The GODS of Solo Leveling EXPLAINED?!

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so solo leveling the hit anime sensation of the winter 2024 season it's a full vibrant well- lived in and Incredibly detailed universe and while the storytelling may not be on par with Hunter Hunter and the power system may not be on par with jiu-jitsu Kaizen the fights in art style are some of the best in the entire industry and thus with a setup like this a lot of people would believe that it's a fairly simple universe that the reason that solo leveling is popular is because the art style is incredible the manoa's colored and the fights are really cool not to mention that all the main characters are above 18 and very attractive which in 2024 is definitely going to win you points in my book but truly this Manoa or this web novel depending on how you're reading it couldn't have got as popular as it was with just cool fights cool art style and a couple of pretty faces and you're right soul leveling isn't just popular because the fights and art style are cool Soul leveling is popular because what begins as a relatively Simple Story evolves into a complex story about two ruling God classes trying to find a hero see because the idea of oh I was the weakest but now I'm the strongest has been done a million times Zero to Hero story is not only a tired Trope in anime but a tired Trope in kind of all media and therefore if you're doing a Zero to Hero story then you better differentiate yourself from the pack somewhere down along the line a no amount of cool fights and colorized Mona panels is going to differentiate you enough to accomplish that goal at least to the level that Soul leveling has accomplished so in this incredibly packed Trope of the Zero to Hero Story how did Soul leveling differentiate itself well as a story it built upward and outward well the story just start simply off as a story about Jin Wu Su the weakest hunter in all of mankind who slowly through a power system known simply as the system gains more and more strength until eventually he becomes one of the strongest Hunters on Earth where Soul leveling differentiated itself with his ability to say this is why Jin wuang was picked and why he needs to be stronger all well giving us one of the most satisfying plot twist payoffs in years as the reason that Jin Wu s was selected to be the hero of the system was revealed because even when solo leveling was just a story about Jin Wu s trying to solo level up in dungeons the seeds for a much more consequential plot line were seed even in the first couple of chapters and thus when we finally get to see those seeds grow into the beautiful trees that they are it makes Soul leveling not only one of the best stories in years but one of the best Zero to Hero Stories ever written what does that payoff come in the form of well like I already said that payoff comes when we find out why Jin wung was chosen to be the hero of the system and the answer to this question reveals to us the gods of the solo leveling Universe the rulers the monarchs and the Supreme Being two factions and their creator locked in an eternal struggle beings Beyond any comprehensible level of power that truly only the strongest Hunters could even hope to lay a finger on these Gods seek an end to their eternal struggle and the end of that struggle might just look like Jin wam but who are these Gods who created them what are they fighting over over and why do they choose Jin Wu s what are they capable of power-wise what do they have to do with the dungeons popping up all across the world and maybe more importantly than anything who's on what side well today we're going to be answering all those questions and more because today we're talking the gods of the solo leveling Universe explained but before we get to explaining anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell and if you love the idea of me talking about so leveling you're going to love my anime podcast who talk to Anonymous where me and Danny ma break down everything happened in anime this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and Apple podcasts or if you just want to look like a god of your own domain go ahead and Meander into my merch store talk is anonymous. net where you can pick up some of the greatest anime t-shirts sweatshirts and sticker packs known to man we just dropped new merch so the rulers and the monarchs two names that seem eerily similar to each other and meaning that is by Design because really when it boils down to it a ruler is a monarch and a monarch is a ruler which makes sense when you consider the fact that the rulers and the monarchs are meant to be two sides of the same coin with one side the rulers representing the lights and the other side the monarchs representing the dark now it feels important to note here that the monarchs don't show up until chapter 107 of the web tune while the rulers don't show up until chapter 123 so technically what we're waiting into is spoiler adjacent territory as we are talking about essentially the primary antagonists and primary protagonist of the entire story now I'm going to be talking about them in a somewhat roundabout way as to not spoil what happens to the story for you but we will essentially be doing a history rundown on who the rulers the monarchs and the Supreme Being are how they all got into the situations that got into prior to the beginning of Soul leveling so while technically no plot points within the confines of Jin Wu's life are going to be spoiled you are going to figure out how he and Earth get into the situation that they're in through the median of the relationship between the rulers and the monarchs so like a general spoiler warning but really nothing all that serious it's kind of like explaining to you that the events of Naruto happened because Naruto and Sasuke are reincarnations of Indra and ashra not telling you who wins just telling you why the gears are turning so now that we have our warning out of the way let's get started and let's start this video off in the way that we tend to start these kinds of videos off by answering the easy questions so who are our Gods at play here well within the soul leveling Universe there was one God and that one God is known as the absolute being a being of infinite power who could create life in inorganic matter from nothing every Universe every Earth every Sun every living being has been created by the absolute being however as the absolute being is basically all powerful it was incredibly self-centered and cruel caring very little for the things that it created because it could always create more and thus everything that the absolute being created it created to keep itself entertained but for a being of infinite power it was also incredibly shortsighted because while the absolute being loved to create Waring factions of living beings and then watch them squabble for eternity and never once consider that those beings that it created and launched into a Perpetual cycle of violence would ever Point their Spears at it I'm assuming by now that Cody has used B rooll of the Supreme Being so you know what it looks like and a lot of you are probably thinking wow he looks a lot like the stone stat statue that Jin Wu just met in the double dungeon and while yes they do look nearly identical no that stone statue is not the absolute being but yes that stone statue is based off the absolute being but Nick how do you know that that stone statue isn't the absolute being well because the absolute being is dead yes that's right ladies and gentlemen God is dead because one day the creations of the great Creator eventually realized that their creator didn't care about them and so they decided to work together in order to kill their cruel Creator but how did these creations be a being of infinite power well we're not entirely sure see because well yes the absolute being did have the ability to create any that they wanted to from nothing even things with otherworldly powers like the cup of reincarnation which allows for the wielder to travel through time it appears as though the it appears as though the absolute being wasn't able to use that Limitless power for combat and thus the absolute being was killed but by who well in order to answer that question we have to step back a few steps and by a few steps I mean we have to go back to the the literal dawn of time when supposedly all that existed were the absolute being light and darkness and the absolute being presumably being born of there being nothing in existence decided to take the light and turn it into the rulers and take the dark and turn it into the monarchs however in order to make sure that These two factions never turned against him and also to keep himself entertained he also created Earth and humans and told the monarchs to destroy humans while telling the rulers to defend them and thus the core tenants of both the rulers and the monarchs were sealed into their brains with the ruler's only purpose being the salvation of humans and the Monarch's only purpose being their destruction however with both of these factions having very different opinions on some key matters eventually an absolutely devastating War breaks out and this war drags on for quite literally almost an infinite amount of time I mean so leveling takes place in the modern day the rulers and the monarchs were created at the beginning of time as long as time or humans in the soul leveling Universe have existed the rulers and the monarchs have fought over them we don't really know how long humans have existed in the soul leveling Universe however eventually the concept of endless and Perpetual War got really old to the rulers the good guys at least the good guys if you're a human and so the rulers decided to go to the absolute being and ask for additional power that they could use to Smite the monarchs and bring an end to this endless war however instead of giving the rulers the power to destroy the monarchs or even responding the absolute being simply cut off all communication and it's at this point that the rulers realized oh the absolute being doesn't care about us or the monarchs or any of its creations and it only created us so that it's not bored in its infinite power kind of like casting directors ruining people's lives for reality television however unlike reality television or I guess maybe like some reality television that I haven't seen the rulers or the people on the TV show realized that they were being used so what did they do did they decide to team up with the monarchs well not quite see upon the rulers figuring out that this war would never end seven out of eight of them decided it's time to kill God but why only seven out of eight of them well because the strongest out of all of the rulers decided that they shouldn't rebel against the absolute being and thus ashborn stayed loyal to a God who didn't really care whether or not he died however that didn't stop ashborne from trying to stop the other seven rulers who rather easily beat ashborne because it was seven onone and while ashborne is the strongest out of all the rulers they are all gods thus after being left defeated by his seven other Brethren ashborne was left for dead however ashborne was able to avoid death specifically by switching sides to the monarchs and thus ashborne went from the strongest ruler to the shadow Monarch remaining seven rulers would then go on to kill the absolute being and take over as the new gods of the universe and thus now that they were the New Gods of the universe they had access to all the tools that the absolute being created like the cup of reincarnation that I mentioned earlier that allowed the rulers to travel through time and as the new gods of the universe wielding tools of the god of the universe the original one that is the rulers now had a leg up on the monarch s which became even more apparent when they were able to catch one of the monarchs alive however just because ashborne had gone from a ruler to the shadow Monarch did not mean he was fighting side by side with the monarchs and thus when the rulers were able to catch one of the monarchs alive and truly tip the scales in the ruler's favor ashborne reached out to the monarchs and said that he would switch sides to fight for the monarchs to remake it an even fight and thus reluctantly the monarchs took on ashborne as an ally and thus the Power Balance between the monarchs and the rulers was once again reestablished and thus the Eternal war was back on however because ashborne had become so much more powerful as the shadow Monarch There Was Fear about ashborne on both sides those being the rulers and the monarchs as they beli that Ash born's allegiances had enough power to sway the tides of this endless war in either direction that is to say that whoever ashborne was fighting for was probably going to end up winning and thus two monarchs tried to kill ashborne which seems really stupid when he consider the fact that ashborne was fighting for the monarchs but the monarchs are just kind of evil and didn't want ashborne to go back to the to the rulers and thus before ashborne could betray them they betrayed him and while ashborne does survive this betrayal his shadow Army doesn't now you're probably asking Mick what's a shadow Army great question so technically ashborne as the shadow Monarch became the literal king of death so ashborne is kind of a necromancer but at the highest possible level so in this incredibly high level battle between ashborne and two monarchs the entirety of his shadow Army is pretty much decimated which makes ashborne like super duper upset so ashborne decides to go into hiding to revive his shadow Army because he needs his shadow Army to get revenge on the monarchs that attacked him however because ashborne is now gone from the monarchs the monarchs are substantially weaker and the rulers are able to win the war now mind you after ashbourne's battle against the two monarchs the rulers descended down to ashborne and asked for his forgiveness because if you remember all of this kicked off with the rulers basically almost killing ashborne for not wanting to kill their creator but ashborne gets so overwhelmed that his brothers have come back to him pleading for his forgiveness he doesn't know how to answer them and therefore decides to leave the monarchs to rebild build a Shadow Army which allows for the rulers to win the war however the rulers don't kill all of the monarchs and the majority of the monarchs are able to escape between the cracks of the worlds but ashborne ain't done with the monarchs yet because sometime after this after all the monarchs have scattered to different dimensions ashborne goes up to anaris who is the strongest out of all the monarchs and asks to rejoin the monarchs in order to bolster their numbers and onari allows ashborne to rejoin the monarchs and many centuries after this after the monarchs have reclaimed some of their previous strength they try to use that reclaimed strength to destroy humanity and the rulers try to stop them from destroying Humanity however they're not successful yes that's right humanity is destroyed however fortunately the rulers as the new gods of the universe still have tools created by the absolute be and one of them is that cup of reincarnation we were talking about and thus the rulers use the cup of reincarnation to turn back time 10 years however every single time the rulers turned back time to save the humans the humans were still destroyed by the monarchs and this process happened over and over and over again and while the cup of reincarnation was made by the absolute being its power was finite and therefore time can only be rewound so many times and because of this 10 years before the main storyline the rulers in a last ditch effort to make sure that Humanity would survive the onslaught of attacks from the monarchs exposed mankind to the existence of gates and magical beasts to saturate Earth with Mana in that way Humanity would be able to stand the grueling war against the monarchs on top of this every single one of the seven rulers bestowed their abilities on to one human vessel making the seven strongest Hunters on Earth however because the rulers weren't sure as to what side ashborne would fight for they tasked one of their vessels with the killing of the new Shadow Monarch as they believed that ashborne like themselves would find a human vessel in which to give his powers to and they were right as ashborne possibly out of a desire to find his own place in the universe followed the monarchs on their quest to destroy Humanity however instead of reveling in the destruction of humanity ashborn was looking for a way to find a human vessel a human vessel who would finally once and for all be able to end the endless war between the rulers and the monarchs a something that ashborne had tried to do however ashborne was made specifically by the absolute being as a contingency plan for the absolute being if his own Creations rebelled against him as ashborne was not only made to be more loyal than the rest of his Creations but also more powerful and the ability to evolve into that of the Shadow Monarch is the ability that the absolute being bestowed upon ashborne which gave ashborne access to tons of shadow-based abilities like Shadow extraction that allowed ashborne to pull Shadows from defeated enemies and turn them into followers in his shadow Army and thus anybody who ashborne ever killed or anybody who simply died around him could be turned into a clone and added to an ever expanding Shadow Army ashborne also had access to things like Shadow exchange that allowed him to teleport himself massive distances instantaneously on top of this he also had access to things like Monarch's domain that allowed him to buff the strength of all of his Shadows by 50% within a certain Radia not to mention as a monarch or as a ruler ashborn and all of the rulers and monarchs have access to something known as ruler Authority that essentially gives them the ability to move things telekinetically and all of these abilities would be passed onto ashbourne's next vessel however in order for somebody to receive the power of ashborn they would need to be incredibly powerful they would also need to be a human incredibly familiar with death as ashborne is the king of death and therefore only a human who's come close to death dozens of times and persevered every single time could ever be good enough to receive ashbourne's Powers but also the person who receives ashbourne's Powers will become a target for both the rulers and monarchs alike and thus in order to receive Ash born's powers for any meaningful amount of time the human selected needed to be insanely powerful thus the system was created a second Awakening with infinite potential a way to allow the chosen individual to con ly power up to the point where there would be no Hunters who could stand against them and at that point in that point Only Could That Hunter become the vessel of ashborne who knows who I'm talking about and even if I was talking about somebody you knew we got a long while until we get there and don't worry we have a lot more content revolving around the rulers and the monarchs plans but probably sometime off in the distant future I mean somebody's got to rank and explain all of them right but now you know everything that you need to know about the inner workings of the grander universe of solo level and now you can fully understand why this story that might seem relatively Bland and straightforward and borderline formulaic is viewed by so many to be a genuine Masterpiece but what do you guys think about this twist in the reveal of two Waring God factions tell me in the comments below while you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell oh Nick you spoiled the entire purpose of Soo leveling and now I know what the ending is no you don't okay understand mechanics a little better [Music] [Music] now
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 729,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga
Id: vNgvNj82-CE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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