the chancellor domain each a light on biology which I disabled did so in the metal commercial commercial on Alcatraz I just research Tour de Nesle team we are a Tribbiani damn to memoriam buddy la merced attaining knowledge children are gay sokovia trova or that tada the teeny guy Adela any suggestion boss a mob mudras at the tree so the whole saudi numerology give a lot any done nano more game we re lambda more game we are so one of the key teachings of the kagu tradition is the Mahamudra teachings and although mohammed ratings can be found also in the key looks cool as well but in cargo teachings imatra is the essential instruction and when we speak of the term Maha mudra or the Great Seal this can be applied in the context of a Sutra teachings and also in the Vajrayana tantric teachings when it is used in the Sutra context then Mohammed refers to meditation on emptiness empty emptiness and however in the cut you teachings when the term teachings term Maha mudra is used it's being used in this Vajrayana sense where the key point is to really utilize the innate mind of clear light into a realization of the natural mind and so the emphasis is really on the cultivation and development and also a realization of this innate mind of clear light o died in a psyche saga Dubonnet my journey a fundamental cycle objects are did they do that QT Sagar I am needy get off me AMG the genie the soda wha Jenny da nonsan goossens so no society in dalam need some BRE bah no hombre no Matta when our tenon a jogger attaboy no sense Oceano so Tina meenalla da da de Gallina me the gender renge chance of tearing a minute attended Sunday I got in a trio a yoga today missus from Duque de marche da na na la McGee da Matta sat at the 30-ton that is Sally Ellison do any you some sentence a llama can rotate wha-la me not individually do some say directory under some diggin along higher tier a do you compute devi qs j da GU since ever sandy Dada cheeky Maradona era the so much official name any the bakudo sambusas to share that D Union income not Osman a of the holiday what is tangent area dr. 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layer we shake every year a hindi nargis mean gee babe what tragic disappearance of Sigma Chi some GRE tada-san some Evelina less a number have an ego-t tongue move center David [ __ ] verybody chanimal sunshine Lewis empty the garbage is about this one rosetta stone totally Dasani total enemy de Muro quiet anybody sat on the demon Sian no OSA de da de da de seldom shook saudade a cell assembly Cheney Tompa sempai g7 fugu fugu charge a society not the music do you do under I'm some solace did humble hadera's Lana music do you day correlation MJ Senegal to the Sun susana tada do you still deny the causal or any guru bata taman negara today mainly sunny della horror short Angelo Mulder jr. in the sunny senior citizens now lung Gotama deity your intentions now move along under the tab a judicial DoDEA - new - eruption of the day out the London simcha Chile financial success although they are Zumba virginity GD ton o Shiva dick on a book guru tattwa Shahada Canadian tag 1000 sudden a temperature which a laywer local don't intentionally design a lungi because over lundi lundi certain shape your intention some top solving under deity Jules Jules guru from cells but it is only 30 Rangers and a green sheet you under year may say so sure that they are linked one so know what it is Rosanna ah ah this is much better than you were sorry now too long no so this that the psyche a tradition traces its the lineage of its instruction to the Indian master ver Appa over boob virupa Virata and the key instruction of the psycho school is known as the laundry cycle of teachings part in its fruit and part and its fruition teachings lambda teachings and so and these lambda cycle of teachings are principally based upon a cycle of Raj Rihanna texts known as the hey vara Tantra and at the key idea in that cycle of teachings is the notion of three three types of continued and referred to as the three tantras and one is the causal Tantra the basis of all and and then the causal Tantra the explanation of the causal Tantra and the instruction based upon this is presented in the form of what are known as the three three appearances and also three tantras the three appearances here correspond to the nanhua driana teachings for example they the teachings deal with what are known as the perspectives of afflicted mental states cleansing of the afflicted mental states perspectives the teachings corresponding to the cleansing of the impure perspectives or impure appearances and then finally cultivation of the pure appearances so these correspond roughly to the external teachings such as the teachings of the disciple vehicle the self in that self enlighten once a vehicle and the Bodhisattva vehicle and however the central focus of the teaching is really on understanding and cultivation of the qualities of this basic causal Tantra the kanji Gugu and so this and so there is in the cycle London teaching an explanation of a method of a practice where the three tantras are brought into some kind of mixture of fusion and so this and and the idea of the basic causal Tantra is analogous to this idea of fundamental innate mind of clear light which in the deduction terminology is referred to as the basic awareness awareness that is the Samantabhadra the primordial mind and and so however the instruction for bringing about a realization of that basic causal continuum is done through an experiential process in this IKEA school for example Sakya Pandita makes the statement that he says that in between the arising of different thought processes the arising of a clear light mind a radiant clear light mind remains uninterrupted so what he is saying is that for example if you observe the mind your own thought processes thought processes one follow after another as if in a kind of a sequence but in between the arising of one thought and the you know dissolving of that and arising of another they are interval you know regardless of how how short they may be but they are intervals between the transition the different aright you know arising or thought processes and so and then so that the the practice involves trying to tease out those transitional periods so that one can kind of you know I tend to recognize and these gaps in the arising of another thought and and dissolution and arising of another thought and so this is done through a cultivation of a particular meditation practice which is found also in the gulag and the kagu Maha mudra teachings as well where one seeks to cultivate an ability to simply focus on the present moment of consciousness so this involves deliberately you know refraining from chasing after any thoughts that you know look back retrospectively into some kind of memory or recollections and so on and nor you know you know chasing one's mind after some kind of future anticipatory experiences some kind of you know future directed oriented thought processes so one refrains from both you know looking backwards into the past nor into the future through anticipation and hopes and so on but remains simply in the present moment so initially you know what one experiences is simply a kind of an absence or a gap but through experience as one learns to prolong that period of this absence of the simply remaining focus in the present moment at that time one comes to recognize the subtle thought processes and this is although not exactly the actual clear light state of mind but it is somewhat you know belonging or indicative of that basic clear light mind and in for example in ended option teachings it is through this kind of practice one cultivates what is called the sense of wonderment you know simply being aware of the present state and just remaining in that state with the total wonderment and the sense of wonder and then from this sense of wonder one leads to a real experience of rickwaa awareness so this is what a patroller butcher for example explains so in the psychie a-- laundry cycle of teachings although that kind of language is not used but the basic idea is to really cultivate that present moment awareness with a sense of wonder where one does not let one's mind follow after the temptation of looking into the past or into the future but simply remaining in that present moment of consciousness as one learns to remain simply focused on the present moment of consciousness then you know one allows for the natural quality of the mind to express itself and the natural quality of the mind is clear light so this is the instruction that is found in in in the psycho cycle of teachings now of course in the absorption great perfection teachings there is a recognition that even when the gross levels of thought processes are occurring like everyone is for example when a strong affliction afflicted state of mind arises even at that point given that all of these mental processes are in some sense expressions of this a basic Rippa awareness and they are referred to as effulgence Azure expressions or manifestations of Reaper awareness therefore even the afflicted most afflicted state of minds are permeated by the quality of a basic quality of awareness so in zorton a great profession and instructions there is a technique where while the afflicted state arises one learns not to follow after the grasping and clinging that normally tends to arise in with these mental states so while you know when the afflicted mental state arises one refrains from falling after the grasping tendency but rather you know you know maintains one's focus simply on the bare awareness dimension of the experience and - this way affect the actualization of the ripa awareness so this is a unique method found in the great perfection teachings whereas in the new translation sky school teachings the principle approach is to utilize various techniques to withdraw the grosser levels of mind and energy and so that the subtler levels of consciousness and energy can become more and manifest because when the sensory and the thought processes are active then the subtler level of consciousness remains inactive and through applicate manipulation of the physiological forces such as the channels and the energy that flows within them and the drops and so on one learns to withdraw both grosser level of consciousness and energy and then allow for the subtle levels of consciousness to arise so that's the the principle approached found in the new translation school so this is in fact the one of the key approaches of the psycho school of teaching where it talks about the the union of clarity and emptiness and here clarity refers to the clear light and emptiness to the emptiness quality so in this it says that the clarity is the defining characteristic of the nature of mind and emptiness is the ultimate reality of mind and through the union of the two one attains the realization and also this kind of practices teaching is also referred to as the indivisibility of Nirvana and samsara because in this basic causal continuum Gugu all the attributes of both samsara and Nirvana are present and the all the attributes of samsara the cyclic existence are present in the form of actual characteristics that we experience and and all the attributes of the part present in the form of qualities of the mind and all the attributes of the result contained in the form of potentials so therefore this GU GU GU the basic causal Tantra or continuum is understood to be a form of an Indian divisibility of both enlightened men and unenlightened state okay so better some question follow you here your holiness these questions were submitted through the internet yes professor Cabazon handed them to me the first question is in my reading of some of his Holiness's books I have sometimes seen the subtle most nature of mind characterized as neutral one day but in other instances it seems as though His Holiness says that we have an innate predisposition for goodness for love for compassion and for enlightenment so this would seem to imply that the fundamental nature of mind is positive or virtuous but not neutral can you hold us please explain and generally because we are not talking about art with reality or subtle mind as far as subtle mind is concerned this moment just word and so they so there are basic sort of human nature you know the way I think that I think in afternoon session until I may explain something here so those people who will not come this after the next session hmm then you can ask someone who again second question you all in is is there some reason to prefer meditation on the natural mind to meditation on anything else for example meditation on the nature of self or other phenomena or crosa symbol Sigma Omega D comment Ipanema Tabaco Butantan tombola later a damn green egg Aquinas this mainly says refer in terms of teaching tantric practice the reason is as I mentioned at the beginning the ultimate ultimately things depend on our motivation motivation is part of mind so therefore or penalty was a joke sim against Sims engine and our knowledge addition another good normal rule early killers or someone in relating a means so for example in one Buddhist texts as Chan Chan Turk at the 7th century he says that you know it is the mind that creates the the world that we live in and it is the mind that creates the actions that lead to that creation and therefore in this way we understand the karmic action to be the person agent for creation tadaa take a saddle sun-joo Xia reared oh my gear may tear me sohcahtoa chiba-chiba de de da para saddle SuJu salad yummy Caesarea to need a mushroom phonetic tune it up and toss or butter bourbon you do need ah Tony in big money chip already in a Cheshire salad aa movie macabre sanity clunky machines of the world Oh under the wrangle wrangle and Cindy Runge top isotropic a table to devote you teach Saturday dozen a simply tunic on a sometime or the middle bridge new him is some down vomiting so did he mean discern a panelist on this re endure a resume ear and not assume you are a simply Cheney the tall red shoes catch me image conduct this artists as well other did not attend she would not do initially you know just under the target but sashimi Nagy the timber Tolliver Johnny Tomica Alabama gone then it should you die mucosa she's officially on it now let me the dangers a ninja means you simply to continue mother Josh every so therefore we have been talk for example we have been talking about the union of clarity and emptiness union of rickwaa awareness and Antoinette a union of bliss and emptiness so all of these are really perspectives coming from the Vajrayana teachings and therefore inverse Rihanna teaching the meditation on emptiness on the mind itself the natural mind itself becomes very important because although one can take the emptiness of say an external object like a sprout and meditate upon it but the distinction here is that when one takes the mind to be the basis upon which one meditates on emptiness then one is actually reflecting upon the natural one's own mind the ozpin natural wants on or on mind and all of these is really from the perspective of was a on a teaching for example in one of Aria divers texts on Tantra he X means the significance of taking a mind nature of mind as the focus of one's practice in the Vajrayana context however in a non version a context such as the perfection of wisdom teachings then generally it is said that between the emptiness of the person and emptiness of phenomena one generally takes the emptiness of person to be the initial focus because it is easier to understand emptiness by taking one's own personal identity or person to be the faces of meditating upon emptiness then a one sort of the Sanskrit word usually we recite that is um sure that Jannah banza Samoa amok aha these sumo are self conscious next one ordered a community regime current regime so in this mantra that is part of the Vajrayana sadhana practice there's the word svabhava which means nature and swamp hava in this particular context indicates meditating upon the svabhava of the mind itself the very mind which is meditating upon it its own nature so um Musa Moses our Dharma sumo I should announcer gives tsubasa Dada on showing the gentleman of small circle our eternal card wa so so this vibhava in these two different contexts are different one is slow bhava of the nature of all phenomena there is in another context svabhava or nature refers to the nature of the mind meditating upon itself lift I'm wondering if you think it is a lot more difficult for Americans to focus their minds and to be able to reach enlightenment oh look at that simile as that Simnel to purchase them that focus share the connection and these are that total really iconic shape metros teacher we are a culture that thrives on stimulation excitement pleasure and doing everything very quickly I think that meditation and centering oneself is extremely difficult in American society do you think it would be easier for Americans if we lived in a country with a slower pace where people took more time being present in their daily life Oh basically I don't think this is much differences but the eastern our asana I don't think much differences in fact some my American friend who spent years years or meditation said they are result quite amazing so these are American not a Tibetan so so that mean that shows basically same same human mind as the external influence important but ultimately Kasota the nature of mind itself is more important so we alway everyone have sort of same potential I think of the same manner quality I think that that I he but then someone I'd I think you I mean discussion if you really serious then current investigation interview more people but then maybe you get more clear picture now I don't I don't think as much differences final question Donna Karen blue ocean as all right I did two three questions okay um why did you say Buddhism is like a science of the mind that's it that word not originally come from me but some Western scholar you see described they say Buddhism is not a religion but rather signs of mind so ask him ask them yes how do you feel about the use of LSD and other psychedelic drugs alone to attain higher states of consciousness or spirituality of course firstly I have no such experience then you see according those the people who have some experience then since another trimmin immunity over the trivial driven numbers within show seemed WA but from what I have heard from people who ever had the actual first an experience it seems that the experience of using these kind of psychedelic drugs tend to bring a greater profusion of illusion and since we are already have a lot of illusory experiences to begin with so why do we need additional illusory experiences then this I think you see in serious practice is concerned I think should not rely on external methods of justice justice simply try true as other cultivate might cultivate the mind here the nature quality of mind there's much better and a happy heart that answers to come later about chocolate in your 50 years of exile you have faced down many hardships and never wavering in your commitment to your people and the fight for social justice what is advice do you have for young people on how to achieve success while staying true to one's moral principles or afternoon most of the questions are always general I'll stop thank you thank you very much you
Channel: Dalai Lama
Views: 748,494
Rating: 4.8527656 out of 5
Keywords: Dalai, Lama, UCSB, public, talk, nature, mind, University, California, Santa, Barbara
Id: gO7RQi55asY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 6sec (7506 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2010
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