A Moody Conversation™ ft. Lil Yachty & Drake | Ep1 | FUTUREMOOD

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bro if Jason Momoa just walked up on the beach like right now on some just Aquaman [ __ ] like popped out of the water I would not be like I would be shocked do you know what I mean like I would be a little like I would be a little I might be like what but I wouldn't be but I wouldn't run in the crib I'd be like that's Aquaman obviously [Music] oh are you guys done we're here it's Yadi here with future mood uh this is something special and new and we're doing here at Turks the one and only Turks and Caicos just here Flex my muscle a bit doing things that most people can't track Drizzy Rogers how are you do people call you anymore not really great Jersey Rogers no no you might I don't know if I'm gonna do it no what is a server my uh my email was Drizzy Drake rogers.com Rogers you actually told me that yeah this is the service provider yeah yeah yeah and then he thought that he didn't realize he Wayne ah Wayne thought that like he didn't realize at that time that like the at in the email was like like okay like a middle like interference in the name yeah so he just thought my name was Drizzy Drake Rogers and he just kept that I mean he wrapped it once I just I didn't have the heart to correct him that's that's pretty sick God bless his heart yeah [Music] one thing that we really really have in common is our love for our mothers yes you know um what is that like you know being like the star obviously this is a question for you in my life I've actually asked her this but what do you think it's like for her with you being whom you are I think obviously at this point it's not now let's go back to like 2015 2013. whatever times you had to come down leg Todd by the way I just yeah yeah yeah yeah that was my guy I never really took that in yeah yeah yeah those are my guys I thought the Fiji yeah 100 that's my brother that's my life yeah we ain't gonna get into it you know [ __ ] with that yeah I was just like it's still talking about my mom and like that I'm thinking about the city it might have like a vision are you dripping yeah no that's what's up I dead ass out of it those are my brothers I love those guys those are only that in in the owl only yes I have besides my own game we love that mothers yeah what do you think that's like I don't understand what's it like what to have a mother no what do you think it's like for her to be the mother of you oh oh what I don't know they were gonna really like kind of like this is excluding like so I didn't really want to answer that um I guess I I don't know I I mean I'm a father and I've been through so much with my mom like just just times where like it was like I didn't you know I feel like there's real times where we didn't know like what what was what the outcome would be there's like real times of like uncertainty that I've been through with my mom and I guess now like like as a parent I I assume that she's I mean she expresses her her like pride and gratitude every single day um but I don't know I I that's a that's a tough one for me to answer I mean I I assume it's probably just thankful do you like do you fear for her like in what way like I fear for my mom all the time but just being like who I am and just like her going going out in the world and just being herself like going to the grocery store and no no I mean I like I think my my mom has like this really insulated Circle that she rolls with which I really I [ __ ] with too like but aside from that like I don't even I try not to that's like thinking like are we gonna die every time we get on the plane or like I can't think like that because I'll I'll go to like Dark Places I can't think of anybody ever doing anything to my mom yeah I try not to anyway that's fair that's fair [Music] you want to talk about [ __ ] that we kind of talk about just [ __ ] I mean obviously you haven't done one of these in a [ __ ] long time so I just want to take it all over the place a guy like you that essentially I feel like and I don't wanna I hate I'm not gonna say has everything because no one has everything but has accomplished so much in life and as read so many levels seen so many things experience so many things what else is there to want like what does someone want who has material I don't even that's not even as far as materialistic that could be as far as anything but what is it there that to even search for or want as a as a human as a man who hasn't touched so many things well I think like on a broader scale I think I'm at the point now where I just want to like but I I feel like maybe we talked about this the other day but I I feel like I'm kind of introducing the concept in my mind of a of a graceful exit like and and almost just kind of I feel like a lot of people that I've watched as the years have gone on it's a really addictive competitive space and oftentimes you're like addicted to the to the competition itself and so you know you'll you'll like it sometimes it'll bow for you like why are these people still making attempts at um like trying to be present in the space and then you'll realize like they they probably their their needs and desires and their soul was probably fed for so long off of being a guy or the guy that they can't let it go and so I guess like what's left for me is just to find a way to gracefully Contin like I'm not ready now but to gracefully like continue making projects that are extremely like interesting and hopefully cherished by people and then to find the right time to say like I can't wait to see what the Next Generation does I'll still be around to like you know work with people or do a do a show here or there but I'm not going to like force myself to compete I would love to just see what the Next Generation um does whenever that time is so I guess like that's like the one thing that I like want for myself really badly and then like I don't know like I also really need like a house and turds yeah yeah it was a song it's it's on views where you said something about retire not 35 when you got close to 35 did you ever hearing that [ __ ] yeah yeah I heard it the other night while we're out there yeah people always say that when you were younger did you think 35 was was really old yeah yeah you thought like 35 I'm like good yeah I just like like maybe that's like maybe the I think that were you like 26 then I was young yeah I think like that and some like sometimes when I've like said girls names and songs maybe those are the two things that I look back on I'm like maybe I could have done without like [ __ ] on people for age like or or saying like you know or like disrupting somebody's life I I never like the lyrics are never with ill intent but like I had somebody one time be like you know it's not necessarily what you're saying about me it's the fact that you said it what does that mean like just in the sense of like you don't know what it does to me like you don't know who my boyfriend is at the time or you don't know who like what my family knows and doesn't know you know and if you do Express like any form of discontent for me in a song and saying and call me by name then all of a sudden like I'm left to kind of like pick up the pieces in my own life that I've like tried to build up for myself um so I've I've like tried my best to stop doing that but I like to be honest in music too so it's it's a that that one's a push and pull but when I was younger and I would like you should do a lot I used to think you were making girls names up no no I don't think I've ever made a girl's name that's crazy in life I think that's the one thing that I would like maybe say is like this makes me kind of be like uh like just to to think it's so wavy to be young it's not that it's not that sick because I'm here now like I'm I just left 35 right and it's like you're getting up there well all right um but uh just saying yeah I guess yeah you're right how old are you 25 so yeah I can't wait you're gonna get old [ __ ] by the time you're gonna be in a cane no by the way I'll be 10 years older than you yeah you'll be still dripping as much basketball you play you're definitely using the game by far by the way I'll be in an incredible shape I think you'll be using a game no I don't but but again I know that like you you have like confidence at 25 because you're 25 like it's so I've had confidence since 16. yeah but it's like cool to you that you're 25. I get it I was there by the way I was there I was like 25 too I was like damn I'm 25 these old ass [ __ ] now you're saying 30s the new sexy right no I'm not saying that this isn't like a sound like you're one of those people I'm not like like everyone hope like did the button ups and try to make everybody dress formal regular event yeah man really try to make it like like formal like if you're not in formal dress code like like wedding suits everywhere it was like if you didn't wear a suit and black Ray-Bans you just weren't you weren't cool yeah I feel like I don't know you just gotta find you gotta find your way in there you know I feel great though yeah I feel great that's good that's good age is a funny thing though age is a funny thing the concept of it I know no I would never stops turning I look at my father now and I'll start seeing gray hairs and it's insane yeah it's just like you just don't know if you're gonna make it there and then when you make it there you're like damn okay I'm here now I don't really feel that much different than I did yeah at this point I thought I would let me ask you it's been a good life though I think it's been a great life fantastic life I'm looking at a sunset yeah now it's nice yeah yeah you guys can't see it but it's there cut to b-roll this is an interesting question because I was talking to our good friend Kyle yesterday and I talked to a lot of people all the time and I think the one thing that I've always the biggest conversation that I have obviously when you're like with people who just don't know you or people who just assume is that like just the conception people have of you and their mind and it's so insane and I can remember being younger and maybe having certain conceptions but but they were never like the ones that I hear now you know like just like what people really assume that I had to step back because I guess when you know someone it's hard to even see something from someone's point of view who doesn't you know but like when you just start and think about it like I mean I don't think you've done it even an interview in so long past that I think all people really have to live off if it's music and Instagram post you know and [ __ ] like Alex posting a video with the ring with the necklace you know like just things that little people like people depict [ __ ] and then they just create this synopsis of like you as a man and it it when that when we first started hanging out and got really close it used to like really irritate me and piss me off like I've been in lots of arguments you would get really upset oh yeah and you would text me and be really happy you know I'm just I'm just very defensive yeah over our friendship I know that's honest but um to you what do you I think is yeah what do you think is one of the most like just craziest things that you've heard about yourself that's just so not true I know a couple but like what do you think I don't know if I could really pick one thing like oh this room well I mean there's kind of two ways to approach it it's like if you choose to live a life that is truly built and designed by you for you and the people that you care about you will essentially not be able or not or not be willing to dedicate hours in a day to controlling every narrative I can't fix every rumor I can't address every single thing I've seen people wash their whole life out by trying to like overly communicate in every scenario trying to like fix things and and clarify and this that you know like I'm here living a real life with people that I really love and I think it's interesting like whenever I meet somebody particularly like women I always kind of get this like I don't know I wouldn't say it's a backhanded compliment but it is kind of like a passive like wow I just didn't expect like I thought you would be so different or like wow you're actually really nice that's a crazy one too you're actually like saying you're actually anything means you basically thought I was a piece of [ __ ] yeah absolutely um and so like yeah I get a lot of your actually this and you're actually that which is crazy which is well I guess it's not because it's like at the same time you bring up like Alex post for the chain the other day and then like people being like you're sick that you thought of proposing 42 times like guys yeah do we not do we not understand I actually have to clarify yeah like it's like do we not get that this is kind of like a it's a conceptual art piece I don't know like that's genuine yeah yeah it's it's funny but I I don't I don't know I I I don't know the biggest misconception what what do you think it is honestly I just think it's that people think you aren't an actual rapper yeah I think that for me is like the one of the things that probably irritates me most yeah you know I never understood that I never understood like from what perspective like the ghost writing perspective just from the step from the standpoint of just like I don't know bro I think when when someone is when when you're crying it's like a discrediting yeah you know just like when you're when your crown title of the best yeah you know it's like that's that that weighs heavy on a lot of people and for some reason a lot of people just don't want to agree with something you know yeah maybe and it could be and it's usually personal reasons as to a while the Sun's going down guys we just want to say if you guys see a different color in the video I just want to let you know the sunset's going down this guy here wanted to stay at the bar for hours so that's why the video will now be for the rest of the portion darker until the sun is down and we can no longer do it all right cool anyways just I just have to make sure that's in there we don't have money for Budget to actually edit lighting so when it goes dark it's just dark it's a gradual it's like a progression video it's about to get really dark it's really dark uh but yeah I think it's just like the talent part you know I think it's a talent part you know I think that and I think it's just like people think like the whole like even like the upbringing from Degrassi people try and use that as like oh he's like he's not like that or he's like he's you know just all kind of assumptions that that really irritate me from people I've heard it for so long and it's just I realize that it's it's not uh like I stopped chasing unanimous love a long time ago uh I don't think like I don't think unanimous love is attainable when you're in any form of competitive space even if it is like based on opinion right like yeah you know I'll bring up Sports a lot in in music but again it's it's a lot different right because Sports there's a winner and a loser so you can you can really base your point on the fact that this guy's the best because of this many rings or this many points or whatever but you're still opinionated yeah it is opinionated 100 but but it's it's a little more like it's got a little more Foundation to it our [ __ ] is really just like what you like and what you don't like and I just realized a long time ago not long enough I wish it was earlier but a while ago that I I just I'm not gonna make every Everybody um love love me and people are going to also kind of you know I'm like a character I'm not like a real I really I don't feel often when I meet people I have to like humanize myself [Music] if I was talking to a therapist at one point and he said something um and he was like you know it was a it was a really valid point I'm not really a big therapy guy I don't feel like I necessarily want the same life as a therapist is trying to pitch me on which is like some life of like morals and simplicity and those type of things yeah not to say I don't have morals and simplicity but like I don't need my life to be rooted in like find somewhere to disappear in the world and like disconnect from everybody that's not really like where I'm headed right but I did talk to a therapist one time and he made this point about being like you know no matter what kind of woman you're chasing physically right like you like you like ass you like titties you like like he's like you have the biggest tits in the room he's like you walk into any room and you have just the most gigantic tits nobody can think about anything else other than whatever your gigantic tits which is your Drake I I I remember this about this guy remember that about this guy I bet this guy does this I bet this guy does that like all the preconceived notions they're just like they can't see past the gigantic tits unless they talk to you and then they're like oh wow like you're actually like I mean your tits are huge but you're super smart right you know or like you're really nice yeah so it's it's it's it's interesting to to that's why I relate to girls with huge tits yeah you remember like that you kept saying hi you just said I wasn't really saying you I don't know why I was looking too that was crazy I envisioned you as just [ __ ] Monsters Just knockers judge just just mommy milkers yeah it's weird I know yeah yeah all right you can stop saying if you got way more yeah it's getting dark I'm telling you guys it's getting dark it's like it's Tim drink all right well that's that's a very valid point um man women or something else you know I don't like to talk about them for long to be honest because they always leave me with a strong depression um let's let's let's let's keep going what do you think about how it's just it's just true I don't know I got in my feelings I thought there's a question no no no that was just straight yeah that was just real life uh what do you think this is my question because this is something that and it gets kind of weird I might have to explain it but you might get it why do you think I just been looking at draft day staring off into the sunset knowing his time is coming where is he well he's on the phone now but before he was just like staring at him like this like ocean waves just knowing that he's like I'm about to be yeah his day's on the way I love that that's probably yeah then he opt on FaceTime yeah [Music] she manipulate it and and brainwashed and and like they just all follow these traits right like these these custom traits and I'll explain a few because it sounds so like weird but what I mean by this is like like why do people think like I was having a conversation once and someone's like well how much did your daughter weigh you know to me someone said that to me when she came out you know or or like or ever someone's like you know when's your mom's birthday I'll tell you I don't know my mom's birthday I know when it is right and I've never missed it you know ever right and my mother has I think arguably had the best birthday since my since I became who I am right um but I don't know it off the top of my head but why do you think it's a thing where it's like people like feel like oh you're supposed to know your parents birthday you're supposed to know how much your kid would weighed when they came out I feel like that's so stupid right I mean I think those are two really different things don't they just choose knowing your mom's birthday and no he's a two persons Wade when they popped out in such a useless fact like I do not I'm sorry I do not know my son that's what I'm saying but it doesn't mean you don't always love it right and you know what he likes yeah well now I didn't man he was just like a like a yeah exactly pod or something I don't know I just hold him and be like it's crazy I wasn't like yep yeah six and a half pounds like I don't care but that is a real thing though that's a real thing in the world people feel like yeah you're supposed to know these things yeah and I never understood the conception of that logic like like people like people in Milwaukee no like people everywhere I guarantee you after this it'll be a thing where people are like you're supposed to know that you're supposed to know this yeah no I get what you're saying I don't I don't get it though you know what's your what's the question why do you think it is the way that like certain things have happened that are just like people think automatically Christmas we buy gifts I think that's just a trace it's hard wiring right it's just all hardwiring it's just all it's it's it's the the life the lifelong argument of nature versus nurture right like and that is nurture thing it's like how were you how were you well I guess both yeah just like what what about what like what things were you raised on right like our accents and [ __ ] like it's like we probably all sound foreign to you being from Toronto because of just a place that we're from and just the fact that like I don't know who started talking like that yeah I'd love to meet that guy I literally want to meet the first Toronto man of all time I don't know who he is I don't know where he got the accent from yeah or any of that but like I just like I know that like he's influenced all of us yeah and now we like I'm like a full father talking like internet memes because that's just my that's my upbringing right yeah yeah traditions and values you know why do they matter is that what you're asking or yeah I just don't get oh I just wonder why people like why isn't such a thing he's doing it again I think you just missed it he was doing it again he's a lot yeah bro he's feeling a dream do you believe in um aliens I think first of all as human beings we find a way to wake up and think like the world kind of like revolves around our story there's no way this can end or it can't end now because things are going too good or whatever we we definitely think we have more control over life than than we do a hundred percent and I've Just Seen It Go the other way so many times that I know for a fact like I know just because shit's going good for me and I'm Drake I know it doesn't mean I'm supposed to be here and grow old and be 80 or 90 years it doesn't matter like you know like I know I don't have control over that aspect of the story but even deeper than that it's like man I believe like bro if Jason Momoa just walked up on the beach like right now on some just Aquaman [ __ ] like popped out of the water I would not be like I would be shocked do you know what I mean like I would be a little like I would be a little I might be like what but I wouldn't be I wouldn't run in the crib I'd be like that's Aquaman obviously of course there's a [ __ ] entire world over there that we don't know about okay you know what I mean like I wouldn't dip on them so you're basically saying like you you're not like I'm open to the idea right if Jason Momoa pops up on us right now as Aquaman I would be like this interview just got way crazier pull up a chair we need to know what wait what you just like what's popping down like what yeah yeah you know what I mean yeah 100 so it's like if aliens come and get me like I'm gonna be like yo let's let's let's build let's build like I'm gonna introduce him to Jordan right away yeah yeah yeah you have to before he if he doesn't know then you get shaky that's quick yeah no there definitely has to be [ __ ] that like we don't understand or mm-hmm right like I don't know this is just one planet right yeah what do we just think all the other ones are empty yeah we're the only ones that get blessed with like that's true being chilling in Turks and Caicos dropping sunglasses nobody else on any other planet has a sunglasses line I hope not one like this no exactly well yeah exactly not with the interchangeable lens exactly that's exactly right he uh he's a he supports he I support my brother honestly one of my best friends I love you so much honestly I love you and I want y'all to stop ain't even you know what I'm not gonna get into it I'm not gonna get into it I'm not gonna get into that time I hit you about that time about the [ __ ] on the internet that's every day yeah but the one time about the time I was upset you're always upset okay the time I hit you by the time I was upset about don't worry about it too many times yeah all right so let's see one last thing I would like to see because I want to wrap it up Sun's going down we got things to do if you know off the top of your head because you've done so many things you good all right no you had one right now no you would just no you was looking into the ocean no you had one of the one yeah [Laughter] you were looking into the distance you know seriously like no it's all day we're still we're still rolling bro all right hey look ladies and gentlemen we couldn't afford security all right what is the craziest thing you've ever done for someone foreign just one just one day it might get you in trouble but I just want to know one thing and that's from long time ago all right that it's from long time ago obviously but what's one of you guys a little Oklahoma Story please I know that's what you want I just wanna I wanna see what you're gonna say I want to see what you're gonna say I once did like three hours of Prosthetics like so I could attend somebody's court date that I cared about because they were in trouble for something that's deep yeah and I walked in as like a 80 year old man and everyone was like is that Drake it definitely was like I'm not like yo I had one of the like best Hollywood makeup artists in the world and they were still like that's definitely Drake crazy crazy what's a harmless confession if you're asking me what is a harmless confession or what what's a harmless like what's a confession and this could be anything I was gonna say a confession is that doesn't bring you hard that's what a harmless profession but you weren't asking for a dictionary to be Webster I don't know if I have a harmless confessions well I mean just like something that like you really irritates you that you don't like like I hate when you know you go in a hotel and then they have the uh napkins and it's all nicely folded because oh that's like a pet peeve though well I mean I didn't want to say like why do you hate that I didn't want to say it oh because I hate messing it up because it's like really nicely like a nice flower like someone took their time and I I never wanna same when you go to a restaurant at the folded all nice never feel like I think if we're I think if we're [ __ ] with each other and you wake up earlier than me but I have to like control the room for example like if somebody wakes up earlier than me and like busts the blinds open or oh man or like you know like if somebody's just on their phone but like taking calls and [ __ ] like in bed while you're I if it's like if the if the room if the bedroom turns into your office just because you woke up earlier than me that's terrible it's uh yeah that's horrible to me it's awful yeah that's horrible too yeah yeah like I don't like obviously like I'm all with like you know here's a driver start your day I'll see you later or like I'll wake up we'll reconvene in a bit but like to like take command of the room that's insane yeah I know and it's insane that there are women that do that people in general I mean I hope it's only women but like you were like I just didn't want to make you I didn't want to take you down the women path I said women you said people I know women were like you but like you sounded like you were like being hateful towards women so I was like yeah but it's people in general thank God you see what the [ __ ] like I just didn't want to bury you all right sorry you're right well I guess it's like let's run that back yeah okay whatever I don't know I don't I don't know I don't know we're off that we're out there I mean like obviously I'm just trying to like I get it I just it sounded like you were trying to say like I get what you think I I get where I get where my fault was but I'm just letting you know I was trying to help you initially so I threw myself under the bus for you oh because you were like yeah man women bro and I was like okay like obviously definitely unisex why do you think and I'm only asking this because you do it the most and the most strongest why do you think when rappers bring rappers out on stage they act as if they never seen them before so funny the way you hug people is so insane like we'll just have seen each other backstage backstage and it's like I don't know but maybe it's like it's like babies like adrenaline you know okay don't you think I don't know we all do it we all I guess because like it's kind of like the crowd seeing them and you're like oh [ __ ] like you're trying to play the role like I haven't seen you two I don't know that's a good ass question well what would be the other side of it would it be like you coming out on stage with me I feel like I've just been chilling with you for 30 minutes and like don't acknowledge thank God he's so weird no that's so funny that's such a good point like it's way too enthusiastic like but I legit did perform for babies the other day didn't see him backstage at all and didn't see him after the show only saw him on stage I went on stage and didn't even see him on stage he cut walked away and you can see it falls that's wow I didn't see him at all that was um a moody conversation is that what these are called I think I just off the top a moody conversation because like future oh I like that Moody conversation yeah I was a moody conversation was yachty and Drake thank you so much bro part one yeah part one we'll see you guys next time in Croatia damn just like that just like that we out this [ __ ] dog [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Views: 7,126,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UBTqCqQl2fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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