How Marvel can solve The Magneto Problem

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i wanted to make a short video as a follow-up to my x-men fan cast video because more than any other comment i got comments like this magneto not looking old while being a survivor of the holocaust could be explained away by his magnetism interacting with the iron in his blood somehow slowing his aging to a crawl and the ancient one launching magneto into the future or sealing him in a timeless prison could work and in the case of magneto's age just say that he age is slower because he's a mutant and one idea i had about magneto is that during the holocaust hydra got their hands on him and often put him on ice even using him as a weapon so there are a lot of opinions out there on what the marvel cinematic universe should do with magneto and i think this is an interesting question for the reasons i bring up in the video which i'll go over now if you just watched the video and you don't need the reintroduction go to this time here basically max eisenhart was a jewish prisoner of a concentration camp during the holocaust max survived and went on to become magneto the mutant master of magnetism his mission to protect mutants from humanity by any means necessary comes directly from his experiences as a holocaust survivor his motto might as well be never again he sees the signs mutants are a persecuted minority and before you know it it's tattoos and camps just ask bishop but marvel has a problem when magneto was introduced in the comics we were a mere couple of decades from world war ii magneto was a man in his late 30s early 40s maybe and granted at this point the main x-men were children many still around the age of a high school student so he was still considerably older than them as the x-men got older so did magneto and after a bit they all seemed to stop aging the x-men would remain in their late 20s early 30s and magneto would remain in his late 40s early 50s for most of the rest of their comic history and the comics never really bothered to explain it away that's sort of just how this whole thing works usually if you need to look back at an origin you make a few tweaks it's not really a problem very few comic characters are a product of a specific historical environment what is stopping spider-man from getting bitten by a spider in 2015. nothing totally plausible what is stopping tony stark from getting captured as a result of america's involvement in the next global conflict nothing it's totally possible that keeps happening so why wouldn't that be 10 years when they reboot iron man just fighting that war it works but that is not the case with magneto he is a product of the holocaust which happened in the late 1930s so either the holocaust origin needs to change or something about the timeline needs to change and as far as i'm concerned the origin is not worth changing magneto was the product of jewish creators and his history was expanded upon by a jewish writer it is clearly personal and feels like a betrayal of the writers to erase the holocaust for magneto's history you're welcome to disagree with me but that's how i feel about it so if that's the judgment let's work forward from there he needs to remain a product of the 1930s and 40s how then can magneto exist in the present day if he's the villain in an x-men movie set in the marvel cinematic universe in like 2030 is he gonna be in his hundreds because that seems weird unless they cast a hundred year old actor like mel brooks actually that's a great idea mel brooks should play magneto but on the off chance that mel brooks is busy i have another option to deal with magneto's age actually a couple of options that i want to outline in this video for how we solve what i'm calling the magneto problem solution 1 make it part of his powers this one is the simplest magneto's mutant power gives him the ability to control magnetism he can move objects with his mind if they're magnetic but also he can move himself with the magnetism by riding magnetic waves which hey sure it's cooler if he flies so let's pretend any of that makes sense so why not just make the magnetism and its effect on his body slow down his aging that's as bad as plausible as any of the rest of this if people buy into power bands a big scam i could see them believing that all magneto's magnetism makes him the peak physical specimen and he just like stays young in the same vein some mutants have multiple mutations as a result of either great stress or exposure to experimentation or even the mutant gene therapy known as mother vine characters like emma frost iceman elixir and even blob have gotten a mutant ability that is not necessarily related to their original mutant ability you guys wanna hear bob's secondary mutation you do in x-men blue lob was experimented on by miss sinister and gained the ability to melt into a puddle like alex mack and he just dropped through a sewer grate and disappeared so why not have magneto's secondary mutation just be slowed aging or even a light healing factor could be the result of stress brought on by his childhood or some other event later in life it could even have something to do with nazi experimentation maybe magneto is captured as a child and his genes are messed around with in an attempt to use the x gene to create an army of super soldiers and then he gets load aging why not it's easy enough to explain and now we are getting to the fun part of this video the interesting idea what does this change add to the character well if magneto's secondary mutation is the result of either the extreme stress of the holocaust or experimentation then the nazis are unintentionally creating their greatest enemy an ageless jewish superhuman who wants revenge and cannot be stopped so it's sort of poetic solution to freeze him okay not a huge fan of this one but i do feel the need to include it in the marvel cinematic universe we all know captain america was frozen in the arctic for 70 years so something like that could work for magneto maybe he's imprisoned in suspended animation perhaps at the hands of hydra or something like that and he wakes up as a 20-ish year old man in the 1990s gives him enough time to establish himself meet other evil mutants meet the professor and see the plight of the modern mutant it could work what does this add to the character well since it builds off captain america magneto would be a dark reflection of the captain not a hero of world war ii but a victim and like cap he would be a man out of time but unlike cap he would have a clear mission and purpose so that comparison could be i don't know something solution three magic nonsense now we're getting to the ones i actually like we have three kinds of magic currently in the marvel cinematic universe and that's not even counting the magic of things like the infinity stones or the magic of whatever's going on in shanghai and no i'm not talking about the 20 whatever the hell sick new acura or audi or whatever it is i mean all of this stuff like not significant not on like my podcast mostly picking does this dragon prove the existence of a soul just that like they exist it's like a little glowy circle that the flying tentacles can pull out of your body and eat and then do you not go to heaven or is it is it like overwatch before they changed reaper also does reaper prove the existence of a soul in the overwatch verse and what's mercy's deal is she a vampire junkrat is just asking questions okay and i tried to figure out who's the most likely overwatch character to be like a flat earther and i think it's junkrat there's definitely some weird literature going on in his flat my point is there are a lot of kinds of magic in the marvel universe already so would be easy to repurpose some of that to keep magneto young let's go over the three kinds in order of which ones are best first off you have gods hella loki they are the least good they use their powers mostly to produce knives and make illusions but technically they are magic so on to the list they go then you've got your sorcerers steven strange wong baron mordo etc we even have a precedent for one of the sorcerers the ancient one living forever based on her connection to the dark dimension but we don't even need that i don't see why magneto could not just find a sorcerer and get them to cast a rejuvenation spell on him maybe in exchange for something like an artifact like hitler's gun which was once used in the comics to shoot doctor strange because that somehow made it a magic gun but then you've got the third kind of marvel magic user which is this is where it gets interesting i could totally see a world where magneto at some point met agatha harkness and she gave him some of her youth maybe he saves her from a villain and she does it as a thank you or maybe she can see the future and knows magneto needs to do something important or maybe she's just having fun who knows doesn't matter and then there's wanda herself we'll get into her convoluted origin in a second but hey if at the end of multiverse of madness wanda is still kicking it is totally conceivable that she could use her magic to make magneto younger maybe but then we have a third witch like i said in the comics magneto is kind of the father sometimes maybe of wanda and pietro except he might not be anymore probably so here's the best explanation i can come up with of what the deal with that is originally wanda and pietro thought their parents were a romani couple named jango and maria maximov they also thought they were mutants then magneto convinced them that he was their father for some reason and then a lot of other stuff happened which would probably prove that they were mutants like they must have had their mutant powers shut off in ways that only mutants could but hey let's forget about that because in 2015 we learned that not only was magneto not their father they also were not mutants in the comics it was explained that the high evolutionary experimented on them it also just so happens that in 2015 marvel studios released avengers age of ultron which introduced the twins not as mutants but actually just as experiments what a coincidence but then in the scarlet witch comic series which i really enjoyed wanda discovers that jango and maria maximoff also are not her parents but her aunt and uncle their mother is a woman named natalia maximoff who was the previous scarlet witch it's apparently a title passed down through their family i don't believe it is clear currently who their actual father is so it could very well actually be magneto for a while until they changed their minds again all this goes to say in the comics wanda's mother was a powerful witch named natalya maximoff and her father for a while seemed to be magneto i could see the mcu mushing those two stories together and creating a scenario where wanda and pietro's mother and father were actually the aunt and uncle the ones we saw in the flashbacks and their real mother was the scarlet witch who had an affair with magneto and perhaps as part of the story in the 80s when they're born natalya casts a spell that would keep magneto around his current age 50 so we could protect the children if anything happened to her that works and what does this change well now magneto is younger because he feels the need to protect his family that feels like an extension of his original purpose as the protector of all mutant kind but also introduces some personal stakes into the equation he fights for mutant kind because of the past persecution of his family at the hands of the nazis and the potential future persecution of his children at the hands of the humans do i think he needs this motivation not really but it could create interesting conflicts especially after the events of multiverse of madness where wanda is portrayed as a villain solution four time travel honestly not a huge fan of this one i lied when i said these were the ones i liked five minutes ago gotta keep you on your toes however this is a pretty simple way to do things especially since we have so many time travel methods in the marvel cinematic universe like sure the time stone is destroyed but maybe something happened before it was destroyed and a sorcerer used at the time stone to wind magneto back like strange did with that apple or maybe quantum something or tva honestly i don't think those two are worth it but they do exist i guess you know the reason time travel doesn't really work for me is it feels a little too sci-fi for magneto i buy magic because it's personal but like a scene where magneto tumbles through the quantum tunnel feels a little too silly but it does give us a good reason why magneto existed in the 40s and then hasn't done anything since then no freedom fighting no mutant revolutions none of that and maybe his abrupt entrance into the timeline is what gets these movies moving he says now is the time to act and he couldn't have done that before i don't know again not my favorite but i needed to mention it let's talk about the good one solution five a mutant did it wait a second you already said this one all those marker fumes broke your brain oh no humble audience member you see the first one was magneto developing a secondary mutation this is something different i think magneto should make some friends there are plenty of mutants in the comics who could hypothetically reverse the effects of aging and magneto could know maybe he frees them from imprisonment and they repay him by restoring him to his peak physical form or maybe they just join up with magneto after seeing what he's doing for mutant kind here are my candidates number one elixir joshua foley is a mutant with the ability to manipulate the bio-organic structure of any living organism including his own he also has golden skin which cool elixir could absolutely reverse the effects of magneto's aging basically restore magneto to 30 year old levels the ideal man the levels of a 30 year old take on the world elixir isn't incredibly consequential at least outside of what's going on in kakoa right now so i could absolutely see a world where he has been working with magneto between like the 50s and now to keep magneto young and it doesn't upend any plans for future movies number two could use tempus or tempo similar mutant powers here take a guess both have the ability to manipulate time tempest seems to be the stronger of the two she can accelerate time create bubbles where time stands still and even time travel tempo can slow time and mess around with it in similar ways so if you tweak the powers a little bit for the movie either of those characters could conceivably wind the clock back on older magneto number three proteus or legion kevin and david and honestly this applies to quite a few mutants franklin richards jamie braddock nate gray hyperstorm you guys remember hyperstorm right send me pictures the nandovy movies of you holding your hyperstorm action figures any one of those mutants could warp reality and give magneto a new lease on life yes there are some like proteus whose powers tend to only affect things he's concentrating on but they could change that role if they really wanted to magneto could as an old man encounter one of these mutants and the mutant could warp reality reverting magneto to his 30s again the peak of physical human perfection it could even be like a punishment an old magneto ready to die can be found by a multiverse hopping legion who says magneto's not done yet and makes him young again and magneto would feel a sense of duty to mutant kind so he would begrudgingly continue his crusade this would also be a fun time for a legion cameo because that show rules number four listen i don't want to pretend i completely understand zorn according to wolverine not even zorn understands zorn but basically zorn with an x was introduced in grant morrison's run as a friendly mutant who became a new teacher at the institute he had a big metal head but then it was revealed that zorn was magneto all along the head was just a helmet it was all big ruse then it was revealed that no that actually wasn't magneto it was zorn pretending to be magneto and zorn has a brother named shenzorn or zorn with a z so there are two zorns and a magneto it's a mess but i really like zorin here first of all he has all the powers you need he's got magnetism reality warping and healing he's everything we need to justify de-aging magneto but also in the comics zorn is introduced as a chinese prisoner so i love the idea that somewhere down the line maybe in the 60s magneto rescued zorn from a similar situation to his own and the two became close friends the proto-charles and magneto friendship and zorn keeps magneto young as the two fight for mutant equality but then eventually zorin is killed so magneto keeps aging naturally from that point on and that death could further radicalize magneto since zorn is incredibly peaceful the important part here and the reason i found this avenue the most interesting is that if other mutants are involved in keeping magneto young it would not mean that magneto is still around because of magic or experiments or mutant physiology or time travel magneto is still alive because other mutants want him to be need him to be they believe magneto is a valuable part of the effort to protect mutant kind from those who wish them harm that's pretty cool so sure if you believe magneto's origin needs to be changed because the holocaust is no longer relevant or interesting that's up to you but if you believe magneto should not be a holocaust survivor simply because he is too old those are five ways i think it could work as always thank you to patrons thank you to nebula subscribers who watch my videos on nebula that's awesome thank you to everyone who listens to my podcast mostly nitpicking and everybody who follows me on twitter that's all i got stay safe i'll see you soon
Channel: Nando v Movies
Views: 224,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ltFA4JrVyNE
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Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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