Nanite Farming 2023 Interceptor No Man's Sky

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hello everybody Welcome to my channel uh today I would like to show you a way a new way to farm for nanites this is going to be the Interceptor update and it involves mining for lots of resonance shards inverted mirrors and hunting for Sentinel ships all right so the first thing we need to do to collect these materials to farm for nanites is we need to go to our Galactic map and we need to find a corrupted planet so what we're looking for is the same thing you do to find a sentinel ship is we need to find a dissonant system so in this little window here where it says blah blah blah Roman numeral current location and then underneath that it says G7 water for a distance system it will instead of same water it will say dissonant so we need to find a dissonant system so we here we have oberis I'd 171 light years away G1 dissonant this is the type of system we're looking for I don't have an economy scanner or conflict scanner set up on this ship yet so I don't have any other information but we definitely we do want the dissonant system foreign system now we need to go through the planets and we're looking we're going to scan each one and we're looking for a planet which has right there actually first try at the very bottom of that list it says corrupted Sentinels and just for comparison we'll look at another planet let's go to the look at that one we'll scan that one says High Sentinel activity Okay so anything other than corrupted Sentinels is normal Sentinels we want to corrupt the Sentinels because they have the purple crystals stuck on them and this whole planet will be covered in purple crystals so let's go to this planet so we're going to start by collecting these resonant shards after I find a little clear landing area because you know man's Landing come on there we go my mining beam together here I'm gonna grab these radiant shards I don't know there's radiant shard I'm gonna grab some of this uh living fragments which is the I think atlante neum because we can get nannies with these two all right and this is honestly kind of Slipknot so you have to have the uh upgrade for the mining beam to be able to get the radiate shards but the living fragments we could actually do with our shed and the reason why we're gonna do it with our lip are our Sentinel ship is because we can hover because we can hover we can mine all this up with just something as simple as our Canon and we need to get this material and I got us a crazy crazy amount of stuff just now but plenty so now I have those two materials but now I want an inverted mirror so we need to find a group of Sentinels which for the planets that I've flown around on that are corrupt Sentinel plant mints I have found that sometimes you can find a whole bunch of Sentinels staining all right in a row and sometimes it may take you up to 30 minutes or longer do you find any Sentinels at all it depends on the role of whatever Planet you happen to find right here okay so I found my group of Sentinels all right so let's land our ship and I have not tried doing this from the ship because I don't want Sentinel Fighters coming around and bugging me because I'm super annoyed when I'm trying to fight things and then all of a sudden there's a bunch of ships here fighting me okay so that right there that is the inverted mirror Sentinel I'm going to switch my multi-tool to my fighting multiple tool make sure I'm on full splitter change to my grenades which I need to recharge yes I know I'm doing it to slow away it's okay I'll do change differently all right so what's gonna happen here is when I kill that Sentinel it will drop one inverted mirror that mirror we can then use to gain nanites now much like every Sentinel fight that you've been in if you go through all of the five levels of Sentinel aggression and you complete the fifth level then it stops The Sentinel aggression same thing happens with the corrupted Sentinels but the difference is when you do that you are given the location of a salvaged Sentinel ship much like the one I have over there that you can then use you can recover it you know and slide around but also there is a chance that the when you've completed the fifth tier that you can get a drop of 10 inverted mirrors all at once I had that happen to me yesterday when I was trying this and I managed to get like 19 mirrors in a very short amount of time by doing that which is significant considering how many nanades you get from each mirror so we're going to attack this mirror and get our inverted mirror and we're going to fight all the way up through the fifth tier because we need a sentinel shift needed all right and we just completed the fifth level aggression and now it's giving us the location for a dissonant Spike just not Spike detected all right [Music] okay so now we have located our crashed it's a little ship we're going to enter it now we're not keeping this ship we don't want anything to do with it other than what it has in it and that is the Hylian brain okay so then we're gonna bring all of these things back into our freighter only because I need to use the refiner and I'm using a refiner on my freighter because I don't feel like traveling all the way back to any base that has a refiner for most of this you can use a portable refiner however there is a recipe where you will need at least a medium refiner so we're gonna go to our refiner room oops I still have leftover stuff okay so our first recipe we're going to do is radiant shards that gives us 1 to 50 if you see right here that is a 1 to 50 recipe one radiant Shard to 50 nanite clusters we're going to make those all right now here's where it gets really cool inverted mirrors that is a 1 to 95. inverted mirrors to nanite clusters recipe okay that's a lot of nanites all at once so if you went out and mined a whole boatload of inverted mirrors you could potentially make a lot of nanites all at once all right we can also do if we put the Hylian brain all right that's this right here that's when it's red and it's still seeing it does this brain doesn't like you from the ship you put this in here that is a one to 260 recipe for nanites in the refiner that is a freaking lot of nanites all right if you were to make that Hylian brain into a harmonic brain that doesn't make anything at all right so now if you wanted to spend the time to do boatloads of refining in your refiner room there is a recipe that I found out now atlantidium by itself is a one to two for pugnium we're going to make some Pokemon real quick and this is pretty slow right so for uh the the 4095 which is as much as you can make in one shot of pugnium it's about four minutes worth of refining we're just gonna mine up just a little bit here or refine up a little bit all right so by itself is a one to two for pugnium now if we go into our inventory here and just get some Pokemon makes nanites it's a 25 to 1 right so but watch this now if I put the Atlanta diem back in there with the Pug neum now it's a one to three for one or eight runaway mold so let's make some runaway mold and that's about five and a half minutes for the 4095 stack and we'll just we're gonna throw that right over here real quick put this away and now run away mold as we all know is a five to one for nanite clusters so you could potentially use the Atlanta dm with the pugnium we usually have antidium to make pognium I would say because it's a one to two you would want to do about one third of your total atlantidium into Pokemon that should give you roughly equal amounts of each put them both back in your refiner make as much runaway mold as you possibly can and start making runaway mold and now the runaway mold for a full stack of runaway mold 999 is about a 20 minute refinement process so it's going to take a while it's going to take a long time but it can be done and that is another recipe that you can use then to make the nanite Clusters and potentially make yourself nanite rich all right everybody that's what I wanted to show you that you can make a lot of nanites with this new update using radiator shards Atlanta diem inverted mirrors and the Hylian brains if you found this video useful or helpful to you at all please let me know in the comments like my video and if you see to do so please subscribe to the channel I got the feeling I'm probably gonna be doing more No Man's sky videos in the future and that's all I have for you today everyone please have a beautiful day
Channel: Dane-ger Gaming
Views: 23,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #No Man's Sky, #Nanites, #Nanite Farming, #Interceptor Update
Id: Pei1Ln2c40U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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