Narcissist dad recorded

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Narc hate being recorded, hate being confronted with irrefutable proof of what they are. That dad wanted to get violent several times but the camera kept him back, he was so afraid of it.

They know what they are.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Jovet_Hunter 📅︎︎ Sep 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

This was the first evidence I saw on YouTube that proved I wasn’t the only one dealing with a narcissist. And then I saw how many people were hating on it (nearly 50/50 like-dislike ratio if I remember correctly) and calling the kid who was filming, spoiled and bratty. It made me feel very insecure, even though it wasn’t my video.

I didn’t watch the video for a long time for that reason, but I’m happy I just watched it again. I’ve voice recorded my nDad a few times, and the panic/frustration you hear in this kids video is very relatable.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/GetYourOwnBanana 📅︎︎ Sep 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

The guy put his hands on his hips, like my mom. Thts never a good thing.

Helping them out with cpu's is always a trap. They kno how to do it. They just wanna start drama. They always go to the people who r willing to help bc were empaths and theyre heartless.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/xxxanonymousxxx1 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

Hearing this sent me back to sooooo many awful conversations I've had with family.

Bless Eileen though. Good in her for calling out his ridiculousness and sticking to her guns.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Superwormie 📅︎︎ Sep 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

Just watched this. I hate your dad. Very similar to mine. Your mom sounds nice... she'd be better off without him

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/M2thaDubbs 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] walking away is not necessarily obnoxious what is it just yelling at somebody that's a little obnoxious that's a little obnoxious and that shows that says something right there if you're not uncomfortable with that that shows something right there you say listen no you're asking for trouble we'll act how it's a simple question how can you answer it calmly yes yes yes you're not getting it but if we don't have to re let's let's settle this let's settle this come in six do not feel me no you know what I'm not do this ela you want to hear why I'm doing it I think it might be a good idea this sandy please turn that on i I'm not recording you right now listen I think it's a good idea I think it would be a good idea for Denise I think wait can you really want to see because you don't let me talk and what and you'd and you disagree with everything I say listen if if I'm Brooke if I record it then you can look at it grimmer oh can you turn it off right now turn it off please no because family it is a family and it is a family and this can help you see you might eat you guys cause you're screaming no I'm not screaming nobody's screaming see you guys I thought it would be a good idea to bring a recorder since you guys are in denial about what you say and how you trap me this is absolutely unpardonable this is not right this is I thought it would be a good idea it's a puzzle that ever ties people against their wishes that is wrong and it's wrong for you to deny it you're using an argument I'm not I was trying to solve an argument by this it is no no it is for normal people you can actually you can observe yourself what do you mean I'm used I'm telling you how I wanted to use it how I wanted to want it to use it so that we can us you know solve this little problem you know because listen I want it I want to let you see you don't even let me finish a sentence I that said what sentence no you're not gonna grab it from me but I will move away I will move away but leave me alone okay I'm leaving why do you yell at me when I'm leaving you know somebody to leave when they're already leaving I decided to start recording because they're both calling me obnoxious for giving my dad knows nothing to gain [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] after I recommended something [Music] you wanna go on a walk or no Mario we were gonna walk it a little bit a swim at 11:00 okay that's what your honor I mean that's what we had planned to do it's always your honor that's yeah [Music] I [Music] [Music] yeah what do I want that I want you to show me that that has been deleted once you show that to me that it's been deleted then we can get back on track I do I don't care what why would I do that why would you do it what's the big deal decent know what it's D it's decent not to raise your voice make demands call people obnoxious Matthew I need to tell you this but we're all human beings here and we all have a threshold you don't take pictures of someone for the purpose of showing other people in their upset mood that is absolutely hotmail it's wrong there was nothing to talk to someone you know there was no threat there's no blackmail if you listen to me I wanted to record your point of view my point of view you can want whatever you want that doesn't make it right I thought I was hoping I was hoping with some people with the camera nervous they listen I don't want to be filmed while I'm talking to you in the middle of an argument that is wrong all right you made your point well I don't know what made my point I want that thing back I want you to erase it in front of me and if you don't do it the consequences for you are going to be very stiff that's ridiculous that's that's that's obnoxious well keep living here no I mean not if you're gonna be here I mean it's fine I don't want to be recorded man I don't want to be recorded if you're doing it right now you are doing something very wrong and if you're you threatening me is doing is doing something very wrong I want that thing erase and I heard you stop repeating yourself I want proof of it why would I do that I'm not gonna do that okay that will suffer the consequences you can't get favors from a family exactly exactly you're doing me no favors why don't you live here why don't you calm down and be nice to me I'll stop and you talk like a baby [Music] [Music] [Music] pictures of Charlie don't approve he's not posting it on anything but you know you're walking away just like he does I'm gonna get ready we promised we would leave at 11:00 let's do it [Music] the Evo races in front of us the woman asked him to do it once and promised that he won't be losing [Music] oh yeah yeah how do you guarantee that one he said but I don't want to live in here if that's the one yeah accent so you walk there you're barking orders to me and there's nothing to do something [Music] without violating [Music] [Music] [Music] is 11 o'clock I bought this up before I go so I go now and I'm going to go by myself and [Music] [Music] you're speaking in general terms and I'm speaking specifically it's ridiculous to me when I was in another room this all happened [Music] probably it's your son a little responsibility you knowing that we help you know you're yelling at me now that's ridiculous my dad just asked me to help him with a PowerPoint presentation I was happy to go he needed help rotating an image and so Hawai you know no big deal I'm happy to help it helps them with many many things you know computer things and one of the things thing you know he needs help with most of the time like any you know like most parents nowadays but and so I I show him I show him you know just how to rotate right click change size scale and told them to just type in 90 degrees and rotation to rotate it when you tell him exactly where it was and I guess he ignored me or something and just went ahead and did like something worked changed some other parameter to fiddle with and I walked away to do but I to get back to what I was doing before and and then he then he yells at me and calls me obnoxious for going away and you know this is just his personality and I calmly mentioned to him I'd appreciate it if he didn't call me obnoxious you know it was just a little nicer to me when asking for help and you know when he completely denied calling me obnoxious he said he didn't call me obnoxious he said you know today I was impossible that I was I don't just many negative things about me and and his recollection of our interaction before he started losing his temper was just not accurate and so Ingram rose is the same way she she sides with him and I so I thought it would be helpful to actually record our interaction so that he can't like lie to himself and lie about you know so that he can't lie to himself or anyone else saying that you know I was the one being rude and that he wasn't being rude the recording would make I would hope make it impossible for him to you know be living like this delusion [Music] [Music] [Music] tonight she walked away always [Music] [Music] in your opinion you see yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you have to deal with if you have to deal with the Anderson I really like it better what else I should ask you the same thing [Music] persecute so you're saying [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: A. Person
Views: 6,872,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: narcissist personality disorder, fight, Narcissism, narcissist, narcissistic, selfish, disrespectful, asshole, jerk, dad, raised by narcissist, ndad, Black sheep, recording, hidden camera, record, argument, yelling, screaming, angry, loud, mean, abuse, abusive, verbal abuse, cruel, delusional, crazy, nuts, psycho, Insane, Anger, father, mental, narcissist father, narcissist dad, family drama, dramatic, manipulative, golden child, tantrum, caught on tape, abuser, emotional, rage, narcisstic rage, parent
Id: dpC6l4IRNTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 04 2014
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