Mystic Mentoring Monday 12th October 2020 Toronto

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on there because i think it's uh the whole joy thing for me is something i'm i am really rejoicing in enjoying life and because i can live multi-dimensionally and and live with all the sort of resources unlimited time and space dimension then i'm enjoying actually just doing normal life things and creative things i love creating things you know whereas for a long time i put all of that on hold to actually do more of the things that i would say i'm doing you know the spiritual things but actually creation creation is a spiritual thing so on yesterday i spent like five six hours out in the garden just you know arranging i'm doing a whole vegetable patch and all the region and you know clearing the stuff for the winter and everything like that you know and really enjoyed it you know and then you know i can go into my workshop and you know and make stuff you know and do things and all of that is creating a sense of joy because that's how god felt when he created it was good no my stuff is not quite as good as gods obviously but it's good for me because i because i just like doing things with my hands you know and enjoying it you know and i've really felt the joy of that so living and also if you live in every moment and every moment contains what you've called into being in the future then you live in the contentment that it already exists you know so you live in the future existence of what you called into being because you can live in the moment where it's all done you know and when you engage the realm of light in perfection that realm everything is as it should be it's perfect so it's just like i love being there because it's like well this is how it's supposed to be now that inspires me then to come and see this realm where it's not as it's supposed to be from a creative expression of i want to see it restored to what it is supposed to be but i can live in the joy of what's set before me you know it said jesus he you know for the joy set before him he endured and there's a sense where we are enjoying some of the less than things that are presently are for the joy set before us of what will be because it already is in my because i've seen here and i've engaged here and i've called it into being and therefore for me it's like it already exists and i that brings a great sense of rejoicing and so everything changes when you're not tethered to time and where you're living moment to moment but actually that moment is only that moment rather than what the future is is contained within that moment so it can be a joyful thing so although i might see things as if as they are in reality from this world's perspective i'm also seeing them from god's desire or intention of what they actually are from his perspective and therefore it means i can live rejoice always again i say rejoice well i i've really felt that and my connection to creation the value that i put on creation has increased having experienced what creation feels within the father's garden from that perfect place of creation where it's in harmony and union and see and it rejoices in our enjoying it so the value that i place on that that has increased you know therefore i value creation and you know when we talk about an end time transfer of wealth you know that whole sort of thing that you know the faith movement really got people to try and buy into um wealth is not money wealth is living in that satisfaction contentment and peace rest even in the moment where it's not fully manifested we live in that it will be because we have experienced it in that way so i've i really feel connected to creation in a way which i never did before and therefore i'm motivated by its restoration in a different way simply because i felt what it should be like what it is like in in heaven now when you connect to the father's garden it's what like the whole of the cosmos should be and enjoying it there just is a transfer of value so wealth is about valuing what god values and creation is to be valued not asset stripped and treated as a commodity to be bargained for to make more products and therefore productivity and therefore works rather than enjoying life in rest so all of that really has come out of sort of living in a different dimensional sort of reality and realizing that i'm not tethered to this reality and after i can enjoy what the reality really is even though it may not be obvious to people which means i can go around joyful even difficult times you know the last week has been quite difficult for family-wise because my father-in-law was dying um and eventually you know my wife was sort of you know waiting for the moment because he was on end-of-life care and you know she'd visited him you know a few times and you know he was basically but he wasn't he was hanging on and i thought well okay that's that's terrible and it's really hard and she was feeling really hard but how can i need to rejoice in the reality of where he really is um and actually it got to a point where i could see that she was feeling really down over it so i thought okay i need i'd legislated for him going but he hadn't gone okay was he not going you know so actually in in the spirit i went into his room and i i took his hand and led him into the cloud of witnesses out of in the spirit realm while i was asleep and i woke up and immediately remembered what i'd done and i knew he had gone and within five minutes she had the phone call that he had died you know and this was so it was like but i was rejoicing in where he was not in the state he was actually at which was horrible it's horrible to see someone not eating for weeks and you know in that end of life stage but actually i wasn't seeing that i was seeing where he actually really is you know in the in that realm and which sort of took me a few days to think well actually i need to do something about this you know i'm not going to just sit here and wait for the inevitable and see people suffering around him you know i'm going to do something about it and it was it was joyous to be able to just usher him into the cloud of witnesses and you know and now he's serving god in another way you know in that sense even though he wouldn't have had much idea of that before he died now he does have that dimension you know to him so yeah mike um what is the creation stone where is it and are we supposed to engage with it um for me the foundation stone of creation was where the sacrifice was made so you could say it's the mercy seat um within the four faces of god within the holy of holies and yes we are supposed to engage with it and it is um where the blood was actually sprinkled after the cross but actually it was where jesus was where he gave his life as an offering before the foundation of the world um so it's it's it's it's one play and it's really within within his name yodej you know and therefore the government of heaven and all of that is at work from that eternal now perspective or it's always been so but actually is in time and the two come together in that place so where the cross and before you know the foundation of the world are together in that place we can administrate out of the eternal now of that perspective and bring that into the reality of this perspective um so yeah that's that's my perspective thing of it you know i'm sure there's other people who've got other definitions but my definition has just come from what god said and what i've seen rather than any other mystical book because i it may well be in some mystical writing somewhere possibly i don't know but we're supposed to engage with it because is it encapsulated with certain frequencies that uh well we stand there when we stand in the name of god in the four faces of god we stand on it that's our that's our ground of our righteousness if you like the blood that was there is the the guarantee of our union with god you know ephesians 1 4 so you know the that was guaranteed before the foundation of the world face-to-face restored relationship we're predestined and that is the place where we can be on that standing on that righteous ground if you like so yeah there is a frequency if if you think of you know ultimately being the perfect expression of love and limitless grace which guarantees the restoration of creation it carries that frequency of the father's desire and heart for restoration because that's what he put in place to ensure that restoration would take place and will take place so that's why i believe it is inevitable but you know but people can choose to resist it for as long as they choose to resist it but i believe ultimately love wins so love will overcome their resistance you know because loved it will win um but it's not a it's not an event it's a process of you know bringing more and more people into the reality of that existence um in love so it's a love frequency if anything you know that's really there well while there's a pause you're not you're not quick enough there bill and deborah i see a couple of times you've been poised and someone's jumped in yeah go on there norman no he he let me have the green light this morning i think bill i have two things uh i don't know right now this is the toronto meeting right i wonder what environment we're in it's a public meeting so yeah this is the public one okay well because i had written to you back in august and i know you're very busy man about the importance of legislation and so on i don't know is this the time for that i can bring this up ask whatever you like yeah because i have other things too that are cooking in not on the front burner but let's start with this one if you wish my questions were what is the importance of this in terms of legislation as for as far as something that we as sons can uh you know actively engage in do we have need a special mandate to do specific legislating why legislate rather than pray what are the dynamics involved in legislating how effective is legislating is it intensified when done in agreement with others and so on okay these are basic questions i know mike but a thousand one but the thing is that was only a few of them but anyway what i'm getting at is what i'm getting at is i guess i'm still a little bit of a doer and i like to get in and do stuff to make a difference in the kingdom you know to take back the the lost territory and stuff like that well i'll leave you the mic okay well in in essence all of the legislation must come out of being engaged with the father's heart so if if we're legislating for our identity to create our identity because we're now a legislator then we're we've got it in reverse it's like when we know who we are and we're engaged in intimacy with the father and we know his heart it inspires us to legislate to bring things into order with his heart so we engage his heart we see his desires we see where things aren't aligned with his desires therefore we legislate to bring things into his desires from a place of rest because we've engaged his heart not out of fear or panic or worry or anxiety or we've got to change everything or is it it all comes from rest so we live from love joy and peace that enables us to legislate effectively to bring about the desires of the father's heart so it's got to be done in in collaboration the last point is does that increase when you do it together yes which is why i'm pulling together some groups to do it together you know i've had a couple of them so far i've got another one um tomorrow i think and eventually i think by the end of the month i'll have done all the different uh restoration government groups that's all about collaborating with the father so that what we do together carries an exponential sense of increase of authority and when i've been doing that governmentally with you know a group you know the restoration government group online it certainly increased my authority to do what my mandate is in my own life around those issues so you know i've been engaging with restoration you know for a number of years but when i started to engage with them and we've been doing this since april april which has been quite a long time actually my capacity has increased and what i realized that what i'm doing has increased hugely because i'm doing it on behalf of a group of people i'm doing my bit they're doing their bit and also i don't have to do their beer when you do things together you do your own bit of a hole which means i can be content that other people are doing what their mandate is within that context and i don't have to try and do what they're doing whereas before i was doing things on my own i was trying to do a bit of everything because i didn't wasn't part of a group who had a corporate mandate that encompassed individual mandates and magnified their authority now i do and now i can focus more and not have to do what other people are doing which is great so i do think there is a corporate dynamic to it that is is important um but ultimately in the legislating you're really creating a reality that aligns to the father's desires that's what legislation is it's bringing something into governmental order that is the heart of the father that's a creative function that is being able to call that into being by seeing it and engaging it and feeling it and sensing it you can't go through the motions it can't just be oh well i'll do a bit of legislation because things aren't too good in the world it's got to go to a real intense emotional connection to it that you're moved jesus it says was move with compassion now the word in greek mitsumai meant moved in the guts his guts were moved literally his bowels were moved it's like that that's that was the concept in the greek concept which i'm give an understanding of a deep moving being motivated and moved to action so our our legislation is being moved to action and i would say a re realization of the limitless grace of god and what limitless grace is is really what needs to be behind what we do because limitless grace is an expression of unconditional love so legislation must be an outworking of unconditional love and a most human legislation is an outworking of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and selfish most of it is it cannot be selfish so we cannot be trying to legislate purely out of self-interest or out of you know well this is going to make my life easier this is to bring blessing to all the families of the earth because that's god's desire so it takes intimacy really to really legislate so it means spending more time in the intimacy that enables you to do what's flowing from that intimacy and if you live in a moment and know how to operate the whole quantum entanglement and living in a quantum moment it means that you can do in a moment what could take you a month or a year and that's what i found what i knew would take me months and did take me months at the beginning of the year is now done in a moment and then i live in the contentment that moment has been done it may not be physically manifested yet but it's already done in the moment and everything that i would have done in that month was contained within the moment and i have memory of doing it all and i'm just waiting enjoying the reality of it coming into being you know and i think that's what true legislation is when the father you know through jesus said let there be light and there was light and creation and it is good it was a living in what was brooded and incubated within his heart and had become creative and therefore was spoken and light actually manifested the reality of it so i've learned more of that in the whole legislative process over the last few years well over the last few months really more and more intently so it is powerful and we are governmental but we're also relational and we need to to legislate in love and be very careful that we're doing it out of the father's heart so there's no retribution punishment or revenge in our legislation so when we're dealing with fallen beings states which are not functioning right the global systems that are in place influencing the world and keeping it you know in the state it is we still have to operate in a loving way because that is the heart of god to restore things not in this sort of legislative judgment and justice which is man's version of well we're going to put this right and we're going to go to war legislation is not warfare and i think if you mix the old and the new you end up seeing this this sort of form of justice spiritual warfare which is nothing to do with legislation it's a mixture coming out of the wrong tree knowledge really but you see it you know the difference between legislating in prayer prayer you know in the old sense of the word was well for asking god to do something for you you know whereas this is about us doing something on behalf of god empowered by him to do it which is totally different to you know you don't legislate by asking god anything to do you may ask do i have a mandate to legislate but then you legislate from the mandate you're given you don't you don't pray and ask god to do things in legislation you know in a department of a government they don't go to the prime minister or president whoever and and ask him to do what their department is authorized to do they do it on behalf of the governmental policy if you like they outwork the education policy or the transport policy or the financial policies or any of the other things they do it because they're mandated but they're mandated out of the the mandate of the government if you like what is the manifesto of the government so we legislate from the manifesto of love because god can do nothing other than who he is and he is love you know so that's really the heart of legislation is how do we bring about the love in reality that people would experience it and then enter into the changes and the transformation needs to be done to bring people into a a dimension of experiencing what god's intention is for the world and you look at the world and you think well it's getting worse and worse and worse and from one perspective it might be but when you see it from god's perspective it isn't you know and that's where people struggle with seeing the surface things and not seeing what's behind and underneath and seeing what's going on in this process of restoration um and people get disappointed or disillusioned or disheartened with well look you know even you know well someone's getting sick and they you know they should be living in all of that is a sense of well okay but that's just the surface underneath there's something deeper that's going on and when you're when you're involved in that you can rejoice even in the midst of difficulties because god is good he's good all the time and he's at work bringing good out of every situation and circumstance and that is really the heart of legislation you know so yeah it's complicated because there's a lot to it but in a sense it's simple because it's just be motivated by love and express love so that love actually wins no matter what is theft so we you know we're fruitful and we multiply and we increase and we fail and we subdue and we rule in love you know not war i hear you're speaking mike and and i interpret that as being uh yeah it comes out of relationship okay so as a son my relationship with the father uh being what it should be puts me in tune with his heart and his desire and on that basis i can go forth and co-create to me that is what is coming out of this legislation co-create you know carried on the wings of of love if you wish to accomplish his purposes his plans and uh i'm part of it uh but again like you say motivated solely by uh the desire for the restoration of all things yes but specifically aim that what i'm thinking about is a particular goal i guess that has to be out of a clear mandate to proceed uh is that them am i on the on the ball what yeah i mean everything you said is great it's just the mandate comes at a relationship and is birthed from that intimacy of the father so yeah i i mean sometimes we can get protocol driven to in mandates almost like you know i'm looking for a mandate and i'm going to use this mandate and whatever a mandate really is like jesus only did what he saw the father doing because he he was in the father's heart the father was in his heart they had relationship that's what a mandate is it's me being authorized to outwork the father's heart and i might not be authorized to outwork everything because other people i've got their part to play in it so i can't just assume that i can do anything i want and it might be the father's heart but it might not be the father's heart for me to be involved in that so i've got to be in line with what is my destiny and how is that delivering and outworking the father's heart not just it is the overall father's heart to do this therefore well i'll be involved in doing that bit i might not be because other people might have that role so it's also finding within it what my destiny is within that legislative process of being because i can relax in being not fearful that if i don't do it it won't happen because that will then bring it back to works and stress well if i don't do it if someone's got to do this and right you know it's like everything's falling apart someone's got to do it and i can do it so i'll do it well no i live in joyce and joy and peace so i can see all sorts of terrible things happening and not be moved to do anything about them although being moved by the overall situation because it's not part of my destiny to actually do that unless god you know wants to use me because i'm available and someone else isn't which occasionally happens and then it becomes part of my destiny because he real rewrite my scroll you know but i'm not going to presume just because there's a problem i have to fix every problem i just need to fix the ones that god has called me to engage in if you know what i mean and that comes again out of relationship of resting in him trusting him and i put my trust in him which means therefore i can i can be very relaxed about living life without there being this sort of pressure it isn't a pressure duty obligation i've got to do this or else you know it's very much living in a rest state you know but being moved for in rest and not coming out of rest even when i moved okay so how do you legislate specifically then can you give me like in a sense that i i i moved for a certain thing and and what are the dynamics involved in bringing things or turning things around if you wish if it's not prayer i can't command things to come about i'm just am i simply to voice what um would be nice or what be perfect or something like that or you can command things that's what legislation is it is commanding calling forth calling things that be not as if it is a it is a form of command declaration decree so that's what you decree and declare out of the father's heart in accordance to who you are with the government that you carry which means identity and position of authority and it's it's a very active process but it's not a process which is driven by fear or any negative thing it's a very positive process because it's all motivated by love and it's a very active process so for instance when the father started to talk to me about you know legislative groups and governmental groups and all of this it's like you know i'm like okay i tried this before and i don't want it to be like it was before because i found people were just it was such a mixture of old and new and it was just like it was miserable for me you know because i kept having to try on just people are praying and they're doing that that's not what it's about so it's like oh okay but now it's okay well now how are we going to do it differently i think what i've found is that you have to have authority to do that so a god mandated me to establish groups so then he gave me a law on which those groups could be banned based so he gave me a piece of legislation which was a law of limitless grace so that underwrites the government of that group and gives us the authority to function in that so there are certain stipulations in that law that says you have authorization to do this this this and this and this now it doesn't say how you've got to do them so that's creatively at work through who we are and through different people's expressions of that but it does give you a foundation of well we have this and then we have a mandate to engage the father in intimacy for his heart to collaborate with his heart to outwork that individually whenever he says do this or do that so when i've met with other couple of groups we engaged we were commissioned there was a a commissioning with authority and stuff which i'm sure probably all the groups will probably go through and then there were some specific things that each group was shown that we will then form the basis of how we're going to outwork the authority we've been given and each group will probably have different things well the first two groups had very different things you know um and when we when we engaged together that came that we resonated with the things that we were shown and now that forms the basis of what we're going to do in future meetings or individually as part of that group in between times we meet because you can't just do things once a month you know so people can be an outworking of that all of the time which is what i am when i'm part of a governmental group and shielding the earth i do that every day i'm engaged in it every day even though we don't meet every day so that gives me personal responsibility and authority to outwork the group mandate all the time through me through who i am within it not to do someone else's role but to do my bit of it you know and that that's what you can do [Music] so it is very much it is very directive in the sense of i am decreeing and declaring things into being a lot all the time but it's out of what i carry in my heart and who i am you know so i carry the authority because i've been given the legislation from heaven and i've made that legislation you know in laws that i've produced for specific things you know out working in the court of kings that process you know but it all came from being in the realm of perfection in light that showed me what it should be like you know when you see it as it is it's so much easier to call things into agreement with what it is from that perspective you know then you really realize where isn't that so it highlights things in a very black and white way sometimes it's just like this isn't light it should be it should be so i can do something about it because i've been inspired to do something about it and only do the things that i am inspired to do something about you know but when you then engage with other people you get the inspiration of a multiple group of people not just your own so you know you get five six seven people all bringing their insight the revelation that they have to that that god showed them you know which is which is good because then you're you are empowering them and supporting them to at work who they are and they're doing that to you so you've got an increase in agreement because there's a huge power in agreement me and god in agreement's great but me god and seven other people in agreement is even greater you know because there's commanded blessing when we're in that union of heart mind and purpose not just in beliefs we're not agreeing over beliefs we're agreeing over the heart of god you know so like this what is the difference between through legislation um well different courts have different uh workings and i still engage with the council of 70 from uh arranging the circle of the deep and the 12 chancellor's houses process and i am an ambassador to that court and i carry a seal for that call but that's not the only call i'm a much more engaged with the court of the councils of the fathers for this out working into this sort of realm because if you think of the three courts the court of the lord and the court of judges and the court of 70 they all come into the court of the councils of the fathers for their actual at working through the other realms of heaven so i found that a lot of what i've been doing is engaging the court of the councils of the fathers and engaged in the one new man in christ as the 24 elders and the and 24 representatives of the cloud of witnesses 12 from the old and 12 from the new um abraham being the connector and i've experienced that and engaged that a number of times and done a lot of things from that place recently so it's it's not that one thing fits all and i think as soon as you tie it down to everything is driven by this protocol you go to this this here here here here you lose the heart of it and it becomes potentially formulaic so i engage certain things in certain things places and certain other things in other places and it's all more of a a heart issue rather than a protocol issue you know but i i but i've i'm led to where i go and what i do in those places you know if i'm going to engage now and engage with people within the fire of god's presence and look to save rescue people i'm going to engage with the court of the upright because they have testimony you know and they have testimony of limitless grace and they have testimony that empower inspires me and empowers me to go and see more people have testimony you know so there's just places where i've learned that i can function together in groups you know and what i've realized is all of the things i've learned over the last 10 years and i learned them linearly in progression and some of them were seemed disconnected at the time they were an experience that brought me revelation of this place or that place or this war that or how you do this or whatever i now realize that actually i am functioning all the time and there are groups of those places that function together so me being in the four faces of god on the foundation stone of creation in the name of god connected to the eternal now and operating in the order of melchizedek is connected to the chancellor's court and the court of kings and the scribes and my mountain and my process of legislating they are connected and i am continually in that in those places of function but i'm also connected to uh wisdom's heights and the doors there on wisdom's heights the ancient paths and places which are connected to the fire and the dimensions also in one simultaneous set of engagements that you like which are all going on so i'm not having to go to one to the next to the next and do this i am in seven yeah the father showed me that i'm in seven different sort of multi-dimensional places all at the same time and they're all functioning and i'm actually having the ability to retain some of the memory of that function more because i'm now aware of it because he said i'm taking the blinkers off your mind so you can actually see what you're really doing because if before now if you realize what you were doing you would have it would have been too much you know because i would have tried to figure it out and reason it out whereas now i can just be because i've learned to be so there are about seven different sets of those places that i all learn i learned over the last 10 years that i'm actually functioning all the time which is why i can enjoy spending so much time enjoying this life because my spirit is engaging that all the time you know i don't have to be conscious of it all the time i'm just conscious of that which i need to be conscious of but i'm learning to become more aware overall of the whole of that so there's a number of those processes one being what's going on in me you know because i mean going back over years i learned to engage first love and engage my spirit and engage all the gateways of my spirit and then my soul and my body and then you know the garden of my heart and all of that and you know the bridal chamber and the soaking room and all of that sort of aspects of identity and things and then the river of life flowing and creating dynamics around me and then the whole thing of peace and rest and living in rest and that and then seeing that connect to the merkabah and activate the gateways in me and live in balance between in the tree of life and harmony all of that you know now i'm living in the moment of that all the time so i'm conscious of it and i and i engage consciously actively every day but i'm living in the moment of that it doesn't take me 40 minutes to do that every day it takes me a moment and i live in that moment which means i spend more active time quality time just hanging out with the father and just being with him which brings me to a deeper revelation of being because i'm spending more time being because all the doing flows out of the being you know but it's all contained within a quanta package moment and all of that exists within the moment and the reality of it is experienced but i'm not doing it in a linear progressive way every day all of that is on is going on all the time which is i think what we're supposed to be you know a multi-dimensional being if you like mike that was am i wrong that was a process of maturity over years to get you where that where you are it's not something that someone else could come into and you've got to mature no it's not an event thing it's not a weekend i can't take a shortcut no there's no weekend makeover it's a relational journey of discovery of who god is and who we are and how we can live in a an expanded state so you know a few years ago when i did the deconstruction of the mind and expanding reality stuff that was a sort of part of the journey that brought me to a path where i could contain in an expanded state of consciousness all of those things i mean even then when i did that i had no idea of the fullness of what that will be of all these moments being able to be lived but now a few years later that process has continued to continue to continue until i am aware of a different reality and i've learned to choose and create those realities from that different state of being during that period and it is accelerating you know i mean since march this year there's been a huge acceleration in both revelation and experience of all of these things you know so it's a very accelerated process but it's but it's a long journey that's led up to that acceleration and to start with it might not seem that much is happening and i know people get frustrated well i can't see and i can't do it yeah and i can't you know and they get sort of frustrated that they're they're not 10 years down the line well they're not the end of the day they're not 10 years down the line and you can yes you can accelerate the process from the fact that someone else has done the ground work for the revelation but you have to go through the relational journey and process you can't shortcut it because you'll miss the maturing process that comes through that you know and everyone you know even the stuff i'm talking about you can't just oh i'd like to do that and i'm going to choose the reality that i can do it now you can choose that reality but you've got to go through the process that that reality gets birthed out of you know you know and i'm still i'm not choosing realities to shortcut a process i'm choosing a reality to manifest the outworkings of that process you know otherwise you you get back to sort of a works based well i'm going to do this you know and i'm going to do this because make it easy for myself and the whole motive comes become selfish you know rather than the motive being out of love so is it like trusting in the process then that um he's living and moving and having he's been through us yeah but becoming more consciously aware of it yeah yeah you know but trusting yeah i trust that he is bringing good out of every situation and circumstance around me and he's teaching me how to do that as well so i'm totally engaged in the process whereas before i was like i'm really glad that god is doing something you know but i because i didn't know how to do it myself or do it with him in co-creation so i was just trusting he's good he's good to me and i'm sure he's at work to bring good over this terrible stuff i'm going through but actually now i'm much more involved in active in that process and aware of the process than i was before and therefore i'm involved you know so i trust him but he also trusts me more you know a little bit you know which is great because because it does mean that you are involved and connected not disconnected hoping god will do something you know i know he's doing something because i'm involved in the process of him doing it and cooperating with his doing it so i guess you don't really ever where you are now ever see the process of transformation so you can form in the image of friendship that you have for you it's a real process a real stress that that you know that you go through to deal with all the issues and not actually go through the chambers you don't really see that changing so much that you can really really accelerate that as we go in the years so people come into friendship with her or conform to their image um well i would i would hope as revelation gets released and testimony gets released that people can embrace the testimony and embrace the process rather than resisting it because acceleration can be us taking the breaks off you know i mean it can be some of it we are the we are the restraining factor to most of this process and our cooperation and agreement with it is is really what is the acceleration you know and and i think sometimes we expect god to accelerate it but actually we're involved in taking the breaks off and trusting him in the process which appears like acceleration but actually it just meant that we were slowing it down all along it was like god always intended it to go at a certain pace but we slowed it down and when we stopped slowing it down it appears that we're going faster but it was essentially what he wanted all the all the way but it's never going to be an event of he's going to do it without our cooperation or involvement or a relationship it will never be non-relational because he's a relationship personified so it's always going to be a relational process but the restrictions of time on that process is one thing which we're going to be untethered from you know which is what i was sharing earlier about living in the joy that is set before us we're not constrained to living when it's happening the joy of it happening is it's beyond that so i do think there is an untethering from time-space reality um which means we can live in the moment and do everything in the moment even even if it was months or years in a moment and then enjoy the outworking of that in time because i think that means we cannot be at peace in time because we know it's going to work out in the end because we've already seen the end because it's imperfection you know then you live out of perfection even though it might not be very perfect in everyday experience you live in the consciousness of perfection that's mean you can be satisfied and content and joyful and peaceful when everything around you seems like there's a we're in the middle of a tornado but you know it goes back to living in the eye of the storm you know we live in the eye of the storm it doesn't mean there's no storms but we live in the eye because we know it's going to be good yeah because we know god is good and we've seen or even been involved in bringing that into actual being you know when we see the world and the state of the world and the cosmos and you know everything is going on people could get you know in all the dimensions and everything else people could get this illusion wow that's terrible well that's only from a perspective of now and if you don't if you always live in the now moment without actually being involved in the process of outworking the reality of that into the perfection of it it's like you know living in a perfected state and i do that i'm learning to do that my perfected being is who he called me to be and created me to be and intended me to be and i can live in that even in the reality where i'm not there yet but i am there it is inevitable that i will be fully restored and the world and will be fully restored to god's original intention and purpose and i'm joyful about that you know so much more because i'm not living in the well it's not there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet i don't ask that question anymore you know yeah because actually i've already been there and we will get there you know not that it's been i've been to the future and i've seen the future per se that it already exists but within every moment everything exists and i've seen my parts in some of the reality of that and therefore i can live rejoicing yeah and it is a wonderful relationship to enjoy so it goes back to just trusting really in childlike faith yeah there is a there is a sense of trusting but we're also involved yeah we're not we're not separated from it we're involved it's a that's the heart attitude yeah where we're trusting and not meddling but we're co-creating it because he's trusting us with more of being involved in the process because we're maturing and we're not doing it out of the wrong heart wrong motives for selfish means anymore we're motivated by love yeah well earlier when i was processing what you were saying i was seeing just being and being a shining light is is dispersing darkness anyhow yeah yeah it is you know um being a frequency being light being loved carrying that frequency um you know and that being inevitably will lead to some doing but it's in our working of being you know it doesn't mean that we just sit around and do nothing um but we are able to do some of the things i've been talking about you know in an expanded way when we've matured somewhat in in a loving process and a relationship which is based in love yeah jeff you were going to say something like um you meant you mentioned this protective shield that you all worked on around around the earth um and i think in your vision destiny you said eventually it will extend around the whole cosmos and again um said when you first formed the bench there was like intimidation by these fallen angels so could you tell uh expand a little more on that how did you protect yourself against that um well when we first there was three of us who really felt called to establish what god said was a cosmic bench and it sounds a bit grand you know but in reality we just got together and hung out and got to know each other and were there for each other and engaged heaven together and we saw some stuff but what we felt was that there was opposition to this that goes back years to us getting together relationally to form this bench you know and it goes back to me 2014 when the opposition started to rise between or me and one of the other guys which was like i could never really fathom that but it was it happened and it was like there was obviously a strategy to keep us from entering into that level of relationship which would effectively mean that we will become more effective so eventually when we did start to get together then the intimidation then began to take on a stronger manifestation because we'd overcome the original obstacles and removed them and now we were getting together so the enemy put a strategy there to intimidate us um and one one of the i mean when you're some one of the cosmic sort of bench mandates was to do with about knowledge uh intimacy and uh immortality those were three things that we were sort of mandated to be involved with and so yeah the whole thing of immortality um is a message which is basically caused some conflict and controversy in certain places so there was you know a lot of negativity around that um and then these beings began to um try to stop us going any further and they did it differently in each of us in me it was it was a sort of towards the end of last year i think i was just feeling out of sorts and i sort of my wife pointed it out and said you're you're not you don't seem very happy what's going on and i'm like no i'm okay you know and everything there was nothing that i could put my finger on you know nothing physical but something wasn't right and i was just feeling under a bit of a weight of something so i went to the father and said well what's going on having sort of you know argued a little bit no i'm fine you know but then eventually realizing no i'm not really fine something's going on so eventually i i went and said well what's going on and he showed me that people well-known people who are quite well-known and or carry a high a fair degree of authority were really trying to undermine what i was doing um in a way which i felt oppressed by that's that's what was going on now one of the other guys he was basically visited by these beings and really turned up really turned up and frightened him because they were really physically manifested and terrifying you know and so he was really quite chat taken back by that and was really knocked him and i think one of the others was something was it was a health issue you know that was going on so it was like okay so now it's like okay we know that we're all being there's intimidation and opposition coming so let's do something about it so we went into heaven and we went to this place where we're all enthroned on this bench and we went to sea so then i saw these beings now i'm the one who sort of does being stuff so i went and engaged them found out what they were identified that they were fear of knowledge fear of intimacy and fear of death and set about restoring them you know which took me a few months of consistently going back and engaged because i didn't know how to do it very well you know i only really had an experience of doing this you know and these were a lot higher up beings than anything i'd ever engaged before but i did it with the backing of the three of us in union and one heart and one mind and one purpose that gave me a greater dimension of authority and therefore i was able to to remove the intimidation it meant blessing those who were cursing you know because you can't go in the same spirit you you have to forgive release bless demonstrate honor love to those who are in opposition who are just the in a sense just the tools of these beings because fear of knowledge at work through those who don't want to change or believe in progressive revelation so all the opposition that's been going on to the restoration of all things message were just those people in opposition were just tools in the hands of these beings who were using the fear oh excuse me everyone's afraid of the restoration of all things and you know the angels being restored and all that so it would just they were just tall so you just realized our battle even against flesh and blood is it well we don't have a battle at all because the battle belongs to the lord in that sense so you come to a restoration process so i really did engage that and the intimidation and all the fear just dissipated you know but you've got to keep you've got to be you've got to be on guard you know you've got to be aware and therefore be be looking for and sensing what you're feeling because what you're feeling can be an indication that something is going on in those spiritual spheres but now i'm i am much more aware you know and and aware of some of the strategy now then when we formed the bench of seven because avengers that bench of three so we felt god say you need to connect with others so we reached out to the ones that god showed us and formed a venture seven which is now nine or ten um so we've we've sort of carried on that whole process really of making sure that we are have each other's backs because that's what we made the commitment to we are going to look out for each other in this in the spiritual realms and be be there for each other and be aware that we are there providing a support for each other you know we're not doing each other's stuff but we're empowering each other and supporting each other and having each other's backs so when we joined together as a bench of seven we felt the father say make a commitment to engage in the spirit every day with each other and spiritually become more connected which is what we've done as part of that earth shield because when we're already connecting relationally when then we were then engaged with that earth shield so we were you know functioning that way in those levels really you know so we're open and honest with one another that's part of the basis of how you do this you cannot hide stuff you cannot have fear shame or condemnation or guilt stuff you know you've got to be walking in the light with one another then there is real power in that walking in the light because you know there's nothing in darkness there's nothing to fear you know but this is genuine i mean they're these beings are powerful beings you know they're not they're not weak beings they are quite powerful but our love is more powerful and we can overcome like on friday this last friday just just went by on a national broadcast across the u.s friday night harry reid who was the majority leader of the senate while obama was president he started to discuss about how information they found out was that ufos they called them beings had deactivated nuclear weapons both on the u.s side russian side some other sides and he started talking about they don't really understand it they're still doing more the kind of the implication was these beings were looking after us at a higher level and they thought came that if they weren't of god's kingdom they probably aren't there protecting us if that was true and but i was trying to process like in fact if it was true because it and i the next part was they can't be higher because we are in god's image we like my life thinking matured at this point in that but you know but i was trying to work the thoughts through my head what that meant um i don't know i mean in a sense not all dimensional beings are bad yeah as not all obviously there's a whole load of angels that aren't there are working with us in cooperation now sometimes i think people get [Music] mixed up in well what is going on and they see things from a perspective that is not necessarily the truth but but has truth in it so you know who could those beings be well they could be all sorts of beings you know they could be angels that are manifesting they're out working in this realm working with us in legislation to protect the earth from potential they could be other dimensional beings that have the capacity to do those things but those who haven't fallen you know they're you could there could be a deceptive group of beings that's what we're shielding the earth from right now outside influence from beings from other dimensions that are maintaining the status throw of global government and economy you know so we want to see global change in economy and government and well-being and life and all that so without really knowing the details you know i i couldn't say um but i think when you hear something like that it's like you know what what happens in your spirit do you resonate with it or do you feel no okay well then you've got to say okay well maybe maybe there there's a deception going on there that you know then we've got to be aware of that and make sure that that deception doesn't result in the purpose that it was designed ultimately to do i mean right now there are some things that have been hidden in darkness which are going to come into the light there are some really big deceptions which are major deceptions with the political and religious spirit system which jesus warned against that i've infiltrated most of christianity and other things and have created a huge deception which as a set an agenda which is not god's agenda and it will come into the light it is going to challenge people because so many people have bought into some of those deceptions and lies and they're and they're just think it's just normal that's just and soon and it will be challenged and it will cause a huge i mean if we think the restoration of all things this is part of that agenda but it is it is going to rock a lot of theological perspectives even those in the mystical movement who are deceived by it now there are some people who are seeing the deception god showed me the deception years ago but i didn't see how all of it worked and you know i've hooked up with a few people recently who are actually seeing how it works and i'm like oh yeah that makes total sense because of this this and this and this i've seen and god showed me this this and this and how this all and it's going to come into the light and it is going to cause a real real storm um and i think some of the things like this where something gets leaked out or something comes out will eventually unveil a part of these deceptions and the the how all these things work to maintain us in a less than state of sonship because it's basically maintaining the status quo of the knowledge of true and good and evil really and that's what it all doing um and you know it goes deep into when you look into history and you can see how all these things and politically both the left and the right are involved in it although seeming to be totally in opposition actually they're both bored into the deception in different ways i mean and it's really interesting to see in history how this is all that worked which i've seen some stuff recently so i'm not surprised that stuff is starting to come out into the light which may give people the i can motivation to look into what what is truth and what isn't and what is deception and what isn't you know because some things that people have believe is absolute truth is absolute deception you know and people will not like it when it comes into the light i mean it is going to cause a storm you know the father's warned me to keep my heart right and to make sure that in spite of all the opposition that i probably will get as being associated even with this whole issue and issues i'm not going to go into the details of it right now because it's not my thing to bring it into the light i have brought my part of it into the light already um in the theological perspectives of where i i believe this this deception is taking place um but others will bring their bit of that into the light soon and i think it's going to cause a lot of people to question what is the truth you know because it is it is fundamental some of the stuff which is going to be challenged for a lot of people particularly you know the evangelical community but beyond that so it's interesting i think these things are starting to happen you're the deception seemed to me and maybe i'm wrong was that it was their higher life forms in the universe and it was apart from god so there's this evolving cosmos of higher beings that might even proceeded this year oh yeah i thought the deception was oh all of that ancient alien stuff all of that here the guys that came back all of those things i mean that has been at work to try and influence you know through jason westerfield that whole agenda there through the western gate all of that was part of the um to accept the influence of externals well that's why we've got an earth shield we're not accepting the influence of those externals but there are those who do and are welcoming there because they see it as a benevolent thing not a malevolent thing it is malevolent but that doesn't mean that it can't be restored or those dimensions turn back to their original purpose they can but we've got to be aware and on guard to protect the process that's going on on the earth and in the earth to bring about an awakening to the true nature of god which will make deception easier to discern because when you know the genuine that which is not genuine is obvious when you don't know the genuine it doesn't make it obvious and people have a view of god which is not who he really is that make deception really easy to them because they have painted god with a picture that isn't totally misrepresenting his nature and character in love well it makes it so much easier to do a whole load of things in the name of god under that deception well you know which is why the klu klux klan and people like that can be well we're doing this in the name of god apartheid can be totally supported by the religious system all of those things because they were had a wrong view of god with a global awakening to god is love it will be so much harder for people to be deceived by these things so i do believe a lot of things which at the moment are hidden but are deceptive are going to be brought into the light of truth and reveal because the true nature of god is going to make it easier because the light true light will reveal what is hidden in the darkness and deceiving people and therefore part of an agenda which you can't win politically you know what you know you cannot win with a political ideology of left or right because left and right behind both have the same agenda that's the deception people thinking they're opposing something or actually they're agreeing to a bigger agenda behind the scenes whether you're left or right and it's quite interesting when you actually see the roots of it in the history of it um you know but we'll see we'll see what happens when people begin to bring some of these things into the light um and see what happens you know with a bit of a storm which is i'm sure it's gonna probably come of that um but it's hopefully we'll be able to dialogue through some of this um yeah without the you know usual stuff that it causes in terms of relational breakdown and damage and everything else um because you know probably all of us gonna have to admit that we we were deceived you know there's just there's no shame in that the reality is you know when we we have we've all been deceived you know all of us have been deceived because we've all believed things differently in the past than we believe now so we must have been in deceived to think that was the truth in the past yeah that's true take on a bigger scale on a bigger bigger way and there's a lot of things going to come out which is going to put in that position of realizing how could i have believed that well because i was deceived into thinking that was the truth you know you know and lie busting you know lie busting which was you know about personal issues actually the whole thing the whole process of dealing with the lies and deception is can be done on a global and cosmic perspective as well yeah and we're going to find that we can lie bust cosmic things to find out that we have been believing lies on a cosmic perspective not just a personal individual one yeah so it's gonna it'll be some interesting stuff coming out soon anyway i need to leave it there nice seeing you all today and i'll catch up with you next time have a good rest of your day keep safe and uh
Channel: Mike Parsons
Views: 1,626
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Id: AS6ACepR_9Q
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Length: 74min 20sec (4460 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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