Lorwyn Booster Box Opening = A box full of Hopes and Dreams

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welcome back everybody to a very special special day of our little puny lives on this temporary world oh boy I wonder if anyone you guys remember these things remember the tournament decks God I used to love these things people don't I nobody liked them I guess they got rid of so today the diluted Raven that's what we're going to call you in this video is my Patron's name and we're going to open oh boy you already know what we're opening you guys saw the thumbnail you know what box this is we got a nice playm here oh just see play mat Turn One gaming supplies gave us some different backgrounds here oh boy oh boy yeah we're going to do it Lauren Lauren oh man so these box I think they're at something stupid like I think they're hitting like 600 on eBay almost now they are so expensive it's insane and honestly I think it's being driven by just lack of supply and also the foil prices something's going on where people continue to buy out all these original old school foil first printing cards it's insane it's absolutely insane and these old boxes are just are just absolutely ridiculous they're so nice they're so expensive and they're just they don't make them people want this Old feel because it feels different people like the old look the art the fo I mean the quality of the the foils don't curl to Oblivion you know so we're going to really I don't think we'll be opening many of these in the future cuz I don't have a whole lot and neither does the public seem to have a lot and according to eBay there just ain't a lot out there ain't a lot out there you guys like my grammar ain't a lot so yeah we're going to really want to enjoy this and uh oh track it track it boys so we're going to want to see how this goes so Mr diluted Raven oh tough packs today tough packs to open we're going to see how things go oh good lord Co that's stough open and there is so much money in the remember no mythics ples Walkers not at Mythic all right Godly oh my God turn the volume down not safe for work look at these pictures oh but Jesus Oh but Jesus holy moies oh look that's me right now all right remember I think we have Ponder as a common and this is one of those sets that has ridiculous absolutely ridiculous I mean just stupid value in the uh uncommon slot remember that I'm talking isn't flame what is it flame K what this like a$2 $3 uncommon The Uncommon prices are dumb imper I mean this I mean all the uncommon prices are absolutely just just Bonkers dumb so yeah wait what what was that okay that why is there a c okay we got a hash amateur okay so the Plaines Walker card is before the rare God that's so weird seeing a plaines Walker that's not a Mythic how is that not weird you guys like isn't that just the weirdest thing to see a planes Walker it's not a okay we're just I feel like I'm wasting time now okay let's at least so first pack we got a Jace um a n Mythic Plains Walker God that's rare God these packs are impossible to open and remember there's so much value in these and the fo God help us on the foil prices gorgeous God me look at these cards oh my goodness oh my incremental growth squeaking P squeaking pies that's so weird so there's three uncommons and then there wait hold on there so there's three uncommons the token and the rare is in the back the mask ad I can't even remember these cards The Mask adms I mean all you guys are going to have to price check a lot of these things I know CU I know there's like there's like 50 rares in this set and I think out of 50 rares like 10 or 15 of the rares are like over5 six7 so 25% of all the rares in the set have good value and then I think you know and the foils again are just absurdly absurdly dumb wow beautiful Vivid meow look at that Ken Revels oh God it always freaks me out and Dread you know then you've got these cards like this that are just you know these are what are these still $5 rares or something I mean you guys remember a lot of these things see I don't know if this set is just a victim of just massive under Supply that's the only reason these cards are so expensive or it's because truly people want to go back to Wi the magic felt like this I I don't know what's driving it or it's a combination of everything boy I remember that common you know I I don't know what in particular is really causing people to go look at that Turtle [Laughter] wow oh God look at it wow we are getting some good pools you guys oh the ga isn't wait isn't this like a $5 $20 card now boy the prices on these sets you know I just holy cow okay um I know people are going to try to add up the prices and price check everything but you know I I don't know oh my God I can't even open this thing yeah see if you buy these old boxes and your packs just fall open you know it's fake cuz these things are so difficult to open all right on give me a Ponder all right fairy taunting ghostly Chann a god Merl folk wizard whoa we got a four oh my God look at that land oh my God oh my God secluded Glenn look at that foil all right first Common foil of the Box yeah I'm feeling another uh this is going to be a long video again I can just tell by how I'm enjoying this Mr Raven what do you think man bring it back bringing back memories look at these pictures Crush underfoot oh my God the uncommons are so look at that tree Elemental knuckle bone witch I can't even remember how many of these God even like I I don't know the bulk rares I guess you call even the bulk rares seem pretty good to me w I don't know about $600 pricing for booster boxes now though w i mean that seems really really I mean there's no way you're going to get an expected value of $600 out of these boxes there's no way wow just a beast and wow look at and another specialty Hideway anybody remember that mechanic and another foil common lir witch giant all right well ah is it why does it feel too bright to you guys I feel like my camera setting is a little off here does that seem too bright to you guys try to dim it a little bit maybe all right here we go here we go why have I not seen a Ponder yet for the common slot all right the shenanigans whoa the Eraser thunder cloud Shaman Shaman elf warri Cloud thresher wow look at that dude and a fo whoa that's our foil rare uh I don't I don't know if that's really wow spine Rock that's our foil rare uh I I don't think that's the good hit don't you want the green isn't it like a fancy green land like a really good one I don't think we got the super high hit one but whoa that was really intense M color adapt Vivid Creek tip card oh the Rings I forgot the Rings wait I I'm pretty sure these things have spiked to like $25 a card now another good hit on another pack wow I need to really up like oh my God come on open the packs you know when I was going to fake the video and repack the box I need to use way less glue next time I mean I can't even get the stupid things open all right all right look at that wizard secrets buby and tip card and a whoa aunti look at God I wish they would do art like this and a foil land even the foil land is beautiful wow holy sm all right all right the feel of these is such a Lord of the Rings fairy tale type thing it just has such a nicer more and Thousand-Year Elixir I'm pretty sure this is no longer a12 card I think this is up to like five six bucks the Market's been pushing these older cards up quite a bit lately hence the uh higher tougher to find booster boxes I think I think that's why you're seeing a lot of these calm Rudy videos I'm just enjoying this stuff and Immaculate it's so weird the cards in the back I know all these green rares and the El and the tree folk and the theme of the set is so intense and the value on a lot of those green rares and that's why I believe the green the uh the green fancy little land rare is the one everybody always wants now because the price has pushed up quite a bit battle Mastery the turtl man elemental shaman and wow look at that the Mage what is he riding on is it like a bird with no head it's like just almost creepy H all right all right let's see what we got here I don't think we've even gotten a common Ponder in our common slot rebellion of the flame kin God there's so many good uncommons oh my God look at these uncommons do you guys remember some of these things and another Plaines Walker look at old Groo coming in God a rare Plaines Walker not Mythic something you'll see nowadays wow two Plaines Walkers rings of a decent foil rare this is wow this is actually pretty impressive of a box hey there we go finally a flipping Ponder man God I like that old artwork for Ponder and Flame kin the [Music] ruse another okay hey if we're going to get duplicates let's get good five5 six dollar another Thousand-Year Elixir and a common Hornet that's one thing man these old boxes since there's no mythics and the distribution is just so I mean I've seen boxes with three four of the same rares and then you don't get any of other cards it's just very erratic distribution back in the day man there was no consistency compared to today and we got wow I didn't know that was actually a rare I thought this was an uncommon Soul stroke I isn't that reprinting the modern Master set I thought that was an uncommon I didn't know that was rare half the video is me just trying to fight get those things open all right all right trap follow the incremental growth oh my goodness look how nice that thorn is oh another good hit of the box I think this is up to about 15 bucks now oh boy that's a we are getting a lot of good hits in this boy now if we can get ourselves a thought seiz original thought seiz or cryptic command oh my God we've already gotten a ton of hits two plain Walkers we've gotten a lot of good this is the worst mapped box ever and and shape shifa and a surge spanner I don't even remember that card we got a foil another foil wow holy crap look at that foil swamp got a foil swamp that's beautiful two foil lands in a box foil lands from these old sets back in the day they are quite sought after people love to use foiled out old lands like this very very sought after the weave The Weave the greed the mannequin and another ples Walker holy crap a Johnny now three planes Walkers whoa so I guess we're on a quest to get every good card in the set is is that what you know how is that how Rudy fakes the videos you guys know I've just open you know 200 boxes of Lauren just to make one good video you guys know that's how we roll God these uncommons are so good and a primal command not the command we want remember there's a a white command in this set that's actually pretty sought after now so we're only halfway through the box and we've gotten a lot of good hits man wow this is I mean no amazing foil pools but the regular hits are really nice and the biting Gale I I don't know if the biting Gale I don't think she's anything crazy right now could be wrong pretty sure she still just like a dollar $2 type thing I could be wrong that could be a bulk one look at that com M scar blade wielder all right we got um look at this dude Arbiter of knowledge not knowledge know and a foil ah just a foil common foil look at that nap that's me right after these videos I fall on the floor rub the rapper go over myself all right all right here we go here we go come on Ponder where's my P at where all my Ponder beautiful Vivid growth look at those tunings a profane command another command wow a lot of good uh lot of cool cards man wow just really just just constantly flame Canin again fod launch Maro isn't that one of the really wasn't that an expensive uncommon I remember seeing that before I swear shape shifter and another another gatic is this our second like $17 gatic oh my God these old boxes are ridiculous so we've got two of the same like $17 rare or something that's almost hilarious at this point and come on give us some other big stuff I want to see some original craziness and ah the trio nothing crazy I don't think the trio I think that's just a couple dollar rare maybe even a bulk one Rudy fights with packs you can watch this video all right Off to the Races here we go the echo flame kin Ranger and oh the Moss wow look at that card the mosswart bridge not the one we not the specialty land we wanted we want that Palace the guilt Leaf Palace don't know if we're going to get it though it's not looking too good all right faery wow tree fo God these uncommons are just look at the price of these uncommons it's stupid another command holy crap we've got almost every single that's the what our third command in the set holy smokes we're getting so many command cards that's kind of crazy all right flame kin God these uncommons are so good and the bot mob nothing crazy just a mob I hope you guys are loving these old cards I mean just wow you guys this is just H where magic was the giant the vanquisher oh that's cool again another flame kin and the P the Ren's run packmas anybody remember that I remember this dude there were so many green ELF tree F Type decks at this time it was [Music] redonkulous come on geez all right God that shimmering gr is always just pretty looking all right God got a rare and a foil here we go oops Nova Chaser this is actually I think this is a recent one that's gone up some isn't Nova Chaser actually more than like a bulk card now and oh God I saw that artifact Spring Leaf drum foil common boy that's neat looking well what do you guys think doesn't feel too bad of a box I definitely you know like I said even the pay I wouldn't pay $600 for the Box Vivid meow the launch the CH oh look at that hero did you guys just see that look at that dude all right Elf warer oh the Canon ofuna I forgot was in here that's a nice hit Scion very nice rare okay that's cool it's at least I think it's a $10 rare at least pretty sure maybe not I think it got reprinted maybe maybe Modern Masters dinged it down but used to be pretty strong I remember that one all right the stalwart the adep the Oak and una's Prowler all right come on three four packs let's come on I don't want to run out of my I want to get something major at the close here like give us a major hit at the end that'd be so sweet I really wanted to show something just mind-blowing God nice uncommons as always and oh not the Goliath it's not what we wanted I didn't want a stupid Goliath I only got I only got three packs left you guys come on I want something crazy all right turtle shell oh Elvis harburn good uncommon Vivid Creek gorgeous all right here we oh we got a rare and a foil all right Sunrise Sovereign yeah oh that's what we're talking about kiddos you see those glowing eyes yeah Mr Raven how you feeling now wow that is awesome oh man that is flipping sweet what a nice hit for the close a foil rare not Mythic Plains Walker Groo from l oh man that's awesome dude I am super that is awesome oh man I don't think we can top that the close here and forced fruition that's actually not too bad of a card not worth a ton but very unique I don't even know if you know that's the one where you play the spell like draw seven cards I don't know if you guys remember that all right last pack of the Box boy that G Foil just really blew it out of the water you guys last foil last rare in the Box oh the soul stroke oh man all right so I want to recap here cuz we had we had a this is kind of feels like a really weird one so I want to go ones I know are major hits Nova like I said I'm going to miss some of these I know God how many commands did we get well that's cool Bridge another gther another command I know some of those other Primal command another Plaines Walker The Thorn two Soul Strokes 1,000 year another Plaines Walker another thousand year another dual land another ring actually I guess this box was pretty damn good wow another gatic actually no I don't know I'm more kind of reminding myself of what we pulled first of all I don't think I remember the last time I've seen this before first let's just start right here when's the last time you guys saw one box produce three ples walkers in a foil Plaines Walker I don't remember the last time I've seen that alone is incredible not even including the other foils we got I mean just woo that was and that so we got two foil rares that's really sweet anyways moving on I just hope you guys enjoyed the video Mr Raven I hope you enjoy I appreciate all the support you give me on patreon and I hope you guys love the video because I have a blast making these things and I I just think it's a it's a great thing for people to REM just remember sometimes of where magic came from look at those three commands and just kind of some of the old stuff that I just don't think we really all get to experience too much anymore cuz to me this is just it's almost Priceless God look at that two gatic that's awesome look at these rare lands I mean just you know that's I don't think old boxes like this will ever go down in value there's just it's just too much God look at those lands all right anyways Rudy with Alpha Investments thank you very much for supporting me I hope you guys have a fantastic day thank you for everybody for just even subscribing and watching and uh as always mayor taco always remain floppy
Channel: Alpha Investments
Views: 163,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lorwyn, Lorwym Booster box opening, Lorwyn Box Opening, Magic The Gathering, Hour of Devastation spoilers, Hour of Devastation expected value
Id: DFVr9-OBF1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2017
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