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hey what is going on guys it's kkb i'm sorry for the delayed upload this week i've been busy with ap testing and sat testing as well as crack going on this year so i apologize for that but with summer right around the corner i should have a lot more free time and i should be getting more videos up for you guys hope you guys are enjoying the content on this channel and if you are please let me know down in the comment section down below also feel free to leave suggestions down there as well thank you guys so much for watching and enjoy the video it's almost a replay of the last restart when elliot sadler got sandwiched and i think it was kirk bush that did that made it three wide and you can see how it just kills momentum for paul monarch he gets passed by five four five four he just really felt backwards right there okay what is it what causes this is it the gear ratio in the wall josh richards 39 jamie dick 23 kirk bush was making it three wide and whoever got caught in the middle was just going straight back andy i like your theory that the fire was actually under the hood of 23 car whoa look out oh there goes the car look out is there somebody in that car i don't think so no car just took off by itself it wasn't put in gear okay and when they unhooked it uh moved it around arm yeah got away she's backing up by itself yeah nice job there getting doing a three-point turn to get turned around and nobody behind the wheel in march we had battery packing all over the track this is not litter from the grandstand i don't think slugger labby is going to be really happy because i think what this is this is the notebook that was laying i think on the trunk of the 27 car paul monarch yeah there it is and that's slugger labby's note scattered well all the way around the racetrack is that is that slugger hiding from us right there and there it goes there it goes it was just sitting up there on the deck lid just pretty as you please till he came off the corner well matt kansas thoughts found some of those notes right there watch this yeah watch it stick to the grill here so if the 27 car is watching our broadcast if you'll go down to matt kenseth you'll at least find two pages of the notes they're a slugger right there [Laughter] that's you know you've had a bad day when that happens round the bottom is the fastest way around and that used to be the case here especially in qualifying but we see now that that bottom groove has gone away so much is so oh look at that oh that is a uh steering wheel a steering wheel that would be used probably for moving the car through the garage i assume it was left on the left on the roof of the car here yeah so he's got to be faster than one car but you can't count on everybody that comes behind him being uh slower than anybody that comes behind him being slower than him right there it is he could have easily damaged that car air dynamically he could split her up you know the battery on the brakes did you see that the cover to the cowl was on the car you see it just pop off yeah blew off sure yeah how about that you know if you if if you've never seen one of these cars when they're waiting to go out the cowl opening the air induction opening on the top of the hood by the windshield they put a cover over it to keep anything from getting down in there and someone's supposed to take that off before the car runs and unless i'm looking at something totally strange when he hit that wall it just popped off that car harvick won here last night he's already clinched a spot in the chase for the next top up kevin harvick off of four harvard sweeps at bristol at richmond awesome where are we bill richmond you're being coming i'm excited it's the little things that you've got to do right every pit stop every time you get on an off pit road you've got to do it perfectly they've done the little things right now the 18 is out front kelly an issue for martin tourex jr he immediately said something is wrong and now cole pern said we have the tire switch they messed it up it's the right front and left front that are switched on the 19 car so they've had it immediately called him back to pit road this is a costly mistake for this 19 team and one of the things that colburn had been so proud about this pit crew as he said when they make mistakes they're little they haven't made any disastrous mistakes well this is going to be a costly one we are back at rockingham north carolina glad you're with us here on tnn it's time now for our lesson of the day as far as roadside etiquette and gentlemen boys and girls remember when parking on a hill always set your parking brake watch kevin the page the car just takes off by itself folks there's nobody in the car kevin lepage is looking around for allen font well they wanted to be close to the uh corner workers there oh my we're seeing a bit of everything tommy houston uh pulls up alongside mark martin tommy uh looks like he thought the race was over but tommy better stay out there for one more lap yeah that reminds me kel yarbrough daytona daytona when richard betty won his 200. there's a couple of laps to go and kill drove in the pits and who ended up finishing uh second i finished fourth i think i think he beat me i think i finished fourth that day but uh here comes martin martin he's coming what's he play low he's coming down pit road wait a minute mark the race is not over and mark martin pulled in david green was winning this race david green is going to win the race as mark martin leave it down pit road i don't believe it have you ever seen a situation i mean the white flag was waving so clearly we had mentioned when they were on pit road and they were working on the car you can't have more than six members of the pit crew over the wall we actually counted it we saw there were seven nascar has also looked at it they said that's too many men over the wall and the problem with too many men over the wall is during the course of the race if it happens on a normal pit stop you just go to the tail end but when you are on the five-minute clock when you are part of the damaged vehicle policy which the 20 of matt kansas was absolutely on he was in the accident that these seven men right here that is basically you are done in the event you have failed the damage vehicle policy the 20 no matter the amount of damage cannot continue they will go to the garage they can no longer participate in this race and this damaged vehicle policy it was developed i think you'll do that just fine whoa 11 the 24 almost got together right there turns wrong with carl edwards he's off the pace something is he's got a problem something's happened man he's going to get run over the field flies our pole center he's going to come to pit road i believe definitely got a problem right i guess it's one of those left sides where they're only hitting four lug nuts maybe they only have three guys i'm looking to the replay of the pit stop on our eagle system looked like to me the right front had maybe two three lug nuts most let's take a look at it right here watch this area right here on the right front and what you're gonna see when that tire cure goes away see how the tire is bouncing right there and he barely two to three looking at something that's the problem yeah that wasn't even close larry good creeps only got four over there and he didn't get any of those tights and as we come inside our broadcast position hello again everybody marty reed alongside winning brickyard driver dale jarrett winning brickyard crew chief i know who you are and i think it's great to see you it's great to be back with you guys again we've had so much fun all weekend long green flag green flags if they don't get by jeff court before they come around the next time they will not pass it and marvel michael waltrip jeff green is oh jeff gordon spinning down the inside gordon is in the grass they're racing for the lead at the head of the pack double wide stable on the white line you got some people out there there you go sterling marlin he's got damage he must have hit gordon well i'm sure he's checked he may have been wondering how that right front damage looks the car sterling marlin is jumping out of his car he's going around to look at the right front fender but oh he can't do that you can't work on your car under the red flag that's the nascar rule you're not allowed to work on your car and let's make clear you just walked over to nascar race control to ask that and that's the answer you got right so why is he going is he going to the end of the longest line sterling marlin he's going to the end of the longest line but it would be for working on the card during a red under the red flag right okay correct so no penalty for going below the line but the penalty to the end of the longest line is for working on the car under the red
Channel: KKB
Views: 150,911
Rating: 4.8650022 out of 5
Id: hcEktRJxi7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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