Why Gojo VS Goku Is NOT Close

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Goku versus Gojo honestly I was sort of avoiding this for quite some time because I didn't want this to just be a saitama situation where we kept just saying well based on what we know this is what Gojo can probably do but maybe more it was always pretty boring to do that but now that we've seen spoilers a lot of Gojo versus sakuna this is pretty much cut and dry on what we can expect from him just like when saitama eventually faces off against Cosmic goo and showed us more of his power this topic also seems to go through the recycling bin on Twitter or wherever else all the time and is constantly regurgitated and disgusted so I thought I'd finally answer it myself and end the conversation let me teach you guys everything you need to know about Goku versus Gojo while I do have some new things to say about Goku and Gojo in this video the first thing you got to always address when having any type of cross firste debate with character characters that have strange energies or abilities is can these guys even interact with each other to begin with more importantly can Goku even touch Gojo through Limitless to begin with because if he can't then what's the point of even having this conversation then we also have to address can Goku fight Gojo since he has no cursed energy where cursed energy tends to have negative effects on those that simply don't have it those not having it having no resistance to it sort of like a poison or a play in certain instances so would Sun just sort of instantly rot away and just die or something near Gojo obviously pretty important details to start up the conversation as I talked about in a few of my videos so far Limitless is a highly complex ability where Gojo manipulates an engine called Infinity to manipulate space to his whims however it's a bit more complicated than just normal spatial manipulation and where he seems to apply mathematical Concepts to space to achieve goals gos to put it in the simplest terms to avoid a 15-minute lecture like I did in Kakashi versus Gojo he can manipulate the distance between he and his opponent by changing space between them slowing them down due to the massive changes in distance until they appear Frozen or think of having to literally Traverse an infinite amount of points to reach a destination after a certain distance to Gojo in its more extreme forms I go over obviously this more complex mathematical breakdown once again and versus Gojo which I do recommend but I'm trying to avoid the full lecture again in jjk a universe where Mach 3 is considered immensely fast by most combatants and electricity is pretty much undodgeable except by like five people it's no shock that nobody would ever be able to budge Limitless whatsoever that isn't a top tier making Gojo look pretty much omnipotent to get through Limitless you have to do a few things I would say that would make you pretty concretely or at least convincing ly above it a surpassing infinite speed or B having attacks that ignore SpaceTime or can slice through space time infinitely obviously with example a if you're above infinite speed Gojo condensing space between you and him wouldn't really matter too much you would also probably warp through space anyway at infinite speed if you ignore space time with your attacks in scenario B then Gojo condensing space might as well be condensing something that provides nothing of value between he and You that' Hinder you from hitting him in any capacity a good example of what be would look like if you need an image is look at what mahara all right so since Seth is pushing 50 and is losing his ability to speak properly he asked me to pronounce a name for him specifically mahara also known as makur but no one calls him that did when he actually adapted to said Limitless and his attacks just chopped through it and cut Gojo's arm off obviously this is a bit different than what I'm talking about but the the ignoring aspect would be very similar for veterans you already know that Goku possess both those qualities and Beyond he could be argued output above infinite speed and burst and has attacks that ignore SpaceTime to an infinite degree in terms of speed we know Goku in just his base form can move around in a void that has no time and space whatsoever when he goes to fetch zeno2 after he nukes a timeline out of existence in the manga it is just blatantly no longer existent as the ring representing it vanishes and the anime is a bit more ambiguous but it obviously is conceptually pretty similar as Zeno obliterates this timeline to destroy Fusion or mugan zamasu infinite zamasu who was fusing with the time space of the Multiverse itself Goku shows he can function in this void rather easily and carefree and even if you want to argue maybe Toriyama and toyotaro the authors of these scenes didn't really think of this too much as power scalers we kind of just have to take it as it is as cringe as that sounds Goku and just Ultra Instinct Omen which he surpasses by millions of times over by current super which I outlined in many many videos on my channel which will pop up on the screen now had enough energy to vibrate and Shake an entire infinite void meaning his energy and Aura not only expanded infinitely almost instantly but could move and vibrate in the depths of the void that had no SpaceTime as well further reinforcing what Goku actually did earlier he also has a few mentions where he can be argued above instantaneous movement such as when kid bu blows up a planet faster then people can instantly teleport to the Supreme Kai planet and where characters Traverse the infinitely sized Universe in finite times with raw speed and even fighting a guy while he's in the middle of skipping through time as for interacting with time and space this is a no-brainer Goku and beerus simply punching each other was going to turn a macrocosm multiple infinite universes and size into a void of nothing with nothing remaining and even during the boo Saga when characters could get a obliterated by mastered Ultra instinct's mere presence alone could scream so hard it was ripping holes into space that were going to collapse the entire infinite Universe with altered Dimensions by making a hole as big as the universe in Space by the time we get to things like Dragon Ball super Broly these characters can just punch so hard they shatter through SpaceTime and fly into other dimensions on accident while not even remotely near full power and most of the time when they don't do this it's because they're hindering their powers or they're restrict it or it would kind of dilute the plot and the flow of the scenes if they just always broke into other dimensions all the time Goku also interacts with attacks that can annihilate space time and even your causal and spiritual existence Itself by fighting hawkey attacks from Gaz of Destruction in his base form and later on completely surpassing them even the infinite zamasu that was fusing with the SpaceTime of the Multiverse is then stated to be weaker than a heavily suppressed jiren who mastered Ultra Instinct Goku can ragd doll like he's a random that being said cutting through space and time is not really a problem at all for Goku and it's probably in fact one of the most consistent things about Dragon Ball All Things Considered that being said you can make a very decent argument for Goku being able to punch through Limitless especially by Current Dragon Ball super standards what I gave you was just a few examples you could honestly make whole videos dedicated to these topics alone one of those in particular being my 6-h hour how strong is Goku video yeah be sure to just to peep that right after this I'd really appreciate it the next important Point obviously is cursed energy poisoning non- cursed users or non- curse users having no resistance well we know that characters in Dragon Ball have existence and spiritual resistances as well as oras that can block out most hackes the time frame for cursed energy negging a non cursed user one is debatable one of the few examples we get of this is a curse eating mak's leg earlier in jiujitsu Kaizen which even that is an in instant or something nor is maki just bfo whenever she's just near a curse she can obviously face them with curse tools and so forth while struggling to break the sound barrier let alone Goku who's infinitely above space and time one counter point that I would like to kind of flesh out and get out of the way for condition B is that there is a character from The Sendai for Clash of the coling games from jiutu kais and uro who can wield the sky or space at will Breaking rapping it and so on but this character is never really acknowledged by some powerhouses such as UT or by gagay the author as wielding a Gojo tier level technique things that do seem to rival Gojo are either sukuna or the comedian curse technique which can bring almost anything someone finds funny into reality showing reality manipulation under control can rival Gojo and the only reason I would say uro doesn't rival Gojo with this one move is that Gojo too manipulates and moves move space and would simply overpower her while she tries to move it about Gojo's Limitless also consists of numerous attacks as well as infinite void that far exceed her capacity to Simply wiggle space around a bit her moving space around a bit is also not the same as utterly destroying it and ignoring it on a universal and Beyond infinite scale that you can argue Goku can do and potentially even Gojo which I will get into here soon that being said while it may have seemed like a crazy Goku meat writing session here I had really had to hammer that home that this topic could even happen whatsoever you'd be surprised how stubborn people can be sometimes so let's get into the new facts about Gojo that I think you guys will find interesting and just how strong I think he's really gotten the strength of the jiujitsu kaen B has honestly really exploded just the past few dozen chapters to an absurd degree they went from hyping up mock 3 and destroying cities to just some girl crapping out a black hole that could destroy the entire planet warping time and space and the same Arc there wasn't isn't even really a buildup to this level of scaling this black hole is a technique Kaku could survive albeit the technique was suppressed in a radius due to a barrier erected by a character named tenen and Yuki sukumo the girl who created the black hole yet kinjaku thinks if he wasn't hugging sakuna leg like a child when Gojo got out of the prison rum box he would have been killed instantly showing that the spatial manipulation that Gojo does is probably beyond that of a black hole to an immense degree or it could be referring to kaku's fear of being hit by maybe infinite void but I'd be and so would many others be surprised if Yuki's strongest attack was stronger than Gojo's strongest attack it's not impossible but you get the idea it should also be noted that during the Yuki fight with kinjaku when she does make the black hole she seems to manipulate the very concept of mass itself and while translations differ this can be referring to how the concept the mass works on herself while she's manipulating weight and other things but it doesn't seem to be truly infinite or unbeatable with a black hole being its apex from what we've actually seen with manipulating a concept not necessarily meaning being above the concept entirely on every dimensional mathematical scale whatsoever it could be referring to a grounded version from what we know in another fight we get an interesting scene where sakuna faces off against a revived sorcerer named yosu and in this battle yozu launches an attack that creates a perfect sphere that is infinitely compressed and basically untouchable when reading this I did some research and found that the reason for this is that because to make a perfect sphere in reality is pretty much almost impossible any sphere you look at even those generated by computers have a series of points on it that would make it impossible for it to be perfectly spherical when zoomed in under scrutiny so to have a true perfect sphere it would have to have infinite points of contact which is why it would be infinitely compressed and impossible to interact with normally mAh mahara adapting to the type of technique yosu uses then just punches through the perfect sphere and obliterates it now while this doesn't mean Jutsu kaisen is universal or something like that it does show that mahara and many of the other characters can actually adapt to these things infinitely it is not even an exaggeration this is why it's so insane and it's harder for the shikigami to adapt to Limitless and its many forms as it shows Gojo's Precision truly is infinite points with Infinities or dealing with many infinite sets of information when you're learning about it such as how his infinite void is described which is just being dragged into Limitless this may further make it harder to argue for Goku to interact with it in arguments which I'll get into later but it should be noted however there are theorized true spheres in real life but usually only for types of atoms which is often debate about even them since we're talking about the author here and with the wording used this girl really did probably create a perfect sphere with infinite points which is an insane feat that can have a lot of debate within itself finally for the Gojo Camp here there's Hollow purple and this is sort of a different way to look at it that I think is interesting and why it might be uniquely underestimated with certain head Cannon as most of you are probably aware Gojo's techniques all derived from an engine called Infinity to expand into his curse technique Limitless which then has its own categories with Limitless being to slow or stop things blue being to pull things or track them red which repels them and then purple which is as we know from the jump Giga math lecture seems to create an imaginary negative number within it which probably creates a void and then removes or delete things this is pretty insane for the simple reason that I don't think the ability is as simple as a strong anime attack if Limitless is Gojo mathematically constructing and altering space and time with infinite Precision to pseudo alter reality as the only really rival technique is comedian which does that then purple while not necessarily meaning Gojo himself is infinitely durable or powerful in terms of his strikes may be able to infinitely deconstruct things Point by Point into a negative and imaginary State thus removing them from existence purple is a bit inconsistently displayed and kind of weird and honestly I kind of question if the author even knows what this technique does most of the time but I think being hyper charitable in a fight against Goku here is maybe you could say something like that although like I said you can kind of sort of easily reject it as well due to its showings as it seems you can kind of overpower it or are singed by it rather than deleted by it like a Naruto truth seeking orb or something in all likeliness you can just say that simply because Limitless contains infinite information doesn't mean that Gojo possesses the power to use all that information in every way he wants even if he could somehow perceive it or the technique contains properties of that level of information rather it's simply the information within it and he controls some aspects of it at a given time especially when transformed into a more physical technique rather than trying to comprehend its raw properties good example of this is how does hollow purple get to 200% if its ability is to remove things on an infinite scale doesn't really make much sense unless it's just referring to size so trust me when I say that that interpretation earlier is very charitable and infinite information does not mean infinite power or the infinite ability to manipulate set information even with all of those we can see that Goku is still quite a bit Superior in terms of attack power and maybe if you think Hollow purple deconstructs on an infinite scale with infinite points within that infinite scale then it turns to negative not likely but even then a very important fact to remember is that Gojo manipulates space and time on a normal scale and plane that Goku is simply above to begin with with it being confirmed this is what Gojo is doing in the jiujitsu kaon movie which was then confirmed to be Canon as well will stated in the manga as well Goku is completely above the time space of the normal 3D universe and manipulating it even hyper precisely doesn't matter if he is still just above it think of someone who can make infinite points out of a square and then draw infinite numbers between those infinite points on the Square and then in this example Goku would just sort of be a cube you can kind of see where I'm going with that even Gojo surviving his own Hollow purple he takes immense damage from and it has a weird burning effect and this could simply be to go Ojo being able to manipulate space around him with high Precision but it shows Hollow purple has a few extra qualities other than precise removal from existence that also dampened my head Cannon wank attempts to make it sound cooler for the video that being said though this battle won't hinge on an AP or like a beam Clash type finish anyway it will mainly Hing on a few factors mainly being speed and durability that being said how fast is Gojo anyway in terms of speed jjk is pretty abysmal with many higher ups hardly being a to react to Mach 3 hakari May higher up needing infinite cursed energy to react to an electric discharge and still lose an arm doing it and with people like Kaku barely being able to react next to a suppressed black hole that light can't escape from and Gojo doesn't really have a lot to work with in terms of upscaling from those guys at best if you really wanted to be hyper charitable which I've been doing a lot of that in this video you could say that because he could perceive things and move inside of the prison realm seal that has no physical time that he may possess some type of inaccessible speed that can move so fast he can move even if there's no time or you can say that because he can manipulate space and time himself that perhaps is different for him but even if you do grant that you can say the same about base Goku who mastered Ultra Instinct and many others surpassed Millions upon millions of times it's even worse if you think Goku can somewhat travel to the Future such as in his fights against Hit and way way worse if you think things like the Dragon Ball afterlife transcend Dimensions means actual higher mathematical conceptual dimensions and not just it literally being placed higher than the living universe and Dragon Ball in terms of location which would make Goku completely Unstoppable by anyone who has to even interact with the concept of space and time to begin with but I personally don't agree with this as the skepticism and just saying it can be referred to location is simply too strong of a criticism I'll be getting more into Dragon Ball upgrades and what I think about that type of stuff in the future on my my channel and some of those higher interpretations actually do scale to a lot of characters that you'll find very interesting so be sure to subscribe because while some crazy arguments floating around don't maybe apply to Goku they might apply to some other people so that being said Goku in all likeliness here if he's bloodlusted and full power would sort of just slam through Limitless punch Gojo in the head and he would sort of explode like cell did in the super manga that one time but if Goku was in character there are more things to consider if he's in character he'd probably let let Gojo try some tricks out such as his infinite void in mui it is possible that Goku actually avoids infinite void entirely and this may seem kind of absurd but a domain expansion actually has a speed in an area that is designated for it to appear with Goku even before mui being able to avoid attacks instinctually that would have killed him such as in the beerus fight when he was Super Saiyan 3 before they could even occur and when he couldn't even sense they were going to happen he just sort of had this weird instinct where he can avoid deadly attacks that nothing about his body can sense otherwise so in mui he could probably avoid this domain entirely as a person with no cursed energy is actually not restricted by any barrier of a domain by the technique and with Goku's far greater speed reactions to things he can't sense or have happened he would probably sidestep it but infinite void isn't necessarily an attack that does physical harm or damage it's more like you're injected by a bunch of information so so maybe you could argue it's kind of head Cannon for him to assume it's like a threat and his Spidey senses would have him Dodge out of the way so if it did hit him like I said in character could Goku survive it I've seen many people try to counter this by bringing up Vegito and to give jjk fans a bit of credit when they're talking about Vega turning into a chocolate ball with literally no brain however this ability is only unique to Vegito so Goku doesn't actually possess the ability to be turned into a chocolate ball from what we know with no brain and survive this is actually a unique Hack That Vega possesses that Goku does not and this is actually stated in the da enu I'm not joking and while Dragon Ball characters do negate a lot of hacks weaker than them this is a different type of hacks and honestly this ability to negate all hacks is somewhat over exaggerated by Dragon Ball fans it doesn't really work in a lot of debate Crucible this hack doesn't seek to control Goku whatsoever as well it is simply subjecting him to infinite upon infinite amounts of information it's sort of of like him being teleported into a spot that just so happens to have these properties all around him so say that if you're teleported into a bright room you know you're sort of just seeing these bright lights and it's like blinding you it'd be like that but just sort of information going into his brain so hearing something or seeing something or feeling something is information so in this case you don't really fight any power just your own senses I've thought about it and it may be possible to argue that Goku can tell the difference between someone with say one power and infinite power and is different all the levels in between that Goku may actually be able to process an infinite set of information and Beyond as crazy as that sounds but it does seem like a stretch an infinite void Works in infinitely and every infinite within that infinite has its own infinite set you have to absorb so if there's the letter a in this void you have to absorb a infinite amount of times and then everything else in all reality infinite amounts of time so considering even normal people can apparently be subjected to this high hyper briefly or very weaker lower dimensional curses do you guys think Goku could take it I'll leave that up to you guys that's kind of all the information about it in my honest opinion full power this would never even happen but if it did I'm curious I'm a bit more open to this and I'd love to hear your thoughts there's also the argument of should we make energy types equal so in this instance Goku would get hit by the domain barrier like normal because say his key would just be work like cursed energy in this case Goku would probably be also launching off a black flash with every single punch and multiplying his power level by the power of 2.5 times almost every single strike while ignoring Limitless so that doesn't really help it also is still iffy if the domain is fast enough to hit him if Goku isn't like just Goku for plot and do stupidity or dramatic effect like he usually does and in mui this is far less common or likely once again still curious what you guys think that being said though guys that's pretty much everything you need to know except for maybe the MAFO but Goku never really carries the tools around to do it and it doesn't really matter in this battle either Goku is really fast can break through Limitless and doesn't get ko'ed by infinite void or it's a wrap ma doesn't really change anything as a little bonus I've been seeing Kid bu versus Gojo pop up lately so I'll go over that just a little briefly kidb as most people have brought up probably wouldn't really care about Gojo and would just blow up the planet I actually agree with that assessment that is actually what he does in the story however Gojo might actually be able to survive in the void of space quite a long time due to reverse curse technique and his ability to change how space Works around him although it also then depends if kidb just blows up the planet and then just starts zipping around the universe and just ignores him so Gojo is just flying around in space just until his brain rots away from reverse curse technique kidb at full power should be able to rip through space like buhan and Super Boom now I'm not saying he's stronger than buhan all right that's a different debate for a different day but you know they're definitely in a similar magnitude right if buhan could rip apart the universe it's safe to say you know kid bu can at least rip apart a chunk of the the universe however it's a lot more restricted than obviously mui Goku who could just be above it entirely that being said even if kidb couldn't rip through Limitless gojou doesn't really have anything that could put him down for good unless you hyper wanked how hollow purple works with the ultra charitable Seth TM version that's just some head Cannon I made up to give it a chance against Goku even with infinite void kid bu's brain could sort of infinitely regenerate and kid bu can also live without a head I'm not even making that up he can just live without a head let alone a head with a fried brain you'd have to argue you could fry kid boot's brain and then while kidb is stunned for like a millisecond seal him somehow maybe in a prison realm box anyway this is getting kind of stupid but it's more interesting than Gojo versus Goku I guess either way Goku wins pretty confidently let alone against a giga wanked version of Gojo and without a giga wanked version of Goku with kid buo probably winning two via stamina off or just blowing up the planet and then just not caring about him while he just dies in space slowly or if you think kidboo can just Vice shout and rip through space with multi- Galactic or multis solar system level force and just overpower the manipulation Gojo can do through space as one last little note here because it did get added recently in the jjk manga as this main script and recording was done before the finale of heavy heavy spoilers plot spoilers suuna versus Gojo and sukuna does win at the end and it is implied and pretty much stated that he cuts through and negates space or existence or the world to negate Gojo's ability and then chop him in half and cleave through him sort of confirming what we've all been saying for a few years now other than that as well Hollow purple is stated by gagay in sort of like a chapter breakdown that a way to describe purple is to sort of say it's like crushing space so the statement that I made of it hyper deteriorating and removing anything that touches to negative is in fact heavily wanked and not implied as Gojo's infinity and Limitless seems to just be manipulating space and time and it's confirmed now with the finale of Gojo's life as well as the chapter ending close off I'd like to give a huge shout out to my friend kurir Valor he's a j kaen YouTuber on here that has a lot of potential and has done a lot of good deeds in the community lately he deserves a lot more credit and it has been a lot of fun debating with him and talking about how things in jjk work while I was making this video much love have a great day everyone and thank you for watching
Channel: SethTheProgrammer
Views: 881,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: goku vs gojo, gojo vs goku, goku vs gojo is it even close, goku vs gojo who would win, gojo vs sukuna, sukuna vs gojo, how strong is gojo, how strong is sukuna, how strong is goku, seth dragon ball, seth goku, jujutsu kaisen, dragon ball, dragon ball super, ultra instinct goku, goku vs jiren, gogeta vs broly, sukuna vs mahoraga, seth, analysis, breakdown, anime, manga, jjk, how strong is ultra instinct, gojo hollow purple, gojo vs jogo, gojo gets sealed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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