Mystery Boxes. Normal People Edition

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well very nice patrons sent me a box of mystery for my wpn goldfish store even wrote on here this box contains a manic rep so Jessie who cracks packs his own youtube channel thank you very much sir for sending me a box to open and then I'll send you everything back so good luck man and I appreciate the gesture and everybody is just I have to admit it's been a very long time as a product came out people were not like super thrilled about it and then it came out and just the market just took it shirt off ran around the street check the mail wearing nothing dug a hole became a carrot and then turned into a cabbage I that's literally what mystery has done to the market it's Finn it's been unbelievable I'm not gonna sugarcoat it everybody so this is my first time opening the standard mystery booster not the convention Edition and of course everybody pointed out you get two of each color so actually interesting way to see it so I guess you're looking for a while dismembered great uncommon volcanic dragons the uncommon elder and concern are fires and oh my god they smell weird again that's strange then our rare is the Bill BAE's pork why do old school card here do you remember this card all the way back in 2000 and oh wait that's right you get two rares I'm sorry mirroring Crusader from modern masters and Wow are you serious pack one mythic foil the Nexus holy smokes it has been so long since I've seen this card shards of Ellora LR reborn I came to remember this has been for Wow so our first pack holy smokes that's an amazing pack that's a phenomenal pool like I said so does that mean like that's our like one foil mythic for the box is there some sort of is there any form patterns with that kind of stuff I have no idea but that's that's really been the surprise is that nobody expected it to be this good I mean it really just blew the markets pants off well ruff you Wow God of horizons for the mythic and coming over here the Beastmaster ascension oh my goodness commander I think that logo was anthology one or to be smashed and again they reprinted anthology card versus just the card originally for guy that's so weird for a choice and a foil ohmic uncommon not of this world eldrazi from way back in the day of the rising drazi world wake era holy crap I can I can't like I said this was a very this is one of those products that's very rare but it comes along and it does blindside the market the people were not prepared for the price action the supply and you know now we're seeing boxes move all over the place and prices go up and there's like this Timmy panic and everybody's throwing money at the face and you know and the wander oh god the old school dollar Rin man this car is such a creepy piece of art and we got over here the aether revolts the greenbelt rampage are terrible and a foil rare is the sundial from n 12 this is one of the most made fun of ridiculed cards from m12 and people loved it back in the day it was such a cheesy terrible card and then people were like I'm gonna find a way to build a deck around it was a strange little card a long time ago everyone so but yeah that's where we're at so I want to address a couple things here what we're going through this also it is not unlimited print run stop with the silly rumors I don't know where these things come from who spreads them who 4c Oh blood braid elf that's nice and serrated arrows Oh was that a homelands card originally angelic destiny for the m12 mythic absolutely phenomenal pull one of the best mythix in the set that's phenomenal and a Michael I don't even remember another anthology reprint that's so weird look they would reprint the anthology version versus the original and a foil uncommon cold snap sheltering ancient Wow very strange poles look I just want to address that there is a confirmed second wave coming rumors it's gonna be crappy and small but rumor is because Wizards realize the success they're gonna make it they're gonna pump it up a little we don't really know but this things they're gonna unlimited key free printing and reprinting I'm I don't know who starts the rumors but I have not been able to validate any of that information and I don't believe that to be true and again I only think the prices are elevated now because the facts wpn exclusive so most people and shady people like me Timmy's basement Emporium everybody else in the world you know we don't have access to the product bloom tender Wow uh Eventide no dissension I can't remember Bloomington I remember that I was like why she I oh my god oh the golem from modern masters 2015 Wow and a frozen aether from all the way back to plan or chaos tell you what it's no joke you really do get some wacky pools and this stuff it is very difficult to predict what the heck you're gonna get in these things talk about it is truly does feel randomized marshal glory like see them when they reprint was this from GK well how do you know what product that is tectonic edge as a commander old-school our thumbs destiny magpie Wow okay that's something of a nurse's destiny card printed in 2020 whoa in an Elder Aussie Monument again anthology very strange Eldrazi monument mythic and Rudi's creepy worm from his bedroom and it's a rare from all the way from cold snow and I'm assuming we're getting phenomenal boys feels like we're getting absolutely homerun polls but I have no idea the value of some of these old cards because the market can move really quick on you and some of them I know do spike up in price and you just don't even see it coming alright the ships from the old amun-re Adama Darya and some sort of dual deck specialty recoup man I'm seen on ages war of a sparky Rudy the lost holy smokes that was only a one rare pack another shards era card tyrant of the Jun man holy crap mythic foil see I wonder what that's gonna do is some of the really old awkward foil cards that are really expensive or the there's evil investors still gonna want originals oh nice little anime dead uncommon you know I don't I don't know how that works does that impact the value or no I just don't have no idea and going through or a shards huh from commander old school boom temporal mastery originally with the miracle originally a person restored from the mmm 2017 mythic and a stunning stunning first time you saw a chalupa stunning foil planner chaos sliver Wow okay so we're approaching halfway through the box holy crap when it's it's a phonics I'm really you know I was like with it most of you all out there I truly did under play this product I wish I had access to this and offer to the patrons everybody this is a phenomenal what a fun I don't know what the value will be a long term as far as a sealed product because again I just you know it's just a random bunch of cards but we're talking about just an enjoyable process I mean look at this em or no 2010 not even em 10 2010 magic hurricane origins goblin piledriver look at this nor in the wet weary timeshift mostest three rares cheese plank though you get some really incredible pools everybody it's stunning the cards that you can actually get are capable pulling in this product yeah all right here we go assassin crystal chimes but I've seen that in a while oh man old school over here drag anybody remember this the morning tide lore and era and that was our first second rare battle bond mystic confluence very iconic ending on a new phyrexia foil rare the infamous artifact that it used to look like a wall Wow okay so I get literally every pack and every box truly is unique you really have no clue what you're gonna walk into that is something else man alright and let's see here here we go claim socket whoa we got the old school wall from Acadian masks Wow okay Oh Queen Marchesa mythic conspiracy cm2 down there Wow isn't she like twenty thirty bucks now huh slab my taco into a pretzel braid of fire cold snap foil rare I hope some of you are actually price checking this because I'm an Alf investments we don't price check for you it's all about the lottery system you have no idea what's happening holy smokes just these pools are just out of control like they truly are out of control alright crumbling necro weathered wayfarer onslaught rare boom archive mythic again from origins and oh my god original they did they still did the original black border foil ninth edition cards do you guys have any idea how expensive the old foils are from that era is that gonna impact the prices did you people care I like I have so many questions from that one poll it's ridiculous I don't know what to say about that like most people don't realize 7th 8th 9th editions mythix or none mythic coils were so expensive they were like almost my kind it's funny you get a throne of all drain card like the difficulty Wow that can really that is weird ok follower fountain oh my goodness the comic gawa Ruby's favorite hat and look at that outfit still blows my mind the imposter look at this battle bond read the VY Gore V Gore and by the way when I say Rudy I'm not the big cool guy I'm the little bird on top Wow and just a boring common m11 how do you how many rares and mythix have we pulled so you get one two to three rares and mythix HAC so the poor rate is like yeah I guess I see why these boxes I guess they should be around 150 a box I guess hey I'm struggling to understand this product the Redeem the infamous elf lawyer back in the day remember the UA an old school plane chase anthology and a grand architect what is that weird little printed on the word grinned yeah it'll print that up their grand architect all the way from stars I think for the foil rare how many blue rears is that like 10 like three or four foil mythix and like 10 foil rares that's stunning okay and I'm not gonna skip the Commons there it was like dude Rudy you gotta check the uncommons in these things you can get some crazy stuff release the ants wow I haven't seen that card in like 10 years oh my god still is just as funny as I remember desolation twin from all the way from battle for Zendikar with a Stormcrow you know you may laugh but this is actually worth money a 9th edition foil black member 9th edition was white bordered but I don't know is that do people still count that is just as valuable tis it's a reprint versus see yeah it's really I don't know I don't know how to take that send the sleeve crows and fallen bombard and reclaim borderland druid all right the new benattia uh war gates another shards and olara were born and war gate olara era card o phyrexian arena very hot card right now conspiracy to on this on the move over ten old school stalking stones man that was a quite remember that card okay down to the last let's try there's only 24 packs in a box right last eight packs ah the sphinx anybody origins old man rudy what a wild product this is really I really did under play the unique just the enjoyment of this an elder from m12 actually coupled all our rare approach the second son almond kit ah triplets triplets oh my god this is like the most expensive Alaura card foil mythic who needs a flippin mint Wow it's like our fifth foil mythic in this one box holy smokes okay um I did see this my first time opening it so I don't know if this is normal or not mine shatter from mmm 2017 and just a druid from cold snap so all we had in that when it was our first weaker packets all we got left folks not a lot left over here Jessie just want to thank you again man for allowing me to open this in the camera and share everybody and send you the cards back but man just uh just a really fun experience Wow okay frog wing the kapha 10 ooh x sleeve I thought that was a coolest piece of art a long time ago look at that sack 5 artifacts get an extra turn oh my goodness gracious the day the taco stood still Liliana in the gorgeous purple prom dress deaths majesty mythic and a Triscuit oh my god old school blackboard for scaling on Wow what up lunch product everybody I don't know financially hell does this long term oh baby but what a fun product like this is one of the few products that who care it's just a fun product what a unique experience to just enjoy look at this shatter the squirrel old school Odyssey common man oh recruiter of the guard conspiracy to won the most expensive rares in the set in an eighth edition intruder alarm foil rares like the first time I saw a notch oh wow holy crap that's incredible to see 7th 8th and 9th edition black border foils like that is an incredible moment you guys don't understand the difficulty oh my god questing powder for all my goodness really it was this plain shift oh my god oh the collar from him 20 1700 Lich's mirror mythic Alaura foil the poles in this product is this has got to just be at a normal product like I have some more patrons sending me some products for some mystery openings and everything like that just so I can open a couple on the channel just so I can experience it this is just staggering energy field or Saga rare really stunt double a two dollar conspiracy lightning storm go cold snap foil you know hate to say it but I actually think these are this product is actually better than the convention edition I think everybody was right everybody was telling me that I was like no way the foil slot it's actually I think it's better than the convention Edition all right Oh sadistic had not it that is awesome from Odyssey man oh it's an uncommon it's an uncommon all right commit to memory and a hornet-sting m11 foil common all right very last pack again thanks again Jesse over there and Jesse has the YouTube channel Jesse cracks pack so thank you very much sir don't be afraid to head over his channel just say thanks for allowing us to experience this what a cool experience man and to ending the video on the assembled Allegiant and a slap my fourth nut into a taco triangle heart of the wild Wow okay I got to do a quick count I got to know I got to know everybody I'm gonna do a quick count how many mythix how many foil rares okay I got a no so mythic foil rare oil mythic foil rare oil rare for a rare foil rare I got a no just warm on camera you know I got I got a know everybody just absolutely staggering so just in the last slot for foil mythix oh my god in eighth foil rares when how many regular mythix in regular mythix oh my goodness that is that is just mind-blowing I've never seen anything like that like that's just think that is a just unreal number okay and then run two three four five six seven eight nine regular mythix oh my god so thirteen mythix and eight four oh my god oh okay take that with what you want everybody
Channel: Alpha Investments
Views: 212,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wizards of the coast, Magic The Gathering
Id: 2Lx5aQhtLtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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