Angelic Community | Beyond Human | Justin Paul Abraham

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[Music] okay i'm gonna get into it i don't know what's gonna happen tonight it's always a bit crazy when we talk about angels um i've got some photos and stuff to show you from our journey with angels i'm going to share some of my encounters um i just hope there's energy on it because this is like massive topic i did think about splitting it into two sessions because how do we talk about angels in one session and where we're going with it is just expansive so you guys are hardcore you've been with us a long time you could handle it so we're just gonna layer it and layer it and you can watch the video again anyway to get more stuff out of it so we're coming again from the beyond human perspective from the very beginning that we are in him and he's in us and his life is our life so our aim in this generation is to make the christ life normal angels normal walking with saints normal and then gently press into things like teleportation that's later in the book remote sight telepathy cardiognosis there's just so much to explore in the beyond human life and we are the generation that's taking the lid off it and saying hey why did we settle for just going for healings or prophecy or those kind of things which we do need why do we stop there and you know we'll find this just religion religion always shuts down the topic when it's really powerful and angels are really powerful angels are incredible and it's fascinating as i've studied them over the last years that i found out that in jewish you know tradition they say nightly praise to it with angels in there and the catholics love angels is just us protestants who protest too much we've protested so much we've forgotten some of the core elements of our of our new creation community that beautiful synergy with angels so here we go guys let's start again two corinthians 5 17 i i use it all the time it's the new creation verse the kind of this now if anyone is enfolded into christ enfolded it's beautiful just see yourself enfolded into christ you could get whacked off there just enfolded let's just spend the lot next hour going unfolded because enfolded is is awesome you're enfolded into christ folded in if anyone's enfolded into christ he has become an entirely new creation this is wild and crazy and they don't preach it on sunday mornings they don't say you're a new creation a new creature but you are and this generation's breaking from religion and dry tradition and realizing actually we are weird we are new creations some of you knew you were weird i just want to confirm it you are weird you're a new creature a new creature says the gospel so it says that all that is related to the old order is vanished behold everything is fresh and new so everything is fresh in you so why don't we have a fresh a new life because these mindsets see dishonor is a shirt door life flows to honor in other words you will attract what you honor so when you honor the prophetic you'll become more prophetic when you pursue dreams and visions you'll get more dreams and visions if you honor and pursue the angelic realm you will become one who walks with angels because you're supposed to you're supposed to walk in angels so the old way of living has disappeared a new way of living has come into existence it is a whole new world so i've said this before it's not just an interchange the gospel it's not a ticket to heaven it's a brand new creation you are one with yahweh you are one with the trinity you are one in the dance and you are one with the saints and the heavenly realm that is the gospel and there's a generation emerging right now that are going to preach it like that and we're going to see the most amazing wonders in the history of the world this stuff going to happen that is going to literally fry our minds this is going somewhere so we have to have courage to change because the past is is finished and done we can't revive that that's not going to change the world we need something beyond it something governmental transfiguration glory speak to the mountain and it'll move wow this thing's going to happen that will literally fry our minds nations will be born in a day and we're building to something spectacular so we have to have courage to change now bill johnson i like to quote bill johnson because i really honor and respect him and he says this faith actualizes what it realizes in other words you will create around you what you realize to be true or to quote jesus as a man thinks his heart or a person thinks in their heart so they are in other words you are powerful you are powerful to say angels keep away or you're powerful to say bring it on let's do some stuff let's see some stuff let's engage some stuff so really the choice is yours the choice is yours just like enoch so jesus is the original blueprint of our lives yeah someone's saying bring it on on the chat i can see your chats pop up so keep them coming bring it on yeah i'm with you bring it on how far can we go how far can we go you know god gave me a vision like 20 years ago that we will talk face-to-face with angels like we're talking now where you'll see them they'll come to dinner they will be in your house i've had three times a man knock at the door and then vanish and i know it's coming there's things can happen there are so different things are going to explode and go forwards we're going to go forwards a century in a short time in knowledge because the invasion of heaven guess who's coming to dinner just like abraham the angels came and ate yeah so we are a company who will not settle for less than what jesus has because we've decided jesus is the messiah he is he is hashem he is mashiach he is adonai elohim god with us emmanuel and he is the prototype of our race he is the firstborn amongst many who are just like him and we refuse to lower the standard to the sunday service or the you know the boring christianity that we've had that is so lifeless and dead we see jesus as the authentic genesis and that's what it says in romans 8 29 in the mirror translation we see the original and intended pattern of our lives preserved in his son he is the firstborn from the same womb that reveals our genesis did you get that he's the firstborn from the womb that you've been born from the womb of the spirit so and it says in some translations it says so that he may have many who are just like him hello jesus is you are just like the lord you are his body and he wants you to live as he is as he is so are you in this world the mirror translation says this the exact life in christ is now repeated in us [Music] just getting a little whacked a second because i just feel in the the presence of god really strongly i said to rachel before i came on i thought i'd be all joyful and verbally tonight which i am but i feel the i feel the fear of god i really feel the holiness of god on this topic we're unraveling 500 years of injustice we're in the reformation we split from the catholic church you loved angels and honored angels we've had 500 years where we've ignored them in the protestant church and half of all christianity that age is ending we're coming back into the days of wonder the days of the saints the days of glory the days of where hey hey hey blurring the boundaries between realms so yeshua loves angels and we should love angels i love angels i love what they are i love what they do i love angels and you should love angels because we can only engage what we love and honor and the lord wants us to be like him and he loves angels he loves michael uriel raphael the kayat the seraphim the cherubim the elohim he loves them all he the ophamine the shimmering dazzling ones they surround him in a in a symphony constantly and he delights in them and all the cosmos is full of them stars and galaxies all have them the stars shouted for joy there's a sea of government in every star we read in the book of revelation the angel came out with the star and there's two trillion galaxies with billions and billions of stars in each one or hundreds of millions so the number is innumerable and the bible says this is an innumerable company of angels so how can we afford to ignore them how can we ignore something that's so intrinsic to creation it's like ignoring your own face or ignoring trees and pretending trees don't exist we can't ignore trees and we can't ignore the angels anymore okay so the issue is our awareness i love this verse in hebrews 13 2 it says some believers have shown hospitality to angels without being aware of it and i'm sure many of us on this call have done that i believe for example that jesus appears to every human being at least once but he believes he appears in a form that you may not recognize see the issue is our awareness so some of hosted angels unaware now let's be hebraia can complete the circle what's the other side of that verse some of hosted angels away see i don't want to be on the unaware side i want to be on the aware side so that's what we're going for is that i want to know who's in the room i want to know the angels that are in your house and many times i've gone to people's houses and the angels greeted me interestingly they usually leave me for the first five or ten minutes when i'm settled down and i'm not even thinking about angels i'll suddenly get a shimmering presence and i've seen all sorts of angels in people's houses some i've i was in the house where there was a baby and the angel that came down to greet me literally looked like it like a nurse like a grandma like like akira it was incredible i've been to musicians houses and that shimmering angels come there different kinds of angels are in your home okay so i believe this is going to get even stronger and we have to be aware of reality so bill johnson again quoting bill johnson i hope he i hope he's okay with me quoting him all the time he doesn't know who i am but i use his stuff all the time i'm hoping bethel's okay with this i'm sure they are because i get some lovely emails from there okay so bill johnson says repentance is a sustained change of thinking about the nature of reality what a great line let me say again repentance or you know in hebraic teshuva is a sustained change of thinking about the nature of reality in other words repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand is at hand repent because it's right here repent because it's within you so change your thinking because it's here right now so we're in the age and we blessed are you to be hearing these words you're in the age where it's all changing congratulations you're alive now i'm pleased for you um prophet bobby con had an experience in 2011. and i love bobby connor i've done a few conferences with him what a great guy you said this i saw what appeared to be a very thin membrane in front of me imagine that you're in your room or your bedroom and then a membrane shivers and shimmers in front of you how powerful is that i asked the lord what is this well i've had experiences like that i've had shimmer in membranes i've had lights i've had portals i've had shimmers everything's fall from the ceiling and that is the question you always have what is this like the manner when the manner came down in the desert with angels it often makes you go what is this manner they said what is it and the lord replied and this is beautiful it is the veil between the earthly realm and the spirit realm and it is thinner than ever i love that now remember jesus has ripped the veil but the way we think can create layers so in saying that we're not being dualistic and saying they're separate they're not separate jesus didn't teach that they're separate what bobby connor was seeing is this grace on us there's grace coming to for those thoughts and thinking to open up that we see reality wow wow i feel a very strong realm on this word um because i know this is from the lord i know that this is something that the lord is releasing so thank you father for this word the veil the membrane is thinning and imagine spending the rest of your life walking with angels i mean how many angels would you like to actually know the names of the functions of where would you like to go in that stars and galaxies in the other dimensions would you would you like to know the angel connected to the earth and the stars and the houses of the stars the 12 constellations the 12 houses that surround our solar system and the planets in our solar system oh and other nations and over churches i've had some incredible experiences with angels from churches often i know what the blueprint is for a church by engaging the angel because the angel partners with the pastor or leader leadership team to land the scroll remember in the book of revelation it says to the angel of the church is right why would it write to the angel because the pastor or the leader and the angel function as one being or one house with many dimensions so you know god does this himself he can come as the angel of the lord or yeshua so he partners with angels too and you partner with angels too you have the jews call it you have a caribbean nature and they say within you are choirs of angels what do they mean by that is that inside the human heart are structures of angels and sometimes i've had encounters in my heart and the lights come on and i've seen new kinds of angels and they've literally flown out i've just been vulnerable but i've sometimes seen dimensions in my heart as lights come into it i've seen new kinds of angelic beings there and become aware of them around me okay for indeed luke 17 21 for indeed the kingdom of god is within you oh think about it think about it how big you actually are we think in this way but in here is worlds he's paternity in your heart so the timeline's in there and he's put heaven in your heart jacob's ladder that's why you see the cross symbol in all religions celtic crosses egyptian um pagan because it's a picture of the human heart the four chambers of the human heart is the gateway or out of your belly will flow rivers of living water up and down to and fro all compressed within you oh and all we have to do is open our hearts and come into heart synergy that's how you come into awareness is by coming into your heart into union into oneness breathing into sweetness and softening and opening the gates lift up your head all your gates be lifted up you ancient doors and the king of glory will come in and he floods out through those gates and opens up your spiritual senses may the eyes of your heart paul said be flooded with light so we realize little by little that these heavenly beings are intimately connected and caring towards us i'm quoting from the book in fact they we find they're everywhere we just didn't see it before so listen to this and this is in the book now i'm reading from the book psalm 91 he will give his angels a special charge over you to a company this is the amplified to be company for you and defend you and preserve you in all your ways of obedience and service get this they are allowed to be a companion to you they're allowed to be a friend to you they're supposed to be a companion to you i mean how strange would it be to have these beings allocated to you when you were formed in your mother's womb when he formed you they were released with destiny scrolls over your life to partner with you when you die if you die they go back with you to receive their reward and you've got these company people around you and as you expand it says to to be with you in your obedience and service the way you trigger more angels is by doing more things so when i've gone out on the streets done evangelism i've seen harvest angels when i've been crazy and gone for miracles i've seen healing angels when i've moved in the prophetic i've seen like blue lights and other things so your action triggers help they will help you in your assignment we've had angels bring finances i've had angels literally money appear in my hands because they will move as you move like the wheels within the wheels but they'll also just have friendship with you because it's not all about doing it's about being it's about love and action it's both together so we're not dualistic separating but you are a nexus point you are jacob's ladder and we're gonna understand what that means it's got huge implications by the way for the future okay so the blueprint is jesus and in mark 1 it says this in the amplified that he jesus stayed in the desert 40 days being tempted all the while by satan and he was with the wild beasts and the angels ministered to him continually i love this even in his challenge jesus wasn't alone jesus had angels ministering to him continually and animals were there animals were there for him and i'm going to talk about this later on in the book we'll hear more about animals and how animals and nature are part of our community as well but nobody preaches on that the wild beasts were with jesus so you've got jesus with the wild beasts an angel swarming round him continually this is the blueprint for the kind of species the earth the beasts and the heavens all interact with you in the same place they all interact together in the same locality thank you father okay i'm just going to change my view for a second to see your faces how's everybody doing so far that's great i can see you do you like this topic is this a good topic a lot of glory on this topic a lot of glory okay i'm gonna go back into my little preaching mode again so i'll resurface in a minute so here we go so we are a kinos community and they are part of us and we are part of them now a mystery i saw in the heavens is that there's there are books in heaven called the chronicles of the angels and they're everywhere the angelic is everywhere but they've got their own history they've got their own languages if i speak in terms of men and of angels they're not all the same there's different types of angels tribes and dimensions of angels with different cultures different governmental heads and different modes of operations and different forms that they they take on board we'll come back to that in a second so this is the incredible thing jesus said that he was jacob's ladder now you guys know the old testament story jacob didn't know it was there he said god's in this place and i didn't no way that's exactly where the church is right now they're saying god where are you god you've got to come god we need you god send revival god do this god do that and he's like going i've already come i'm already in you i'm christ in you the hope of glory i'll never leave you i'll never forsake you the kingdom of heaven is at hand change the way you think in your reality changes if you align with my heart the universe will conspire around your desires taste and see that the lord is good feast at my table come boldly before the throne of grace and he's saying you're powerful you're powerful you're powerful so jesus said to nathanael and i love this passage he had a word of knowledge and immediately nathanael said you're the christ the son of the living god why did he believe that he was the messiah why did he believe he was the christ why did he believe he was mashiach because there was an interface and i'm going to talk about that in the telepath telepathic um session where i'm going to talk about how heart coherence is a two-way street so jesus knew him but he knew jesus that's why the one line changed him because it wasn't the line that changed him it was the exchange of particles light energy frequency vibration and heart coherence that went boom and he went whoa you you're the guy because he saw it now this is amazing what jesus does to nathanael nathaniel such a good guy he's so seen meshiach he's seen that he's jesus he's the christ three says yes indeed i love that yes indeed um i tell you that you will see heaven opened and the angels of god going up and coming down on the son of man isn't that interesting so from then on nathanael's eyes were opened now i've never met nathaniel in the cloud of witnesses but i would love to talk to him because i kind of imagine what would his life be like from then on because jesus just decreed that his eyes were open that he would see angels he was probably like the disciple who was like high all the time on god he's like and the disciples are going what's up nathaniel he's like whoa did you see that and they're like he's lost it but jesus has still got him on the team you know because i think god popped his dna at that point he spoke into his dna spoke into his genetic history he went and the guy was seeing an angelic realm and i would love to talk to him so this is not new you know the jewish mystics love this stuff and if you read um the the jewish mysticism they believe i mean they're a bit extreme on it but they believe like every atom's got an angel every blade of grass so they see it as a very holistic when you look at the winds and the waves in all the nature the elemental forces there are angels i mean have you ever been praying and you'll see the feathers in the sky i was on holiday with the kids and i wanted to shift the weather and i engaged and i remember standing and all these feathers formed and angels i sensed them everywhere i froze and bethany and sam were with me and said what's wrong dad i said can't you see it can you see i was like nathaniel the angels i went back to the cottage we were staying back staying in in cornwall and rachel said can you sense the angels she didn't know what happened and i was like yeah so they're in nature they're in the clouds they're in the elements they're all over the place i mean i don't know if the lord's ever taken you into the seas but the seas are full of beings i don't even know what they are and i'm journeying this out with yahweh but i was engaging the weather over australia with a team of people and the lord took me to the throne at the indian ocean and it was the indian ocean dipole and we sat there to change the weather we did we reconnected it to how it should be and reigns came but when i was sitting in this throne this being this angel watcher angel came down to watch over the word sat in the throne and underneath i saw all these beings swimming in the seas and i looked down and i was like what is that what what are they so the lord showed me there's a lot more to explore we there's so much we don't know most of our seas most of our planet is seas and even there there are angelic structures and other beings that are looking for the government of god in fact the most common form of communication on the earth is by light where they exist down below and it's the most common form which is light technology cardiognosis light technology so i've also seen angels in the atmosphere i once went in on an ascension and the lord held me between heaven and earth and i was at the top of the atmosphere of the earth and as far as i could see there were orbs of light and they were shimmering in the sound of the earth and you know as the um the radiation from the sun hits the atmosphere it creates harmonics of worship the heavens declare the glory of the lord and that the day and night they pour forth praise these angels were resting and soaking in the goodness of god so they're everywhere and i was thinking what are they all doing here i'm not sure to this day but they seem to have times of rest and re-energizing and enjoying god as well i mean one time we took ian clayton and some friends to some beautiful caves in wales we went into this one cave where there's harmonics and waterfalls and we literally saw with our eyes lights shining as they were moving back and forth we took photographs and the whole place was full they were playing wedding music in there all the time because they did weddings i turned to ian i said ian why would all these angels be underground in a cave in wales and he turned to me said they like the harmonics [Laughter] so apparently angels like harmonix and they're even in caves and stuff it's quite incredible i've seen angels soak in i mean i remember years ago hearing one guy a prophet that uh that was was you know moving in this stuff he saw angels playing and caught them out when he was in um oh what was the name that that foresty place in america where everybody goes and his angels all the time um moravian falls thank you rachel moravian falls and he saw them because he had to see a gift and they were like young angels were raffle you know playing with each other the moment they knew they were spotted they all stood up like that as if they're not doing anything so guys there are ancient ones and there are new ones angels get forms and there's different layers of them being formed and there are energy patterns we can form and this is jewish teaching but then there are more solid angels like mikhail gabriel and all those and we'll come on to that okay this is good so far isn't it so i've seen them in clouds in nature and i've also seen them in nebulas and you guys know this i was taken up by the lord in a beam of light and he showed me a lovely orange nebula by a blue planet with rings and i was on the moon and yeshua was next to me and i was shocked that this had happened because i didn't try and do this it was the first time anything like this had happened to me like that and i'm on a moon and jesus looked at me and he went was like hey i want to show you what i see every day and then immediately i'm back in the room shocked and i didn't tell anyone because i was kind of like what just happened but when i was in the nebula looking at it i saw orange beings moving in the clouds and they were worshiping god and it was like symphonics um almost like crystals crystal sounds and i know you can't get sound in space it was in the spirit um it was very beautiful now some of my questions were how much is going on out there we don't know about what kind of beings were they they were orange like lights um they must have been quite big i would say uh and all that's going on the heavens declare the glory of the lord so they have been a part of our history since the beginning job 38 7 says when earth was made the morning stars sang together and all the sons of god shouted for joy now look at this stars sang you will always find that stars and angels and us are intimately connected you'll discover this and i'll talk about it a bit later is that there are thrones of houses in the stars and there are trading platforms and governmental gateways there are even wormholes and dimensions within stars and out in the stars and galaxies but the stars shouted for joy and the sons of god shouted for joy so they were called sons of god isn't that interesting that they were called sons of god as well the beings that observed us who were they i believe is connected to our destiny scroll to see that one of the things the lord showed me is we'll all get to watch creation we all get to participate in it in the future if we choose which we will i think so okay coming on then to the history of the saints as we move from bible times the whole history of the church is angelic history and we've forgotten a lot of it because when we split from the catholic church we are 1500 years of our own history and you see the prophetic movements very guilty of it they'll talk as if they're the first people to ever prophesy or the first people to ever see gemstones or gold or fire but you know this is just normal christianity it's just we've forgotten about it so i've spent the last 15 years reading upon the saints and what i found is this is that it was normal for them to walk with angels so the franciscans for example they would have angels walk with them animals would respond to them they'd even knock on the door and walk on a journey with them protecting them um gemma gargani one of the mystics she she would often be ill and the angel would carry her and tuck her into bed why they didn't heal her that was her story she was engaged in the sufferings of christ padre pio him and his angel would talk for hours and people would listen in at his door and they would hear him have conversations with the angels and sometimes he would give the angels a really hard time i wouldn't give them a hard time padre pio might have been a little bit grumpy in that moment but that's how intimate their friendships were so he'd say things like where have you been you're late and things like that to his angel and give them a hard time i bet that angel those angels that worked with padre pio said lord why did you give us such a tough assignment this guy was hard on us um i don't want to be hard on my angels i'm a soft guy i'm like more of a teddy bear kind of guy okay and then you've got people like said joseph of cuppatino he would always open the door for his angel and allow his angel to precede him and he functioned like that for for decades you've got people uh you know like catherine of siena from the age of five saw michael mikhail and so gabrielle and on the church and she knew she was called into being a christian she cut her beautiful hair she said no man will ever marry me now she wanted to be married to christ and she functioned with angels all the time and then in the modern age we've got people like william branham and i believe william branham is a prototype for us he had this powerful angel that would stand next to him and when he would prophesy he wouldn't get it wrong he would do miracle after miracle i mean one time he did an eight day meeting where he prayed for people for eight days i mean this guy was pulling people out of wheelchairs he was going to people on their death beds and the angel would appear to him the angel would tell him where to go and you see this with patrick patrick had advictus or victory and victus is calling now that the sound of the irish is calling in the spirit and i don't even know what that means but i keep hearing victus the angel of ireland calling again for the sons calling again for the sound and something's going to happen in ireland and it's going to be restitution and redemption and there's something with that angel of patrick awakening again victus now vic just used to lead patrick he was the one who appeared to him in wales and told him to go back after he'd escaped he led him he directed him and it was the same with cuthbert and columba of iona now i've been on iona where columba stood in a plane and all the angels surrounded him and i'm going to read it it's in the beyond human book so one of his disciples sneaked up and was watching him he told his disciples before he went out that day said don't come with me today you're not supposed to follow me but one of the cheeky disciples thought i'm i want to know what he's up to that's cool i'd be a bit like that be like oh i want to know what's going on i'm so hungry for jesus so anyway he hid in the in the bushes and i've stood where this happened it's such a holy place even now and this is what he writes strange to tell look there was certainly a marvelous marvelous apparition which the man could see with his own bodily eyes from his position on that nearby hill for holy angels the citizens of the heavenly kingdom were flying down with amazing speed dressed in white robes and began to gather around the holy man as he prayed after they had conversed a little with saint columba the heavenly crowd as though they could feel they were being spied upon quickly returned to the heights of heaven guys i love that that's why i've been to iona it's so sacred and holy those celtic crosses still mark the land and where would they be without walking with angels bridget patrick kiran they all walked with angels i think something happened in the middle ages where roman catholicism and all of that stuff took over and he took away the wildness we have to get the wildness back the embodiment again the incarnation again breaking the dual systems again and and change nations again whatever's coming isn't revival they weren't revivalists they were embodiment they were gates they were doors they were more than a meeting they were a living union with the beloved and they wrote art culture media you could still see the book of kells by the way it's this beautiful book from the celtic era which some people believe was literally drawn and written by angels that's how close the angelic community's been on britain and we've got to wake up guys we've got to get out of churchianity get out of church and get back into a kindness embodiment whew wow we've got to leave the safety of the of the harbour and get onto the wild seas and this is a word for some of you listening it's time to leave the safety of the harbour because you're not going anywhere in the harbor it's safe yeah it's got sea it's got a boat but you've been called to the wild winds and the wild waves and the wild seas and the wild seas are calling you and if you go out there you will see things that you've never seen and do things you've never done yet there's dangers but you have him with you in it you have him with you yeah there's persecution but there's also life and resurrection and embodiment and angels choirs of angels so the celtic saints you knew this used to get in a little boat called a coracle and go out into the seas and trust the winds to carry them where they needed to go so coming back to modern times someone who's really moving in the angelic is a guy called randy clark now some of you might know him he's a very gently spoken missionary he does gatherings with thousands and thousands of people you know across the world and he came to cardiff and he spoke on the ministry of angels and he hardly ever speaks on it but i was privileged to be there when he did and i was so glad i was he said this about pentecost are you ready is him the book i would suggest to suggest to you that on the day of pentecost we got more than the baptism of the spirit i love this we got more than the baptism of the spirit we got more than a new relationship with holy spirit we also entered into a new dispensation a new covenant with the outpouring of the angels of god so we're in the age of the outpouring of angels oh i love it i believe it's literally this is randy clark speaking a man of in mass integrity who just preaches jesus he's not flaky he's not weird but he's seeing the angelic move in miracles across thousands so i give credibility to this man he said this i believe is literally a new relationship that was opened up by the cross with the angels of god and the people of god and the holy spirit and the people of god you know psalm 104 this four says this you make the winds your messengers flaming fire your ministers and what did we get at pentecost we got winds we got fire and we got the baptism of the holy spirit and how much of it was angelic after that the whole history of acts and the miracles and then the catholic sorry the the celtic church that came from it and the desert fathers this was the golden age we have to return to an age where we expect the winds of the angels to come in we've got to come to the expect the manifestation of the and i love angels i've experienced them many times but i tell you what we're not there yet there's more and we have to be honest about that and pursue this we have to pursue this okay so looking at the book of acts it was full of angelic after pentecost and i've talked about this before i love it when peter was arrested and it says the church were praying fervently for his release and it's in the book and i'll read it now you know it well but let's enjoy it anyway because it's such a cool story peter was sleeping between two soldiers so he is pretty intense he was tied with two chains and soldiers stood by the door and watched the prison so there's people watching it and he's chained to people all at once the angel of the lord was seen standing beside him a light shone in the building and the angel hit peter on the side to say get up wow that's how real this was how many of you guys want that i've been actually hit touched by angels i've been woken up three times three times with an angel blowing on my cheek to wake me up all at once an angel was there and the angel hit peter on the side and said get up i love it then the chains fell off his hands the angel said put on your belt and shoes he did the angel said to peter put on your coat and follow me i love this i love the story peter followed him out he was not sure what was happening as the angel helped him he thought it was a dream he thought it was a vision the other translation say guys that's how much god wants to blur the boundaries are you awake or are you asleep is there a vision or is the angel really there can you see that peter was living in the chinos life where his visions of god and his encounters with god were so real that he's getting rescued from prison and he can't tell that it's it's real because his visions are so real i love it so they passed one soldier then another they came to the big iron door that leads to the city and it opened by itself so who knows there might be another angels invisible ones pushing it open it's incredible or can angels just make doors open by the power of their spirits it's great isn't it as soon as they'd gone up one street the angel disappeared that's when he realized it was real he's standing in the street he's all alone now so cool story right very very cool story but what happens next is weird and you guys know this really well is that when he knocked on the door the servant saw him ran and this is what we hear the servant ran in and announced that peter stood before the gate but they said to her you're off your head you're beside yourself yeah she kept insisting that it was so so they said it's his angel now peter continued knocking and when they'd opened the door and saw him they were astonished there's something weird about that story they were astonished that it was peter but it weren't at all moved that it was the angel i think what was going on then you were praying for him and they knew the angel was like wanting their attention so they were thinking of course he's going to be knocking he wants us to pray and engage it's like heaven's awakening us but peter was there okay so i'm quoting john paul jackson now john paul jackson writes about this now in the early days this must have been a fairly common occurrence we can surmise this because when peter was released from prison and the servant girl went open the door it was more likely an angel would appear than peter would be out of prison let's stop stop and think okay stop and thinking don't let this this miss you right okay can you see a day where angels are coming into the gatherings or your house and you see them physically and it's normal because that's what we have to start imagining that's what was going on in acts that's what they were expecting was angels there's so much not recorded in in the scriptures i mean it talks about when paul raised the guy from the dead who fell out the window says there were many lights in the room why does it say there were many lights in the room and then there's a resurrection you know there's so many mystical secrets in the scriptures so what are you going to do are you going to keep on eating i'm not i'm going to get up and take a look at that angel they didn't do that they just kept eating this tells you angelic appearances must have been fairly common today they're not all that common but i have this feeling that they're gonna get a lot more common right so john paul jackson's saying it's gonna get more common so what you do when you hear a word like that you go i'll have it because that could fly over your head or you can embrace it i tell you what i'm gonna do i'm saying lord i honor john paul right now i engage that word and i say lord i want what john paul saw that it will be common it will be common i want to walk with angels i love angels i wanted extraordinary life i'm done being a mere human being when the gospels burn inside me and my your words are like firing my bones and there is a will to transform and we've been asleep for too long guys we've been asleep we've been asking god to revive us and god's saying what's wrong why don't you believe okay so face to face we're coming into an age where i even believe there'll be films and photographs of it and there have been i've got another uh uh presentation i've sometimes done where i've got video footage of angels walking through hospitals and other things because they're starting to be caught on camera because we're in an age where we the glory will be seen so guys there are innumerable company of angels and this is the angelic canopy i've been to this place many many times it doesn't look exactly like this but it is swirling swirling with angels now in the hebraic in the in the in the kabbalistic jewish tradition which i really respect they say there are different layers to this canopy on you can see there are different um archangels metatron razziel zafkiel zadkiel gabriel uriel haniel michael raphael and sandalphon now they've all got different houses and energies associated with them so they function in different domains of government and with different types of angels okay this slide here is taken from ian clayton's teaching you can find it on mike parsons website um and i want to encourage you to engage with it so far i've i've met and spoken to only um zadkiel but i'm engaged in haniel at the moment uh sorry yeah haniel and the elohim they've started appearing to me and i've seen sandal fun but i haven't spoken to sandalphon i've seen him in one of the councils um haniel i have spoken to and zad kills appeared to me in the room and zadkiel came with like 500 angels okay so back at the beginning when all this was happening they were with the lord which means they're ancient think about how old they are i mean the earth is billions of years old what have they been doing what's going on in the stars the stars and galaxies are fought nearly you know 14 billion years old aren't they so we know from the very beginning of our history they were put into eden with the flaming sword and enoch was one of the first to reconnect with them after the the fall and i believe he's a prototype and a template for us enoch walked with angels it says and god took him i love it he walked with angels he knew uriel really well he knew michael really well and the angels were even amazed at enoch they said why do you want to see this and know this he said because i do and they showed him the tree of life they showed in the pools of wisdom they showed in the solar system and the stars and the lord loved the journey that enoch went with and he was still very natural he had a wife edna he had his children he had his grandchildren and he was governmental some people believe he was one of the first judges in the earth and he went everywhere i mean i've gone into the stars and i've seen his footprints he's there he's been in the solar system and then the bible ends with john and this is so funny i love that the angels they look so cheeky why they've all got beards like that i don't know and those haircuts but even the bible itself it starts with enoch walking with god it ends with john seeing massive angelic structures and angelic revelation so this is how it started for us we got this book opened my eyes lord and this is an actual photo of gary oates rachel's brother took this photo in toronto during the outpouring you can see a massive orb behind him and if you look around the room you'll see orbs and even on the woman on the floor he wrote this book open the eyes my eyes lord it is a bit old now but it really kick-started something for me and myself and a friend we would hold a cd of this book and walk back and forth saying we want what he has angels come heaven come and they did come so there's something on honor life flows through honor now gary oates look him up on youtube fascinating guy we've also got him on one of our podcasts then this was a huge impact on us the man who talked with angels or his other books called angels on assignment and he literally had michael gabriel he had an angel called creoni they would physically come to his house and pet the dog and talk to him he got taken to heaven for six months given a scroll when he came back the scroll was in his hand and the scroll turned to powder over three days i believe he's one of the most prototypical saints of our generation and i i think there's so much glory on this story william branham if you've not read the five books written about him or got the audio book get it because it will mess you up this is an actual photo taken by a photographer of the angel above his head before the miracles broke out this was tested by the fbi you know cia all those people and they said it was legit 100 legit it was witnessed by hundreds of people and he was such a humble guy moved in incredible credible miracles this is rachey in one of our first conferences when the angels started to come just before these orbs hit her um a friend of ours who was a seer said look out she saw them come hit rachel we managed to get it on camera you can see them both moving in different directions towards rachel rachel used to shake like crazy back then and we had a lot of fun in those meetings in fact this is they started to come regularly i took this photograph i love it there's no explanation for this light on the photograph and i i love the ecstasy that that woman's in her son's next to her um is profound it's profound there's no way of explaining it and we would have young people spinning in our meetings gold just on people's hands oil crazy stuff uh you could see them here this was the small community center we started meeting in in the early days but you can see there's a lot of orbs there's a lot of heavenly lights in that room this is a fun one in our house this took five hours this angel came in in the afternoon and by the evening it was breaking out you could see rachel and jane there getting absolutely wasted rachel's usually the one getting wasted and jane jane's usually birthing but look at that thing above how can you explain that on a photograph so the next picture i've zoomed in on it um i've got i've edited this in other photographs and you can see there's layers inside it and there's something flying into it there's so much we don't know but what i do know is our house was full of glory and people came suddenly showed up didn't they rachel from all over the world we had people from australia there all sorts it was weird spontaneously our house was filled with 30 or 40 people all getting whacked totally out of the blue because these angels showed up now this is a funny picture but this kind of reminds me of a lot of the angels that work with me the fat friars they get people drunk in our meetings i kind of imagine them like this look at them all conspiring to get you drunk there's a little guy looking in wondering if he can join in well i've loosed the fat fryers many times and i've seen so many people healed and delivered through joy joy is the most serious business of heaven this is one of our meetings i'm preaching on the left there and we had literal fire i don't even know what this was you could see orbs in it as well but that night i had the sound of all creation grown in i remember lying down and groaning and grown in and i felt like i was birth in the future so there's something powerful going on this is the angel that i'm engaging right now she's called haniel which means the grace of god she is connected to the elohim who are the magistrates they're the ones that appearing to me they came in great numbers and i'm learning about the justice system of heaven she sits in the laughter of god and she sits in the grace of god and she manifests the grace of god she's the archangel over the elohim so my latest encounters to do with the cosmos and this has been a surprise i used to hurry and clayton talk about the stars a lot when i journeyed with him years back um it's finally started to open up for me um so i just want to show you my journal this is the latest place i've been uh the floor looks like these swirls which you can see mosaics and the angels look like mosaics and they're all connected to the star systems the solar systems and i saw beings connected to neptune and other planets there i saw sandalphon there with blueprints and schematics for the heavens we're going to learn more about the heavens remember says in the last days will be signed in the heavens and on the earth if you want to function as a sun with responsibility you have to start to engage beyond earth earth is a dot in in the cosmic dance and we all creations groaning and you can't just remain in a human narrative we are beyond human and i even thought about writing a book called beyond earth but i don't think anybody's ready for that right now so maybe in 10 or 20 years time i'll write beyond earth and then i started to discover this the the patterns of the merkabah which is more jewish traditional understanding merkabah means chariot it's it's from rkb which means to ride and it refers to the throne chariot of god but it's what we look like when we engage the manifestation of of the the hyatt the chariot or the cosmic chariot is that it this is how connected we are as a structure we can we engage cherub ophanim seraphim the living creatures the kayats to create interdimensional technology and i believe this is how humans will travel through the stars okay stop share there how's everybody doing i'm just gonna flick views for a second how's everybody doing out there you good this is good stuff isn't it are you enjoying it remember you're powerful to think differently um it's inevitable if you engage this you will end up going beyond earth so that's our story um i'm just going to pause for a second thank you father for what you've released so far i just want to briefly talk about michael michael okay so i hope you guys are still good can you handle some more awesome thank you thank you i'm going to go back into speaker mode here we go i want to talk about michael it means who is strong or god-like who is as god so mikhail is a very powerful being and i think we have to learn to think differently about angels they're an innumerable company of them some very small some massive some of them are as big as planets and solar systems but we have to realize that a lot of the church treats angels like things that we tell to do stuff i don't have that relationship i have a partnership with angels i have a relationship with angels where i treat them with respect and a lot of things change for me when i realized that they knew probably more than i did and you see this in daniel where gabrielle gabriel came and said i've come to make the vision clear and i've had the angel clarity come and the seven spirits wisdom and all these other things and i think if you take a posture of humility because like if you were standing really in front of an angel how much do you know about their life how much do you know about what they've seen you know what i love when i think it was gabriel came to john's dad and john's great dad's questioning and he says i'm gabriel i stand in the very presence of god and like you see this all the time with people teach treat them with with such disrespect and even like how we address satan you know says if michael did not even bring an accusation against satan but said the lord rebuked you we've got to understand like how heaven functions okay so in ethan easton orthodox church says michael is called the supreme commander of the heavenly host i love this daniel 10 13 he is one of the chief the word is rashon of the celestial princes the tsar oh this is so good that's the amplified he is the chief richong of the celestial princes so they're princes and when you look at the word angel it's malac and that's the same meaning as millek like now you know melchizedek is it's the idea that they are kings they are princes they are ambassadors they are really awesome and i think we've treated them with such disrespect and we've thought that we could do it without them we thought we could do it without the saints and we thought if we put on a nice sunday service that's going to be enough and all creation's grown in like when are we going to become heavenly minded when are we going to send the hill of the lord when are we going to be as he is we have to stop and i know it's painful but really we have to stop what church is doing and i'm glad that kovid put the brakes on it and i'm hoping that people will escape in droves because we need to escape the constraints of that structure to become what we're supposed to be and church is not the answer it's the ecclesia the sons the daughters of the king it's the bride of christ it's it's those who are in union with him and that is not a building it's us you're the building you're the living stones yes we gather together to encourage each other and warm and engage and get high on the most high but the church is not a building and it never will be a building you are the building whose house we are living stones and all creations groaning for us to start releasing what we are out of the system of control and containment i i come on oh wow i feel so much fire on this because i'm tired of the prison and i want people to escape the prison and come out and be who you already are you're already in you're already beyond human you're already a new creation the old has gone and then you was coming woohoo so let's talk about michael michael the different translation says he's one of the highest leaders contemporary english bible one of the strongest guardian angels the cv one of the chief princes of heaven the voice one of the leading princes of honor new living version i love that he's one of the leading princes of honor now the word chief rashon it means first in place time or rank the idea of a leader but it also has the idea get this so there are leaders there are leaders guys and michael is one of them michael is one of them we need to include michael in our thinking on how heaven functions because he's one of the leaders in the heavenly realms in the domain of god and in the kingdom of god now it also has the idea of time that they're from before the ancestors the ancient beings we've got to think about this when we engage michael or gabriel when we see sandalphon they've existed for such a long time i know it's hard for us to get our brains round i know that now i'm not diminishing who we are we've got a limitless capacity to grow and we'll move beyond angels in the future i've seen this and scripture says it we'll be as he is so are we when we see him we'll be like him so we are very unique and angels long to look into us so i'm not diminishing who we are but i'm also i want to elevate angels because angels are elevated in god's sight and i want to think like god the more we think like god the more we'll see like god the more we think like god the more we'll act like god and now i have massive massive respect for these angels and they've done stuff guys you know michael's been involved in wars they protect us from interdimensional beings they protect us from the enemy the enemy's so restrained they actually got rid of the nephilim michael did they they encapsulate the nephilim in another dimension we wouldn't have the world we've got today if angels hadn't helped us out and they were they're involved in all of our histories okay so thank you father yes lord so oh what have they been doing what have they been up to and you know we're going to be invited to know that so they are the tsar the shin and the rash the head so they're the burning head and they're the general he's a general and a governor a keeper of lord and master prince and ruler steward and i'm using what the the strong's commentary so he's a very powerful being more powerful than satan so you know people who hold satan in high regard listen to this a war break broke out in heaven michael and his angels fought with the dragon and the dragon is angels fought but they did not prevail nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer so michael is actually stronger than satan so you know when people always put like satan versus god there's no battle between god and satan god could blink satan out of existence so we have to have a right perspective on this we have to come back to christological understanding that god has defeated satan took out his teeth it says in one translation and shamed him and scorned him on the cross and took him captive and gave gifts to men so we can't have a bad end times we can't empower a devil that's already been disarmed i'm quoting chris volton he says i refuse to have a theology that rearms a devil that's already been disarmed i believe we are portioned for joy all the nations will turn and awaken it says that the knowledge of the glory will cover the earth like waters cover the seas and we will tremble as goodness in the last days okay so i'm just going to read one story and then we're going to wrap this up okay and it's from roland buck the guy that i mentioned earlier now i want you to hold this in your heart because this might happen to you could it happen to you it says about two o'clock one monday morning i was awakened when i heard noises in the downstairs part of my house i want to hear noises in the downstairs part of my house i immediately investigated to find the cause when i did i saw one of the most awesome sights i've ever seen standing in my living room with four great warrior angels he'd met gabriel before it's funny the first time he met gable there was a blue light and he walks down the stairs turns the light on and gabriel stan with this other angel called creoni they used to hang out for hours and even stroked the dog the dog loved the angels my attention was drawn to a special angel there was very huge and warlike i will never forget the eyes of this large angel because they look like pools of fire wow this is one of the things we have to deal with to see angels i've been learning this can you look at something that doesn't look human or will you back away like israel did can you look at something that looks so different to you and you have to deal with fear of the unknown that's one of the blockers fear of seeing things that are alien and different i was observing his strength and my when gabriel simply told me that god has sent his mightiest warrior angel to clear away and push back those princes of darkness i could hardly breathe it was so awe-inspiring because this was my introduction to michael the reason there was a lot of warfare over rolling back was that he was birthing something in the spirit for us he was the first of many who will walk with angels see them face to face be taken into heaven and when there's this truth like that released there is contention over oil there's always contention when there's oil just like in the middle east there's contention over the oil in the same in the spirit it is hard for the human mind to comprehend what is actually taking place and it sounds strange but the creator of the heavens and the earth is doing something special did you hear that guys he's doing something special these mighty angels cannot come they cannot appear and they cannot speak until god says go and he is saying it today this is exactly what bob jones prophesied paul cain this is what bobby connor said this is what paul keith davis has seen this is what i've seen and many others that were in the angelic age we've just got to get used to it guys whatever's coming next is not business as usual it will not be business as in usual this is the age of angels and god's the one doing it so he describes what he looked like now they can change form by the way you know this right but he had fine chiseled features his white tunic had a type of elegant eloquent gold embroidery on it and he wore a wide gold belt he wore a type of sand on his feet with the color of someone with a deep tan just recently i met a bunch of black angels it was so cool they were like totally black and i was so thrilled i was going finally lord you're letting me see more than just the normal things i've seen it's like thank you for the black angels his hands and arms also sean can you imagine this guy standing in your living room or in your hallway the hallway you walk down every day and they're standing there talking to you because this is what's gonna happen the copper color of his skin was unusual because it was brilliant with the radiation that flows out of him his hair is light almost flaccin he appears to be about 25 years old can you believe that guys 25 years old that's how old gabriel uh michael looks so it's hard to realize that he's older than the earth this incredible isn't it that they can look so young 25 year old this is what we have to see with god's eyes i reckon we've walked past angels and not known it i've had a couple of them talk to me one of them describes themselves as an old lady it was the funniest thing but i knew who it was so michael talked with him for some time and this and this is what he said and this is michael's assignment remember each house is different okay so this is just michael talking about what he's doing our task is not to destroy satan but to scatter the forces of darkness to hold them in abeyance to overcome them and keep them from god's people i love this next bit and this is really important i have an assignment that i am anxiously awaiting that assignment is to sweep the heavens clear of satan and every single one of his angels we will not leave even when so there's a time coming guys where the whole cosmos is going to be cleared of darkness and that's what he's waiting for that's what he's excited for but they can't do it without us that's the way it works we're god's generals and we're meant to be participation in this now how realistic was this encounter listen to what roland buck says later that night when they were ready to leave the house so they stayed a while michael and the other angels opened up our sliding patio door can you imagine that like like michael the michael and gabriel opening your sliding door and opening it this is just so cool i'd want to take fingerprints on it and everything do they have fingerprints listen to what he said lead into the backyard it had snowed about six inches while they were there they took three steps which pressed the snow down all the way to the ground and carried them close to 15 feet nearly five steps five feet per step and then suddenly they disappeared and completely vanished all they left behind were huge footprints in the snow i love that can you believe that that you're looking out your your sliding door and there's the footprints in the snow from the angels this stuff is for us guys this is going to happen to us so in the past we were unaware but in this day we're going to be away like enoch we're coming into days of wonder we're coming into days of joy we're coming to days where the idea that we're alone is going to end we are not alone and we have never been alone so i'm just going to ask um ruthie to come on at this point my dear mom so we're gonna have to try and change for you a second so ruthie i know you're on here if you can unmute you're my mum obviously hello mum hello loves the lord and you've taught me all so much stuff thank you for what you've done in my life much appreciation thank you um the house you're living in right now when you first moved to it it wasn't a pleasant transition was it you had to sell the house you were in and you had to move to this much smaller house you were feeling quite unsettled and i remember at the time i engaged heaven and i asked the lord to send help for you because i wanted you to be happy in this new house now the house that your room you're in now is actually where this happened isn't it the angelic encounter so could you just share with everybody listening what happened yes yes this is the room um and the other side there which i often look over to and i was laying in bed and i was awoken and by the side of my bed was this beautiful angel oh i could hear you now i i know why what was wrong my volume was down so this is cool so you're in bed yes and you sense something you're in the middle of your sleep and you just wake up which does not happen to you no no no no you sat up and you you basically screamed but you saw a man in the room yes now can you describe him he was leaning on my bed and i was i was still lying down first and he was leaning on my bed and i just looked at him and he had um i could only see him from his his arms up so he was kneeling but actually yes yes physical thing this wasn't a vision was it this was an action yes he was there and you said that he had like a glow around him like fluorescence yes he did he was shiny but he had a white garment on with short sleeves which ended up here and um he had some blonde curly-ish hair and blue eyes and all he did was smile and as he smiled there was a presence of shalom and peace that overshadowed me and i i actually didn't know what to do i just kept looking and then i decided i wish i hadn't i decided to sit up which i hadn't i wish i hadn't but i decided to sit up and as i did i was there seeing him and i screamed and he went you actually even though like you sensed this shalom it still freaked you out i think you said he had wings as well didn't he well i thought he had it i could see something behind him now whether it was wings or whether it was just the glow of him i'm not really sure yeah but you know i've often thought about it i feel his presence very often but i've never actually seen him except a couple of nights where i felt he's the other side of my bed and standing but i can't see him just feel his presence so beautiful i mean i've asked you to share this story to me so many times because it just blends me away i mean i just feel it i feel the whack on it yes this guy is right next to your bed he must have known you're gonna scream because we always do this for some reason don't we yeah picture and he's there but from that there was a huge shift for you wasn't there it was like a massive shift yes it's a massive home yes yes it was a massive shift took the fear away from being in a strange place and and yeah we're getting a question pop up does roof feel like this is one of uh i think it says i can't see the whole thing guardian angels personal angels do you feel you call the angel beautiful yes i call him beautiful because he didn't say anything to me he just had this smile which radiated his presence and his peace and so i said i called him beautiful you are beautiful you know beautiful so i refer to him as my beautiful angel and when i speak to him often i turn around i'm at my desk now but i turn around to where my bed is and i say hello beautiful angel i wish i could see you again yeah but i haven't been able to i so love it it's not amazing that you said you've you haven't got died and gone to heaven you've already seen an angel face to face yes and this was a cool thing you kept saying to me i want to see didn't you and i i was engaging it for you um i think there's going to be more of this for you i think it's going to increase but you actually looked into the eyes of a being that's not human yes i did and the other angel when i had a car accident um was very very real to me too when we almost went over the bridge yeah so let's just we'll pause now so i'll introduce this next story so this is a very cool so this follows on so you were in the car with my daughter bethany and there was some water on the road and your car started to swerve and it was going to go off the bridge onto the freeway yes what we call the motorway the americans call it freeway and you thought you were both going to die so you put your hand on bethany and you you came out of your body but you didn't want to die because of beth tell us what happened tell us what happened because this was incredible that's just incredible i'm so grateful to god for this i'll try not to get too emotional telling you this it's okay because it was intense this experience was very intense you nearly died yes i aquaplaned and we went to the one side and veered to the other side and actually went up on the railings of the bridge the motorway was underneath us and um as we went up i i thought i felt as though i had gone out of myself and i was lifted up and i could see um angel two angels either side of me but at the same time i looked over to bethany put my hand over her and i said but lord not bethany it's not her time and then as i did of our car my car went up onto the actual railings it bent all the railings we've got photographs of it and everything but right in front of the railings stood was this huge magnificent angel that was so big that he filled the whole space and he just put his hands on my car and pushed us back off the railway off the railings and he turned the car so that we were actually in a parked position it's amazing you you don't know this but there's something unusual about that roundabout where that happened years before this um ray hughes was in a car with a friend of mine gary and he was doing meetings in wales when they drove past that intersection ray hughes thought there was a statue on the he saw it physically and he said to my friend gary he said what's that strange statue there and then when he said that the thing looked and moved and physically walked and ray hughes freaked out and that's when ray hughes realized i heard this from gary that it was an angel that was the very place where your accident happened so i don't know if the angel was already there or he was a different angel but a remarkable remarkable story i saw the damage and i love the fact you went out of your body and you saw this i think that's and i think the lord's teaching you to do that a lot now because i'm mentoring you with this you're learning to go into we went into the angelic canopy together didn't we three months ago and we had an extraordinary time in the angelic canopy you saw the frequency you saw the energy you saw the the swirl and then you saw the cloud of witnesses and incredible stuff's been happening as a result of that it's awesome so how do you feel about about these experiences just so grateful for um so grateful for the protection and the care and the kindness of god to send that magnificent huge angel to to push us off neither beth nor i were injured i just had a little whiplash but beth was fine awesome isn't it you know the law the angel saved your life from bethany's life and yes hit me and a car went through me when i was a kid i didn't even tell you this man because i was so freaked out i was with mark my brother on my bike and i pulled out on the road and the car was behind me it went through me and i know that angels have saved our lives so many times it's just beautiful and you've come from not seeing visions years ago because i remember you asking visions you're encountering all this stuff now aren't you the seven spirits the clown awareness so the encouragement for anyone out there it doesn't matter how far i feel from this if you honor it yes and pursue it yes i would encourage people who feel like i did that i i would always feel i was the only one in the room that didn't see and didn't experience either the angelic or the cloud of witnesses but i'm i know now over the last years i'm seeing both you on you you've even been seeing the angel in our prayer house haven't you what does that angel look like that looks sounds magnificent but i've seen you lost in all a number of times looking at it could you describe the people i i didn't know whether there was an angel or it was a living being because we weren't sure but it's in the left hand corner always and it's like has a face of an eagle and it's very very large i only see it partially and then behind it is a red glowing angel which i don't see much of just a tiny bit and that that is powerful and it glows and i've called it um an eagle living being so i don't know what else to call it but it was to be a character couldn't it yes it just stay it's it's followed me in different rooms that i've been in it's followed me in three different rooms one in england even when i was there is blurring the boundaries now because we're in rooms we're seeing things like i i see angels when i go to people's churches now you know i'll see what kind of angel functions there and it's just beautiful isn't it that for us it's all opening up and it's opening up for the people who are listening right now the reason i've got you sharing this story because stories are powerful yes thank you ruthie thank you for asking richard great so guys um we're out of time it's so good this conversation can i just honor everyone for being courageous because what we really want now is a is a culture where it's so normal and it will be normal now rick joyner's given an interesting prophetic word on this he said he saw in his visions of the harvest and those books that he wrote he saw that there's a time coming where the appearance of angels will be so common it will it will no longer be considered an extraordinary event it will just be business as usual he saw in the visions of the harvest even jesus and saints appearing to people and we're at that moment now in the last decade there's been an explosion of mysticism there's been the emergence of many ecclesia groups and many ministries that were hidden like nancy koner have been revealed ian clayton others like ourselves we're in a mystical awakening even in the culture where the culture of the world is now talking about angels it's talking about cosmic realities and so on and christ consciousness because we're in an age where god's glory is coming like waves and breakers and frequency energy the spirit being poured out on all flesh and we're going to say the best is yet to come so i'm just going to pray for you now guys in in closing that this would open up for you and join with me on it the one thing i've learned from heaven don't be and you're not passive i know this but let's grab it let's even put our hands out and say lord we honor we're starting a new culture a culture of honor where life flows through honor and we acknowledge today that every one of our lives has been entangled with angels we are one community they've there's never been a time where they've not been with us but lord we want to walk with angels no angels and function more openly with angels and lord we're asking that you remove some of the the mystery from it now and on one side judge fear and judge idolatry because they're the two blockers in our dna so father remove those two things that we wouldn't idolize them nor would we fear them but we would see them as family lord i pray right now for each person on this call and i know you've given me a function today in your house i'm standing in that realm lord i ask that these would be those that walk with angels and this would be another generation who are intimate with you lord but are also intimate with those you love and you love the angels thank you yahweh yes amen amen amen that is beautiful over to you honey [Laughter] wow that was amazing we could listen to these stories all like couldn't we or all day wherever you are in the world i thank you justin it's one of my favorite topics i've had a lot of engagement with the angels and i just want to go further and deeper and it just even just talking about it just stirs you doesn't it just makes you want to engage them in your everyday and every night so we bless you guys thank you so much for joining me thank you everyone thank you for partnering with us we love you we love you i know you're awesome yeah until now thank you we're going to be talking about engage in the saints the cloud of witnesses and it's going to be a lot of fun yeah we look forward to seeing you guys looking forward to it thank you so much [Music] you
Channel: Justin Paul Abraham
Views: 43,765
Rating: 4.9005375 out of 5
Keywords: angels, angelic beings, gabriel, michael, roland buck, angels in my hair, gary oates, padre pio, teresa of avila, supernatural photos, justin paul abraham, cobh, welsh revival, wales, bobby conner, prophet bob jones, elijah list, kat kerr, hillsongs music, bethel music, bill johnson, rick joyner, ascending, mystical, Lorna Byrne, joe rogan, operah winfrey, soul sessions, russell brand, sephirot, kabbalah, metatron
Id: gHVgKlWzx0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 6sec (5106 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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