Naruto Uzumaki VS Hashirama Senju

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[Music] hello everyone it's your house set the program with me today I have my good friend swag car gay and we are going to be actually talking about a surprisingly heavily suggested topic I don't know if you get this I look in my comments ever I've gotten a few tweets asking me to do a fight like this but I just can't like rub it off because I was like I I thought the answer to this was obvious I actually like on my discord I got asked this a lot in another battle which will be later this week from your channel and on Twitter and in the YouTube comments is that surprisingly a lot of people wanted Naruto like I'm assuming Hokage vs. Hoshi Rama because it's like there's a lot of you know links they're obviously both reincarnations of Ashura or Asura and they're both considered the most powerful Hokage so a lot of people may be more casual debating fans are like who would win who is the more powerful that so how about let's let's talk about it let's talk about Hoshi Ronald first what's your opinion on Hoshi rum I mean Hoshi Rama is a pretty tough guy you know [ __ ] he audition obits yeah he's stated to be the god of shinobi although he's not the only person to have that title so like a true training so yeah here isn't the god of shinobi and like moderately power both like the second sage of six paths moon I think it's just like I'm the strongest of my arrow title yeah kind of thing exactly so and I mean as a Hokage it's pretty difficult not to be the strongest of your era unless you're - not a no so so um I know how much I suck mother off by munching on a ride you're dangerous sense does the same thing so the fact that hoshi rama was able to just kind of fondle modders ball sack with like no problems at all for a really long time like hoshi rama kick mater is asked for his entire life so he's definitely pretty powerful um you know like he was able to go toe-to-toe with the majestic attire Susanoo QB like the whole nine tails and he was able to do it with with pretty relative I know that battle that they had ended almost in a stalemate moderate almost won but like Hoshi Rommel would clone [ __ ] him and um like stabbed him in the back and then just kind of left him there so it was kind of like an even battle him and EMS moderate as that's not to mention some of his other feats like the UH the fact that he tamed all of the tailed beasts and not with the wearing gone or any of that [ __ ] but just because he was so strong but he kept all the tailed beasts as pets it like yeah jesus [ __ ] christ right and then like you were just saying he gave him away to the other villages but you know I know anything I heard I know everybody knew that the leaf was about it when he was like but we're keeping the QB just but it gave away shukaku matatabi easter boo all of the other tailed beasts no problem he didn't give a [ __ ] because he was just that strong it was [ __ ] crazy and he's got like these mountain sized wooden hands and [ __ ] like that um you know he was able to go toe-to-toe with moderate with the would release buffs like all of that send you DNA [ __ ] um in the Rinnegan ya know the ems all of that crazy [ __ ] that know that he gained access to right before he died and that kabuto helps to buff through the no.10 say so I mean like he's really strong he doesn't have a whole lot of feets outside of his fights with moderate oh because he didn't really do much against Obito or the ten tails he kind of showed up and did a couple things but then moderate just sort of dragged him into a fight and then we didn't really get to see much else so yeah I mean he's really strong he's just kind of I won't say feat las' but he doesn't have screen alone yeah he's off screen a lot and a lot of his feats I mean they speak for themselves you know you don't really have a whole lot to go into so you know what are your thoughts on hush room before Bullock it's just like imagine moderate this guy who's just so powerful he can [ __ ] just one shot all the five cog a with the [ __ ] auto and then just up and literate platoon shinobi which can include like cog a and then here comes [ __ ] Rama not just taking on moderate with a full nine tails and and moderate the same being who's just with a single shockwave of the sword obliterating mountain ranges and Hoshi Rama's just [ __ ] 1000 Buddha fists him in the [ __ ] and just destroy oh no yeah I know yeah he's like carrying the Susanoo off the ninetails and [ __ ] it's [ __ ] wild the only limits we've ever really heard of Honshu rama and like even like you said before before we started it like he was so powerful like he didn't even need to do the release to the eddo Tensei he just blessed and it was off exactly you only limit we've ever seen him have is that he stated Obito in his 10 tail state was stronger than him that's only time we ever seen this is the ten tails all the tailed beasts combined and obito with the rena gone and you know macaque your Sharingan Obito being a cog a little fighter you have myself so i absolutely obito's [ __ ] crazy like i don't think enough people i don't think a lot of people give him enough credit right like it's not like via the ten tails on its own was enough to propel i'll be told that hi and we should also keep in mind that um be 10 tails wasn't a like complete form of the gentiles it only had the kinkaku and ginkaku like tiny portion of the nine tails chakra and one of Yuki's tails so it was um it was cremation weaker gave it yeah it was substantially weaker because it didn't have either half of the nine tails or any of that and also Obito is again like really strong on his own you know like he was capable of controlling six [ __ ] tailed beasts at once with the rig on like no problem but so like he didn't have any problem keeping them under control until Naruto and bee started extracting the rods you know he was able to go head-to-head with KCM Naruto and we um eggs like Kasey I'm Naruto like out spread the right cog a and then you add in Kakashi who's able to counter his uh his comely and guy who's a type jutsu God and obito was taking on all of them so you know enough oh ya know probably would have won if it wasn't for cut like began we [ __ ] yeah I guess our come on and I know it might seem like I'm going off on a tangent but it is important establishing Obito's strength here um to a gauge like how strong Kashi Rama is in comparison to him um because like again the ten tails was incomplete right hands do Beto was you know still stronger than him and like a way he didn't have the God tree he didn't have to rent agon he didn't have the um you know the other third Rennie Sharingan eye any of that so keep that in mind while the UH and he also he also obliterated B's you minute oh yeah that's true he record you mean a toe and tobirama and hiruzen with like no mojo so ever doubt that Hoshi Rama would have fared much better yeah so so I mean like you know again it's important to give Obito credit and be like you know it wasn't all just the ten tails but at the same time he's not moderate level he's nobody strongest moderate that's the one thing that I really wanted to get out of the way I don't want to sound like I'm downplaying Obito but he's not moderate level so again keep that in mind while we segue into Naruto who unlike Hoshi Rama is not lacking in feats because he's the main character he's all annoying yeah so uh you can go ahead and give some feats the Naruto has you have that some or we're going to go over six paths uh whatnot we can just go like progressively just to give an idea of because like we can scale sixpence Naruto from uh like previous Naruto like [ __ ] the sage mode Naruto bass sage mode Naruto was able to beat the Third Reich ah gay yeah as a shadow clone one of thousands of shadow clones just that okay right bodied him [ __ ] yeah I know I was like I was gonna say like the right cog a did get weakened by editors but no one of Naruto's like put jillion shadow clones and the Third Reich hogging who was eight tails level yet levels wombo combo by one shadow clone out of an army that he spent in Brier fourth division had no [ __ ] idea what about this guy yep a sage mode Naruto was you know taking out the Third Reich a guy who people compared I see a lot of people compare the Third Reich ah gay to the UH to the Hokage like he's the only one I see people say could take on the Hokage and I give it they're coming from he's not Hasharon the level but the fact that base sage Dodd's i was able to take him on is pretty crazy also took out a tailed beast of the kid you know getting [ __ ] 1v1 with barely any QB amp so there's that Takahashi Rama and survived he fought Naruto and did not now I know I'm kind of you know cooking around with that because kakuzu had lost three of his hearts before he fought nards needed you but he still didn't survive and a fight with Naruto that's the important thing here's another thing with Naruto you need to remember everyone thinks you know Madara is so impressive for being on the same level of power as the nine tails or you know hoshi rama is really impressive because you can drain bisous chakra and restrain them and easily defeat them and then with the one rasen shuriken gnar - literally like anal [ __ ] the nine tails like in one attack like yeah I know he like brush and with Rick we're saying gods but that didn't even really hurt him it was like one rasen shuriken literally like made him start yeah a lot of shuriken like it it's an s-class forbidden jutsu like Tsunade is a medical min so she knows what she's talking about what this sort of [ __ ] and she was like yeah Kakashi tell Naruto he better never [ __ ] you that good / skin it's potent ELISA said it's really strong and then and he like he can like do it casually I was like the [ __ ] mini Robson shuriken is a cm one and [ __ ] and what I was going to say is I actually think that if we're talking about like Edo hashirama or even a live hashirama a much more fair fight is KCM to Sage Mode Naruto because I read you know let's just stop [ __ ] beating around the bush adults are otoshi I'm like like the reason I was talking about Obito earlier is because it jus Beto is stronger than hashirama went again ojitos really strong he's no joke but he's not moderate level and Naruto [ __ ] like just one shot it would be a verb or adjective I have for what he did to sage of six paths like Juby jinchuriki Madara he didn't have the God tree he didn't have both of his Rinnegan none of that but neither did all we tow and I mean people are gonna be like oh well I mean all we told did have among gecko showing and he couldn't use it Honolulu's [ __ ] worthless because he couldn't pass through dimensions with the GOP in him so yes Naruto with you wouldn't even in like the full six pad Sage Mode he was just in like like the entry level to it cuz they didn't have the cloak he didn't have the truth-seeking orbs he just like just [ __ ] slacks moderate just hitting with his mushroom tip with just yeah one Robson shuriken you know like it was really bad moderate was like what the [ __ ] is going on here that guy being the same skill level atashi Rama get stronger than Hoshi Rama by a million times oh yeah you know the same model that blinded no DIF Tashi Rama Wow and agent imma [ __ ] ten tails like you want and then the Oracle one he awesome ten tails no less because he had the eight tails I didn't he then you take the eight tails out of beat and yeah I wasn't yet a complete form I don't know if you watch the eight tails out of beat but I know he took the nine tails out of Naruto yeah yeah I'm more complete one umm so yeah without a doubt he had a more complete one even if he only took that one half of the nine tails out of Naruto that's still a lot of chakra because that nine tails was admittedly with like a boost from Naruto able to deflect the Bijoux bombs of five tailed beasts to ones yeah I wasn't saying it seems so that's actually really all you need to save Barnardo's just that he could clone himself like five thousand times where the time is an adult and these clones are basically that's all we might maybe we would release because you're Hasharon the DNA in place in my hand so you need the shadow clones they're not like dividing his his power like a lot of people claim it's more like a linker summoning of himself yeah exactly he doesn't have to make himself weaker anymore Youth shadow clones and I just the fact that he was able to go toe-to-toe with Obito and six tailed beasts after creating a bunch of shadow clones who in turn also created a bunch of shadow clones like that [ __ ] shadow clone tsunami that just likes charged into the award forest emergence like holy [ __ ] that was the most dick Ulis thing ever he made like 2,000 clones all in case ain't gone at once yeah no no I'm talking about like when he used it against moderate and moderate oh yeah force emerges yet a wholly-owned used like a billion shadow clone and just all ram into the forest thank God I'd sell he forcefully stopped it this isn't like a big shadow clones with shadow clones like exact bug head so he definitely got hoshi rama tears of chakra I'm gonna be honest with you guys one shadow clone of Naruto not even using six paths would probably body Hoshi Rama like yeah it's pretty bad Hoshi ROM is pretty tough why would I call gay that dude let's be honest like I mean like again I think Casey and to Naruto with sage mother vs. Hoshi Rama is a much more fair fight but like like and then as maybe yeah I think I think even that Naruto would probably be Hoshi Rama like yeah but he's totally honest because like let's let's look at the facts here right Hoshi Rama was able to pretty comfortably take on via Susanoo cloaked nine tails that moderate control him right yeah act like it was no problem for him you know after he did it he was still able to kill madra but then you know fast forward to him saying he can't take out Juba toe he's weaker than Juba toe and then here comes Naruto and Sasuke who and Sasuke doesn't have a perfect Susanoo so obviously he's not stronger than moderate so Naruto is making up the difference here and Naruto and Sasuke together with like just the same Susanoo QB [ __ ] I hate how jus beat oh they beat him with it so I mean that's pretty [ __ ] this are very impossible argue against I think KCM to Sage Mode Naruto is stronger than Hoshi Rama yep I the only way I see Hoshi Rama beating the sage sage QB Naruto as a teenager in that in the last he would absolutely [ __ ] on him I mean that in our top age well and yeah keep going that Naruto the [ __ ] attack that like casually split the moon in half men toneri with dead-ass gonna like try to life wipe earth it's just like that that's just totally different ballpark like not Rama's not going there shadow consoles but anyway teenage naruto the only way i see ha sure amma actually reading him is by absorbing his BG chakra kind of like sasuke did um yeah that's the only way i see him winning because otherwise Naruto just has 5,000 club I don't know if she's actually capable of absorbing chakra or if it's just suppression I think he only suppresses it because if he was a capable of absorbing chakra yamato would have been able to do the same thing in yamato certainly couldn't do that that's actually true he'd like when we saw him fight modder all he did was put the QB to sleep to be a look even though they just patted him on the [ __ ] forehead it was out and I don't think he's doing that to Naruto just doesn't again and also just has so many struggles you could do I don't know if this is like a like a mutual thing like there and like symbiosis but if a tailed beast can like snap its host out of a genjutsu then I'm pretty certain that a host can like wake up its tailed beast from say I mean I know it's not even like she summons the actual QB he just uses its chakra to manifest an avatar that's like capables yeah it is that's his thing I don't think Hoshi Rama can put Naruto's [ __ ] chakra to sleep and I do think that Naruto would have to deliver a lot of punishment on the hoshi rama though because the Falmouth hashirama even if gnar to hit him with like a rasen shuriken is that hoshi Rama regenerates yeah how he'll crazy regeneration that's the reason why and I talked able to regenerate from like the but [ __ ] he got from a guy because um like if not for that some that Center DNA that he had that sped up like healing and [ __ ] he wouldn't have been able to regenerate but it was like um he had that and then he had the ten tails William like accelerated it even further that gave him regeneration so high she Rama has that but like downplayed a little bit and it is going to be difficult for an hour or so to fight against because as Mark as moderate has said before you know and he really hikes this up he's like this dude could heal without weaving hand signs what the [ __ ] you do Tsunade so yeah I mean it's it's pretty he has like constant region on but I mean like it's been made very evident that the ninetails speeds up the healing process for Naruto as well and eventually when I retreated yeah exactly so Naruto has something similar and I mean he also has like a you know D he just has a bunch of [ __ ] and when you give him like the speed amp from KCM combined with the speed amp from Sage Mode and the strength amp from Sage Mode [ __ ] combined with the strength amp from KCM I mean like it's really [ __ ] catered my Naruto outspread to the fourth right cog a sage mode Naruto took out the Third Reich ah Gaede I like it that was a shadow clone to keep in mind it's like you you give him a more powerful KCM and then you slap sage mode on top of it like so - it's like some Super Saiyan blue 3 kaio-ken times 100 nonsense news so not [ __ ] fair so clearly bu sage mode is more of a rival to hoshi rama possibly superior or an inferior depending on how you argue it well i know again the the [ __ ] the fact that he and sasuke took out Obito and sasuke who couldn't use perfect Susanoo and is definitely weaker than Rinnegan would release moderate uh yeah that's true like he's not making up for the difference i mean like it's not like if naruto is weaker than hashirama than sasuke would have had to be stronger right to make it up but it's no it's the other way around sasuke was without a doubt severely weaker than moderate as shown in are so angry and shown by the fact that moderate just sorted him like just ordered a phantom ii no problems whatsoever he was dodging all the soft gaze attacks with ease and the only reason he killed naruto is because the ghetto Mazo ripped the nine tails out of him that's true that moderate would have been able to take naruto out in a 1v1 and then okay so those of you aren't sold even though we kind of proven that yeah i mean i you're not sold you're kind of helpless but but uh but for i just want to establish here six pads for those of you don't realize is that Naruto took on kaga who's already stronger than the ten tails with the MTL is absorbed with moderate absorbed and with so much chakra that she could obliterate a Star Plus Size dimension versus you know hoshi rama who's maybe continental plus getting [ __ ] and you highly me if you highly wankin versus the lincoln mercy a planetary beings yeah it's just horribly star level it's just completely illogical to think gosh you're almost stronger I know most of you asked this question we're just more so curious not really trying to argue it so I hope that got that answer your question guys hope you enjoyed be sure to subscribe to swag cog a and me absolutely and be sure to check out our collabs can be on this channel it's going to be Minato versus Itachi that should be a head battle so yeah it was gonna be great anyways till next time yeah [Applause] [Music]
Channel: SethTheProgrammer
Views: 2,436,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seththeprogrammer, seth the programmer, swagkage, naruto shippuden, naruto shippuden explained, dragon ball super power scale, itachi vs pain, naruto vs hashirama, itachi vs madara, rinnegan explained, rasengan explained, susanoo explained, naruto vs boruto, six paths naruto, naruto vs madara, dragon ball super power levels, how strong is hashirama, naruto explained, sage mode explained, analysis, naruto vs dragon ball, madara vs hashirama, how strong is naruto, hokage naruto
Id: MRv2XL1K35s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2017
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