Which Ship Should You Be Using? (NMS Endurance)

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so you finally decided to hunt for a ship but you're not sure which one to look for well look no further as this video should answer any questions you have so let's get into it hello everyone welcome back to the channel in today's episode we're going to be going over the different benefits of each individual ship top and starting us off first on the list today we have the shuttle the shuttle i would best describe is the jack of all trades master of none meaning that it is completely balanced all around the board there is no special stat for this type of ship one key benefit that i can go ahead and give to this ship though is the fact that you can easily find s-class variants of these ships for about one to two million units so definitely really great there another really cool thing for the shuttles is the fact that it does have a reduced launch cost now all of this can be changed with upgrades but right out the gate it has a 16.7 percent launch rate so you can see when we take off here this was at 100 now we have only used 17 so definitely awesome to see that but other than the reduced launch cost as well as the fact these ships can be very cheap that is all you really have going for you with the shuttle if you're a huge fan of you know more power to you but definitely one of the lower end ships up next we have the fighters there are going to be two main variations of the fighter there's going to be on the right your standard fighter and then on the left the red ship is going to be the wide body fighters the key benefit of the wide body fighters is the fact that you will get extra inventory space right out of the gate so as if we can go ahead and jump in here and just take a look you can see my inventory space is just a few slots and these are all unedited so if we go into the red one here you can see i have almost double maybe even triple the space in the red one now on to the stats for the fighters as the name implies they are obviously going to be really good for damage dealt so these are going to have the highest base damage out of any of the ships that are going to be listed today another key benefit is that you do have very high maneuverability with these ships so if you like to get in dog fights or become a pirate definitely go with the fighters they're going to be the best ship for that now as far as pricing for the fighters go that kind of ranges these wider body ones you're typically going to find around the 10 to 20 million dollar mark and then the standard fighter on the right you're gonna find anywhere between one to about 10 million depending on the class and how many slots it has available so definitely not as good as the shuttle as far as pricing goes and another little downfall that i would list for these is the fact that they do use 25 launch fuel so you know you only get four jumps without any sort of recharger or having to recharge the fuel manually up next on the list we have the explorers now as the name suggests this is going to be best for anyone who likes to explore the galaxy or even just the planet you're on with the explorers the benefits that you will get is the fact that you have the highest hyperdrive range out of any ship type that you can get in the game now not to undermine this ability but with your freighter you still can get a higher hyperdrive range if you're someone who doesn't like using your freighter for jumps or if you're someone who doesn't have a freighter definitely still go with an explorer because you're going to have of course that better range another key benefit of this weapon is the fact that you do have the lowest launch fuel cost of only 12 and a half percent now that's going to equate to 13 because they don't do half percents and as far as like the launch field goes so every time you launch it's going to use 13 another benefit that i would add for this ship top is the fact that you can often find these for super low price the same as the shuttle you can get an s-class for as low as 1 million i've seen it plenty of times so definitely keep an eye out for that and if you're low on money this is a really great ship top to start out with the next ship on the list is going to be the hauler the hauler is going to be best suited for anyone who needs to haul anything around so definitely keep an eye out for this if you're someone who needs all that extra inventory space because this is gonna have the most amount of slots right out the gate especially if you find one that has max slots now as far as stats go the hauler is going to have the highest shields out of any other ship in the game the one big downfall to these is definitely going to be the fact that the maneuverability is so low that's the reason why most people don't use these ships another big downfall for these is they can be very expensive even the c-class one here that's pictured in front of you this cost me over 5 million just for this so definitely keep that in mind if it's early game and you don't have a lot of money you may not want to go with the hauler one huge benefit of the hauler though is the fact of course you can max these slots out as well as in your general inventory they have 42 slots whereas every other ship can only go to 21 so you definitely can have way more storage with these definitely keep that in mind and if you're someone who likes to haul everything around this is going to be the ship for you moving on to the newest addition to the ship family we have the solar ship this is going to be one ship top that i do recommend that everyone goes out and at least tries to use once whether or not you like it that's up to you but i would highly recommend at least trying it if you haven't yet now as far as stats go the solar ship doesn't really excel at any one thing it is very close to the fighters as far as damage so really good damage we have a really high maneuverability again not as high as the fighters now if you're having a hard time finding the solar ships my best bit of advice that i would give for you in order to find these is go to a pirate system these are going to have the highest spawn rate in a power system however you don't have to be in a power system for them to spawn they're just a lower spawn chance the main benefits of the solar ship is going to be the fact that you can find these very reasonably priced again between 1 to 3 million i've often seen s-class variants of these so definitely keep an eye for that and the biggest benefit as the name suggests is going to be the sales the solar sales or as the game likes to call them the vesper sails now when you first get these ships often times you'll have the vesper sail somewhere not set up properly so definitely go in move these over to the pulse engine so you get the adjacency bonus now what that'll end up doing for you is it's going to give you a longer pulse drive range so without any upgrades you could pulse for probably five to even maybe even 10 minutes on a single pulse so definitely keep an eye out for that these are really good for pulsing and i really love these ships the only downfall i would say for these as they do take quite a while to land because you have to wait for those sails to pull back in now on to the most unique of the bunch we have the living ship the living ships are not going to have any speciality these are going to be similar to the shuttles and the fact that there is no special stat for them however unlike the shuttles these have high stats in every single category the big benefits of the living ship is the fact that right off the gate you're gonna have the ability to jump to every single star system without any sort of upgrades another huge benefit of these ships is the fact that you can get the upgrades through these nodes you can see here now there are multiple methods that you can get these i haven't really covered it yet but i will be making a guide very soon on how to get the nodes or the upgrades for your ship one really cool fact though we can see we have this b-class so we'll go ahead and just install it and you know with other ships you would have to go out and buy an s-class but you can see i can just go ahead and evolve this and it went from a b to an a and then i can evolve it again if i wanted to and get it straight to an s-class so that is one huge benefit you don't have to farm for hours to get these s-class upgrades well actually you do have to hunt for a few hours but not necessarily for your s-class upgrades again you can take those c-class upgrades and then upgrade them right away now if you need nanites to upgrade your different upgrades like your nodes definitely go check out the guide that i have listed down in the description below it's going to show you easy ways to get nanites and if you don't have some of the planets listed i have the glyphs in that video now on to the last two points i want to make before we move on to the final ship point number one being that this ship cannot be obtained through normal methods so if you don't know what i'm talking about in order to obtain these ships you have to go through on the anomaly get your quicksilver take that quicksilver to the quicksilver merchant get a void egg and then you have to complete this mission that'll take you about four to five days now there is ways you can get around that with exploits if you guys want to see how to do that mission is fan the exploit in order to get that done all in one day definitely stay tuned for that point number two being that you can't upgrade the storage on these in a traditional method so if you don't know in order to upgrade the storage on these you actually have to have a living frigate and then you'll send those living frigates out on missions and they have a chance to return with a storage augmentation that you would then apply so definitely keep those in mind when choosing your ship i always like to use the living ships especially now that they have been buffed severely with this newest update now on to the last ship also my personal favorite we have the exotic now the exotics are gonna come in two main forms you're gonna have the variation you see here in front of me as well as the squid variant now there is no difference in stats between the different two so definitely keep that in mind you can choose whichever one you want without having to sacrifice anything now on to the stats for this ship there is nothing that it necessarily excels in however it's very similar to the alien ship that it masters almost every single thing it goes through as a matter of fact it actually has a higher shielding than the alien ship so as far as stats go the exotic is slightly better than your alien ships one key benefit of both the exotic and the alien ships is that they're only ever going to spawn in s-class you'll never find anything that's not s-class so that's very good especially if you don't feel like ship hunting for hours now that we have the stats for all the different types of ships if you're someone who does like the ship hunt and you're specifically looking for your s-class ships definitely make sure you go into your three-star economies or your outlaw systems the reason being is because the s-class spawn chances are going to be higher so for an outlaw system we have a five percent chance of the s-class spawn for your wealthy or your three-star economies there is a two percent chance for your s-class ships to spawn and then for your two-star or your average economies you're gonna have a one percent chance so definitely go to those three star go to those pirate systems and then of course for poor systems or your one-star systems you're not even going to have that option to get an s-class so don't even waste your time there if you guys want the exact stats on all these ships i'll go ahead and link down in the description below the no man's sky wiki so definitely check that out it's going to have all the percentages for every single one of the ships that i've listed today but with that being said thank you so much for watching this video if you liked the video definitely consider leaving a like if you enjoy the content on the channel definitely consider subscribing it's free and it helps me out more than you will ever know anyways guys thank you so much for watching peace out [Music] you
Channel: Colmatt
Views: 76,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NMS, NMS ENDURANCE, No Mans Sky, No Man's Sky, No Mans Sky Endurance, No Man's Sky Endurance, Ship, Exotic, Fighter, Hauler, Explorer, Shuttle, Alien, Colmatt, Fun, Gaming
Id: dT86CZyZaew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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