MY VIRTUAL TEACHING SETUP | How to Use a Second Screen, Document Camera, and More!

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hello there and welcome back to my channel if you are new my name is michelle faray and i'm a fourth grade teacher in maryland i've gotten so many questions about my virtual teaching setup i've shared that i'm using multiple screens i'm sure that i'm using a document camera and lighting and i've gotten a ton of questions so today i'm going to show you everything [Music] all right here's the deal i thought about making this video super fancy you know like having multiple angles and showing things but the reality is i am exhausted from back to school and just starting teaching online and everything it's a lot and i do not have the mental or even physical capabilities right now to do that so instead this is going to be total vlog style very casual but you know it will get the job done the first thing i want to talk about is using a second screen y'all this has been a game changer and honestly even when things go back to normal i feel like any time i'm working on the computer i'm going to be using a second screen because it allows me to be so much more productive so let me show you all kind of my setup so this is my home setup because i am teaching some days from home and some days from my classroom this is my imac monitor if you are interested in the one that i have i will link it for you and then this is actually a tv billy and i already had this tv in the office because we tend to watch shows and stuff at night when we're working and i have this as two different screens so just to show you this is my google classroom if i wanted to i can click and drag and bring it over to this screen so let me show you how to do this because it's actually not that hard i feel like i thought it was really hard but it's actually not now i'm going to show you to well i'm gonna show you one way and explain a different way but two different ways because one way is how i do it at home the other way is how i do it at school so if you listen to this first way and you're like michelle i can't do that just wait and listen okay step one is just to turn on the tv so i'm just going to use my remote in order to turn on my tv now i actually have apple tv i'm gonna zoom in you see it right there down by the tv because i have apple tv and i'm using an imac it actually makes my life a lot easier because i can just airplay my screen so yes billy and i were watching survivor what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna come up here to the airplay option now if you do not have this option available just go into your settings go to display actually here let me just show you so go to the apple go to system preferences give it a second because it's slow go to displays [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and then you want to check show mirroring options in the menu bar when available so once you have that checked you will see it up here i'm just gonna click this and i'm going to choose apple tv and you will see that screen will turn black and then now i have my tabs over here but i'm just going to show you up here you want to make sure you choose use a separate display if you choose mirror it's just going to show the same thing on both computers which is not what you want so instead you want to make sure it is on use as separate display and then that will actually give you those two screens so i could take this tab and bring it over to this screen now one thing you will want to double check in your system preferences so i'm going to go back to system preferences and go back to displays you want to go to the arrangement tab and make sure it's set up the way you want it so personally i have my computer here and then my tv is to the left but if they were flip-flopped i would want to switch it so that way when my mouse goes off the screen over here it would go on to the tv but because my tv is over here i just move it like that and then this way when i move it my mouse just kind of travels over to the tv so hopefully that makes sense i know it's kind of a janky tutorial but you know you can always google it if that wasn't clear enough now if you either are using a pc or maybe you're using a mac and you don't have apple tv like at school i'm using a pc laptop that was issued to me by my county and i'm using not apple tv so all you need then is an hdmi cable so you want to be able to plug the hdmi cable into your computer if you have a newer mac it may not have an hdmi cable but you can actually get an adapter that will allow you to plug the hdmi into your usb i will link all this stuff for you in the description by the way and you're gonna plug the hdmi into the tv now on a mac once you plug it into your computer whether it's through the hdmi or through the usb if you're using an adapter then you just go back to system preferences go to displays and then again you'll see that arrangement tab and you can set it up the way that you want it if you are using a pc let me see if i can remember the directions i had to go actually hold on i think i wrote it down [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay yeah i did so when you are on a pc you're gonna go to display settings which you can always search down at the bottom if you can't find it and then just choose your monitor order kind of like i showed you on my mac it's pretty much the same setup once you plug it in oh i know what i forgot to tell you all you want to make sure that if you're using a tv as your separate screen that you have it on the correct input so if you are plugging it in through hdmi you want to make sure that the input is set to hdmi now again if that was not clear enough because i probably did not explain it very well google it and you'll find plenty of like detailed directions and all that as well but yeah so at home i'm using my imac and a tv at school i had an old tv that was down in my basement we were not using i brought that into school and i'm connecting it with an hdmi cable to my hp laptop but it works exactly the same way so in terms of what i put on each screen hello there i am i typically put my google me over on this screen so i can see all of my students and then on this main screen will be whatever i'm presenting so if it's like slides or google jamboard it's here only because i like having it closer for me to be able to click and manipulate things and then it works out really well just to have my students over on this screen just so i can see them and monitor them and keep track of the chat and everything that's kind of what i've been doing for my setup but feel free to you know make it work for you because different people like different things and just to be clear do not go out and buy a second monitor or tv to use as a second monitor please reach out to family friends put it out on facebook i guarantee you there is someone who is willing to lend you an old tv that they're not using or an old monitor they're not using so you don't have to spend your own money and i say that because i think there are other things that are worth spending your money on one of them being a document camera so i typically have a document camera in my classroom but we were not allowed to bring them home so i did go out and buy one okay and yes it was a little bit pricey this brand oh i'm probably going to butcher it okio cam it's okyo cam t usb camera i will link it for you i spent 84 on it now i used gift cards that i had gotten for amazon and stuff so it really didn't come out of my home pocket but i did spend a decent chunk of change on this but there are a lot of things i love about this document camera that to me are worth it first of all it's super user friendly you just plug it into the usb on your computer and you're basically ready to go i'll show you that in a second but i also love that i can use it both as a webcam and a document camera for me that is totally worth it so i don't have to constantly switch back and forth between different cameras on my computer like within google me i can literally just take the camera and flip it up and flip it down in order to use it i feel like that is well worth the money that i spent plus i'll be able to use this for plenty of other things who knows what in the future i might need it for so again if you are interested i will link it for you but i am going to share a budget friendly option so just keep listening this is what it looks like unfolded which that's another plus i love the fact that it folds up and it's super lightweight like it's not heavy at all and actually this piece will extend it up even higher so if you want it up more you can definitely add on that other piece because i have this unit on my desk that is higher i don't really need it and there's this mat which unfolds i personally don't use it i just have the camera come down over my desktop but this is the usb cable so it's already connected to the camera and then i literally just plugged it into the back of my computer okay so now i've just opened up google me on my computer i'm going to before i actually join the me come down to these three dots and i'm going to choose settings and i'm sure this is similar on zoom i'm just showing google me because that's what i've been using i'm going to come down to video and i'm going to change the camera to the okio cam which literally i didn't have to install anything as soon as you plug it in usb this will show up i do go ahead and change the resolution just to high definition so that it looks a little bit more clear and i can x out and you can already see there is my document camera so i'll go ahead and join so you can see it full screen there you go document camera super nice there is this gray button so if it's not focused oh gosh i'm trying to do it by looking through the camera it will focus on whatever you are showing you can see it focusing there and again this can be used as a webcam so instead of having to go into the settings and then change the camera back to me because that's very time consuming like i don't want to have to do that i can leave it on this camera all right i'm going to try to do this with one hand but basically i can just flip this up to me hi there i am oh i'm upside down all i have to do flip it over and there we go it's a webcam and a document camera literally in two seconds i can flip back and forth between the two and i just feel like it's super user friendly easy to use it was a little bit of an investment for me it was worth it but i understand for you you might not want to put the money into it and if that's the case i do have a budget friendly option for you if you have an old phone laying around that you can still connect to your wi-fi so like an old iphone you can actually join the meet or join the zoom from that device and then you can use that as a document camera so if i join from my phone then that camera can just be used as a document camera i can set it up on a tripod or something and it will constantly be in the me and then students can see what it is personally i just feel like i'd rather have an actual document camera but if you do want to save money that is an option for you next let's talk about lighting now i did previously make a video all about how i record my youtube videos because i was getting a lot of questions about lighting so you can go back and watch that video but at home right now i'm facing a window which is what you want you want to be facing the light source so the light is coming toward you you do not want the light source to be behind you because then you're going to look like a silhouette however i understand we can't all sit by a computer or we might be in our classroom under fluorescent lights which i know i personally am so i do want to talk a little bit about supplementing your light so at home i am supplementing with a box light now i was not using this box light in the last clip but sometimes in the morning when i first log on the sun isn't really up yet and there's not a lot of light so i do like to keep this soft box light in here to help supplement i will link it for you it's a little bit pricey they come in a two pack for about seventy dollars however i do think it's a really good investment now that's a little bit too bulky for me to have in my classroom and like i said the fluorescent lights are awful so i actually brought my ring light into my classroom my team teacher inspired me she got like a little mini ring light and i was like oh michelle like you have one at home just bring it in and it does put a little bit of a glare on my glasses but i feel like for live instruction it's not awful i don't use my ring light anymore for youtube videos because the glare is too distracting but for webcam it totally works well and i just have it sitting in front of my camera at school now you don't have to get a super expensive ring light they make really cheap kind of affordable options for ring lights so i will link a couple of different options for you down in the description box as well as some options that actually will connect right to your computer let me show you now i don't have any personally but they will connect either like right over top of here or they'll sit kind of behind and they just help to put some light on your face as you're facing your webcam so that's basically it for my setup i feel like those are the three main things that have made the biggest difference for me having a second screen by far having a document camera and then having good lighting i hope this video was helpful if it was please give it a thumbs up share it out with your teacher friends the links to everything i mentioned will be down in the description box go ahead and hit that subscribe button and the notification bell so you don't miss any future videos as always thank you for watching i love you all so much don't forget to put your positive hands on especially now and i'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 168,785
Rating: 4.9379716 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, online teaching, virtual teaching, distance teaching, online learning, virtual learning, distance learning, michelle ferre, second screen, document camera
Id: N_lgqWmhFO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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