Nashville Hot Chicken

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hey everybody I'm chef tom with ATB BQ comm and this is Nashville hot chicken hey I want to start off today by thanking all of you that watch these videos and interact with us and comment and make suggestions this video we're shooting today is one that's been requested time and time again so today we're bringing you Nashville hot chicken now obviously hot chicken it's a regional specialty of Nashville essentially what you're looking at is a fried chicken with a super spicy paste on the outside so just like every other place in Nashville that's making hot chicken today I'm going to put my spin on it and we're gonna see how hot we can get it well I started off by breaking down a whole chicken into quarters and then removing the wings and I'm gonna place these in our brine or bucket to soak overnight in our buttermilk mixture but for the buttermilk soak we're gonna start with a quart of buttermilk and I'm gonna add to that 1/2 cup of killer hogs hot sauce and then a little bit of seasoning here we'll do a tablespoon of killer hogs the AP rub so salt garlic onion pepper all those good flavors so we'll just move this around make sure that all of our chickens gonna get coated and slide the plate into place lock it in and this is going to sit overnight or up to 24 hours and here's 24 hours there you have it let's get started on the dredge so we've got three cups of flour down I'm going to add to that a quarter cup of habanero death dust which is not mild as you could probably imagine and then just another tablespoon of smoked salt to that give that a mix so now we've got heat from the silk on the inside of the meat we've got heat from the dredge and we'll finish with even more heat on the glaze before we get to that we've got to get this all dredged up so here's how it's gonna work we're starting out in the buttermilk just pulling it straight out of where it's been sitting for 24 hours I'm gonna dip it into the dredge get a nice coating on there and then move it over to a cooling rack which in this case it's not really cooling anything it's just making sure we have some air circulation around it well let that dredge really sit on there and tack up while the oil heats up on the grill behind us one more quick thing and this is totally optional but I'm gonna snag about a quarter cup of that buttermilk and just add it to the dredge this is gonna give us even a little bit more texture on the outside of that chicken and that's a little trick that my mom taught me so we're just going to nestle that in there flip it over make sure that we're getting all our surfaces covered and then shake it off boom we're gonna get in all those nooks and crannies no missed opportunities for texture and flavor here this thing's gonna be hot but it's gonna taste good too these are the bone-in breasts now you guys can use your favorite pieces for this I just find its easiest to buy a whole chicken and break it down so you've got something for everybody and as you look at this see that shaggy stuff right there that's the stuff that really creates that texture when it's fried up and that's the reason getting some of that buttermilk in there is really nice all right so this is the end of it we've got our we've got our buttermilk soaked chicken it's been broken down from that buttermilk it's got the flavor of the hot sauce a little bit of seasoning and we've got all of that flavor and texture and heat that's gonna be created out of the dredge as well like I said I just want to let that soak up for a little bit so let's go check out the grill we'll be cooking our chicken on the side burner of the Napoleon p500 today we've got a lodge 12-inch cast-iron skillet set up for pan frying so that means that we're not doing a deep fry today we're doing a shallower fry the oil is only about 3/4 of an inch deep at this point we want it to come up about halfway around the sides of the chicken as it cooks the oil is preheated to 350 degrees right now which I expect to drop down a bit as we get the meat in there but we want to maintain a temperature somewhere around 325 so be careful not to overcrowd that and we're gonna work in batches just cooking a couple pieces at a time so the side burners got a lot of control as far as your heat level goes and we can kind of adjust that to make sure that we stay in that 300 to 325 range but should you get to a spot where you feel like it's getting too dark but the internals not done yet what you can do is preheat the main cooking chamber so I've got half the burners on now just moving the inside and allow that internal temperature to finish rising all the way to that 165 170 that we're looking for in these quarters all right so once we get browned on the other side we're looking to flip look at that beautiful golden brown be very careful on that hot oil so that you can see chickens got a ways to go and those deepest parts looking at about a hundred degrees in the meantime we're gonna be putting together this cayenne glaze or sauce that goes on the outside of the chicken and that starts off with a half cup of lard and once we've got that lard melted down I'm going to add 3/4 cup of pie into it this is where you can vary the heat level by adding more or less cayenne pepper and then for me four flavors sake there's just a couple more things I like to add to this we've got a few tablespoons of brown sugar and some granulated garlic now we'll just keep that warm over here on the indirect side let's take a peek at the color still a little bit light go just a little bit further as well all right well these are temp in about 1:30 now but the colors just about as far as I want to take them in the oil so we're gonna transfer these over to the main cooking chamber now just to get them out of the way I'm gonna throw the next round in the oil but it doesn't really matter which pieces you're cooking you're looking for the same stuff you're looking for the right color on the outside before you flip you're looking for the right color again before you move to the main cooking chamber and then as far as white versus dark meat I like to go 160 in the white meat 170 in the dark meat and you've seen how this likes to foam up when you first get that chicken in there so if you're gonna put a big piece like a breast and maybe pair it with a wing that way this doesn't run any risk of overflowing all right getting down there and the deepest part would a perfect 170 on these thighs and legs go ahead and pull these off the grill got the Chi in the paste ready to go on the chicken now that it's off the grill then we're gonna add one finishing touch here our sauce would be plenty hot without this but I'm gonna punish myself a little bit for you guys today and we're gonna add just a touch of death nectar I'm not even kidding like I'm not gonna try and dump this in here this stuff is so hot a couple drops will do so we're just gonna paint the town burning red here nice healthy coat these are traditionally served with dill pickles and I'm happy to add some of those as well I'm gonna grab a little bit of white bread here and I'm gonna dig right into this thigh look at that just super juicy meat that marinade obviously did it really well as well as the perfect cook right there on the thigh Wow it's starting to hurt the before it does it takes really great seriously you get a little bit of sweetness out of the brown sugar and the garlic it hurts the crunch is fantastic if you actually get down to that buttermilk the flavor is incredible it's so tender it's just velvety my tongue is on fire I'm gonna be paying for this for a while but it's delicious if you enjoyed the video be sure to check out HTV be calm for all the products featured in today's video I'm also supposed to say make sure you subscribe if you have any questions or comments there's anything you'd like to see me cook let me know in a comment section down below and let's be good to one another grab a jug of milk for more recipes tips and techniques I head over to the sauce HC b BQ comm all things BBQ we're BBQ legends get lit up
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 256,324
Rating: 4.9037824 out of 5
Keywords: nashville hot chicken, nashville hot fried chicken, nashville hot, hot chicken, nashville chicken, how to make nashville hot chicken, how to make nashville hot, how to make nashville fried chicken, how to make nashville chicken, hot fried chicken, fried chicken, how to make fried chicken, fried chicken recipe, nashville hot chicken recipe, recipe, food, cooking, chicken, hot sauce, spicy food, chef tom, the sauce, all things bbq,, atbbq, all things barbecue
Id: 5HCJ38aNIf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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