National Video Game Museum Tour! I'm in HEAVEN!

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okay folks here we are at the videogame national videogame Museum in Frisco Texas we are [Music] so much history so much history here like how they painted everything gold all right got my wristband and my tokens I'm ready to roll oh gee pong machine Cuffy pawn there are some classics here [Music] look at all this beauty and its giant Super NES controller that works go pick anything you want tells you everything about the consoles and when they released the Neo Geo I remember 400 bucks when we came out it's crazy [Music] turbo graphics 16 hell one of those links and all the memories there flooding back to me that's the Panasonic 300 there's a Phillips where's the Philips 3do cuz my cousin had up Phyllis three do the atari jaguar and they had 64 edition Virtual Boy still got one of those Sega Saturn that was my lot of history a lot of history [Applause] that Major Nelson signature that is Major Nelson signature nice very cool so those graphics though this ps2 [Applause] I don't think this works for all the stuff works just food rampage nice classically you got a good Oh a Castlevania setup though that's crazy Oh somebody's bedroom back in the gap bedrooms legit tell me how legit this bedroom is that a cassette deck over here I remember seeing this very same one several times back in the day wow man this is too awesome mad or vintage mad TV's 1987 another student for reagan-bush man [Music] oh I get it different time periods this was like 70s early 80s over here and that's more 80s 90s over here [Music] so cool [Music] and you could still play it off haha that's funny it works [Music] sega saturn's set up OG triple og right here [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] now here's something a lot of people don't know about pioneers Laser active system never got to play it back in the day but it was a big Bohemia and still play Sega Genesis cartridge it's crazy that's nuts oh and then the atari jaguar with the 64-bit add-on [Music] [Music] Arcadia [Music] sunset riders that was my shoe [Music] punch out the og punch out with the to screen setup a lot of people don't know about the to screen setup [Applause] combat - this is what the tokens was for oh man that Michael Jackson's Moonwalker oh this was my I mean when he released it on Super Nintendo played the out of it classic well Galaga action some NeoGeo oh geez Star Wars game that's got to be late 70s right there [Applause] centipede defender miss pac-man oh yeah battle zone you had to get off in it like you were operating the tank man I got a new version of that out by the way on VR is pretty good asteroids Cubert viragor with the tyre inlay that's inept this is all I would you a lot of the replicas didn't have some of the stuff this og stuff SoDo so dope that Atari home computer though throwback right there people look at this guy he's all swagged up and nothing but video game stuff EGM jacket with a playstation jacket legit so legit so much cool stuff well this was a good birthday treat right here I'm glad I think before my birthday so Sega CD had it add it yo it was the they had that in the 32x oh I forgot about the real kill I forgot that game even existed black PlayStation one huh interesting pricing Japanese spec action so cool so so cool man in 64 oh yeah I forgot about that too I had the expansion pack but I never had the double-decker and old-school video game boxes stands the get away that wasn't know enough 2013 oh that was a while back oh the market Oh crowd forgot about that game I used to play the out of it it was actually kind of bloody if I remember correctly I was a good guy forgot that existed these are all pop-up stands and boxes from the old days oh yeah the freaking turbo Express man this place is too freakin food Pikachu the 10:06 before if you had one of them to this day be worth a lot of money some crazy pinstripe GameCube coca-cola Game Gear bro that's Japanese this Bob I remember when they release all the different colors couldn't get them over here though European yet the automobile collection they were so pretty [Music] hello kitty' Dreamcast on that one I wasn't familiar with now a screen Amiga 32-bit what a Dreamcast walkman our Dreamcast CD player I didn't know that existed Virtual Boy still got one of my mom's house I think I still got the whole G box Panasonic you I remember that big beast - yeah that was it basically a Gamecube that could play DVDs so it was a big deal Laser active 3d goggles all the old wannabe VR stuff it's crazy yep ooh the Sega 32x prototype Sega Saturn prototype Hitachi it's so much Pokemon somebody here could be in love with all that oh is that the Golden Gun that is [Music] oh man just so much I'm have to convince a lot of this footage because I got so much I'm gonna keep it for old time sake that gold punch out cartridge Japanese only laser scope yo Oh so many memories so many memories a lot of swag from different events and so forth it's kind of cool state of emergency that was my back in the day look at these patches Activision Ski Team really crazy got some doom going here Oh freaking Mario paint the history of online gaming mmm oh I remember that x-band for Genesis you could play so many games a month my cousin had it it was cool is like yeah you could just go on their little store and play whatever the you wanted that was awesome Dreamcast broadband adapter xbox live starter kit Sega Saturn Netley no that I'd never touched didn't know that was the thing that's so cool some badass shirts I want somebody's shirt splatterhouse shirt I remember before I got a turbo graphics 16 I went to Blockbuster and rented a turbo graphics 16 and splatterhouse just to play it because it didn't have it on any other systems Mario Shasta a lot of history here man a lot of freakin history such a cool place no reason at all little random contra action pitfall the devastation for the Sega CD that's awesome that's too freaking cool some more prototype action down here this is pretty awesome here we have more development kits Bill Gates sign this Xbox Xbox original Xbox development kit Dreamcast development kit PlayStation 2 development kit all the good stuff man all the stuff they they use to tweak these beasts a lot of controllers I forgot about the programmable ones back in the day with the turbo and all that all original Xbox controller Sega Saturn that was the first thing that had an analog stick there's a game called Knights where you can fly your guy around all crazy man memories are they playing house of the Dead looks like houses it did yeah oh the typing of the Dead yeah that's raw forgot this was a thing you had the type to kill people instead of using the gun they wanted to teach kids out of type they figured that'd be the best way but getting you to murder zombies I forgot about this Dreamcast keyboard is that the wu-tang wu-tang controller why yes it is mine link controller I can almost guess that didn't work out too great it's got electrical tape on the to the head of salvaged head ah so much awesomeness we got the power glove right here the joy board I remember that too I forgot about this on the Genesis is the activator it was supposed to mimic whatever you did was inside that hexagon and it didn't do it very well we tried putting mortal combat with you'd be war the out half your wouldn't even be in putting man wireless for the Super Nintendo the hyper beam Time Crisis gun man portable yeah we can do portable we can be portable and when we're talking portable we're talking about trying to get mine these LEDs lights in here so difficult to work with well you know we got some treats in here all the old-school handhelds dating back to the 70s thank you SuperDuper old school I'm early I remember that space invaders I don't know how that worked it it wasn't gold space invader Hank Hill are a little mini arcades call them you can play here yeah very primitive but you know what it worked touch it Journal and this is wearing it guy good people gain boys for life and has the original silver brick and they came out with the backlit ones that was so much better Game Boy camera and printer I never saw this bleed now and Barbie edition okay okay then all the in-betweens yeah oh gee triple og super Gameboy that's where you could play gameboy games on your Super Nintendo thankful a couple of DS's some more oldies i'll the in cage yeah that was supposed to be a badass video game cell phone I don't hear never didn't do well I used to want the shuttle won the zodiac I don't know what that is I remember that one well the Nomad oh it was such a beast freakin Nomad played full-size Genesis cartridges on the goat would eat through batteries Oh would it eat through batteries and this is awesome I've never seen that microsystem little Donkey Kong 2 2 player must be Japanese nice little corner over here oh yeah I like a little closing little store close in action and that leads you to the crash in the rise of home computers channela takes you through history how things went very well setup television the og triple og and that thing was huge [Music] and it keeps on going up we got one of these at home I think it's a I don't remember what it is Commodore 64 it's a Commodore yeah we got a Commodore at home Wow look at this colecovision Coleco atom computer games are so she attack in the day they've come a long way I'm more impressed by these still working monitors RadioShack TV video display I'm sorry a video display Texas Instruments had their own little computer in 1979 all these controllers felt horrible a little better that's what we have at home yeah Commodore 64 at home right now I wonder if they're being interested in it well hey y'all about this ok people that was pretty awesome I got to say I was very impressed by that place that was super cool
Channel: ChillinwithTwisted420
Views: 6,770
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: Video Game Museum, Tour, Gamer, Video Game History, Arcade, Classic Gaming, Hardcore Gamer, Vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2017
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