Naruto Villains Tier List

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hey how's it going everybody so I feel like I'm really late on making one of these tier list videos they must have seen a couple hundred of them floating around the site already but I don't really care I really wanted to make one so I went on tier maker made my own template and here we are as you can tell we're gonna be talking about Naruto's various villains and quick disclaimer I'm not gonna be ranking them based on power but instead on how much I like them not how much I like them like personally like as a human being but how good I think they are as characters we're gonna be going in chronological order starting from Mizuki all the way up to Momo cheeky no burrito exclusive villains I know mo mashiki Kinski and shin are sort of Bordeaux villains but shin was in the last ten chapters of the Naruto manga and these two fellas right here were in boruto naruto the movie so i think they can have a pass as well now before I go any further I want to give a quick shout out to today's sponsor Squarespace if you watch youtube videos with any amount of frequency you probably know who they are already they're the people that let you make your own website they're super supportive of creators like me so I'd recommend checking them out if for no reason other than that but anyway I'll talk more about them after we have this whole list put together so yeah without any further ado let's just go ahead and get started so um Mizuki's not like great but he certainly isn't awful III don't know if I feel comfortable putting him as high as C but I mean I I don't think he's bad so I want to put him in Dean certainly not F he's he's just like okay now I don't really know why I included the demon brothers but they're there all right as well III definitely don't know why I put them like separately yeah like it's not like I'm gonna brink one higher than the other or whatever but gate o is either at the or an F it's because you know you'd expect this like all-powerful crime boss to have more of a presence than he did but you know like we just see him a couple times sitting around in his office and then he dies at the end of the land of waves Ark and there are no repercussions for that you know nobody comes after Team 7 for playing a role in gay toes death he just dies and that's the end of him no hablas ah and Haku are both probably eight here there they're pretty good I might come back to it later but for now I'm just gonna I'm gonna leave them up here um these fellas are they're kind of lean um they were basically like filler characters and they were just henchman for Orochimaru so I don't know maybe maybe I shouldn't have expected very much from them maybe they can go on like C or D but like soak in especially is just like discount Thai you you write like her whole thing is that she uses a musical instrument to perform genjutsu on people and Thai Yuya does the same thing except it's way cooler and then Zack who's just like again like blast people with sound waves or whatever and I guess that's kind of cool but those who can also sort of do the same thing but you know though she actually has a neat personality so speaking of him I think he is at least be maybe a now I'm granted I know a lot of people are gonna be like why are you putting those who this high dude and you know I know he doesn't like he doesn't have a major impact on the series at all right so this might be a bit generous but I think he's super underrated so yeah for now I'm gonna leave him an AI might come come back and change a few of these later on but I'm pretty happy with with this right now now this guy oof you know I almost feel bad putting these two in the same tiers Oboro and I'm about to explain why so Oh bro sucks not because he is a character is bad but because he brings the the Chunin exams or the forest of death portion of the Chunin exams to a grinding halt like his fight with team seven is so boring it's worse than Sakura versus Ino to be honest and since I don't really remember much about him aside from the fact that he participated in like the lamest fight ever he's he's getting stuck in effed here and I'm I don't feel even a little bit bad about it now Gaara um so as a character I think Gaara is a swarthy but as a villain I don't know if I put him that high his whole unhinged psycho thing is neat and I mean there there are a lot of characters not just in art of and in fiction in general who have a similar thing going on but I feel like gaara's whole shtick was was pretty distinct and I I think he was also a pretty great foil to Naruto so I might put him in s but for right now I'm gonna stick him in a I might move him up a little bit but as a villain I I don't know if he was like revolutionary enough for me to stick him all the way here but I don't know he's at least an a he's definitely not beat Cobbett oh I'm fine with putting a B I know I put him in like my five least favorite characters ever video but my opinions have changed since then that's a few years old now actually I'm pretty sure and I mean cop was annoying right but he does his job as a bad guy well enough so yeah you know I'm fine with putting him in B he's certainly better than these fellas but I don't think he's as good as any of these guys up here now Orochimaru easy peasy lemon squeezy str one of the best villains in the series without question he he he had this sort of presence in part one that hasn't really been replicated since then with Naruto being as shown in like it is you know typically you you introduce one bad guy and then you just like move on to the next one in the next arc and then you keep doing the same thing but Orochimaru stuck around for a really long time and granted this wouldn't be a good thing if he was bad or if he wasn't interesting but orochimaru's great just vile despicable he's super powerful really threatening he has an understandable solid motivation and it's one that brings him into like direct conflict with our main characters like everyone every single one of the protagonists has a reason to not want Orochimaru to take Sasuke's body Itachi um so I don't know if Itachi's and STR villain he's definitely an S tier character but like as a villain he was just like haha I'm evil I killed our whole family lol but it's hard to deny that he was a great driving force for Sasuke as a character like like Itachi and Orochimaru are solely responsible for Sasuke's descent into a bad guy territory and even when he was just this like heartless bad guy he's just really really cool I think what I'm gonna do I don't know if he's an S tier bad yet like he I really want to say he is but just in case um I'm gonna go ahead and make another another row here make it s- and stick Itachi in it I might change my mind and move him up but I'm probably gonna need s minus here later so uh he can chill out in here for a little while Kisame is without a doubt eight here now I feel like people would like him more if he wasn't constantly living in Itachi shadow because I mean like he does have have the problem of being paired up with one of the most interesting characters in the show now he doesn't have a substantial effect on really any of the main characters like Naruto barely interacts with him Sasuke barely interacts with him but I don't think that it would be fair to shove him in me tier so yeah hey seems like a fine place for him to go a double F worst member of the sound for ki tomorrow is probably like a sea maybe a pea I thought he was really cool but I don't know if I thought he was like that cool so hmm yeah I guess P is fine um sack on zabi but hi Yuya is absolutely the coolest member of the sound for all of her flute jutsu were [ __ ] awesome her fight with Shikamaru was incredible she has three of the coolest summons ever like those things look [ __ ] freaky dude and her genjutsu is awesome too I think it might be the coolest genjutsu in the show next to maybe tsukuyomi now this goes beyond me thinking that her abilities are cool I thought that she was an interesting character too now maybe that's not enough to warrant sticking her in a but I really really liked how you use and I like her more than these guys and I don't want to shove these guys down and see because I like them more than these guys so I think I'm pretty comfortable with this kimimaro is also probably an a maybe it'd be the so the the reason I might consider him a beef here is because his backstory is like identical to jaquez but his bone kekkei genkai was just like undisputably a unique power and he was also just a pretty chill dude I might move him down I I feel like I have a lot of adjusting to do but for now I think that this is fine that's who was okay he was just this this cool little guy just lurking in the shadows like the Akatsuki is recon man and I mean like he wasn't bad I wouldn't put him down here but um he wasn't great so yeah he can he can stay these guys alright I guess I can't really tell you much about him I know this guy could like turn invisible order I don't even know why I put him on the list to be honest they're not really relevant at all but I don't hate them like I hate these guys but I think that the there well maybe there see I I wouldn't call them below average I don't know I'll come back to him later dater is probably just see like I like him well enough but mmm maybe he's beep here yeah he's not see because I mean like I value uniqueness in characters quite a bit I guess and his personality is like you can't argue that he doesn't stand out from a lot of from a lot of the other people here like there's nobody in this whole list that's really like they Tura in terms of abilities or in terms of characters so yeah but he seems like a fair place to put him now I'm being a bit biased here I kind of want to put Saucer E&S - just cuz I think he's really [ __ ] cool but I know a lot of people be like he doesn't really do anything losers took root you look I I did I mean I don't know um not [ __ ] sosser he's just really really cool do I have to explain myself to you guys [ __ ] you um Obito is Toby he was funny so yeah he can he can go and be he dawn also pretty unique I mean he's definitely above sea but I don't think he's 8 here I know a lot of people really like him I saw a couple people put him in s tier I don't think he's that good I don't even think he's like a tier but he's he's alright kakuzu I kind of want to put in a because he's cool but you know I don't know I don't like him that much so Coenen was eight here I think same deal is with kisame people would like her more if she didn't exist in the shadow of one of the most interesting characters in the whole series but yes she just didn't have enough screen time to really flesh herself out to give her a unique identity so I like her and I appreciate what the what kitc Emoto was trying to do with her but I mean she's just there's not enough there for me to put her higher but I like her enough to put her innate here now pain is an easy s tier pick I don't really think anybody's gonna argue with that Hanzo can go and see he's another one of those characters where I'm like I don't really know why I played you here he probably could have been interesting enough to be like up here with all the lore and hype surrounding him but he's just I didn't find him too interesting he was kind of cool I kind of want to put him in B but you know I think C is a fair place for him now Obito as moderate slash Obito not now I feel like unlike pain I really have to explain myself on this one but he he had a presence that was on par with the presence of these two right like he was really scary and he was constantly doing stuff like pain he came into direct conflict with Naruto and the other main character he was charismatic he was really interesting and I've seen some people say that when he adopted his moderate persona Obito started to feel like say me compared to a lot of the other characters but I disagree with that I don't think there's anyone else in Naruto that's quite as nihilistic as Obito is like he's one of the most apathetic characters in the series it's it's pretty clear for the longest time that he just does not [ __ ] care about anything no Danzo can go in a no like as a person of course I hate him everybody does but that's the point so I'm not gonna rank him low because of that he was he was a really good obstacle for Sasuke I think that his motivations were brick goods they were believable but I don't think that he's interesting enough for me to put him up here so yeah a is fine for him these guys sucks they were lame they were like the worst part of the war arc okay maybe that's being a little bit harsh but I didn't like them at all Kabuto I think he got worse in shipping and I guess it was kind of cool to see somebody without any kekkei genkai or like natural gifts waging a winning war against the planet but I don't know something about what made Kabuto likable enough to be in meteor just sort of got lost in translation when he became this all-powerful Sage guy so I want to put him up here but then that would sort of defeat the purpose of having through Kabuto I might change my mind but this is where he's staying for now mater is s tier now he doesn't interact with Naruto to the same extent as these guys do right and he doesn't really have the same sort of lasting impact on the series as these guys do either because he shows up really late but every time he's on screen he is the most entertaining character there and usually it's barely even a competition like I don't I didn't like the work very much until moderate showed up and then even in spite of like all of the crazy shenanigans and all the plot holes and all that I thought that the latter half of the war arc like everything up through the ten tails and Juby toe and sage mantra I thought all of that was really I was really into all of it because of the presence of Madra and obito if not for these two the war arc would live it would have been bad like the whole way through and so even though I've seen some good arguments for like just because you really like him he shouldn't be up that high I think that he deserves a spot in s tier on the ten tails whatever I guess another character that I'm like why did I put you in the tier list to begin I guess the ten tails was like scary but that's really it it didn't have a character it was just like a mindless monster so now intra I really like the idea of Indra right and I wish that we had learned more about him because he could have been up here but as things are because we don't know anything about him and everything about him is up to interpretation he's either B or a I see a lot of people and they're tearless putting him like down here and I don't think he's that bad I think the idea of Indra is a really cool and he's he's responsible for a lot of like really important behind-the-scenes stuff in the series so I think a is a fair place for him black zetsu was really cool before he stabbed mantra in the back and just became like cog he is a mama's boy I want to put him down here for memes but you know he was he was interesting enough I guess there at the work that be seems like a more fair place to put him now a lot of people hate Kagura and I've said that she ruined the end of Naruto and I think I've sort of changed my mind about that kaga is not like a bad character the issue with her is just that she comes out of nowhere but like everybody else that I've been praising she has a unique personality she she's sort of like an extension of the ten tails right like she's like a mindless monster but that I think that that's interesting because she's just so obscenely powerful and it and it makes her scary in a way that uh none of the other characters in the series really are not to say that she's scarier than like Orochimaru or pain were at the time that they were introduced but you know after she showed up I did look at the page like okay like how in the world are they supposed to beat this person now I don't know if she's good enough to be an eight here but I feel like she's better than than beat here so um she definitely not see I don't think she's like on par with like Mizuki in them so I think I'll stick her and be um Sasuke it's tough because I don't know if he was as good of a villain as all of these guys but it was impossible to ignore him when he was doing things that brought him into direct conflict with Naruto because one of Naruto's main goals was to bring Sasuke back to the village and I think at the end when he just went like crazy and was like yeah I'm gonna wipe out all five qog I'm gonna [ __ ] all the beads you and then he challenged Naruto to a death match like I've never seen a single character raised the tension in a moment so dramatically so quickly as I did when Sasuke did all of that his fight with Naruto is really good um and see the the cool thing about him is he keeps going back and forth between being aligned with the protagonist and being himself an antagonist and I think he has solid motivation um I've talked about him plenty of times before so I don't want to go into too much detail but I think he had solid motivation it's a motivation that changes and people call him in consider because of that but I just think that like he was still a kid even at the end of shipping and so I think his motivation changing doesn't make him inconsistent it just makes him a human being we have plenty of time to watch him develop so even though you know a lot of people are gonna be mad that I put him up at s I think that he deserves it so yeah that's that's what we're gonna do I think all of these guys are like Canaries see I guess he's definitely the best written character of all these guys but Shin is poop Kinski's poop MoMA shiki's poop and yeah I think that's a that's about it so like I said at the beginning today's video is sponsored by Squarespace 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Channel: Swagkage
Views: 2,067,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, naruto shippuden, naruto explained, naruto shippuden explained, swagkage, swagkage naruto, swagkage naruto shippuden, top five naruto fights, top five naruto shippuden fights, top 5 naruto shippuden fights, top five best naruto fights, top 5 best naruto fights, rinnegan explained, eight gates explained, top 5 broken naruto abilities, explaining chakra natures, top 5 naruto hax, naruto tier list, naruto villains tier list, naruto character tier list, tier list
Id: BF9QlYmu2W0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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