NASCAR Dale Earnhardt Sr. Property & D.E.I. Visit

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what's up guys dj wayne here i was that way at penske racing heading that way to roush fenway rfk racing and i drove by here and totally forgot what was here do you know what this is this is dei this is home of dale earnhardt senior they are closed they've been closed for quite some time but we are on the property doesn't look like there's really anybody here so we're just gonna take a walk around like dale senior's house is back that way that's the shop his house is back that way his grave is back that way dale jr used to live across the highway over there so let's go take a walk around and see what we can see and but like i said it's all closed up they haven't been open for quite some time but we'll walk around and then we'll make our way over to rfk racing dj wayne dj wayne adventures let's go exploring now i've been out here to dei back in the day when it was up and fully running and this in here this is the museum area you walk in there just like the other race shops that's where all the trophies and all the cars used to sit but it's not been open for quite a long time i came here one day and this whole area right here had old antique cars they had an antique car show going on they had them parked on both sides over here it was pretty cool but in the last few years it's been like a ghost town honestly let's go take a peek and see what we can see so as i figured the doors are locked there are some lights on and there's of course dale senior's car and some photos of dale so i figured we'd turn the camera on so you guys can kind of look not much to see down there for sure but we'll continue walking around see what we can see if we can see anything like i said if i can show you where his house was the grave is way back there but uh i'll show you around the property let's go so walking in between the two big buildings this is where they used to park some race cars like a winning car if they wanted darlington yesterday they'd bring it out here they'd put the winning car out here for display or they'd put a dell senior car out again hasn't seen any action in quite some time so dale seniors entrance to his property is just right down the road there and it goes back but here is where all the race car drivers the trucks and everything this is where they would pull back behind and a lot of people don't realize it but if you look on google maps and you google dei or dale senior's house it sits right about there behind those trees and he actually has a private driveway that goes from back here and parking area straight to his house so technically he didn't even ever have to come out onto the main road to get to work but there's a few cars here maybe security but not much not much is going on anymore here at dei but if you do want to try to get in call 704 662 892 think of a good lie to tell them and maybe they'll open the gate for you because here's the security check in and there's nobody here but if you do pull up google for dei you'll see all the property all of that was the earnhardt property dale jr used to live over there dale's sister lived over there at one point she may still live there dale's moved he's got his 200 acre ranch out in cleveland north carolina and his house is pretty neat he's got a ghost town there called dirty moe's and he's got a race car graveyard with about 30 different nascar cars just kind of parked throughout the woods if you get a chance you can google that and take a look at it maybe he'll let me go in and take a tour one day interesting enough dei is located on highway so i got back in the car to ride around the property a little bit came over here to the other side and it says earnhardt technologies group employees and customers only well i might be a customer you don't know they don't know so let's go take a look so i got back in the car and i decided i would come right around this other part that i've never really been to that reminds me of my first car now this one is a monte carlo my first car was a 1982 oldsmobile cutlass supreme boy i missed that car now i have this beautiful white mini minivan mazda 5. that's me but doesn't look like there's a whole lot to see right here earnhardt technologies this looks like the main entrance retail parts part pickup machine center powertrain and then this is the fitness center over here but again i don't know that they use any of it hardly for anything anymore maybe i'll have to do some research and this is the view just across the street from dei this was all earnhardt property i know dale jr used to live over back that way behind those trees i do believe dale sister lived over in this area it's a private drive up there so i don't want to get in trouble there but just a nice drive around earnhardt boulevard and right here on the left-hand side this is dale senior's property teresa still lives there to this day we'll pull up to the gate and take a look in i don't think i'll get shot like in the baby's house let's go take a look i stopped out here during the pandemic knowing everything was closed but i wanted to kind of walk around and teresa and some gentlemen were out here they were decorating looks like maybe they were getting ready for somebody's birthday or something but straight down there quite a good ways it's actually like i said behind dei is dale senior's house and then further over that way onto the farm is dale senior's grave like i said if you google it dei you can look at all this property you can see the house you can see the little area that his grave is is positioned at you don't really get a chance to go back in there but uh this is the home of dale senior there's another gate there towards the property let's go back this way and see where it says dead end but that's okay hopefully that wins not too bad for you all right adventurers we are still back here to the side of dale senior's property right over there you guys can see back there a little bit more i'm on this little gravel road and said dead end does not say private drive or do not enter so i'm gonna keep riding see what i can find but i know his grave is back there somewhere maybe i could walk up to the fence and take a look around and see if there's anything to see so that's all dale earnhardt i definitely made it to the dead end two houses back here on this little gravel road so i'm turned around heading back the way we came in from uh highway three north south whatever um but i was able to look through the woods and i could see the house so i'm gonna pull over in a little bit and take a walk through the greenery hope the snakes aren't out and about today and i don't get bit but uh we'll see if we can get a good view of dale senior's house now teresa earnhardt's house d-e-i memory of dale earnhardt senior hope you guys are enjoying these videos i appreciate it if you like our videos hit that subscribe button join me on these world wind adventures it's a beautiful day it's a little chilly but i'll take it let's go all right we found the dead end on the gravel road we turned around and just right back there is an opening where we can kind of see the house so we're gonna walk through this meadow hopefully there's no snakes out there and about and uh hopefully i don't get shot but let's go take a look see what we can find all right i made it safe and sound we are on the corner of daler and hart seniors property there's the home of the legendary dale earnhardt senior now i see a sign that says no trespassing so we are going to honor that and we are not going to go past this fence because i am not that guy i love adventure but i don't like jail but let's take a look around shall we because i know the grave is further back there but it's behind the wood so it's hard to see and i probably would not be able to see it here anyway but thought that was kind of cool just to be able to get a view of the house excuse me if you heard that another great view of the beautiful home don't look like anybody's home right now or if they are there inside enjoying life on the inside not outside it's a beautiful day but it is still chilly out interesting thing i can't see my car i know it's there i hope it's there well leave it to me i am going to go through the high grass here i found another opening over there i don't know if you guys can tell but the the grass here the it looks like wheat it goes up above my waist so it's pretty high up here that's why i'm a little nervous i don't want to find any snakes out here and i don't want to keep the camera rolling and then if i get bit i don't want it to be on camera so i don't want you to see that i know i'll get millions of likes and followers and views at that point if i get bit by a snake on camera but i don't want that to happen let's go take a look at the house all right well i made it over here you definitely got another view of the house from the top but you can see a little bit more of the property from here and it looks like at one point this might have been a a road that come right about here but there's a big tree right in the middle and of course this fence so not exactly sure what that's all about if this was ever a road but i wouldn't think so with a big old tree sitting right in the middle but there's some more of dale senior's property look at here a little one of them little playground spin around things makes you wonder what in the world used to be back here if he had a playground for the kids or something there's tracks here my car is way over there but this is what adventure is all about isn't it let's keep going but it looks like we've about come to the end of the line because i'm not going through the jungle we'll go right here we'll be happy with what we got and we'll call it a day at dale earnhardt seniors property [Music] yeah somebody's over there working i see him over there now let's see if i can clear the flint fence line and let you see them somebody's doing some kind of tractor work another view of the house of course and it looks like this road if i can get my camera in there it goes on down and back through there so that's probably on the way to the grave because the grave is pretty far back behind the house i know from looking at it on the maps and that might be where that heads to the back of the property all right guys i'm at the base of this tree and i'm walking around it thinking maybe right up there i'll go and hang a right and go straight out look what's beside the tree there's a house how cool is that again i'm walking holding the camera but i'm also watching the ground too because i don't want to find a snake talk about a completely covered and hidden house that's amazing that is so flipping cool right there there's gnats all the way around i wonder what the story is to this house maybe this is where those track marks were going maybe a truck came back here for something let's see if we can zoom in a little bit that's super cool super old and as long as i can continue walking back here we are here's the back deck not much of a backyard but a pretty awesome old house i never would have known was here if i hadn't just walked by the tree to admire its beauty continuing on the side of this old house that is completely covered completely hidden in all this greenery that might have been the old front door right there or side door it's definitely a wide opening spot see if we can zoom in and see anything i sure hope nobody comes out because they'll scare the bejesus out of me that's for sure but from this old tree in this whole house covered you can i mean it's right here on the property line of dale senior's house there's his house right over there so boy i'd sure like to know the story to this old house hey there's some horses over there i did not see the horses earlier i don't know if you guys can see them but they're right in front of that building over there in the pasture so there's a couple of horses still around i see two of them now two brown ones all right guys and girls made it back to the car headed back out to north carolina highway 3. leaving dale earnhardt's property again that's his fence line right there so maybe the grass i was walking through was actually dale senior's property i don't know but right up there is where dale jr used to live before he moved into his big old 200 acre property there's the gate on that side to get up there to it he used to have a little dirt track back there nothing quite as fancy as what he has now in his 200 acres but yeah when you would mail stuff to dale jr he had a room i believe i might be wrong but i think it was over there in that mobile home um that his sister would actually open all the packages up get everything laid out on tables and then dale jr would come out he'd just be in an autographed mood and he would just start signing stuff cars photos whatever you send him in and basically she would pack it up the next day and send it right back out to the fans that's what i like about nascar i am an autograph collector i love autographed memorabilia and nascar is the most fan friendly group of sports entertainers there are it really doesn't get much better than nascar that's why i like nascar so much this is dj wayne we are leaving dale earnhardt luckily for me as i've been walking over here in this high meadow and walking up the fence line i didn't see anybody or hear anybody drive by i was a little concerned that somebody seen my car just parked on the side of the road and gave me a hard time but so far so good but look at this high grass [Applause]
Channel: DJ Wayne Adventures
Views: 215,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lh46CiJdLzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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