Crazy Things People Were DEFINITELY Not Supposed to See

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it's happened to everyone you're going about your day minding your own business when suddenly you come across something you really weren't supposed to see maybe it was an accidental e displayed nude photograph on somebody's phone nor even suspicious government activity they did their very best to hide fortunately for us stories like this are rarely forgotten and one inquisitive redditor caught make your marks opened up Pandora's box when he decided to ask the online community what was something you saw you were definitely not supposed to see in many of these cases the events people unintentionally witnessed how the potential to scar them for life cost them their job or worse information is power after all the threat now contains hundreds of accounts of things people weren't supposed to see or hear so I decided to find the most intriguing and alarming stories on offer here they are lemon drizzle cake kind of unsurprisingly a lot of things on this list take place in bathrooms it's a private place where people tend to do things they don't want others to see personally I like to respect people's privacy but there are certain behaviors which really cross the line like this example from reddit user Barry Nix when Vera Nicks entered a public bathroom one day he saw a strange man standing in the middle of the room who appeared to be eating something on closer inspection it turned out that the man was eating a urinal cake that's right one of those weird soap like things you pee on according to vernix the strange man just stared back at him and made really awkward eye contact as he shoved the remainder of the cake into his mouth normally I'd wholeheartedly agree with that famous phrase let them eat cake but in this guy's case not so much full body scan people really loved to abuse their office machinery the internet is full of clips of people smashing up computers printers and scanners when they fail to function properly and I'll admit it can be pretty satisfying to watch but when it comes to scanners in particular some people tend to get a for risky reddit user se X went round to a co-workers house to help fix their scanner which hadn't been working since her daughter used it a few days ago se X attempted to load the software but it was failing to connect so she did a quick power cycle and the software eventually loaded the software then defaulted to the recent scan screen and much to this redditor surprise the most recent image was a detailed scan of you guessed it female genitalia whether it was the co-workers or her daughter's se X was unable to say but luckily she managed to get rid of the scan before anyone saw what she was looking at se X and $20 for her troubles but the graphic image was forever burned into her brain daddy issues with other terrible jokes receding hairlines and inappropriate comments dads can be pretty embarrassing none so embarrassing however is the father of Reddit user eclectus infect us who simply cannot keep his browsing history to himself at the theater while they were waiting for a play to begin this redditors father handed her his iPad suggesting she reads something to pass the time when his daughter opened up the reader app she saw the last book he'd been reading which was titled how to deal with a sexless marriage her dad snatched the iPad back and they never spoke about it again on another occasion eclectus his father handed her his phone and asked her to look something up for him they were at a family gathering and everybody was in the living room when she opened up his browser app the last page open was porn the video started auto-playing everyone heard the sounds of moaning she tried to close the tab but it didn't work and she ended up looking at the video for way too long panicking she threw the phone back at her dad and told him to close the tab himself one quick witted redditor commented well on the plus side at least now you know how your dad deals with a sexless marriage someone really needs to show this guy how to use incognito mode total stealth redditor Octavius Octavian has risked the power of the security services to tell us how he saw something no one should be able to see it was 1988 in Octavius fresh out of school had a with the US Air Force at an airbase in the UK in the middle of the night and about 2 a.m. the runway lights came on for about 30 seconds and he heard something landing then some hangar doors open and bright light pierced the darkness that's when I see it he wrote a small black triangular aircraft rolled straight into that hangar and within seconds the doors close behind it his immediate thought was well I definitely wasn't supposed to have seen that a few weeks later the first pictures of the f-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter were released and amongst all the excitement Octavius thought to himself I already knew about that I'm not sure whether to believe his story because as we all know its stealth you cannot see it is that correct the Garden of Eden while we may sometimes think of our senior citizens as grumpy dried-up old farts the truth is they need to have fun too and I'm not just talking about the add game of honeymoon bridge reddit user Senor Scorcho found this out the hard way when he went to visit his grandparents on arriving at their home he found the front door locked so he decided to head around the back to see what was going on he went into the back yard and found Grandma and Grandpa doing the gardening totally naked not only should this redditor not have seen this admittedly quite romantic display I doubt I'll be able to unsee it either pillow talk culture shock can be pretty well shocking if you're unacquainted with the customs practice by people of other nationalities often people bring parts of their culture with them when they travel though I'm not sure how widespread this particular practice is in the land of the Kiwis I'll let user fat nap fat yes that's his real name explain what I'm talking about back when I was a teenager we hosted a New Zealand ER at her house for a couple weeks guy gets to our place after the flight and about 10 minutes later I'm walking around my house to see where he's at the door to his room is partially open and the dude is laying face down on the bed humping the ever-loving got of a pillow I backed away slowly like Homer when he saw a pod cheating on his wife I felt bad for the pillow I think the less I say about this one the better accidental library hack personally I'd have thought working in a library would be pretty boring too quiet not much going on and a whole lot of books wow that's what redditor and I mega gunner was expecting until he mistakingly hacked into the staff email database this is how he tells it I was working part-time at a library for a school subject one day they made me enter the data for new books into the library's computer system as I worked I did something they'll know what that made Windows Outlook display onto the PC screen along with some emails from the librarians director to my teacher and to the other librarians the emails basically said that I was really good at my job and very hard-working and that the collaboration would be very beneficial both for me and then well I wasn't supposed to read those messages but they made me feel really happy bet you weren't expecting that wholesome tale love cleans up when reddit poster crappity used to work nights at a manufacturing plant he would often go to the bathroom and sit in stall just to contemplate his life I think that's called slacking gravity after a few minutes alone in the bathroom he heard a janitor come in and start cleaning minutes later another male janitor came in to help they spoke to each other in Spanish for a couple of moments then to his surprise started passionately making out gravity didn't know what did you so he sat there for a few awkward minutes while the heavy kissing continued unable to take it anymore gravity decided to make some noises to let the janitors know they were not alone the janitors immediately stopped their short-lived romance started giggling then ran out of the bathroom together leaving how they're cleaning stuff behind gravity claims he never saw either of those janitors again so I think it's fair to say they made the clean getaway rubber flavored chewing gum ah the innocence of childhood those days were a lot simpler weren't they well not so simple for reddit user vive AC when his six year old cousin offered him chewing gum thinking nothing of it he said yes and the next thing she knew the kid had brought back two varieties of flavored condom strawberry and banana from her mother's purse vive AC shocked and embarrassed at the sight of a six-year-old girl offering him condoms took them and put them back into his aunts purse he told his cousin that they should probably ask before taking things from her mom's bag the kid said okay and grab the bag taking it into the kitchen where the entire family was sitting together vive AC red after his cousin but wasn't quick enough to stop her the kid then said mom can we have some gum and her mother said that she didn't have any the six-year-old then said yes you do look and whipped out the condom saying I'll have the strawberry one please vive AC was met with horrified looks and has never felt comfortable using flavored condoms since dad are we poor I don't know about you but my dad was pretty tight with money when we were growing up his penny-pinching antics were nothing however compared to the father of Reddit user legit muffins after being kicked out of his parents house with nothing but his car and the money in his pocket legit muffins realized he needed to go home and get his birth certificate and social security number for job purposes his dad wouldn't let him in so legit got in through an unlocked door when nobody was home found the key to his father's safe where the family documents were kept and opened it while retrieving his documents he found something else Bank receipts for a home equity loan of a hundred and sixty thousand dollars signed by his father and co-signed in an unknown hand legit had grown up thinking his family was poor and it worked since the age of 15 to pay for his own school car food and medical bills he told his mother about the loan and she was stunned having know nothing about it the whole situation led to a nasty divorce as it turned out his father had been living a totally secret life financially and romantically he'd been hiding money and spending it on everything but his wife and three kids and he even had expensive clothes in a flashy BMW he kept in storage to swap in two on his way to work he also had at least three kids with three other women and various girlfriends it had been going on for twenty years it turned out the guy was making $300,000 a year and had seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars in savings legit muffins and his family no longer talked to the father turns out he got married to the woman who co-signed the home equity loan the one that finally blew the lid off his secret now that ladies and gentlemen is a story anyway I hope we've all learned a valuable lesson from this video and that is well sometimes you can't avoid seeing things you weren't supposed to I guess and that's life have you ever seen anything you weren't supposed to let me know your stories in the comments down below and you never know we may feature it in the next video thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 934,017
Rating: 4.8744292 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, best of reddit, reddit stories, top posts of all time, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, ask reddit, top posts, comment awards, not supposed to see, ask reddit people share, askreddit stupid, askreddit scary, askreddit stories, reddit funny, best stories, reddit & chill, reddit serious, funny askreddit, r askreddit, people share their stories, things youre not suppossed to see, people of reddit, weird reddit, awkward situations
Id: 7YfeuUYvgFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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