ULTIMATE Freighter Buyer's Guide | No Man's Sky 2022

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[Music] greetings fellow interlopers i'm taylor and we're talking freighters we'll take a look at all the current options as well as some things to keep in mind if you're about to buy your first one and if you're just starting off chances are you probably have a lot of questions and hopefully this video has a lot of answers to speed things up i've actually compiled a list of questions that were most often asked well how do you buy one a lot of units i've heard that you can get a free one is this true yes it is can you upgrade your freighter class no you cannot how many types are there yeah how many types are there a lot all right well i think that's all the questions we have time for so whoa whoa whoa hang on there i have one okay one more hi uh well first off love the voice say i find a freighter i want on the coordinate exchange how do i time out the freighter battle so i can get it for free on a new save that's a great question uh what's your name jax ah well jax if you don't mind hanging out at the back end of the video i'll go through an example of how to tackle that very challenge cool actually if you don't mind i would really appreciate okay yeah we've got a lot to cover uh thanks for the question though snacks well if you're going shopping for a new freighter you definitely want to know what's out there so let's take a look at every model you'll come across but first let's get the confusing thing out of the way a capital ship is a ship that you can land inside build a base and so on what we call a freighter now capital ships have two types and this is where it gets kind of weird the first type are normal freighters which are commonly referred to as system freighters these come in 12 varieties which we'll take a look at in a sec the other type are capital freighters these are variant under the generic term of capital ship capital freighters come in two varieties each with subclasses depending on their size as well as other cosmetics the big takeaway with capital freighters is that they will only spawn during freighter battles the other normal or system class of freighters those are the ones that are just hanging out in any given system at any given time these are the ones that will just warp in out of nowhere getting back to capital freighters the first type is the venator or star destroyer these bad boys come in three sizes the first one is a venator class this is the smallest of the venators and are identified by how many indentations they have as you can see the venator class has two the medium is the imperial class which has four indentations lastly the grand daddy of the venators is the resurgent class these beasties boast six indentations moving on to the other capital freighter i give you the sentinel freighter these also come in small medium and large the smallest of the bunch is the sentinel class these will have three sets of cargo pods next up is the battleship sentinel these will have five sets of cargo pods and lastly is the king of all sentinel freighters the massive dreadnought these guys will have seven sets of cargo pods one quick note about the cargo areas is that they can come as these pods or more of the square boxes just another design element to consider as mentioned before these will only spawn during freighter battles which you've probably thought were pretty random events after you come out of a warp right well these are actually triggered by two conditions in the game condition one is that you've been playing at least three hours since your previous freighter battle this is the actual game time and doesn't count being in menus or pausing the game the second condition is that within that time you've warped at least five times once both of these are met a freighter battle will spawn provided you don't go to an abandoned system the system has to have a race with the latest endurance update the mechanics of these battles have changed a little bit but not to worry i've got you covered so one of two situations will apply to you the first one is for those who have purchased the freighter on the save you're currently playing on and you want to swap it out with a new one the other well you guessed it is for those of you who have not bought their first freighter yet this is actually the most fun situation to be in now if you're scared off by the price tag of your average freighter well cheer up the first one's on the house that's right your first freighter is free but the next one will most definitely cost you so getting the right freighter you want for free can be a little tricky but with a little planning you can come out with a really sweet deal well like 100 off so let's talk about the process of getting your first freighter once you encounter a freighter battle your prospective freighter will be all the way at the front so fly up and take a look a lot of the time it's super dark so i'll just go into camera mode and then move the sun so i get a good look at it so it's either going to be one you're interested in or one you want to move on from if you don't have any interest in this freighter then just reload your save and you can enter a different freighter battle in another system if you like the look of these capital freighters you can actually get one of these in an s-class and yes they can even count as your first freighter which makes it free keep in mind if this is a brand new save or you're playing for the first time the first freighter battle will actually be a system freighter you're not doing anything wrong it's just how the game is but rest assured that all future freighter battles will have a capital freighter so if you want to hold out for the capital freighter you can request payment instead this way you'll preserve your free one for the next battle at least these give out some nice rewards now like a cargo bulkhead to expand your thread your storage as well as gold and nanites once you find a freighter you want you can fly in at any time and check the class by scanning the bay with your visor rinse repeat until you're happy with the class [Music] now i'm guessing most of you want either an a or an s so hold that thought for a sec while i take you through the various styles of system freighters and then we'll get to how class affects max storage and if it's even worth the grind for an s so when i was first starting off i never wanted a system freighter just because they were easy to get and well that's what this game does to you you always want what's hardest to get right ah human nature but i think the system freighters are cool options if you're looking to change things up from a typical capital freighter so these don't need to be in any particular order but since it's my video i'm going from least desirable to coolest looking in my humble opinion to start off we have the cargo freighter and it's three varieties we have the overbite the underbite and the cuboid cuboids are just variations of the over and under just a little less pronounced next up is the blade we've got the hammer head here and here we've got one with the box storage [Music] this one's called the revolver and then we have the galleon the centrifuge the iris the enterprise and last we have the oculus sorry trekkies i know you were pulling for the enterprise to be number one but i love the oculus and the unapologetic shout out to the discovery one from 2001 a space odyssey for you younger travelers that was the space movie that influenced a generation of space movies nearly a decade prior to star wars and it also had me repeating one of the most iconic lines from that movie time and time again i'm sorry dave i'm afraid i can't do that much to the dismay of my friend dave moving on let's talk about the real difference between classes of the freighters the biggest differences that most of us probably care about are the storage capacities of each class so here's a quick rundown of each freighter's maxed out storage capacity you'll see system freighters here as an example but know that it would be the same for capital freighters as well c-class freighters will go 25 main seven in their tech and 24 maxed out in their cargo b-class will go up to 35 in their main also 7 in their tech and 32 in their cargo a-class freighters have a nice main inventory of 40 with 14 in tech and 40 in their cargo last but definitely not least are the s-class freighters these bad boys are maxed out at 48 in the main 21 in the tech and 48 in their cargo this is massive in my opinion you not only pick up an extra 16 slots from the a but you also enjoy 21 text slots remember you can have all your fleet boosting mods in there as well as in your main if you want so that's a potential of six mods you can add to aid your expeditions with speed efficiency defenses mining exploration and all that fun stuff and let's not forget about hyperdrive range truth be told i haven't really tried to maximize my hyperdrive on my s-class freighter but the range sits just under 5200 so yeah in my opinion it's worth it to grind a little for the s-class for all the veterans out there who are shaking their heads right now i don't blame you i've read a lot of posts from people who have spent many hours reloading and trying to get an s-class to spawn in a three-star system that was kind of before all the outlaw systems came around but i was right there with you trust me i don't even want to talk about how long it took me to get my resurgent venator in an s-class but again since the outlaws update data miners will tell you that outlaw systems give you the best odds of finding anything in an s-class and while i might have been super lucky while making this video i've had to find a couple s-class freighters i found them all in outlaw systems with reloads probably numbering between 15 and 30. if this sounds like a lot trust me when i say this it isn't so if you're serious about getting that prized s-class freighter make sure and look in outlaw systems so let's circle back to that question at the top of the video from wax what's the method for going after a specific capital freighter that you saw in a post you have a new save and this is the one you want you want it free and you want an s-class geez dude greedy much we know these only spawn at freighter battles so that much is predictable so you've gotta be between battles to plan this out if the battle is your very next jump you'll have to skip that one and wait for the next one you'll see why in a second so we have this cool looking dreadnought class sentinel freighter i found on the reddit coordinate exchange shout out to vanmul 82 for the post it looks like it was posted five days ago and it's in an outlaw system perfect so one of the things i'm sold on is looking only in outlaw systems for my capital freighters many think a tier three is just as good but honestly my experience says otherwise statistically it's probably not much but when you're trying to find a needle you want that haystack to be as small as possible plus as i mentioned earlier i've had really good luck in outlaw systems when you consider the amount of reloads i've had to do to get an s so yeah i'm sticking with outlaw systems alright so we know it's in euclid and we have the portal code honestly that's all we need so i'm going to finish putting these glyphs in and i'll see you in the dreadnought system all right we're here on planet we're here on planet hobo this should be the system that our dreadnought is in it's always good to verify you put the right address in by the way this tip will save you a massive headache if you realize now as opposed to later so now the idea is to head over to a neighboring system and set a base computer down i'll just call it pre-jump and then the eventual system we're traveling to so hodenpo and that's pretty much it you can go back to your normal business so when you finally hit up a freighter battle just do a quick reload which will hopefully put you in the previous system assuming you got out somewhere from that system you'll take the teleporter to the base we set up now since teleporting doesn't count as warping we're now only one jump away from our next freighter battle which as it so happens is right next door and that's it folks easy peasy lemon squeezy hopefully this guide has been a big help to you guys in deciding which route to go when it comes to buying your first freighter or your fifth so which ones are you guys targeting are you guys tired of your capital freighter and looking to move on to a system freighter or is it the other way around sound off down below and let me know what your go-to freighter is it's always fun interacting with you guys down in the comments and if you enjoy interacting with your fellow travelers make sure and check out the whiskey barrel gaming discord it's a fun place to share coordinates of a cool find a sweet photo you took or just reach out and ask for help with anything related to your no man's sky universe alright guys it's closing time you don't have to go home but you can't stay here thanks so much for watching everybody this is taylor with whiskey barrel gaming have an s-class day guys you
Channel: Whisky Barrel Gaming
Views: 330,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no man’s sky, no man’s sky 2022, no man’s sky update, no man’s sky how to, nms, no man’s sky freighter, how to buy a freighter nms, cool freighters no mans sky, no man’s sky freighter types, no man’s sky game, s class freighter, no man’s sky how to get s class freighter, no mans sky, no man sky s class solar, no man sky capital ship, no mans sky freighter battle, no mans sky venator, no man’s sky sentinal, no man sky buy s class freighter, s class freighter for free
Id: ZmaK46nNa8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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