Transitioning Cheater: Divorce Court - Janel vs. Brandon

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today on divorce course I love Brandon he makes me laugh but he's cheating in the past and flirting with women I don't like it and to me it's very disrespectful I love Janelle but it's hard transitioning becoming a single man to being a father and a future husband that she wants me to be Bron doesn't show his emotions at all and sometimes I feel like he doesn't love me as long as those kids taking care of and that rent is being paid everything else is irrelevant if Brandon doesn't change we're not going to be together divorce court is now in session good day ladies and gentlemen I'm here today with Janelle Lewis and Brandon Silas the two of you are thinking about getting married are having few complications so you've come to me for uh my advice I have your uh marriage license here if I think it's a good idea I'll give it back but you've given me permission to tear it up sh I think your union is ill advised you have one child together and you have uh five children toal and you have just the one with her but I have I claan the other two as well because I've KN them s that's wonderful it's nice to hear it I I like that thank you Mr tell me why you want to marry I know part of you have a child together but you're not so sure well first thing is he's cheating in the past okay that's one reason his anger issues and he don't show emotional okay let's start with the first one the cheating why don't you give me me a couple of stories that tells me the kind of things he's been doing well in the past when I was 7 months pregnant he cheated on me and I found out how'd you find out I went through his phone uhhuh yeah he tried to delete it but I went through the a of box the out of thing box thing and I found the messages and called the girl she told me is that is that accurate Mr silus it could be I mean I'm explain that to me it could be well at one point of moment it was that that situation with uh maybe like uh with my ex at PR of moment we were kind of going through like you know little caho with each other but it was nothing serious you know what I'm saying it was nothing serious until like basically after we took our break and then you know we kind of you know it linked up and that happened but it was to the fact that we would had a break it wasn't why me and uh Janelle was together so you were on a break while she was seven months pregnant yeah I was kicked out the house I mean you know I mean how would I take how would any man take now why did you kick him out the house yes I did why did you kick him out the house because I F thought you was cheating of course I supposed to before tell me another story another story is is that he constantly first like text other women like he think is just oh this is my partner this is my friend you're not supposed to do that when you're in a relationship honestly y I mean I feel like basically if if if I'm texting a woman or if if basically a friend it's just basically like hey how you doing uh you're not supposed to do that uh you've been working yeah I've been working I'm getting taken care of my family everything straight with me and her but you know sometimes sh catch them text messages when they coming to me like what you doing now you know what I'm saying as you is you getting out so you're just chitchatting is what you're saying you're just talking calling sort to that sort but not really chit not really I appreciate your honesty Mr silus cuz what you're telling me you are doing a little flirting on the phone no I I Adit to that yeah you flirt but it's honest flirt it's nothing night to me to the fact I'm trying to go sleep with them at the end of the day cuz I know who I go to B with that night mhm all right have you caught him cheating any other time other than the one time when you were seven months pregnant um no that was it just a flirting and that time I called him cheating can you understand how the flirting would be an issue for her yeah I mean it could kind of feel a person may feel like a little intimidation or they may feel like a man's a man's head may be else well that could be a possibility but I feel like if you know me you should know that a where my head at well and and I hear you I hear you and and and and you're reading right guy with a little mistake but do you know that there are free radical women out there who will take advantage of you do you know what I'm saying you start a little bit here and there you think it's not a problem but they think they got a man you know what I mean and then they start here and then there's a little touching it come over I got a problem I yeah hey wait wa next thing you know you have a beer you know what I'm saying you you jeopardize your union when you when you hold your hand outside the window like that understand you understand what I'm saying everybody's human you know and and and with that being said you know all that's understandable you know but uh it's just you know she she she can be kind of Confrontation and kind of could give me that that that that kind of that you know that police type that pressure on police pressure on me you know what I'm saying and it's like you know I just want her to ease up on that like give give me an example of that police type pressure I can show you all right first competition we had you know we on Bourbon walking down the street you know a few women taking a look kind of looks at me you know what I'm saying I kind of caught a look at a female too but it wasn't to the fact I was like you know I'm about to go talk to her oh here she come who you know her you know this do all that I know you ain't going to talk to her she looking at you up I'm like you know I'm just got my little dcker in my hand I'm like man I just want walk down the street I'm here with you she come out of nowhere with that basically with that being said uh danana I really just want her to kind of get that that that back up where we at you know what I'm saying back up off that anger yeah get that anger get that compation I'm not I'm not tro to do trying to do anything wrong Miss Lewis yes did you hear him I hear him but he has anger too hold up his anger is not perfect either tell me about his anger like his anger goes from like sis is if like he talking to you but if we talking he always say like he knows it all but you don't know it all cuz I don't know it all so I know you don't know it all cuz you know no more need right so it's like he he thinks he knows it all so when he knows it all you said something that's right oh no that's not right that's not right how this is this way no it's this the way this is the right way what you saiding is the way you want to do it okay are you are equally hot temper it's that's I'm not totally agreeing with it's just to the fact where you know I I I I'm the head of the household I feel like you know I I I should been already had this already organized and everything should have been said and done at the end of the day guess what I know what I'm talking about I've been through a lot you know what I'm saying so therefore you know you know it's just the fact that when I'm trying to get us to kind of get like a agreement going on it's shatter we not going we not F to get into no agreement it's all the way no you ain't F to do it like this then it's just become weak it's just a mess it's a mess cuz we never got to the bottom of the situation then my ex get BRS up again so you know with that being said getting pulled up with that like I said there go that police you stay in touch with your exes don't you uh not all of them no I don't not all of them but if you uh to be honest with you not no no I don't uhuh I got bad information on that uh does he stay in touch with his he now he does it but in the past like he stayed in tou like that was like his best friend he play this my best friend she can I tell you this if you ever start an argument or a conversation with yeah but he did it in the past it's not a conversation you need to have right you know because if someone's doing better you can't bring up when he was doing worse or he has no reason to continue to get better just putting that out there our friends always in our business family too it there too many things I'm not going to tell you because I don't need them knowing my business we you tell people about his business typically what you're doing is complaining about him rarely do women call up and say yes he was really good in bed last night I just thought I'd let you know miss leou you contend that Mr Silas is emotionally unavailable what do you mean by that he is like he he doesn't show emotion at all I don't know when he's hurting I don't know when he's sad I don't know none of it because he doesn't show it I have to pick a argument to to see it that's how I know so the only emotion you he ever gives you is angry exactly that's the only time he gives me emotion is when he's angry what is it you want him to talk to you about that he's not willing to share like stuff when he was a kid and what he goes through on a daily basis see a man every man goes through stuff on a daily basis so I know once you hit the real world you're going to go through stuff he doesn't talk to me about that I guess he feel cuz I'm a woman I don't know it but I understand it I probably don't know it but I understand understand it or you can always listen yeah I can listen to you I got ears okay Mr silence what is your what is your vision on that I could speak um honestly it's basically because our friends always in our business family too so therefore for you dig what I'm saying it is too many things I'm not going to tell you because I don't need them knowing my business you know what I'm saying so therefore with that being said no me a lot of things me and her can't kind of kind of caho on we can't get kind of communication GA because you using them information from your people I think she's not talking so much about the details of your day as to how you're feeling are you happy what's good tell me a good story did you enjoy work a conversation about the kids let's you know sharing your soul not so much uh the facts you with me I follow you you follow that she wants to think like you confide in her with respect to you know hey what' you do today baby you know that yeah you know that wasn't you know what I'm saying a little bit of this that and the other to to feed that need that we have to hear from you you know now you're telling your friends and your family all of his business it's not that I'm telling him if you have no one to talk to who you got to like it's not that I tell them it's if you have no one to talk to so I Calla them you know my Rel let me tell you something that's unfair it's unfair to him for a number of reasons number one he doesn't want his business out in the street and by the time it gets back to him it's never as he told you it's always something else that's number one number two when you tell people about his business typically what you're doing is complaining about him rarely do women call up and say yes he was really good in bed last night I just thought I'd let you know what you do is you say yeah he went this and he did that and other thing and then they get a very negative lopsided picture picture of him because you call up with all that negativity so they're not going to like him they're going to talk about him behind the back that's going to get back to him and yet again he speaks not to you so you're killing yourself with that let let me say say this to you we do like to talk oh yeah and it's really cool when we can talk to the guy we got less likely to talk to somebody else women love to be heard and it not in an order to be told what to do or be corrected or get information we just want to tell you how we feel and if you give us an opportunity to tell you how we feel we will just love ourselves some you you with me Mr Silas that's understandable all righty the came in after Mr Brandon and why my baby be why the nurses in there so this family member just bot b b just just SW him and swab did you have any concerns at all as to whether or not that baby was yours Mr silus why don't you tell me about the money issues the two of you have between you basically like the money issue would be a problem with her is basically if I if I tell her to go to the store because you know sometime like I tell you I work I don't be I don't be able to kind of go and make them those type of store runs so if I tell her go make a store run I give her a couple of do let's go get some soap I need some to we need toilet tissue you know we need all type of things for yeah the Bic for the house all right I sent her to the sto couple dollars you know enough to get whatever thing I just told her to get put why she come back with some soap and just some tissue I'm like well you know we we got something to wipe himself you know what I'm saying to take a bath with but uh what happened to the everything else like the dish deter we going we going to wash the dishes with the soap you know what I'm saying so it's like you know with certain things with money management where do you think that money's going no she just ain't shopping right it's really kind of based basically like what she wants to get we got a money budget you know what I'm saying does she buy personal things like you know fingernail polish and stuff like that or do you think she's just not good at getting Bargains with the money that you giv her I think it's the money that I'm giving it and she ain't bargaining right with it you know what I'm saying do you do you shop a lot who me yes yes well no no no no I mean at the grocery store and and doing the items the basic things here let me tell you something my father never knew how much anything cost cuz he didn't go to the grocery store he had to rely on his wife for that if you never go to the grocery store you don't know how much costs you know much how much you think it ought to cost but you don't know how much it cost so you can't say she's doing a bad bargain budgeting if you are not familiar with the numbers that's what I'm going to say to you about that but my understanding he likes to shop for himself oh yes he likes to shop he he he likes to shop he goes shopping he shop for the kids you know he gave me the money for myself but he likes to shop like all the time yeah you shop a lot yeah I like to look good you know if the kids going to look good you know what I'm saying why not make a perfect picture for myself you got money stocked away for the kids when they're going to have to have extracurriculars and college and all that you got that you got some you got some mad paper stacked for those little people cuz those people are expensive oh yeah if you want to get them out of the house you know they got to do a lot of things that cost a lot of money I don't think you have mad paper stacked I'm it ain't mad but it's upset you know what I'm say yeah you got to have mad paper stacked Miss Lewis why don't you tell me what happened in the uh when you had your baby some family member came in and and and did something outrageous why don't you tell me what happened the family room came in after Mr Brandon and swad my baby for a DNA test why the nurse was in there so this family member just bog got B and B just just and swab did you have any concerns at all as to whether or not that baby was yours I say I had an ounce cuz I like to keep it real but I mean as far as the overall judgment when I first seen that I knew that was mine did you talk to your family member about that yeah I had did you get it straightened out yeah I had to let them know that wasn't the right thing to do I kind of thought it would have done a little more better probably would have done it when we was in kind of like a little privacy you know but I mean but you got it straight yeah yeah everything was straight I had to go through hen begag though I know why you like him I get it I get what the problem is too and we're going to get to that now when I read your information I was all ready not to like you guys I thought there was too much ratchetness going on to make a union worthwhile but you know what I see I see a man who changed for you I see a man where in order to talk about his cheating or the wrongs you have to say in the past past and I think you need to leave that in the past don't let that follow you around because when that follows you around that's nothing but fear and your fear will come out as anger anger towards him which will cause him to do the very thing you don't want him do which is to find peace in the arms of another woman all right that's number one number two I think he's a good dude he's got a job he works hard I think he loves you uh and uh I think you guys are a little young but you know you got to control the manner in which you have your conversations with your man and you got to control who you have your conversations with outside of your house it has to be the country lewiis Silas it has to be this is this is our world this is comfortable where you you can find in me my my mother my father my my brothers my sisters my Facebook fan nobody has access to this piece and part of me that I have with this dude in this house and our children and the children he calls his own that you brought in from another place and I want you to remember what you got when you look at him like that now Mr silus you're a little anxious it's like anxious it's like a little river of oil under some water you you kind of slick and you cool and you're laid back that's why the ladies like you you can be very charming and dis charming and you use that and it's fun to watch women Swoon at your ability to do so now let me tell you what you're doing to her when you do that you're making the mother of your children afraid that you're going to leave and it's awful to live afraid all day every day if you want to be smooth and charm and you go ahead and do that don't do that in front of her don't catch sight and all this kind of stuff while you're with with her and don't keep up with your exes and all that because that's not defending the the country silus it is not you standing on the walls you got a breach in it do you understand what I'm saying I think you two are a wonderful people I think you need to learn how to have a conversation you need to learn who not to talk to and you got to keep all that Discerning smiling cool headed in her Direction you with me are you with me yes ma'am did anything I say to make sense to you doesn't did that it anything make I say makes sense to you sense you two are a good couple I hope everything works well from here on in marry the woman and enjoy your life this matter is a [Music] [Applause] journ today the judge gave us a lot of advice on basically keeping myself together for as not spending so much uh giving my most time to my wife and basically everything else will be to the you know to the go and me to let go the pass and I bring it up again that was excellent cuz it's true I always bring it P up yeah we going to show definitely you advice on further on not like we know this is be the positive vibe to keep us together for
Channel: Divorce Court
Views: 33,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Divorce Court, divorce, marriage, lawyer, television show, reality tv, judge, court, court drama, star jones, court show, judge star, court tv, relationships, couples, divorce court reality tv, divorce court full epiosdes, funny divorce, divorce court judge lynn toler, judge lynn toler
Id: OP5KhJnGs5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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