Top 10 Worst NASCAR Officiating Calls

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NASCAR really isn't that much different from any other sport the rules are pretty simple complete the designated number of laps before anybody else throw the ball into the goal kick the ball into the goal hit the ball with a stick and run around the bases it's pretty simple sometimes you wonder why we even need officials at all but of course when you're playing on this high level well somebody has to enforce the rules and the people enforcing the rules well they're just like you and me they're human beings they make mistakes and unfortunately the outcome of an event can be determined by one bad call or in some cases a series of bad calls and this respect a NASCAR is no different so without further ado let's get started number 10 the 2007 LifeLock 400 at Kansas Speedway this 2007 race at Kansas Speedway was in the chase that year so you know tensions were high to begin with add that to rain in the area and well you had of just a terrible race to deal with now the controversy could have been here that NASCAR tried to shorten the race down to 225 laps and then bad cautions started coming out and they try to shorten it again to 200 10 laps and now everybody's pissed off because nobody knows when the race is supposed to end but the real controversy here is how the race ended once NASCAR decided it was gonna be all over after a long red flag for track drying procedures finally we get back under way we have darkness falling track doesn't have lights and Greg Biffle has been trying to save fuel for a long time now it seems like he's got enough to make it he comes off a turn for the yellow and checkered ZAR waving as darkness begins to fall and everybody's leaving the track already and then his car loses power Clem Moyer and second place starts to slow down as Greg Biffle slows down and Jimmie Johnson passes both of them now Clint Boyer afterwards would catch up to Jimmie Johnson and pass him thinking that he had won this the rules state that under yellow flag conditions your car has to be under its own power not being pushed and maintain pace car speed Greg Biffle not only coast to the finish but he has two cars eventually pass him he was clearly out of gas he just pulls it off in the infield and just parks it in the grass when he's done you would think well yeah Clint Boyer probably won he was still under his own power he stopped and slowed down because Biffle was slowing down and he was in his way and he still had gas there at the end but no NASCAR says [ __ ] it Greg the winner we're getting out of here they deny all the protests I get it it had been a long day NASCAR was frustrated the rain the darkness setting in this is a playoff race you get a lot of eyes on you but at the same time you just want to get the [ __ ] out of there but let's examine all the other times where a guy who ran out of fuel or his car stopped under yellow flag conditions and he was thus penalized or moved back to wherever he got his car restarted at Marcos Ambrose at Sonoma trying to save fuel shuts his car off tries to cosa up the hill doesn't quite make it eventually finally gets his car restarted and ends up as the last car on the lead lap Justin Allgaier at Road America runs out of gas was leading the race gets put all the way to the back NASCAR is usually pretty consistent on this and it was very clear Greg Biffle was at a gas when he came out of turn four and he had cars pass him but I just don't think NASCAR wanted to piss people off in the stands who were still there who had stayed to watch the whole race they didn't want this playoff race to be a source of controversy about who won and who didn't they didn't want to take a win away from a guy who had just won and then people get home later that day and find out that guy actually didn't win they changed it after they left plus they were tired of this race he'd have gone well past its scheduled time but even still it doesn't excuse this and by the way if you think that's the last time I score and controversy is gonna pop up on those lists you're dead wrong speaking of scoring controversies number nine the 1990 first Union 400 at North Wilkesboro Speedway okay so NASCAR did not implement electronic timing and scoring until 1993 this means NASCAR had officials keep track of the position of every single car on the track they would all compare notes and if they all agreed on something hopefully those would be the final results well at the first Union 400 at North Wilkesboro in 1990 there was a big kerfuffle let's go ahead and give you the rundown okay so it's a 400 lap race pretty long race at a track that's a little over half a mile long but unlike most short track races this one goes green for a very very long time there's only a handful of car still in the lead lap about ten or so Brett Bodine is driving around in his number 26 car and decides the short pit that means he basically didn't go all the way until the end of his fuel run and hoping a caution would come out and he would be able to have fresher tires than everybody else he finishes up his pits up with not much of an issue goes back out on the track a few more laps wind down and then Kenny Wallace good old Kenny Wallace spins out bringing out a caution the pace car goes out and picks up Dale Earnhardt as the leader of the race however Brett Bodine 's wife is kicking the back of Larry McReynolds chair his crew chief at the time saying no according to my notes we are currently the leader after the whole pit cycle got done Brett Bodine was the leader according to his team and even some NASCAR officials still had the 26 car as the leader something like 17 laps of caution goes by before NASCAR finally throws up its hands and says all right Brett Bodine is the leader just let him out in front the race finally restarts Brett Bodine keeps his dominant track position and eventually goes on to win the race which fun fact is the last time Buick won a race in NASCAR and immediately Darrell Waltrip protests the finish he appeals to NASCAR president and CEO Bill France jr. and says you know Brett Bodine did not win this race and rather oddly though France jr. says something that suggests yeah he knew there was a scoring error but he did nothing to change it he simply didn't care I walked over to Bill and I'm almost on my knees I'm saying Bill he did not win this race and everybody in this garage area knows that and mr. France and his divine wisdom took his cigarette out of his mouth put his arm around me said DW leave that boy alone that's the first race he's ever won and you're gonna win a lot more races as much as I appreciated mr. France feeling that way it turned out that 1990 I was the first year I didn't win a race so here you have Brett Bodine winning his only NASCAR race ever basically because the CEO and president of NASCAR knew there was a scoring error and just said [ __ ] it it makes for a good story but oh oh man speaking of good stories number eight the 2007 Montreal race in Montreal Canada in 2007 for the NAPA Auto Parts 200 for the first time NASCAR ventures north of the border the race itself is good it's a nice sunny day in the middle of summer it's perfectly fine right no real controversies until we get to the ass end of the race on a late restart there is a big pileup in the first series of turns in first place is the 59 car of Marcos Ambrose and in second place is the 55 robby gordon they are well ahead when this whole parking lot happens and turns one and two however just before the caution comes out as it looks like robby gordon makes a pass on Marcus Ambrose and then in the next turn immediately after that Marcus Ambrose turns and spins out Robby Gordon while under caution now you can make an argument here that Marcus Ambrose didn't know there was a caution out he didn't see the flagman it was just beating and banging whatever now when caution comes out immediately the field is frozen if you were running at regular race speed and you were not involved in an accident and you maintain your position at the time of caution so you could make an argument robby gordon was out front at the time a caution or he was in second and Marcus Ambrose was in front or whatever but NASCAR does something very very odd they say no Robby Gordon did not maintain race speed at the time of caution to which I would say yeah he was busy being spun out on purpose by Marcus Ambrose I mean you can clearly see they had their back bumpers all torn up they had been going at it for a while they were not fans of each other that day NASCAR says Robby Gordon has to be placed in the 12th position on the restart - which Robby Gordon says no thanks I'll just sit right here in second seriously he just stayed there in the second position all the way up until the restart in crazily NASCAR throws the green flag you have a guy who's clearly pissed off at the guy in front of him saying no I'm not gonna go where you place me I'm gonna sit right here behind him and then what happens going into the first series of turns on the restart well he dumps Marcus Ambrose Robby Gordon just drives off into the sunset and then NASCAR says yeah he's not being scored anymore meaning it's as though he never even attended the race why NASCAR would let this happen clearly this had disaster written all over it it just boggles my mind eventually Kevin Harvick wins the race and then him and Robby Gordon rather bewilderingly do twin burnouts down the front straight I guess they're fans like that I mean that would have been pretty cool to see but it must been really confusing if you were a guy out in the stands and you didn't have a radio scanner wondering who actually won this race what happened to Marcos why was Robby Gordon no longer on the scoring pile on what the [ __ ] happened NASCAR eventually suspends Robbie Gordan from his cup race the next day and says yeah you owe us a lot of money he gets fined and he eventually goes and keeps racing a NASCAR but man this race I don't know how the hell NASCAR decided they were gonna handle it the way they did it was just mind-bogglingly stupid speaking of mind-bogglingly stupid how about this one the 2014 Daytona 500 Kasey Kahne gets penalized for avoiding an accident yeah this is about as stupid as it [ __ ] sounds ok let's give you the rundown green flag pit stop they're going on a group of cars comes down on the pit road but Michael Annett behind Kasey Kahne loses it he's out of control he's not slowing down he's just barreling towards him seeing this car coming in his rearview mirror and likely his spotter saying gas it gas it gas it there's a guy coming in way too hot behind you Kasey Kahne goose's the throttle takes off and just barely misses Michael Annett no caution comes out race remains green Kasey Kahne does his pit stop and takes off later he gets penalized by NASCAR the charge to fast entering pit lane but not too fast exiting Kasey Kahne and his crew protests yeah we're avoiding an accident historically NASCAR has always been very lenient when it comes to enforcing pit road speeding penalties if you are avoiding an accident the rule has always been if you're avoiding an accident and you go on to pit road as long as you make quote an honest attempt to reduce your speed you're good for example the 2007 Daytona 500 same track same race here you see Dave Blaney diving onto pit road to avoid an accident and get his car back under him and then he'd merges back onto traffic he ends up causing an accident but there's no penalty 2001 Las Vegas Sterling Marlin spins out on the entrance of pit road NASCAR realizes yeah way too fast entering but we're not going to enforce that because you weren't under your own power you were out of control that would be quote an overly harsh penalty and yet here is Kasey Kahne making a green flag pit stop all by his lonesome no draft help goose is the throttle just a little bit to avoid an accident and does his pit stop and then leaves the pit lane and gets a penalty anyway bear in mind he only got bopped for too fast entering not too fast exiting he maintained his pit road speed in all the pit road segments after this NASCAR tries to throw up the flimsy excuse it's a computerized system and it's all automated yeah but NASCAR you control the timing and scoring you can just say yeah we're not gonna allow that that penalty is lifted NASCAR for whatever reason just doubles down and triples down and says yeah we're just gonna penalize you for avoiding an accident bucket so let's go ahead and get to number six on this list you know we haven't seen yet a good old-fashioned yellow line controversy number six Regan Smith snubbed of his first win it's the 2008 fall Talladega race and Regan Smith is filling in for Mark Martin who's wearing a part-time schedule this year it's a fairly normal Talladega race you've got the big one you've got a lot of single-file racing going on as guys just try to wind down the laps and try to make one last push to get the win and then coming into the tri-oval on the last lap about half a mile to go Regan Smith fakes high and then dives low he gets right underneath Tony Stewart and then Tony Stewart touches him and he gets bought below the yellow line Regan Smith blends back into traffic and then I don't know if anybody knows this doesn't get set enough but that tri-oval is five lanes wide going into the front stretch out of the tri-oval at bottlenecks into four lanes so when Regan Smith merges back into traffic he's up underneath Tony Stewart as that yellow line creeps up towards him to get rid of that fifth bottom lane he's again forced below it Tony Stewart's not getting out of his way Regan Smith crosses the line first NASCAR says no way Jose you went below the yellow line Regan Smith crew says yeah we were forced did you not see Tony Stewart just block us and actually touch our car and forced us below the yellow line also we made an honest attempt to get back into traffic NASCAR says nope rules are rules but here's a compilation of all the times NASCAR said yeah the yellow line rule no longer applies some wonder if Sunday's result Jr passed the leader below the yellow line comes juniors got a run Kenseth that was a passenger but as he turns left and comes out of the pack the momentum takes him all the way that far oh can you see incoming 11 didn't go below the yellow line there would have been some contact there but that I don't know on the final lap of the truck race check out Austin Dillon here in the back that's your points leader going below the yellow line to advance his position and if that wasn't obvious enough coming to the checkered off of turn four he puts all three a four wheels and picks up another couple spots yeah this one's like pretty cut-and-dry I mean that is clearly a block that is clearly being forced below the yellow line yet NASCAR's like nope it's fine it's cool whatever they deny all the protests again pack up their stuff and go home however just a few years later Regan Smith would eventually get his first NASCAR win and Mike joy would have this to say about it nice little jab there Mike how like that alright for number five how about we go after some NASCAR royalty the King Richard Petty probably did not win 200 races okay the first part of this is gonna be a bit speculative you got 200 races one across Richard Petty's career all of them before electronic timing and scoring which means there had to have been some scoring errors and there at some point Richard Petty had a lot of protests against him more than any other race car driver ever which comes naturally I mean he won more than anybody ever do you think NASCAR got every single one of those right I mean yeah he did have some wins taken away because of scoring errors getting fixed but he definitely got the benefit of the doubt because he's King Richard Petty even in the 60s and 70s people were already calling him King Richard the first but again that's entirely speculative I cannot put that on this list right well how about in 1983 at the fall Charlotte race Richard Petty winning his 198 career win two away from 200 except in post race tech inspection NASCAR found out this he had an engine that was an unbelievable 24 cubic inches too big and left-side tires all the way around the car he's supposed to have certain tires on the left side that can only be the left side and certain tires that can only be on the right side if there are two things NASCAR hates more than anything it is messing with the engine and messing with the tires I mean hell in 2009 Carl long got suspended for 12 months and fined nearly a quarter of a million dollars for having an engine that was 0.17 cubic inches too big and he said that was an honest mistake he had bought it from Ganassi now NASCAR does fine Richard Petty quite a bit of money and dock him a hundred and some-odd points but they let the wind stand why because he's King Richard the first and he's almost at 200 and this is gonna be the biggest NASCAR story ever and just as luck would have it in the summer of 1984 at the Firecracker 400 Richard Petty wins his 200th race with Ronald Reagan fly-in on Air Force One to the Daytona International Airport right behind him as the backdrop it's a perfect story and it was almost entirely manufactured again being royalty comes with its privileges I guess ok enough with NASCAR giving the benefit of the doubt to royalty how about NASCAR just having it out for one guy no matter what they want to screw him at every point Carl Edwards has been on the short end of the stick of just about every single decision ever made by NASCAR he has never had anything go his way I swear if he was still racing today he'd be the Mark Martin of the modern era but I don't think he ever got screwed over quite as bad as the 2006 bud shootout it's a nice bright sunny day running the bud shootout on Sunday afternoon because the Winter Olympics are happening much like this year and Carl Edwards goes into the 2006 season as the favorite to win the championship in 2005 he won four races and did really really well on the points I mean he'll Roush Fenway Racing his team has the fricken Dream Team man of the last three NASCAR champions we got two of them on our team Matt Kenseth and Kurt Busch we have Greg Biffle who just lit up the charts winning everything on the big tracks last year you got Mark Martin the savvy veteran 35 career wins for championship runner ups to his credit he is a legend arguably the best NASCAR driver to never win a championship and then you have the rising star Carl Edwards in 2005 all five Roush drivers made the chase that year and keep in mind the Chase Field was just ten drivers half of them half were Roush Racing drivers that's insane but going into 2006 we've hit some turbulence Mark Martin said he was gonna retire and then signs a one-year deal with Jack Roush to keep driving the number six car while he finds a replacement Kurt Busch leaves and goes and joins Penske Jamie McMurray who has only one career win which is a total cinderella story comes and takes over the number 26 car which is Kurt Busch's old team the bud shootout kicks off the 2006 season and it's a fairly standard race you got JJ Yeley Clint Boyer up in there Denny Hamlin all three of those guys in their first season ever in the Cup Series coming out of turn four there's a big accident cars are slipping and sliding everywhere Carl Edwards goes really low to duck avoids all the cars gets back up onto the track and tries to catch up with a draft but NASCAR pops him for something they say hey you pass cars below the yellow line you're not allowed to advance your position Carl Edwards and his team say we didn't advance our position we net lost physicians what are you talking about NASCAR says no those cars back there that were out of control sliding around all over the track you past them while you were below the yellow line Carl Edwards says what are you serious right now I was avoiding an accident Carl Edwards says and I quote no I'm not doing it it's wrong I'm not coming in to serve my penalty Carl Edwards crew chief eventually calms him down and says you got to serve the penalty just come down the pit road and do this pass-through penalty it'll be fine Carl Edwards finally says alright I'll do the penalty and then he gets bopped for speeding Carl Edwards loses it and just goes and parks the car he's done with it it's an on points race it's just for money there's no point in doing this anymore that's bad enough right but the 2006 season for Carl Edwards is absolutely abysmal he doesn't win a race he doesn't even make the chase NASCAR ruined Carl Edwards 2006 season can people wonder why he retired so early his heart probably just couldn't take anymore okay so NASCAR basically single-handedly ruined a drivers sophomore season where he was the favorite to win the championship that's bad enough right well how about snubbing a driver of his first win ever because of his race yeah let's talk about race relations that's a hot topic right now you know cheery stuff number three Wendell Scott snubbed the win at the Jacksonville 219 63 to avoid a race riot all right let's go ahead and give you the set up Wendell Scott is an African American race car driver from Virginia competing in NASCAR's Cup Series at the time called the Grand National Division Wendell Scott doesn't have a whole lot of money it doesn't have any sponsors everything he has he has bought or built himself from the ground up NASCAR and pretty much all of the drivers have a massive amount of respect for Wendell Scott and what he's able to do when he won at Jacksonville in 1963 it was the feel-good story in the garage however Wendell Scott was not that beloved by NASCAR fans I mean hey is the South in the 1960s how do you think he was treated and when Wendell Scott takes the checkered flag at the end of 200 laps at the Jacksonville fairgrounds NASCAR basically invents a scoring error quote-unquote to give the win to somebody else because NASCAR was quite understandably afraid of what would happen if a black NASCAR driver was kissing the white trophy girl at the end of the race so they gave the win to some white guy he got the trophy he got the girl he got the check which was eventually rescinded and then at the end of the day when everybody has left the fairgrounds NASCAR comes up to Wendell Scott and says you won the race congratulations here's your check eventually mail him his trophy after the other guy took off with it although the second trophy they gave him was much smaller yeah it's a really really shitty thing to do but NASCAR kind of had their hands tied I mean NASCAR fans are not exactly the most open and accepting Bunch I mean just really sports fans in general I mean have you seen the Boston Bruins fans when there's a black hockey player out on the brink oh it's terrible sports fans are the worst sometimes and this is basically the worst of the worst NASCAR has to offer racists fans being [ __ ] in NASCAR basically having to invent a scoring error so that nobody loses their [ __ ] to be fair NASCAR did this mostly for Wendell Scott safety I mean it sucks for him but man back in 1963 that would have been a dangerous situation down in Jacksonville Florida okay let's move on to more lighthearted fare how about union-busting that's popular right especially in this economy number two the 1969 Talladega 500 okay so this is the very first race at Talladega Superspeedway this is the money race bill France essentially went bankrupt trying to build this track everything hinged on it and then as the drivers come in on Wednesday before race weekend to practice something comes up at the time NASCAR had to tire manufacturers Goodyear in Firestone and both companies could not find a compound that would hold up at the high speeds these guys are running about a hundred and ninety miles an hour that's a hundred ninety miles an hour in 1969 guys are running as few as like four or five laps and the tires are just shredded there is a big controversy here of is there gonna be a tire that's gonna be able to hold up what do we do come Sunday if we don't have anything and then Firestone steps up and says we're pulling out leaving only Goodyear to supply tires for the race and Goodyear still can't find a compound that works now for a while now the PDA the professional drivers Association which is a sort of union organization they never called themselves a union but it was basically a union they're talking about pensions they're talking about driver insurance programs and stuff about having a fixed starting salary do everything that a union would fight for that's what the PDA does the president of the PDA none other than Richard Petty they also have every other driver that's worth mentioning under their wing got Bobby Allison Donnie Allison the whole Alabama gangs there Richard Petty David Pearson basically everybody except Bobby Isaac of course Bobby Isaac was always kind of a loner he's a really interesting guy if you ever read up on him but Bobby Isaac basically says I'm not gonna join the PDA so they basically have everybody except him and Bill France doesn't even acknowledge that the PDA exists journalists try to come up to him newspaper reporters try to come up to him ask him what do you think by the PDA I mean they're starting to get some traction here we don't know if this race is gonna happen what do you think about what the PDA is doing and Bill French would basically say I don't know what you're talking about all I know is there's a bunch of drivers that I have who are scared to race and according to Bobby Allison Roy Yarborough took a swing at bill France Richard Petty says he didn't make contact Bobby Allison says he made contact and put him down on the ground so of course anytime you're talking about unions getting involved in something there always tends to be like some fisticuffs that break out I mean you're talking about people's jobs here and these guys jobs I mean back in the 1960s people were dying on a semi-regular basis at these races I mean it was still relatively rare but it wasn't terribly uncommon and if you got tires that are shredding and falling apart after four laps of use at the biggest baddest track on the circuit going 190 miles an hour you're like yeah I can't do that and so one by one all the drivers in the PDA pack up their stuff and they leave this leaves Dodge the manufacturer in a tricky situation because they were gonna debut the Dodge Charger Daytona the big winged super bird here at this track it was a car that supposedly could go 200 miles an hour and later about a year later Buddy Baker would make it dude that infamous 200 point four four seven mile an hour lap so dodge all of a sudden has basically just Bobby Isaac to drive their car and his teammate essentially Richard Brickhouse only problem is Richard Brickhouse is a member of the PDA one of the guys at Dodge comes up to them and basically says look this car is gonna run if you don't do it somebody else will and Richard Brickhouse resigns from the PDA and goes and runs the race so that leaves three Cup drivers racing Bobby Isaac Richard Brickhouse and Jim Vandiver Jim Vandiver is actually filling in for a PDA driver and he's running the old model of Dodge he has no factory support of course you can't run a NASCAR race for 500 miles at this big two point six six mile track the biggest baddest fastest track opening weekend with just three dudes can't do it so bill France steps in and says yeah all the guys from the preliminary race yesterday the sportsman race you guys all get to race today now the sportsman division has these pony cars just some Camaros stuff like that there's one AMC Javelin which is kind weird but all these guys get folded over into the main race and he just changes the rules he's like yeah you guys have these cars that are too small the wheelbase is too narrow the engines are too small the body types aren't right some of the manufacturers aren't even in our sport anymore but yeah you guys can run yeah you guys all conform to the rules now we'll change tech inspection later just just get in there he essentially just changes the rules at will and just says yeah all these guys from yesterday they get to race here today because I just need a full field and some of these guys are doing like 140 150 miles an hour meanwhile you have Jim Vandiver Richard Brickhouse and Bobby Issac out there running 190 Bobby Isaac ends up having that same tire issue we were talking about earlier and he fades back into the field he just says I'm just gonna take my paycheck and go home no need to do anything crazy here I'm gonna get all these points anyway and these guys that all left aren't gonna get any points so I'm gonna make a run at this championship no need to put my life on the line or anything and meanwhile Richard Brickhouse and Jim Vandiver are racing for their first win and of course there has to be a timing and scoring controversy to this day Jim Vandiver and his team contend that they were ahead of Richard Brickhouse and even in the radio commentary the people in the booth didn't know who was ahead eventually NASCAR just says yep Richard Brickhouse was ahead and some people say well there might have been some politics involved you know he was a factory backed team and maybe the Dodge Corporation was talking to NASCAR officials I mean they were up in the same suite in the same booth so they might have been saying hey can you put Richard Brickhouse ahead that look really great for our Dodge Charger Daytona that we just brought here you know we kind of helped you with this whole thing so you could do us a solid here right did that happen I haven't seen any information one way or the other wouldn't surprise me with as crazy as this thing has been but the race ends Richard Brickhouse is declared the winner and just the next week over he gets spun out by former PDA drivers and the PDA is no more the Union is busted Talladega is now the biggest best track on the NASCAR circuit raking in well over 100,000 attendees every single race day it is by all measures against all odds a success but still that's some shady [ __ ] to do busting up a union having drivers driving unsafe conditions changing the rules to allow cars that are not in any way cup rated to race at a much slower speed and then the timing and scoring controversy yeah this solidly takes its place as number two on this list so what could be worse than this what could take the number one slot well how about NASCAR penalizing the one mainstay of NASCAR racing the hallmark of NASCAR racing the classic bump and run number one the 1991 race at Sears Point okay last lap Davey Allison has ahead Ricky Rudd driving a Hendrick car right behind him hot on his trail they go into one of the turns and oh man Ricky Rudd spins out Davey Allison how could this have happened oh man Davey Allison's gonna be mad about that he's gonna get him at the next race but oh well Robins race and he dumped them that that happens every once in a while and Ricky Rudd comes across the last corner n gets black flagged what the hell in a move that has never been repeated before or since NASCAR penalizes Ricky Rudd with one lap for dumping Davey Allison now I have no doubt in my mind that this is largely because Davey Allison was the son of royalty he was a son of Bobby Allison he was arguably the next big rising star and had he not died in that helicopter crash in 1993 he probably would have been bigger than Jeff Gordon I mean how many wins would Davey Allison had stolen away from Jeff Gordon Jimmy Johnson whoever if he was still racing today but back in 1991 he was up against Ricky Rudd and Ricky Rudd either intentionally or unintentionally bumped him going into one of the turns and spun him out Davey Allison gathers the car back up ends up finishing second and then Ricky Rudd gets black flagged and becomes the race winner Ricky Rudd's crew is absolutely livid and of course this is the era of ESPN flag-to-flag live broadcast every race so they're capturing all of this I mean it's absolutely unconscionable that NASCAR would do this I mean look at this race Kyle Busch and Kyle Larson coming to the checkered at Bristol Kyle Busch basically puts a block on Larson runs him up into the wall no penalty here's Dale Earnhardt wrecking Terry Labonte in 1995 at Bristol Terry Labonte still comes up ahead but Dale Earnhardt doesn't get penalized in 1999 also at Bristol here's Dale Earnhardt finishing the job last lap spins out terry labonte doesn't even bump them out of the way just blatantly spins him out again no penalty here's Robby Gordon and Kurt Busch going in through the grass basically cutting the bus stop at Watkins Glen in half somehow Kurt Busch holds on to it but no penalty Kyle Busch and Dale Earnhardt jr. at Richmond Kyle Busch bends Dale Earnhardt jr. out no penalty why does NASCAR not penalize this cuz it's usually a self-policing problem if you spend somebody out who's ahead of you on the last lap well guess what they're gonna do the next time they're behind you they're gonna spin you out and they're gonna say hey he wants to race me that way I'll race him that way NASCAR has always treated this with a sort of boys have a tan attitude but not here in 1991 when their golden boy got booted by Ricky Rudd I have to agree with Ricky Rudd's crew chief that's the Dern distinct I've ever seen [Music]
Channel: S1apSh0es
Views: 1,461,305
Rating: 4.7721953 out of 5
Keywords: NASCAR, bad call, worst calls, officials, Talladega, Carl Edwards, officiating, Greg Biffle, yellow line rule, violations, Richard Petty, Davey Allison, top 10, top ten, list, MIAMAFV2, BestGuyEver, motorsports, racing, rules, stock cars, Robby Gordon
Id: DuewQlRbR1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 4sec (1924 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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