Alpha investments TRICKS a patron into Opening BATTLE FOR ZENDIKAR

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welcome back everybody it's Rudy with the journey for the lottery cards in an era of post battle for Zendikar the boxes have gone up in value the cards in the box have declined in value the lottery cards one in every four boxes are still highly sought after so my patron today Jason else has Rudy for the love of God play the lottery ok ok calm down we're gonna play the battle for Zendikar lottery good luck sir welcome everybody for joining us today will my patron get slapped in the left eyeball or will he actually get a lottery card remember battle for Zendikar cards in the set probably have expected value of like 3040 bucks if you get a lottery card still extremely expensive and extremely sought-after it is literally a lottery card or bust everybody there's no way around it there's no other secret things there's no value in the common slots there's literally no value in the uncommon slot it is there there's a couple who remembers that was a thing a lion cam it's our first rare with a foil common kozilek Sentinel and of course the infamous infamous full art cards so there's a lot of little things of value here and there I mean keep in mind the average LGS can usually sells like full art cards for like 50 cents or 99 cents a card god I sold a million of those healer cards when the set came out sold out of the emissary when that set will came out and hero of terrible terrible royal spouts a second foil second pack well so the foil lands are always gonna hold that 50 cent to a dollar price it's always been that way I don't ever expect that to change so keep that in mind when you value the full art land at like 50 cents a car that alone is almost twenty dollars in the box oh my god are you serious well Jason maybe you're not gonna need a lot of Ricard to get your money back gideon you've got pretty much I believe the most expensive cards in the set with The Fool our land well maybe you're just gonna get lucky you're just gonna get a good box I mean that actually does happen to by itself maybe you shouldn't get a weird situation like that and but so everybody knows those you not around when battle for zenki mout this said was extraordinarily opened and how those forts never get old do they they never do shambling vent part of the rare land cycle they roll actually a couple dollars apiece when they came out yeah so just everybody knows I even myself I open hundreds of these boxes on a mask one of the largest mass boxer opening operations was ever ran was me doing this said brutal explosion terrible carbon with a beautiful Florida Plains I mean I can I probably ended up opening between five and seven hundred boxes by time I didn't multiple multiple runs a blister pod puzzle a thousand of those Commons devastators same thing Commons cells and the basic common land cycle believe I'm not so pretty good too so alright anyways rising slab hammer and good old drawers overseer vampire cool-looking artwork no value and one of the most recognizable full art cards in the full art is in the car era and just so everybody knows love people notice that's the same art from the originals in the car they actually reuse the art from years ago so that was kind of a funny little thing so anyway so obviously everybody we are on the adventure to trust Sylvan scribing that's the Sylvan scrying great great card barrage tyrant garbage fire from day one another reused piece of artwork from the originals in the car in 2009 so yeah a lot of cool history here not surprised at all to see the price of these boxes appreciating in value and I don't expect it to change anytime soon can it be this wow this is a really good box if this was like a release date box this is probably probably one hundred and fifty dollar box this is incredibly good like wow this is like all the good cards March from the tomb I remember people buying like 4050 those rares from me on eBay that release a lot of speculators a lot of investors and speculators on this particular set in this particular time when it came out a lot of people were hoping for some sort of priceless treasure or some Oh surprise from Wizards but having steward beautiful steward played a crusher guide holy cow enough oh my god how many yeah I'm either rare lands is that we got the Vista we have one - holy crap we have three of the five rare lands and the Gideons are only mythic that's a really surprisingly good box well again we're it's all about the lottery car we may get lucky one do two boxes everybody you never know alright part the water veiled this was the second mythic this was one that was never worth a whole lot then it had a short-term spike from speculators trying to buy it out nothing ever actually came out of it of course the price eventually dissolved back down to the bulk mythic category very very interesting history with that particular card alright the Ranger behemoth retreats and woodland wanderer know nothing ever special from that from day one beautiful for so how those full arts never get old you know it's funny because I ended up with so 10 I mean I think I'd over like 10,000 full art lands I've been selling this day I still sell them on eBay and they so great it's amazing from beyond crazy-looking artwork from that I'll draw the end of good old swampy so that's one third of the box so far nothing I am just really I think it'd be epic to get a lottery card it's been so long man it's been just it's been probably about two years desolations when the first time I saw that card I couldn't believe for ten colorless a 10/10 pretty much for ten colorless you get to ten tens to me I remember the first time I saw that I thought the power creep and magic was broken I was like how is that even flippin possible with no drawbacks no flippin drawbacks holy crap the infamous vampire Ally this was the other very expensive mythic at one particular point in time Wow I tell you what for non lottery card battle for Zendikar box this is probably the best box you could probably open back in the day man and the Hydra always a Hydra never worth anything like that god this is a really good box man I would been jumping up and down to open this back in the day stasis snare there was a lot of people buying that conductive ruin there's always a little bit of a little bit of activity people buying that but that was never had a lot of history around that little guy you want a sub buck or two at one point maybe three bucks off shoot always go in common and the good old royal shaper merfolk al I remember everybody this was the era of allies versus Eldrazi pretty much humans are all drawers he was pretty much the two decks that pretty much everybody built and unfortunately the type of sets in the culture around this time pushed everybody into one of those two type of categories one of the biggest complaints when battle for Zendikar and o'the came out was em not the Shepherd angel beautiful angel terrible card one of the biggest complaints of everybody when the session with block came out was the lack of diversification and lack of creativity on deck building defiant blood though look at that pretty looking thing so and I get it because magic you know a lot of people like to brew and come up with creative things so having a set that really pushes everybody and kind of does not promote creativity I think I get it all right so we got a builded are the infamous reprint from originals in the car in a foil Merc Striders just a foil common so we haven't gotten the full rare have we I don't think so okay all right moving on so let's see I'm so hoping for some spicy you never know everybody you never know cinder Glade the fourth land in the pack with a nice foil uncommon adverse Wow four of the lands plus good mythix it's quite impressive for a battle present some slaughter always a terrible card that was never never good even at launched that never had anything spicy going on Angel Retreat spotting and good old heed Goblin there was a rumors that people trying to field Goblin decks around that back in the day so that card actually was a couple dollars for quite a long time way way back in the day but what is that in the back is that a really oh okay I thought we had some I thought about the freaked out void win or that was another one at people to some crazy speculation on I always saw someone was gonna come up with some shenanigans with that card because the mechanics are just absolutely out of control and our foil rare you smothering abomination no value but you lose a couple bucks maybe back in the day well um you couldn't have asked for a better box Jason so far no lottery car but what a good box opening illusions insight terrible card always was I mean there is no way anybody could have asked for a better opening I mean every singer this is like the best bass box be scholar sir that was a buck or two for a long long time I mean this is probably the one to smoothest most enjoyable battle for seven bucks as I've seen this one had a little bit of speculation actually while back and go people tried to pull that out from bolt territory actually get it to up for a little while but nothing never uh nothing ever came out of everybody and lantern scalp was never much of anything um what do we got everybody what is that one two three so six packs left well now looking like we're gonna get anything else and then after all the mythix and everything we've already pulled my instinct is that we're about done sunken oh wow are you serious do we really just we got all five of the lands holy crap that is really unusual that'd be like getting a five shockley Oh we'll blister pot is actually pretty good for a foil it's one of the better foils in the set I'm sorry I want it better that's one of the best commons in a set and pull version is actually pretty good yeah um that's like getting a 5 Shockley in boxes this was a gatecrash this and that is really impressive we got a 5 land box with four mythix that's incredibly impressive holy hell really a five mythic box with wow the locusts that's really really good holy smokes that's yeah that's a terrible rare guardian alright last pack of Box one we're gonna keep going hoping for some craziness but don't get your hopes up everybody's scared of the wind ah what amazing ok Reds upright the Box to move our mythix over what an amazing box opening like that's for a base set battle for Zendikar that is by far the best I've seen in a long time most battle present box opening you do not get pulled like that that's really really unusual so laying that out there that what a turnout am i right all right well the only way we're gonna wrap this up is get super lucky misses and a boy over here sanctum again not a bad little floor rare actually remember I mean keeping my honestly oil rares what are you looking at oil one of the lands or maybe something I mean you're not really looking at a lot of options for a high-end rare in this set and fathom feeder always uh that was always a dollar rare has never did anything come on lottery card baby we got this they focused everybody we're gonna get it brood butcher terrible rare those forts all right come on here we go here we go come on everybody here we go stay focused we're gonna get it here Oh nobody needs a here you want to be a hero give us a flippin lottery card give my patron Jason he's like bro I bought these two boxes giving me a lottery card make us feel special part the WoW really part the Oh what happened to focus why are we getting weird sorry about that yeah that was kind of weird and Wow duplicate on the mythic maybe we're gonna have some craziness gonna be crazy if we had two random from like back in the day we get duplication on this box endless wine there's 104 for these were always nice always hold value endless one was another one of those I had good speculation and I'm surprised it's actually as time goes on and I know a lot of you guys gonna make fun of me what I'm about to say as time goes on I actually think some of the rares like endless one desolate twin some of these are actually gonna spike in price radiant flames and in the Mullica and I'm just saying I actually do think there is real potential for a lot of these base cards to actually do something is just that there is so many push into the system that's why you don't see any movement a short-term painful truth speculation around it there was a little bit of play and I think pushed up to a couple bucks at launch everybody and then it just went down to nothing serpentine spiked always a terrible card always a terrible car and that was everybody's complaint you know they brought back the Zendikar Eldrazi and everybody's like why did you dilute and get rid of all these things who cinder Glade you know compared to how powerful the old drazi were the first time around they were so watered down and that was the number one complaint that people had from beyond with this particular is this set the block with be of Xion oath they everybody loved the lottery cards in the mythix put smothering abomination and then altars reap just economy everybody was like the amount of dilution in weakening they did on the power level for Eldrazi compared to the original rise of the drazi was insane Wow a lumbering Falls again that's like seven or eight of the rare lands and two boxes so far that's unbelievable ants sire stagnation that is not a good mythic that we wanted to see back in the day that was a couple of dollars at its peak now it is nowhere near anything that's a bad bad mythic hip all right better war leader was never anything beautiful points I'm really trying I'm really I mean two boxes out of what for to get a lottery car it's like a 50/50 shot never know conduct of ruin the foil miss intruder one of the better foil Commons in the set actually I'm gonna estimate some of the foil off oil common cards when you get the good ones I mean back in the day you'd be surprised the value Smith stuff angelic captain and impute kind the foiling looks goodness yeah leopard foiling well better than I remember I don't remember the fully mean that oh that good and ah Firebird that's our third minute well definitely no duplication here but terrible mythic hits ruin is path anybody remember that a beautiful charge oil common ruinous path boy yes I remember that that was such a thing to like Oh such a flash in the pan rare there's so many flash-in-the-pan rares when this thing can't bring the light oh my god he believes us speculate I had so many people buy those things on eBay buying like 20 30 at a time it was unbelievable to people that were speculating on some of these rares gruesome slaughter was never a good cause nobody ever speculated on that card that it was never never a heavy-hitting thing shrine of forsaken I remember that one but never really there's another one never really did a whole lot I mean it had nice little colorless and but you know you get a little too colorless but it had to be used for a certain type of casting cost but you know that really march of the tomb again well we're down to our last full packs everybody ah come on lottery carts all we're looking for this oh no Satan so what is it boy no no we got it we got it it happened oh my god oh my god it happened we got it Jesus we got it oh we got the lottery card oh my god we're all verdant cat oh my testicle Tuesday's it happened well we guard oh my god original beautiful Midford and catacombs oh my god I can't almighty my hands are shaking oh my yeah we did I'm tell the Bob's we're not coming in on the weekend oh my god we got it sanctum nobody cares let's just finish the last few packs yes oh my god I did not I didn't I'll be honest with you guys you know it's so difficult to get those stupid things oh my god I can't believe it happened exert influence kozilek channel you even care holy smokes of verdant catacombs that's one of the best ones you can oh my god I can't even breathe I'm like I'm like losing it right now I'm trying to open these rescue packs I got to sit down and sunken Hall another good rare Wow last couple packs at verdant catacomb was in the top 10 most expensive ones like you don't get higher up that's the fetch layin ones Munda and then certainly those little dudes that's creepy oh my god remember that everybody when you deal with those like the odds of gay member not only you have to get a lottery card but you gotta you're going for a fetch land lottery card that's the best that's what everybody hopes for Oh rubbish opening the res don't even care oblivion so oh my guy remember that thing people used to speculate on that little guy yeah and you still got that you still got the bunch of good rares you still got three mythic box and blight her terrible what an opening oh my god I'm like shaking I gotta finish this opening now it happens scattered and nobody cares nobody cares got a burning catacomb we only got one pack left oh my god holy crap brutal looks nobody cares oh my god I hope everybody enjoyed the video congratulations Jason you went to the Thunderdome you prevailed you survived and you hit the lottery thank you all for watching thank you for being a supporter thank you to my 2,200 patrons thank you everybody to make this possible what a day
Channel: Alpha Investments
Views: 193,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hasbro, Wizards of the Coast, Hasbro Pulse, Magic Arena
Id: BT0uBJ20e6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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