The Hopeless Horsemen - X-Men: Apocalypse

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it would be unfair to say that apocalypse is my favorite x-men villain because they are all great magneto mr. sinister at the juggernaut Oh juggernaut we'll get to you someday but there is something special about apocalypse he's so powerful and single-minded that he almost lands in a class with Thanos if apocalypse is firing on all cylinders it takes every hero and villain putting aside their differences and working together to stop him apocalypse is an event and at least for me x-men apocalypse was not and while there were plenty of issues with the film this costume these sets the worst Stan Lee cameo ever made I mean they're supposed to come in a fun scene not the most serious scene in the movie besides all that my biggest issue comes from apocalypses horseman the four generals apocalypse recruits to further his goals we had an opportunity for something really cool they could have set up a great premise for this movie and built some of our new characters up for future sequels so if I am making one small change to x-men apocalypse that would make a huge difference for the overall movie it's this apocalypse should be able to recruit horsemen against their will now this isn't unprecedented in x-men apocalypse he convinces all four horsemen to join him willingly but in the comics it's about 50/50 a lot of the time apocalypse will take a mutant who lost their powers or who wants revenge and give them even stronger powers and the opportunity to get said revenge however if that won't work apocalypse will capture and brainwash a mutant he deems valuable and sometimes it's mix them both he takes advantage of a mutant and then brainwashes them mutants like Sunfire Polaris and even Wolverine were horsemen against their will at one time or another so how does this concept of brainwashed horseman improve the movie well I'm gonna go through an alternate version of x-men apocalypse pretty much the whole movie a little light on details but to give you an idea of how this movie would have benefited from this change and sometimes I'm gonna dive deep into what some specific changes would have meant to the film so the story starts about the same Apocalypse wakes up Cyclops is brought to the x-mansion where he meets the other kids I want to establish his character as less of kind of a nerd and more of a quarterback not a jock necessarily but let's have his first scene be during the middle of a big game and he's good at what he does leading a team he has to leave the game he goes to the locker room and then his mutant powers develop and he does an optic blast that ruins the game havoc brings him to the x-mansion he meets the other kids at the same time apocalypse finds storm in the streets he realizes oh this is another mutant he saves her from the thugs storm Hicks apocalypse back to her place as a thank-you then apocalypse does some weird stuff he mind-melds with the television to learn how the world has changed since he was entombed this is where he sees the footage of magneto from the end of Days of Future past the difference in this scene is this time storm realizes that apocalypse is weird he might be insane and she just leaves she does not join the team one of my problems with the horseman in x-men apocalypse is that mutants like storm angel and even psylocke all willingly join apocalypses team even though in the future those mutants should be heroes they're not traditionally bad guys but after what apocalypse does in the movie and how many millions of people must die it makes storm kind of irredeemable like it's weird that she's just back with the x-men at the end of the movie without any real consequences even though she joined up with apocalypse on her own volition I have the same problem with Magneto at the end of the movie him and Charles have their little handshake old friend when will you learn even though magneto was responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people in this version if he's brainwashed at least he doesn't have to feel guilty we can make him a relatable and sympathetic character in the future so storm realizes apocalypse is a problem she gets out of there she doesn't really have anyone to call but she does keep an eye on apocalypse besides that though she's not gonna be involved in the beginning bit of the movie and now because he saw magneto on TV pocalypse seeks out magneto as his first horseman and in this movie magneto isn't working at a steel mill he's building Genosha in the comics Genosha is a country run by mutants magneto sometimes in charge of it kind of a mutant safe ground where mutants are free to do their own thing and considering how the character of magneto has progressed I feel like this is the logical next step for him magneto in this movie does not have a wife and child don't get me wrong I think that part of the movies very well acted Michael Fassbender is a great actor and you get act the hell out of them my wife and child are dead plot but besides that performance I don't understand why they put that plot line in the movie not only does it pad the runtime but more it is completely unnecessary in the end of Days of Future Passed magneto fails this assassination attempt and leaves but there's no indication that he's changed he's this same magneto that wants to make the world safe for mutants through violence the fact that x-men apocalypse sets up this family for magneto then kills them just to give him motivation that he already seems to have had at the end of Days of Future past is pointless and you could say well magneto losing his family is necessary so that Quicksilver being his new family makes a difference that would be true but in these movies magneto has always been motivated by family loss his mom was killed by Shaw in the beginning of first class we don't need another family loss to motivate magneto so we're just getting rid of that so apocalypse finds magneto he tells him my child I need your help to save all of mutant kind come with me magneto doesn't want to work with him he's doing his own thing it's going pretty well so maybe this can be a little a [ __ ] offline but then apocalypse uses his powers to brainwash magneto apocalypse takes the brainwashed magneto to Egypt he asks Magneto where can I find more powerful mutants and brainwashed Magneto says you wouldn't believe it but most of them live together at a school in upstate New York an apocalypse upgrades Magneto's powers but in this movie it's a process it takes a little while like magneto has to recover from it so apocalypse goes to the x-mansion alone he teleports to the x-mansion where he finds these guys Professor X moira havoc mystique and beast and this is exactly what apocalypse needs three mutants that can be his horsemen and the one mutant that he can mine Mel with and do the body swap apocalypse has relatively the same goals in this movie he still wants to get professor X's power so he can take over the world first apocalypse knocks out moira professor x tries to mind crush apocalypse but it doesn't work in the professor faints then mystique beast and havoc all get to have a fight with apocalypse this will be useful this fight will demonstrate what apocalypse can do in the movies apocalypse doesn't really have a concise power set you can heal really well he seems to have the power to manipulate sand you teleport he's some sort of telepath he can switch bodies although that power may come from the gold bit of the pyramid he can augment powers he can make clothing and I don't have a problem with him doing those things in this movie but I think we should examine apocalypse his best power from the comics which is complete control over his body on a molecular level which means apocalypse can grow and shrink at will he had turned parts of his body into weapons like guns or shields he can make himself denser it's really cool the closest thing I could compare it to is either a Sandman or more recently Iron Man's armor from Avengers infinity war so we have that fight havoc shoots a blast at apocalypse apocalypse turns his arm into a shield blocks the blast then reflects it back at havoc Havoc's down mystique flips in throws a punch but apocalypse turns this other arm into a hammer and knocks her out mystique is done beast picks up like a really heavy container and tosses it over at apocalypse but then apocalypse makes us body dense and the container does nothing it just bounces off then he turns his hand into a laser gun and shoots beast beast is down now we have a good demonstration of what apocalypse his powers are and apocalypse is beaten all of the original x-men which sets up how much of a threat he is in the rest of the movie so apocalypse takes havoc Beast and mystique as well as Professor X back to Egypt Moira wakes up and she realizes what's going on I don't love the exploding x-mansion sequence for reasons I'll get to later I think it kind of exists because it's cool-looking and the movie has been light on action sequences up until that point but because we have this short apocalypse fight in the basement I don't think we need it we'll take Quicksilver she shows up Cyclops and the guys get back from the mall and they find the other four characters are missing moira explains what's going on and she decides to call an ally of hers williams striker now striker is not pure evil in this version of the continuity yet he's clearly doing messed up experiments but it's nothing like the striker we met next to or even origins Wolverine he's a smart guy so if moira calls him and says hey the most powerful meeting is about to do something really bad in egypt i need you to help me and I think these mutants that I'm working with can help Stryker will say yeah okay let's come up with a plan and we'll work together at the same time apocalypse starts working on augmenting his new horseman new mystique can transform into animals or liquid or even swarms of animals and you may realize at this point hey this sounds a lot like another x-men thing it does I'm basing a lot of this off of the apocalypse episodes from x-men evolution a great x-men cartoon from mm it's one of the most well put together simple but also fun apocalypse storylines I've ever seen there's nothing wrong with borrowing what works from another medium especially since it's to assume at least 95% of the audience hasn't even seen this episode so mystique can transform into anything she also has a healing factor magneto is also even stronger and his new costume has no helmet since apocalypse needs to maintain a constant psychic link with his horseman beasts upgrade is fun beast is gonna turn even more beasty he's getting darker purple fur he's getting the classic beast haircut bigger teeth basically this beast is turning into a big purple werewolf which means he's pretty much gonna be a character from the comics called dark beast it's a completely different version of beast from a timeline where apocalypse took over the world Hank McCoy is a mad scientist who works with mr. sinister and does experiments on mutants and since we're probably never going to actually use that version of beast let's take this opportunity to co-opt the fun elements of his character design and because he's such a monster and he's got even more hair than usual his costume is just gonna be the speedo which is his traditional costume and a lot of the comics they haven't done that yet which I understand but I think it would be weird if this werewolf was also wearing like a shirt and then finally havoc he's gonna have his powers upgraded so that he can shoot blast out of his hands like you usually can in the comics Alex does this in the movies a little bit but now it's way more powerful and precise also we're gonna use this opportunity to give him a costume that's closer to his costume from the comics it's one of the silly ones but I think it could look cool on screen so Stryker takes everyone to alkali lake he tells the mutants okay so I'm gonna take you guys to Egypt to deal with apocalypse I have a helicopter and I've battle suits that magneto won't be able to control because they don't have any metal in them and then moyer asks well do you have anything or anyone that can help us and start your sister well I'm working on this experiment see I'm augmenting a mutant with a really strong healing factor where it says oh that's great doctor says well there's a problem his bones are covered with adamantium the strongest metal on earth and magneto can control metals so I think sending this mutant would make him more of a liability than an asset also he's a little difficult to control so no Wolverine in this movie I think his cameo is OK it would definitely be the best Wolverine fight scene we've had if Logan didn't come out the next year because Logan makes it look like garbage and it's another bit that's very unnecessary in this movie the Stryker says I do have something else that I think can help so he takes everyone to a hangar open the hanger and what's he got there but three new sentinels because of course he would still have sentinels they're not the super evil mystique Sentinels from Days of Future past timeline since that time line no longer exists but they are upgraded let's say these are closer to the design from the comics in the 90s TV show because I don't think there's a good reason why the government wouldn't keep making sentinels they were already working on them in the 70s and then a mutant nearly killed the president and the Sentinels didn't do great against Magneto but a the only reason magneto was able to beat the Sentinels was because he snuck a medal into them the night before if they just made sure he couldn't do that the Sentinels may have been able to stop magneto and be there are plenty of other mutants that the Sentinels would be great against like mystique or Emma frost or havoc basically all of the mutants we've met so far would have had a really hard time with sentinels as long as the government makes good ones they should be perfect for a scenario like this so strikers been working on that and he has three Stryker sends his three sentinels with the team and they touched down in Egypt outside the pyramids and they find storm she's been observing everything from far away she realizes how this is a problem but she doesn't really know what to do but once storm sees the Sentinels and the x-men show up she realizes okay I can hope these guys she explains what apocalypse is up to so now we have all of our heroes in one place teaming up to fight the new horsemen which serve a really interesting purpose see because we're not bothering with Wolverine and the Magneto storyline and all of the other kind of unnecessary mystique character building we get to spend more time introducing new characters guys like Cyclops Jean and Nightcrawler are supposed to be the future of this franchise there's no reason why the movie should contain a really unnecessary magneto storyline when we haven't developed characters like Cyclops especially if we're doing Dark Phoenix next we should spend a lot more time with new characters like Jean and a lot less time with old characters like mystique speaking a Jean this is a small thing but we need a way to visualize her powers in this movie let's have fun let's be artistic I want purple lines bubbles circles we have too many mutants especially her and magneto who just waved their hand it's tough and it moves it's lazy these are comic book characters let's have fun also in this version angel is an x-man and putting him on the good guy team I understand the reason behind introducing angel and x-men apocalypse as one of apocalypses horsemen that's one of the things he's really well known for in the con but that's not all he's known for I think the reason angel turning into apocalypses horseman and becoming Archangel in the comics was so interesting is because the comics spent a lot of time building up angel is this really integral member of the x-men he is one of the original five x-men so when apocalypse takes angel brain washes him gives him all these new powers turns him into a villain it's a big deal it is not a big deal if angel is just some guy with a perm who does cage fighting it gets drunk in a bar in spoiler alert I'm not gonna kill apocalypse in this movie they're gonna beat him but he's gonna stick around so maybe in the future after we spend more time with angel apocalypse can reactivate he can take angel and use him as one of his horsemen that way it's a much more meaningful move so the team we have right now is Moira three sentinels Cyclops Jean Quicksilver Nightcrawler Angel Storm and Jubilee she'd come to why not they're gonna face off against the new horsemen and the thing that's great about these new teams is we've got the students each facing off against either their heroes or mentors or family members makes the dynamic of the fight really interesting now the heroes still want to get to apocalypse they have to stop him from mind-melding with Professor X but they don't want to kill the people they're fighting they want to save them it presents a unique challenge that only brainwashed horsemen can provide also this finale is our new scrubbie heroes facing off against some of the most accomplished mutants of their generation if this movie has to do one thing it's established why our new x-men team is special Cyclops Jean storm angel Nightcrawler and Jubilee are all core x-men members we need to make the case for why these characters are significant and why they matter as a team so when they do finally team up our core x-men are going to overcome an extremely difficult challenge beat a group of the world's most powerful mutants Scott's gonna come up with a plan kind of like how Captain America does in the first Avengers the most important thing about Scott is that he's the leader of the x-men like we're establishing in those flashbacks that he's a quarterback and he's good at making plays and utilizing people's strengths he comes up with all the nicknames on the fly because he doesn't know anyone's names he's calling people angel and Nightcrawler and storm except Jean she's the only person Cyclops has paid any attention to that's why Jean Grey doesn't get a nickname Jubilee and storm are gonna fight mystique they both see her as really strong female Mutant Liberation role model I don't know exactly how all these fights are gonna go I do definitely want a bit where the team members group up and since Jubilee and storm have never met they try to strategize and Jubilees like okay so what are your powers storm says I have complete control over the elements what can you do Jubilees like I can make fireworks come out of my hands but then later at a critical moment during the mystique fight Jubilee will use her fireworks to distract mystique and then storm will hit mystique with a really big lightning bolt that will be the bit where Jubilee proves that fireworks aren't that dumb in a pretty dumb but in this situation they're cool Nightcrawler and Angel will team up to fight Beast I think this is an interesting pairing for a lot of reasons Nightcrawler and Angel should have a fun rivalry we've got an angel and a devil flying in teleporting are similar but different powers Kurtis poor Warren is rich they play off each other really well also his students they would both a sea beast as a mentor because he's one of the original x-men and their teacher but be out of all of the mutants we've introduced in this movie they are the three that looks strange most of the time and can't do anything about it keep in mind I think it's dumb that beast has a serum that lets him look normal in these movies it seems like mutants are pretty accepted when the movie takes place Kurt is able to just go to the mall there's even a deleted scene where he break-dances so Hank shouldn't have a problem looking like Beast especially when there's students like Nightcrawler and angel who beast needs to be an example for Nightcrawler and Angel are also the two other animal II mutants beast is obviously a beast kind of like a werewolf guy net Carlos got a tail and three fingers and he can climb walls angels got wings their fight will be very physical but the idea is that Nightcrawler and Angel are gonna try to convince Beast that he's still a person and he can control those animal nature then we've got Quicksilver in the Sentinels fighting magneto this is fun because a Quicksilver Magneto or family but then be more importantly the Sentinels get a rematch with Magneto they're not metal sentinels they're plastic or rubber or ceramic or something else these sentinels and magneto are able to have a big exciting fight in the air and the strategy the team has come up with for beating magneto involves the sentinels breaking through Magneto's shields and once the shields are down Quicksilver running in and putting the helmet back on magneto to break apocalypse this psychic link now one reason I'm not a fan of the exploding mansion scene is that it sets up Quicksilver as to fast he can run at super speed in super speed I want him to be much more grounded let's say you can run at a hundred miles per hour 200 something under supersonic this way can't just solve every problem he's fast but he's not that fast yeah he was super fast in Days of Future past but this continuity is terrible so let's just pretend it didn't happen or maybe he's slower because he grew up I don't know finally Cyclops fights havoc I don't really have a ton of ideas for this one it's probably just gonna be both of them shooting lasers at each other which isn't the most exciting thing in the world upgraded havoc can also use those powers to levitate kind of the same way Ironman can just by consistently firing down so it'll give the fight a little diversity and while the horsemen are distracted Jean is going to find Professor X and eventually the students beat the mentors I mean the Sentinels are all gonna get rekt but everybody else is gonna win and Jean is gonna find Professor X and get him out of the pyramid and to finish the finale everybody gets to team up to fight apocalypse he grows to be 40 feet tall because why not it's one of the most fun things about apocalypse everybody shoots lasers tries to tie him down and eventually Jean and Professor X are able to team up and knock apocalypse out then they're going to win Tomb apocalypse in the pyramid so apocalypse is not dead but he's trapped and Moira and the CIA will take that golden pyramid topper thing put it somewhere underground in a warehouse with the Ark of the Covenant so that apocalypse can't be reawakened that way if we want to in a future movie we can bring him back I think it's crazy that this team of x-men on their first mission kills the most powerful mutant in existence feel like it really heightens to a point where they can't really fight pyro and toad anymore because they beat the best guy but now look what we've done we have a new team of x-men we haven't spent a lot of time with characters we already know we're establishing a new class that's going to lead the franchise in the future characters like magneto are redeemable because they weren't acting on their own freewill they were brainwashed so Magneto and Professor X get to have that little old friend you will never learn dialogue at the end of the movie and it isn't weird because Magneto just killed tens of millions of people and now the fights between the mutants and the horsemen aren't just these kind of CGI everybody do your thing moments they're not x-men we barely know fighting characters we just met it's new x-men that we have spent time throughout the movie developing fighting people they care about gives the scene both physical and emotional stakes oh and also Psylocke in this movie I don't care saber for Deadpool sequel or an x-force movie or a Captain Britain movie I'm really happy that Olivia Munn was so excited for this role but we did not need her at all so thank you to all my patrons you guys are the best if you want to see your name up here as well as get access to videos early and all kinds of other cool stuff throw in a buck or two at slash nando V movies I really appreciate it and speaking of other cool stuff this week I put up the first commentary track it happens to be commentary for x-men apocalypse since feels like I've seen that movie hundred times patrons have access to it right now so check that out let me know what movies you want commentary tracks for in the future I'll be trying to make one of those every couple of weeks I just released a new episode of the mostly nitpicking podcast where a DJ and I discuss ocean's 8 it's a lot of fun if you're not subscribed yet the show is called mostly nitpicking it used to be called mad bracket status and every week we pick apart a piece of pop-culture you'd find it on iTunes and stitcher and SoundCloud and all that you can also follow the show at slash nitpicking pod let me know in the comments what you thought of my changes and comment if you've seen x-men evolution the TV show doing this video reminded me how much I loved that show when I was growing up and I'm wondering if everyone else liked it as much as I did like this video share with your friends subscribe to my channel apparently clicking a bell makes it easier to get notifications about my videos I'm not on under percent sure how that works here's the patreon button again give some of my other videos look if you're a big fan of movies where ty shared and wears a visor I did a video on ready player one a couple weeks ago that's pretty fun and finally follow me on Facebook and Twitter I'm at nan dovey movies that's all I've got I'll see you next time
Channel: Nando v Movies
Views: 778,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: X-Men, Movies, XMen, Apocalypse, Cyclops, Magneto, Storm, Horsemen, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Professor X, Angel, Fox, Mostly Nitpicking, Film, Fixing Movies, One Small Change, Marvel, Mystique, Beast, Comics, Comic Books, Comic Book Movies, Egypt
Id: q9TULIdwML8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 15 2018
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