Mysteries of Death Revealed! | Rebirth | Reincarnation | Shiva | Sadhguru | Adiyogi

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right now you can choose the company that you are in either to enjoy it or to suffer it there is a choice but once you've lost the discretionary mind which we call is death when that happens then whatever is your tendency you will tend to go in that suppose it's your tendency to always negatively react to things and suffer now once you've lost your body and your discretionary mind your suffering will become million-fold simply because you can't decide to come out of it you in in the death book you mentioned uh that sleep is a little bit like you know uh death that falling asleep is a little bit like that and if you're if you do that if you in a way you said you can die with a smile on your face do people fall asleep with a smile on their face too i mean is the same same sort of idea yes in a way it is uh it's not absolutely true but partially true it is true i would say largely true because uh how one sleeps in many ways because essentially sleep means you're absent in a conscious way you're still alive but you're absent death also means you're absent but you're not alive in in terms of your body and everything you're gone so actually when when you put an animal to death you say you're putting it to sleep which is a very good expression actually because you're actually putting it to sleep because sleep is absence so is death absence so if you can go into sleep consciously joyfully it's fantastic so this is one of the sadhanas that all the seekers do is the point of transition from wakefulness to sleep they want to conduct it consciously because if they can conduct that moment consciously they know they will be able to conduct that moment of transition from life to death also consciously so when we say consciously what we are saying is death is a limited process as life that you know right now is also limited process so is death a limited process so the content of life the life that you are not the body that you are not the mind that you are not the character that you have become but the life that you are is a much bigger phenomena than what your physical body does what your intellect or your mind does your thoughts your emotions your drama this is psychological physiological social drama you can conduct it in a pleasant manner in whichever way you like all right whatever is your taste and your pleasure because different people like different things it's fine with us but the most important thing is what is the quality of life when the life is same where is the question of quality this will arise because when life is same between you me a dragonfly and a grasshopper fundamentally life is same so where does the quality arise quality arises in the in the volume of life that you gather in the sense the whole yogic processes unfortunately the way yoga has become in the west it makes me cry the way it's being taught and understood see essentially one aspect of yoga the most vital aspect of yoga is to enhance the life that you are how do you enhance the life that you are let's go back to the same analogy you and me are blowing uh so bubbles we should do it one day okay i do it [Laughter] so my daughters are still young enough no i'm saying between you and me we must do it one day oh yes okay we'll do that suppose you are big your bubble is so big and my bubble is so big now i say see this is my bubble it's fantastic but what has happened to my bubble is my walls have become very thin but it's a huge bubble my bubble will burst much more easily than your bubble but it has a significance because it's big so this is what it means that as you make your life bigger and bigger the life that you are as it becomes more and more enlarged i'm not talking about uh enlarging your social footprint or uh you know any for your physical presence or your mental prowess these are different aspects these are faculties that we have but the life that you are when it becomes significant you know life better than most people simply because it's become a significant part of you right now the most significant part of you is not the muscles that you carry nor the mind that you carry not the information or knowledge that you carry the most significant aspect of your life is life itself within you when this happens the other walls become very thin anytime it can burst once it bursts it's gone so essentially what most people in the west don't understand this because these questions keep coming to me they want because they have read some buddhist texts they want nirvana nirvan means non-existence are you ready for becoming non-existent no no the western idea of dying is you will go somewhere else where the accommodations are better than california [Laughter] and there are no fires and there are no viruses yes well one thing i thought we we to be practical for our audience um i thought we would try to put at least one smile on their face for when they go to sleep tonight um so that they can go to sleep with a smile on their face and when i thought george i thought it's morning let them not go to sleep now well you know the indians after after after uh stretching their intellect maybe everybody will fall asleep so um but if if you uh one of the things you wrote about you talked about where you're going to go and whether it is better than california it's like uh you know it reminds me of of uh a joke um that groucho marx used to say that you know i wouldn't belong to a club uh any club that would have me um as a comedian and i always think about that kind of exclusive thinking when i read the descriptions by some yogis about brahmaloka you know it's like it's a place which is so exclusive that it won't even take me no so but one of the things about the fear i think that people have about death obviously comes from this whole idea of hell and punishment and you wrote a great line about you you you can't really be forced to suffer and you have you quoted buddha in this is an inner engineering you quoted buddha is saying that he will go to hell afterwards because he doesn't have to suffer so he can help the people there he won't suffer when he's there it reminds me of when i wrote an essay maybe 40 years ago and one of my conclusions was you can send a man to hell but you can't make him suffer uh see if people understood that i think because a lot of people are living their lives afraid of what's going to happen afterwards see the simple thing is this that right now if you look at your life your pain and pleasure comes from within you i may take a pin and prick but the pain comes from within you pleasure also comes from within you joy and misery comes from within you again ecstasy comes from within you or in other words what i'm saying is the source of human experience is within you so what is within you i believe must happen your way it should not happen my way your experience should not happen my way your experience of life should happen your way because the source of experience is within you the seat of your experience is within you the problem is you are not sitting on the seat you are crawling all over the place you you do not understand from where the experience is being generated say right now let us say i will abuse you i won't i'm just telling you because a lot of people are happy because a lot of people are abusing me on the you know twitter trolls all the time so i am telling you i will abuse you in an indian language you think i'm saying an endearment because you don't know the language so i'm saying the insult itself does not hurt you it is the way you react which will hurt you right absolutely so if i call you an idiot in an indian language you don't know you think i'm saying good morning to you so it is not the words it is not the actions it is not nothing it is the way you are responding or the way you compulsively reacting which hurts you so the human experience is caused from within you if you understand this if you know this by experience will you create pleasantness or unpleasantness for yourself definitely pleasantness for yourself what you want for your neighbor sometimes is debatable but what you want for yourself is very clear highest level of pleasantness isn't it so what is what is heaven and hell is in human mind whatever is the highest level of pleasantness is heaven whatever is the lowest level of suffering is hell when you know human experience is happening from within you obviously these are two descriptions of what a human being can go through either when they're alive or post that either within the body or when you're disembodied both ways it can happen the advantage when your body is you have a discretionary mind you can choose right now you can choose the company that you are in either to enjoy it or to suffer it there is a choice but once you've lost the discretionary mind which we call is death when that happens then whatever is your tendency you will tend to go in that suppose it's your tendency to always negatively react to things and suffer now once you've lost your body and your discretionary mind your suffering will become million-fold simply because you can't decide to come out of it right now you go somewhere you meet somebody you don't like something or something that they said you will suffer something but when you're driving back you say hell with him and you start playing the music and enjoy yourself or do something because you have a discretionary mind but once this ability is gone if you start suffering you can't stop it if you start enjoying you can't stop it so both joy and misery become extreme so this is called as hell and heaven because you lost your discretionary mind you're happening by your tendency so this is why in life it's very important when you have a conscious discretionary mind you create a pleasant tendency within yourself so that when you lose it also you will be extremely pleasant because pleasantness and unpleasantness will get multiplied million fold when you don't have a discretionary mind see why if you give a simple lollipop to a child he enjoys it so much that it is like the end of his life because he doesn't have the same sense of discretion that you have that is why his sense of joy is so high at the same time if you take away the lollipop his sense of suffering is also very high because again he does not have the same level of discretion that you have but once you're disembodied you are not just a child kind of loss of discretion your discretion is completely absent you go 100 by your tendencies the mind has no attributes of its own it is just there people can make joy out of it or misery out of it people can make agony out of it or ecstasy out of it it's left to them then shiva sat down and looked at the creation very carefully observed every creature and then he wanted to know his own mind so he closed his eyes and started looking at the nature of his own creation his own mind and when he realized when his realization came to a certain absoluteness that actually creation is without attribute each individual can make whatever he wants the mind is attribute-less so when he realized this then he became so ecstatic so ecstatic that he jumped and danced he danced wildly out of his joy and ecstasy as he danced intensely with absolute involvement when every cell in his body was a dance by itself suddenly he realized that this dance is not necessary either and he noticed at the peak of his dance there was absolute stillness so he sat down as an aesthetic unmoving utterly still there says that stillness happened on this day on the mahashivaratri night is when it happened from intensity of ecstasy to absolute annihilation and stillness these two things he went on alternating this is the imagery that you see sometimes it's dancing and exuberant sometimes is utterly still as if nothing exists when we say shiva is the destroyer it is not about destroying the world it's about destroying your world your world is essentially an accumulation of past experiences and impressions past is seeping into the present only through your thought process and it is projecting itself into the future through your desiring process what you know as your desire is essentially an exaggerated version of the past so the destruction of the past is essential nature because if you want to know the grandeur of the creation that is possible only through the presently existing moment that is here right now this is the only doorway not to stillness there is no past in absolute movement there is no past are the two fundamental passages that shiva found to give access to that which is creation and the source of creation [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Adiyogi
Views: 421,326
Rating: 4.9199438 out of 5
Keywords: adiyogi, sadhguru, isha, sadhguru on rebirth, sadhguru rebirth, sadhguru about rebirth, sadhguru reincarnation, sadhguru on reincarnation, sadhguru on death, sadhguru death, death sadhguru, reincarnation death sadhguru, sadhguru death secret, secret of death sadhguru, rebirth by sadhguru, why rebirth happens, why rebirth happens sadhguru, sadhguru rebirth death, adiyogi channel, adiyogi death, death, rebirth, rebirth sadhguru, why rebirth sadhguru, rebirth secret, why rebirth
Id: 1CqW25n1tfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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