Nasty Attitude: Divorce Court - James vs. Marie

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today on Divorce Court my husband disappear at night and go I don't know where I'm not cheating on her I have younger friends he lies he he does nothing but tell stories her thing is more like you know stay home sleep in the bed with me lay down I can't do all that I'm live he wants totally different things than I do so I'm not sure where we at and what's going to happen I can't be with a woman who's very controlling upset all the time never having a a nice thing to say nasty in the house kicking do kicking holes in the door we can't have a conversation without arguing with each other or name calling or getting out of control and I just don't want to talk anymore I can't really be a person staying there being in your life and this a a constant struggle constant battle divorce court is now in session good day ladies and gentlemen I'm here with James Pascal and Marie Pascal the two of you have been together for 22 years married for six but you don't want to be married anymore Mr Pascal you are asking for a significant amount of money uh for some broken items and we will talk about that momentarily but I'm going to talk to you first Mrs Pascal why don't you tell me a little bit about how the two of you got together those 22 years ago we met when we were kids um we was about I was I was like 16 when we met and um I got pregnant my parents were divorced so I got sent to New York we split and we got back together when I moved back to um Miami and and we've been together since and that's where we at now you pretty much agree with that yeah I pretty much agree with that pretty much the basic fact right I understand however that there was a he had a significant injury early on in your relationship tell me a little bit about that well he got um really burnt at the house and he ended up in the hospital how did he get burned um from a grease fire oh okay um he was frying or something and it blew up the oil went all over him he was like third degree burnt everywhere um I was there for him I spent almost a month in the hospital wasn't there as much hang on I'm I'm going to get your side of that story well he ended up in the hospital and um I had to really quit my job for about a month um to take care of him and as soon as he start getting better which is now he's starting acting up again like he always do okay Mr pascot what did you said she wasn't really there for you when you no she wasn't really there it was mostly my daughter that was there but she wasn't really there how long had you been together when that incident occurred this is not too long ago not too long ago not too long ago so you contend that now he's all healed up and better he's out running around oh he'd done that before your honor okay well well tell me about early on when when you first met him well the first incident was um we were leaving we we were already leaving together at the time he had a girl call my house and told me um that she was sleeping with him and I told him I said look this girl called my house and saying all that stuff he was like oh don't worry about it it's a prank call it's a prank call don't worry about it at that point he really didn't come out of the room when the girl showed up at my door and my daughter opens the door he went he stayed in the room I said aren't you going to come out so you can like talk to her and stuff she's like he's like no um let's not worry about it by that time the girl left okay found out that this he Ben knew this girl and his mother even knew the girl so now Mr Scot do you know the the woman about whom we speak yeah I know about the woman but it wasn't did she come to the door she she knocked on the window but I wasn't I was were you hiding in the bedroom no I wasn't hiding in the bedroom I just didn't know who was at the door I was in the bedroom but I didn't know who was who was asking me so you didn't come out and inquire Wasing on the door I seen she said there's a lady out there I like who is she but she gave me a different name of the girl that I I I called her by a nickname so she gave name youing around on her in the beginning let's just just just is that the in now we can cop to everything I'm not I'm not I wasn't fooling around never at any point in time no at any point in time I wasn't fooling he's a he's a he he's everybody's savior he wants to help every young girl in the world I'm just a nice person I just do I do things for people that's that's what I do I do I help people out why do you think Mr Pascal is running around with young woman now that he's all healed up I mean I understand having friends I have no problem having female friends but when they start calling the house at 6:00 a.m. 4:00 in the morning and if he spend one day with me he don't talk to anyone these girls are calling oh you you know you ignoring me and like who are you to be worrying about what he's ignoring you he doesn't want to talk to you today period and so he would tell me like why are you talking to them like that you shouldn't be and these girls literally know me I don't know them I had one told me that well that's why nobody likes you I'm like well how do you know I don't even know you I don't know you now do you know about the young ladies that we're talking about the young lady it's not that's not the problem the problem is that she's mean so I find myself hanging with other people let me give you an example she's at the house so what she does is when she gets upset she kicks holes in the walls all my doors got holes every door I got if I had if I had a a fixture problem she made she's a fixture problem she's the one putting the holes in the walls kicking in the door slamming most of my stuff is broken because of her if she finds herself getting angry it's over every what does she get angry about is it always an issue of infidelity or there are other matters that send her off I mean I I really don't know what the what makes her so angry to think now that Mr Pascal I don't believe that there's always a run up to an argument she says something it may not make sense to you but you know what her control problem I think her control issues make it seems like she has to have everything in order for me everything's got to be my way her way no it's not it's not that her thing is if she if I'm here doing what I got to do she'll stop me if I'm if I have friend she'll tell him not to come over she's very aggressive with my friend I can't introduce her to somebody or she won't even meet him she she'll stay completely rude and won't even meet nobody okay Miss Pascal do you have a bit of an anger issue and cop to it if you do I do but but anger is an understatement H I'm not going to lie that's an understatement anger I'm not going to lie he thinks every woman is crazy he thinks women period are crazy I said no we're not crazy it's you drove us crazy okay I'm not C honor I promise whatever whatever now I want to talk about your belief that he lies to get attention what he's lying about and why he's doing it talking to these women they'll talk like since you didn't take care of your husband that's why he's looking for a friend to talk to obviously why don't you put your dog on the leash my dog that's my dog [Music] so you say Mr Pascal lies to get attention why don't you give me some examples of times where he's done that talking to these women they'll talk like oh he's a good man you just the you're the one that has the problem stop yeah he they'll be like oh you're the problem he's like one of them told me well since you didn't take care of your husband that's why he's looking for a friend to talk to obviously why don't you put your dog on a leash why don't you put your dog on a leash in reference to you my dog that's my dog that's what she says oh put him on dog put him on a leash St tell me about some lies he told like uh the time where he says he's at the food truck but you can't catch him there tell me oh yeah we have an iPhone that's why I gave him a phone I'm I I didn't give him a phone like that cuz I'm not that controlling but like we didn't have a phone so I bought an extra phone cuz I wanted a newer phone I said you can have mine just because he's at the house okay and being that he drives it's for me to keep track if he's okay or not honestly seriously I I I told him I said look I'm giving you the phone cuz I when I'm at work like I see people texting their husband and stuff I'm like dude I want to do that too I want to have somebody to text and I and he's like okay I gave him the phone he the phone is a problem now he doesn't have his phone because he took the phone used it against me to do the things he's not supposed to be doing M Mr Pascal you say she put a she say she tracks you on the phone to make sure you're okay we all know that that's not true but tell me tell me the conversations you've had about the phone and why she believes You're Now using that phone to talk to other women well there was some incident somebody well this is my thing I keep the phone open so she picked up the phone one morning and seen some text so she said okay um I woke up rude I was like so why would I have you have me have a phone and you check the phone whenever you want but now you want to blow up when you see something that's not even that serious it's a friend of mine so I told her I'm put a code on the phone so what she did is she suspended my whole contract your honor phone your honor he does things he makes he makes everything worse I've never known this man to fix anything he makes it worse after I told him not to have someone call at 6 a.m. he locked the phone he put a code the next thing he did woke up in the morning the phone was locked in a box I'm like oh okay so you're getting worse so I popped up Box open and I took the phone out and so I said okay you trying that then I'mma just shut down the phone and then here I am I'm having a phone conversation it just dies so I'm like what's going on and she shut off your contct she shut off the phone I'm like oh no so I'm thinking it's my phone suspended but I just paid this phone how is it suspended come to find out she locked it put a code on the lock and I can't even go in there and say hey it's me she's like no don't take nobody that come in and say it's them did you GPS him to a food truck once where he was supposed to be at the food truck but he's never many times many times he'll be like Oh I'm at the food truck I'm going to go fix the food truck I'm going to do do this and then when I tell he's not there Mr Mr Pascal you go to the food truck but the but but your tracker doesn't say you're there what what's going on that that F that app phone is wrong it's it's something brok it's broken it's broken it's broken okay so so it ain't me it's broken something wrong the satellite it's not hooking up with the satellite it's broken it's broken I'm where I'm supposed to be it's broken you you I'm definitely where I'm supposed to be look once my husband have a cell phone once you see him bu buying cologne or have a cell phone he holding on too tight it's a problem every time every time every time never fails have you ever caught him I mean just in in some ludicrous situation that he couldn't talk his way out of well he never show up I would have caught him that night if he came out the room now I want to I want to change gears a little bit Mr Pascal you say your wife is not creative enough in bed and that that is an issue you would like to discuss when I show up home at like 12: a.m. or 1:00 a.m. if he wasn't sleeping from going out all day hanging out with other people I would have fun he's barely awake from years of me sleeping because come home she's boring what do you mean she's boring in what way so Mr Pascal do you care to share with me what you contend as a lack of creativity on your wife's part in the bedroom yeah it's like if I if I um I'm it's it's not mostly in bed it's mostly like anywhere if I want to go out I like to have sex in the in in in a restaurant if I want to don't stop me you know don't don't come tell me tell me what restaurant you run and I'll make sure never to go there I me I mean not in front of people but like you know in the restroom or something you know spontaneous that's all it is it's just being spontaneous I mean so you say she's not spontaneous she's just pedantic she's always running and tracka and all this kind of stuff she ain't that old you never have any Miss Pascal are you and I understand he's a little suspect I get that part and and I know run around with these young ones and and and won't come out the bedroom disrespectful and disrespectful but are you any fun to be with I'm not contending that he's not doing wrong cuz I I I think he might be doing a little wrong I I think he might be but I'm saying in general are you're always angry with him because the you know you might be chasing them out a bit that's exactly with your attitude and your anger making your problem as opposed to addressing the problem and letting it die of its own accord well if when I show up home at like 12 a.m. or 1:00 a.m. if he wasn't sleeping from going out all day hanging out with other people I would have fun he's barely awake that's from years of me sleeping because she come home she's boring so what do you mean she's boring in what way she's boring I mean she ain't she she'll fall asleep on me we'll be having a conversation she just doze off I'm like I was having a because I worked all day and watch doing nothing watching the movie is like watching it by yourself you're ta oh shoot you seen that oh she's sleep I'm sorry you you know what I mean she she sleep yeah well she works all day doesn't she I mean even on her days off you get three days off you supposed to be up on the third day at least I mean she's up she sleep all three days Dam I mean I don't know what you want me to do look y if if like I said if I'm home I want to have a good time I want to watch a movie I want to do something he's gone all day to hang out with people and then by the time he gets home I'm tired from being here I mean bored all day you know what I mean it's like it never works it never works it's a never ending cycle everybody's he's out all day hanging out and when I wake up in the morning yes maybe I might want to wake up and give him a kiss or do something he's gone at like 6:00 in the morning to go hang with another female okay or a friend or somebody now you've been unhappy for a while miss Pascal tell me what your breaking point was the uh my breaking point is recent when we had an argument he stood in front of my kids and called me the b word and told me he doesn't want me anymore and call me the HW again and I was done I said that's it I said I can't do this anymore like I'm done are you calling her be and H in that's a regular name it is is she was provoking me she was very provoking she's very provoking like I I'm I'm yeah she's provocative I'm I'm one of the people that's like I rather leave the house like I do now cuz it's too much of an argument why I ain't got time for all that argument that's too much for me so what I'll do is I'll leave but that day she was like she cornered me you know it's like a bear a bear got you in the corner you going to attack it so I just I told her what was what she was asking me to hear I gave it to her she like oh you don't want me no more like no I don't want you I don't want you cuz you you're tripping and it's not me I really don't want to have these I don't want to have these discussions in front of my children thank you it is you it is it is no one can force you to say anything you could you can fall victim to it but you're not yeah but that's your fault is that's your fault that is my fault you know your your children come first and I don't care I mean that's what I try to explain to her as a it doesn't matter you're in charge of you if she want to act a fool in front of the kids that's what she's responsible for you're responsible for the kind of fool you act in front of the kids so now I want to talk about why you believe Mrs Pascal should pay you $1,600 for your phones okay you're seeking $1,600 from me today tell me why you want that amount of money cuz of the phone she breaks she breaks every phone I have I can't have a phone for nothing that's why I lock them in the box now you know why it's in the box so I can keep it can you give me some examples of times when she's broken the phone I mean how many phones has she broken what kind were they and what was going on when she did it well we were having a conversation this is about the incident about the girl I didn't get up while she was knocking on the door so what it is is that I was trying to explain to her that she's not nobody serious it's just a friend but at the time I guess a text came in and while she was close enough to snatch the phone out my hand she threw it she threw it to the truck it just hit the 26 in rims and shattered everywhere and how many phones of yours has she broken throughout the years well you're suing for I don't I I don't I don't what you're suing for right now oh this is the one she broke here okay so you just want this yes this reimbursed for this one this phone now how old a phone is it it's a it's a iPhone 7 it's iPhone 7 okay and Miss Pascal what happened to his what happened to his phone I broke it plain and simple I'm not going to lie why did you break the phone because that's what he does I ask him to please you know the phones are for emergencies I don't really like phones I them for emergencies not for you to use against me that's it do you pay for his phones do you buy I do to we all pay for the bills I pay for my bills we all pay for the bills phone oh so you both contribute to the bills and if if I had a reason for him to break my phone that would have been him but I never give him a reason there ain't no reason to look for anybody there is no reason to break a phone you know that it about the pH turned off things I'm sorry I'm trying to give you some money you just running your mouth I'm just you're not supposed to take other people's stuff and destroy it not only does it take things away from him it takes money out of your house he's got to replace it your anger is costing you money that's called the stupid tax never have to pay for your own anger that's silly it's ridiculous now iPhone 7 I know I got one myself I know how much they cost uh this was I can't give you full value you know brand new she get like soon as I got it as soon as you have it it's used you know what I'm saying as soon as you buy it I'm getting going to give a little rough Justice here $400 in favor of Mr Pascal it is so [Applause] ordered after 22 years I think this marriage should be over because I think that she's just way too controlling and me myself I need somebody that's nice and don't give me all them issues It's been a long road like I said I known him a long time I don't know how I'm going to do it without him but if I have to I will if that's the way it's going to be
Channel: Divorce Court
Views: 38,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Divorce Court, divorce, marriage, lawyer, television show, reality tv, judge, court, court drama, star jones, court show, judge star, court tv, relationships, couples, divorce court reality tv, divorce court full epiosdes, funny divorce, divorce court judge lynn toler, judge lynn toler
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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