Namor was a better Black Adam than Black Adam

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anti-heroes as a concept are a relative the idea is that they're a hero who lacks traditional heroic qualities which means an anti-hero in old western movies is not the same as an anti-hero in a Spider-Man movie the entire concept is tied to the expectations about the hero which change over time and among genres Black Adam fancies himself an anti-hero or Dwayne Johnson's star and executive producer and I'm gonna say key grip of Black Adam said in interviews that Black Adam is not like normal superheroes he has his own form of justice and a lot of people made the point that while Adam does kill a few people over the course of the movie he doesn't kill all that many more than Iron Man or the Hulk or Wolverine or Captain America or Thor or Aquaman or Wonder Woman or even Superman sometimes hell Batman the hero known far and wide for his code that forbids him from killing anyone in his second movie puts dynamite in a guy's pants pushes him down a well and then Smiles so while the comic book superhero might have a form of Justice very much unlike Adams the movie superheroes all seem to be on his same page kill bad guys if you need to or you want to or you're bored especially if they're aliens because aliens don't count so in my opinion movie Black Adam does not really work as an anti-hero and that became incredibly clear to me after seeing black panther wakanda forever because in that movie no more the Submariner is doing everything Black Adam is trying to do but better and if Black Adam really wants to be an anti-hero next time he should take some notes and yes no more is not the protagonist of wakanda forever the same way that teth Adam is in Black Adam but I believe these characters are so similar that the distinction should not really matter after all comic no more is not traditionally a villain he is an anti-hero an arrogant Moody jerk who will join up with the heroes when it suits him but will also destroy a universe if he believes it's necessary he has a moral code that is far more violent than most of the other Marvel heroes and that lines up with the character's portrayal in wakanda Forever you can make the case that the government's antagonizing wakanda are the real antagonists scheming to steal their precious vibranium and forcing Rwanda and Amor's hands in that case damore is almost a secondary protagonist moving parallel to the wakandans until they every so often are forced to cross paths because their goals are aligned but their methods are incompatible so I think you could make the case that like Tony in Civil War or Batman in Batman v Superman no more is a secondary protagonist or deuteragonist of wakanda forever and since his methods are unlike the other heroes in this universe he is an anti-hero I went through all that trouble to prove that no more could be seen as an anti-hero because once that is equal once in a more in Black Adam are both trying to do roughly the same thing as the same type of character it becomes clear why nemour works and Black Adam falls short and if you're thinking hey isn't this the basic structure for a filmento video so much that you can even like see the thumbnail in your head no more with black Adam's head on a speaker well I asked him if he was planning to do this one and he said he wasn't so it's cool and you also may be thinking as I saw when I put out the Tweet why do you have to compare these two characters and put Marvel in DC against each other and that's just not what I'm doing I'm putting two movies against each other this does not have anything to do with DC or Marvel pretend they're two Marvel movies or two DC movies and comparing the two characters Adam and nemour is not that crazy of a premise since they share quite a lot both are superhuman men viewed by their people as Gods from a bygone civilization who are thrust into the story because some sort of quasi-government force comes to their domain and attempts to steal their precious fictional medal the anti-hero starts some trouble uses his super strength and flight to mess up some helicopters which ends up getting the attention of the US government agent character introduced in a movie from 2016. U.S government agent gives the good guy hero team the information they need to stop the anti-hero the good guy team understands the anti-hero's position but disagrees with his methods he wants to kill but the heroes won't let him this team consists of an animal person a wise older Mentor with a cool hat flying technology girl and big guy they fight with the anti-hero for a bit and learned his backstory about an ancient pyramid heavy culture where slavery forced the anti-hero to take man into his own hands and exact brutal Justice before disappearing for a long time so yeah pretty similar but the differences are where it gets interesting for instance let's talk about the body count Black Adam kills a bunch of very mean and clearly bad inter-gang Thugs and then the devil we learned that in his past Adam also killed the Pharaoh I think who was responsible for the death of his son and that's about it which again these are Captain America numbers you think this guy lives and we'll eventually find out that Fury hired batroc to do this job so he's not even some fundamentalist who can't be reasoned with he's a goon what's the difference Daredevil Benjamin believe in the cause for his goons are just there for the paycheck right so Captain America is murdering goons that his boss hired and as for sabak hey you know what I think most Heroes would also if given the chance kill the Avatar of a bunch of devils before he takes over the world I don't even think Batman would have a problem with that nobody was mad when Tony killed Thanos like hey come on now Thanos has rights so Black Adam doesn't do anything particular regularly brutal in his movie no more on the other hand black panther spoilers absolutely wastes these scientists or whatever they are sends his dudes to kill a bunch of FBI agents so they can kill Riri Williams then he floods wakanda and is responsible for I'm guessing thousands of deaths he's tossing planes at other planes and they're exploding and then he kills the queen of wakanda Rwanda just drowns her he then leads an assault on the wakandan ship and as far as he knows kills the new queen of wakanda and he's ready to call it a day he kills whoever and we learned in his backstory that nemour is a small child led a massacre of a plantation and that's where he got his name which means no love which one of those guys sounds like they're more outside the bounds of your typical hero the guy who kills mercenaries are the one who kills main characters Black Adam needed to be brutal to kill someone who did not deserve to be killed by movie logic like why isn't this guy trying to kill the JSA he's fine with killing intergang and then this Hawkman shows up and starts knocking him around and even though Adam wins every fight with with every member of the JSA Fast and Furious contracts will get to it he never kills them why you kill you keep telling us so do it now you may be saying well this no more guy doesn't sound like an anti-hero he sounds like a villain well a in the comics no more is a good guy he's an anti-hero he's a jerk who does murders but he's still not like a plain old villain usually that's just how the character works but B this is where the second big point of difference comes in no more certainly would seem like a villain if it were not for the city of talocon itself wakanda forever does a fantastic job of making telecon feel like a real place they have a real culture their own technology symbols they have their own son there are kids who were born and live in talocon it's a place and one Namor is inexorably connected to and one he is determined to protect then he's correct that if the surface World learns of talocon it's only a matter of time until they're invaded in mind for their resources and sure talocon could fight some of them but eventually the surface world would do enough damage to destabilize the civilization I could definitely see the CIA just giving up on the vibranium and destroying talocon to wipe out a race of superhumans compare that to Black Adam's conduct we know it is a generic quasi-egyptian slave state with an evil ruler obsessed with finding the precious eternium and using it to make a crown that lets him become the avatar for six Devils besides that we have no information about the city itself and the people as an audience we can sympathize with the kandakians but because we were able to see talocon as they lived-in civilization we can empathize with the teleconians I'm just you I don't know if those are the words you use for those guys but that's what we're going with and because of that nemour is able to take more extreme actions without losing the connection with the audience Namor has something to fight for and kill for now whereas Black Adam believes it's his duty to protect people he has never met based on a connection to a civilization we were never able to see or make our own connection with and one other reason nemour Works where Adam fails is the movie's ability to let no more be wrong and lose I mentioned the Fast and Furious problem for but in case you've never heard of it the Fast and Furious movies have over time created stars that have contracts that basically protect the stars from ever not looking cool they can never lose a fight they throw the same amount of punches in a scene and that seems to have bled over to all movies starring The Rock besides I guess the Super Pets one Black Adam cannot lose a fight with the JSA or sabok he does have a weakness in fact early in the movie he is badly injured by an eternium rocket but that is never used by the villains to weaken him out of fight I would imagine it's because the rock tore that page out of the script because he can never lose a fight and because of that our heroes cannot defeat Black Adam and metaphorically defeat the idea he stands for they cannot show him that Mercy is true strength because they need to get Adam to a point where they can kill him and choose not to and that never happens because they can't beat him in a fight because of the Fast and Furious problem therefore Adam cannot stand for anything all that bad if he's never going to lose he could not want to take revenge on the world for how kondok is treated because a superhero movie like this can't end with a stalemate he would need to to be handily defeated and either killed or learn his lesson but he can't be defeated because of Fast and Furious so his own unique form of Justice cannot really be that extreme compare that to no more he can lose a fight he can have exploitable weaknesses tenochuerta has no contract toughness claws so his fights matter more because he can lose them and his loss can signal a moment in the story where our hero proves that a true ruler leads with compassion which means the ideals Namor stands for can be more extreme he wants to wage war against the surface World killing millions of innocent people basically a genocide if you count the surface world as a nation or ethnic group but it's understandable especially since that I didn't always feel this way I think Val's placed in the movie is actually important because she makes it clear that no more is right to suspect that the surface world would destroy talicon if they knew it existed so these drastic measures might really be the only way no more can protect his people he is acting heroically just by means uncharacteristic of other heroes in this universe like an anti-hero this is not me saying Black Adam is a bad movie because Adam's not as much of an anti-hero as no more what I'm saying is the way the characters in the movie talk about Black Adam and the way the rock advertised the movie worked with no more way better than they do with Adam imagine a Black Adam who works more like no more wakes up kills all the guards kills some well-meaning civilians who are scared of him and even a couple superheroes who intervene then we get flashbacks to conduct where we see a vibrant culture one with people living happy lives where Adam has a family and freedom that is destroyed by the Pharaoh then Adam wakes in condoc and finds his people captive again kills everyone involved with intergang and anybody that tries to stop him including good guys and he makes his intentions clear that he is going to destroy all the rest of the world powers before they come to conduct looking for eternium and instead of sabach Adam has a big fight with the JSA at the end of the movie then ends with the heroes showing him Mercy even though he killed Dr Fate and Black Adam resigns to protecting his kingdom of condac and he trusts some other people like the members of the JSA but no other Invaders can ever enter conduct again otherwise they will be executed on site it's a different movie but it feels like the movie The Rock was describing an anti-hero fighting for his homeland using a unique form of Justice what I'm saying is in the hierarchy of anti-heroes Black Adam needs to get on Nemours level which 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Channel: Nando v Movies
Views: 270,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: egxiQmSevsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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