My wife plays yandere simulator for the first time

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guys you know i've made a lot of videos on youtube and i want a break yeah i want to take a little bit of a break so i came up with an idea today what would it happen if my wife made a video for me is it as easy as it seems you know it's not easy to come here every day and just be amazing yeah every single day it's time i go take a break and she takes over the video are you listening come on in [Music] it's time that she does the work and she makes the money she agreed to this by the way so i thought she could play the most popular series on my channel i mean it's really fun friday night funkin but i'm talking about yandere simulator the the series that started it all i'm gonna let her literally play it for the first time ever and just figure it out and just really see what she does okay all right now i'm gonna go play video games and watch anime while you work okay so be funny hi you better do the intro do simulator demo okay press start let's start start this this start oh it's actually really pretty generally i'm just curious like what's her first impressions of the game will she know what to do what will she do right i can't hear shh i can't even hear myself i can only hear this is why you yell literally stage fright right now like literally later leader leader clarence claires doesn't do anything even intro intro to the game tuesday the fifth okay i don't know what this is we're gonna guess this is my room cool is that a death note poster is that what that is oh my god you're gonna kill me because i don't know any references i have no idea where would you like to go anywhere but here you gave me no specific instructions i missed i know you know how to play games you were playing zelda it said new game load game what gender is your ideal lover [Laughter] should i make it look like michael as much as possible yeah facial hair michael has a little good teething or not goatee little chin hair how long is this hallway they're walking down something is wrong what for as long as i can remember i've always felt empty incomplete mood come on girl look up dang you take forever he's trying to help you he's got places to be he's got to go to class okay okay like she's obviously in drama class felt complete super dramatic like you just met him someone is trying to take him i mean it looks like she's just talking to him she must have fell too he probably helped her too even if it means killing her okay are we going to kill her what the does that really change that does not say change panties i don't know what i'm doing i'm so lost come eat it's time to eat food's ready as you you're not you haven't seen anything to get cancelled right i i said freaking my channel brownies wait how did you pull that up what are you doing you're blowing my mind i don't understand i know i gotta kill her she killed everyone in the school you think you can do it kill her yeah i mean i don't have a weapon i just got my hands i can slap her how'd you run how are you running why are you running why are you running 7 17 a.m it's my birthday not the time the date why have you come here i don't know i'm just looking no i don't know who you are do you even know who i am no i just said that it's it's you it's me not another step what what's that you're up to no good that's rude are you pointing a gun at me or is that a taser that's rude freaking that i just walked in here i don't need to be treated like that what are you gonna do though you asked for it oh snap just shot me just shy i didn't do anything to him did the taste did he just tase me in the face i don't understand ah now and then i know how to run it's over for you guys where are they having a conversation oh this is pretty i'd have a conversation right here it's so easy just to go there is this the pool okay can i swim oh wait there's a weapon there's baseball bat but that's long i don't want something long see i remember the rules how did they expect me to kill somebody when i can't find a weapon what is this like a school but i'm i'm i'm a troublemaker just like you guys you guys need a bigger box for that what you doing that's a lot of work goes into killing somebody that's like the whole objective of this game is to find a weapon i know michael's in there probably cringing can i throw acid in her face no running misbehaving i can't go in the boy's bathroom i miss behaving i don't want to miss being misbehaving that is not the right word for what this is this is a nurse's office thought infirmary was like where they burn the bodies no i think it's like crematorium uh the head guy shot me in the face you saw the headmaster yeah he's just like don't take one more step and i did this is better at cooking nice see that's what i've that's what i'm talking about there's my target hey you go somewhere else okay i don't want but if i kill her right in front of her then i'm gonna get in trouble murdering 101. can you press b for the long god oh i was looking past it the whole time yes you have to find an opening oh hi how you doing how you doing you go thank you god oh shoot who still plays video games after middle school well you're rude i play you're literally in a video game now you know it's like to be aware of everything you do did you stop zooming in oh shoot wait what's wrong what the hell is wrong with you why are you acting did this club suit you is it weird i was looking for my contact i dropped it wait you don't wear contacts how do you know you want to look at my eyeball you want to see takes out eyeball oh sana oh son of a look she doesn't want to join any club i have a club for her it's on the roof come on oh my god i am walking my hands [Music] that's why you're so sad you don't let anyone talk to you are you just gonna follow her all freaking day long oh there's no events occurring between these two students at this time at lunch time slaughter will give senpai eight bento by sabotaging the bento you can make senpai like a sun dislike a sun how do i do that pour some acid in it that's my solution everything is acid what if i kill both of them nobody's around what are you doing i'm killing her crazy i won't let you hurt me oh snap she just broke my arm okay so i gotta take her by surprise then oh i'm not taking this knife don't don't worry about it i'm just here i'm here well yeah her eyes aren't even open she saw me i told you have you been caught by the counselor yet no it should be obvious why you're here no you were spotted carrying something very dangerous around school i just picked it up and i was gonna cook i got myself in trouble because i wanted to be sent to your office to be honest i can't stop thinking about you i've never met you but i can't believe music together is that your idea of a joke this is no time for humor and if you were actually being serious get those thoughts out of your head immediately i can't if you think you can get through life acting the way you've behaved today you are sorely mistaken by picking up a knife in cooking class i'm sending pick up she needs to make an appearance now i've been expelled so yes on friday if you don't if you don't get your senpai by friday or eliminate your bible by friday then you lose the game can i go back to school ah diddy i have attacking to do in the game you know and attack me i promise i'll be good this time i won't pick up a knife even though i knew not to pick it up in front of him but michael told me to do it anyway i mean doesn't she notice that i'm like watching her i'm just giggling now that you mention it yeah there is something i need help with i lost my phone charm of the cat i know that i lost it somewhere in the hedge maze will you accept this task um sure there it is oh my gosh you actually found it yup wow that's amazing thank you so much nothing for that not like a thank you or i mean you gave me thank you but like now you deserve to die how much can you dock do i look i look suspicious that's crap how do i take these off how's it going how do i take these off what have you done i don't know i i i look suspicious i can't go out like this but i don't i don't take it off hey guys [Music] just from hogwarts hey guys oh snap guys guys why are they all scared why do they all stand up hi what's wrong with you why are you like that i don't remember where where i killed him i mean i didn't kill him i don't know what you're talking about the incinerator can you do it there no the garbage can by the delinquents i don't even know what that i don't even know what that guy's name was rip you're trying to cover up a crime aren't you no i'm not no jesus all right get out of here get the heck out of here are these for your earmuffs okay well thank you for that experience i was like have you enjoyed being a youtuber no i want to go back to my turtle shell and live life off the eye of the internet well smash like if you want a part two [Music] you
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 362,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, yandere simulator
Id: v45fsydIwVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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