Naruto: The 10 Most Powerful Summoning Animals

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everybody needs a support animal ninjas just need a different kind of support animal along with various ninjutsu taijitsu's and tools a ninja has at their disposal sometimes what they really need is immediate backup when the rest of your squad is either out of the fight or too far away sometimes a toad will do just fine through naruto and shippuden we have seen a variety of animal summons from insightful toad sages to powerful giant snakes we're looking at some of the most powerful animal summons in the naruto franchise hawks are often used to deliver messages and provide aerial reconnaissance for their shinobi this is vital for sure but sometimes you want something that flies and can assist in combat sasuke has this covered with his personal summon animal garuda the giant hawk of all the shinobi to have an assist animal the loner sasuke would be the last person on this list right well despite his lone wolf attitude sasuke formed a contract with this giant bird and he seems pretty loyal to him in return while used sparingly garuda has gotten sasuke out of some jams he saved him from falling off the samurai bridge during his fight with danzo one of his greatest moments arguably came from the anime during this same fight garuda uses one of his claws to direct one of donzo's wind-enhanced shuriken back at him severing his arm clean off in the manga sasuke accomplishes this with his sword of kusanagi we would see garuda later when he saved sasuke and naruto from falling into a river of lava yaruda starts off this list but already he's proven to be a dependable and strong animal summon in the original naruto there was one big bad snake manda who served arochimaru and shibuden after manda had fallen there was another that pledged his loyalty to sasuke and his kin ayoda unlike manda aoda is much less aggro and more mild-mannered he's a loyal snake with a high respect for his summoner so much so that he extends the same respect to anyone in sasuke's family we see this in boruto the next generation when aoda protects serrata uchiha from garuga's attacks this was during the disappearance arc when boruto and the rest of team 10 went into the ryuchi cave ayoda is much more than a loyal danger noodle during the fourth shinobi world war sasuke summons aoda to help them get through the ten tales army which eoda did with ease like manda meda is extremely strong he's able to crush and throw an army of ten tails clone all by himself ayoda's size and speed were called upon when sasuke was fighting nawaki in the novel sasuke shinden book of sunrises in this fight ayoda crashes through nagaki's typhoon release so sasuke could get to him snake summons have come a long way from manda but iota has proven that not all snakes are bad next up is ibusei these slimy salamander and hanzo's personal summon while the summons we've previously talked about have been utility animals that assist their masters in niche situations ebu is a bit more involved with hanzo's fighting style ibase's signature trait is its poison mist he's able to expel a large cloud of this poison where the target's whole body can become numb on contact this poison can be fatal if the proper antidote is not given in time while it is a large and devastating attack ibusei can't produce this gas indefinitely it has to be stored in his body for about five minutes before he's able to let out another burst it may sound simple but this tag team was powerful enough to take on the three senen back in the day abuse has also been used when hanzo was fighting chio as well while the poison builds inside his stomach ibase is able to burrow underground and resurface to swallow hanzo's enemies there they would succumb to the effects of his poison most summoned animals can be recalled before they take serious damage however they can die it is assumed that ibusai died when he attempted to swallow mifune general to the land of iron mifune was swallowed but he cut his way out of ibusei's head before the poison could kill him presumably killing the salamander most of the animals that are summoned via a summoning jitsu are recognizable animals we've seen snakes salamanders hawks you know real animals this i don't know what this even is well this tiger elephant dog thing is baku the personal summon of danzo baku is an elephant chimera who in addition to being hard to look at is also huge this thing is large enough to dwarf sasuke's susanoo technique so what does this abomination actually do well according to toby the baku is said to devour dreams and nightmares this is also in reference to the actual baku which is a creature from japanese mythology now japanese baku were not depicted like this but in the anime baku was able to inhale and suck in everything within an area when he was alive donzo would use baku's suction in combination with his own wind release powers to amplify his own power together they were able to immobilize sasuke's susanoo technique and even get through its defenses since danzo's death no one has summoned this beast personally i'd like to keep it that way let's stick to real animals for the rest of this list okay monkeys now i can handle monkeys monkey king enma is the personal summon to hirozen the third hokage based on his appearance and his abilities it's no surprise that monkey king anma is a reference to sun wu kong the monkey king from the famous tale journey to the west while he may not be the first one in this list with the ability to speak enma is the first summon on this list who is capable of performing his own jitsu's during his fight against orochimaru with hirozen he was able to use the transform self adamantine staff to transform himself into a bo staff that can extend and harden to adamantine while in staff form enma's body parts like his eyes or arms can come out of the staff additionally he's not bound to just be an inanimate object while he is a staff admira can return to hirozen if need be anma makes clone staffs of himself to form a wall that is strong enough to withstand hashirama's wood prison jitsu anma is a very powerful summon even without the use of jitsu's he's able to dish out some serious hand-to-hand monkey business against the reincarnated hokages of the leaf village this next one is pretty special because this summon belongs to the hyperactive knucklehead ninja himself naruto ganakichi is part of the toad family of summons and is the eldest son to gamabunta when naruto first summons gamakichi he is pretty small and not very useful he mirrors naruto's personality in that he is kind of a clown always quick with a joke and not too keen on being helpful of course with time comes maturity just like naruto gamakichi would grow in size and power during the fourth shinobi war gamakichi took after his father in a number of ways the most obvious of which is that he grew to nearly his father's size also like gamabunta his son wields a tanto and it has developed his own jitsu's the most unique technique he has is the reverse summoning jitsu which he uses to bring naruto to mount myabuki gamakichi has a few extra powers that were exclusive to the anime while in the manga he uses water release techniques in the anime he was shown to use the flame bullet jitsu gamakichi is an interesting summon because he shows a lot of personality and growth something we rarely see in a summon i'm beginning to see a pattern with most of these summons they're either slimy scaly or both case in point our number four spot goes to katsuyu a giant slimy slug katsuyu is the personal summon of lady tsunade though later on in shippuden sakura could also summon her now katsu's personality is the opposite of her summoners where lady sonata is a strong type a personality who takes charge katsuyu is much more servile don't underestimate her just because she's more subservient than summons like gama bunta and manda this giant slog is number four for a reason she has two distinct abilities the first of which is her tongue tooth sticky acid ignoring the obvious question of what a tongue tooth is this acid is particularly potent it has the ability to melt rocks and hardened scales the second ability is its great slug division where katsuyu can divide herself into hundreds of little versions of herself that can move independently as well as reform the original giant slug while separated she can act as a conduit for her summon to channel chakra to injured people healing them of the three senen summons katsuyu has the most uses outside of combat the number three spot is shared by two great yet small toads shima and fukasuku collectively they are the two great sage toads on mount myobuku they rank just below the great toad sage together they trained jiraiya and in turn trained naruto in the ways of senjitsu and entering sage mode for both jaraya and naruto both toads fuse to their shoulders and supply them with the natural energy needed in order to transform now unlike gamabunta and gamakichi the great toad sages are not large sword-wielding warriors but that doesn't mean they don't have power to the contrary the two are very well versed in a variety of jitsu's shima and fukusuku combine their efforts to create powerful jitsus like the demonic illusion toad confrontation chant when the two join their voices anyone who hears the chant is paralyzed while they're more powerful together they have their specialty separated for example shima has specialties in fire and wind release jitsu's while fukasaku has water and wind release jitsu's don't take their symmetry as a sign of complete cooperation the two can bicker and fight like an old married couple i mean it makes sense since they are literally an old married couple he's been mentioned enough times on this list well we might as well talk about big daddy toad garba boonta often referred to as just bunta he is the chief toad on mount myobuku this grump giant toad has been summoned by several shinobi including minato jiraya and of course naruto bunta has fought in a lot of important battles during the course of the leaf village's history boonta fought alongside minato against the nine-tailed fox during toby's invasion he also took part in the second shinobi world war with jiraiya of course the most well-known battle he fought in was when naruto summoned him to fight shukaku there we see a lot of bunta's techniques and fighting strength he is proficient with a tonto and is able to use the toad oil fire bullet and water bullet jitsu's sharaya would call upon the great toad chief once again when they had to search for tsunade in a standoff bunta fought with katsuyu against manda and orochimaru it seems that whenever there is a village ending disaster or a big battle that requires more firepower punta answers the call he played a part during payne's invasion of the leaf village as well as the climax of the fourth shinobi world war he is the most powerful toad summon bar none you gotta give it up to the chief last but certainly not least we have the big bad snake monda formerly the big boss of ryochi cave manda was the personal summon of orochimaru he would later be summoned by sasuke in his final moments much like his master manda is very condescending he believes he is superior to all others of course this snake is no pushover manda is very dangerous and has a lot of power to back up his boasts even against bunt and katsuyu manda was able to hold his own and nearly killed them both despite his size he is very fast he was able to dodge katsuyu's acid and even restrict her if it wasn't for her division ability manda would have crushed her even when he was set ablaze by buddha's oil fire he was able to shed his skin and escape unharmed despite his awesome power manta is not immortal as we mentioned earlier sasuke was able to summon manda in order to save himself from deidra's ultimate attack sasuke avoided certain death by leaping into manda and having the great serpent take the brunt of the blast with his final words he cursed sasuke an almost ironic end for someone who thought so highly of themselves and those are the strongest summons in naruto before we end the video we'll leave you with one last bite-sized fact about summoning in naruto the name of the technique is kuchiyosi no jitsu kuchiyosi refers to the practice of allowing spirits to possess your body and speak through it creepy
Channel: CBR
Views: 538,937
Rating: 4.8618455 out of 5
Keywords: Naruto Special Summons, Naruto Shippuden Animal Summons, The most powerful ninja summons, Toad sage summons, Summoning Jutsu, Power levels in Naruto ranked, Orochimaru’s snake summons, Monkey King Enma, Jiraiya’s Summon Jutsu
Id: LsOGmquPLxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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