Nardwuar vs. Tyler, The Creator (2023)

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hi it's Nard Ward the human servet [Applause] at about to interview Tyler the Creator and do great okay U um anybody else want to [Music] follow hey how you doing it's amazing thank you so much uh check check check all that they don't know who they got behind the camera I think it's I think this is beautiful this is one of the most interesting things I've seen all weekend [Music] night hello everybody Tyler okoma here also known as Tyler the Creator and you are at cam fogna with well obviously me and nard War nard War nard War nard War yeah my boy who are you um Ed I'm Ed today Tyler the Creator welcome to Camp vog no that you put together which is just golf wiang backwards which is just Wolf Gang with the two first letters switched our sixth interview together in 12 years wow who would have thought it would have been this I thought it would have been whenever I put something else out but this is a nice little like bside like one I like that and to thank you for all the interviews I have a special gift for you this is for Tyler the Creator could you please explain what is happening Tyler it's a flashlight here is Tyler opening the gift these boxes oh this is a [ __ ] amp it's a pedal pedal amp pedal amp for your piano oh for your white piano and check out the back what it says on the back distortion pedal based on vage Fender tweet amplifier made to be used with included contact microphone and make piano very angry made by a guy named Adam grim satellite amplifiers that's for you for your piano what do you think a pedal for your piano never done that you I didn't even know I could do all that like the microphone about to do all that this is nice made by Adam at Satellite AMS face on yeah nard War versus Tyler the Creator kiss your little face just kiss your little you on some narar on some type of time but that's a gift for you for thank you for what you thank you thank you also thank you for Camp fogna I mean this is amazing I realized you created this room like look at the colors I mean pretty much the the gradients matches the the sunsets uh in the summer Los Angeles like you thank you for allowing me in this room like I'm one of the few people in here yeah no it's nice it uh smells good what was the idea behind the original Camp fogna uh the original idea for cam fog now was when I put Goblin out in 2011 I wanted to shut down Fairfax the street I grew up hanging out at and uh I wanted to do a block party with rides and things kind of like the carnivals that were uh uh in hot Thorne where I grew up at like the uh Community Center and at the Catholic churches and stuff uh the city said no was a little bummed but uh Clancy and I was like yo what if we just rented a parking lot and did the same thing there the name FL came from I had broke my leg uh 2012 uh oh no actually was it 2011 huh one of those years I broke my foot not my leg I broke my foot went on a European tour couldn't really go outside so I'll be on a tour bus on Photoshop just making like t-shirt graphics and I made this seal of uh that said cam fogna with this cat uh design that I had in it like it was a seal for a camp that would go on patches for Boy Scouts or at the thing D and um when we fig was trying to figure out a name I was like let's just call it cam flogal because at the time I was making uh mixes called Summer Camp mixes uh for this fake Camp thing that I was just thinking about and uh it all came out together so the cat that you see everywhere was because of that and the first one was in a parking lot with like 700 people and Little Wayne performed across the street at the noia theater at the time and now we're here and it grew big every time then it went to the Coliseum now it's Dodger Stadium and I'm so blessed and grateful that people still care and um all the spirits are high it's so much joy and happiness in the air and uh to know for two days Los Angeles could just be filled with joy is like it's beautiful I love the special touches that you have for Camp fogna like for instance you have an air freshener can you explain like I love you won't find this at any other Carnival will you no I just think I think just making very special specific things for that specific thing is just really cool um everyone loves novelty things and now because a lot of things are just on the internet and people don't buy CDs and a lot of things aren't as tangible anymore um I like making a few things that some people could even just keep as a Keepsake not even open it and they their 10-year-old finds it 10 years from now and it's like what is this and they have memories and stories just from this thing so that's what I try to do and the lineup how do you choose to lineup for Camp flagna um you have to one I like to it's like thirds I like to choose things I specifically like but also you you still want to sell tickets so you have to make sure you get um people and names that people will love and a lot of people think that oh this lineup is weak because it's not something specifically there for them but I try to generalize it in a wider scope for like underground kids kids that like this stuff kids that like this stuff just so it's a good mix of stuff that's still good taste um if it was was only like you know the SoundCloud kid with only 10 playes and stuff and everyone was like that I would be bankrupt and we wouldn't be able to do this and then if you only get the [ __ ] radio stuff it's like well the kids that call this home who don't listen to that stuff will feel alienated again and that will kind of be the opposite of why I created it so I kind of make it all even because we like some radio stuff we like some of the big names we like some of the small stuff and I have a lot of musician friends uh who I truly love their music that I come across and I'm like hey would you you like to play and it allows me to give folks chances who aren't able to uh just yet get on these Coachella or these pitchforks or these other things so I don't know I I just look at it from that Angle now speaking of the Summer mixtape and lineup who do we have over there come on over camera C the C camera come on could you please explain who do we have a genius a [ __ ] Savant a [ __ ] I I listen to his music and I truly say oh I'm not good yet TR truly truly he put out the uh Summer mixtape you're on it no no listen he put out the in have you heard the Harmon change instrumental oh wow what are we talking about what are we talk the listen anything in what put the instrumentals out and I'm sitting there like oh I'm not good yet in I've been a fan of this man since 2010 found his stuff you I was a little YouTube kid gorilla versus bear kid it was a blog spot that posted stuff and download his album track three imprint after is actually the soundtrack to 2010 which was the year that I started getting noticed and stuff and um every time I hear it it takes me back like to oh [ __ ] like that was right before my switch changed and uh we went to South by Southwest the next year that was like one of our first few shows out D I went to Target it was the first time I had a little bit of bread went to Target we red the house and I bought a bunch of [ __ ] and I was in Texas and I was like what the [ __ ] they don't really have sidewalks it was a whole thing and I it was he performed at this weird bar out there and I got in there and watched him play live and I was just mesmerized so listening to his music is very important to me because I associated with the the moment that my life changed so he's a very very important artist to me and he is toro IMA IMA thank you and Toro IMA what can you say about Tyler the Creator my God he's a bigger genius than me I don't know what you're talking about like yeah Tyler he's got the generation in his palm he's he knows what kids like he knows what adults like he knows what he's doing trust this man and you on one of its early mix tee AR you on vinyl I think so it's on vinyl what the [ __ ] is on vinyl one of the early mix tapes I think it's been bootlegged on vinyl oh n oh these kids love faking [ __ ] so godamn I don't even know what the [ __ ] you talking about these [ __ ] come up with somebody tried to fake my birth certificate like it's getting crazy well thanks much TR we revisit more Tyler fogna memories in a moment and doot byebye yes do so ill dude Toro imoa he's he's truly to me like genius and I know he's going to be making music for the rest of his [ __ ] life and it's going to be good that's what I love Tyler you inspire people to search out different music like through your samples through your lineup like it's amazing that you do that I love I love music I'm a the I love nothing more on this Earth than music and nothing will ever be ahead of that and I was curious just just quickly what and I have some gifts for you Michael Henderson oh man Michael Henderson a genius that uh he never Michael Henderson I don't think he got his just do he uh two weeks ago I was three weeks ago I was on a road trip to uh Oregon and treat me like a man by him came on and I'm just like who thinks of using cords like this he's genius Valentine is Crazy by him um he has a song with Norman Connor uh probably one of his most popular songs called You Are My Starship it's on a Norman Conor's album I think he put it on another album after the success but the warmth and the the pocket of the drum the groove is just amazing and such an ill vocalist um this is a crazy cover [ __ ] dick all out he on some bondage [ __ ] too right here I did some bondage [ __ ] uh Tuesday uh I got tied up it was fun that was that's a different topic uh 1981 man that's a gift for you thank you thank wow yeah they were sick man early 2000 it was a few like it was them y twin smiles and South Star it was a weird moment where it was a lot of rap Duos just popping the [ __ ] out of nowhere um but uh they were sick they both had a lot of uh energy and Charisma um but they played off of each other where it didn't feel too tacky um super cool man I think they were from Atlanta if I had to take a guess Cal Jeter man I uh I I interpolated uh his song called invitation for this song called campfire off of wolf um Bo love it genius genius wow Tom [ __ ] Brown I mean the guy dude literally the guy it's a funking for Jamaica is one of the greatest things I've ever heard in my life those Jazz chords but the it's funky you have the illst vocalist on it they have a [ __ ] dude just playing Sachs on there if you look at the video I love the drummer cuz he has on a kelly green hat and like tall slim black dude White shirt and when I was a kid and I would watch that video I would always be like oh like that's the that's me in the video like uh so yeah check that out y'all if y'all haven't seen that super ill wow bunny seagler Buffalo this is crazy are things I don't really get to see like straight up in person yeah this are gifts for you yeah this is amazing you have inspired me to like get into all these different bands by you mentioning them I love that no man listen I since a kid I didn't really play with toys but I loved CDs and every time I go to my mom's friend's house I would see what CDs they have and just open it and read the credits and try to learn as much about them and music's my favorite thing and I could talk about it all day and we have to get to a point I think um sometimes I'll do these and I'll talk about music and I'll be like oh this is recorded at this studio this is track this this is this came out this year and it could probably be annoying but we're at a point where a musician who you know for music is being interviewed on a platform about music talking in detail about music his passion and what he's known for and people are like why does he keep doing that but you know if I was on here gossiping or talking about so and so who got beefed oh man it's people will feed into it and it's like no we need to get back to talking about music we need to stop [ __ ] going sneaker shopping or [ __ ] deep throating hot wings for an hour like talk about your album talk about music talk about the 15 songs that you guys have spent time to get mixed and mastered and put your heart into and produced and did all these things and then when the album comes out and it sells two copies everyone's confused but it's like they don't want to talk about the music or the album they rather [ __ ] go eat chicken wings and sneaker shoing like so I hope that overall every musician gets to a point where they sit and speak about their music and the music that they love and the conversation about music just comes back because the fact that you could get every song for $10 what that subconsciously I think does is have people like not respect music is worthy and when people don't talk about it that makes it I just think that it's just not a lot of love in it even from a fan perspective um yeah just winding up here I wanted to ask about two more bands right here from the Teryaki boys Nico the producer what can you say about the Teryaki boys um it's funny uh on a road trip on a road trip I listen to Cho Large it's a Teriyaki Boy song and man they just had so much ill style um ver verbal had so much ill style and that was such a special time I used to love her with Kanye is so special and um Zach on by the Teriyaki boys has one of my favorite drum patterns ever um and the way that they approached the Beats was just so sick their four finger rings were so sick and I think they just had such a special appreciation for hip-hop especially being from Japan uh and their approach to it was just super cool and speaking of drum drops and drum breaks I have a GI for you drum drops volume one which you sampled you have sampled before some actual drum drops wow you sampled drum doops 73 for 911 Mr Lonely won C for the boom boom literally I you know was funny I love that song because it was literally just trying to make like a Groove that like like a slow down Groove that Mary would have did on like What's the 411 which is a great album for the kids who's watching uh she covers a sweet thing by Shaka and Rufus um impeccable I listened to that song the other day like oh I still have work to do I don't have a song better than Sweet Thing by Mary J BL or the original by Shaka Rufus uh [ __ ] but yeah I was just trying to make one of those groes cuz that's just the stuff I grew up listening to um yeah how many Myspace pages did you have like in the very beginning because you worked hard didn't you I have four maybe five um my personal one another one and the title of the Creator one was me just posting um at 15 um all my art all of my t-shirt designs and all my instrumentals um oh yeah yeah yeah all my instrumentals and stuff and I had another one called poly mono where it was just like super weird electronic beats uh that I would post and yeah I'm probably missing one but yeah you had that YouTube too blog head and it was a comment or a a title we got disqualified because of the way Tyler was acting yeah uh was that I probably performed toddlers yeah odd Toddlers and bubble I was super hyper active as a kid I've calmed down a bit but uh damn I was in that fa shirt that Supreme had I was like 16 and it was like moms in the crowd and the people that went on before us their set was boring is a cheap word to use but it just wasn't alive and I was like let's go on and just give them something to look at and they disqualified us but I was like [ __ ] it let's put it on YouTube it a shitty [ __ ] camera but yeah me and Jasper used to put all of our uh Stupid skits on there and uh I was like yeah let's do these CU I was like one day man I'm G to get us a show on ad do swim uh and we will put it all on there and then like a few years later it happened thank you David Ary oh yeah yeah how' you get his number uh so David arow um me I knew someone who interned at inner scope and he was like yo I know the guy that you could probably put your CD on the desk to so I printed like five CDs with a few songs on it um this is 2010 and went to FedEx uh cover City printed like a cover or whatever and um went there d d da went upstairs inter scope and he dropped it on his thing and um ended up meeting the dude d da he gave me his card whatever bam few months went by never heard from him whatever and I found his card in my grandmother's couch so I emailed him and I'm like and I didn't like have a phone like that so I had to email him so I emailed him he's like yo I got someone I want to meet you his name is uh Christian um come to the thing so I went there and I went to the inter scope office to this dude and he's like yo like man like been looking at the random stuff you put on YouTube is cool but my friend Christian Clancy who used to work here really wants to meet you and comes Clancy and this dude and he's like bro I love this stuff it makes me feel like 16 again I want to punch people in the face but like I know man you seem really talented and me and Clancy kept in contact and the [ __ ] rest is literally his history met his wife and man that man changed my life I'm forever in I if you gave me880 billion do I will still be in debt to uh the clanes for how they changed my life and I have a gift for you Tyler Lego fire like did you ever think somebody making Lego with you the green suit too wow that is sick they got the sound things on it that's beautiful cool I'm happy people uh reacted to that album like from my space pages to David arow to YouTube to Lego yeah I mean uh half of me is not shocked I always knew I would be uh exactly who I became but the other half is like oh [ __ ] this is real I'm very lucky and very grateful for it so I'm pretty ambivalent about uh how my life came out yeah like the festival today incredible again again congratulations on the festival it's amazing sick beautiful seeing all these kids just happy all these adult just happy all these humans just like happy and feeling free and like just I don't know that's the whole reason why I did it last interview I gave you a tight shirt a very tight shirt it's the brown Hawaiian one with like hints of tan and green in it I thank you for trying I appreciate that because most people would try you can take that off and give it to somebody that it fits no we good I [ __ ] with you and I thought it would give you another shirt that actually will fit you I know this will fit you this shirt right here it's a vintage shirt what do you think about this shirt I like the pokka dots um if I wore this with a a good hot pink it'll it'll cut through like in the Flur design do you have many polka dot Brown uh no we do the we do our camo with Flor in it and the multicolored stuff let's see I got shoulders slim but I got shoulders oh yeah I could do this and it works like if you uh yeah no this this works I look good in a lot of things this works definitely damn this fit I like this it's a little puffy it's called the slow keyia Bell uh I think they call this the bell shaped arm sick thank you but no problem only best for Tyler um okoma the Creator yes sir and Tyler anything else you want to add to the people out there at all um is there anything I need to say that I can't articulate over like a tweet no I just hope everyone's having a good time and um I think we should put music out again on Tuesdays instead of Fridays for some reasons what do y'all think so I my reasoning is um I know people think because of the because of because of the weekend they could listen and stuff and streams go up and the streaming people are like oh streams go up on a weekend but I think it's a lot of passive listening uh at parties or people get the time to go to the gym so they're not really listening um and people on the weekends they want to chill and just hang out so they're not really listening but I think if you put it out during the week man that commute to work or that commute to school or uh just whatever that is you really have those that hour or 30 minutes it to really dive in and really listen because you know once that's over you got to get to work d da um and I think when that time is shorter kind of like procrastination you get more done even with listening and um to work on an album for for so long and put so much energy to it and for it to be released at midnight and I'm talking about America cuz this is where for it to be released at midnight just seems so disrespectful like people are sleep on the East Coast for the most part and people are going to sleep on the west and that's when you decide to release music like I think it coming out in the morning would just make more sense um but that that that's just me personally um yeah I don't know how you guys feel about that you could talk just so I don't feel crazy if it's a dumb idea but I don't know man I just really love music and Tyler lastly Lastly lastly here I have the new twink LP for you cuz I know last time in 2019 I gave a sign twink LP I have a gift for you finally one more gift it is twink boyfriend forgot yeah it's been a while since I've held a twink so this is the new twink LP cuz you sbled him for boyfriend mhm yeah it's been a while but he's still going it's amazing I'm curious on what what this sounds like based on the the the different technology I don't know if I articulated my CD thing good enough uh feel free to go again or music being released on during a week or just not Friday nights I just think music being released Friday nights is not it but whatever we can cut that out if you want no no keep it keep it and people are GNA argue and call me for tenses and be like oh he's so [ __ ] that but that's just a point and uh uh just a thought that I had so [ __ ] it well thanks so much Tyler no thank you I really appreciate like this entire room like you granted you allowed this room to happen didn't you you you allowed this to happen I just I just gave you the land and you what you built is a how you're able to come and people respect you enough to come in here and want to speak to you so congrats on what you've done oh well thanks so much Tyler I really appreciate the support thank you why should people care about Camp flog now why should people care uh they shouldn't care if they don't want to they can care about whatever the [ __ ] they want to care about well thanks so much Tyler keep on rocking in a free world a and to to [ __ ] the Free [Music] World d d all right [ __ ] I gotta go I'm get the [ __ ] out of here [Music] n
Channel: NardwuarServiette
Views: 1,650,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nardwuar the Human Serviette, Tyler the Creator, Interview, Camp Flog Gnaw, 2023, Rap, Hip Hop, Festival, Odd Future
Id: JGY71JdCny4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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