Mysteries That Are Locked Away

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throughout human history influential groups have used their power to hide secrets from the rest of us from treasures hidden away in ancient tombs to documents kept under lock and key and bomb proof thoughts let's blast open some intriguing mysteries that are locked away number 10 Ark of the Covenant according to the Christian Bible when Moses returned from Mount Sanai with the Ten Commandments he placed them in a huge golden chest but whether you're a Christian or just an Indiana Jones fan you might know this chest by its famous name the Ark of the Covenant legend has it the ark spent centuries bouncing around the Middle East until it was lost in the siege of Jerusalem in 586 BCE for many this is where the trail goes cold though some believe the ark headed south to Africa for over a thousand years religious groups and archaeologists have searched the globe for the missing relic the clerics of the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion and Ethiopia however believe the hut is already over and claimed to have the ark locked in their Treasury the only person allowed to access the ark is a single monk assigned the role of the Guardian this lineage of custodian States back to the Ark's supposed to rival 3,000 years ago could these men be part of a brotherhood that has protected one of the world's most significant relics for millennia occasionally detractors have claimed the church's Ark is empty but nobody officially knows for certain if Indiana Jones is anything to go by maybe it's best we don't open it to find out number 9 skulls and bones with immense resources and ties to powerful families elite universities are a hotbed for skullduggery amongst the upper echelons of society but in the case of Yale's most infamous secret society this couldn't be more literal the Skull and Bones Society is an extremely exclusive group dating back to the 1830s they've had three former presidents amongst their alumni alongside countless celebrities and politicians the bushes including George Debu his old man were also prominent members however the Bushwood the most significant involvement was the 43rd presidents grandfather Prescott Bush back in 1918 Prescott Bush and a number of his fellow Bonesmen allegedly snuck into a graveyard and exhumed the skeleton of the famous Native American Apache chief Geronimo they brought his skull to their headquarters earning the building its current name the tomb considering Prescott son and grandson both became presidents it seems he managed to avoid the standard curse that comes with disturbing a Native American burial ground a society members swear an oath to secrecy about what goes on within the walls of their HQ so no one has ever publicly confirmed where the sinister trophy is kept or for that matter if it's even there at all Geronimo's descendants filed a lawsuit against the society to claim it back years later but a federal judge dismissed their case he concluded that even if the society did possess the skull as the remains were so old the family didn't have the right to them anyway was this dismissal just another powerful figure protecting a disturbing secret let me know what you think in the comments number 8 cons resting-place genghis khan was one of the most feared rulers in human history at his peak his mongol empire controlled twice as much land as the roman empire so what is the grand tomb of such a legendary figure look like well historians are still scratching their heads and that's exactly how Khan wanted it when the Great Khan asked for his burial site to be a secret he wasn't kidding according to the legend thirty thousand eight of them constructing his tomb and when they finished the job they were executed after the site was buried a thousand horses trampled the ground hiding any trace of the tombs existence any one the khan's funeral possession encountered along the way was also massacred to prevent anyone ever finding out the route they even supposedly diverted a river to cover the whereabouts of his grave talk about overkill many assumed that River to be the onin river that runs through Russia and Mongolia but seeing is it's five hundred miles long and it sounds surprising no one's found the Great Khans resting place yet but the person who does will become almost as much a part of history as Genghis himself number seven classified King during Martin Luther King Junior's fight for civil rights in America he was attacked from all sides but who pursued him most relentlessly the FBI the bureau's director at the time J Edgar Hoover saw Martin Luther King is one of the greatest threats to American society at the time Hoover's personal hatred of the civil rights leader led him to resort to some particularly shady practices to bring him down in one instance in 1964 the FBI sent an anonymous letter to dr. King accusing him of being adulterous and abhorrently evil and encouraging him to commit suicide but despite the threatening tone of this and similar instances came continued his fight so Hoover placed him under near constant surveillance bugging his house hotel rooms and car while this projects existence has since been confirmed now when outside of the Bureau has seen the files the FBI gathered on King what's more they aren't expected to be declassified until 2027 many theories are in circulation regarding the records some believe Hoover's claims that King leaded the botched private life while others state the FBI tried relentlessly to entrap him and manipulate dubious evidence but until the FBI releases the recordings no one will know for sure number six Indian hidden treasure a series of manmade caves in northern India have long been associated with the legend of a hidden treasure the caves collective name San bandha translates to store of gold in the local dialect and has drawn many visitors in search of riches experts estimate the caves may date back as far as 300 seee and carvings inside strongly hint at the presence of vast amounts of treasure hidden somewhere with that but the greatest mystery of San bondar is a faded message carved in the second chamber written in an obscure seemingly lost language no one has been able to translate it despite centuries law efforts locals theorized that the carving is a form of password or instruction and if translated may reveal the way to access the treasure within during Imperial rule British soldiers attempted to solve the mystery by force and the walls still bear the mark of their cannon blast but their efforts revealed nothing and for now the treasure if it exists remains locked away number five terrible books when the Byzantine Princess Sophia Pelayo lagina married Russian Grand Prince Ivan the Great in 1472 she brought with her a huge dowry but it wasn't gold diamonds or pearls it was an enormous library of ancient books and Scrolls from across the ages reportedly even featuring rare manuscripts from ancient Greece Egypt and China the collection eventually filled at Ivan's grandson ivan the terrible' who was fearful of the priceless hoard being stolen or destroyed so the story goes he decided to hide the library under the Kremlin he hired one of Italy's finest architects to construct a vast labyrinth subterranean library off-limits to the public in the centuries since I haven't the terrible's death in 1584 mineva tempted to find the lost library even Napoleon Bonaparte's searched for it during his catastrophic invasion of Moscow in 1812 but like countless others who continued the search even today he was unsuccessful enough reliable documentation from the 15th and 16th centuries exists to strongly suggest the collection of books did indeed exist but as for its current location well while some believe the Russian government knows more than they're letting on as far as the public record goes it's a mystery number 4 coca-cola's secret recipe the world's biggest beverage manufacturer has always been secretive about its recipe it's known that two of the key original ingredients besides an unspecified collection of spices were Kola nuts and coca leaves that's right when it was first invented in 1886 John stiff Pemberton's health tonic used to contain Columbian dancing powder however once the supposed health benefits of the tonic were proven to be false Pemberton's company updated the recipe removing the narcotic but since the beginning of the 20th century coca cola's precise formula of natural flavorings has remained a trade secret I'm even claimed that no individual employee has ever told the entire recipe well this is probably an exaggeration likely fueled by cokes on marketing departments the level of importance placed upon this recipe is no joke for 86 years Coca Cola steward the recipe in the heavy-duty vault of the SunTrust Bank in Atlanta this was until 2011 when the coca-cola corporation decided to up their security the famous recipe now resides in a cartoonishly large steel door safe in the basement of the Atlanta coca-cola museum it seems unlikely that Coke will open its vault doors to reveal its secrets anytime soon but you can rest easy knowing that when the nuclear apocalypse comes for is up at least the recipe for America's favorite tooth router will be safe number three Rushmore's best-kept secret not rushmore is one of the most visited landmarks in america and yet the monument harbors a secret off-limits to the public with an intriguing history the monuments original design was drawn up and overseen by a man named Gutzon Borglum Borglum as well as being a renowned sculptor was a prominent Ku Klux Klan member and Freemason as part of his design he did vision building an enormous Hall of Records behind Lincoln's face he'd hoped this could serve as a time capsule to historians of the distant future however when the Second World War began the monument lost funding and in 1941 Borglum unexpectedly died as a result construction stopped and in place of the Hall of Records an enormous titanium safe was installed hidden safely behind a huge 1200 pound granite slab National Park officials claimed that the sealed chamber is filled with ceramic panels detailing the history of the monument however borglum's membership to numerous secret societies has left some people asking questions could there be another reason why the public is strictly prohibited from entering the vault could Borglum have intended the site to be used as a long-standing tribute to those dark societies to which he belonged hidden in plain sight mocking unknowing visitors or perhaps a ceremonial meeting place for his associates unless someone's brave enough to take a pickaxe up behind Lincoln's hairline perhaps we'll never know number two presidential passage each president has added their own touch to the White House but some have historically gone further and deeper than others Harry Truman Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan all oversaw projects connecting the White House to an underground network of tunnels these passages would allow a quick escape in the event of an attack on the president and easy access to a nearby bomb shelter as for the entrances to these channels according to the White House's official website one is concealed behind a mechanical wall panel in the Oval Office but some theorize that another escape hatch is found under the resolute desk itself in the form of a trapdoor and secret stairway with one escape route officially confirmed a second is certainly conceivable after all it wouldn't be a bad idea to misdirect any potential attackers from the real exit would it but whichever escape route really exists we can only speculate what it looks like inside there where it really goes number one the Church of Scientology Falls viewed from above you might assume aliens are responsible for this bizarre site and that's actually not far from the truth located in the middle of the New Mexico desert the Church of Scientology's trementina base is shrouded in mystery two enormous rings are carved into the landscape specifically designed to help Scientologists from elsewhere in the universe find sanctuary and access the secrets within yep it sounds crazy but that's the official purpose according to former Scientologists unlike the aliens however the rest of us can't just wander in fences surround the rings as well as the accompanying mountain base and airstrip and a security force protects the secrets within the base according to the Church's official spokespersons the base features a vault nestled in an underground compound the vault holds records of Scientology founder l ron Hubbard's writings films and recordings which are encased in titanium capsules while this is certainly intriguing on its own such an extensive facility doubtless harbors all manner of other mind-bending artifacts practices and ceremonies but given Scientology's famous secrecy unless you're willing to pay your way into the cults sorry I meant religions upper echelon getting access is near impossible which locked up mystery do you wish was open to the public I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 313,218
Rating: 4.8974862 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, unsolved mysteries, unsolved mystery, mysteries, locked away, mysteries that are locked away, secret societies, secret society
Id: xJL_xozNKLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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