❗WARNING - 4 OP Exploits 🤯 | No Man's Sky 2023

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hey hey everybody Taylor here and yeah we're gonna go through my four main wait for it that's voice now I realize this video is going to be loved by some hated by some or just flat out ignored by some but if you're a newer player watching this just know that I do kind of intend this to be for people who've been playing a while and want something as an alternative to grinding but trust me when I started out I love the grind I I really enjoyed the process of building up units and nanites but when you've accumulated over 4 000 hours what you consider fun will and does change trust me on this you know it hasn't changed I still love playing no man's Sky only in a different way that being said my take on exploits Chi tax whatever you want to call it it's simple it's your game play this non-competitive space exploration game how you want to okay with all that out of the way let's get to it the first one is a tried and true classic that still works to this day and that's an easy way to reuse your emergency broadcast receiver Taylor I'm sorry for interrupting but you don't call those emergency broadcast receivers anymore SpongeBob what are you doing they're now called Emergency Signal scanners uh thanks you're welcome have an S Plus day where the hell were we oh yeah the scrap dealer so you go to the scrap dealer to get the uh Emergency Signal scanner and the first one will cost you 5 million and then if you buy another one it's 10 if you buy another one after that it's 20 going all the way up to 30 million per scanner let me show you a way that you can just buy one and just keep reusing it so you start pulsing and then you activate your scanner and it'll tell you when an anomaly's been spotted and then you pull out of your pulse and there's your freighter and so now at any point between when you land and open up the door to the derelict freighter just stick this in your personal refiner you can go and do the entire derelict freighter and when you're done you just pull it right back out of the refiner and it's ready to be used again super easy and very convenient especially if you're making a lot of freighter runs trying to get those modules at the last terminal okay the next one I lean on pretty heavily is called the Golden glitch this will allow you to build anything in the build menu and you don't even need the materials for it so here you can see I don't have the chromatic metal necessary to build the mineral extractor so if you're on Console the process is just selecting the mineral extractor I'm going to hit Y or triangle to toggle back to the wire now I'm going to hit the toggle wire button and the build button which is the right trigger on Console I'm going to hit those at the same time and depending on the timing of it all it should build sometimes it's a little finicky but you'll get the hang of it now if you're on PC the same thing is true so you'll hit Z to go into your build menu you'll select your build part and then just hit Q to toggle back to the wire and then left click and Queue at the same time and it will build what's great about this is that say you need chromatic metal you can just build a bunch of mineral extractors and then delete them and then you've got 100 chromatic metal per deleted extractor plus all the metal plating but you don't even need to stop there because this works on any building part like I said so take this Marine shelter this should only be built in water right the game won't let you build this out of water but with the golden glitch you can build this anywhere voila so yeah hate to admit it but I love using this it's an extreme understatement to say that this next one is going to save you a ton of time and that's the classic Quicksilver glitch so the Quicksilver glitch goes like this you head to the anomaly when you get out of your ship you establish a new restore point you head to the Quicksilver vendor and buy something whatever it's important to note right here that I have 8 800 Quicksilver okay remember that number so I'm gonna buy these three bite B tracks for a total of 2400 Quicksilver then immediately after you just reload your restore point make sure it's a restore point and not your auto save very important you head back to the Quicksilver vendor and not only do you have your original Quicksilver balance you can see that all three of those bite bead tracks are now available so I got to be honest here 99 of my play has been on Xbox but somewhat recently I switched over to PC and none of that stuff transferred over well this came in pretty handy because I wasn't about to grind all that Quicksilver again to unlock everything so if someone happens to find themselves in a similar situation I'm not going to lose any sleep over helping you save a boatload of time [Music] and now the moment you've all been waiting for arguably the most powerful glitch in the game right now capable of mountains of nanites and countless riches [Music] I give you the portable refiner glitch iterations of this glitch have come and gone but currently this is where it sits I used to use three total refiners for this until the latest update kind of patched it I'd put one down and then the other two I'd put it an angle so they would overlap each other but still overlap the original and then once you deleted these you would have extra of whatever you put on the refiners thus the duplication glitch but since the fractal update this no longer works but alas we have an alternate version and dare I say better to execute the duplication glitch you'll have to have the materials for the portable refiners that you want to use or you could glitch in a bunch and then delete them and then they'd be in your inventory first things first just put down one single portable refiner now is the time to decide what do you want to dupe as long as you go into the portable refiner anything that you see in that menu that you can put in you can duplicate so for this example I'll just use a couple of these gak relics now select another portable refiner and stick it right on top of the other one it should be green stated it doesn't have to be perfect just try to do the best you can and without moving your camera or anything else you can just continue to go into the build menu select another refiner place it and just keep doing this over and over and over again each refiner will duplicate whatever was in the original refiner so if we had two get relics and then we put four more refiners on top after we delete them all 10 will go into our inventory hopefully that makes sense and I wasn't exaggerating by saying it was the most powerful exploit in the game because if you think about it duplicating certain things can really change the dynamic of the game for you if you needed money you just simply duplicate some AI valves that you get from expensive haulers when you scrap them hey I'll come clean on new saves I'll often dupe expansion mods for my multi-tool or exo suit you could do cargo bulkheads for your freighter or Salvage frigate modules you can really duplicate nanites quickly because S-Class mods can stack 10 high or say you have a mod for your Exo Suit that you really like and you would love to duplicate that one well now that we can store these you just move that mod and store it from your technology into your normal inventory into your cargo and it will dupe exactly that mod with all the same stats so it's pretty scary to know that you can do pretty much anything in this game well anything that you can put in your refiner anyway Guys these are the four game changing exploits that I still use to this day occasionally alright well some of these occasionally some every time I play thanks for hanging out with me this is Taylor with whiskey barrel gaming Have A Nice Class day guys
Channel: Whisky Barrel Gaming
Views: 78,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no man’s sky, no man’s sky gameplay, no man’s sky 2023, no man’s sky exploits, no man's sky beginners guide, no man’s sky glitches, no man’s sky duplication glitch, duping no mans sky, no man’s sky refiner glitch, no mans sky, no man’s sky game exploits, no man’s sky best exploits, no mans sky glitch building, no man's sky beginners, no mans sky beginners, no mans sky best mods, no mans sky best glitches, how to get no man's sky, finding no man's sky, how to nms
Id: UUJ8P8fi8Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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