5 Must Know Zoom Tips for Teachers to Improve Accessibility and Meeting Management - Epic Higher Ed

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in this video i'm going to share five key things that every educator should know how to do in zoo if you're an educator of any type you likely are going to be using zoom a lot this upcoming school year everything from meetings to office hours to classroom teaching there are certain things that we can do to make your life easier but also to increase the accessibility of that format and that is so important in this digital age i want to start with the tip that i believe is most important that if you take one thing from this video and apply it to your class i think this is the most important tip and that is using the closed captioning system within powerpoint to make your zoom meetings more accessible okay so here we are in zoom and zoom just released this really cool feature where you can use a powerpoint as a virtual background and some of you may be really tempted to use this however i'm going to encourage you not to because there's a better way to share a powerpoint that makes your course more accessible to all of your students so let me show you what that looks like if you go to share screen it's going to open up and if you choose advanced you could choose this new powerpoint as a virtual background and so many of you are going to be tempted to do this and it does this really cool thing where it loads the powerpoint up you could see me overlaid down in that bottom corner and i could actually click and move myself around wherever i want to go within this powerpoint i could shrink me and i could make me huge which is really cool features however this makes your powerpoint much less accessible to your students and so the power that we can do here is pretty limited you can just go forward and backward through these slides that are already pre-loaded you can see that there's not a lot of options for managing this so let me show you how to share a powerpoint in a different way and so if you're already sharing this is a cool tip a little bonus one here you can click share screen again and choose a different screen to share you don't have to stop the share and then reshare so once you're in powerpoint in order to make what i'm about to show you work we need to go over to slideshow and we need to make sure that we have always used subtitles enabled now if your language is not english if your spoken language is not english what you want to do is go to the subtitle settings and you could change your spoken language to any number of other spoken languages so that's the first part now i'm going to present this powerpoint and this is being shared in zoom but what you can see is that as i talk powerpoint is automatically transcribing my words and my talk and my content and this is so powerful and that was so easy to do when it comes to making your class more accessible this is something that you can do in seconds and it will improve your students experience they will get more out of your class by having this on you can encourage your students to do this if your students are sharing a presentation within zoom they can do this same thing now i want to show you a couple more cool things with this maybe you're like me and you teach at a hispanic survey institution and a lot of your students might be english second language so if we go back to powerpoint and i need to actually there we go under subtitle settings i can make the subtitle language any number of languages as well and so i said hispanic serving institution i have a lot of students who are english second language and their primary language is spanish so now when i go to present what powerpoint is actually going to do is it is going to not only transcribe what i'm saying but it's going to automatically translate it into that language that i chose and this is so powerful could you imagine being an english second language student and you come into a class and your instructor acknowledges this and actually translates live for you that is so powerful and any of you in the comments you can let me know how well it does um i've talked with some other students and they said it actually does a pretty good job so you can let me know if you're a native spanish speaker that whether this is bad or not so that's the first tip i have for you here is use powerpoint to natively present when you're sharing your screen with the intention of sharing a powerpoint you can use that new zoom one where you're overlaid but you on the powerpoint doesn't change a lot unless you physically are doing something your students need to see there's not a lot of point to you being there they can see your face in the little window while they look at your screen while it automatically transcribes so it's way more powerful to do it this way the second tip is arguably the next most important one and this is annotations while sharing within zoom this is another way to increase the accessibility of your content and actually communicate in a more clear manner for your students okay so we are back in zoom and the next thing that i'm going to show you is how to annotate your presentations and actually allows students to annotate as well which is a cool tool you could turn it on or off but there's some setup that needs to happen first so we're going to navigate away from zoom and we are going to go to the web access of your zoom settings so you could click on more settings from the main area there but what you're going to do is you're going to go into here and you're going to scroll down into down into in meeting and you're going to scroll until you see this annotation site and you want to turn it on and this allows hosts and participants to use annotation tools to add information to shared screen i'm going to show you exactly what that looks like now if you want to be the only one who can do this click this button right here so only the user who's sharing can annotate however if you leave it open other people can annotate while you talk which is actually really powerful and i want to show you the power of this so okay now that we have that done let's go ahead and go back to zoom okay so we are back in zoom and let's go ahead and start a presentation back on that powerpoint we looked at earlier so here we are i'm going to let's put the subtitle languages back to english because i think the majority of the audience watching this video will be watching it in english so i'm going to go ahead and present and now what you may notice is that there's this new annotate button here on the shared screen so i click that and now i have a ton of different options that come up and so what i can do here is let's say i want to spotlight this is kind of one of the cool ones my mouse now becomes a laser pointer so if you want to really highlight in on a piece of your powerpoint your students will now see this little laser pointer that works with your mouse which is cool stamping is pretty cool so a stamp allows you to put an arrow so if you want to draw attention to something in your powerpoint you can just click these arrows as you need and if you accidentally put in the wrong spot you can click undo and redo in order to move those around spotlight also has something like this so when you click spotlight and you have this arrow you're going to see that dustin backy highlighted this now this is cool because your users and i'll try to have one hop in and look an imposter dustin backy just hopped in what he is going to do is he is actually going to work on annotating as well he has the option to draw all over my screen and so you can see he just put a line on there he can put an arrow to say i have a question this is a good way to have your students actually show exactly what they have questions on they could also text they could put text and say you can see that dust and backy imposter just said what on the screen you can also clear everything you can clear viewers drawings so if someone puts something on there that you aren't happy about you can get rid of that as you can see there is a lot that you can do with this annotation thing and you could save these at the end and you can exit at any time and so this takes your presentation to the next level right we have annotated captions automatically coming up and annotations on the screen so there's never been better ways to convey material to your students in fact you probably couldn't do a lot of this in the classroom so this is a positive of being online okay so we are back on zoom and the next two tips i want to show you are relevant right within a meeting so we could see that this yahoo has jumped into my zoom meeting and has my same name now i don't like that maybe he's not willing to change it so as the host what i can do is come over here put my mouse over his screen go to these three arrows and i could rename him so i'm gonna name him the imposter here we go so this is a small thing but if you're working with students and you are trying to take attendance or see who is in the meeting it's important that their actual name is on the screen if you have your zoom settings set up so that users have to be authenticated you will notice that their name should pop up accurate as it is you can also go to your security setting and allow students to rename themselves hopefully you don't run into any students who aren't willing to rename themselves but if that's the case you can easily do this or maybe you have two dustins and you want to differentiate between which is which so for this next tip i actually have to move my ipad out of this room so i'm going to do that real quick okay so now that my ipad has successfully been moved out of this room you might notice that they have become unmuted and the reason i had to move it out of the room to do this was that the two devices would echo across themselves being next to each other and so if you're going to use a secondary device like an ipad or a phone you need to make sure one is muted at all times to not get this weird super echo so my ipad is in the other room and this impostor dustin backy just won't shut up he's being loud we hear his cats we hear his dogs we hear the construction or maybe he just is being too loud in general you can simply come in here hover over and press mute and then you can mute them from far away so that's convenient if you could identify who's making the noise and want to just mute that one person however if you want to mute the entire class what you can do is just press alt and m and everyone gets muted instantly this is besides you as a presenter so this is a fast and easy way that you can help manage and just make your meetings go more smoothly and that was the fourth tip another little bonus tip as we move into our last tip for this video is let's say this imposter dustin dinosaurs just being a ruckus and you need to get them out of here you can go in here and press remove and if you remove them they will be unable to rejoin the meeting now that is pretty powerful of a kick so you need to keep that in mind but there are settings that you could go into to remove or to allow them to rejoin at a later time okay so the final tip i have for you regarding using zoom is how to take stock or attendance of who was there for whatever purpose you might want to use that for you might want to know who was there and for how long and when they showed up um and so what you can do is most of us might want might be asking students to type their name in chat or you go through participants and you scroll down and look through to see who was here and who wasn't but that's a really inefficient way and it's a waste of your time so let's go ahead and end this meeting and i'll show you a better way okay so now that this meeting has ended what i'm going to do is i'm on this main page of zoom and i'm going to go up to the top and over here to the left to reports when i click on reports i'm going to choose this usage tab and we will see that we were just in this personal meeting room with the dustin imposter and if i click on these participants this number it will show me who was here what time they joined and what time they left and how long they were there for and then you could actually export this to a csv file and now you have your attendance where you can open it up and arrange it by alphabetical order name email all those sort of things so this is the fastest way to take attendance within zoom so in this video we went over five tips that every educator should know for using zoom including ones that make it much more accessible to your students and those were using the native powerpoint presentation caption and auto captioning and translation rather than the in zoom virtual background presentation of a powerpoint we also showed how you can annotate your presentations and allow students to annotate your present presentations we showed you how to mute all of your mute your whole group and we also showed how you could rename your students and finally we showed a fast way of taking attendance so i hope that these make your life as an instructor way easier this fall and if you found this helpful please like and subscribe to the channel where we will go through more tips to help you innovate and elevate as you educate and if you want to find more like-minded educators who are striving to be the best educator they can be i encourage you to check out the epic higher ed mastermind group where you actually get access to all of our workshops in there which is really powerful thank you for being here and i can't wait to see you in the next video you
Channel: Dustin Bakkie
Views: 17,532
Rating: 4.9644971 out of 5
Keywords: higher education, education, professor, university, college, pedagogy, online, online teaching, digital, digital learning, digital teaching, coronavirus, zoom, connection, engagement, blackboard, course, positivity, students, Tips, hacks, tricks, attendance
Id: 5neeP9VUO5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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